3 Common Mistakes That Are Blocking Your Intuition

3 Common Mistakes That Are Blocking Your Intuition

3 Common Mistakes That Are Blocking Your Intuition

For the past several months I’ve been noticing a few common mistakes happening that can block your intuition – ones that are easy to fix!

These mistakes aren’t just happening to people who are new to listening to their intuitive guidance, it’s happening to people experienced with this too.

To be honest, it’s hard to be in the world right now, with all we’ve experienced over the past few years, and not have it impact your energy system and your ability to access your intuition… and if your intuition is blocked, it affects the impact you’re here to make.

The good news is you can become more confident in your intuition with just a few small changes and that’s what I’m sharing with you today.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [2.20] That moment when you get a strong intuitive download and then the self-sabotage creeps in.
  • [3.42] If you keep the thoughts, you won’t be able to make the impact that you’re here to make.
  • [4.03] Why you should celebrate when your ego is showing up.
  • [5.16] What hustle energy and working harder does to your intuition.
  • [8.16] No amount of looking perfect can override when your energy isn’t aligned.
  • [11.02] The trending reason for your intuition being blocked.
  • [12.33] Ways to overcome the heavy energy of the collective right now.
  • [14.22] Simple shifts you can do daily to help you free yourself of this.

Hey, listeners, warm welcome back. I am freshly completed with the Intuition Month challenge. I know many of you joined me, and I appreciate your participation. Boy, did I learn a lot.

And some of what I learned through that challenge I’m going to share with you here. Unfortunately, there’s just a lot of stuff in the air globally that is happening that is making a serious impact on all of us. No one is immune from it. Not me, not you.

And so, I wanted to dedicate this episode to really going over the three biggest blocks that are keeping you stuck and not able to access your intuition.

You know, I think the biggest thing is, we have to understand that the constant second-guessing yourself is not something that you have to just live with as an entrepreneur. I have it too.

You know, I’m not immune, but you can actually become more confident using your intuition with a few small changes.

And I really wanted to record this meditation or this nah, this podcast maybe. I guess I’m going to put meditation together too. But I wanted to record this podcast to discuss these big mistakes that people are making.

What I’m seeing trends across the board, not just in my business, but what I’m hearing from other people’s online business, brick-and-mortar businesses.

And these are simple things that you can really a tune yourself to and then shift. So let’s get right into and I’ll share these three biggest mistakes. I’m seen with some solutions because I don’t want to just keep you leave you hanging here.

So if you’re somebody who struggles to trust their intuition, whether it is like, Oh, I’m getting a hit, but then I’m like, Wait a minute, was that right? And I know was it right?

Or if you’re somebody who has been listening to your intuition but you’re just like feeling some weird energy lately. This is a big one that I want you to really pay attention to this episode.

So, number one, the biggest mistake I see this has been happening for years. This is not a new trend. This is not hot. This is constant, which is when you get a brilliant idea for your business, it feels so good. And it’s like everything feels like, oh, my gosh, this is magic. It’s aIign, I feel expansive, feels like everything in your body is a hell yes. But then you almost instantly shut it down.

And the reason why you shut it down is you have these negative thoughts of imposter syndrome. Who am I to do this? Someone’s already doing it better. Who would ever pay me for that? How could I charge that? Or I’m not an expert. These kinds of thoughts have repetitively held entrepreneurs back, myself included.

So one of the thoughts that I used to have was, I’m a I have a horrible voice who would ever want to listen to me, who would want to hear my voice through meditation? It’s terrible.

And so you all know at this point you’re listening to my podcast, which is an audio platform. So apparently 400 plus episodes and it can’t be that bad.

And the foundation of my business is truly helping entrepreneurs to clear their energy blocks and unlock their intuition and connect with their soulmate clients, through the Mastery & Ascension Membership.

Now that membership is also based on my voice, those energy healings are me speaking. And so if I kept that thought, I have a horrible voice. I would not be here doing what I’m doing today, making the impact that I’m making.

And so we have to understand at the root of that fear that, you know, you have a brilliant idea, but then it gets shut down. It’s our ego.

And so when your ego is showing up. Number one, I like to say celebrate because it’s evidence of your growth. If you were not growing, your ego would not be there because your ego is just trying to keep things the status quo.

So the fact that the ego even shows up to tell you like rotten things about you and put these terrible ideas in your head that you shouldn’t be doing what you’re doing, it’s like, Oh, I guess I am doing something. I guess I am growing, I guess I am expanding. And so that’s an opportunity to sit with that.

I want you to remember that part of what keeps you out of those thoughts is to have a tool that brings you back into alignment. So I know for me it’s a non-negotiable.

Like we just talked about intuition and like, I’m sharing these habits that keep me in alignment. And so when I have these, like, crushing thoughts, I know it’s just a thought.

And I have tools that I can clear my energy again and just come right back to my center of going, Yeah, I know who the F I am, so thanks for that thought anyway, ego!

I’m going to choose a different thought instead.

This mistake number two: you think that working longer hours and hustling, grinding it out is going to get you closer to your big breakthrough?

This is so wrong. And I know you know this and I know you’ve heard this before, but you cannot fake magnetic energy.

And sometimes we think we’re doing all of the right things, making the perfect Instagram reels, the perfect TikTok’s posting on a different social platform.

We’re emailing our lists.

We have all of the offers. We have a website with all the things, and yet something inside of you is off.

And you feel frustrated, you feel overwhelmed, your confidence is fading, and you try to just put on a smile and just like keep running things.

And maybe if you just put a little bit more time into it, it would work out. It just doesn’t work. And I’ve seen people at every level of the game, people who are just starting out trying to fake magnetic energy. I’ve seen people who are highly successful try to just like, you know, dial it in and we’re going to just grind it out here.

But you what happens and I know you have looked around, you’ve seen the people who have been the lead on the leaderboard. Let’s just say that way, the people who, you know, in the online industry saying, hey, guess what, I’m burnt out, I’m selling my business, I’m no longer offering this program. I’m getting out of this. You can get it’s like, a it’s like a fire sale.

Basically, they’re selling everything for nothing because they’re getting out. Because they cannot sustain that kind of business where they just push and push and push.

They can’t do it. And you already have seen it. This whole paradigm is changing.

So the good news, is that it’s actually one of the most common issues with entrepreneurs.

You know, you’ve seen everybody hustling and you’ve been maybe tricked into believing that you had to work hard to make money.

It’s been passed down through generations that you have to work hard to make money, and you cannot do your best work as a leader when you’re out of energetic alignment.

And I know many of you, probably all of you listening here at one point have seen me on Instagram or on Facebook or on my YouTube channel, kind of look in, you know, with no makeup, no hair done, no fancy clothes, just kind of showing up. And you have maybe felt the impact of the energy that I put out there.

What I get back is people saying, wow, Emily’s the real deal. Her energy is amazing. Wow, that was so powerful. I was brought to tears. I can’t even believe what just happened. This is incredible. My whole system. I feel this incredible improvement in my thoughts, my energy. I feel incredibly aligned after connecting with you.

And so I’m here to prove that you don’t have to put on makeup and have the best hair and the best cameras and the best lighting and all of that, because it doesn’t matter if your energy’s out of alignment. You can show up looking like I do sometimes.

Sometimes I really get myself put together. But there are just times where I’m like, I don’t have time. Like right now I’m recording this, but this, this. I keep saying meditation. I’m recording this podcast and I just had my team meeting. I haven’t done my hair and makeup. I just am here like, I got to share this. I got to share it right off my heart because it needs to be heard.

And so what you need to overcome this hustling, is to be surrounded by people who understand that, that model does not work. And that they are not going to subscribe to it.

I know for me, having some of my best friends who know how to rest, who know how to pause, who know how to wait. They’re not just struggling and like fishing and like throwing anything out there.

So this is an opportunity to understand how you can get into alignment with that rhythm inside of yourself.

And one of the things that I’m here to be is a guide. So whether it’s in my membership or my coaching programs or my certification programs, I’m not here to give you my ten-step plan of success, because I know it’s total B.S. It’s not going to work for you because whatever worked for me, even if you replicated it to a tee, which let’s be honest, most people can’t. But even if you tried to, it might not work for you.

