How Energy Affects Your Biz From A Medical Intuitives Perspective with Michele Thomas

How Energy Affects Your Biz From A Medical Intuitives Perspective with Michele Thomas

How Energy Affects Your Biz From A Medical Intuitives Perspective with Michele Thomas

The issues keeping you from growing your business are often signs of other things going on. We have so many generational, ancestral, and soul wounds that affect our ability to grow our businesses and we usually can’t see them for ourselves.

I invited Michele Thomas to the podcast to give you a medical intuitive’s perspective on energy blocks, stagnant energies, and how it shows up in our lives.

Michele describes a huge benefit of working with a medical intuitive as “putting away all the anchors that are weighing your boat down”. Her guides have shown her it as anchors and if you can release them, it helps you show up and be seen and feel better overall.

These “anchors” are different for everyone, but today we’re having an honest conversation about the common ones we see in our energy healing businesses and giving you insight about intuition and following yours.

The good news is you can let go of all the “stuff” that’s holding you back and keeping you tethered so that you can move forward.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [2.00] How Michele became a medical intuitive, psychic and transformational coach.
  • [4.59] Developing your psychic gifts is like 6-pack abs. We’re all born with it, but some have to develop it more than others.
  • [7.21] Practice is really important for your messages. You don’t need an hour to get them and you don’t want to stay open all day.
  • [9.16] How the things in your energy field affect your biz.
  • [15.41] Soul wounds, ancestral wounds, women as “over-givers” and the effects it has on pricing your services and self-worth.
  • [20.07] “If you could look in the mirror and just know how divine you are you would stop talking this way about yourself”.
  • [22.14] When you work on being seen and acknowledged there’s a different level of connection.
  • [27.41] Feminine wounds and sacral chakra shame and guilt. Stagnant energy gets stuck here! When you can open that up and realign – it opens you up to possibility!
  • [29.33] You can let go of all the stuff that’s holding you back and keeping you tethered and not moving you forward.
  • [34.01] If you’re here to help people you have to get energy healing work done.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Make energy healing a part of your life! Whether you learn to do it for yourself or with a trained energy healer, healing these blocks will help you in your biz and life!

About Michele

Michele Thomas is a medical intuitive, energy healer, psychic medium, and transformational expert. She works with women who are sick and tired of being sick and tired! Assisting them to identify, clear, and release fear, guilt, shame, and frustration with their bodies, allowing them to love and accept themselves fully, exactly as they are.

You can find Michele here:

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Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 28

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 28

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 28

Episode 276

Oh haaaay it’s my birthday!

I’m excited to share the good juju of the energy forecast with you. It’s all about trusting how everything is coming together AND your angels want to remind you it’s safe to be YOU.

June 28 Energy Forecast:

31. On-fire!: Everything is working exactly as planned

You’re doing exactly what you should be doing and everything is working exactly as planned. If you have any tiny bits of doubt, please release them to your angels now. You’re fully in alignment and things are moving easily and effortlessly, don’t question it, just enjoy! All of your hard work is paying off!

37. Branding: You’re a unique snowflake!

Use your unique gifts in a way that comes naturally to you. Start to listen to how others describe you and hone in on your messaging. It may be time to hire an expert to solidify your brand colors, message, and who you serve. You’re on to BIG things and the first step is clearly identifying who you are, who you help, and what you stand for. If you already have a clear brand, it’s time for an upgrade! You’ve evolved so much from doing the deeper work, and now it’s time your branding catches up to you. Have fun!

6. The Golden Arrow: Focus on a specific target

Set your sights on a specific target. If you don’t have a goal in mind, create one now. You can’t get upset that you didn’t find success when you never had a clear goal, to begin with. Allow your goals to be touched by the healing light of source energy. Everything you wish to achieve is blessed. Quit playing small; whatever is in your sights can and will be yours!

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Mastermind Remix – Part 2

Mastermind Remix – Part 2

Mastermind Remix – Part 2

What we do in the Aligned & Activate Mastermind is so deep and so profound in helping entrepreneurs grow past six figures in their business.

We are using high-test, amazing cutting-edge strategy plus energy healing to really get in and do the healing necessary to then move your business into the stratosphere.

There are so many business coaches out there who are trying to push you into their business model or program that is their proven system. But it typically fails because they’re trying to give you the things that got them to six figures.

