How To Create Your Perfect Elevator Pitch

How To Create Your Perfect Elevator Pitch

How To Create Your Perfect Elevator Pitch

Today, I am talking about how to create your perfect elevator pitch.

One common challenge that most of my clients face is coming up with a title that describes what they do. Their main concern is giving themselves a permanent title.

I always share with my clients how learning how to communicate the work that you do a work in progress, something that you are always improving.

In this episode, we will dive deep into how to create your perfect elevator pitch so people immediately understand what is the exact work that you do.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Why it’s so important to know how to describe the work that you do
  • What are some key questions that you can start asking yourself to nail down your message
  • Why you should give yourself a title that describes the work that you do
  • What is the first step in crafting your elevator pitch
  • How to get clarity around what makes you different and why clients come to you
  • Why you constantly share your story on social media
  • Understanding why your elevator pitch is always a work in progress

Shareable Quotes:

  • “I want you to look at your own title or elevator pitch as something that is constantly evolving and changing.” – Emily Aarons
  • “You need to move away from being the expert and hear what regular people have to say about you, because that’s really where the messaging lies.” – Emily Aarons
  • “Part of unveiling your gifts is asking for feedback. The more people you help, the more feedback you get.” – Emily Aarons

Resources to take you deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

How Shadow Work Ignites Your Power Source

How Shadow Work Ignites Your Power Source

How Shadow Work Ignites Your Power Source

It’s important to understand shadow work and specifically how it can help you connect to your power source.

One of the many ways shadows show up for spiritual entrepreneurs is when they are still hiding (fearful to tell people what they believe and do).
But hiding sucks. It takes a lot of energy to hide.

There’s a reason you are here and there’s a reason spirit keeps pushing you to do this work.

We are all lightworkers! We’re here to shine our light so that other people can shine theirs too. Aren’t we?

Well, light has a shadow, which is why shadow work is necessary to light work.

In this episode, I talk about what shadow work is, my own story with shadow work, and the shadows that come up most often for spiritual entrepreneurs.

And I won’t leave you hanging! I share actionable ways to explore your shadows where you’ll need nothing more than a few minutes and your journal.

It’s important to look at the flip side of what you want. Are you ready to talk shadows?

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Why we self-sabotage our desires and fall off “the wagon”.
  • Why our shadow work needs to be addressed.
  • If it doesn’t light you up it’s not for you anymore.
  • My biggest fear didn’t come true, my biggest dream did instead (I share it!).
  • Why it’s a fear of what you think, not truly what other people think.
  • Discussion about the fear of letting the darkness in if you open up to your light. Why we don’t trust our intuition.


Shareable Quotes:

  • “It comes through me. I’m just the messenger. I’m like the garden hose of intuition”. Emily Aarons
  • “Other people’s beliefs are truly none of our business”. Emily Aarons
  • “If it doesn’t light you up it’s not for you anymore”. Emily Aarons
  • “I’m not available for anything other than light”. Emily Aarons

Resources to take you deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Why I Changed The Name Of My Mastermind

Why I Changed The Name Of My Mastermind

Why I Changed The Name Of My Mastermind

Today, I am sharing why I changed the name of my mastermind.

I recorded this episode to remind you that there is no right way to run a business and also to give you permission to trust yourself and make changes in your business.

We have been taught to believe that following other people’s success formulas is the path for our own success and that’s not how I run my business or what I teach my clients.

In this episode, I will share why I changed the name of my mastermind and the process I went through that led me to make key changes inside my business.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • What inspired me to change the name of my mastermind.
  • Why there are no rules to the right way to run a business.
  • Why you have taken programs and courses and haven’t found success.
  • Understanding that following other people’s formulas usually never leads to success.
  • How I help my clients to find alignment, listen to their intuition, and trust that they are on the right path.
  • Why it’s so important to have a group of people who are with you and cheer you on when you are looking to take your business to the next level.


