How To Use The Akashic Records In Your Business (crazy stories that nobody talks about)

How To Use The Akashic Records In Your Business (crazy stories that nobody talks about)

How To Use The Akashic Records In Your Business (crazy stories that nobody talks about)

In this episode, I dive deep into how to use the Akashic Records in your business, how it can help you to open up to new possibilities and I also share the crazy success and healing stories that nobody talks about.

I started to use the Akashic Records every day because I started to notice how it allowed me to access and tap into higher levels of intuition and I noticed that the more I used my intuition the better results that I would get for myself and my clients.

I am excited to go deeper into this topic because learning how to read the Akashic Records can help you get information and insights that you wouldn’t normally have access to and completely shift your business.

If you’ve had those negative voices in your head, I want you to know that you are not alone.

My goal today is for you to learn how to use the Akashic Records in your business so that you can finally take your business to the next level.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • What are the Akashic Records and how to use them in your business and life.
  • The benefits of accessing your soul book to learn about yourself at a deeper level.
  • How the Akashic Records can help you think differently about your relationships.
  • How going into the Akashic Records every day can help you tap into higher levels of intuition.
  • Understanding that we all have different experiences when reading the Akashic Records.
  • How to receive information from the Akashic Records.
  • Why every time you read your Akashic records you are going to have a different experience.
  • How the Akashic Records can help you get information and insights that you wouldn’t normally have access to.
  • Examples of questions that you can ask to learn How to use the Akashic records to shift your business.

Resources to take you deeper:

Shareable Quotes

  • “Accessing your soul book information allows you to learn about yourself and experience deeper levels of healing.” – Emily Aarons
  • “Divine timing allows you to get the information you need at the time you really need it.” – Emily Aarons
  • “The reason why I was so motivated to go into my Akashic Records every day was because every time I went in, I felt that I was able to access and tap higher levels of intuition.” – Emily Aarons

About Jodie

Jodie King is an artist, an instructor, a speaker, a kitchen dancer… She feels her mission is to bring beauty to the world through her art and she helps others excavate their authentic power and joy through the use of art and creativity.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Get Aligned… for UNDER $50!

Get Aligned… for UNDER $50!


How far can $50 take you nowadays? Have you ever wondered if you can receive help and inspiration for getting into alignment for $50? The answer is… YOU CAN, and there are so many ways!!!


One thing I’ve learned about myself is that I LOVE to help entrepreneurs with ALIGNMENT


What IS alignment?


? EaseJoy
? Financial abundance
? Awesome energy, health, vitality
? Being able to manifest what you want
? More of the “right” customers
? Being able to rest knowing you’re still attracting all the goodies!


You may not know this, but there are tons of ways you and I can work together, and it doesn’t have to break the bank!


Here’s a list of 8 ways you can get into alignment with me for UNDER $50!

1. *NEW* Journey Into Your Akashic Records + Soul Book Workshop ($47) 

In this workshop, I break down what the Akashic Records are, how you access them and why you’d want to, plus tons of FAQ’s around discovering your soul’s purpose, life path, karma, and so much more. I’ve also included a separate meditation you can download and practice with as much as you like without having to fast-forward through the class.

2. Mastery & Ascension All-Access Membership ($44/month)

This membership features on-demand, energy-infused meditations to tap into your intuition and grow your business. Along with that is an amazing, supportive, kick-ass entrepreneurial group of women cheering you on and offering feedback for each other!


3. Angels In Your Biz Oracle Card Deck ($27 + S&H)

My energy-infused oracle deck is the easiest and quickest way to get out of overthinking and overwhelm and into your heart and into your highest alignment. These cards always deliver insight and wisdom for you to live your best life!

*Free with Annual All-Access Mastery & Ascension Membership! 

4. Aligned & Unstoppable Journal ($24 + S&H)

The companion journal to the AIYB oracle cards! Each day you can pull your cards, write what you’re grateful for, and any other messages that come up, to hold your vibration all day long! It’s made with high-quality paper and it’s easy to pack with you anywhere you go!

