TBT Why Asking For Help Is So Difficult

TBT Why Asking For Help Is So Difficult

TBT Why Asking For Help Is So Difficult

In today’s Throwback Thursday episode, we revisit Episode #72 where Emily talks about why asking for help is so difficult.

In this episode you will discover why asking for help is a strength: in fact, it is a necessary strength that you need to cultivate if you want to succeed.

Emily opens up about the lessons that she has learned about giving and receiving. She also shares why it is easier to give help than to ask for help.

For Emily, asking for help means that she needs someone else, which sometimes makes her feel unsafe

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • 7 different ways to make it easier to receive help and to ask for help.
  • Asking for help is a form of allowing in more of what I want, and it’s a form of receiving abundance.
  • Denying gifts is saying NO to the universe.
  • If you are having trouble asking for help, know that you are denying others the joy of being of service or gift-giving.
  • Shut up and say thank you (even if it’s a compliment).
  • Resist the urge to pay by sitting on your hands.
  • I deserve all of this and more just by being me.
  • Tell your friends that you are practicing receiving and letting go of the old stories so they can help you.
Shareable Quotes:
  • “For all of you who think I live on a lotus flower, I hope I can break that bubble because I really don’t.” – Emily Aarons
  • “When you don’t ask to receive help, you are blocking abundance.” – Emily Aarons

Resources to Take You Deeper:


  • Episode #64: Feeling Enough


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About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

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Creating A Better Relationship With Time And Living On Purpose with Tanya Dalton

Creating A Better Relationship With Time And Living On Purpose with Tanya Dalton

Creating A Better Relationship With Time And Living On Purpose with Tanya Dalton

If you’re ready to have a fuller life just by using your time more intentionally – I have just the guest for you!

Tanya Dalton, Author of “The Joy of Missing Out” and her new book “On Purpose”, is here to discuss goal setting, time management, and how to create a profitable business without draining yourself in the process.

We often want to say, “I don’t have time for that!” but Tanya is going to challenge that notion and ask you to consider choosing how you spend your time and making it count.

Creating a better relationship with time is the key to working less and getting better results.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [4.25] How “JOMO” helped me secure a shorter workday.
  • [7.49] Surrendering and allowing in your life and business.
  • [8.08] The epiphany that goals are the vehicle to get us to the life we want.
  • [11.10] We are not victims of time, we are in charge of our time.
  • [14.01] How distractions can actually be nurturing for your soul.
  • [16.42] Scheduling in JOY.
  • [24.10] Choosing what your brain filters for – a game changer!
  • [35.54] What to do when you feel like you’re off your path.
  • [44.25] The biggest mistake a lot of newer entrepreneurs make.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


I hope this episode has inspired you to reconsider your relationship with time. How you use it, how much you have, and how you can be intentional with it. What will you do now with this insight? Now go implement it!

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

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About Tanya

Tanya Dalton
is a best-selling author, speaker, and nationally recognized productivity expert. Tanya serves as a growth strategist for female leaders. Her highly anticipated second book, On Purpose: The Busy Woman’s Guide to an Extraordinary Life of Meaning and Success, will be on sale wherever books are sold on October 26, 2021. In addition to having her first book, The Joy of Missing Out, being named one of the Top 10 Business Books of the year by Fortune Magazine.

You can find her here:

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TBT How to Uncover Your Soul’s Purpose

TBT How to Uncover Your Soul’s Purpose

TBT How to Uncover Your Soul’s Purpose

We are back for another Throwback Thursday episode where you will discover the 5-step process that Emily teaches her clients when they are looking for help and guidance around how to find their purpose and passion in life.

In this episode, Emily goes deep into the importance of understanding what your soul’s purpose in life really is and what to do to find it.

Even though sometimes you might think that you are losing your purpose, the truth is that you are always on the right path.

You are actually living your purpose just by being alive, by waking up every day.

Always remember that the only way to make sure you are living your best life is to take care of the vehicle that your soul is inside of, meaning your physical body.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Step #1
    You are probably already doing it. Take a look at your life and you will find clues that will show you that are already living your purpose.
  • Step #2
    Go back in time and look at your life path. Observe your past and the things that have always brought you joy and that you have been doing all your life.
  • Step #3
    Wake up and know that you are going it right. You are always on the right path.
  • Step #4
    Allow yourself to feel into what lights you up.
  • Step #5
    Find it, you need to take responsibility and find your purpose and go after it because no one is going to give it to you.
  • Bonus Step #6
    Ask your friends what they think you are the best at. Many times they know you better than you know yourself.
Shareable Quotes:
  • “So we tell ourselves: I’m not on my life path. I don’t know if I’m losing my purpose right now. But if you woke up and you’re alive right now, you are living your purpose. Your path might not look like a million dollars in the bank, but you’re living your purpose. You’re literally alive, living your purpose.” – Emily Aarons
  • “If you’re not outside in nature, you’re not moving your body, you’re not eating foods that nourish your body, then, of course, you’re not going to feel passionate. Of course, you’re not going to feel you’re living your purpose because your body is literally numb.” – Emily Aarons
  • “If you want to make sure you’re living your best life, you also need to take care of the vehicle that your soul is inside. Meaning your physical body, it’s literally a temple.” – Emily Aarons

Resources to Take You Deeper:



Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

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About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

How To Choose The Right Strategy For YOU As A Spiritual Entrepreneur

How To Choose The Right Strategy For YOU As A Spiritual Entrepreneur

How To Choose the Right Strategy For YOU As A Spiritual Entrepreneur

She’s baaack! Kim Woods is back as my guest to talk about marketing as a Spiritual Entrepreneur. We talk about how marketing can be impacted by the planets, our cycles as women, AND the need to be relentless to make stuff happen in your biz.

Kim has been a guest on my podcast many times, she comes annually to talk about the year ahead astrological forecast, and I always hear listeners saying how invaluable her insight is.

But what I love most about Kim is that she can be esoteric, talk all about crystals, and yet she’s still really grounded.

I promise you will come away with something new to think about, or a new way of looking at your current situation – she never disappoints!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [3.10] One reason your great course or products don’t sell.
  • [5.45] The shame spiral you want to avoid!
  • [8.24] Relentlessness in your business combined with passion (Magic combo!).
  • [11.55] How a warm or cold audience affects your marketing.
  • [13.24] The importance of your “receiving channel” being open.
  • [15.58] The power of video in your business strategy.
  • [19.38] Debriefs and how they help you improve for next time.
  • [20.10] How the astrological cycles affect your marketing.
  • [23.10] The action you’ll want to take this year – don’t wait!
  • [30.17] Don’t let things happen TO you, how to feel empowered instead.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Plant your “pillars” now before the new year. According to Kim, having a strong foundation going into the next year will pay off and be much easier to do. Make sure to listen to the podcast and then take your inspired action steps!

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

About Kim

Kim Woods is a Spiritual Leader and Transformation Expert who combines her powerful intuitive gifts with 30+ years of business experience through her revolutionary True KLT ™ Process. She shows women that when they like and trust themselves, they make better decisions and attract their soul mate clients.

You can find her here:

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