My Daily Routine!

My Daily Routine!

My Daily Routine!

I asked listeners what they would like to hear as I headed into recording podcast episodes for this month, and I was pleasantly surprised by the great response!

The idea to share my daily routine came from one of you and it really stood out to me.

The reason I loved this question is because when I used to wonder how successful entrepreneurs organized their days it usually started at some crazy hour in the morning. It wasn’t anything I could apply to my life with two small children when I wasn’t even consistently sleeping at night.

I promise you, this does daily routine does not include getting up at 4:00 a.m. and is much more reasonable!

If you’ve been curious as to how I balance work, fitness, and wellness, and what my daily non-negotiables are, then this one is for you.

I’d love to hear what we have in common for our daily routines and what you do differently. Let me know!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [1.09] What other successful people were doing just didn’t resonate with me when I got an inside look.
  • [2.19] What I do before I even get out of bed and the questions I ask my higher self.
  • [4.59] I still haven’t touched a computer or electronic device, I do this instead.
  • [6.29] What I eat for breakfast (it’s hearty!)
  • [8.01] How I begin my work, chose my clothes, and create a sacred space for it.
  • [9.27] Throughout the day and my 90-minute interval strategy.
  • [11.01] “Clocking off” for the day and how I refuel once my energy has waned.
  • [12.01] Mom mode and how I keep it separate from work.
  • [12.27] Dinner and how I check in with my higher self to decide what to eat.
  • [14.24] How we wind down as a family.
  • [16.24] “Counting Gratefuls” instead of counting sheep.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Try starting your day by tuning into your higher self and asking “What would be the most beneficial for my body and life today?” Do the same again when choosing what exercises to do for the day, what to eat, and how to unwind at the end of the night. Getting guidance from your higher self for your highest good can be life-changing!

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes.Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

The Invisible Limits That Block Your Abundance And How To Heal Them

The Invisible Limits That Block Your Abundance And How To Heal Them

The Invisible Limits That Block Your Abundance And How To Heal Them

Episode 287

“Why haven’t I made a six-figures in my business?”

“Why haven’t I made a million dollars”.

I hear these questions a lot in my biz from clients and I’ve even asked them myself.

But these are unproductive questions. They are loaded with negative questions that can keep you stuck because they don’t open up the energy to allow for new possibilities and new ways of thinking.

Today I’m discussing the invisible limits, the “upper limits” that can block your abundance, and how you can start asking new questions to move past them.

Unconscious self-sabotage can be healed and I take you through a process to help you do just that!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.06] The question to ask to open up new ways of thinking.
  • [1.33] What does it mean to upper limit?
  • [4.15] Worthiness… the one that gets us all! Where does it come from?
  • [6.25] My own personal example of hitting an upper limit (I’m not immune!)
  • [9.11] Questions to ask yourself to work through blocks… stop this podcast to journal them if you can!
  • [12.33] Seeing upper limits as evidence of your growth.
  • [13.52] How to say “yes!” and allow it.
  • [14.04] How to “plug in”.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Every morning, before you get out of bed ask yourself “If I were serving at my highest level, as a million-dollar business, how do I want to feel? How do I want my day to look? How do I want to be? How does it get easier than this?” You don’t have to wait for an answer, they don’t always come right away… but ask and listen. You can also replace “million-dollar business” with whatever you are wanting to manifest.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

How Surrendering, Breakdown, Breakthrough Create Divine Inspiration With Mary Sue

How Surrendering, Breakdown, Breakthrough Create Divine Inspiration With Mary Sue

How Surrendering, Breakdown, Breakthrough Create Divine Inspiration With Mary Sue

The creation process for spiritual entrepreneurs is one of trust! And believe me, there are those moments of breakdown and confusion where trusting your intuition becomes everything.

I invited a guest to talk about how surrender and following your intuition can lead to a highly successful business where you get to be your own brand of weird.

Mary Sue’s journey to create “scent magic” has been infused with play per her request to the universe that she wanted to have more fun in her life (think names like “empath shield” and “Not today Satan!”).

She began channeling scents that she sells in her online store Déjà Vu Foundry and she shares her journey with us including the point where things went from stuck to wild!

