Intuition Month Challenge Part 1

Intuition Month Challenge Part 1

Intuition Month Challenge Part 1

I know my listeners, and those of you in my communities, love to talk about intuition. But it hit me that there’s something better than talking about intuition – it’s creating a community for you to experience it in a way that helps you open up your intuition more.

And when we do this work together, it raises the frequency of the collective! How great is that?

Some of you have been with me through an intuition week and some of you are new to me. It will be new for you either way because you’ll have a whole month to create a deeper relationship with your intuition and I can’t wait for you to experience it.

I explain more about what you can expect with this upcoming Intuition Month in this week’s episode.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [2.08] Why intuition is so important in your business!
  • [4.27] How the idea for “Intuition Month” came to me.
  • [6.26] If your launch drains you, it’s time to tune in and see what works better for you.
  • [7.06] Building a bedrock of success so you can increase your intuition.
  • [8.46] The foundation that opens up your intuition.
  • [10.35] When we do this work together at the same time it raises the frequency of the collective.
  • [12.01] This is not hard, it’s about holding space to do our best.

Hey everybody, welcome back to the Aligned and Unstoppable Podcast. I am so excited about this week’s podcast to share with you because I know that a lot of you folks are here with me, whether you’re in my community listening as a podcast listener or just following me on social media.

But what I know to be true is that you love to talk about intuition, and that’s what this episode is all about. So there are, some fundamental things that I have really discovered recently through multiple group coaching programs, through lots of private sessions, and certainly through the Master and Ascension Community, which is that you’re here to learn about intuition. And as I teach, the more and more I teach, I feel like a broken record sometimes because there is sort of this bedrock, this foundation that I am constantly reiterating. And it kind of came to a head recently where I, I thought, you know what?

Why keep talking about it when you can do something even more exciting, perhaps more fun and possibly really engaging, that can help shift a number of people, their consciousness from one level to a heightened state so that they can get more intuition. And so what I’m talking about is an experience.

A lot of you have experienced Intuition Week with me and back in I think it was in June, I had a bodywork session and during the bodywork session, spirit gave me this beautiful plan and the plan was to raise the level of consciousness for the larger community and to have a quantum shift of success. So, you guys know, I talk all the time, which is that my intuition is what leads to my success. It’s that I have clarity. It’s that I can connect with my higher self. It’s that I can receive intuitive messages and trust them and act on them. And then they lead to my success, attracting soulmate clients, raising my rates, bringing in higher price points, attracting speaking opportunities and coaching opportunities, and just endless expansion.

And I know this to be true for myself because I’ve had quantum success over the years where it’s not that I have this minutia like 5% increase I have – when I first 10xd my business when I first started using this work, and then I doubled and tripled and have quadrupled ever since. So it has been the bedrock of my success. It’s also stuff that I teach and coach about endlessly, and what I’m talking about is creating habits for intuition. Now I’m going to pause there and kind of rewind a little bit.

So I did an episode last season, episode number 326, just after I completed a, I don’t know, mental challenge, physical challenge, which was 75 hard. And that challenge, which you may be familiar with, if not essentially there’s like half a dozen things or so that you do every single day consistently including drinking a gallon of water and 45-minute workouts. And one of them has to be outside. And you take a selfie every hour, a picture of yourself every day you read a book and you abstain from alcohol and you stick to a diet. Some might think, oh, this is like a diet. It’s like a health challenge. And truly, while I did lose weight, the actual real challenge was sticking to it every day. Because the thing about the whole 75 hard is that you actually have to start over from the beginning if you fail on one of those tasks.

And so for me, I was like, listen, I just did the whole 30. I could do another 30-day challenge but 75 is a little bit bonkers. But what I found surprising is that since I had already been in the habit of 30 days of living a certain lifestyle, it was just a little bit more for me. And what I also found to be interesting is that initially, I thought my 45-minute workouts had to be these like crazy strenuous things, but what I end up doing is modifying so that one of my workouts was gentle yoga or stretching or a walk, and it wasn’t like this intensive, like, weight training situation. And it actually worked really well. And I found my body really craving those things even beyond that challenge.

And I think that’s what really planted the seed for what I’m about to share. Because ultimately we need sometimes that like kick in the pants, that little bit of a reset. We, know what we should be doing. But we don’t always do it. And I want to talk about this a little bit more next week, about habits. About the healthy habits that we want and the unhealthy habits that we have.
So kind of like the difference between your conscious habits and your unconscious habits. We’ll talk about that on the next podcast.

But for the sake of this, I want to talk about, you know, creating these new habits, these new routines because you get that little bit of a push. So specifically what I’m referring to is I’ve loved and I mean, love, love, love. I did a five times Intuition Week. I have loved doing Intuition Week five times with you. Last September, I retired. It was the last time I’ve done it and I stopped doing it because it was a labor of love. I loved, loved, loved doing it, but holding the space leading up to it, the Facebook group, the engagement, usually after that launch was over, I was exhausted. And specifically, that last September really did a number on me energetically. It was like weeks before I started to feel back like myself again.

And so I realized for a while that it wasn’t a sustainable method of launching for me, even though it was highly successful. It was a lot for my system. And so I really took a break from that.
I stopped my group programs at the end of the last year of 2021, and I’ve really been fully focused and committed to serving Mastery & Ascension, dialing that in, serving one on one clients, and really just optimizing and doing an amazing, excellent job of what I already have. And I have felt so excellent doing that.

