Inspired To Start A Membership? 12 Things You Need To Know Before Getting Started

Inspired To Start A Membership? 12 Things You Need To Know Before Getting Started

Inspired To Start A Membership? 12 Things You Need To Know Before Getting Started

It’s great to think about creating a recurring revenue stream and sharing your work on a larger scale.

As some of you know, my Mastery & Ascension membership started with a 6-week “Intro to Meditation” class for 10 people and now has over 700 members!

It’s grown into an online space and virtual community that I am so proud of. Not only that, but I truly feel I’m able to utilize my gifts in a meaningful way and I bet many of you are craving that too.

I know you have gifts to share and want to reach more people and this episode can help to do that.

I’m giving you the backstory of building a membership and why it DOES NOT have to be perfect. Then I share 12 thought-provoking, core-value questions to help you launch, or fine-tune, your membership with the best results.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [03:05] How I FINALLY decided to take advice from spirit.
  • [07:26] The mindset work, the inner healing work, and getting prepared was A LOT.
  • [09:17] The best place to start! I’ll help you.
  • [09:17] One-size-fits-YOU business model is key!
  • [12:04] What 12 questions you’ll want to be able to answer BEFORE you start! (Grab a pen & paper ?)
  • [21:27] Cancellation notices, how to be emotionally prepared.
  • [29:42] Why you need to be a Myth Buster!

Action steps to Align your Biz:

Ask yourself the 12 questions from this podcast, you can find them in this handy guide. These questions will help you figure out what problem you are solving and how your membership can help your soul mate clients! Tag me in your stories on IG @emilyaarons and let me know how it goes!

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

The Empowering Mindset To Adopt As A Woman To Harness Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

The Empowering Mindset To Adopt As A Woman To Harness Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

The Empowering Mindset To Adopt As A Woman To Harness Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

I know my listeners and I know that YOU are putting yourself out there and opening yourselves up to soul growth… all because you believe you can help others.

You are passionate about healing and helping others and you can feel them suffering out there because they need what you have to offer and you aren’t sure how to get it to them.

It might not be perfect. You may not be able to wrap it up in a neat and tidy package, but it’s time to embrace a fully empowered mindset and take action.

This episode will help you adopt an empowered mindset so you can 10x your entrepreneurial spirit while you stay connected to your passion and purpose.

You may not fully know what that purpose is yet or you may know exactly what it is.

Either way, I know you’re here to help and people out there need you. You just need to connect the dots from you to them. This podcast episode is here to help you do that!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [2:06] Are you keeping your work locked up hostage inside you when there’s someone it can help?
  • [2:16] You have no idea how your words and energy can impact another person.
  • [3:15] They’ll continue suffering until you get the courage to get yourself out there.
  • [3:15] Even if it’s not perfect, it’s going to help someone.
  • [4:26] The mindset that I want you to adopt (think energy + words!)
  • [5:16] The steps to help you take ACTION.
  • [5:27] We’re all entrepreneurs in spirit, but that doesn’t make it easy.
  • [6:47] How to trust what needs to be shared.
  • [7.01] It used to be me. I just sat there in silence because I didn’t know how to share my message.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Start to put yourself out there! Try calming your mind, taking a deep breath, and using your resources (such as your oracle cards, your crystals, whatever feels right to support you taking a step). Then TRUST that it’s the right one and take an action toward your goals!

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Why the Solution for Manifestation Is Inside Us With Rassy Young

Why the Solution for Manifestation Is Inside Us With Rassy Young

Why The Solution For Manifestation Is Inside Us With Rassy Young

As a self-proclaimed former “people pleaser”, Rassy Young lost everything she was clinging to. Her family disowned her, her marriage ended and she was even expelled from her church!
Instead of giving up her passion, she chose to reevaluate her life, take charge and write her own story.

We’re talking manifestation, sharing your truth, and stepping into your power.

I really love this conversation because we’re real about how manifestation is simple, but not easy. The solution is inside us but it takes inner work to pull it off.

Both Rassy and I are living proof that you can embrace discomfort and become the conscious co-creator of your life.

