by emilyaarons | Oct 27, 2020 | Podcast
How Shadow Work Ignites Your Power Source
It’s important to understand shadow work and specifically how it can help you connect to your power source.
One of the many ways shadows show up for spiritual entrepreneurs is when they are still hiding (fearful to tell people what they believe and do).
But hiding sucks. It takes a lot of energy to hide.
There’s a reason you are here and there’s a reason spirit keeps pushing you to do this work.
We are all lightworkers! We’re here to shine our light so that other people can shine theirs too. Aren’t we?
Well, light has a shadow, which is why shadow work is necessary to light work.
In this episode, I talk about what shadow work is, my own story with shadow work, and the shadows that come up most often for spiritual entrepreneurs.
And I won’t leave you hanging! I share actionable ways to explore your shadows where you’ll need nothing more than a few minutes and your journal.
It’s important to look at the flip side of what you want. Are you ready to talk shadows?
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- Why we self-sabotage our desires and fall off “the wagon”.
- Why our shadow work needs to be addressed.
- If it doesn’t light you up it’s not for you anymore.
- My biggest fear didn’t come true, my biggest dream did instead (I share it!).
- Why it’s a fear of what you think, not truly what other people think.
- Discussion about the fear of letting the darkness in if you open up to your light. Why we don’t trust our intuition.
- “It comes through me. I’m just the messenger. I’m like the garden hose of intuition”. Emily Aarons
- “Other people’s beliefs are truly none of our business”. Emily Aarons
- “If it doesn’t light you up it’s not for you anymore”. Emily Aarons
- “I’m not available for anything other than light”. Emily Aarons
Resources to take you deeper:
About Emily
Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.
Love this episode? Tune into the next one!
by emilyaarons | Oct 26, 2020 | Podcast
Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast October 26
Ohhh your guides are getting cheeky this week!
If you’re currently overthinking anything in your life right now, you
must listen to this week’s forecast!
Basically, the spirit is giving you two choices: 1. Stay overwhelmed or 2. Get into alignment and wealth. Simple right!?
October 26 Energy Forecast:
8. Overthinking: Get out of your head and into your heart
Uh-oh! Right now you’re out of alignment and you may be trying to control too much. It’s time to get out of your head and into your heart. Stop right now and place both hands over your heart and say: “I release all of my limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and worry over to my angels.” It’s time to STOP, DROP, AND ALIGN to your highest self, connect with your soulmate client and listen to what they are praying for from you.
33. Pivot: Tune into what FEELS good
Something feels off. You don’t need to throw away all of your work but I’d seriously consider shifting so you don’t feel like you’re “pushing” so hard. Your business doesn’t have to be a labor of love; it can be easy. Maybe it’s time to look at the story “I have to work hard to make money.” Did you catch yourself? This could be a lovely place to journal what FEELS good and what feels heavy in your work. Give yourself permission to let go of what doesn’t feel light and easy.
25. Wealth: You’re surrounded by abundance
You picked this card because you’re surrounded by abundance! If you can’t see it yet, close your eyes and feel it. Abundance and wealth are not outside you, they’re within and all around you. Money is energy and so are you. You deserve to receive higher levels of prosperity. Make a clear goal of exactly how much money you wish to align with and by when. Place your order to the universe. Now, let it in. Mantra: “I’m ready to let higher levels of wealth in now!”
Love this episode? Tune into the next one!
by emilyaarons | Oct 23, 2020 | Blog, News and Events

I know how important MONEY is in people’s life.
I’d love to help you unlock your intuition and use it as a tool to EXPLODE your business and magnetize your ideal soulmate clients, but let’s take this one step at a time…
Q: How does using intuition grow my business?
A: Just for a moment consider the fact that some of the world’s most successful business owners (Oprah, Elon Musk, Arianna Huffington, and Ray Dalio to name a few) all attribute their success to using meditation and trusting their INTUITION!
ASK YOURSELF: What would be possible if I could 100% trust my inner compass?
Here’s their secret…
Even as little as ONE MINUTE of deep breathing can take a bad day and make it good…Why?
Because it moves your ATTENTION. And we all know we ARE where our attention IS.
Meaning, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your day, your business (or lack thereof) and you keep spiraling, your day and your energy spirals too.
AND…The more frequently you connect, the easier it becomes to receive messages, PLUS your energy vibration becomes YUMMY!! #yourvibeattractsyourtribe
Q: “My problem is I don’t have enough TIME to meditate”
My best advice that I share with students from Mastery & Ascension is start with ONE MINUTE a day and keep track.
In fact, inside Mastery & Ascension, every member gets a tracker to make tracking easy but if you aren’t a member yet, you can use a notebook or a calendar. They even have some apps to help you track habits as well.
Commit to creating the space to complete a one-minute meditation daily and in time increase your time, keep track of not only your meditations but your successes AND CELEBRATE!
by emilyaarons | Oct 20, 2020 | Podcast
Why I Changed The Name Of My Mastermind
Today, I am sharing why I changed the name of my mastermind.
I recorded this episode to remind you that there is no right way to run a business and also to give you permission to trust yourself and make changes in your business.
We have been taught to believe that following other people’s success formulas is the path for our own success and that’s not how I run my business or what I teach my clients.
In this episode, I will share why I changed the name of my mastermind and the process I went through that led me to make key changes inside my business.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- What inspired me to change the name of my mastermind.
- Why there are no rules to the right way to run a business.
- Why you have taken programs and courses and haven’t found success.
- Understanding that following other people’s formulas usually never leads to success.
- How I help my clients to find alignment, listen to their intuition, and trust that they are on the right path.
- Why it’s so important to have a group of people who are with you and cheer you on when you are looking to take your business to the next level.
- “We all have unique abilities and experiences and unique life paths.”- Emily Aarons
- “Magic that happens when you get collective energies of like-minded people together.” – Emily Aarons
- “It’s like a breath of fresh air to have a group of women who are with you, to hold you, to see you, to cheer you on, to encourage you.” – Emily Aarons
Resources to take you deeper:
About Emily
Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.
Love this episode? Tune into the next one!
by emilyaarons | Oct 19, 2020 | Podcast
Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast October 19
You’re not going to want to hear it but I’m going to tell you anyway…
GET OUTSIDE. Your system is requiring you to connect with nature and get messages from the plants and animals around you this week. Share how that feels on your social media channels.
October 19 Energy Forecast:
5. Get Outside: Take a breather
Your angels are not mincing their words! Take a breather outside. Bundle up if you have to but you need fresh air. Sitting at a desk is amazing and I’m sure you’re killing it today, but even still, you need to move your body and enjoy the day. Extra credit if you go for a walk by the ocean, in the woods, or just visit your favorite place. Once you get there your angels are going to dump inspiration into you, so get ready to receive!
32. Order: It’s all coming together.
Trust in divine timing and divine outcome. If you’re worried about how things are going to work out, or what are the next steps, let all that go now. You need to let go of trying to control everything so much and allow your guidance to come to help you. What if by letting go, an even better outcome could happen? Your way may not be the only way. You’re getting intuitive hits; quit questioning them so much and simply take action in alignment.
42. Social Media: Your guides will create the strategy
You can’t avoid the topic of social media and your guides are here to help you create the perfect social media marketing strategy ever. You don’t have to be on all of the platforms but please pick at least one that you will be 100% committed to. If you find consistency difficult, schedule one day per week to create captions. Start a folder of other accounts you love and borrow their themes. DROP the story that you just don’t get it, you’re not techy, or you’ve never been good at it. Embrace the fact that your angels and guides are here to lovingly assist you in this process.
Love this episode? Tune into the next one!
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