And it sort of like makes sense that spirit dropped this idea in June to say, you’re going to do this in September. So, here’s what we’re going to do – in September I’m going to hold space for you again. And get excited because I’m excited. Initially, I knew it was 30 days of a challenge and it was all about building the bedrock of success. So that you can become more intuitive and you can opt-in, I’ll have the link in the podcast show notes.

But essentially, in a nutshell, I’m going to lead you and hold space for 30 days as we challenge ourselves to unlock our intuition to the next level. And some of the things that are on this challenge you might already do, that’s nothing like totally out there and crazy. But what these simple five things are that I’m asking you to do is to help you open up to your higher self.
And if you’re like, I’m already doing all of those things, I am, what else? Well, we have an ascension plan as well. So, if you’re already doing these five things and you want to take it to a higher level, we have an opportunity to do that. So it’s a little bit more of an intensive challenge for you during these 30 days.

But what I’ve also realized is that I want it to be more about you. I want to be more about the community and about helping more people, because ultimately at the root of it, it’s around raising the consciousness level of our whole community.

And if we rise up, then other people rise up too. And it’s my belief that you can feel your best and then you can do better in the world. So feel better, do better. And part of opening up your intuition is doing these repetitive habits on a regular, consistent basis, and sometimes we just need that little push to do it just a little bit more.

And as we open up over the period of this month in September, I’m also going to be leading some live sessions on Instagram. So if you’re not already following me, go ahead and follow me at @emilyaarons on Instagram and I’ll be doing some live sessions every single Friday all month long in September. This challenge is going to be free, Intuition Month will be free to everybody. You know, we did Intuition Week and that was an $11. Intuition Month will be completely free. It’s the first time I’ve ever done it and there will be an opportunity.

If you want to go into the deeper level of the ascension plan, you can do that. In the ascension plan, you’ll get 30 days of access to my reboot meditation, you’ll get 30 journal prompts so if you want to add some extra fun challenges to your already fun challenge, you can do that. And you’ll also get discounts for my physical products Oracle Cards in the Journal.

Not only that, but again, you’ll have a more in-depth opportunity. So instead of just doing the simple five things that I’m offering to the mass, the masses, you’ll have the opportunity to go even deeper with me. That’ll be really fun.

And the Mastery & Ascension Community Facebook Group is really where the parties going to be. You know, if you’re already an M&A member, that’s where we’ll be having some more conversations about it. If you’re not an M&A member, there will be a chance to join at the end of the month.

And I really do hope you see this as beneficial to you your health, your well-being, your intuition, and ultimately which leads you to business success. Because it’s worked for me and it’s worked for thousands of my clients as well. And I know it can be really helpful to really get that giddy up behind you. And we all know that when we do the same work together at the same time, it raises the frequency of the collective.

So if nothing else, I know it’s going to be really great. And I actually pulled a card for us. I got the card piece from the Quantum Oracle Deck. And at the end of this message, it says there’s an inner strength that comes from such activities, such as meditation and deep breathing. If you add healthy nutrition, regular exercise, and plenty of water to that regimen, you will receive a personal balance that will then spread in every direction. The clarity that comes from peace of mind projects a vibrant light in the universe and brings joyous harmony to all arenas of your life.

Is that not the most perfect message that goes with this?

So again, the link will be in the show notes for Intuition Month. Most likely it will be I’m still building it out right now with my team, but we are so excited to hold space for you during the month of September. I hope you join us and please spread the word. I would love, love, love to have teams. So if you want to invite some friends, have them join you. Nothing is better than doing these challenges with a friend. All right, you guys have a great, great day.

And I want to share, too, one last thing I should say. The thing that’s very different about this challenge versus something like 75 hard is that every Saturday we are going to participate in the 4RS, which is rest, reflect, relax and reboot. And so every Saturday, if you missed a day or you messed up a little bit, it’s a fresh start. And so this is not 75 hard. This is Intuition Month.
And so our focus isn’t around blaming and shaming and doing things right or wrong. It’s around holding space to do our best. Every Saturday we do get to reset ourselves. I hope that you can join me and I’m so excited to do this work again.

Next podcast, we’re going to be talking about the conscious and unconscious habits that we get into and really ultimately how we can make some shifts to get into a healthier and more helpful lifestyle.

All right. We’ll see you guys next month. Thank you so much for being here.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Join Intuition Month! Let me share with you the practices and tools that will help you connect to your intuition. You’ll be part of a large community which makes it so much more powerful.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their businesses.

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? 21. Manifestation: You are a manifesting machine
? 8. Overthinking: Get out of your head and into your heart
? 37. Branding: You’re a unique snowflake!




Hey, everybody, it is Emily from

And this is Your Angels in Your Biz, live. The energy forecast for this month of August. So as you may or may not know, I used to do these every single week prerecorded, and starting in July, I started to do them live because they’re more fun for me. And that’s s what it’s all about if it’s a fun way to do it. As we get started and you can always get these on my website, any time. What I’m going to do is I’ve already cleared myself, cleared the cards, and I’m going to shuffle up the cards and I pull three for us to give us the best message to stay in our highest alignment.

And then, I’m actually going to pull an extra card for one lucky person here who is live with me. I tried sending an email this morning to my list, but there are literally five in the processing queue. I don’t know what’s going on with my email provider, if you end up with three emails in like a couple of days, that’s why I don’t know what’s going on. But I’m glad that the ones who are here are here with me. The replay will be available on different platforms as well. All right.