And why is that?

Because I’m on my own life path and so are you.

So that’s why when you buy other people’s online courses and programs, most of the time you don’t even do it. There’s a 93% chance that you’re not going to complete it. That’s just a statistic. This is not a judgment.

Look at your online database. Like, what courses have you bought? Which ones have you completed? Had you do them 100%? How were their results?

Now there are plenty of it’s not against the course creator or the course itself, it’s just human nature.

And so that’s what most online course creators are leaning into, is like they’re going to know that they’re going to sell you this program and this promise, knowing full well you’re probably never going to even do it.

And why don’t we do it? Because of that mistake number two, we think we have to work harder. We don’t. We have the tools and resources, but we’re not even leaning into them. And so it leaves us strained.

And that leads me to number three.

This is the one that I’m seen trending, which is that maybe you’ve been feeling moody, energetically drained, exhausted, and you think you’re alone.

Now. You are not alone, friends. We are all experiencing this. We are all experiencing this global trauma we’ve been enduring for years.

And right now, more than ever, there are some very intentional thoughts being programmed into us on social media, in the news, in our families, and part of this collective consciousness, unfortunately. So even if you’re not really on social media, you don’t watch the news as you’re still tapped into the same collective consciousness as everybody else.

So you might be second-guessing your dreams and worrying about money stuck in constant fear. And this is just become a kind of expected norm. And I saw it in Intuition Month. I felt that in myself personally, and people have been affected in a very serious way. You might be one of them. In fact, I know you’re one of them.

And there’s some ways out, there some ways to overcome this for yourself personally, as well as helping your clients and community.

And I want to just say this. You’re experiencing that. And on top of it, you’re an entrepreneur. You’re just trying to help people. Right.

And you cannot help others when you’re feeling run down and lethargic. And trust me, I know this to be true.

And something that I have had to do myself personally is to clear some of this like parasitic type of negative energy off of me, out of my energy field, and understand that this is not me. These are not my thoughts. These are not my feelings. This is not part of me.

And really been demonstrative and really been adamant about that and really been focused on clearing my system. Because if I couldn’t do that, I would be sucked into that negative spiral. And it’s really hard to get out.

And so I think here’s the biggest problem, is that a lot of people don’t have the tools and resources to even realize that those are not your thoughts, your feelings, and those are not your emotions.

And you might be feeling energetically drained. But this is not have to do with you. This is something that’s happening on a global level.

But if you don’t if you think that it’s you think that your thoughts and you get sucked into it, you have no way out. It’s like you just sit and wallow in it.

So how are you supposed to be there for other people and help them when you’re feeling like this? You can’t.

So I have some tools I want to share with you to help you with this, because it’s my. It’s my soul’s purpose.

But I really believe there are simple shifts that you can do on a daily basis to help you to shift free from these feelings, as well as being able to be there to support others.

And I’m going to be teaching some of this stuff. And so if you are a coach or a healer now there are lots of coaches, right? Health coaches, wellness coaches, life coaches, mindset coaches, fitness business, aspiring to become one. You’re like, I really want to make a career change or healers. So there’s a lot of types of healers.

So if you’re an energy practitioner, Reiki, somatic, your meditation healer, you use crystals, you’re a yoga teacher or you do anything with tarot or Oracle. And this is also my hairstylist friends.

So you guys are going to be the most impacted. And so that’s why I’ve put together a workshop. It’s called the Intuitive Leadership Series.

And I believe what this leadership series is going to do, it’s a three-week series. It’s going to help you to break free from that broke stereotype.

The biggest challenge that coaches and healers are facing at the end of this year right now is that, like I said, people are experiencing significantly higher levels of stress, fear and anxiety, and they’re becoming afraid to invest in their health and well-being.

That means you could be out of a job. So I believe this is the best time. It’s ripe with opportunity.

You could totally explode into the new year, giving your soulmate clients hope for a brighter future when they work with you.

Unless you’re stuck in this heaviness too. And then you get, you know, you can stand out in a saturated market.

So in the workshop, I’m going to help you understand how to get yourself fully booked, how to stand out in a saturated market and some of the mistakes that might be depleting your energy and costing you money each and every day.

And so what I’m going to be doing as far as this workshop goes, I’m going to be hosting it live on Zoom on Wednesdays starting in October, and then the beginning of November. And as a podcast listener, I’d like to give you a special discount. The workshops are a very small investment. There’s about they’re at $37 a class. You get the bundle for 111. But because you’re a podcast listener, I’d like to give you a special coupon code. You’re welcome to use it for yourself. You’re also welcome to share it with a friend if you feel like they could really use this workshop as well. The link to learn more about the class will be in the podcast show notes.

You can you can also visit it right now emilyaarons.com/leadership, that’s emilyaarons.com/leadership and you can reserve your spot.

This workshop is live, and my promise to you is that I want to teach you how to have these simple shifts that are going to double your income in the next 30 days or less.

And I mean this promise because I am here to help a new generation and part of my work, which is also terrifying, I’m going to admit it, is that I’m here to break the paradigm that I was once a victim to, which is the broke healer stereotype.

And if you have been suffering, not getting fully booked, not getting the right clients, not having enough money, getting stuck in some of these mental traps like I was talking about fear, anxiety, stress, feeling yourself kind of just sucked down. This workshop is going to help you break free.

And the reason why I’ve made it very affordable, very low cost, is because I believe everybody deserves to have this. I’m not making it free because the free stuff I do, people don’t show up, but they don’t take it seriously. And this is not for those people. This is for people who are ready to do something and take action.

So again, it’s emilyaarons.com/leadership. You can use the code BOSSFRIEND30 all in one word – BOSSFRIEND30 at checkout. That’s going to save you 30% off.

So you will get this workshop at the lowest rate available. Unless you’re a Mastery & Ascension Member – if you are an M&A member currently, you will have a coupon code inside of the membership portal in your emails, in your Facebook group for 50% off.

So the reason why M&A people get 50% off was because they’re already investing in their well-being, they’re already invested in their alignment. And frankly, I like to give M&A members first dibs because they’re already doing the work. M&A members, you get your 50% off discount coupon code in your emails or Facebook group and the portal.

If you have any questions, you can always send my team an email, send me a DM, I’ll be happy to re send it to you, but I’d love to make this available to as many people as possible.

I want to be able to give you support. I want to give you some energy clearings through this workshop, and I want to help you to align yourself so this can be the best Q4 ever and the best Q1 ever. I really believe people need you more than ever. So again, it’s emilyaarons.com/leadership. Use the discount code to get 30% off BOSSFRIEND30. Get that checkout code right now.

The workshop begins at the end of October. So the first workshop is on Wednesday, October 26th. We’re going to dove right into a chakra clearing, removing blocks to get more abundance and start to open up from the energy level first. Right.

Like I said, that first couple of mistakes, you can’t just slap some makeup on and think that you’re going to be okay. Right. We’re going to start at the root of the problem.

The root of the problem is your energy is out of alignment. We got to clear whatever is blocking you. We’re going to get you on your right path.

The next week, we’re going to go on a vision quest. We’re going to open up so that you can have your intuition lead you to have a solid plan in any economic climate.

Okay, so your soulmate client is going to give you important information. This is not part of my ten-step plan. No one can give you this. Only you can give yourself this. But I will guide you. I will guide you on this path for you to get the answer for you. Okay.

That’s on November 2nd, the final week, November 9th. We’re going to be creating your soulful signature offer and create all the marketing and strategy around that. I promise you this will be live, this will be interactive, this will be fun.

Every single week you are going to have another piece of your puzzle completed so that you can finish off this year feeling your best, attracting the right clients, and not feeling like you’re sucked into this funnel of negativity and heaviness.

So again, emilyaarons.com/leadership use discount code BOSSFRIEND30 for 30% off. It has been a joy and a pleasure. I would love to continue helping and supporting you through this time and beyond. I love being able to be here for you. yAnd you know what I understand?

Sometimes it’s just not in the cards to invest in yourself. And I get that sometimes people get stuck in the fears that we were talking about and it’s you’re too afraid, right? It’s like, oh, my gosh, I have to hold on to everything I have. But understand, as a business owner, these are investments. You make the investment upfront for your growth later.

