How To Make Crystal Grids And Make More Money

How To Make Crystal Grids And Make More Money

How To Make Crystal Grids And Make More Money

If you are wondering what the hell a crystal grid is and why you would want one? It’s simple.

If you are ready to work less and make more money – that’s why you would want to build a crystal grid.

Mic drop. ? ? ⬇

If you’re new to crystals this is a good episode for you. It’s also helpful if you’re more experienced with crystals but would like to know more about grids and how to use them for program launches, selling your digital products, and even one-on-one client work.

Programming your crystals to hold the energy of your business endeavors is a way to receive support and create a sacred container for the energy.


Not to mention, you can call in protection and safety for your offerings – who wouldn’t want that?

I walk you through how I program the crystals and give you real-life examples of the intentions you can use. If you have crystals handy, you can create a grid along with me as I’m explaining it. It’s a great way to create your first grid or supercharge your millionth one.

Feel free to share your grids on Instagram. Tag me @emilyaarons because I would love to see them.

If you think you’re making this up and pretending, this stuff works! That’s why it’s so important to use grids in your business when you’re ready to go to the next level.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • You can talk to crystals (they will talk back!).
  • There’s no one right way to make a crystal grid!
  • How to create a crystal grid for your launches or business.
  • My thoughts about purchasing crystals online.
  • Your grid is always receiving and channeling energy.
  • Grids can build your platform, engagement, and interest without you having to work hard.
  • How to add safety and security to your business or program.
  • Why you may want to skip selenite from your grid.
  • Can you move your crystal grid? Should you touch it once it’s complete.
  • How to seal in the energy of the grid.
Shareable Quotes:
  • “No one’s the boss of your crystal grid”. Emily Aarons
  • “A crystal grid is like baking cookies”. Emily Aarons
  • “We can program crystals with our intentions and our mind”. Emily Aarons
Resources to take you deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Why You Should Stop Saying I Can’t Afford It

Why You Should Stop Saying I Can’t Afford It

Why You Should Stop Saying I Can’t Afford It

Today, we are talking about why you should stop saying: “I Can’t afford it”.

I used to say that constantly until I realized that this was the thing that was keeping me stuck.

This is what I want you to understand when you continue to make decisions based on your current circumstances, for example, I don’t have enough time, I don’t have enough money.

You repeat them.

You basically put yourself back on the hamster wheel.

In this episode, you will learn Why You Should Stop Saying: “I Can’t afford it” so that you can avoid this vicious cycle and finally start to live your best life.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • Why You Should Stop Saying: “I Can’t afford it”.
  • Why, when you make decisions based on your current circumstances, you repeat them.x
  • How to take ownership of your money story so that you can live your best life.
  • The importance of learning how to use your feelings to make better decisions.
  • Understanding that there is always a way to make money when you are open to the possibilities.
  • Why if you want different results, you need to change your behavior and who you are being.
  • Why making money or not making money is a choice.
  • Why investing in yourself allows you to show up as your higher self.
Shareable Quotes:
  • “Triggers are your friends, they show you where the healing can be done. They show you where you need to look at so that you can fix the problem.” – Emily Aarons
  • “We have a choice to make money and a choice not to make money.” – Emily Aarons
  • “Abundance comes from inside. It doesn’t come from outside.” – Emily Aarons
Resources to take you deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Money Blocks Aren’t What’s Stopping You From the 10k Months You Desire

Money Blocks Aren’t What’s Stopping You From the 10k Months You Desire

Money Blocks Aren’t What’s Stopping You From the 10k Months You Desire

As a Business Alignment Coach, I’ve seen a thing or two about money blocks and goal setting. The most common goal I hear from people in my Align and Activate Mastermind and in my membership group is that a majority of you want to make $10k in profit per month – but it keeps alluding you.

It’s a great goal but so many get stuck with what they THINK are money blocks.

But as I’m sitting here looking over applications for the mastermind, I’m seeing a pattern.

And for those of you who know me, whenever I see a pattern I can’t help but jump on Facebook or Instagram to share some information that I KNOW will help you.

This podcast was originally recorded as a Facebook Live but it was too juicy not to share.

It takes more than just clearing your money blocks to actually shift the core beliefs, the childhood trauma, all the stuff we’ve been going through to have that dramatic and drastic shift.