So let’s just get into the energy, and get you a card. So as you get here, say hi. Let me know if you’re new here, because I know there’s a lot of new folks around my community lately.
And also, I want to let you guys know I’m going to be doing a challenge in a few weeks called Intuition Month. It’s in ways similar to Intuition Week, but it’s very different in that we are going to be challenging ourselves to doing five daily habits to help unlock our intuitive abilities. And then every single Friday, I’m going to be doing a live Zoom call with you to take that practice even deeper. And I know that within 30 days you will definitely have magnified your intuition. So I’m super excited about doing it. It’s completely free, so please share it with your friends.

(You knew you were joining for Intuition Month. Cool.)
(Picked a good time to take a work break. Yes, you did.)

All right, let’s begin. So I have cards. One, two, and three. I’m going to read them individually and what they mean collectively. I’m ready. Are you ready? Okay.

  • Card #1 is manifestation. You’re a manifesting machine. So this card shows up, you know, to just remind you that you’re on the right path. Sometimes we can get in our heads and second-guess ourselves, like, I don’t know, is anything even working? You know? I know I can be like that, a little bit impatient.So this card, what it also shows me visually is kind of like when we and if anybody here is a gardener or, you know, enjoys plants, when you take a seed and you put it into the soil, you cover it with dirt, you water it, you give it sunlight and love, right?It doesn’t pop up. It doesn’t pop up for quite some time. And then all of a sudden, this little tiny sprout shows up. It’s not much. It’s not the flower or the tree or whatever that you’re expecting to start showing up. It’s like this minuscule thing.

    And so what this is saying for us right now is that there are little sprouts that are starting to pop up and that maybe you’re not recognizing it as like the full-blown manifestation that you’re wanting, but it is a signal that you are on the right path. So, celebrate that, okay?

  • # 2 is overthinking. Of course, get out of your head and into your heart. So it’s next to the manifestation card, it’s telling me, yes, there are things that are happening like literally above the surface. (Thank you for the little emoji of the plants.) That’s exactly. So it’s like these little sprouts are coming up, but then there are some in your head, your ego, not your higher self. Your ego is telling you that’s not anything that’s just barely. No, that’s not what I’m looking to manifest.So let’s say you’re looking to manifest $100,000 and you got like I was walking today and I found a dollar on the road. So, like, I thought a dollar. Is a dollar anywhere remotely near 100,000? Not really. It’s pretty far off. However, it’s a sign and it’s a symbol that I’m a manifesting machine. The money is coming easily and effortlessly to me. I didn’t try to find a dollar. I just was walking on my normal walk and boom, there’s a dollar.So this is saying. Shit is happening. You’re just overthinking it. You’re not recognizing it, and you’re certainly not celebrating how far you’ve come and all the work that actually is showing up like evidence all around you. It might be little, though, so. Don’t freak out that it’s not where you’re trying to get to. (Too much activity happening. So it’s cloudy, my brain.)And this is why we’re doing Intuition Month. Because I really feel, you know, spirit-led that this is about opening up the collective. Like we need to actually raise our level of consciousness and clear away that heaviness, that negativity, that worry, anxiety. The fear is like all of that good that’s been weighing on all of us. And as we shift that stuff out. (Sorry, I just had breakfast.)
    We had this other opening-up that’s starting to come to this next level. The next level of course is intuition.
  • #3. are you ready? Branding. You’re a unique snowflake. This card is telling me. It’s asking me to be quiet, so bear with me. It’s really saying it’s time to recognize. It’s time to see and recognize yourself as a very sacred being. I know it’s easy to feel into the illusion that you’re not scared, you’re not special, you’re not gifted, you’re not talented, because that’s what we’ve been programmed to believe. They’re also showing me images of like beauty in a traditional sense, in that these traditional beauty standards are outdated and that you need to see your beauty from within yourself.

If you can start to see how sacred and how beautiful and wise and talented and strong and brave, and to really acknowledge how far you’ve come to get to where you are right now in your life and really come from that place of deep authenticity. Nobody can take that from you. Nobody can replace that. And so when you can come to the table, like, listen, you’ve been banged up and bruised, you’ve been through a lot, maybe you’re not. Where are you trying to get to yet? But you’re on your way.

And the more you can really come back into yourself, share from that place of tenderness, of vulnerability and speak that truth however it needs to be spoken, it’s time to again. It’s back to the overthinking right in the middle.

And so this first card manifestation and this last card branding are making this like little bridge to like, your bright future. They’re like, it’s there, it’s built, you are ready. It is your time. Start looking around and recognizing all of the different little sprouts that are popping up and recognize how far you’ve come to get there. You know, because I know for me, like when we are planting seeds are we’re growing plants, we have a backyard farm. And actually just yesterday and today, three baby chicks hatched! And so, you know, we want to jump in and intervene and help these baby chicks to strive and to live their best life. But also, nature has a way of having like, order. And so part of what the message is today, is around there’s like a divine order, and it’s all organized perfectly. You’re thinking that it’s not happening fast enough or the way that you want is all an illusion.

And so the more that we can kind of let go of that, let go of the illusions of how things are supposed to be, let go of like what we think of ourselves, like measuring up to other people. Let all that go and be here. Be present. The quickest way to what you’re wanting to manifest is within. So again, manifestation, overthinking. We got to get over, get out of your head, back into your heart, and then branding. So don’t dismiss. Don’t put it down.

How amazing of a person, of a human and of a soul, you truly are. And I want you to celebrate that. Celebrate these little, little milestones as much as you possibly can, okay?
So would anybody care to have a card? Because I have one right here on top. I’ll show you one right here on top. And it’s going to go to a lucky winner. So I’d like you to guess the number. Use your intuition. Guess the number 1 to 44. Put it in the comments here, and I will pick somebody from this audience to be chosen.

