Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 29



Episode 171


Yesterday was my birthday so I pulled an extra card for us! I have to say this week is all about living your TRUE self. Your most successful life NOW, today, not someday!

Last call for the BMS Mastermind! If you KNOW you’re supposed to work with me and you’re craving a high-level of support and accountability to start trusting your intuition, help more people, and unlock abundance to have your first breakthrough year, now is the time to join the BMS Mastermind!






28. Core values: Hone in on your purpose and values

Hone in on what it means to be you. The faster you can connect to your own purpose and values, the sooner you can implement them in your business as well. Once you have both of those, then you can attract a team that totally upholds those values as well. Quit getting annoyed at others who don’t “get it” when you haven’t made yourself clear. Make your expectations known. Be as direct as possible, no giving hints. People can’t read your mind. This is about taking full responsibility for yourself and your business. Are you dealing with a troubling situation? If you were the best in your field at what you do, how would you handle this situation right now? Start acting more like that person every day and your life will dramatically change for the best.



3. Crystal clear: You can BE it

If you can see it, you can BE it. There is nothing you can not have. Release control of how things should be and allow the universe to orchestrate the most incredible life full of miracles. Make sure you give thanks and celebrate all the tiny micro-wins, as the universe is showing you that it’s all happening with little energetic breadcrumbs. Don’t take them for granted – it’s all happening! Take a look around and find evidence of it working!



17. Celebration: Share your SPARK!

Share your SPARK! Every single little micro-win must be celebrated because it breeds more of that good stuff! When you celebrate with deep gratitude in your heart, the universe gives you more to celebrate! You’re in the perfect spot to shout your wins from a rooftop! Your energy is so good right now! Use your wins to attract your soulmate clients like a moth to the flame! Treat yourself to something special today; act as if it’s your birthday!



32. Order: It’s all coming together.

Trust in divine timing and divine outcome. If you’re worried about how things are going to work out, or what are the next steps, let all that go now. You need to let go of trying to control everything so much and allow your guidance to come to help you. What if by letting go, an even better outcome could happen? Your way may not be the only way. You’re getting intuitive hits; quit questioning them so much and simply take action in alignment.



You can search for “Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast” on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Music,  and IGTV. Watch us on Facebook anytime.



Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 22



Episode 169


Stop, drop, and realign with your highest!! You’ve got to listen to your energy is it tight and anxious or worried feeling? When was your last break?

You can’t PUSH your way to success its time to begin to ALLOW it. Now is your time but you must be specific.

The problem you might be facing is you’re not sure how to align and attune to the flow state…but that’s ok! I’m the expert in alignment and intuition and I’d love to support you in building a one-size-fits-YOU business model where you can trust your intuition and take action in that alignment to help more people and unlock abundance!

Applications are closing soon, click here to APPLY to the BMS Mastermind today!





38. Clear your energy: Stop, drop and realign with your highest

Are getting too caught up in your head? Maybe you’re not sure what your next steps are? Stop, drop and realign with your highest and best. Your guidance system is here; all you need to do is close your eyes, imagine you’re in a beautiful white sparkly bubble, and your angels will do the rest. Breathe in deeply, let go of anything not serving you, and open up to higher levels of creativity, joy, connection, excitement, and abundance! The world needs you to be in alignment and serving at a high frequency!



20. Launch: NOW is the time

It’s time to set your dreams into motion! Quit waiting for the “right” time, NOW is the time to take action. Your angels are asking you to finally set your intention of what you desire, imagine the best possible scenario, and allow them to orchestrate everything. Take massive aligned action every day towards seeing this goal come true!



6. The Golden Arrow: Focus on a specific target

Set your sights on a specific target. If you don’t have a goal in mind, create one now. You can’t get upset that you didn’t find success when you never had a clear goal, to begin with. Allow your goals to be touched by the healing light of source energy. Everything you wish to achieve is blessed. Quit playing small; whatever is in your sights can and will be yours!





Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 15



Episode 167


It’s one of those weeks again…time to get VISIBLE. Don’t worry about what others think, or about being an imposter…just go DO the dang thing.

It’s my job to support you in shining your light and I know this could be the absolute PERFECT time for you to learn how to start trusting your intuition so you can create that one-size-fits-YOU business and finally unlock abundance in your life.

