Spiritual Awakening And Tapping Into Higher Dimensions with Sara Yagoub

Spiritual Awakening And Tapping Into Higher Dimensions with Sara Yagoub

Spiritual Awakening And Tapping Into Higher Dimensions with Sara Yagoub

I’m so excited to have Sara Yagoub with me on the podcast. Though we hadn’t met before recording this, our paths had been crossing for years and it felt like we already knew each other.

Sara is the founder of Renegade Revolution™ and she’s not holding back when it comes to talking about awakening, accessing higher dimensions, which dimension to SKIP, and so much more.

This conversation goes multi-dimensional real quick!

If you’ve ever felt like a weirdo, the black sheep, or like you just couldn’t be “normal”, you will feel right at home with us.

We also cover higher dimensions, astral projection, and even touch on how we’ve seen this impact our children.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.01] The backstory of Sara’s spiritual awakening.
  • [4.30] Trying to feel “normal” for people but feeling like a “weirdo” instead.
  • [6.42] Deciding to go within when Sara couldn’t find the answers externally.
  • [10.14] Discovering there are different dimensions and timelines (meditation counts for this!)
  • [14.10] “I don’t think good spirits get that mad at people…” Sara’s encounter before she had protective boundaries.
  • [18.08] Sara’s explanation of the different dimensions and timelines.
  • [25.08] Multi-dimensions with our kids!
  • [33.25] Sara explains “If we want to stay chilling with earth we need to go along with her or we get dragged”.
  • [39.40] Why Sara created the unplugged challenge to explore what we’re consciously consuming.
  • [45.18] Our experiences with darker energies and what to do to create a safer space.
  • [55.15] Social media and energetic cords.

Resources to take you deeper:

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Try Sara’s free Unplugged Challenge! It’s a great addition to your self-care routine as you align your biz.

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

About Sara

Sara Yagoub, The Intentional Entrepreneur, is a wife, mother, businesswoman, referral marketing expert, speaker, author, investor, founder of ‘The Referral Circle’ & host of Renegade Revolution Radio™ podcast.

You can find her here:

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TBT How to Make Hard Decisions Easy

TBT How to Make Hard Decisions Easy

TBT How to Make Hard Decisions Easy

In today’s Throwback Thursday episode, we revisit Episode #87 where you will discover the process that Emily follows to make hard decisions easy.

Emily goes deep into the importance of making decisions from a flow state.

Decisions feel hard when you are out of alignment because your ego is the one that is in charge.

On the other hand, when you are in alignment and you are in a flow state, it’s easy; you just have this knowing and it feels like it’s done.

Making decisions should be a simple yes or a simple no.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Why it’s important to remove the drama from your decision-making process.
  • Why decisions can be light and easy or hard and stressful.
  • How to avoid complaining about energy and what it really is.
  • How to sit with your decisions so you can really see what’s causing you stress.
  • What do you gain by agonizing over this decision?
  • What is decision fatigue and how to avoid it?
  • How the stress of not making a decision affects your body.
  • Why do smart entrepreneurs understand the importance of investing in their mindset so they can become more successful.
Shareable Quotes:
  • “You have all the knowing inside of you. It’s a matter of giving yourself permission to look at it.” – Emily Aarons

  • “You are the most valuable asset in your business. Your business can’t run without you. So you need to take care of yourself and pause long enough to find where your ease is.” – Emily Aarons
  • “If you are brought into the stress, it means you are not in the flow. So what is it telling you? Part of what it is telling you is that you’re not aligned with that thing.” – Emily Aarons

Resources to Take You Deeper:


Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension Membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join now or join the waitlist now!

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

How To Get Better At Receiving Abundance In Your Life and Business

How To Get Better At Receiving Abundance In Your Life and Business

How To Get Better At Receiving Abundance

In Your Life And Business

As entrepreneurs, if you’re wanting to open up to higher levels of income and make a bigger impact, guess what you need to start doing? Getting better at receiving!

Abundance is multi-dimensional and starts with something as little as letting in a compliment and grows from there.