Again, if you would like to join me during Intuition Month, it started in just a few weeks. It’s totally free and you’ll get to be part of my space for an entire month. I know it sounds like a lot, but you can also take it just one week at a time. Challenge yourself to do these five habits every single day for just a week, and every Saturday we reset. So let’s say you didn’t go 100% the way you wanted it. Well, don’t worry about it. We’ll just reset. Okay?

All right, let’s see our number. I have our number. I’m going to turn back to the audience and see if anybody has chosen it yet. Oh, some close guesses, but I see one right here. That’s the closest without going over. Where? Who? Brett Ten, you are the lucky winner. Okay, the card number is 9 and the card is planted out. It’s time to get more serious. We all need a little dose of this is like a spirit dope slap to say like. It’s like in addition to this, like, reading for all of us is saying, okay, great.

Now we know what you want to manifest. You’re getting out of your head and you’re focusing on how you can serve in the world just as you are your authentic self. This is saying, get serious. It’s saying like, don’t just keep it as an idea floating around, put pen to paper and get it done. Like, what is step one? What is step two? What is my goal?

(You said eight. I didn’t see it eight. I guess you’ll have to get one too, aren’t you? And don’t have an eight on here, my bad. I didn’t see it. But you’ll get a card to spiritual it.)
(We’re good. Did you say it to where? All my comments. Oh, well, apparently I’m not seeing comments.)

I’m self-publishing in children’s book. I was hoping for a sign. Here is your sign. Get more serious. And so, like, be relentless with getting this book out there, making sure that it’s not about you, it’s about them. Think about the children whose lives will be changed through reading your book. Okay? That’s what you need to focus on. And if they don’t get this book, what is their life going to be like in a few years, five years, ten years, 20 years from now? You need to have that. Okay.

So spiritual mediums, stuff, you get soulmate clients, your dream clients are in your heart. So it’s time to really tap into that. I happen to have an amazing meditation called Attracting Soulmate Clients with Ease and it’s 8 minutes long. It’s inside of my membership and literally, you listen to it and then people find you. It’s amazing. So thank you.

There was one other person who did it, right? I don’t see the other eight. Did something else say 8 here? I hope so. All right. Everybody wants a card. I know, but we’re only going to do just a couple.

Clear your energy. Stop, drop and realign to your highest. This is saying it’s time to clear your energy.

Also, fun fact when you join Intuition Month, I have an upgrade. It’s only 9.99 and you will get access to my reboot meditation. It will clear your entire energy feel. All you have to do is press play and it will do all the work for you. You’ll have 30 days of access to that meditation, plus some other incredible goodies. It’s well worth the $9. I used to sell it for 18. So 9 bucks, you get it for an entire 30-day period. Actually, you get it for longer because you’ll have access until the end of August. So if you get it, if you join now and do the upgrade, you literally get like twice as much time with it. All right month join now we get started. September 1st is when we dove into the challenge. I truly hope you can all join me. I would absolutely love that. After the session is over, find me on Instagram. Make sure you follow me and share this message with somebody you love so that they can stay in their highest alignment for the rest of this month too.

Thank you so much for being here and being part of the space. I hope we get to raise our consciousness together throughout Intuition Month and beyond. This is the first time I’ve ever done it in this capacity, so I would love for as many people to join me as possible. So if you have a few friends who are into spiritual stuff and want to enhance their intuition tell them to join along, you can say it’s kind of like Whole30, but for your intuition, super awesome, right? Sounds good.

All right. Thank you guys for being here. Lots of love to you.

August 2022 Energy Forecast:

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Why You Need To Ditch The BackUp Plan For Your Biz

Why You Need To Ditch The BackUp Plan For Your Biz

No one wants to fail at a new venture because it could mean you have to go back to doing something that you don’t want to do. That is such added pressure!

It’s why many of you create a backup plan and have something to fall back on if this doesn’t work out.

The problem with a backup plan is that it can really mess with your energy and your ability to show up and really go for it!

There’s a reason you are on this path. There’s a reason you have the idea you have and that idea deserves your full attention.

Instead of being comforted by your fallback plan, I hope you listen to this episode and try these tips instead. I also have a challenge for you at the end of this episode that I hope you accept!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [3.33] If you have the constant voice telling you “don’t fail”, just imagine what that does to your energy.
  • [5.06] If you didn’t have a backup plan, how would you show up differently?
  • [5.41] How having “something more” can help with the hurdles.
  • [7.40] My personal “spirit dope slap” that woke me up!
  • [8.01] The first tip to help you focus your energy and forget about your backup plan and increase your confidence.
  • [10.08] A concrete way to take this further.
  • [11.40] It used to be scary for me to share my work, I was terrified of judgment.
  • [15.00] The question to ask yourself each day.

You’re listening to the Aligned and Unstoppable Podcast episode # 404. I’m your host, Emily Aarons, and I am so honored to be here. Warm welcome to all of our new listeners and shout out to some of the ones who have been here since the beginning a few years ago.

I want to start with a little bit of gratitude, which is I had some really beautiful podcast reviews come in recently on iTunes and I want to read one and it’s from Wood Mesa.
She gives me five stars and says, I recently discovered Emily’s podcast and I am loving it. I’m on a spiritual awakening journey and I’m learning so much about intuition, manifestation, energy, etc. Emily’s podcasts fit right in with all the things I’m learning and exploring binge-worthy.

