How To Find Flow And Alignment In Your Business

  Episode 183 In this episode, I dive deep into how to find flow and alignment in your business. I am really excited to be talking about how to know when you’re in alignment, ways to stay in alignment and flow as well as the importance of understanding your body and your energy systems. In this episode, I am going to answer all your questions about what alignment really is and why you cannot fake good energy. My goal is for you to understand that pushing in your business never works and that’s precisely the reason why it’s crucial that you learn how to find flow and alignment in your business and life.

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    Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • What is alignment and how does it feel when you are in alignment.
  • How does it feel when you are out of alignment.
  • Why it is so important to listen to your body when everything feels difficult.
  • Why it’s so important to get to know the energy centers in your body and the different chakras they represent.
  • Why pushing yourself never works because you cannot fake good energy.
  • How getting out in nature is the first thing that you can do to start to shift your alignment.
  • Why it’s so important to take to pause and rest when your system is upleveling.
  • Why it’s so much easier to run a business when you are in flow and aligned.

Shareable Quotes:

  • “You cannot fake good energy.” – Emily Aarons
  • “When your body is screaming and out of alignment, you can’t sell stuff.” – Emily Aarons
  • “It’s so much easier to run a business when you are in the flow state, when everything just feels right.” – Emily Aarons

  Resources To Take You Deeper:

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How To Manifest Anything You Want In Your Business And Life


Episode 181

Today I am speaking to Dani Faust and we have an amazing conversation about how to manifest anything you want in your business and life.

Dani Faust is a dynamic, intuitive life and wellness coach, writer, and speaker based in South Florida. A certified life and wellness coach, Dani helps busy women manifest the lives they have been dreaming of. As the candid voice behind, an award-winning wellness and travel lifestyle blog, Dani’s writing can be found across the web on topics ranging from spirituality and healthy living to travel and parenting.

Dani has been tapped by magazines such as Parents, Essence, Redbook, Health, Good Housekeeping, Forbes, and more for her perspective on all things lifestyle. In her signature “real talk” style, Dani presents down to earth advice to crowds around the country on wellness topics and the business of blogging.

In this episode, we talk about why it’s a mistake to think that your manifesting button is broken and how every day you are already manifesting even if you are not aware of it.

My goal today is for you to learn how to manifest anything you want in your business and also to remind you that you are always manifesting.


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Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • What is manifesting and how you can start doing it today.
  • Understanding that you have manifested everything around you, you are always manifesting.
  • Why anyone can manifest what they want, but the key is to be in alignment.
  • Why it’s a mistake to think that your manifesting button is broken.
  • How to get into alignment so you are feeling happy and in flow.
  • Why, when you are feeling bad, you are out of alignment.
  • Why sometimes you are also manifesting the things that you don’t want.
  • Why it’s so important that you learn how to recognize when you are in and out of alignment.
  • How self-care practices can help you get mindful and start manifesting the things that you want versus those that you don’t want.
  • Why it’s important to understand that manifesting is a daily job that requires frequency shifts every day.
  • The importance of learning to be grateful for your big goal, even if it’s not happening.
  • Why it’s essential to recognize that there is always a flow of abundance, love, and joy of whatever we want and you need to learn to allow things to come to you.
  • Understanding the importance of celebrating and slowing down to be grateful.


Shareable Quotes:

  • “You’re already manifesting. Always. It’s really about being in alignment.” – Dani Faust
  • “You are always manifesting. Look around you. Everything around you, you manifested it.” – Dani Faust
  • “If you can see it on your timeline, you can believe it is possible.” – Emily Aarons
  • “I am always admitting I’m not the smartest person in the room so why would I put a cap on my own possibilities.” – Emily Aarons



Resources To Take You Deeper:


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Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

How To Clear Your Energy And Raise Your Vibration In An Instant


Episode 179

In this episode, I dive deep into how to clear your energy and raise your vibration in an instant.

I am really excited to share this because I know many of you need this right now so today, I’m going to teach you how to understand how to protect your energy and how to clear energy and raise your vibration.

In this episode, I am going to answer all your questions about what energy really is, what our chakras and I will also share books and resources if you wish to go deeper.

My goal is for you to learn how to clear your energy and raise your vibration and why not doing the inner work and healing can keep you stuck in your business and life.


