How To Use The Akashic Records In Your Business (crazy stories that nobody talks about)
I started to use the Akashic Records every day because I started to notice how it allowed me to access and tap into higher levels of intuition and I noticed that the more I used my intuition the better results that I would get for myself and my clients.
I am excited to go deeper into this topic because learning how to read the Akashic Records can help you get information and insights that you wouldn’t normally have access to and completely shift your business.
If you’ve had those negative voices in your head, I want you to know that you are not alone.
My goal today is for you to learn how to use the Akashic Records in your business so that you can finally take your business to the next level.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- What are the Akashic Records and how to use them in your business and life.
- The benefits of accessing your soul book to learn about yourself at a deeper level.
- How the Akashic Records can help you think differently about your relationships.
- How going into the Akashic Records every day can help you tap into higher levels of intuition.
- Understanding that we all have different experiences when reading the Akashic Records.
- How to receive information from the Akashic Records.
- Why every time you read your Akashic records you are going to have a different experience.
- How the Akashic Records can help you get information and insights that you wouldn’t normally have access to.
- Examples of questions that you can ask to learn How to use the Akashic records to shift your business.
Resources to take you deeper:
Shareable Quotes
- “Accessing your soul book information allows you to learn about yourself and experience deeper levels of healing.” – Emily Aarons
- “Divine timing allows you to get the information you need at the time you really need it.” – Emily Aarons
- “The reason why I was so motivated to go into my Akashic Records every day was because every time I went in, I felt that I was able to access and tap higher levels of intuition.” – Emily Aarons
About Jodie
Jodie King is an artist, an instructor, a speaker, a kitchen dancer… She feels her mission is to bring beauty to the world through her art and she helps others excavate their authentic power and joy through the use of art and creativity.