So thank you so much for that review. I really appreciate it. I know a lot of you are just listening and enjoying that and you’re like, I don’t want to reach out to her. I don’t want to bother her. But you know what? You’re not bothering me. I love the DMS, I love the screenshots when I see that you’re listening. And I especially love when you reach out and give reviews like that. So other people know that this is an awesome place to hang out.

So today’s podcast was actually inspired by a conversation I had recently with a new friend. Now we met at a networking group and I was really instantly connected with her. She had great energy and quickly I learned that she was relatively new to entrepreneurship. She had left her corporate job about a year ago and started doing coaching work, and I loved her story and I was like, you know, tell me more. Why did you leave? What are you doing? What’s your mission here? And I really just resonated with her.

Well, fast forward a couple of months, and we end up booking a call just like a coffee chat. And we were talking recently about really just the energy of entrepreneurship.
And when you’re new, sometimes there’s this voice in your head that’s like, you got to have a fallback – a fallback plan, right? And this is what she was sharing with me is like she kind of has this, you know, a voice in the back of her head that says you should have a fallback plan if this business idea, this entrepreneur gig fails.

And I thought that was really interesting. So we talked about that and I wanted to bring it to you guys as my listeners. Because I know no matter what level of business you’re in at some point or maybe all day, every day, you have the same voice in your head that fills you with self-doubt and allows you to feel unworthy of success. It actually stops you from putting yourself out there because you know you don’t want to fail. And if fail, if you fail, that means you have to quit and go get a regular real job.

And you know, I loved this conversation because it allowed me to hold space for her to just be where she was and also just to reflect back on what longevity does. Because when you’re starting your business or you have a side hustle, you’re so close to it that you truly, it’s like you can’t get out of your own way. And when you constantly have the battle of you know, you have a surge of energy and then it fizzles out, and all the while in the back of your head, you’re like, don’t fail, don’t fail, don’t fail!

What do you think your energy is doing? Just for a moment, when you can think of this as somebody else and not yourself, it’s a whole lot easier. And I love the perspective that I could share with her as an entrepreneur who has been doing this for, you know, now decades. But truly, my online business has only been successful for six years, but that’s still six years. Right?

So we have to take a moment. And I asked her, you know, how do you show up when you believe that you have this fallback plan are you should have a fallback plan? She’s like, I really don’t show up that well at all. And I said, Are you having trouble booking clients, good enough clients getting the right people? She’s like, Yeah, mm-hmm. And I said, Okay, great.

Well, what would you do if you knew failure wasn’t even an option? Because, frankly, when you think about it, no matter what you’re doing in your life, we’re always going to be redirected.
You know, God has a bigger plan than we do. We always say, oh, we’re going to control this and I’m going to do that. But God’s plan is always, you know, divinely orchestrated.

And so I asked her if she knew failure wasn’t an option, like you’re going to get to point B or C at some point, you know, how would you show up differently? And she’s like, why go I double down? I’d go all in and I’d really show up and do better. And I said, okay.

So that’s really interesting and I feel like that has happened to all of us. I wanted to share some of the advice I gave her and my perspective on what has shifted in me. And I think it really comes down to, you know, Simon Sinek’s book, start with the why. We know that why you’re doing what you’re doing is critical. It’s critical for your own personal success and staying focused. It’s also critical for your customers that they know why you’re even doing this.

So, I traced it back for her and I said, Well, you left your job. Why did you do that? What made you say, I’m done with this and I want to do something else?  And I think this is a good opportunity to ask yourself the same question. Not just if you’re new, but like all the time. Because and I reassured her at the same time and I said, there are people who are at multiple six, multiple seven, eight figures who have the same doubts as you, it doesn’t just go away. It just shifts because at the multiple six and seven-figure level, you’ve actually achieved some success and you’ve done some things that have worked clearly. But there’s still that doubt because this is not easy and entrepreneurship is not for everybody.

But if you have that, why and it’s not just so that you can, you know, be a great leader, a great parent, show your family that you could do it, like proving yourself, like beyond that, like there’s something more. So take a moment, even pause this podcast and journal on it, meditate on it, connect with why in your soul are you doing this?

And I’ll just share personally for me. You know, I always knew from a very young age that I was meant to do something. I didn’t know what, didn’t know how. But as I got older and as I built my skill sets, it was really becoming clear to me that I wanted to be a healer. And while I followed the path of many healers, I followed the path of many healers. And I stayed in this broke healer path. And it didn’t jive. It didn’t work for me. I didn’t enjoy the feeling of helping so many people on this deep level, but having nothing to show for it. And that didn’t work for me. I didn’t like I didn’t like that.
And I feel like there’s way too many people who subscribe to that business model that, you know, are carrying on what the generations before them carried.

And for me, it was this wake-up call one day, when I heard my guides say lightworkers be the light. And it felt like a spirit dope slap, like, you know, you’re supposed to do more so like get on with it already. And I knew that I needed to do more. I just didn’t know how. And I didn’t know, like, what I was supposed to be doing exactly. But from that point forward, I made it my soul mission and my soul’s mission to serve at my highest level every single day, no matter what. I wanted to just focus on helping one person. So, that’s my first tip is focus on helping one person.

And sometimes we misconstrue what we’re here to do and we’re like, oh my God, I had to make a huge impact. I had to be an influencer and have to get a gazillion followers and all that other stuff. And those metrics are wonderful. But those metrics could also be false Gods. They can make you feel less than and make you feel like, oh, well, that person has 100,000 followers, I have only 100.