Shareable Quotes:

  • “We all have unique abilities and experiences and unique life paths.”- Emily Aarons
  • “Magic that happens when you get collective energies of like-minded people together.” – Emily Aarons
  • “It’s like a breath of fresh air to have a group of women who are with you, to hold you, to see you, to cheer you on, to encourage you.” – Emily Aarons

Resources to take you deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Ascension Pain and How to Recover

Ascension Pain and How to Recover

Ascension Pain and How to Recover

If you’ve done energy clearing work, such as my Intuition Week, your body needs time to recover. When you shift energy, when you clear your energy blocks – you are ascending.

What’s happening is that after this type of ascending, or clearing, your body is trying to catch up with your energy.

Energy before form is what they say…

Having ascension pains or struggles with physically processing your experiences after big shifts are NORMAL.

But that doesn’t mean you can skip caring for yourself after the shifts or that everyone will experience it in the same way.

Find out what I was yelling at the Intuition Week participants that applies to anything you do that shifts your energy.

I wasn’t really yelling, but I was repeating myself loudly to drive this point home. I’ve been doing energy clearing work for over 20 years now and recovery is integral to integrating this new energy.

It’s as important as clearing the energy in the first place.

I felt a HUGE nudge from spirit to share information about Ascension Pain Symptoms and how to recover from them. Not only that, but I’m also using myself as a real-life example to share what recovering looks like.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Actionable steps to support recovering from Ascension pain symptoms.
  • How Ascension pains vary for different people
  • Does everyone feel bad when you clear energy? I’ll answer that!
  • What feels like an orgasmic experience because you make your soul happy. (Yep. I said it!)
  • This high level of energy healing is going to take your system a second.
  • How Ascension symptoms are linked to upleveling
  • What I personally do to help my ascension symptoms
  • How to talk to your physical symptoms
  • The thing you can do that just takes 1 minute
  • You don’t have to suffer

Shareable Quotes:

  • “If your body says rest right now, do that!” Recovering from Ascension Symptoms, Emily Aarons
  • “Your body is going to tell you what it wants for you to heal.” Emily Aarons
  • “Treat every day like it’s your birthday.” Emily Aarons
  • “Ascension. If it was so easy, everyone would be doing it.” Emily Aarons
  • “You’re actively choosing who you wish to be.” Emily Aarons
  • “All heaven was breaking loose.” Emily Aarons

Resources to take you deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

What Are Spirit Guides And How To Connect With Them

What Are Spirit Guides And How To Connect With Them

What Are Spirit Guides And How To Connect With Them

Today, I am talking about what are spirit guides and how to connect with them.

At the time of this recording, we are about to kick off intuition week and I am really excited about the next few episodes. There are so many mysteries about intuition, energy, alignment, spirit guides, and all kinds of stuff and I am excited, I will be answering all your questions.

For most people, when they start to trust their intuition and tap into spirit guides, it oftentimes sounds like their own voice or their thoughts inside of their head, which is why the number one problem they face is learning to trust and decipher the messages that they receive.

In other words, you need to learn how to tell the difference between intuition and your thoughts.

In this episode, we will dive deep into what spirit guides and how to connect with them and why it’s so important to let go of expectations when connecting with your intuition.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • What is a spirit guide
  • How to find your spirit guide
  • How to connect with your intuition and learn to trust it
  • How you can tell the difference between intuition and thoughts
  • Why it’s important to understand that your guides will support you and help decide which way to go
  • How it is possible to have multiple spirit guides
  • Why letting go of expectations is so important when connecting with your intuition

Shareable Quotes:

  • “Your spirit guides are like your copilot, they tell which way to go.” – Emily Aarons
  • “The number one problem when learning to use your intuition is your ability to trust the messages that you receive.” – Emily Aarons
  • “Your spirit guides are there to support you, they are your invisible cheerleaders.” – Emily Aarons

Resources to take you deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!