Get Aligned… for UNDER $50!

Get Aligned… for UNDER $50!


How far can $50 take you nowadays? Have you ever wondered if you can receive help and inspiration for getting into alignment for $50? The answer is… YOU CAN, and there are so many ways!!!


One thing I’ve learned about myself is that I LOVE to help entrepreneurs with ALIGNMENT


What IS alignment?


? EaseJoy
? Financial abundance
? Awesome energy, health, vitality
? Being able to manifest what you want
? More of the “right” customers
? Being able to rest knowing you’re still attracting all the goodies!


You may not know this, but there are tons of ways you and I can work together, and it doesn’t have to break the bank!


Here’s a list of 8 ways you can get into alignment with me for UNDER $50!

1. *NEW* Journey Into Your Akashic Records + Soul Book Workshop ($47) 

In this workshop, I break down what the Akashic Records are, how you access them and why you’d want to, plus tons of FAQ’s around discovering your soul’s purpose, life path, karma, and so much more. I’ve also included a separate meditation you can download and practice with as much as you like without having to fast-forward through the class.

2. Mastery & Ascension All-Access Membership ($44/month)

This membership features on-demand, energy-infused meditations to tap into your intuition and grow your business. Along with that is an amazing, supportive, kick-ass entrepreneurial group of women cheering you on and offering feedback for each other!


3. Angels In Your Biz Oracle Card Deck ($27 + S&H)

My energy-infused oracle deck is the easiest and quickest way to get out of overthinking and overwhelm and into your heart and into your highest alignment. These cards always deliver insight and wisdom for you to live your best life!

*Free with Annual All-Access Mastery & Ascension Membership! 

4. Aligned & Unstoppable Journal ($24 + S&H)

The companion journal to the AIYB oracle cards! Each day you can pull your cards, write what you’re grateful for, and any other messages that come up, to hold your vibration all day long! It’s made with high-quality paper and it’s easy to pack with you anywhere you go!

5. Mastery & Ascension STARTER Membership ($11/month)

The STARTER membership is a great way to gain access to my special monthly forecast at a fraction of the cost of the All-access membership. You’ll get the channeled energy forecast, PDF workbook, and current monthly meditation by the 5th of every month.

6. Intro To Crystals Workshop (EXCLUSIVE email subscriber special $7!!)

If you’re brand new to crystals, this workshop is for you! I explain how to clear crystals, work with them, gain powerful messages, create a grid, and more! It’s super easy to follow and I make plenty of recommendations to get you started on your path to loving these incredible stones as much as I do.

*Free inside Mastery & Ascension All-Access Membership


7. Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast (FREE!)

If you’re an entrepreneur and love to learn about business and spirituality or “woo”, this is the place to be! I love creating episodes about abundance, manifestation, business growth, and more. Make sure you subscribe!


8. Intuition Week (FREE!)

Back again by popular demand…Save the date for September 21-25!


I sincerely hope this list is useful to you!

Of course, I love providing cost-effective ways to work together and get you aligned to your BEST life!


Have you heard of the Akashic Record?

Have you heard of the Akashic Record?


Have you heard of the Akashic Record?


You can think of it as an energetic library that contains books that belong to each of us…called Soul Books!
It’s NOT scary. It’s not dark energy.


It’s actually very light, loving, and a HIGHLY effective way to:

?open your intuition
?connect with angels and guides
?receive next steps
?gain insight into your past/present/future


The best part is… Everyone has a soul book.
EVERYONE can access it!


I’ve created an On-Demand version of my most popular class!

? Do the class at your own pace
? PDF Workbook
? Guided meditation to follow along step-by-step
? PLUS I’ve included FAQ’s about karma, soul contracts, life path, soul purpose, and MORE!



This class is NOW AVAILABLE so that you can access your own Soul Book and receive your next steps!


Struggling with pricing? Break THESE rules!

Struggling with pricing? Break THESE rules!

Hey friend!

If you have a hard time knowing how to price yourself or even know your worth you may want to print this one…

First off, I used to be the “discount queen” and now I’m not. So if I can change and clear my money blocks, so can you. Yay!

Before we get started, please read and remember this: YOU’RE WORTH IT. YOU DESERVE IT. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO SHINE.

OK, ready to break some rules?!

RULE #1: You must have a low/high ticket offer.

Says who!? Why? You’re allowed to have offers at any price and you don’t “HAVE TO” anything!

Solution: When you consider your low/high option, how does that feel to you? Do you feel excited and like “daaamn this is a great offer!” or do you feel like “I hope they buy, I don’t know…”.

If you were the best in the world at what you do, and you trusted your intuition – what would you price your thing?

RULE #2: You should price yourself similarly to others in your field/expertise.