– Does that make you any less than? No.

– Does that make them better? No. It’s just a number.

And when we really look at it, what we can find is that a lot of times people are paying for followers. They have very little engagement. They have no money to show to those followers.
I actually had somebody reach out to me years ago who said she was doing a big event. She had 550,000 followers, more than half a million. And she wanted my Angel Card Decks and she wanted to promote them. And I said, awesome, this is a great opportunity! And I said I would be happy to give you, you know, our traditional 30% discount. That’s what I do for bulk rates. And she’s like, ooh, could I just get them for free? And I’m like, well, they’re physical products. It costs money to make them. So no, but I could also just give you a coupon. Like what if you instead of giving them the physical cards, I could give your customers a coupon if they wanted to. And it was like, I don’t know. So, I’m here to tell you that just because people have a huge following doesn’t mean anything about them.and their business. She shouldn’t have the money to pay for Oracle cards, that’s sad, right?

So, if you focus on serving just one person every day, you’re going to do that. You’re going to achieve that.

My other tip is to start keeping a gratitude journal and not just about the things that you’re thankful for, but like literally the compliments people give you that they are grateful for you. Because when we’re starting out, or even as we’ve been established, it’s really easy to overlook the compliments that come in on a regular, consistent basis. We brush them off, we don’t receive it.

And when somebody says, Oh my gosh, you know that podcast you made, it did something that changed my life. And I’ve been, you know, focus on being able to make more money ever since I heard those things that you share with me. And I’ve increased my rates. Like, okay? I could just go, oh, good, I’m glad you listened to it. Or I could be like, Wow, thank you, I receive that. Saying thank you I receive, that really allows you a chance to pause and truly receive.

So when you have a gratitude journal and you keep track of the things that you are grateful for, the one person who reached out to me today, who said something nice, the one client who I just started working with and the transformation they’re already having, the gratitude for being able to have the freedom. To do this work and to create a business out of nothing. You know, the gratitude for completing this week, because man, it was a rough one!

Keeping that journal is really going to be helpful to keep you on track and keep you focused on your soul’s mission. And, you know, with that soul mission, that’s what gets me out of bed every day. I know I’m here to serve. And even when I’m tired or stressed out, I know I’m here to lead. And so I, I love to share that in the world. And it used to be scary for me to share my truth, to share my work. I was terrified, in fact, terrified of the judgment of others, scared that people would not like me anymore.

I’d be, you know, kind of outcast. And I’m happy to say that just from my dedication and commitment to being of service to help one person, it literally helped me get over that. Like, I literally don’t care if somebody watches me meditate and they think that I’m totally nuts or weird, I don’t care. They can just stop watching me. But I used to not to say things like I call in the highest, most crystalline, pure white light filled with the highest healing vibrations. I used to just go right into my meditation. I was like, oh, that’s going to be too weird for people to hear. Yeah, but that’s what I do. That’s how I start my meditations.

And so, me cutting that part off is me not giving my full self. And when I give my full self, people get super into that. And I want you to give yourself permission to give your full self.
And so that’s why my third tip is to give your full self. I want you to be able to show up and just do you because you have to keep asking yourself these questions like, how would I show up if failure wasn’t an option? You have to show up anyways. So, how would I show up differently if I wasn’t afraid of failure?

How would I show up differently if I wasn’t afraid of judgment? And these are the things that you have to ask yourself because it takes you out of the self-centered focus, of just caring about yourself and what people think of you. And it puts you into being of service to others. Like someone’s out there suffering, and they need me right now.  And so when we get into those mindsets of What is this for? I should have a fallback plan. I would invite you to say no. I would invite you to say hell, no.

And a couple of years ago, when Rachel Rogers was selling We Should All Be Millionaires Book or promoting it, I caught a few minutes of one of her Instagram lives. And it was very inspiring in that when I caught this moment and this is all I needed to catch, I didn’t need to watch the whole thing, this moment she said:

“Hi there, you know if you’re just tuning in for the first time, I’m here to promote We Should All Be Millionaires, the book, if for whatever reason, you’re tired of hearing me on podcast and promoting and talking about it, you can just stop watching me because I’m going to be relentless in my pursuit to get this book into as many hands as possible.”

And it was that moment. It was the word relentless. And I sense that moment. I started borrowing that word and I share it with my clients and I want to share it with you today. Because being relentless to be of service is an act of God. It is completely selfless and completely plugged into the divine, plugged into your higher self. It’s completely focused on giving. And so when you can just focus on being relentless in your pursuit to serve. Good things will happen.

And I know that it takes a different type of person. And so you have to really look at yourself in the mirror and go, Can I be relentless to serve? Do I believe in my work enough? And I know like with my friend, she was new at coaching and so she didn’t have the confidence. But you know what? When you’re relentless and you can just serve, that means that you’re going to eat humble pie. That means you’re going to when you start out, you’re going to have discounted sessions. You’re going to do as many discounted sessions as you can handle until you realize I can’t do any more discounted sessions, my price has got to go up because my skill set has improved.

And after that time, then you can start to really dial that in. Going from 1 to 1 service to group service, shifting your business model that builds your confidence.
But I will hold space for you if you can be relentless. And so this is kind of like my final words. And this is what I said to my friend. I said, what if just for 90 days there was only a plan A? There was no plan B, there was no fallback. There was no what if I fail? There was no get a job. How would you show up for 90 days? If this was it. And what she had told me before was I would double down of go all in and I would really show up.

