Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast September 21

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast September 21

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast September 21

Oh girl, let the healing begin!!

This week’s forecast is SO good and SO perfect as we step into Intuition Week! Let your old self be released and healed so the POWERFUL you can be fully expressed!!

September 21 Energy Forecast:

7. Healing: Schedule healing work!

This is a hard stop, drop, and get some healing work done. I don’t care if it’s a visit to the sauna, a spa day, or an hour-long massage or energy healing session. Your system is overloaded and underloved. There’s something going on under the surface and your angels want you to be aware of it…and you can’t do that alone or by working harder. You must stop to listen to the call. If you continue to ignore it, the call will get louder, and you may not enjoy being laid up from work for a long stretch of time. Better take care of yourself now. Pay now or pay later! A small investment of a day off will pay off in droves…just you wait and see! There’s someone in heaven watching over you and they can hear your silent prayers. Think of this card as a gift to have someone take care of you.

34. Power: You’re the expert

You’re the expert; OWN IT! Your guidance is asking you to stop looking outside yourself for validation. You are ENOUGH. Please stop comparing yourself, your business, or anything else to other people. Chances are you’re not even comparing the right things anyway! They don’t have what you do, sister, not even close. Maybe there’s a part of you that doesn’t fully trust in your own uniqueness, but your angels do. If you’re open to it, they’d like to reveal it to you now. Pulling this card also means you’re on the brink of stepping into your power on a whole new level. It takes courage to be you, are you ready to go to that next level?

11. Responsibility: “I am NOT a victim”

The universe isn’t testing you, it’s reflecting you. It’s time to take full responsibility for everything happening within you and all around you. If you aren’t happy with the way things look, change them. Remember, whenever you point your finger, there are three pointing back at you. Time to look at your own stuff a little deeper and notice the stories you’ve been telling yourself about this situation. Start by saying: “I choose this, I am NOT a victim.” The more we assume responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, energy, and circumstances, the more those things begin to improve.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

How Fear Of Judgement Is Blocking Abundance In Your Business



Episode 168

In this episode, I dive deep into how to clear money blocks that are hurting your business, stopping you from growing, and receiving abundance.

So today’s episode is all about abundance. Like I said, but one of the things that you might not realize is one of the biggest blocks for abundance is actually the fear of judgment.

I am really excited to share this because if you are like many of the people that I talk to, you may not know that one of the biggest abundance blocks is fear of judgment.

Every human being that has a pulse has experienced a fear of being judged.

Fear of judgment never really goes away, even if you think you already worked through it and learning how to clear this block has the power to unlock abundance in your business and life.

Today’s episode is one you will not want to miss if you if want to learn how to clear money blocks that are hurting your business.



Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Why we all at some point in our lives have felt fear of being judged by other people.
  • The importance of understanding that the fear of being judged never really goes away.
  • How the fear of judgment can stop you from growing if you don’t know how to overcome it.
  • Why I honestly felt so afraid to come out of my spiritual closet.
  • How the stories we tell ourselves when we were kids get programmed in our brain and still trigger us as adults.
  • Why it’s so important to understand that the story you are telling yourself does not serve you anymore.
  • Why I still continued to hide for over a decade and not being open with people in my life.
  • The danger of giving all your power to the fear of judgment.
  • When you are not helping others because you are afraid of judgment, you are doing the world a disservice.
  • How I knew it was time to share with the world that I was a psychic.
  • Why there is not the right way to come out of your spiritual closet.
  • Why sharing who you truly are, helps you attract the right people to your life.
  • Why letting go of judgment unlocks has the power to unlock abundance in business and life.
  • What would you do or say if you were not worried about being judged by other people


Shareable Quotes:

  • “For most of my life, I have felt misunderstood, like I had to hide who I was to be myself. ” – Emily Aarons
  • “Each and every day, I’m not going to look outward for what people give me permission to say and do, instead I am going to turn inward and listen to what my inner compass is telling me. ” – Emily Aarons
  • “If you were not worried about being judged by other people, what would you do? What would you say? That’s a place where you can start to do the work.” – Emily Aarons



Resources to Take You Deeper:



Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

How To Protect Your Energy At Work And Avoid Feeling Depleted



Episode 164

In this episode, I dive deep into how to protect your energy at work and avoid feeling depleted and exhausted at the end of the day.

I am really excited to share this because I know many of you need this right now, not only in your personal life but more importantly in your workplace because you are starting to go back to work.

So this episode is for you if you frequently feel like you’re taking on too much.

Usually, a good sign of this is that you feel like you have given your energy away and as a result, you end up feeling fatigued, drained and exhausted.

Learning how to protect your energy at work can be one of the most important skills you can develop.

I want to help you see that there are ways to manage your energy, so you don’t feel like you are giving it away.



Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • How to hold your container strong to really protect your energy and unknowingly giving it away.
  • Why you need it’s important to set the intention of being able to clear yourself between clients.
  • How having daily self-care practices can help you prevent feeling fatigued, drained, exhausted, depleted at the end of the day.
  • The mistake you might be making when it feels like you’re taking on too much.
  • Why nobody can take your energy unless you give them permission.
  • Why, when you are in work mode, you really want to be able to pull universal energy through your crown chakra, instead of pulling it all out through your own energy system.
  • What’s channeling and why it’s so important to protect your energy.
  • Why the first step you need to take is to set the intention and how by doing it you are creating a container for the day.
  • Why setting an intention helps you create a container for the day.
  • How to call energy to clear the space when you end client sessions so that you can clear the space between clients.
  • How to create a daily end of the day self-care routine so that at the end of each day, you are clearing your energy and your space.
  • How taking a shower, changing your clothes, and getting out in nature can help you clear your energy at the end of the day.


Shareable Quotes:

  • “Nobody can take your energy unless you give them permission.” – Emily Aarons
  • “When you are setting your intention, I want you to think, if you had the best day ever, how would it go?” – Emily Aarons
  • “When you’re opening up your crown chakra and you have a safe space, you are bringing energy through you, you are channeling.” – Emily Aarons



Resources to Take You Deeper:



Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 1



Episode 163


Take this week for yourself…I want you to empower yourself to do what’s right for YOU. The cards this week are asking you to take action on that ONE big idea and trust you’re the perfect person for the job!


You can search for “Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast”, listen and download our episodes on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Music,  and IGTV. Watch us on Facebook anytime.



36. Trust Your Gut: Your body knows the truth

You’ve been doing the head stuff for way too long! Overthinking, over-analyzing, and second-guessing. STOP IT! Get out of your head and into your gut. It knows the truth, but first, you need to trust yourself. There’s no way to begin trusting others if you don’t trust in yourself. Your gut is like your body’s second brain. It’s also like a lie detector. It wants you to know something. Quit trying to make sense of a situation, and just go with the knowing of your brilliant gut instinct. You don’t need to justify yourself for having this intel, just roll with it. The more you take action and trust your inner knowing, the more your inner knowing strengthens. Your angels also want to validate that YES, you are strengthening your intuition by doing this practice. There’s really no risk either! How’s the alternative working out for ya?



34. Power: You’re the expert

You’re the expert; OWN IT! Your guidance is asking you to stop looking outside yourself for validation. You are ENOUGH. Please stop comparing yourself, your business, or anything else to other people. Chances are you’re not even comparing the right things anyway! They don’t have what you do, sister, not even close. Maybe there’s a part of you that doesn’t fully trust in your own uniqueness, but your angels do. If you’re open to it, they’d like to reveal it to you now. Pulling this card also means you’re on the brink of stepping into your power on a whole new level. It takes courage to be you, are you ready to go to that next level?



10. Prioritize: Pick ONE thing

Have you been feeling overwhelmed recently? The angels are reminding you to pick the ONE thing that will move you closer to your big goal and only do that. It’s also a good time to look at delegating tasks that are just keeping you busy. Simply focus on serving at your highest level and do the work to support that direction.





Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast February 3


Episode 119


​This week is all about grounding yourself and taking ACTION!




28. Core Values: Hone in on your purpose and values

Hone in on what it means to be you. The faster you can connect to your own purpose and values, the sooner you can implement them in your business as well. Once you have both of those, then you can attract a team that totally upholds those values as well. Quit getting annoyed at others who don’t “get it” when you haven’t made yourself clear. Make your expectations known. Be as direct as possible, no giving hints. People can’t read your mind. This is about taking full responsibility for yourself and your business. Are you dealing with a troubling situation? If you were the best in your field at what you do, how would you handle this situation right now? Start acting more like that person every day and your life will dramatically change for the best.


27. Commitment: Step out of indecision

Have you been wishy washy or stuck in indecision? It’s time to fully commit to this. Not 50/50 but 100%. Think back to a time when failure wasn’t an option, you had to become stronger than you ever knew, you had to put boundaries around your time and energy, and you had to say YES or NO when it was hard. It’s time to guard this time with unapologetic commitment.


34. Power: You’re the expert

You’re the expert; OWN IT! Your guidance is asking you to stop looking outside yourself for validation. You are ENOUGH. Please stop comparing yourself, your business, or anything else to other people. Chances are you’re not even comparing the right things anyway! They don’t have what you do, sister, not even close. Maybe there’s a part of you that doesn’t fully trust in your own uniqueness, but your angels do. If you’re open to it, they’d like to reveal it to you now. Pulling this card also means you’re on the brink of stepping into your power on a whole new level. It takes courage to be you, are you ready to go to that next level?



Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!