Actionable Steps to Heal the “I Can’t Afford It” Mindset (Part 1)

Actionable Steps to Heal the “I Can’t Afford It” Mindset (Part 1)

Actionable Steps to Heal the “I Can’t Afford It” Mindset (Part 1)

Episode 241

Listen, this phrase “I can’t afford it” is affecting what you attract into your life.

While I don’t have a magic wand to fill up your bank account, I do have actionable steps you can take to eliminate these 4 little words from your vocabulary and begin to attract more abundance instead.

This episode is here to help you heal this mindset and shift your thinking.

I’m asking you to open up and be flexible about this topic so you can take back your power when it comes to money. Because when you say “I can’t afford it”, it holds the energy of “I’ll never be able to afford it”. Agh… no one wants that.

I’m giving you some simple swaps for more empowering statements, journal prompts to explore your relationship with money and we’ll talk “healer shaming” – and that’s just in part 1!

Highlights from the episode:
  • Law of Attraction – empowering statements and swaps for “I can’t afford it”.
  • Why it’s important to address your money sh*t as an entrepreneur.
  • The power of the word “now”.
  • Money as a relationship.
  • Journal prompts to take you deeper and inspire energy healing around money.
  • Sacrificing to make more money, is it necessary?
  • Healer shaming.

Action Steps to Align Your Biz:

  1. Ask yourself, “If I’m in a romantic relationship with money, how am I treating it?” Is there something you can change with your current relationship with money?
  2. If you’re an entrepreneur don’t price yourself based on what you think your client can afford. Instead, think about what your services are worth and start there.

Tag me on Instagram with your “Heck yes!” moments and your action steps @emilyaarons.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

5 Beliefs Preventing You From Having A Stellar And Affordable Team with Theresa Loe

5 Beliefs Preventing You From Having A Stellar And Affordable Team with Theresa Loe

5 Beliefs Preventing You From Having A Stellar And Affordable Team With Theresa Loe

Episode 239

Not knowing how to hire your stellar team at a price you can afford can keep you from being the CEO of your biz–and that includes if you’re a solo entrepreneur!

This is why this discussion with Theresa Loe had to happen. Theresa is a highly sought after Team Expert. Throughout her career, she discovered that she excelled at assembling teams but her clients were struggling with finding stellar people to catapult their business to the next level.

This episode is going to challenge you if you are trying to do it all yourself. This is going to support you if you’re ready to think and act like a CEO.

Listen in to hear Theresa share the five beliefs preventing you from having your self-managing team in place to get you to your revenue and life goals more quickly. 

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • How to reduce the overwhelm of hiring.
  • Why you need stellar powerhouse people on your team.
  • The five beliefs holding you back (starts at 6.27).
  • A new way to think about the dollar value of your time.
  • How your mindset affects the next level of business you’re so ready for.
  • There isn’t a magic moment to hire help.
  • Why you have to stop wearing all the hats ?(marketer, podcast producer, image-maker, social media person, and the personality).
  • The importance of building self-managed teams.
  • Why you should view the resume LAST.

Shareable Quotes:

  • “If you can get over these little hurdles, the sky’s the limit for you!” Theresa Loe
  • “You’re actually losing money by not taking some of those lower-end things off of your plate so that you can work on the higher end things.” Theresa Loe

Resources to take you deeper:

About Theresa

Theresa Loe is a leadership and team-building coach for digital business owners who want to streamline their business and create self-managed teams. She helps CEOs get their time back by busting their limiting beliefs and attracting their perfectly aligned team. She has programs to help beginners with their first (or next) powerhouse team member and coaching programs for multi-6 and multi-7 figure owners looking to scale with ease.

You can find her here:


Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Building a Biz When You’re on the “Woo Spectrum”

Building a Biz When You’re on the “Woo Spectrum”

Building a Biz When You’re on the “Woo Spectrum”

Episode 237

I’m actually giggling as I’m sharing this because it’s one of those subjects that is funny when you think about it, but nonetheless super important for your business.

Because if you are on the “Woo” spectrum or your business is at all “Woo”, how you hire is extremely important!

It can be the difference between paying thousands of dollars for someone who does great work for someone else but doesn’t get results for you and hiring someone who understands your business model and takes it to the next level.