And so I don’t know who needs to hear this podcast today. And certainly, I would love for you to share with a friend if you feel like they’re on that precipice of quitting. That it’s not today, and the world is crazy and life is crazy and entrepreneurship is hard. It’s not for everybody. I’m not here to sugarcoat it and say, hey, here’s my three-step process to winning as an entrepreneur. That’s not it. I’m here to be honest with you and say, yeah, it’s hard and it sucks. But if you can do these things and you can have friends that you can lean on when you’re tired, just don’t stop. Take a break.

But I want to hear from you right now. Tell me, what are you going to do for the next 90 days? How are you going to focus so that you can be relentless with your mission to serve people? I want to know from you. I want to share it.

And you know what? Here’s another invitation, is that when you share this, you can take a screenshot of the podcast or you can just make a post and tag me and put it in your Instagram stories. I will share it. That’s me saying, listen, I’m going to put your face and your name on my platform. Guess what? Someone probably is going to see that and go, who’s that person? And go look you up and maybe you’ll get a new follower too. That’s the cool part. I would love to highlight you.

And so, you know, I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t mention this, is that I know you’re also here to learn about intuition and manifestation and energy.
And so think about the energy that you can put into this 90-day challenge for yourself to really go all in and notice how that energy shifts from having a plan and a plan B to only having one plan. Notice how that instantly shifts your energy? And I want you to see if you can write some things out to hold yourself accountable for doing this work.

And listen if you heard that offer to do 90 days and been relentless and focused and then you’re like oh I don’t know if I can do that, maybe you should get a job. Let’s just be honest with each other here. We’re all friends. If it’s too much, it’s too much. So just take it as a cue. If your body says, ah-ah, I don’t want to do this anymore, then don’t. No one’s forcing you. And you don’t want to put your energy out there in the world, like,uh, I don’t really want to do this and kind of doing it. Don’t have facets.

People are out there suffering and they need you. Not me. Not my friend who’s got 100 followers. Just you. So, you’re going to do it? Let me know. I want to hear about it. And I want to tell you that my intuition gets stronger the more I listen.

And so, coming up, I want you to save this date, okay? For those of you who are still here hanging on, save the date, September 1st through the 30th. Something very cool is coming. And it’s going to strengthen your intuition. It’s going to help you connect with your higher self. It’s going to connect you more with your true calling. And it’s going to be fun as hell. You might even get healthier doing it. I’m not going to spoil it just yet. You’ll have to tune in to the podcast for the details on the next episode. I promise you, I will share more in the next episode. But I want to kind of give you that little carrot. For those of you who take me up on the challenge and you say, I’m going to dedicate myself to doing this for the next 90 days, I want to go all in, tag me in your Instagram stories and I’ll spill the beans to you sooner than my next podcast. How’s that?

I am so glad that you are here with me. Thank you for listening!

Remember to focus on helping one person every day. Remember to have that gratitude journal keeping track of your transformation, other people’s testimonials, and what you’re really grateful for. And remember to go fall out. You got this.

I love you all. I’ll see you on the next episode.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Challenge yourself for 90 days to be relentless and focused. No backup plans, no fallback ideas. Go for it for 90 days if you’re ready to be committed and see where it takes you! Tag me @emilyaarons in a screenshot with your commitment and I will share it.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their businesses.

Get connected with Emily…

Book a call with Emily!

? For LIVE and on-demand energy healings that clear your blocks and align you to more abundance join the Mastery & Ascension Waitlist today!

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5 Habits To Unlock Intuition

While business coaches can entice you with promises of $10K months and passive income streams, they’re leaving out the MOST important ingredient to success…


You see, most business coaches are clueless about ENERGY!

Because, you can listen to all those coaches out there, hustle and work your ass off with little to no results and BURNOUT.

I’m NOT about that!

I’m about aligning to my soul’s purpose and doing what I LOVE to do to create quantum growth and success. #areyouwithme

Allow me to elaborate!

? Alignment is ease, flow, and movement… ?

It’s kind of like being on an inner-tube floating down a gentle river; you’re moving forward with little effort exerted and you’re able to enjoy the ride and feel connected (and trusting) to where the current is taking you!

When you’re in ALIGNMENT your intuition is ? and you’re able to navigate life’s challenges without the drama and exhaustion.

? Being OUT of alignment is having that inner-tube around you trying to push your way in the OPPOSITE direction of the river while looking around for someone else to rescue you; it’s strenuous, exhausting, and you make little to no progress.

THE BIG QUESTION: How can i get into alignment? ✨✨

Over the years of teaching people about energy alignment and unlocking their intuition, it comes down to five very basic habits, make sure you pay attention!

HABIT 1: Move your body

Most people live a pretty sedentary lifestyle. Especially us entrepreneurs! We can easily mistakenly think that working longer hours will produce better results. But that working more than 90-minute intervals leads to LOWERS productivity!

**As an energy expert, I’ll also add that when you’ve been overthinking or feeling overwhelmed, this stress affects your CROWN CHAKRA (how we plug into source energy) and our THIRD EYE CHAKRA (inspiration and intuition)…

So, you’re NOT get innovative ideas and you’ll also get stuck in indecision!

SOLUTION: When you walk, do yoga, hike, or dance, you’re moving the stagnant energy in your body. Raising your heart rate can quite literally help you process stress out of your body and transmute it into helpful energy!

HABIT 2: Stay hydrated

It’s estimated that around 80% of adults are dehydrated! Now, before you roll your eyes ?, hear me out…When your body is dehydrated it simply can’t function.