And so I will tell you that no matter the times I’ve invested in myself, it’s always proven to be very fruitful, and especially when it’s coming from a place of highest integrity.

So I’ll see you guys in there. Again, emilyaarons/leadership. Use the BOSSFRIEND30 for 30% off and feel free to share that with a friend.

Thank you so much for listening. Thank you for all your positive reviews on iTunes and warm welcome to all of our newest listeners. Thank you for being here, lots love to you will see you on the next episode.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Take a pause. Try these simple shifts to free yourself of the heavy energy of fear and scarcity currently in the collective.


About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their businesses.

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A Business Born Out of Life’s Greatest Challenges

With Abbe Feder

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I wanted to bring her on the podcast for two reasons. One, because so many of us know someone who is struggling with fertility, or you may have gone through this yourself, and it’s helpful to know what to say to others and that support is out there.

And two, it’s such a great example of our challenges and frustrations turning out to be what we can most help others with!

Everything you’ve struggled with may be just the thing you’re meant to teach. I hope you feel inspired by Abbe’s story and her ability to share it so vulnerably. When one person shares it inspired others to do the same!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [3.52] With an entrepreneurial spirit from an early age, Abbe shares her journey.
  • [4.52] Her struggle with infertility and not believing this was her story.
  • [7.57] How to support your friends struggling with fertility.
  • [15.15] The fears during her pregnancy once it finally happened.
  • [16.20] This is where her “woo” came in to help with the difficult decisions.
  • [18.51] From her podcast, her business was born because people needed information and help.
  • [22.27] “I know without a doubt I went through this to help other people”.
  • [25.00] If you’re facing insurmountable odds, if you’re stuck, these stories can help you know that you can get through it.
  • [33.30] Why it’s so important for us to tell these stories.

Hey, listeners. Welcome back to the podcast. As you know, I have reduced my number of episodes, but what that also means that the people I bring you as guests are unbelievable. And so I am here today with Abbe Feder and I met her, I guess we met on Instagram. That was the first way we felt we connected. Abbe is an entrepreneur and she is a specialist and expert in the field of fertility. And what’s really cool how we also connect is she has her own Oracle deck as well, which is gorgeous. And so I wanted to bring her on for a couple of reasons. Number one, because my audience, you guys are primarily female entrepreneurs, so you all have that in common. But also, whether you personally have gone through fertility issues or, you know, somebody who has or does or is or any of those past, present or future, it’s good to have people in your corner and especially people who you can trust, who you feel a connection to. And that’s why I want to have Abbe here today. So warm welcome. Thank you for being here.

Thank you, I’m so happy to be here. And we met actually on Instagram because I heard you on the Kelly Roach Show. And I would be totally honest, I listen to her all the time. She has like multiple episodes a week. I’ve never, like, immediately reached out to one of her guests. But I just loved you. You like me, like you we’ve in a dichotomy kind of like you have the business and you have the woohoo. And I most people don’t know that about me, but I also have the wooo! I think people for you, like see the wooo right away, right? They show spirituality and for me, they see more of the business person first. But beneath it all, I do have a very deep connection to spirituality and will sell. I was like, I must reach out to her like she and I, there’s just so much in common. And we just clicked right away and I’m so happy to be here and support each other’s business because I think what you do is just phenomenal.

Thank you. And another great recommendation that Abbe gave me was the Entrepreneurs League, which really all in the I’ll link it in the show notes if you’re interested in a networking group with female CEOs, I mean, so far so good. I’ve made some wonderful connections and I really just so appreciate that, that referral so.

That it works. Yeah.
So let’s dove in because you know, Abbe, you had a podcast as well. You’ve since sold it and you know, you’ve grown your business, you’re doing primarily coaching. And so let’s just kind of roll back a little bit in time, you know, which came first? Did you start your journey as an entrepreneur and you are wanting to get pregnant? Like, tell us a little bit about your backstory.

I’m one of those people that’s kind of always had an entrepreneurial spirit. And third grade I had like I lived in Manhattan, New York City, and I had like a, it was called chat because unlimited like tchotchke is, is a Yiddish word for like junk, basically. And I just, like, sold stuff on the street. Like, I just I’ve I’ve always babysat, so I’ve always loved the idea of monetizing for good, whatever the case may be. So my background, honestly, I’m a behavioral science. I have my bachelors is in behavioral science. So somewhat related to the mental health fertility space. But I really got a degree to get a degree and then I always wanted to pursue acting. And so I did go to grad school for acting. And even within the acting realm, there’s so much entrepreneurial business stuff that has to happen that many creatives are not good at. And I was always very good at that.

The marketing, that keeping in touch with people, the relationship building. And so I feel like every facet of my life I found a way to make it entrepreneurial. Of course, I waited tables like many actors do, which I loved. And to this day, like if I if it weren’t so physically taxing, I would still do. Because what it taught me was there’s always ways to make more money, right? You can always pick up a shift. You can always cover for someone. You can always work a double. And I think there was something I really wanted. I would just have a way, right, a way to just hustle a little bit more and make extra money. Yeah. And I think that I feel like everyone in life should wait tables or work in some kind of customer service or commission based business to get that understanding, because I really do. So many people are married to the idea that like you work the 9 to 5 and you make a set amount of money and that’s it. So what can you do within that amount of money? I just always feel like there’s always a way to make more. Yes. So all of that sort of informed my entrepreneurial spirit. And then when it came time to get pregnant and we weren’t getting pregnant, that took precedence over everything. I was so miserable and so unhappy and so depressed and so just surprised. I just kept feeling like, how is this my story? I, I don’t understand. I did everything right. I took care of my body. I married a great guy, and. So whatever else was going on in my life took second fiddle. It was like, you know, sometimes trying to get pregnant is like a full time job. And that’s I would imagine.

Yeah. And that’s what I’ve seen in my girlfriends who’ve gone through various ways of, you know, trying to get pregnant. It is a full time job. And not to mention, if you go the route of IVF and all the doctor’s appointments and the injections and the pills and like it is so taxing.

It’s so taxing and it’s so freaking expensive, right? It’s like.
So it’s like I didn’t have the stamina or desire to work in any way, but also I needed to find a way to pay for fertility treatments. It was just it was brutal. Yes. And so we went through it for many years, some without medical help. And then once we got on the medical bandwagon really far into it, a crazy amount of time to do it like we did for eyes for a retrievals and transfers. So total like 16 depending on how you look at it.

I know. And again, even when I say it, I’m like I just can’t believe that was my story. And just spoiler alert, we did end up on the other side with twins, but we were told it would probably never happen for us biologically. So they are really miracles.

Okay. Hold on, please. Okay.


When someone when a medical professional tells you it’s probably not going to happen. What does that feel like?
Just know. Just know. I was just like, no, that’s not. That’s not our story. It’s just not our story. And I know that sounds so crazy and like. Faith does not work for everyone. But I knew in my gut we were going to have biological children. I didn’t know for sure that I would carry them. But even based on my medical look, what was going on in our in our particular journey, we were making embryos. So that wasn’t the issue for us. And I was like, if we are making embryos, we are having a biological child. I don’t care what you say to me like we are doing this and I love my fertility doctor to say that I had a few, but the one that I ended up with. I mean, she literally looked at us and was like, you know, if you want to do this again, we can. But I don’t really know why you’re doing it again.


And I was like, okay. Like, by this point, we had started what is now the podcast. We weren’t sure what it was going to be at the time. We were just so sick of what everyone in our life was saying to us. You know, just relax. Go on vacation. You can’t be 15 rounds into a medical treatment and then, like, go on vacation and get pregnant. Sure. Does it happen to some people? Yes, like lucky them. But that was not what was going to happen for us.

What were some of the things that like were very like particularly triggering? Ah, like angry. Like so people know what not to say because I feel like there’s a large volume of books that need to be dedicated for like stuff don’t ever say to people trying to get pregnant right now.