My team of coaches and I have been receiving applications rapidly, but we still have a couple of spots available for the RIGHT person who’s ready for a life-changing experience!

APPLY HERE for the BMS Mastermind!


You can search for “Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast”, listen and download our episodes on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Music,  and IGTV. Watch us on Facebook anytime.



41. Marketing: Get More Visible!

Energy is amazing to attract your soulmate clients but there’s something to be said for proper marketing. You must put yourself out there in a way people can clearly understand how you can help them AND ask for a sale! The money you make is a direct reflection of how many people you’re helping. If you struggle with figuring out the right words, get help! There are too many people who need you. Put yourself out there and make an offer today.



33. Pivot: Tune in to what FEELS good

Something feels off. You don’t need to throw away all of your work but I’d seriously consider shifting so you don’t feel like you’re “pushing” so hard. Your business doesn’t have to be a labor of love; it can be easy. Maybe it’s time to look at the story “I have to work hard to make money.” Did you catch yourself? This could be a lovely place to journal what FEELS good and what feels heavy in your work. Give yourself permission to let go of what doesn’t feel light and easy.



21. Manifestation: You are a manifesting machine

You’re literally a manifesting machine. Your thoughts are electric, and your body is magnetic. When your thoughts and feelings align, you can manifest instantly. Forget “realistic” or “timing”; you’re the one with the power. Today is the day to proclaim what you desire and by when. Release any stories around your wants and repeat this mantra: “The more I say yes to my desires, the more the Universe says yes to me.” Start small with a quarter, then a parking spot, then go wild; you deserve it!





Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast June 8



Episode 165



The fact that I batch record my Monday forecasts and yet their messages are still relevant with what’s happening with activism, racial injustice, and of course the pandemic, it once again demonstrates using intuition is a powerful tool in your life…

I would like to PAUSE and say this one thing:

Trusting your gut can be hard to do, but think about it…aren’t you seeing influencers, and leaders posting GREAT information about BIPOC and you feel good about supporting them?
While other leaders post and it just feels off or disingenuous? TRUST your gut…

If you’re a leader or someone building your platform and you’re still not sure what to say or how to navigate these heavy subjects I would highly recommend educating yourself so you can use your voice to speak up for the black community in an AUTHENTIC way. People feel that authenticity even if your words are off.

Speaking from my own limited experience, the more you educate yourself the easier the words flow.

This week’s energy all revolves around GRATITUDE and the ripple effects!!

Beyond your biz:

  • Use gratitude for people coming together to fight injustice.
  • Tap into gratitude for your safety and the safety of others.
  • Gratitude that the other 3 police officers were arrested and hopefully will be brought to justice.


You can search for “Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast”, listen and download our episodes on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Music,  and IGTV. Watch us on Facebook anytime.





1. Balance: Look at the blessings in your life

Take a moment to look around at all of the blessings in your life. Some days it may feel like “too much” to take but what if that were just a story you told yourself so you could take a break? There are always sacrifices that must be made for the sake of success. Make space in your schedule for play, love, friendships, silence, and adventure. Work will always be there, but it’s time to fill your cup too.



16. Be the magnet: Harness the power within you

It’s time to harness the power you have within. Focus your attention and thoughts on exactly what you want. Give yourself permission to want whatever you want, even if it’s excessive; you deserve it! Release any thoughts of lack, what if, or worry to your angels. To truly become the magnet you must feel unconditional love in your heart and allow it to expand within and all around you. A magnet never questions if it will attract another magnet, it just is. Who are you not to attract everything you desire? Your feelings are the magnet, so whether you’re feeling good or feeling bad, the universe doesn’t care, it will always deliver that to you. Put on some dancing music or watch a funny cat video, get your VIBE high!



17. Celebration: Share your SPARK!

Share your SPARK! Every single little micro-win must be celebrated because it breeds more of that good stuff! When you celebrate with deep gratitude in your heart, the universe gives you more to celebrate! You’re in the perfect spot to shout your wins from a rooftop! Your energy is so good right now! Use your wins to attract your soulmate clients like a moth to the flame! Treat yourself to something special today; act as if it’s your birthday!





Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!