If you’re trying to unlock the secret to $10K+ months, your brain isn’t getting what it needs to actually function.

Not to mention, the headaches and body pains that just never seem to go away.

Your intuition doesn’t stand a chance when you’re fully distracted like this!

HABIT 3: Time in nature

While the idea of unplugging from tech to go on a week-long retreat may sound delicious, for most people it’s just a pipe dream.

The good news is you don’t have to disappear from reality and live in the woods to reap the benefits of the great outdoors!

Simply walking barefoot in the grass or down a beach can do wonders for lowering your stress and opening you up to a whole world of INTUITIVE POSSIBILITIES!

Nature is medicine!

Plants, animals, and minerals all have special messages to share with you IF ONLY you’d pay attention.

When you spend all your days indoors you’re cut off from the cyclical and seasonal world you live in, and it shows resulting in shame and self-doubt.

HABIT 4: Eat real food

This is not a diet plan to lose weight. Eating real foods (like hydrating) will give your entire body the energy to succeed in life and your business.

When you eat foods as close to their ORIGINAL state, the more potent they will be energetically.

For example, if you grow a tomato, pick it, slice and eat it, that’s just about as close as you’ll get to it’s original state. This tomato will be absolutely packed with nutrients and ENERGY that will add to your life force!

Conversely, tomato ketchup derives from the same source but is (typically) processed with sugar, chemicals, preservatives (and sometimes artificial flavors or dyes). There’s very little nutritional benefits and NO energetic benefit.

So, when it comes to unlocking intuition and getting aligned, it’s next to impossible if all you’re eating is frozen pizza, chicken nuggets, and grilled cheese sandwiches.

HABIT 5: Meditate

Science has proven this over and over, and YET we still make excuses!

I totally get how hard it can be to start a new practice, especially meditation, because we’ve been taught that it’s all about brain silence and it has to last a really long time…

That’s utter bullsh*t!

Meditation can be ANYTHING that allows you to be in the present moment, even for as little as one minute.

If you doubt me, set a timer for 1-minute and all you have to do is BREATE in and out. Imagine white light filling your body with your breath and releasing tension, stress, anxiety, and worry…

Did you do it?

Even if you didn’t, don’t you feel better even THINKING about doing it!? ?

The truth is that your intuition unlocks when you get quiet. The reason is because our intuition speaks in whispers, so we have to be able to listen to these subtle messages.

When life is so loud and moving so fast, it’s nearly impossible to decipher if it’s intuition or just your own thoughts!

Now, you’re probably noticing your own habits bubbling up…

  • You know what you’re doing well…
  • You also know where there’s opportunity to improve…
  • You might also notice your physical, emotional, or energetic symptoms seem to TOTALLY make sense!!

THATS WHY…It’s time to put all of these 5 habits into practice!

I’m hosting a FREE event called Intuition Month to challenge you to use these 5 habits daily for 30 days…

The month of SEPTEMBER will be dedicated to helping you unlock your intuition and get into alignment!

What do you say!?

Are you ready for a little extra push to jumpstart your business and lower your stress?

Join me for Intuition Month, September 1-30, it’s FREE!

We’ll officially start on September 1st.

Invite your friends and community to help you stay on track.

Visit or click the link below!

If you’re craving to shift your consciousness OUT of fear and into faith…

If you’re ready to unlock your intuition so you can TRUST yourself again…

If you’re ready to grow your business and do what you LOVE while feeling your absolute BEST…

Can’t wait to hold space for all of us!



How To Scale Your Business During Economic Downturn With Kelly Roach

How To Scale Your Business During Economic Downturn With Kelly Roach

How To Scale Your Business During Economic Downturn

With Kelly Roach

I invited Kelly Roach on the podcast because she embodies this idea of “the four-season CEO” and has helped so many entrepreneurs scale their businesses and reclaim their time – no matter what the economic climate is.

Understanding your business’s seasons is what allows you to connect to your intuition and pivot when needed, which is the beauty of being an entrepreneur!

In this episode, we discuss not only what is happening economically, but also go in-depth about how tuning into your intuition is there to guide you through it.

If you’ve been receiving those intuitive whispers then this is that extra confirmation that your instincts and intuition have been correct!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [1.51] The challenge of growing and becoming for Kelly and her beliefs about being “off track”.
  • [2.52] Kelly’s journey to create financial freedom.
  • [7.23] What happens to entrepreneurs during a recession (hint: the greatest opportunities can happen).
  • [10.44] When dynamics change in our economy there isn’t less opportunity, there’s more!
  • [11.11] The “four-season” CEO and how our businesses go in stages.
  • [14.14] “Is everyone cut out to be a business owner?” The question I ask Kelly.
  • [17.47] During the life cycle of being an entrepreneur, you will encounter the cyclical nature of the business. Knowing how to stick it out (or figure out if it’s not for you).
  • [23.03] At what point in the cycle do you listen to your intuition?
  • [25.05] Strategies you can implement for this economic cycle we’re entering.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


This is a great time to stop and think about at which point do you listen to your intuition? Is it when it’s a whisper? Or do you wait until it gets really loud? Using the daily reboot meditation from the Mastery and Ascension Membership is the perfect way to take a minute to tune in to your intuition each day so it doesn’t have to knock you over the head!

About Kelly

Business strategist Kelly Roach transforms overworked entrepreneurs into seven-figure CEOs by teaching them how to leverage timeless business principles, employed by billion-dollar corporations, with the most powerful online marketing speed and agility strategies of today.

You can find Kelly here:

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