How To Trust Intuition When It Comes To Business Decisions

How To Trust Intuition When It Comes To Business Decisions

How To Trust Intuition When It Comes To Business Decisions

People have asked me if it’s kind of irresponsible to just use intuition in my business instead of thinking logically.

I’m answering that question plus giving you 10 easy tips to trust your intuition when it comes to making business decisions.

I’m also sharing one of the first times I trusted my intuition for my business and how I ALMOST didn’t!

But I’m so glad I did because it ended up being the start of something I could’ve never imagined. Honestly, I wouldn’t have been ready for it I had known what all was in store for me (more than I could’ve dreamed of!), but that’s why it came as a baby step instead of a big leap.

If you’re not listening to your intuition for your business decisions, it’s probably costing you money. You might be making decisions against your intuition and later you remember back and think “I knew it!”

Trust me, your intuition knows the way.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.10] Should you use intuition only? Or logic too?
  • [2.41] The time I wanted to pretend I didn’t hear my intuition!
  • [6.50] It feels scary and uncomfortable just because we haven’t done it before.
  • [7.52] You’re always making the right decision.
  • [9.40] How that first intuitive hit turned into reoccurring revenue.
  • [14.01] 10 Ways for you to start using intuition in your biz.

Resources to take you deeper:

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Use the environment around you to receive intuitive information. Pay attention to the animals you see, including butterflies, hummingbirds… all of them. A quick search on the Internet will reveal so many messages to you!

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes.Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Creating Work/Life Boundaries For Yourself and Your Team To Get Better Quality

Creating Work/Life Boundaries For Yourself and Your Team To Get Better Quality

Creating Work/Life Boundaries For Yourself and Your Team To Get Better Quality

Depleting your energy, killing your productivity, it all happens when you can’t put down your work and recharge the way you need to.

It’s harder than ever if you have an online biz because it’s as easy accessing the phone in your pocket to get sucked back into your work.

But I assure you that if you are answering emails and DM’s when you aren’t fully present, you’re not giving quality responses anyway.

Quality work just isn’t happening if you’re working all hours of the day and night!

Creating sacred containers for your work and life will not only keep your energy charged, but it will also help you produce higher quality content and achieve better results.

This is an episode that every online entrepreneur needs to hear!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.28] There isn’t a clear end to your day when you’re an online entrepreneur.
  • [2.40] How to get insight through meditation for what you need to hit your goals.
  • [4.06] How to create sacred containers for yourself and your work.
  • [5.50] We’re a business with work hours, not a 24-hour
  • [7.49] Planning your workday – including a “theme day” and the positive impact it has on productivity.
  • [10.25] Upper limiting with time-killing activities.
  • [10.43] Cycles for women and how they impact productivity.
  • [13.06] Setting expectations for your team! Quality isn’t happening at 2:00 a.m.
  • [18.00] If you’re up in the middle of the night thinking about work, don’t act on it. Do this instead.

Resources to take you deeper:

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

In meditation, go to that place where your business has hit its goal, you’ve had that six-figure year (or your definition of your happy place), and look back. What did you do to get there? Take those steps!

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes.Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

How To Listen For Spirit Guides

How To Listen For Spirit Guides

How To Listen For Spirit Guides

This question comes from a listener and it’s similar to one I get a lot from people who are learning to tell the difference between their own thoughts and intuition.

Essentially, “How do you discern between your inner monologue versus spirit communication?”

It’s such a great question because when you get more practiced at receiving communication from your spirit guides, they know you’re listening.

And when they know you’re listening they send you more information!

It can start as small as “grab your umbrella” as you’re walking out the door to getting more clarity on your business pricing and strategy.

This is a quick listen with a BIG payoff because getting that inner wisdom is like inviting magic into your life!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.29] The voice inside your head! How does it sound?
  • [2.30] How to discern if it’s your thoughts, ego, or intuition.
  • [3.34] An example of what typical spirit communication can look like.
  • [4.31] Sometimes when we start out listening to our intuition, we’re so afraid of being wrong that we don’t listen to it at all.
  • [5.00] This is a great thing that happens over time when you are listening to your guides.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Try listening to those inner whispers and inner nudges. Even the small and subtle things! By listening to the little things, it will increase your confidence for the bigger decisions you need to make.

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes.Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Relationships When One Is Spiritually Awakening And The Other Isn’t

Relationships When One Is Spiritually Awakening And The Other Isn’t

Relationships When One Is Spiritually Awakening And The Other Isn’t

When close romantic relationships and lifelong friendships are affected by your spiritual awakening it can be challenging.

I have been through several situations during my spiritual awakening and know firsthand what this feels like!

In this episode, I am sharing what has worked for me when it comes to having people close to you who are not choosing to awaken and how I navigated building a spiritual business even when it wasn’t in alignment with my homelife.

There are energy principles at play and understanding how it works in these relationships can be a helpful guide for you in these situations.

I also share where you can put your focus so that it isn’t detrimental to your spiritual growth as you approach these relationship dynamics that will inevitably come up.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.33] Friendships and romantic relationships can be impacted by your spiritual growth.
  • [2.20] Every relationship is affected by energy, how to understand what’s happening behind the scenes.
  • [5.33] When you understand what’s going on, it can be a little shift to create the change.
  • [7.33] Gathering your core people who “get you”.
  • [10.30] Tips that helped me through this that might help you too.
  • [14.45] The miracle that happened to me (though it will be different for everyone).
  • [16.56] I know that this can be difficult for romantic relationships and friendships and I hope this helps.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Find your core people who get you and you have those engaging conversations that light you up! Seek it out, ask your guides to help you find them, you can even ask in the Mastery & Ascension Membership if members in your area want to meet up.

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes.Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

If Fear Of Rejection Is Holding You Back, You Must Listen To This

If Fear Of Rejection Is Holding You Back, You Must Listen To This

If Fear Of Rejection Is Holding You Back, You Must Listen To This

Fear is just a feeling…

You can try to ignore the fear and do the thing anyway, but my suggestion is to identify it and lean in.

Especially when it comes to the fear of rejection. Because the fear of rejection can hold you back in your biz!

If you’re not getting rejected, you’re not putting yourself out there enough.

Knowing how to:

  • lean into the rejection
  • turn it into opportunity
  • all the while nourishing yourself

is what will help you take your biz to the next level.

In this episode, I share my experience with rejection and the information I tell the people in my mastermind about how to use the objections you receive as a tool to grow instead of quit!

If the fear of rejection has been holding you back, you must listen to this episode!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [1.14] How to “lean in” to the fear.
  • [3.58] A personal example of rejection that I experienced.
  • [7.01] If you’re not get rejected, you’re not putting yourself out there enough.
  • [9.36] How to deal with rejection and turn it into something that helps your biz.
  • [13.35] It’s not about you, it’s about them. But learning how to lean into that fear makes it so you can grow and move through the fear.
  • [14.40] How to nurture and support your energy when it comes to rejection (because we’re all human!).
  • [17.25] The importance of self-care when you’re committed to serving at your highest level.
Resources to take you deeper:

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Put yourself out there! Seek out rejection and write down every single objection that you can think of. Every single one! Then write down the answer to that objection so you know how to answer it.

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes.Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!