by emilyaarons | Feb 11, 2020 | Podcast

Episode 123
Today I am speaking to Nick Demos about what does following your inner guidance looks like.
Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award-winning producer (MEMPHIS, COME FROM AWAY), award-winning filmmaker (POLICY OF TRUTH) and writer.
His current projects include documentaries on body image in the LGBTQ community (THE BODY ELECTRIC) and the chronic pain syndrome, Fibromyalgia (INVISIBLE); and a book about living in a creative flow.
Nick has been teaching yoga, pranayama (breathwork), meditation and creativity for over a decade and he helps soul-centered entrepreneurs authentically utilize stories to ascend their personal brands.
In this episode, you will discover how Nick has been able to live the life of his dreams by tapping into his creativity and intuition and learning to listen to his inner self.
This is the perfect episode for you if you have ever wondered what does following your inner guidance looks like.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- How Nick got started as a professional back dancer for Aretha Franklin when he was 16.
- How Nick ended up running a multimillion-dollar company when he was 28.
- How after 8 years Nick decided he needed to quit his job.
- How sometimes you outgrow the container that you built around you and why it’s important to step out.
- Why, when you are looking for things outside of yourself, it’s important to look inside too.
- How Nick left a stable job to start a new production company.
- The challenges Nick faced trying to survive as a freelance artist wanting to produce a show on Broadway during the time of the crash in 2008.
- How to persevere and find your driving force when fears come up.
- Why Nick was not happy when he won the Tony for Best Musical.
- Why Nick continued to search within and why he needed to remind himself of how he got started.
- Why Nick decided to stretch himself as an artist.
- How Nick decided he wanted to bridge his worlds together, the theater world and the creativity retreats and classes.
- How having an online business can open up an entire world of possibilities.
- Why there is a story component to your personal brand.
- Why personal brands often make the mistake to make themselves the hero.
- Why the best way to get into alignment is to go back to what you loved as a kid.
- Why it’s important to catch the moment when you are feeling sorry for yourself so you can switch your attention to something else.
Shareable Quotes:
- “I wanted to expand my artist. I wanted to expand my beingness. And I knew that the container that I had built, I had outgrown. I helped build this container, but I needed to step out of it.” – Nick Demos
- “I don’t know if the online space found me or I found the online space.” – Nick Demos
- “For the vast majority of us, we are not in alignment because we’re in drama. We’re in pain. We’re in anxiety. We’re in a depression. We need to go within, we need to go back to that love that you had as a kid. That’s the secret missing ingredient; we need to go back to where that love originated. That love is our bliss, that is our alignment. That is our sole purpose, that’s our truth.” – Emily Aarons
- “I started my online business three years ago, which is nothing, but in the online world, I’ve been through a shit ton.” – Emily Aarons

Resources to Take You Deeper:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Feb 4, 2020 | Podcast

Episode 120
Today, you will discover the 5-step process that I teach my clients when they are looking for help and guidance around how to find your purpose and passion in life.
In this episode, I go deep into the importance of understanding what your soul purpose in life really is and what to do I find it.
Even though sometimes you might think that you are loosing your purpose, the truth is that you are always on the right path.
You are actually living your purpose just by being alive, by waking up every day.
Always remember that the only way to make sure you are living your best life is to take care of the vehicle that your soul is inside of, meaning your physical body.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- Step #1
You are probably already doing it. Take a look at your life and you will find clues that will show you that are already living your purpose.
- Step #2
Go back in time and look at your life path. Observe your past and the things that have always brought you joy and that you have been doing all your life.
- Step #3
Wake up and know that you are going it right. You are always on the right path.
- Step #4
Allow yourself to feel into what lights you up.
- Step #5
Find it, you need to take responsibility and find your purpose and go after it because no one is going to give it to you.
- Bonus Step #6
Ask your friends what they think you are the best at. Many times they know you better than you know yourself.
Shareable Quotes:
- “So we tell ourselves: I’m not on my life path. I don’t know if I’m losing my purpose right now. But if you woke up and you’re alive right now, you are living your purpose. Your path might not look like a million dollars in the bank, but you’re living your purpose. You’re literally alive, living your purpose.” – Emily Aarons
- “If you’re not outside in nature, you’re not moving your body, you’re not eating foods that nourish your body, then, of course, you’re not going to feel passionate. Of course, you’re not going to feel you’re living your purpose because your body is literally numb.” – Emily Aarons
- “If you want to make sure you’re living your best life, you also need to take care of the vehicle that your soul is inside. Meaning your physical body, it’s literally a temple.” – Emily Aarons