And if you’re ever, like, on the fence, should I or should I don’t, or reach out to me first and be like, is this okay? So one of the first things I remember, like after my first round of IVF, one of my husband’s friends was like, you know, once we started trying, every other day it happens. And I’m like, okay, buddy, do you understand? We’re doing, like, medication every day. Like, every other day is not going to do it for us. So really, in general, that goes to like don’t make suggestions for people. Just don’t just don’t make suggestions, just be a safe space to listen. Right. And I always say, like, honesty is the best policy. So if you don’t know the right thing to say, then you say, I truly don’t know the right thing to say. I just want to be here for you.

Yeah, that goes miles.
So much. I think people are quick to it’s like the awkward silence, like.
I don’t. And so they fill the space with a suggestion because it’s like a knee jerk reaction, like, oh, I’ve hurt my elbow. Oh, you hurt your elbow. Have you tried icing it? You know, did you try wrapping it or have you looked at it with a doctor? Like, we know like three things basically to give anybody suggestions with. But if it’s outside that realm, it’s like, I don’t know. So really erring on the side of just holding space for people is really the most important, impactful thing that you can do.

Exactly. And that’s really and don’t like saying nothing is also not great. Right. So I think a lot of people felt they were doing the better thing by saying nothing. But again, I go back to like, let’s go to the truth, which is, you know, last time we talked, which was six months ago, you are going through IVF. I see you’re not pregnant or I see like I don’t know the right thing to say, but that must be really hard. And I’m here for you, you know, just acknowledge it, you know?

Right. Or did you notice that people like distance because they didn’t know the right thing to say? So they’re like, this is awkward. I’m just going to, like, put my head into a hole and step away.

They, like, disappeared from our life because they didn’t know what to do or say. And they were having babies and they knew we were trying at the same time that they weren’t. So they would literally just disappear. And like that is really what the catalyst was for our podcast, because we couldn’t go after these people and say, Let me tell you how you’ve been shitty, you know what I mean? But we needed a place to talk about it. And so someone was like, Just grab a recorder. I don’t know if it’s going to be a podcast, but just sort of talk about it. And we did and it became like our sort of de facto therapist. We would talk at night about the things that really hurt us during the day. We would record phone calls from our nurses and our doctors and we didn’t know what it was going to be. We just it felt like an imaginary friend that was in it with us, you know?

And so, lo and behold, it did gain some attention, just the raw footage. We were very lucky. We were connected to a wonderful podcast company called Star Burns Audio, and they had nothing in the space and nothing in the realm. And they just loved the idea. And and so they were like, we want to produce this for you as an actual podcast. And so they did, and that’s how it all started. And at that point, we had just been told that it probably wasn’t going to happen for us ever. Wow. And so we were like, we need a place to talk about the grief that one carries for life when your family doesn’t turn out the way that you’ve thought that it would. That was really how it all started.

Yeah. And so it was both you and your husband the entire time you had the podcast. And it’s almost like it kind of reminds me of journaling, but you’re kind of like co like writers, but you’re, you’re, it’s like an audio journal essentially of documenting your process and everything that you experienced.

Exactly what it was.
And so once that podcast company kind of picked you up, both you and your husband were told this news like it’s not going to happen for you. Was there any part of you that was like, what, we should just not sign with this company?

I mean, no, almost more drove us to want to talk about it more because I didn’t ever hear people talking about what it feels like to process that grief on a daily basis. And by the way, this was like before podcasts were as much of a thing as they are now, right? I love and also specifically the art. There are now a lot of infertility and fertility podcasts out there.


And ours was one of the first, which I love. And ours is not about like interviewing people about their stories. It is literally our actual story in real-time.

Wow. So very unique. Very like, just so raw, so authentic and super.

Yeah. And so. Yeah, like, that really fueled our fire more to do the podcast. And then along the way, we did kind of our Hail Mary rounds of IVF and we got pregnant with multiples.


And even our podcast producers were like, are you serious? Are you serious? Are you serious? Like, they could not. They’d been through this journey with us.


And so then our pregnancy, of course, wasn’t easy because God forbid it ever is. And we ended up having to do a termination for medical reasons and all of these things that really I feel, especially now, given the state of our political country, need a space to be talked about and.


Giving a human face. So we talked about all of that and it’s all out there. And like that podcast company had a relationship with Audible and Amazon and then Audible and Amazon decided they wanted to buy the exclusive rights to the podcast. So that’s where we really that’s where we really sold it like we had sold us. And then, yes, our friends helped us really sell it to Audible. So.

Wow. And you know, so when you first start out, you were pregnant, you share the news. I mean, there are so many different areas of thought on when do you share the news? Myself and one of my close girlfriends, we are both of the mindset of like, Listen, if I’m pregnant now and I lose my baby, I like to have the support.


To talk with about that and not to have this like dark secrets that I keep by myself. And I think this only perpetuates why we have so much trouble talking about miscarriages or infertility or even terminating pregnancy is like it’s like this taboo topic. We know nobody talks about it, but yet there are millions of women suffering every day who are going through loss and have no one. They don’t feel safe to be able to share that publicly.

I think, you know, is really, really awkward because our podcast actually didn’t come out until about three weeks before I was due. So I was very pregnant and people were hearing it and didn’t know it was kind of a cliffhanger, so they didn’t know that we’d gotten pregnant. Gotcha. So there was like the coming out publicly and then the coming out to our close family and friends. And honestly, pregnancy after loss and pregnancy after infertility is a whole special kind of trauma. Because I didn’t enjoy my pregnancy at all. I was terrified every single day that the other shoe was going to drop and it wasn’t going to become true, especially with multiples. I was like, okay, well, at least if something happens to one, I’ll probably still have one. I mean, these were the games as I now.

I know.
To have those kinds of thoughts on a regular basis for.
For 40 weeks. I mean for 37 weeks.

So yeah, I really I mean, I told my close family and friends, I still waited until after the first trimester, not so much because of loss, but because we knew we had to terminate. So we got actually ended up getting pregnant with three.


And they were given like a 90. I was given like a 97% chance of miscarriage if I carried all three because I was about I was almost 40. It was just because IVF, you know, ups your chances of miscarriage. But the fact that three made it to a larger state, like to a big state like a far stage was insane because we had lost so many already.


And now this is where a lot of my wooo came in because. You know, I work with somebody here who’s an amazing, intuitive energy person and. I really needed help. First of all, deciding which one to terminate. I know that sounds horrible, but, you know, there’s a whole medical process you go through to figure it out and. You look for any possible sign that there might be one that you know, should be the one. But it was brutal. It was torture having to make that decision. But I have an amazing. Her name is Gillian, and she really helped me. This is so crazy, but I’m just going to go with it. Like throughout my pregnancy, there was a solar spirit that was trying to get through me. And I firmly believe still that that spirit was that third baby. And I was meant to I mean, I still to this day, call that baby, my angel baby, because that baby having to say goodbye to that angel baby brought me to my family that I have now.

So so yeah. I mean, I didn’t tell people mostly because I wasn’t sure if I should say I’m pregnant with three or two or if only one was going to be able to make it. It was like such.

Oh, my gosh. Like holding your breath and not I can’t even I mean, these are impossible decisions for people to make. I mean, as entrepreneurs were like, do we have a painful or multiple?

What do we do?

Totally, totally.
No other repercussions. And I, you know, in my business, I say to my team all the time, when we have decisions like, listen, this is not no one’s going to die here. We’re just selling meditation. It’s going to be okay. You know, we kick ourselves too seriously sometimes. But these are these are really life and death conversation. And they’re impossible they’re impossible decisions to make.

They are.

And so you do have to dig in deep and you have to go into your heart, into your soul to find those places. But then you go, okay, so something has to happen. And I, I fully got chills when you said, like, your angel baby, you helped to bring your two kids into this world, which hundred percent. I mean, just to be safe again, I get full chill.

When you said you got them, I got them, too. I know, but I truly believe that. And that’s where I’m grateful that I do have some sense of spirituality and energy and universe, because it really helped guide me in this particular moment. So yeah, that is sort of that’s like my story. But from the podcast, that’s how my business was born, so to speak, because people just started reaching out to me all the time. What do I do? Thank you for sharing. Here’s my scenario. Do you know a doctor? All these things. And I was like. There’s such a need for a connector of the process and the emotional piece. It’s not a therapist, right? It’s not available for 50 minutes at 3:00 on Tuesday and maybe has never been through it. But somebody who truly understands what you are going through, it can help shepherd you through the emotional, the physical, the financial of all of it. That is how InCircle is born.