5. Mastery & Ascension STARTER Membership ($11/month)

The STARTER membership is a great way to gain access to my special monthly forecast at a fraction of the cost of the All-access membership. You’ll get the channeled energy forecast, PDF workbook, and current monthly meditation by the 5th of every month.

6. Intro To Crystals Workshop (EXCLUSIVE email subscriber special $7!!)

If you’re brand new to crystals, this workshop is for you! I explain how to clear crystals, work with them, gain powerful messages, create a grid, and more! It’s super easy to follow and I make plenty of recommendations to get you started on your path to loving these incredible stones as much as I do.

*Free inside Mastery & Ascension All-Access Membership


7. Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast (FREE!)

If you’re an entrepreneur and love to learn about business and spirituality or “woo”, this is the place to be! I love creating episodes about abundance, manifestation, business growth, and more. Make sure you subscribe!


8. Intuition Week (FREE!)

Back again by popular demand…Save the date for September 21-25!


I sincerely hope this list is useful to you!

Of course, I love providing cost-effective ways to work together and get you aligned to your BEST life!


Ep 45: Exploring Claircognizance with Silke Tyler


In our 45th episode of the Aligned & Unstoppable podcast, Emily speaks with her friend Silke Tyler. She is an enlightened thinker, spiritual teacher, hypnotherapist, and artist.

Claircognizance is one of the four basic intuitive senses, which include clairvoyance, clairaudience (clear hearing), and clairsentience. These metaphysical senses are the basis of your five physical senses. 

This knowledge can be applied to your life and help you be more confident. Silke explains how she came to realize her claircognizance and how you can learn it as well.

Tune in as we consider how claircognizance can positively affect your life.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Silke explains her realization of how she came upon claircognizance
  • How growing up in Germany hindered and helped her understand her own mind
  • Story of Silke’s mother and her healing through emotion
  • When serving, self-care should be your highest priority
  • How to relax in times of change and how to calm down through everyday outlets
  • How to look at the pieces of your life and understand how they fit together
  • Considering the Akashic Records as a starting point for your business

3 Key Points:

  • Claircognizance is helpful and even if you don’t originally have it, you can learn it.
  • Self-care is extremely important in your life when you serve others.
  • When looking at your life, realize that each piece is important and can help you grow.


Tweetable Quotes:

  • “We’re supposed to shine, we should show our shine to all.” – Silke Tyler
  • “It’s important to follow your own path.” – Silke Tyler


Resources Mentioned:



Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

Vlog #5 What are Akashic records and how can I use them in my life?

Vlog #5 What are Akashic records and how can I use them in my life?

To join the LIVE Journey Into Your Soul Book on Saturday, June 9th at 10:00AM EST Please CLICK HERE!!

WHEN: Saturday, June 9th at 10:00 AM EST
WHAT: LIVE Journey Into Your Soul Book with Emily Aarons
HOW: LIVE via Zoom conference. This will be recorded for you to access anytime.
CLASS DETAILS: (Reserve 2 Hours for this incredible class!)
– Learn how to access the Akashic Records
– Connect with specific guides and angels
– Access your own Soul Book
*** Get Emily’s help if you get stuck or aren’t getting answers!!
– Learn how to ask and receive answers
– Receive high vibration of healing energy
– Understand how to use your Soul Book in every day life and business
– Connect with like-minded people who support your spiritual growth and ascension!
– All registrants will have unlimited access to the replay!
Normally this deep level of healing only comes through my 1:1 Soul Book Editing sessions, this is a RARE OPPORTUNITY to learn how to do this work on yourself for ONLY $33!!!
This class only comes along once a year and has proven to help 100% of attendees to access their Soul Book.
BONUS: All registrants will receive a FREE PDF Download of how to access the Soul Book and how to ask meaningful questions!
If you have any questions, please send them to
With love,