Oh dear God no. That’s what got me into the mess I was in when I started my healing business! I priced myself at the same or slightly below my neighbors. Not good.

Solution: If your neighbors are offering (for example) 30-minute, 60-minute, 90-minute sessions or really any variety…notice the ONE offering where you serve at your highest level.

For me, it was 90-minutes. I was able to get the full treatment in without feeling rushed. I nixed the other two offerings and ONLY did 90-minutes!

Don’t be afraid to just have your signature offering for any price that FEELS good to you. (Remember, there’s always going to be someone who’s more money or less).

RULE #3: You should build an ascension model.

Look, you CAN do this, but you don’t HAVE to. It’s great to have an offering at every level from free to super high or premium. But don’t believe the lie that you must.

Yes, I’m the pot calling the kettle black! I have free offers like my Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast, free meditations, and weekly IGTV content, I also have a $30k mentorship, and many things in-between, but honestly, it’s not needed!

Solution: Write out ALL of your offerings with their prices. Which ones account for the most income in your business?

  • Put a star next to the ones that light you the F up!
  • Put two stars next to the ones that if you were able to hit your big ass revenue goals just doing those, life would be epic!
  • Write down which ones you’re going to focus on growing and which you’re going to release.

Example: The 3 metrics I’m focusing on growing this year are: The Podcast, the Angels In Your Biz Oracle Deck, and the Mastery & Ascension Membership! (Those are all $44 or less that bring in multiple 6-figures into the business.)

RULE #4: You should make sure to price yourself so people can afford it.

The FACT is that people will complain and say they “can’t afford” your stuff no matter if it’s $7.00 or $7,000.00…trust me, I’ve heard it all! So STOP trying to be the Wal-Mart of your industry and just do whatever the F you want!

Solution: When you provide high value, people will want to work with you. If the choose to work on their money blocks, they’ll create a way to work with you. Some people will even save up money to work with you! Some people will take out loans, borrow money from someone, or hustle their ass off to make it happen…because if you deliver, they will come!

So don’t be afraid to raise your rates as often as you feel you need to.

FACT: I’d rather pay $400 to someone to do a reading than $100 because the person charging $400 clearly owns their value, is confident in their work, and will deliver the RESULTS I need. I’m not a barain hunter when it comes to my healing! (You can give yourself permission to attract more people like me and fewer of those penny pinchers!)

RULE #5: Only about 1% of your email list will convert.

Bull-to-the-shit. Naw. Nope.

If you believe that, sure you’ll make it true. Everyone (especially people who sell list building) will tell you that everything in your business depends on having a big email list.

I don’t subscribe to that. (That was a pun!).

I digress…Here’s the thing, when you have a bigger list with the RIGHT people you can definitely expect a higher conversion into a sale. If you have a small list you can have even HIGHER conversions because you have more of a personal relationship with them.

Solution: Commit to building your email list every day, whatever that means to you. Make sure you’re getting really great people with an equally great opt-in that’s in alignment with your best work.

The industry standard is 2-5% conversion, you can be below or above that and it be perfectly NORMAL. Compare yourself against YOURSELF from launch to launch. Make sure you write down what words resonate, what worked well, what didn’t work well. Rinse and repeat!

For example: Intuition Week for me has converted around 6% two times in a row. However, in May (mid pandemic) I wasn’t sure what to expect…I set my goal for 6% but we did 9.8% utterly mind blowing, even for me! So the truth is, YOU are your best competition.

In summary, throw out the rules, trust your gut and give yourself permission to create your own winning strategies!

Trust your guy and give yourself permission...

It’s my belief that you can create your own one-size-fits-YOU business strategy that feels great, gets you results, and gives you more freedom in your life without burnout…That’s what I teach inside my mastermind!

Join the waitlist for the next Mastermind in the additional resources below!


I hope you’re committed to breaking these rules and owning your own badassness this year!!

Leave a comment and let me know which rules you’re breaking!

Love, Em



A behind the scenes look at my spiritual biz

A behind the scenes look at my spiritual biz

Call me a weirdo, but writing this email almost feels like I’m the wizard of Oz…

Only instead of hiding behind a curtain trying to make you think I’m all-knowing and powerful, I’m showing you how YOU can look and sound all fancy too!

Click the video to see behind the scenes and learn all my favorite tools to grow your business…make sure you SUBSCRIBE while you’re there.


​All of the items I mention are linked in the YouTube Video!



PS Here are the links I mention in this video:


Logitech USB Headset H390 with noise cancelling Mic

Shure MV5 Digital Condenser Mircrophone (gray) + USB

UBeesize 8″ Selfie Ring Light with Tripod Stand & cell phone Holder

Selenite Sticklets

Palo Santo Smudging Sticks

Angels in Your Biz Oracle Deck or over on Amazon

Aligned & Unstoppable Companion Journal

* I am not sponsored by any company, and there were no paid product placements. However, some of the links here in this description may be Amazon affiliate links, meaning I may be compensated if you purchase them.