Resources to Take You Deeper:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Nov 13, 2019 | Blog
The truth is that I struggled for years not knowing my worth. It wasn’t that I thought my energy work wasn’t good, on the contrary…
I saw miracles happen on the regular!
When I started my healing business in a brick-n-mortar, I priced myself based on the “industry standard” and whatever the neighbors were charging. (Mistake #1, and abundance block)
Then, I gave discounts for new clients to let them “try” my work to see if we were a good fit! (Mistake #2, and abundance block)
Finally, (and really this is where I blocked my abundance the MOST, Mistake #3) I kept my prices the exact same for over a decade…a D E C A D E!!!!
I know you may be nodding along, because you’ve blocked yourself from abundance in the past too…or maybe you’re STILL doing one or all of these currently.
I have GREAT NEWS for you!
I’ve compiled a short list of the 5 most common abundance blocks and I’d like to guide you through identifying them and CLEARING THEM so you can finally know your worth!
Once you know your worth you can easily:
- Raise your rates
- Attract incredible soulmate clients
- Create new “high ticket” offerings
- Have HUGE financial breakthroughs
- Stop discounting yourself
- Stop giving your stuff away free
- Stop feeling “bad” about taking money
It’s no coincidence that the moment I gave myself permission to BE WORTHY (<– that’s my secret) to serve at my highest level and increase my prices everything began to shift.
No one waved a magic wand at my face to let me know that I was finally worthy!
I started creating an ascension model so no matter where people where on their path, I had something to help them!
I stopped feeling bad, and realized I was helping MORE PEOPLE and it felt soooo good…and I’d love to help you too.
If this is resonating, trust your gut instinct and join me during ABUNDANCE WEEK…CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!
Direct link:
Hey, one last thing…COMMENT BELOW and let me know which “MISTAKE” you’re making right now, 1, 2, or 3!
Sending you a big squishy hug,
PS- If you love the idea of combining the left-brained “strategic” and the right-brained “intuition” I’ll be re-opening Business Made Simple very soon.
Business Made Simple isn’t another course, it’s an experience that will teach you how to trust your intuition and take aligned action towards manifesting the business and the life you LOVE. GET ON THE WAITLIST!
by emilyaarons | Aug 22, 2019 | Podcast

Where are you on your journey in your business? Are those “perfect strategies” that have worked so amazingly well for others working for you? In this episode, Emily shares how to take those “perfect” strategies and make them perfect for YOU.
We all know there is no shortage of amazing strategies out there for you to grow your business, but the reason why something that has worked for someone else may not work for you is because it isn’t in alignment with you, or may not “feel” right.
Strategies and tactics are the map. Dialing into your “inner compass” (your intuition and inner knowing) is your super power and will get you further faster, with better results. Without a compass you don’t know where to go. That is what you want to tap into, so your inner compass can serve as your guide.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- Listen to the signs your body gives you, for instance: if your body tightens or feels “off”, those are signs that you aren’t in alignment.
- If you are looking for permission to drop all of the stuff you’re taking on and do it the way YOU want to do it here it is!
- There are NO RULES. There is no one size fits all.
- ASK YOURSELF – What would make it work for me? How can I feel good doing it?
- Look at the strategies you’re learning about or implementing and see what components are feeling heavy or need a shakeup. Then you can add your own flavor on it.
- When fear does comes up, remember there is a fine line between being nervous about something and fear pulling you back.
3 Key Points:
- Why following what others do, and what is working for them, isn’t always your best option.
- How dialing into your inner compass is key
- We are the co-creators of our lives; do what feels right for YOU
Tweetable Quotes:
- “Do what feels right TO YOU what feels light, easy and fun!” – Emily Aarons
- “Detach from the outcome and have FUN!” – Emily Aarons
- “Give yourself permission to not play by the rules. There is no right or wrong way, only YOUR way.” – Emily Aarons
- “Your inner compass will take you further faster with better results” – Emily Aarons
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Aug 20, 2019 | Podcast

In this episode Jill and Emily jam on what it’s like to have ease and alignment after feelings of breakdown. Jill gives the listeners her process to ask themselves “what do I REALLY want” and how can I allow that in? We find it’s in the white space where all the answers reveal themselves.
Jill Stanton is the co-founder of Screw The Nine To Five—her and her husband, Josh’s slice of the internet where they help transform unsatisfied employees into dangerously-successful entrepreneurs so they can work whenever they want from wherever they want!
She’s a new mom, has an inappropriate love for trashy tv and isn’t afraid of a tall glass of gin.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- Staying on mission and maintaining your personal alignment
- Processing changes in your life and bringing them into your life
- Getting rid of your “maybes” and deciding for yourself to give in to your intuition
- Understanding that you must be open and surrendering to your inner knowing
- Creating something new that you can put your heart and soul into
- Example of a conference where you allow time to clear your mind
- Listening to audiobooks and considering how to understand what you listen to
- How to be gentle on yourself and your spouse when it comes to emotional turmoil
- Having different routines to make you feel better about yourself and your life
3 Key Points:
- Make sure to constantly check and decide on a mission that you believe in.
- You must always be open and decide to clear your mind in order to have a better life.
- You must be gentle with yourself and understand that you are only human; you can only do so much.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “When you are in that alignment, you can do all you want.” – Jill Stanton
- “Allowing your dreams to grow with no fear is essential.” – Emily Aarons
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
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