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Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • What is energy and why everything is literally made up of energy.
  • How I got trained as an energy healer.
  • What it really means to do energy healing work on human bodies.
  • Why not doing the inner work and healing can keep you stuck in your business.
  • Understanding that your energy system has cycles as well.
  • The danger of getting out of alignment when you don’t learn how to listen to your energy system.
  • How feeling worried, stress and anxiety is an indicator that you are out of alignment.
  • Why your natural state is joy, love, and happiness.
  • Why it is so important to understand how your energy system works so that you can pull in your energy for your own protection.


Shareable Quotes:

  • “If you’re too busy doing a gazillion things, totally not listening to your system, not even realizing that you have a cycle, you’re likely just pushing yourself out of alignment.” – Emily Aarons
  • “Raising your energy can happen in an instant.” – Emily Aarons
  • “My success isn’t just inevitable. It’s already done.” – Emily Aarons



Resources To Take You Deeper:


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Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

How To Cultivate Resilience When Life Is Hard


Episode 178

Today I am speaking to Yara de la Torre about how to cultivate resilience when life is hard.

Yara de la Torre, a 29-year-old hairstylist who has been in the beauty industry since the age of 17. She’s a salon owner, color -focused stylist, bridal specialist and an educator with the Sunlights Balayage Artisan Team.

Falling 2 stories down and landing to a broken back, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down. Yara made her way back into the salon to pick up where she left off.

In this episode, we have an inspiring conversation about how to cultivate resilience when life is hard, why positive self-talk is so important to overcome challenges and shift your identity, especially in tough times.


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Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • How Yara dropped out of college and instead decided to go to Beauty School.
  • The journey that led Yara to start her own business when she discovered her passion for bridal styling.
  • How Yara went from being stagnant to stepping out of her comfort zone and finding her niche.
  • Why becoming an educator took her skill to a whole new level.
  • The tragic event that impacted Yara’s life, family, and her work.
  • How Yara found a way to understand that her life was not over and how she moved on.
  • Understanding that life does leave clues.
  • How to cultivate resilience and find new meaning in your life.
  • Why sometimes you need to shift your identity to overcome challenges.
  • What is radical acceptance and why it’s so important.
  • Why self-talk is so powerful and the impact that can have in your life.



Resources To Take You Deeper:


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Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

Productivity For Spiritual Entrepreneurs That Isn’t Soul Sucking


Episode 176

Usually, when people talk about productivity it feels stressful and is focused on quantity. This is NOT that kind of podcast episode.

Tonya Dalton is a productivity coach who knows our days have a rhythm to them, life has an ebb and flow, and she even shares why you shouldn’t “eat the frog” first as most people will tell you (what a terrible way to start your day!).

I bought Tonya’s book when I found myself being triggered by the idea of productivity and organization when hearing her speak. She was talking about productivity in a way that was so different and could actually help me.

Before implementing her concepts, I would often find myself starting Monday morning looking at my inbox and allowing my day to go into a downward spiral of responding to issues – often forgetting self-care and even the basics like drinking water!

This episode is about taking responsibility for choosing how we set up our day (even Tonya’s teenage son is doing it!).

I realized that if I want to live out my heart’s passion of serving people then I need to be responsible for how much I can do in a day (hint: it can’t be EVERYTHING).

Join us for this honest conversation about letting yourself find your passion if you haven’t yet, creating structure for your business and life wherever you are TODAY, and making sure to include some things you wouldn’t expect into your idea of productivity (like play!).

It’s not often you get to sit down with a productivity coach and talk about how watching episodes of Tiger King (totally guilty of this) and freethinking NEED to be part of your daily schedule.

This is how productivity for creatives and spiritual people can feel, but it takes looking at that word differently.


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Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • We think our story is written, but we get to write our stories ourselves.
  • It’s easier to go all-in when you understand your North.
  • You’re probably not going to find your true north on the first “Why”… and how to go deeper.
  • Make time to invest in yourself (it’s the only way!).
  • How to structure your day differently than we’re used to.
  • Our brain is not designed to work at full throttle all day.
  • Quantity isn’t the way to measure productivity. Being satisfied is often left out of the equation (but shouldn’t be).
  • How to understand what a true time waster is (it’s not watching Tiger King, whew).


About Tonya:

Tonya Dalton is a nationally recognized productivity expert, best-selling author, and speaker. She is a growth strategist for female leaders in the corporate and entrepreneurial sectors. She is a Mom to two teenagers and lives in Asheville, North Carolina. Best of all, she practices what she preaches when it comes to productivity and following your North Star.



Resources To Take You Deeper:


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