Recharge Your Energy For The New Year – Why Karma Cleansing Is Important

Recharge Your Energy For The New Year – Why Karma Cleansing Is Important

Recharge Your Energy For The New Year – Why Karma Cleansing Is Important

Karma is one of those things that can weigh you down energetically over time – and no one needs that!

Each year I do a free Karma Cleanse event so you can start the New Year RECHARGED.

My annual Karma Cleanse is a chance to get things off your chest. Get it off your mind, out of your body’s energy system, and just get it cleared.

I share why it’s important to cleanse your Karma and more about this free event in this podcast episode.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.42] Why do we cleanse our Karma?
  • [1.52] What we do in the Karma Cleanse.
  • [2.47] Opening your energy in a huge way.
  • [4.12] You could do this on your own, but the energy is what makes it more powerful (even on the replay)
  • [6.38] Doing this more than once – why you can keep doing it throughout the year!

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Join me for the free 2022 Karma Cleanse! If you can’t make it live, the energy of the recording is just as magical on the replay. You can register here: 2022 Karma Cleanse (free event).

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

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TBT How To Remove Money Blocks That Are Holding You Back

TBT How To Remove Money Blocks That Are Holding You Back

TBT How To Remove Money Blocks That Are Holding You Back

In today’s Throwback Episode were bringing back episode 149. In this episode, Emily discusses how to remove money blocks that are holding you back so you can allow money to flow to you and unlock your abundance.

Now more than ever, it’s important for you to connect with your higher self and shift your mindset in a deeper way so you can stay in flow and alignment.

Energy is everything and no matter how hard you try to put a smile on your business, you cannot fake your energetic vibration.

You either got it or you don’t.

Emily dives deep into how to remove money blocks that are holding you back, so you can raise your vibration and alignment and start to do bigger work.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Questions you can start to ask yourself if you are looking to branch outside of your brick and mortar or if you’re thinking of starting a business.
  • Why no matter if you are a multimillionaire or you’re just starting out, it’s so important that your vibration and your alignment be at that higher level.
  • How to start to shift your beliefs around charging for your time and trading time for dollars.
  • Why innovation is what people need right now.
  • How the times we are living in right now is changing the way we do business.
  • Why money blocks can’t stop you from making money, but what’s really stopping you is your thought about your money block.
  • What to do and what to avoid when you feel you have a money block.
  • Why you need to know your worth and charge accordingly.
  • How in order for you to create an impact and offer a transformation through your business, there first needs to be an energetic exchange.
  • Why it’s important to avoid offering discounts and why discounts are dangerous.
  • Understanding that money comes in a tidal wave and why it’s so important to hold it while you feel the craving of spending it.
  • How overdelivering can be a money block and why should only over-deliver
  • Why the process of clearing money blocks never ends because you are constantly growing. within a normal spectrum.
Shareable Quotes:
  • “If you believe that thought: I can’t do anything, you may as well not even try and that thought is literally what’s stopping you.” – Emily Aarons
  • “If you honestly care enough about helping people, you will charge your worth because the transformation happens in the transaction.” – Emily Aarons
  • “I was literally the discount queen. Everything I offered was discounted.” – Emily Aarons

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

We appreciate you!


Thanks for listening!

Connect with me on Instagram @emilyaarons and get the latest updates!

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From Building A Top Ad Agency To Burnout And Creating A Life Your Love With Andrew Hubbard

From Building A Top Ad Agency To Burnout And Creating A Life Your Love With Andrew Hubbard

From Building A Top Ad Agency To Burnout And Creating A Life Your Love With Andrew Hubbard

Sometimes we can look successful on the outside. It can seem like we’re doing great, our businesses are thriving, but… on the inside, the stress is quickly leading to burnout!

This is what happened with my guest Andrew Hubbard. He started his own ad agency, built it to seven figures, but found he couldn’t “turn off” work. By the time he had kids, he knew he wasn’t present like he wanted to be because he was always thinking about work.

Something had to change!

