Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast December 20

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast December 20

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast December 20

Episode 337


Happy December 20th!

You’re expanding and growing and NOW is the perfect time to focus on exactly what you want and what you want to be known for! (No pressure!)

December 20 Energy Forecast:


24. Upleveling: Breathe deeply into your expansion

If you’ve been feeling a little under the weather please trust that it’s simply your body’s response to your massive energetic shifts.

Congratulations on dreaming big, now get quiet and listen to what your body is trying to tell you! If you’re not listening, it will speak louder in the form of a cold, a stomach bug, or worse!

Breathe deeply into your expansion and smile knowing that you’re absolutely on the verge of something BIG!

10. Prioritize: Pick ONE thing

Have you been feeling overwhelmed recently? The angels are reminding you to pick the ONE thing that will move you closer to your big goal and only do that.

It’s also a good time to look at delegating tasks that are just keeping you busy. Simply focus on serving at your highest level and do the work to support that direction.

6. The Golden Arrow: Focus on a specific target

Set your sights on a specific target. If you don’t have a goal in mind, create one now. You can’t get upset that you didn’t find success when you never had a clear goal, to begin with. Allow your goals to be touched by the healing light of source energy. Everything you wish to achieve is blessed. Quit playing small; whatever is in your sights can and will be yours!

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Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast October 18

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast October 18

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast October 18

Episode 310

This week is asking you to get crystal clear on your goals because this is a stellar week to magnetize it to you!

October 18 Energy Forecast:


18. Gratitude: Give thanks for all you have

Give thanks to all that IS and all that is coming. If you’ve been complaining about lack, now is the time to shift that energy into gratitude. Did you know that gratitude and abundance are connected? One does not appear without the other.

Take a minute to write down 5 things you’re thankful for right now, 5 things you’re thankful for that are coming in the future and 5 things you’re grateful for from your past.

Practice connecting into your heart center at bedtime, and imagine you’re sending love and light out to all of those places. This practice is especially helpful during the launch period. For those who’ve already said YES to your offering and those who are about to.

6. The Golden Arrow: Focus on a specific target

Set your sights on a specific target. If you don’t have a goal in mind, create one now. You can’t get upset that you didn’t find success when you never had a clear goal, to begin with. Allow your goals to be touched by the healing light of source energy. Everything you wish to achieve is blessed. Quit playing small; whatever is in your sights can and will be yours!

16. Be the Magnet: Harness the power within you>

It’s time to harness the power you have within. Focus your attention and thoughts on exactly what you want. Give yourself permission to want whatever you want, even if it’s excessive; you deserve it! Release any thoughts of lack, what if, or worry to your angels.

To truly become the magnet you must feel unconditional love in your heart and allow it to expand within and all around you. A magnet never questions if it will attract another magnet, it just is. Who are you not to attract everything you desire?

Your feelings are the magnet, so whether you’re feeling good or feeling bad, the universe doesn’t care, it will always deliver that to you. Put on some dancing music or watch a funny cat video, get your VIBE high!

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Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 28

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 28

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 28

Episode 276

Oh haaaay it’s my birthday!

I’m excited to share the good juju of the energy forecast with you. It’s all about trusting how everything is coming together AND your angels want to remind you it’s safe to be YOU.

June 28 Energy Forecast:

31. On-fire!: Everything is working exactly as planned

You’re doing exactly what you should be doing and everything is working exactly as planned. If you have any tiny bits of doubt, please release them to your angels now. You’re fully in alignment and things are moving easily and effortlessly, don’t question it, just enjoy! All of your hard work is paying off!

37. Branding: You’re a unique snowflake!

Use your unique gifts in a way that comes naturally to you. Start to listen to how others describe you and hone in on your messaging. It may be time to hire an expert to solidify your brand colors, message, and who you serve. You’re on to BIG things and the first step is clearly identifying who you are, who you help, and what you stand for. If you already have a clear brand, it’s time for an upgrade! You’ve evolved so much from doing the deeper work, and now it’s time your branding catches up to you. Have fun!

6. The Golden Arrow: Focus on a specific target

Set your sights on a specific target. If you don’t have a goal in mind, create one now. You can’t get upset that you didn’t find success when you never had a clear goal, to begin with. Allow your goals to be touched by the healing light of source energy. Everything you wish to achieve is blessed. Quit playing small; whatever is in your sights can and will be yours!

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast May 17

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast May 17

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast May 17

Episode 264

Ok, it’s ALLLLL beginning to make sense! This month has been pushing us to get super focused and NOW we must rest to integrate!

Also, REST is not a swear word. If you’re an entrepreneur who’s on a mission to help more people, make more money, and create a big impact, then REST, my dear friend is a NON-NEGOTIABLE.

May 17 Energy Forecast:

12. Self-care: It’s time to take a break

You think you’re gonna hit that goal by overworking and hustling? NO. It’s time to take a break. Your angels don’t care if you brew a cup of tea, draw an Epsom salt bath, get a massage, or take a 10-day vacation…but you MUST STOP. The mantra for you right now is: “The more self-love I give, the more money I’ll make.” This is a non-negotiable! Do you get this card a lot? Think of it as a loving dope-slap from spirit. Take the hint before you get sick.

14. Visualize: See it. Be it.

Don’t phone it in! If you can’t visualize your best life ever, get someone to help prompt you. Who do you admire or look up to? What brands catch your eye? What celebrities do you follow? What you see in them is a reflection of what’s possible for you too. If you can see it, it’s already yours. Angels are standing by waiting to deliver all your heart’s desires right now and every day after. Be clear with what you want and know you’re worth it. Your mind wants to help you get it sooner than later, but don’t be impatient! The universe is conspiring to help you. What if that wish were coming true today? How would you act in response? Show gratitude for that vision already happening and for every single day that you’re aligning to it.

6. The Golden Arrow: Focus on a specific target

Set your sights on a specific target. If you don’t have a goal in mind, create one now. You can’t get upset that you didn’t find success when you never had a clear goal to begin with. Allow your goals to be touched by the healing light of source energy. Everything you wish to achieve is blessed. Quit playing small; whatever is in your sights can and will be yours!

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast January 18

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast January 18

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast January 18

I kind of love this week’s message about using your mindset and energy to manifest the things you desire! It feels like it’s getting us ready for a big year ahead!

January 18 Energy Forecast:

21. Manifestation: You are a manifesting machine

You’re literally a manifesting machine. Your thoughts are electric, and your body is magnetic. When your thoughts and feelings align, you can manifest instantly. Forget “realistic” or “timing”; you’re the one with the power. Today is the day to proclaim what you desire and by when. Release any stories around your wants and repeat this mantra: “The more I say yes to my desires, the more the Universe says yes to me.” Start small with a quarter, then a parking spot, then go wild; you deserve it!

10. Prioritize: Pick ONE thing

Have you been feeling overwhelmed recently? The angels are reminding you to pick the ONE thing that will move you closer to your big goal and only do that. It’s also a good time to look at delegating tasks that are just keeping you busy. Simply focus on serving at your highest level and do the work to support that direction.

6. The Golden Arrow: Focus on a specific target

Set your sights on a specific target. If you don’t have a goal in mind, create one now. You can’t get upset that you didn’t find success when you never had a clear goal to begin with. Allow your goals to be touched by the healing light of source energy. Everything you wish to achieve is blessed. Quit playing small; whatever is in your sights can and will be yours!

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