So was InCircle born sort of in parallel to your children being born?

It was born like, you know, I didn’t know. None of us know what motherhood is going to be like, right, until you experienced it. But I truly didn’t know. I kind of assumed since it had taken me so long, I was going to want to be with them like every minute of every second of every day and like never work again. And like a weekend I was like, Oh God, I don’t know if I can be home. I don’t know if I can do this, you know, because again, when you have an entrepreneurial spirit that really just lives inside of you, you can’t do nothing.

So, yes, I will. And I will echo that as well. I’m backing you up right here.

Thank you.

My calling as an entrepreneur, just similar to you, has always been there from a very, very early age. My first business was when I was 22. When I finally did get pregnant, I was at I was, I think 32. And and I remember my my mother had come to visit one time and basically to talk to me about focusing as a stay at home mom and not on this little business and really encouraging me to like put this little business aside. And had I listen to her, I wouldn’t be here today, obviously. However, that year was the year I next my business.

I love it.

And by the end of the year I said to her, I’m taking November off. I’m celebrating this stuff. And she was like, No, no, no, you can’t stop now that you. I said, Listen, Mom.
I if I listened to you seven months ago, I wouldn’t be here today. So thank you for your advice. But until you are an entrepreneur in my shoes, I will not be taking advice from you. Thank you very much. Being like and I believe we can have both why we have been programmed to believe you can either this or that, but you can absolutely be a mother and have a successful business. And there are gobs of women out there who are massive, crazy, successful, and don’t work full time or who work minimally. And their businesses are just kicking by and they’re like, I guess I homeschool my kids now because like, I’m just making so much money. I’m just sitting here like, I should do something,.

Something right. I mean, great. Like, let’s both be then. That was what I think in, you know, I mean, this is so clear to me and most people I think that are probably your listeners because there are a lot of entrepreneurs. Being a mother makes me a better business owner and being a business owner makes me a better mother. No two doubts it, like no question about it. It’s just like all the things that are able to fill our soul can drive all the sides of our life.

So preach.

Yeah. So after. After they were born, I was like, I know without a doubt that I went through this to be able to help other people. Like it was just so clear to me.

And, and, yeah, it took a while to be, you know, I was still a mom of newborn twins and I wasn’t sure how what the model was going to look like. And so it took a while to become what it is now. But I have so much pride in being able to offer this service because I just so many women are entering the fertility space in a business capacity because we all are just like enough, enough of this horrible experience that we went through, like, what can we do to make it better and gain some control because it feels so out of control? Yeah. So that’s the beautiful piece about it.

I love that. And I want to say, you know, when we can kind of go through these dark nights of the soul, we can go through these hardships in our life. And you get through that place and now you’re here and you can look back and go, I knew I had to go through that so that I can help serve other people. And I think what’s really challenging for a lot of people is when we’re in these dark situations and these challenges that are like they’re taking us over to actually have the understanding, like, I might not see it now. I might not know it now. But this is this is happening for a reason. And just trusting that by itself, a lot of times we are in these difficult situations and we need to know what the end of the story is like. What is it all for? Why is it happening to me? But we’re not really gaining the benefits of being in it also if we’re trying to hurry up through it.

So totally agree with that.

I feel like if you are experiencing a dark night of the soul or you are undergoing a big challenge in your business, or you’re having issues with fertility or whatever it is right now that you’re up against and it’s hard and it feels insurmountable. I want you to hear Abbe’s story right now, too, and realize that if she has gone through all of this, which it seems like the people who I know haven’t gone through nearly as much as you also just going to put that out there. If she has gone through this, you can get through it, too. And it’s going to happen for a reason. And I think a lot of the reason why people are drawn to this podcast, too, is because there’s something in them that knows that they’re here to lead. And as leaders, you know, we’re here like bushwhacking. We’re like with a machete through like the jungle. There is no path in front of us. We are just trying to figure it out. And so there are times where there’s like a clearing that we can just be like, Oh yeah, I own this, I know what I’m doing here. But a lot of times we’re just like bushwhacking and we’re just like a few steps ahead of you, and we’re just looking back, going. We put our hand back on. Come on, this way.

Stick with it.

And so that’s it. It’s like, hear our stories and understand that you can also make it through to that next place if you’re feeling stuck or stagnant. There are ways through. And also I want to just reiterate, you reached out for help from multiple people, from all different places. And I feel like I’m seeing this a lot recently, which is like there’s two very distinct type of people, like people who want to just complain about everything bad in their life and then people who want to do something about it.


And you know, I think a lot of people could take the stance that especially again, if people are saying to you, medical professionals say, nope, it’s not going to happen, you could totally take that first road and be like, this is my life is is over. And I’m sure a lot of people feel that way and sort of stick in that place and like. Things just kind of happen around them, around this one issue. I think it shows such a strength of character in you that you could see this as like, this is not going to be my story. And just stepping up and going, I’m going to get through this. And now that you help guide other people through it from a place of walking the walk, that’s so empowering. And so when people reach out to you and they’re going, I don’t even know where to begin, who do I talk to? How do I get help through this? How did you do it? They’re hearing your story. Did you start working with people individually? Did you know that you wanted to do groups of people like and then like next, next like the carjack, like? Well, to get into that. But how did they kind of start to develop for you?

So I truly when I launched the business, I had a business partner we have since divorced amicably ish, but it just wasn’t it wasn’t a fit. But she was amazing at helping set up the business. I’m not an entrepreneur at all, and that’s sort of where you have to really follow your gut on that. You know, biggest tip, I would say entrepreneurially, but we would say you get two for one, right? Because you would we launched right before COVID and we pictured ourselves. We were like, oh, we’ll have like an office that looks like a therapy office and we’ll cry with people and, and, and then we were like, Oh my God, we can’t see anyone. What are we going to do? Let’s pivot. And so we started on Zoom. We started very slowly, and now we actually started by volunteering for an organization that pairs like Peer Mentors for fertility.

Just to get the experience and to get some testimonials and to see could we really actually do this?

Yeah. And we did it one on one. Like, you know, I took a person and she would take a person or we were like, as we launch our business less and move it to zoom, let’s try to on one. And so that’s how it kind of started the two-on-one model that you get to coach is one patient and her story was very different than mine, so we felt like we had a lot of bases covered and then it just became like, well, eventually we’re probably going to do one on one because we don’t. We have a system now and we see what we’re doing. And, you know, we had. You could work with us for a year or six months or four months or three months or an hour. And it was like, No, that’s all too much. Let’s have one signature package. And for me, the signature package we were finding, even with four months, it wasn’t enough. And one of my strengths is relationship building. Like, I want to know that you’re committing to six months of going through this with me and I’m committing to six months of going through this with you. I really take my clients to heart. I want them to take me to heart. I want them to feel comfortable to reach out. And unfortunately, in the grand scheme of infertility, six months isn’t even that long. Sometimes you think, you know, this was a problem with the year package. Nobody wanted to be thinking they were going to be going through infertility still in a year, whereas many of us are. And so six months felt like a nice, reasonable amount of time where we can make a meaningful relationship together and still navigate one to 2, maybe three courses of treatment and see what’s happening. And the way that I say it is like we all know about the pregnancy glow. I like to give the fertility glow. And glow is for G is for a game control L for learn what works O is for ovary love and W is for when. So those are sort of the place we began in control is the number one stop, like making a plan together and not feeling like this is all happening to us and what are we going to do? And like we’re at the helm of whatever our doctor says. But no, like what can we do to feel in control of the journey and then finding the right team of people, doctors, acupuncture, energy, people, whatever works individually for a specific client and like making the plan together.


That is really and I’m I’m so happy with the six month package. I love getting to know my people. Many of them come on for another six months. I wish they didn’t have to, but some of them do. Yeah. And many of them come on for six months, even after getting pregnant, because like I said, there’s no kind of trauma like pregnancy after infertility. And they want to just know that I’m still available to walk them through that.