In today’s podcast, Andrew and I discuss how to create a life where you’re more present while still running a business and we also discuss the changes in Facebook ads with the IOS changes and the future of marketing.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.09] How Andrew got into his line of work, became successful, but it led to burnout.
  • [5.33] How a YouTube channel with barely any views took off!
  • [10.22] A more in-depth look at burnout when it looks like you’re successful on the outside.
  • [15.01] Andrew’s revelation that he wanted to be more present (looking at worst-case scenario).
  • [27.45] IOS changes and the impact on Facebook Ads.
  • [31.03] How we can innovate and do things differently as marketers.
  • [31.03] How we can innovate and do things differently as marketers.
  • [47.35] Being reminded of who I am on a soul level.
  • [49.16] What’s different for Andrew now that he doesn’t regret.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Try Andrew’s 7-Step Guide and see how it works for you. He’s designed this to create more ease in your biz and I think you’re going to love it! His style is easy to follow and apply.

About Andrew

Andrew Hubbard is an entrepreneur and Facebook advertising expert. As a former agency owner, he now specializes in helping online businesses grow by teaching them how to leverage the power of smart Facebook advertising and digital marketing strategies.

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TBT How To Get Into Action In Your Business

TBT How To Get Into Action In Your Business

TBT How To Get Into Action In Your Business

We’re back for another Throwback Thursday episode where you will learn how to get into action in your business, even if you don’t know where to start.

If I were to answer all your questions, I would tell you that underneath all your questions there is always a fear of judgment.

This fear stops you from writing emails, posting on social but above all it stops you from getting traction in your business.

Today, we are diving deep into the importance of letting go of judgment so you can learn how to get active in your business.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • The importance of understanding that the reason you doubt yourself is that you have fear judgment.
  • Why you should not let the fear of judgment stop you from sending emails or posting on social media.
  • Why you never know the real reason why people unsubscribe.
  • Why it’s a good thing when people unsubscribe because you are not here to be everybody’s best friend.
  • How would you show up in your business if you were not worried about the judgment of others?
  • What would you say and how convey your message if you were not afraid?
  • Why it’s critical that you commit to create valuable content and share it with your audience.
  • The mistake you are making when you think that there is only one way to communicate what you do.
  • Why, when you are really committed to helping people you are willing to do things you’ve never done.
  • The importance of understanding that the only way to get better at communicating what you do is getting out there and helping people.
Shareable Quotes:
  • “We are not here to be everybody’s best friend.” – Emily Aarons
  • “Ultimately, if you’re not showing up right now, you probably are afraid of what someone is going to think of you.” – Emily Aarons
  • “The more we dial in our messaging, the easier it is to market to people, the easier it is to say I can help you with these things and I’m the best at it.” – Emily Aarons

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

We appreciate you!

Thanks for listening! You’re here to shine your light…and I’m here to make that possible!

If you’ve got the strategy and logistics down, but you’re ready to fully unlock your intuition and spiritual gifts, The Phoenix Mentorship is calling you! We’re accepting applications until December 10th only!

Connect with me on Instagram @emilyaarons and get the latest updates!

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

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Receive Energy Upgrades Instead Of Burnout (Yes please!)

Receive Energy Upgrades Instead Of Burnout (Yes please!)

Receive Energy Upgrades Instead Of Burnout (Yes please!)

This might be the single biggest mistake you’re making in your biz! This episode is short and to the point and I can’t wait for you to have this information.

It has to do with managing your energy as Spiritual Entrepreneurs.

And I tell you, whenever my private clients miss this step, they always feel it! I’ve been there too and it’s the difference between getting that energy upgrade that allows you to quantum leap your biz – or crashing and burning instead.

We want the upgrade, right?

Of course, we do! But you have to make sure to schedule these tips into your calendar – especially following a launch – to ensure you get the upgrade you deserve.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [0.34] The biggest mistake I see entrepreneurs making.
  • [1.15] My personal story of what happened when I skipped this step!
  • [4.06] This is what happens when you don’t allow your system to receive an upgrade.
  • [5.34] What you can do to prevent illness coming on from exhaustion as an entrepreneur.
  • [8.48] What to add to your calendar after a “cart close” date.
  • [11.34] Intentionally plan for time off and communicate that to the people in your life.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Sign up for the 2022 Free Karma Cleanse! It’s a great way to start 2022 with a clean energetic slate and best of all – you just need to show up and I do the healing for you. I do it every year and it always gets such a great response. You can sign up here: 2022 Karma Cleanse.


About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

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