But YOU are a unique snowflake and need to do what works for you. I invite you to listen to what these amazing entrepreneurs have to say about their growth from issues they had with visibility, family members who didn’t believe in their vision, and the “feast and famine” debacle that can accompany entrepreneurship.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [4.45] Krystal McCord, taking the pain of the past and integrating it into the power of the present.
  • [6.25] “I felt the energy moving in me and immediately I was like ‘I need some of that magic’”.
  • [9.41] Annie Peguero “Before I joined Aligned & Activate, I felt like a really strong ship out at sea that had a case of engine failure”.
  • [15.07] Rini York, how to package and market the education and experience she had – it can be hard to explain the transformation!
  • [19.36] “I now have a crystal clear vision and I know the steps to take to get there”.
  • [22.45] Georgette Casimir, “I wanted clarity and I got more than that!”
  • [26.57] “Oh my gosh, I get to create a legacy the way I want to create it”.
  • [29.37] Michelle Nuñez, “I was looking for an opportunity to get out of my own way and start releasing this overwhelm that has always been a constant in my life”.
  • [33.11] “I also need to pause… and take a breath, rest, integrate, and allow that without convincing myself, or allowing myself to feel like that’s a failure on my part”.
Resources to take you deeper:

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Apply for the Align & Activate Mastermind if you are striving to reach those $10k months and ready to heal what’s holding you back with the support of an amazing community.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 21

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 21

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 21

Episode 274

Wow, we have a big week ahead of ourselves…

Kinda funny that normally I pull 3 cards but this week our angels dropped the 4th one in and guess what it’s all about!?

Self-care! (yay!)

If you’ve been burning yourself out or feeling overwhelmed, this week your angels are letting you know it’s time to stop and rest SO THAT you can make a bigger impact and help more people!

June 21 Energy Forecast:

33. Pivot: Tune into what FEELS good

Something feels off. You don’t need to throw away all of your work but I’d seriously consider shifting so you don’t feel like you’re “pushing” so hard. Your business doesn’t have to be a labor of love; it can be easy. Maybe it’s time to look at the story “I have to work hard to make money.” Did you catch yourself? This could be a lovely place to journal what FEELS good and what feels heavy in your work. Give yourself permission to let go of what doesn’t feel light and easy.

12. Self-care: It’s time to take a break

You think you’re gonna hit that goal by overworking and hustling? NO. It’s time to take a break. Your angels don’t care if you brew a cup of tea, draw an Epsom salt bath, get a massage, or take a 10-day vacation…but you MUST STOP. The mantra for you right now is: “The more self-love I give, the more money I’ll make.” This is a non-negotiable! Do you get this card a lot? Think of it as a loving dope slap from spirit. Take the hint before you get sick.

1. Balance: Look at the blessings in your life

Take a moment to look around at all of the blessings in your life. Some days it may feel like “too much” to take but what if that were just a story you told yourself so you could take a break? There are always sacrifices that must be made for the sake of success. Make space in your schedule for play, love, friendships, silence, and adventure. Work will always be there, but it’s time to fill your cup too.

19. Integration Time: Plan to rest.

If you’re afraid to take your foot off the business gas pedal this is your first warning sign you need rest. The Universe is telling you THIS is the time you’re supposed to be taking a break! You don’t need to take 2 weeks off to Bali, but you do need to book a massage, energy healing, a walk-in nature, a visit with friends, a solo lunch date, or simply a couple hours “off”. It’s in the “exhale” when we get the most amount of inspiration and alignment. You’re literally hustling yourself OUT of business!

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Mastermind Remix – Part 1

Mastermind Remix – Part 1

Mastermind Remix – Part 1

Me coming on the podcast and explaining what a mastermind is and how it works to lift a group of women and transform their lives – well it’s just not as meaningful as when they share their experiences firsthand.

That’s why this week I’m mixing things up! I’ve invited guests to the podcast who have been a part of the Aligned & Activate Mastermind so you can hear first-hand what can happen when a group of amazing entrepreneurs get together and align their energy to their gifts. Miracles happen!

From dimming your light to fit in, being a broken and wounded healer to feeling like a martian who didn’t fit in, the transformations are incredible and the energy of the groups is irreplaceable.

This is part of a two-part series where I share the stories of women who have lifted each other up and grown to lives they don’t even recognize in some cases (in a good way!).

Tune in to hear more about the incredible variety of professionals who are in the Aligned & Activate Mastermind and their personal accounts of their experiences in this exciting mash-up.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [5.19] Michelle Thomas, Medical Intuitive, Psychic and Transformational Expert. Showing up “imperfectly perfect” and healing wounds we all have.
  • [9.42] “If you had asked me a year ago if I’d be standing where I am right now doing what I’m doing, bringing in the amount of money I’m bringing in right now, I would’ve said you were crazy”.
  • [10.11] Dr. Nikki Nienhaus, Chiropractor, Healer, incorporating tarot into her biz to look at the physical side of health and the spiritual side.
  • [16.18] Rassy Young – Oracle, Author and Stand-Up Philosopher!
  • [21.35] “This is for anybody that wants to get into a safe space and a container to really open yourself up and see what you’re capable of”.
  • [22.35] Gina Strole Intuitive Healer and Abundance Coach – showing up, doing the work, and raising your prices with ease.
  • [26.42] “When I first came into this group I was that nice, broken, wounded healer and I have since raised my prices… and it has brought me up to a new level of understanding the work that I do and the value that it has”.
  • [29.19] Dominque Laundry, lawyer, divorce mediator, co-parenting coach, and life coach.
  • [31.55] “I had felt like a Martian for so long”.
Resources to take you deeper:

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Apply for the Align & Activate Mastermind if you are striving to reach those $10k months and ready to heal what’s holding you back with the support of an amazing community.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!