by emilyaarons | Dec 24, 2019 | Podcast

Today, I share my takeaways from being a member of high-level masterminds for the last 3 years.
In this episode, I go deep into why, in order to uplevel and grow a business, you need to surround yourself with like-minded people who have similar goals.
If you are serious about having your best year ever and want to have breakthroughs, you have to be in integrity with yourself and do what you say you are going to do.
You can’t do it alone, you need to have people in your life that will hold you accountable, people who can see your spark and believe in you and this does not happen when you are working by yourself.
The truth is that real transformation only happens after the transaction, when you put the money down because you believe in yourself and when you are surrounded with people who can see your potential and at the same time can hold you accountable.
This is such an important topic because if you want to get something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done and that’s exactly why I am sharing my takeaways from being a member of high-level masterminds for the last 3 years; I hope you find them helpful.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- How 3 years ago I felt stuck and alone and at the same time, I felt a calling to help more people.
- How I trusted my intuition about the importance of investing in a mastermind in order to have my biggest breakthrough year.
- Why you need to be around peers who are like-minded and who are looking to grow quickly and support each other.
- The importance of becoming “the person you can count on” and why you need people to hold you accountable in order to become that person.
- The little white lie that terrified me and that serve as a stepping-stone to success.
- Why you need to have people in your life, who support you, can see your spark and believe in you.
- The miracle that allowed me to pay the mastermind credit card charge and how it all led to becoming a star student.
- How I started creating meditations for my mastermind group that allowed them to have huge breakthroughs.
- How being part of a group that cheers you and believes in you, can increase your confidence and transform your life.
- How I set a goal for my first ten thousand dollar month and how I surpassed the goal.
- Why if you want to start having breakthroughs in your business, you have to let go of who you have been until that point in your life.
- Why in order to get something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.
- Why you need to be committed to doing something different every single day and being a different person every single day.
- Why growth needs to happen so that you can overcome the voice in your head that says: “Who am I to do this?”
- How I was able to talk to my husband about investing $30K in a new mastermind even though I was terrified.
- Why your transformation only happens after the transaction. It only happens after you put money down because you believe in yourself.
- How I learned one of her biggest lessons through being pregnant and having the baby: I absolutely cannot compromise myself ever. I have to put myself first and make sure I am taking care of before anybody else.
- Why you need to understand that free content is not going to lead you to your best life ever.
- Why listening to your ego keeps you stuck.
- You always have a choice to continue to be stuck where it’s safe and predictable, or you can expand into faith and the unknown and allow growth and possibility.
Shareable Quotes
- “In order to get something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” – Emily Aarons
- “Every time we tell ourselves: ”I’m going to do this”, but we don’t actually do it. We’re actually breaking our integrity to ourselves and if you’re not being in integrity to yourself, then you cannot hold your word to other people” – Emily Aarons
- “It’s easier to hold your word to other people than it is to yourself sometimes. But actually, the reverse is even more powerful. The more you can be in integrity to yourself, the more you can be in integrity to others.” – Emily Aarons
- “So you always have two choices. The choice to stay where you are, repeating the patterns that you’ve been repeating so far, so not so good. Or you have the choice to listen to your heart, listen to your intuition. Follow that call. That guiding voice inside you that says, yes, you can. You can do it. And you’re meant to do it.” – Emily Aarons
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Dec 16, 2019 | Podcast

This week is about taking responsibility to move forward – with lots of support along your way!
11. Responsibility: “I am NOT a victim”
The universe isn’t testing you, it’s reflecting you. It’s time to take full responsibility for everything happening within you and all around you. If you aren’t happy with the way things look, change them. Remember, whenever you point your finger, there are three pointing back at you. Time to look at your own stuff a little deeper and notice the stories you’ve been telling yourself about this situation. Start by saying: “I choose this, I am NOT a victim.” The more we assume responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, energy, and circumstances, the more those things begin to improve.
39. Guardian Angels: Infinite support is here
You’ve been working so hard! When you pull this card, 100 guardian angels appear around. Allow them to alleviate your anxiety, worry, doubt, and stress. Take a deep breath and know that you’re taken care of today and everyday. Even though they’re invisible, your guardian angels are always here to surround you and infuse you with unconditional love.
21. Manifestation: You are a manifesting machine
You’re literally a manifesting machine. Your thoughts are electric, and your body is magnetic. When your thoughts and feelings align, you can manifest instantly. Forget “realistic” or “timing”; you’re the one with the power. Today is the day to proclaim what you desire and by when. Release any stories around your wants and repeat this mantra: “The more I say yes to my desires, the more the Universe says yes to me.” Start small with a quarter, then a parking spot, then go wild; you deserve it!
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Nov 19, 2019 | Podcast