The secret to knowing your worth isn’t a secret at all!

The secret to knowing your worth isn’t a secret at all!

The truth is that I struggled for years not knowing my worth. It wasn’t that I thought my energy work wasn’t good, on the contrary…

I saw miracles happen on the regular!

When I started my healing business in a brick-n-mortar, I priced myself based on the “industry standard” and whatever the neighbors were charging. (Mistake #1, and abundance block)

Then, I gave discounts for new clients to let them “try” my work to see if we were a good fit! (Mistake #2, and abundance block)

Finally, (and really this is where I blocked my abundance the MOST, Mistake #3) I kept my prices the exact same for over a decade…a D E C A D E!!!!

I know you may be nodding along, because you’ve blocked yourself from abundance in the past too…or maybe you’re STILL doing one or all of these currently.

I have GREAT NEWS for you!

I’ve compiled a short list of the 5 most common abundance blocks and I’d like to guide you through identifying them and CLEARING THEM so you can finally know your worth!

Once you know your worth you can easily:

  • Raise your rates
  • Attract incredible soulmate clients
  • Create new “high ticket” offerings
  • Have HUGE financial breakthroughs
  • Stop discounting yourself
  • Stop giving your stuff away free
  • Stop feeling “bad” about taking money

It’s no coincidence that the moment I gave myself permission to BE WORTHY (<– that’s my secret) to serve at my highest level and increase my prices everything began to shift.

No one waved a magic wand at my face to let me know that I was finally worthy!

I started creating an ascension model so no matter where people where on their path, I had something to help them!

I stopped feeling bad, and realized I was helping MORE PEOPLE and it felt soooo good…and I’d love to help you too.

If this is resonating, trust your gut instinct and join me during ABUNDANCE WEEK…CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!

Direct link:

Hey, one last thing…COMMENT BELOW and let me know which “MISTAKE” you’re making right now, 1, 2, or 3!

Sending you a big squishy hug,



PS- If you love the idea of combining the left-brained “strategic” and the right-brained “intuition” I’ll be re-opening Business Made Simple very soon.

Business Made Simple isn’t another course, it’s an experience that will teach you how to trust your intuition and take aligned action towards manifesting the business and the life you LOVE. GET ON THE WAITLIST!

Your Mercury Retrograde Survival Toolkit

Your Mercury Retrograde Survival Toolkit

Just after a good cry yesterday, I posted on my Instagram how some days are just harder than others…

Basically, my day felt like all that I could possibly handle.

Technically it’s been a week of 4am baby wake ups, nearly zero time working on my biz, tension in my marriage, and ALLLL the mom guilt since I’m about to send my baby to daycare 2 days…TWO days…like seriously, why the guilt!??

The GOOD NEWS is that since I have a very strong regular spiritual practice, I’ve been shifting my attention, clearing my energy, and tapping in to a much higher vibration…EXCEPT…

This GD Mercury Retrograde has been killing my vibe! ?

What I realized by sharing my shit storm of a day, it opened a door for my community to say “me too” or even to say a prayer for me…They resonated with my message because it was REAL and RAW.

To be honest, I just about deleted it after it posted because I don’t want people to think I’m “WEAK”…it’s one of those crazy stories I’ve made up that vulnerability is somehow weakness….and its NOT.

If YOU are in need of a dramatic shift in your day, your energy, and your life, I have a gift for you.

It’s called 90-Day Reboot.

It’s been helping me so much during this crazy retrograde, and it’s helping others too!

It only occurred to me during THIS FACEBOOK LIVE that during Mercury Retrograde it’s all about the “RE” words like: REcharge, REst, REvaluate, REgroup, REleasing, REvitalize, REtreat…

…and this program to help you handle the Retro is called REBOOT! #thanksuniverse

HERE’S WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING…and we’ve only been using it a few days!

I asked, “How would you describe REBOOT in one word?”



RELEASE the layers of doubt, worry, fear, stress, anxiety, less than, and other unsupportive thoughts and…







REBOOT IS FREE for all Members of Mastery & Ascension.

The reason I’m giving it for free inside the membership is because doing it alone just doesn’t work. What you’re paying for is a COMMUNITY OF SUPPORTIVE women who are all holding this incredible healing container together…

The sum of the group is more valuable than it’s individual parts!

Today is the LAST CALL to get into Mastery & Ascension before September.




PS – For the record, REBOOT is working like gang busters on my bad day, and it can help you too!

There’s NO RISK in joining, you can cancel anytime, no hard feelings…CLICK HERE TO JOIN US!