I can’t tell you how many entrepreneurs I’ve worked with over the years who struggle with receiving abundance and believe me – having blocks with receiving DOES carry over into your finances!

In this episode, I share why this is such a big block for so many of us and how you can start healing it.

I even share about the entrepreneur who set a $10k monthly goal but when the money came it wasn’t the way she wanted and she was disappointed. How do you think that made money feel? Unwelcome?

Listen to this episode to find out the answer to that and my tips on how to get better at receiving.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.51] Are you robbing people of the ability to give you a gift?
  • [3:27] The importance of being open to receiving BEFORE the universe can bring you surprising and miraculous things.
  • [4.39] A real-life example of what can happen when you’re open to receiving.
  • [6.57] Do you only want it ONE way?
  • [9.02] The more easily you can receive, the more easily the universe can give to you.
  • [12.25] One great and easy way to practice receiving.
  • [13.05] How to ask your guides for help with this.
  • [16.20] When you take 100% responsibility for your life, it starts to change for the better.

Resources to take you deeper:

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Practice receiving! The next time unexpected money or a compliment comes your way, practice letting it in. You can allow it into your life with a heartfelt “thank you” and see how it feels (spoiler alert: it feels AWESOME!).

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes.Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

How “Inner Work” Helps You Grow Your Business

How “Inner Work” Helps You Grow Your Business

How “Inner Work” Helps You Grow Your Business

I’ve been doing this work for years now and I’ve found that inner work can directly affect your business.

It’s like one hand washes the other – your business is a catalyst for your spiritual growth and your spiritual growth is a catalyst for your business.

Inner work is more than just mindset though, it’s the ability to connect with your Higher Self and access what you intended to do on this planet when your soul came into this world.

Being in alignment is the inner work because we all have free will. And free will, my lightworker friends, is what can trip us up!

I explain all of this in this podcast episode to provide insight into inner work and how embracing it can actually grow your business from the inside out.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.50] What inner work means and how it affects your business.
  • [2.50] Strategy isn’t enough, alignment plays a part of your goals.
  • [3.28] How “free will” can get you stuck!
  • [4.30] When we are in a launch we get tested the most.
  • [6.04] My favorite tool to help with inner work.
  • [7.11] We can allow ourselves ease and we can grow our business without overcomplicating it.
  • [9.31] These slight shifts over time lead to HUGE results, breakthroughs, and miracles.
  • [10.15] You cannot serve at a higher level with toxic practices, toxic people, and toxic environments.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Try using oracle cards daily before you start your workday. Ask questions about what you are working on and tune into the guidance. This is a great practice to start your day. Also, creating the most positive “plugged into source” workspace will support you. If your space is feeling toxic, try adding crystals and essential oils to lighten it.

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes.Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

4 Reasons Intuition Should Run Your Biz

4 Reasons Intuition Should Run Your Biz

4 Reasons Intuition Should Run Your Biz

There are four, what I call “no-no’s,” that I see so many entrepreneurs fall into. They’re pitfalls that I’ve personally been tripped up by and it’s where so many of my coaching clients get stuck.

It got me thinking… I need to share them with you so that you will know when you come up against these “Oh ya, Emily told me this would happen” moments and you’re prepared.

And then my friends, you can do something different! You can make more productive and supportive decisions for your business that leave you feeling more energized and less depleted.

It’s where I highly recommend you use your intuition instead and see what magic happens as a result.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.34] The first “ego-based” way of goal setting that can leave you feeling like you failed.
  • [3.08] It doesn’t mean anything if you hit your goal or don’t hit your goal. It doesn’t mean anything about you.
  • [4.18] Where most entrepreneurs get stuck (been there too! ?‍♀️)
  • [6.01] How to know you are receiving that next phase of your alignment.
  • [6.56] The third pitfall to watch out for.
  • [10.35] My least favorite pitfall! (also the most common)

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Pay attention to these 4 pitfalls during your work week this week. Where are you falling into these patterns? How can you connect to your intuition more to access to make business decisions and avoid getting stuck or using more energy than you need to? Write it down and try following the insight. I bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes.Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!