Today, you will discover the process that I follow to make hard decisions easy.
In this episode, I go deep into the importance of making decisions from a flow state.
Decisions feel hard when you are out of alignment because your ego is the one that is in charge.
On the other hand, when you are in alignment and you are in a flow state, it’s easy; you just have this knowing and it feels like it’s done.
Making decisions should be a simple yes or a simple no.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- Why it’s important to remove the drama from your decision-making process.
- Why decisions can be light and easy or hard and stressful.
- How to avoid complaining energy and what it really is.
- How to sit with your decisions so you can really see what’s causing you stress.
- What do you gain by agonizing over this decision?
- What is decision fatigue and how to avoid it?
- How the stress of not making a decision affects your body.
- Why smart entrepreneurs understand the importance of investing in their mindset so they can become more successful.
Shareable Quotes
- “You have all the knowing inside of you. It’s a matter of giving yourself permission to look at it.” – Emily Aarons
- “You are the most valuable asset in your business. Your business can’t run without you. So you need to take care of yourself and pause long enough to find where your ease is.” – Emily Aarons
- “If you are brought into the stress, it means you are not in the flow. So what is it telling you? Part of what it is telling you is that you’re not aligned with that thing.” – Emily Aarons
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Nov 12, 2019 | Podcast

Today I am speaking to Dr. Maggie Luther about the importance of getting to the root of entrepreneurial Health.
Dr. Maggie is a Naturopathic Doctor and Well-being coach, as well as a Herbalist and has been in the holistic and complementary health fields for nearly twenty years.
She helps women heal their fatigue, anxiety, depression, hormone imbalances, and gut issues at the REAL root cause by uncovering key imbalances in their mind-body-spirit.
We talk about entrepreneurial health and why it’s key to make it a priority because not taking care of your health not only will make you sick but it will also slow you down.
In this episode, you will discover why it’s dangerous to ignore what your body is telling you every day and how to start incorporating daily habits that will help you make your health a priority.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- Understanding the huge role that your health plays when growing your business.
- The real cost of working harder and why it actually slows you down.
- Why it is dangerous to ignore what your body is telling you.
- Why taking care of your health is something that needs to happen every day and not just when you are sick.
- Why, when you make your health a priority, you are adding more energy and focus on your business and life.
- How your upper limits show up when you feel stress and are out of alignment.
- Why you are not going as far as you want to go to your business if you forget to make your health a priority.
- Why your symptoms are telling you that you have an imbalance and why it’s so important to find the real root cause.
- Why as a female entrepreneur, you need to pay attention to your cycle and how to plan accordingly.
Shareable Quotes:
- “Everything that you are doing is either taking away from your health or adding to it. So if you work forever and you don’t take a break, that’s depleting your health.” – Maggie Luther
- “I think sometimes we want to grow our business so much that we forget that our body is actually helping us.” – Maggie Luther
- “If you are not devoting time to your health, you will run into a crisis.” – Maggie Luther.
- “There is a way for you to serve at your highest level and if you are not putting your health at the forefront, it’s going to be compromised.” – Emily Aarons
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Nov 5, 2019 | Podcast

Today my guest is Liz White and we have an amazing conversation about how to use self-awareness to stand in your power.
Liz White is the founder of Magnetic Coach, the internationally recognized certification program for women who want to make a full time income as a sought-after coach with certifications in NLP, Life & Success, EFT, and Hypnosis.
As a certified Trainer + Master Success Coach and Master NLP, EFT, TIME Techniques, and Hypnosis Practitioner, Liz loves to blend the spiritual with the practical, mindset work with strategic action taking, and bring the esoteric mainstream to anyone who is woo-curious.
She has helped thousands of entrepreneurs through her certifications to elevate and earn more, easily.
Liz shares her journey from graphic designer to certified Trainer + Master Success Coach.
In this episode, you will discover how to use self-awareness to stand in your power and why it’s so important to learn how to use your intuition to guide you.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- How Liz got started with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
- Why it’s important to understand that your conscious and your subconscious actually talk to each other.
- How to use NLP to program yourself for success.
- Why the things that you say to yourself in your own head affect your reality.
- Why, when something is not working in your business, you need to look at what’s not working in your life.
- How to identify a limiting belief.
- Why it’s so important to align with what you want.
- Why following your intuition nudges is key to receiving more.
Shareable Quotes
- “If I am telling myself something internally, my subconscious mind is never going to make me a liar, so whatever I am telling myself, I am going to see proof of.” – Liz White
- “I say a limiting belief is any story that you tell yourself of why you can’t be, do or have something and a lot of times this shows up in the comments that you say about other people.” – Liz White
- “When you are aligning with who it is you truly are and what it is you truly want for yourself and what you want to experience, then things that are not aligned with that are going to be removed from your life.” – Liz White
- “There is a steep learning curve when you become an entrepreneur; there is a totally different mindset, totally different belief system. Everything is just night and day different.” – Emily Aarons
- “The universe is not testing you, it’s reflecting you.” – Emily Aarons
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
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