Yes. That and that fourth trimester. I mean the of them. I mean I mean, that can go that mean I’m not trying to remarket your business here, but even what you said is like statistically speaking, most people are going to be in it for a year, even though we don’t think we want to. And, you know, understanding that there is so much that can go into these containers is six months containers together, even beyond trying to have a baby. After you’ve had a baby, there’s still there’s work to do there.

Right. Right.

And so much.

The feelings of motherhood after infertility, like you feel like you’re supposed to be so grateful for every little thing, but like, getting no sleep still makes you miserable. And you’re allowed to say that even though you wanted your baby more than anything in the world, right?


So it’s really like a lot of mind games that happen.

Oh, yeah. And I mean, I think we all suffer from some range of postpartum depression. I think there’s a wide spectrum. I know for me, both of my kids didn’t really sleep for the first year. And I mean, your brain just doesn’t work on all cylinders, period. I remember I used to take pictures of my newborns and be like, I think people take pictures of babies to really realize and remember how cute they are when, like, they’re literally draining every ounce of life from being like.

Like. I have friends who are, like, obsessed with babies, and they go on to having a home health, like, you know, babysitting. And I’m like, please, please now, like, quite cute babies. I’m like, Oh, that’s good for you.

Yeah. Yeah. I always say, like, everyone’s children suck except my, you know, that’s like and I and I didn’t know that I was going to feel that way, you know, I thought I was just going to want to like, I’m really managing that piece of it too. When you overcome infertility if.

You just.
The puzzle yeah.
Huge. And again it’s like this this gray area that doesn’t really come up to the surface and get talked about and looked at.

And that is really like I am all about talking about all of it. Like I’m such an open book. I think it’s so important. I don’t expect everybody to be an open book, but I like to take advantage of the fact that I am because I figure it’s grounded in reality. This is just the reality. And what I’ve learned mostly from doing the podcast is that every so many people are like, That is exactly how my husband and I fight. Thank you for it. Like, I thought we were just even more horrible people than most. And like, I see now that that’s normal to fight that way. And it doesn’t mean we don’t love each other or I wanted to murder my doctor when they said that to me too. So thank you for just saying that because I felt so validated. And that is really what sharing our stories is about, right? Like.


Validating each other so that we know we’re not alone in this and that nothing’s wrong with us.

Absolutely. You know, it’s interesting, I yesterday I actually had my annual checkup at my OB. I go, I see and I see a midwife and I see who I had. That’s where I went for my the birth of my children and that the facility is being shut down. It’s part of a hospital. And they’re they’ve been petitioning. It’s actually being shut down. And when I went there yesterday, you know, I was angry because there is no other alternative, you know, a medical adjacent kind of facilities in the area with midwives with this kind of experience. And so they’re like being dispersed into other places for women. And, you know, it’s.

Surprising because not used to have great reproductive health benefits and like seems really proud. You know what I mean? I’m so surprised.

It’s it’s shocking. And, you know, the midwife who I spoke to, she’s been doing this for a hundred years, basically, and even just the level of love and care that she gave me doing breast exam and pelvic exam. And we were talking about, you know, what to look for when you do a breast exam. And I kind of just threw in, you know, after nursing my kids for so long, my breasts just didn’t look like they used to. And, you know, I did consider implants. And she stopped me right there and she took my hand and put it on my belly. And she looked me in the eyes and she said, Just remember, this body brought in life. This body is wonderful.

And love, this body, you know. And it’s so it’s like when you get that level of care, you can’t possibly compare it to being in like a sterile environment. And then when you’re in those maybe harsher, sterile environments with doctors and you think that that’s like the norm and you can’t have a person like you who you can be like, actually, maybe we could advocate for you a little bit, or maybe we need to find a different doctor or find a place that is a little bit more in line with your values. You know, I just realize how sacred that place has been for me all these years and how it never felt like things were being pushed on me. It just felt so warm and loving and welcoming. And I would wish that for every woman going and going through any anything.

Right. And it’s exactly what you say. Like, we don’t know what we don’t know. So when we go to a doctor that maybe doesn’t treat us in a safe way, we leave feeling like, Ooh, that was weird. But I guess that’s how it goes. That’s how it is. Yeah, I would, you know, any different or any better.


And that’s why. That’s why we need to tell these stories.


To know, what’s better.

Yes, we need to tell these stories. We need people who are like you or groups of women who can get together and gather and speak these things out loud and understand. I mean, part of this conditioning has been passed down from our parents and from our grandparents. I mean, I have a next-door neighbor. She’s 81 years old. And after she had her third baby, they put a heat lamp on her vagina. They put a heat lamp on her. And she had up getting burns on her skin, on her labia.

Oh, my God.
Right. It’s like our.

What was the reason that they did that?

I. She can’t even articulate it. So even now, right now, she just goes with it because you’re like, Oh, I guess this is what I’m supposed to do.
Right. Or like, they took her kids and she wasn’t supposed to breastfeed them. Like she was like a bad mother because she was breastfeeding at that time. It was like a taboo thing. So it’s like.

This wasn’t that long ago.

I mean, this woman is literally living and breathing next door and telling me these stories. And so, again, having people that we can talk to and who can help share these stories and hold space in this way is so important. So. So you work with people one on one. Do you have group programs or sort of how does that work?

I do some group coaching, like a support group coaching really, but I do that for other organizations like Resolve, which is the National Infertility Awareness Association. There’s an amazing group called Fertility Rally that does a bunch of different support groups, so I don’t personally do a group coaching, although it is very much on my radar to potentially develop one. You know, it’s hard because some people don’t want to go through it with someone else. And, you know, my fear of a group coaching is like, let’s say I take five women together and like to get pregnant and three don’t. And what happens?


It’s just like a little tricky. So. Yeah, but I am working. You know what’s amazing is that so many companies are starting to bring fertility benefits into their workplace, which I think is so crucial. Yeah, but it’s almost reactive, like a Band-Aid on a problem. And they’re not. The people get the benefits, but still know how to use them well.


So what I’m doing is like trying to approach companies is like, let me help you help these women so that you’re not just like slapping an ad corporate insurance plan on them, but they understand what’s happening.


What to choose. And so in that capacity, I’d like to work in groups. But, you know, this is like anything. It’s a long road. So that’s what I’m working on right now. If anybody has any corporate connections that they want to put me through to, please send them my way.

Yeah, I love that.
Yeah. So I for now, just feel like because also this is the thing with infertility. With six months, you might need me every day for three weeks and then not then we’re in a waiting period for two and a half months. So that’s why I also I do a longer-term plan because the ride is a total uneven roller coaster. So you might not need me all the time.

Right. Which makes sense. And I love that too. About your model of really giving people that flexibility and realizing like, you don’t need people to need you to be there all the time on time. Right. But then I love. So I’m going to talk about your card deck. So this is that invitation of, you know, if you’re not quite at that stage or even people who are working with you, having this deck is so beautiful. So you have empowering messages on each of the cards are like a rainbow in color for people who are watching the video.

You know, can send you some. I should have sent you some. I’m going to you some after this.

Thank you.

They’re done. By this way, you’ll have them for someone else who might need them.

And you know, we did talk about doing the possible giveaway to.


Why don’t we do it. Yes, let’s do that.

Yes. So I’ll give to I’ll give two decks away, 2 decks away.

Thank you. Thank you. So we’ll well have a giveaway for podcast listeners will share it on Instagram and just to get people excited about it and to see. So I love the parentheses around in for charity. Oh, God.

Like deciding internally that you might be infertile is a big decision. So if you don’t like it, where’s my finger? You don’t like it? Is there fertility cards of affirmation? And if you understand that you might be going through infertility already, then they’re infertility. For me?

Yes. Or in your fertility. Like, I think it could have made for many things. Yeah, I loved it.