This episode of the podcast will inspire you to trust your intuition!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [1.58] Getting to know Mary Sue and what kind of farm she has.
  • [4.55] Living life on purpose instead of what you “should” do.
  • [7.24] What is “scent magic?” (Empath Shield – it’s a thing!)
  • [10.27] When your ego is a buzz kill!
  • [12.18] What caused the shift in Mary Sue’s biz. (“And this is where things got wild…”)
  • [18.35] The importance of that understanding that feeling of heaviness and how to interpret it.
  • [24.56] A more in-depth look at how we channel thoughts and ideas.
  • [29.56] The unusualness of her product line – that works!
  • [33.26] “F*cks are finite, so got to be selective of the ones that are given away”.
Resources to take you deeper:

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

If you’re inspired to follow your intuition more and get clarity, join me for Intuition Week! It’s a week packed full of tools to help you grow your intuitive abilities and TRUST them. You can sign up here: Intuition Week.

About Mary

Mary Sue is a former award-winning brick and mortar retailer turned Up-Level Rebel creating unusually beautiful scent magic and offering intuitive retail consulting through her brand Deja Vu Foundry.

You can find her here:

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

7 Tips To Deal With Family Who Don’t Embrace Your Spiritual Path

7 Tips To Deal With Family Who Don’t Embrace Your Spiritual Path

7 Tips To Deal With Family Who Don’t Embrace Your Spiritual Path

Let’s be honest, being on a spiritual path can feel isolating, lonely, and like you are the weirdo in the group at times (I used to feel that way!).

When you’re in the process of finding your place and connecting to like-minded people, you need to know how to handle it when family, and possibly spouses and partners, just don’t get you and don’t know how to embrace you and your light.

Today I’m sharing my honest backstory when it comes to having family members and a partner who didn’t get me. Not only that, I’ve had family go out of their way to be vocally against my spiritual business.

I’m hoping my story helps you know that you are not alone and that it doesn’t have to affect your success or your ability to shine your light!

This episode has 7 tips to deal with family members who just don’t get you – because YOU are meant to shine.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [3.09] How my seemingly good upbringing didn’t prepare me for who I wanted to become.
  • [5.18] Coming out of the “spiritual closet”, my fears, and how my family reacted.
  • [8.07] The disappointment and disparaging remarks that stung.
  • [10.54] When your spouse isn’t on board – there’s hope!
  • [13.40] 7 tips to deal to handle your naysayers and still be able to shine your light.
  • [18.55] Find your supportive community so you can be the FULL version of yourself.
  • [21.05] Change is possible!

Resources to take you deeper:

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Find your spiritual people! The ones who support you and understand you so you can show up as YOU, unmuted and dreaming big. You aren’t meant to dim your light and being around people who see you makes all the difference. Ask the universe, or your guides, to send them your way!

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.


About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

3 Ways To Protect Your Energy As A Spiritual Entrepreneur

3 Ways To Protect Your Energy As A Spiritual Entrepreneur

3 Ways To Protect Your Energy As A Spiritual Entrepreneur

I’ve been doing energy healing for over 20 years and part of my training was learning how to create a sacred container for myself and for my clients.

Because if you’re working with other humans, you might get zapped!

You may start your day feeling just fine and as the day goes on notice that your energy is quickly fading.

Whether you work with people in person or virtually, both you and your client’s energy leaves an imprint.

Knowing how to clear your energy in the morning, throughout your day, and when you enter your home is what will help you have a sustainable business that supports both you and the people you are serving.

Using these three techniques makes a huge difference in how you feel and how your clients feel!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.10] Your energy is making an imprint with everyone who interacts with it. Why it’s a lot like splattered paint.
  • [3.53] You need to know how to keep yourself clear so you don’t get depleted.
  • [4.28] How to create a clear space and protect your own energy.
  • [6.49] How to reset your intention and “reclear” your energy before you connect with your clients.
  • [8.85] Creating a waterfall to the threshold of your home. Don’t bring it inside!
  • [11.00] These 3 steps allow your clients to release knowing they’re not dumping their energy on you. You both benefit.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Try these 3 steps for 30 days and see how you feel! Notice if you have more sustainable energy and if you feel less depleted. See what you notice with your clients too!


Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

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About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!