by emilyaarons | Jan 30, 2020 | Podcast
Episode 118

Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Jan 28, 2020 | Podcast

Episode 117
Today I am speaking to Sara Willerson and we have an amazing conversation about how horses heal humans.
Sara B. Willerson, LCSW is a private practice therapist and life coach in North Texas. Horses have always been part of her life. After completing a Masters in Social Work from Smith College School for Social Work she was given a book by her father, The Tao of Equus, by Linda Kohanov. Upon reading this book, Sara knew that her passion and purpose had finally joined up!
After completing an Equine Experiential Learning apprenticeship program with Eponaquest in 2003, she created Horses, Heart & Soul®, an Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy and Life Coaching practice for teens and adults located at WolfTree Ranch in Pilot Point, TX.
Sara’s professional experience has focused on working with clients who have experienced trauma, grief and loss, and life transitions. Her program offers individual, family, couples, group, and workshop sessions for adolescents and adults.
We talked about how Sara sees horses as natural healers who help us reconnect to our entire being – spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.
And how horses remind us there is more to us that what we present to the outside world. Their unconditional awareness and acceptance of our experience is felt from the moment we step into the pasture with them.
Horses are natural geniuses when it comes to identifying and sharing those pieces we keep to ourselves. Through this awareness, they help us reconnect with our heart and soul. I invite you to listen in so you can discover how horses heal humans, a magical story of love and wisdom.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- Why Sara made the decision to spread the message of the power of horses.
- How Sara discovered her love for horses.
- How at the age of 14, Sara was finally able to have her own horse (Pooh).
- How Sara knew at a very young age that there was something very special in her relationship with her horse and why she kept this to herself.
- How everything shifted for Sara when she was introduced to the work of Linda Kohanov about the benefits of partnering with horses in a therapeutic setting.
- Why Sara trusted her new path and how that trust gave her power.
- How Sara made her dream come true when she was able to have her own place to live with her horses and create a healing space for people to come to.
- Sara’s horse shares a message about the role of horse wisdom in healing humans.
- Why the heart and not the mind is what helps you connect with who you really are.
- Why it’s key to embrace your weird because when you don’t it constricts who you really are.
- Sara shares a live meditation inspired by horse wisdom.
- How each horse has their own gift to share with the world.
- The lesson you can learn from horses about letting go by getting out of your head and connecting to your heart.
- Understanding that unconditional love only happens when learn to respect our boundaries as humans.
- The importance of remembering every day to slow down and stay in the present.
Shareable Quotes:
- “I think horses all have their own gift that they’re here to share in this world and they’re all very, very unique in terms of the gifts that they are asked to share.” – Sara Willerson
- “My weirdness slash gift is I hear what horses are saying.” – Sara Willerson
- “It can be so hard to slow down when we are sort of brought into this formula of what life is supposed to look like. And we just keep walking that walk and we don’t stop to ask questions or to breathe.”- Emily Aarons
- “In doing healing work, I have zero expectations for what’s going to happen in a session, because of every situation, every session even if it’s the same person 10 times, it’s entirely different based on their energy and what they need at that time.” – Emily Aaron
Resources to Take You Deeper:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Jan 27, 2020 | Podcast

Episode 116
When the week kicks off with WEALTH, you know it’s gonna be amazing…
25. Wealth: You’re surrounded by abundance
You picked this card because you’re surrounded by abundance! If you can’t see it yet, close your eyes and feel it. Abundance and wealth are not outside you, they’re within and all around you. Money is energy and so are you. You deserve to receive higher levels of prosperity. Make a clear goal of exactly how much money you wish to align with and by when. Place your order to the universe. Now, let it in. Mantra: “I’m ready to let higher levels of wealth in now!”
12. Self Care: It’s time to take a break
You think you’re gonna hit that goal by overworking and hustling? NO. It’s time to take a break. Your angels don’t care if you brew a cup of tea, draw an epsom salt bath, get a massage, or take a 10-day vacation…but you MUST STOP. The mantra for you right now is: “The more self-love I give, the more money I’ll make.” This is a non-negotiable! Do you get this card a lot? Think of it as a loving dope-slap from spirit. Take the hint before you get sick.
28. Core Values: Hone in on your purpose and values
Hone in on what it means to be you. The faster you can connect to your own purpose and values, the sooner you can implement them in your business as well. Once you have both of those, then you can attract a team that totally upholds those values as well. Quit getting annoyed at others who don’t “get it” when you haven’t made yourself clear. Make your expectations known. Be as direct as possible, no giving hints. People can’t read your mind. This is about taking full responsibility for yourself and your business. Are you dealing with a troubling situation? If you were the best in your field at what you do, how would you handle this situation right now? Start acting more like that person every day and your life will dramatically change for the best.
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Jan 23, 2020 | Podcast
Episode 115

Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Jan 21, 2020 | Podcast

Episode 114
Today I am speaking to Liz Lee about her journey of self-discovery through plant medicine.
Liz Lee specializes in helping coaches, consultants, intuitives and healers make authentic connections with their potential clients online through WordPress web design, consulting, maintenance and hosting.
Liz goes beyond all “the tech stuff” to work with her clients holistically, helping them break through blocks and limiting mindsets that would otherwise hold them back from serving in their highest capacity.
In this episode, we dive deep into plant medicine and how it allowed Liz to connect with her consciousness on a whole new level.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- Why Liz signed up for The Sacred Scotland tour with Ryan McKenna.
- Why Liz was in a process of soul retrieval as a result of her recent trip to Costa Rica (Episode 17).
- Why Liz was determined to reconnect with her partner after her trip to Costa Rica.
- The dangerous habit of shutting down desire when you think you can’t get what you want.
- The importance of understanding how desire fuels the universe.
- The power of recognizing that there is an energy flow that happens in sacred sites around the world.
- Why self-care is so much more than looking good in a bikini, it’s about taking care of your body so that your soul can live its best life.
- Why keeping a promise might not be the best thing to do if it makes you miserable.
- The shifting point that happened when Liz decided to surrender and had a conversation with her partner to acknowledge the end of the romantic connection.
- How Liz came out as bisexual.
- How Liz felt alive again by realizing that she could attract someone that was more sexually compatible with her.
- How polyamory/polyfidelity allowed Liz to feel balanced in her sexuality.
- How Liz dealt with being anxious and how became open and free of guilt and shame.
- How to plant medicine helped Liz to connect with her consciousness in a way that allowed her to see parts of herself that she should have not have been able to see otherwise.
- How Liz came out to her parents and disclosed the uncoupling.
- How when you reach that point of surrender, you have zero resistance.
- Why even though your head seems like the safest place to be, it’s really anything but safe because your brain will kick in and create stories.
- Why you need to get into your heart because even though you may think it’s not safe to be in your heart, it’s the safest, strongest place you can be. Your heart intelligence has information for you that you simply cannot access if you’re just in your head.
Shareable Quotes:
- “With the help of plant medicine, I have connected with this consciousness that reflects back to me my own consciousness in a way that I would not otherwise be able to see those parts of myself.” – Liz Lee
- “When I’m in my heart space, the triggers are simply opportunities to do deep healing of past traumas.” – Liz Lee
- “When you take self-care to another dimension, you’re taking better care of yourself, not to look hot in a bikini, it’s so that your soul can explore so that your soul can live its best life.” – Emily Aarons
- “Everyone has everything that they need inside of them, we are all born innately whole and we forget. ” – Emily Aarons
Resources to Take You Deeper:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
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