Take a listen and see if THIS is what is preventing you from reaching your 10k months and what you can do instead.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • The stories we tell ourselves around financial abundance can keep us stuck!
  • Whatever the crazy big goal, it’s not only a money block that’s stopping you from achieving it.
  • The questions to ask yourself to figure out what’s underneath the money blocks.
  • There’s a knowing inside of you.
  • The key is NOT working harder.
  • The answer is NOT pricing yourself according to what your competitors are charging.
  • When you get triggered is where the healing begins (make sure to listen to this part!)
  • Imposter syndrome??‍♀️
  • Your container may be too small.
  • If you’re trying to do it alone, believing the same old stories that are keeping you broke and not looking at your old traumas – it’s probably not going to work.
  • Everyone is holding a container of who you are too.
Shareable Quotes:
  • “Is there a worth fairy? No! Worthiness comes from inside.” Emily Aarons
  • “You are the maker of the money. You decide when you want to make money.” Emily Aarons
  • “The more money I have, the more good I can do in the world.” Emily Aarons
  • “You need to start doing things differently if you want things to change.” Emily Aarons
  • “You are not separate from your business.” Emily Aarons
Resources to take you deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

How To Avoid Spiritual Bypassing

How To Avoid Spiritual Bypassing

How To Avoid Spiritual Bypassing

Today, we are talking about how to avoid spiritual bypassing so you can learn how to deal with difficult emotions.

I believe 2020 has been a year that has really forced our shadow stuff up and out of the shadows to be seen, heard, and healed.

We have been taught that when feeling negative emotions it is best to change our attention, shift it, and move it to something else.

The problem with this is that we are humans and something I have learned personally the hard way is the danger of ignoring my feelings. When things aren’t going really well in your life or in your business and instead of looking at it, you sweep it under the rug, you compartmentalize and you don’t face it.

In this episode, you will learn how to avoid spiritual bypassing and become a better human by acknowledging the importance of identifying your emotions and use them as an invitation to heal.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • What happens when you don’t deal with your emotions and ignore your feelings.
  • Why it’s so important to slow down and learn how to identify your feelings.
  • Why asking for help is not a sign of weakness.
  • How to train yourself to slow down and observe what you are feeling in your body
  • Why moving your body allows you to heal.
  • Why resting and nourishing your body is crucial for your body to heal.
  • How to let your emotions out and cry if you need to.
  • Understanding how being surrounded by people who can hold space for you is part of the healing process.
Shareable Quotes:
  • “Healing is an evolution. We are always learning. We are always growing.” – Emily Aarons
  • “Sometimes we just need that extra bit of permission to just feel whatever we’re feeling and not dismiss it.” – Emily Aarons
  • “So why would we come in a human form if we’re not going to feel human feelings?” – Emily Aarons
Resources to take you deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

UNguarding Your Heart – Inside an Energy Healing Session With Emily Aarons

UNguarding Your Heart – Inside an Energy Healing Session With Emily Aarons

UNguarding Your Heart – Inside an Energy Healing Session With Emily Aarons

This is a personal energy healing session with me that wasn’t recorded with the intention of sharing it. After it was recorded, it felt so significant that I got special permission to share it.

I think it will benefit many of you. Not just by listening, but also by experiencing the heart chakra clearing right alongside my client (we’ve kept her name confidential).

This energy healing session is RELATABLE because so many of my one-on-one clients think they don’t have clarity for their business. Spoiler alert – it often turns out to be something else.

You can be stuck, but not for the reasons you think. That’s where having a session with an energy healer can be invaluable.

I know this client is NOT the only one feeling she is pushing a boulder up a hill and having the feeling like it never gets to the other side.

This podcast episode is for all of you who:

  • Feel like you have disconnected from your path.
  • Feel like you have reached a plateau and are stuck.
  • Are trying to juggle family life and your needs often fall to the back burner.

And so much more!

While I don’t want to advertise single sessions with me, I do want to encourage you to join the Mastermind Program because that’s the only way other than individual coaching that I offer.

Take a listen to this powerful episode, unlike anything I’ve ever shared. It feels needed and I hope you enjoy it.

You can let me know how you relate to this energy healing in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • “Who am I after becoming a mom?” The mom guilt and how to look at that differently.
  • Fear of not being good enough and fear of failure. The questions to ask to help you feel safe.
  • Asking “Is this what I truly want?” and being honest about it.
  • How to get over the hump (It’s possible!).
  • Why you need to reprogram your mind when it’s manifesting things you don’t want.
  • Truth: You have infinite possibilities.
  • The need to reset the mindset around manifestation and money.

Shareable Quotes:


  • “I’m not taking advice from someone who doesn’t do what I do”. Emily Aarons.
  • “If you’re having trouble making deep, honest connections, it’s because it’s guarded”. Emily Aarons.
  • “You are that person you’ve been waiting for”. Emily Aarons.
  • “Let go of the baggage. Let it go”. Emily Aarons.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!