It’s time to talk about how to build your team (even on a budget) when YOU are on the “Woo Spectrum”.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • Are you “Woo”?
  • What is the “Woo” Spectrum?
  • “Woo” indicators you can ask your applicants.
  • Only do the things serving at your highest level.
  • Why you need to start thinking about outsourcing.
  • Should you hire based on merit or something else entirely?
  • Personal examples of hiring “non-Woo” and “Woo” team members.
  • How to consider the energy in your business when hiring.
  • What to think about when you can’t afford to hire help.
Action Steps to Align Your Biz:

Are you ready to hire somebody? Do you already have a team in place that you need to shift around? Are you ready to be the CEO that you are?

What action are you going to take RIGHT now? Let me know in the comments or tag me with an image of you taking a step toward this goal @emilyaarons.

Shareable Quotes:
  • “I’m just here for the weirdos”. Emily Aarons
  • “I help entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business”. Emily Aarons
  • “We have these parts of ourselves that are limiting our desires”. Emily Aarons
Resources to take you deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

How to Use Chakra Colors in Your Biz, Life and Food Choices

How to Use Chakra Colors in Your Biz, Life and Food Choices

How to Use Chakra Colors in Your Biz, Life and Food Choices

Have you taken the time to think about color as it relates to your business and even what you are eating?

Color is a very important tool in your spiritual business toolkit. Without consciously thinking about it, you are likely gravitating toward specific colors (just peek in your closet!).

But I want to talk about becoming more aware of color, specifically how it relates to the corresponding chakra, so that you can begin to use the energy of color to your advantage.

For example, you can choose a brighter color to wear on a gray day to lift your mood.

There’s a color of fruit you can eat to attract more money.

What if there’s more to eating the rainbow than you’ve thought of before?

It’s an important topic and I want to create some awareness around it. And hopefully, inspire you to think about color and how it’s showing up in your life.

This episode is scratching the surface on color and you can find more detailed information in the Mastery & Ascension Master Classes if you’re a member.

After listening, I’d love to know if the colors you naturally gravitate toward make sense as it relates to your chakras and the corresponding emotions or if it’s time to switch things up.

Let’s brighten up IG with some added color by sharing your photos. Be sure to tag me @emilyaarons so I can see it!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Learn which color goes to love, passion, and strength.
  • Crystals and clothing can represent the chakra colors.
  • The color is felt and we can take on the energy of the color.
  • Colors can correspond with your auric field.
  • The chakra colors explained.
  • The fruit to eat when you want to manifest more money.
  • How to think about colors when it comes to your branding.
  • Why you gravitate toward processed foods when you’re feeling low.

Shareable Quotes:

  • “When we feel low we attract low”. Emily Aarons
  • “The foods we eat carry a vibration”. Emily Aarons
  • “You can use the energy of color to help your business”. Emily Aarons

Resources to take you deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Bust Through Being a Broke Energy Healer Challenge

Bust Through Being a Broke Energy Healer Challenge

Bust Through Being a Broke Energy Healer Challenge

I’ve been a healer for the past 20 years and for the majority of that time, I was what you would call a “broke healer”.

My methods for creating abundance had all the things you’re supposed to have and yet, it kept me on a broke hamster wheel that I just could not get off of!

I priced myself like the competition.

I made a bunch of different offerings, offered discounts to free events, did freebies that led to special offers, gave coupons… you freaking name it and I was doing it.

My brokenness was not from a lack of effort or a lack of trying.
I struggled so darkly, so deeply that I just didn’t even want to tell people about it.

Then four years ago something happened that changed everything for me. And It happened in my darkest moment.

It’s so important you shine your light so others can shine theirs too. You just can’t shine very brightly if you’re stuck in financial struggle.

You have to commit to a different story.

This is why I really want you to listen to this week’s podcast and consider my $1k challenge to you.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • Throw out everyone else’s marketing plan and listen to your own intuition.
  • What to do about imposter syndrome crap that can run amuck inside your head.
  • People who have success have the exact same fear as you, if not more.
  • The action of doing allows you to create the confidence behind it.
  • You have to get yourself on the field and get yourself out there if you want the big breakthroughs.
  • There are people in your sphere who are desperate to get your help, they are waiting for you!
  • What cracked me out of who I was being (broke!).
  • The thing to say every night before bed.
  • The $1k challenge, should you choose to accept.
Shareable Quotes:
  • “Throw out everyone else’s marketing plan and listen to your own intuition”. Emily Aarons
  • “There are gifts that are locked up and held hostage inside you because you’re too terrified”. ” Emily Aarons
  • “Stop choosing your broke story”. Emily Aarons
  • “Stop committing to being a broke person and commit to being an abundant person instead”. Emily Aarons
  • “It’s your time”. Emily Aarons
Resources to take you deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!