This is for YOU. We’re giving actionable steps to show you how to know you’re good at something even when you’re not feeling confident about it and how only the sky is the limit from there.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [00:02:34] Rassy’s hard-hitting truth about giving away her power constantly because she lacked confidence.
  • [00:07:12] The thing that people get wrong about spirituality is that it’s all love and light and that’s such B.S.
  • [00:08:42] The power of questioning everything.
  • [11:46] We’ve got to get control of that other voice that’s in there.
  • [27:04] “I feel sick when I think about how much I was begging people to buy what it is I’m really great at”. Rassy shares vulnerably.
  • [00:33:30] How YOU can build your confidence.
  • [00:35:43] A honest discussion about the freeing power of refunds!
  • [00:42:42] Manifestation is not EASY, but it can be simple when you understand these fundamentals.
  • [00:48:07] Our past feeds our present. We’re “planting” for the future.
Resources to take you deeper:

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Share one truth a day. After listening to this episode, you KNOW that both Rassy and I stepped outside of our comfort zones and continue to do so. We’re always a “work in progress”, but it’s changed our life by owning our story, sharing our opinions, and building our confidence along the way. Rassy is challenging you this week to “tell one truth every single day to someone, to a group of someones and start getting bolder in your truth”. Give it a try!

About Rassy

Rassy’s journey of self-discovery brought the realization that she had been following the path others had laid out for her. She dug and sifted through all of the programming and conditioning to uncover who she really was… an amazing woman with a fulfilling purpose! Now Rassy helps others gain the confidence to excavate their true selves, choose their soul purpose, and show them how to Make Happy Happen!

You can find her here:

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

How Inner Child Healing Helps You Make Money in Your Business

How Inner Child Healing Helps You Make Money in Your Business

How Inner Child Healing Helps You Make Money in Your Business

What I’ve discovered over the years, is that there is such P-O-W-E-R ? in healing our inner child.

This is the part of us who learned “truths” in our childhood – truths that may no longer be true (hint: they’re usually not ?).

And when you are ready to soar and make six-figures, it’s the part of us who invisibly creates limits as a means to keep us safe.

That safety can block us and this episode is about how to explore this and bring the awareness that can lead to those big breakthroughs.

Sitting for small periods in discomfort can create room for your upleveling miracles!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [2:35] Step into speaking your truth!
  • [3.35] Why the “lower case t” trauma shouldn’t be neglected.
  • [5.58] We all have things in our energy field that can stop us from progressing.
  • [8.35] Overworking and being underpaid is a symptom of Inner Child Healing.
  • [10:08] Doing this work is very deep, it’s very powerful and it’s hard.
  • [12.25] The benefit is that you get to be an active participant in your healing journey.
  • [15.50] Are you numbing to keep from doing the energy healing work to get to the next level?
  • [16.17] Being an entrepreneur is also traumatic! If it was so easy everyone would be doing it and making a gazillion dollars.
  • [21.20] From that healed place, you can show up authentically (and help others heal).

Action Steps to Align Your Biz:

Try the Inner Child Healing Master class in the Mastery & Ascension membership! If you don’t try it in my membership, still get support! Find someone who is trained with Inner Child healing. Inner child work has a direct impact on your businesses’ bottom line!

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Actionable Steps to Heal the “I Can’t Afford It” Mindset (Part 2)

Actionable Steps to Heal the “I Can’t Afford It” Mindset (Part 2)

Actionable Steps to Heal the “I Can’t Afford It” Mindset (Part 2)

If you had all the money in the world, “What would you like to invest in?”

This question is part of a 2-part series. (If you haven’t heard part 1, it’s the foundation for this conversation and you can find it here).

We’ve been exploring the “I can’t afford it mindset”. Why we say it, where it comes from, and how to say something more empowering (even if you’re staring at an empty bank account?).

Now it’s time to take it even deeper. Really get in there and create the shifts to help you change this.

It can actually be easy to attract money and get what you want… BUT it requires letting go of certain beliefs. That’s the hard part.

In this episode, we’re diving deep to explore money as a relationship and pinpoint the meaning we’ve assigned to it.

Because money ?, money ?, money ? is a good thing!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • “You’re not spiritual if you’re charging for this”… Is it true?
  • What to do if money is literally not in your bank account.
  • How to take back your power through choice.
  • How to LOVE money.
  • If Dad guilt isn’t real then Mom guilt isn’t either.
  • Don’t take advice from someone who hasn’t done what you’re doing.
  • Consider that you are the co-creator of your life and go make it happen!

Action Steps to Align Your Biz:

    1. Journal prompt: Instead of writing “I want”, try “I’m so fortunate now that I have______ {fill in the thing you want}”. Write it in the present tense, because if it’s in the present tense, then it changes your outlook and it shifts to your reality.
    2. When you stop saying “I can’t afford it” begin to think about what you want to afford. Think about it and write it down. Then think of actions you can take to get it. What can you do to make it happen?

Take a screenshot and tag me in your IG stories with your “Heck yes!” moments or your action steps @emilyaarons. I love to see them!


About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!