So, yeah, these were born out of I got a deck of cards as a gift after I had babies already, and I was like, Oh, my God, I wish I had had these during my infertility journey. Wait a second. And so I was like, Oh, my God, I’m going to look for infertility cards of affirmation, of which there are none. And so I was like, We have to make them. And the artist, like anyone on video, can see the rainbow-like you were describing, and you’ll see it on Instagram. So the artist is amazing. Her name is Jamie Britcher and she is the glitter enthusiast on Instagram and she went through her own insane fertility journey and decided to gain control over her journey. She was going to use art with IVF needles, so she takes sterile IVF needles and makes these incredible like, here’s what each card looks like, these incredible complications. Cause, I mean, she uses, like, blow dryers and alcohol and all she’s all using it with IVF needles. And so she did the artwork. It was like such an obvious match for me. I was like, I have to call Jamie about this.

I don’t know. Is there another artist that we better match for you?

I don’t think so. So, like, here’s one that I just picked randomly. I can speak up when other suggestions or advice cause me stress and pain like we were just talking about.


I can. So this is affirming. I can speak up when other suggestions or advice caused me stress and pain. And you can see this one happens to be green. They’re all different colors, beautiful. And it’s just because again, you write someone says like, oh, try every other day or just relax on vacation and you’re inside. It’s like so raging, angry. So then you check your card and maybe the next day you say, you know, there was something you said the other day, and I just want to let you know, maybe that wasn’t the case, whatever it might be. So these are very specific to the fertility journey really.

I love them. And I was going to ask you to pull a card

So I’m glad that you did.

And I still use them now, even though I’m on the other side. But I find that very helpful in everyday life.

I mean, that messages is perfect for.

No matter what.


Totally. I think honestly, people are reaching out to me all the time, like mothers and sisters and best friends that were like, you know, my best friend’s IVF just failed. I don’t know what to do. Do I get flowers or does that seem like it’s a funeral? Do I say nothing? And so when you go on our site and look at the cards, I even give examples of things you can say that include things like. You know, I saw these cards and they made me think of you. I never know the right thing to say, but I hope that they provide support in your journey or whatever, in my being, in little examples of things that you can say because there aren’t perfect gifts out there for this kind of grief and loss. And now I feel like there are going away.

And you know what? You just made me see greeting cards as well.

Yes. And now Jamie has been working on as well.

Yeah. I mean, those would be beautiful greeting cards that people could buy from you. And, you know, it’s not that like that card could be the message. An insider could say one of the beautiful things that you just said.

Of totally, you know, people that idea.

You heard it here first on the Aligned & Unstoppable podcast, you get full.

Credit. Full credit.

I don’t mean I don’t need it but I mean that’s just it is like we all are searching for those pieces that can say the things that we wish we could say and don’t want to give people at all. Like, that is so wonderful. Abbe thank you for being a guest and thank you for sharing your story. I think that the listeners are going to hear so much hope in your story and also see, I mean, even when you talked about your business model of offering a gazillion things and then now narrowing it down like let’s have a signature program. And actually, this is how I serve at my highest level. I mean, this is stuff I talk about all the time. And it is so congruent with the messages that I share here. So I think if people are hearing you say it, it’s you, it’s not me, say it is. You see, I.

Totally know we didn’t talk ahead. Of time about this, I promise.

But that’s also part of the journey is like we have to eat a little humble pie. We volunteer, we try this, we try that, we throw spaghetti against the wall and then we go home. This is it. Like we get we have to get to that piece, but we can’t just I think people want to fast forward and just get to the place where they have the thing that sells to everybody. But like, what’s fun is that you’re not going to build your audience and build your message. You don’t understand who you are. If you just start with, I just offer this one thing and I, you know, you’re not even confident in it at that point. I know.

And I think one of the important things that I do say in a different way is that nothing is set in stone. So if you try it, if it doesn’t work for you, then you just can change it. It’s not right. Like, that was hard for me because I’m very like, plan must be in place now. This is the plan. I can’t change that. I just put it in place. But if it’s not serving you or your people, then it’s not working. So to change it, you know


All right.

I adore you!

The feeling is mutual, Abbe. So everybody can find you. You’re InCircle Fertility, on Instagram.

InCircle Fertility and Abbe Feeder. You can find either one and cross-find me on both and I love my DMS, so feel free to reach out. You can go to my website if you want a 30-minute connection call to see if maybe you want to work together we’re a fit. Please reach out for that. And we’re going to do two, two car giveaways, which I’m super excited about.

So cool. But it’s like, this is the podcast that just keeps on giving.

I love it.

So good. All right. Listen, thank you so much. If you enjoyed this week’s episode, please take a screenshot and tag me in Abbe in your stories. You know, we both love DM. She just said this is the best way to give back to us. To say thank you, to say what was your AHA or that something really helped you. Or if Abbe said Oh, this particular phrase and then you use it on your friend and you’re like, Oh my gosh, this is exactly what I needed to say. Thank you for those words. Connection is everything, and we are both totally all about it. You can always leave a positive review on iTunes and give us both a shout-out on there. Thank you for listening and sticking with us and please get yourself in that card giveaway. I want you to win. Those cards are so gorgeous. Thank you for listening. Lots of love, I will see you on next week’s episode.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Think about what you have overcome and what you can help people with. Is it currently in your business? Can you include it? Try journaling about it and see what insight you get.

About Abbe

Abbe Feder is the founder of InCircle Fertility. She is the fertility coach she’d have wanted through her own six-year path to parenthood. She holds the hearts and hands of women and couples struggling to navigate fertility challenges. Abbe can’t guarantee a baby, but she can guarantee to make you feel in control of a completely out-of-control process.

You can find her here:

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How To Align Your Business To Attract Soulmate Clients

How To Align Your Business To Attract Soulmate Clients

How To Align Your Business To Attract Soulmate Clients

This is one of my favorite topics – how to align your business to attract your soulmate clients.

The benefit of getting into alignment is to create that state of ease, flow, and reduce your stress – that’s what makes you magnetic!

When you’re in an amazing vibration it attracts people to you like a magnet.

I don’t want you to just take my word for it, I’m sharing 5 easy ways you can get into alignment so that you can experience this soulmate client attraction for yourself.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [0.52] What brings the “Boys to the yard!”
  • [2.20] The first way to get into alignment, this may require some help.
  • [3.51] One that I used to skip but this is a way to do it so you can get into alignment without it being so challenging.
  • [6.04] Being in a community, tips on finding the right ones for you.
  • [7.37] How to get clear and balanced in just minutes a day!
  • [9.15] Clearing the blocks to open up to your potential. Being able to trust your intuition!
  • [11.21] Your higher self is always trying to show you your best potential.
  • [12.00] New habits that are effective to help you get into alignment – for entrepreneurs.
  • [23.12] How each chakra helps you align and what gift it provides you.

You’re listening to the Aligned and Unstoppable Podcast. This week we get to talk about one of my absolute favorite topics. This is like, Oh, this is the juice. This is the goodies about how to align your business to attract your soulmate clients.

So in this episode, I’m going to talk about five ways that you can get yourself into alignment plus some, you know, maybe some things that don’t work out so well for us that get us there ish, but not all the way there, because truly the benefit of getting into alignment is to create that state of ease of flow, releasing blocks, releasing stress, because from that place you are magnetic.

And that’s what brings other boys to the yard. I hope you got that reference. Anyway, what I meant by that was when you’re in an amazing vibration, it attracts people to you like a magnet.

So before we get into those tips and really how to get you into your highest vibration, I want to share a couple of amazing reviews that were on iTunes. And if you have not yet left a review, I would love, love, love one. You know, I love making these podcast episodes for you, making tons of hours of free content. I mean, 410 episodes is a lot of episodes, and I do it because I love to be of service. And your reviews truly inspire me to keep going. Plus, in your review, if you want to talk about something, you can make a recommendation. I’ll probably do it.

All right.

So the first one says do it. “I often listen and feel like I’m in every episode. She’s talking directly to me. I can listen while I’m at work and register at home. She’s a total gem and although I really enjoy, I am learning so much about myself and trusting me.”

That’s the point. I love it.

The next one says “I highly recommend this podcast is an opportunity for transformation and self-slash business growth. Spiritual Awakening. With the focus on business and profitability, Emily is providing great tips and strategies.I highly recommend”

Whohoo! so thank you. Like you feel that energy. I get so excited reading these reviews and it lets me know that I’m making something that is very positive for you. So it’s great.

