Simple Goal Setting Exercise!
If not, don’t worry, here are some super simple steps to goal setting!
What we’ve done inside The Phoenix Mentorship is look back at this past year, and see what worked and what didn’t.
Once you’ve seen the most successful areas of your business, then you can choose to incorporate them again THIS coming 2019, maybe you’re ready to scale it using Facebook Ads or affiliates…maybe you’ll just rinse and repeat!
Set a goal for finances. What do you want to make by the end of 2019? $50K, $100K, $500K, etc!
Now that you know at least one or two offers from last year that worked, plot them onto a dry-erase calendar. When you figure out your planning ahead of time, it gives you a much better opportunity to make a longer runway for success!
Next, plot new offers onto the calendar such as beta course launch, a new retreat, or a group program!
You can use very basic math to add up how much revenue you could potentially make, see if it’s close to hitting that big goal, then account for the margin of magic…not easy for most people!
Execute it all! LOL
Ok, that last part was a little joke…MOST entrepreneurs have these grandiose plans and SELDOM execute 100%!
Is that you? Have you…
– Planned for your first $10k month, but still only make $2k
– Go through a launch and only get one or two people to join a group program for 20
– Run a challenge, but don’t follow up with anyone during or after
I totally get it, that was me too BEFORE I knew how to run my business soulfully and TRUST my own instincts for how to grow in a way that actually felt awesome, and didn’t burn me the F out!
So here’s your private invitation from ME to get into Business Made Simple before I open the doors again… I’ll help you turn all of that misfortune around when you join!
- Get access to my self-paced online course BMS and Bonus masterclasses
- Get 8 weeks of LIVE group coaching with me
- Get private Facebook group
- Get group accountability with other like-minded female entrepreneurs
- JOIN NOW ONLY $997 (Pay In Full most savings) CLICK HERE!
- JOIN NOW $197 for 6-Monthly Payments CLICK HERE!
Once we kick off the year together, your 2019 will be a record breaker!
>> As always, HIT REPLY if you’d like to ask me anything, I’m always happy to help!
Keep shining your light!
P.S. If you’d like to learn more details about Business Made Simple, CLICK HERE. Next week doors will reopen and those 20 spots WILL FILL UP FAST! Don’t get left behind again!
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