So let’s dove right into these five different ways that you can start to get into alignment.


So number one, I think we all know it. I just mentioned it, which is to clear yourself. So what would you do if I said, Oh, clear yourself? You probably be like a nude cue the cricket sound. Maybe my podcast producer can add the crickets sound right here. But you would, you would you would go clear myself. I mean, I don’t even know what you mean. Like lights and sage or something. Yes. And and so this is where I feel like a lot of people are not equipped enough to know how to actually clear their energy.

You can light some sage, some Paulo Santo, get some crystals, but you might actually not get all of the gunk out. And I say that with love. This is not a criticism, but I’ve been doing energy healing for 23 years. And I will tell you, people have got some stuff in their systems and it takes an expert to truly know how to get to the root of all that and to clear it out.

The second thing that you can do is, of course, meditate. Now I know what you’re going to start to do again. I roll like I don’t have time to meditate. Truly, I understand that too. And this is where I used to get stuck too because I used to think I needed to spend hours in meditation for it to be beneficial. I didn’t want to change my lifestyle around.

And of course, like some meditations cost money. So like all of those factors were totally working against me. And so I, I kind of just like put it in its own little spot and I was like, Yeah, later next time. And I also thought I had to have like a blank space in my mind. And I think that’s the biggest misconception. Biggest myth is that your mind has to stop being active. I don’t believe that’s true. That’s not the type of work that I’m doing for myself personally. It’s not what I teach for other people.

The third way is to get professional healing. Like I mentioned, the first tip about clearing yourself like you need to invest in a professional healer. If you’re really wanting to get into alignment. I get professional healing. Even though I’ve been doing this work forever, I am not necessarily my own personal healer. Yes, I can clear myself in-depth and I do a great job doing it if I do say so myself. However, I still require assistance from professionals.

The fourth way is to study spirituality, which I’m sure you’re already doing on some level. If you’re listening to this podcast, you’re probably on that spectrum. Some of you know, you’ve you’ve tinkered or you’ve really, you know, committed more of your life to studying spirituality. But, you know, that can take a lot of time. I know for me. I mean, I’ve been reading spiritual books since I was a teenager, honestly used to spend my allowance on buying books on homeopathy and natural healing and meditation and like all kinds of things that, like, really, a teenager has no business buying. But that’s really what my life has been dedicated to.

And so I’ve been professionally healing and doing spiritual stuff for 23 years at this point. And so that’s a lot of time. You know, it’s kind of the bummer about studying spirituality. It’s not like you could just like download all of it. You have to also experience like things that kind of suck, like a dark night of the soul and just like inner child work and soul, so many things.

And the fifth way is to be part of a community of spiritual folks. You know, I’m guessing probably some of you are in Facebook groups, the spiritual people or maybe in community at like a yoga studio. I always love being communicating with people. However, I kind of notice myself not loving being part of some spiritual groups because it was mostly just the spiritual practices and almost like they separated like life and they certainly were not talking about business.

So for me, I love talking about business, I love talking about spirituality. So I like to have a place where I can do both and not feel kind of weird about it. Plus, I’ve noticed some people tend to do like the healer shame thing, like how dare you have a spiritual practice and make money? Like, okay. You know?

So I think that that’s an interesting and interesting thing that I’ve noticed in other spiritual communities, not saying they all do that, but some do. And so I know that these five methodologies, these five things work when done correctly.

So if we can backtrack to think about how to clear yourself, I mentioned you really got to know what you’re doing, but think what would be possible if you were able to align yourself.

Like I said, really in-depth, getting all the systems cleared and aligned and balanced in only minutes a day.

That, my friend, is what is so awesome.

So I actually have created a meditation that does that.


If you’re in the Intuition Month challenge and you did the Ascension experience upgrade, you already know what I’m talking about, friend.

It’s called reboot.

And the members of my Mastery & Ascension membership all have access to this meditation.

So this meditation is literally designed to clear, repair and align your chakras, your aura and every single energy system that honestly you don’t even no need to know about, but that it is programmed to do for you.

It is it does it in minutes a day and you can literally press play and go about your day.

You don’t have to sit and listen to it.

You can listen to it while you’re in the car.

Your kids can listen to it.

You can listen to it while you’re going to sleep or while you’re driving like it’s it is that good that it clears your system without any effort from you.

Isn’t that the coolest?

So now you can start to see, okay, there are ways that could benefit me, that wouldn’t take as much time and energy and effort, and you could get to the root cause of what’s causing the stress, the strain, and ultimately what’s blocking you from attracting your soulmate clients.

You can get to that root because what’s happening right now for all entrepreneurs and all people truly is that we’re under unrelenting stress.

And as entrepreneurs, not only are we seen like the global stress from like, you know, from diseases and economy and like all sorts of catastrophic things that are happening in the world.

But we’re also experiencing it on a little bit of a micro level from ourselves internally, trying to run a business, trying to attract clients, trying to make money.

And what’s going on is that this unrelenting stress, it takes a toll on your energy field.

And just without going into like crazy detail here, what I can tell you is that your seven main chakras are exactly not close to, but exactly in alignment in the exact physiology of your endocrine system.

And so what that means is that when we experience stress in our mind, in our body, it impacts our energy field.

Now, if it’s impacting our energy field, it means that we can have blocks, stagnant energy, stock energy in our energy field, which then blocks us from showing up.

It blocks us from expressing ourselves.

It blocks from receiving money, it blocks from creative ideas.

It blocks us from trusting your intuition.

And so when you can clear these blocks, like I said, reboot literally will clear these blocks for you without effort, you can start to open up to your potential again.

So just imagine trusting your intuition and your instincts are always leading you down the right path.

Imagine being grounded no matter what life throws at you.

Imagine your productivity skyrockets and you feel deeply satisfied at the end of the day.

Imagine you feel inspired to create new opportunities in your business that lead to quantum financial growth.

How would that feel?

And consider what would be possible for you.

And so you know that there’s this inner voice inside of your higher self.

They already know.

They’re like, Yeah, I know, I’ve seen it.

I felt it.

But actually bringing it into reality is what I have difficulty with.

And so your high yourself is literally always trying to show your highest and best potential, but we’re only human.

And so we’re living with these bad habits that don’t serve us.

Habits like stress eating, negative self-talk and not making your own needs a priority.

And so if you keep these old habits, nothing’s going to change.

And so what I want to introduce to you are a couple of new habits that are effective.

They’re nearly effortless, and they’re going to align you to your biggest desires in your life and in your business, and again, with very little effort from you.

And so when we talk about these solutions, and I’m not going to shift from these solutions to get you into alignment and attract your clients, clear yourself is the best.

It’s the best solution.

But again, if you don’t have the right tool like reboot, you’re probably not doing it right.

The second one is meditation.

So I don’t know about you.

I’ve definitely used different meditation apps.

I’ve listened to YouTube and I’ve tried different things.

But again, they’re not for me as an entrepreneur.

And so what I find myself doing is listening to these meditation apps, and I get super relaxed.

But it doesn’t get me any closer to attracting my soul, my clients.

It doesn’t give me any closer to making more money or increasing my revenue.

So what I’d channel through Mastery & Ascension are energy healings.

It’s in the form of a meditation.

And so every single month, I deliver these live energy healings that calm your nervous system.


So we talk about when we’re under unrelenting stress, it impacts our energy field.

So when these meditations you’re listening to them, they calm your nervous system.

And what that starts to do is open up your energy field.

And every energy healing I channel, I’m clearing that junk out of your energy field to get you into alignment and simultaneously guiding you to receive intuitive insights that directly grow your business.

And so just imagine that you’re in meditation, you’re super relaxed, you’re super open, you’ve cleared the gunk that’s blocking you, and you’re completely open to new ideas, new inspiration.

And I’m not giving you these ideas.

You are personally receiving them from your higher self and from your spirit team.

That is why it’s so empowering, because these are not blank mind.

You got to clear the slate.

No thoughts.


These are meditations that are really helping you to be more productive.

You’re getting insights.

You’re getting your next steps.

You’re getting your next plan.

You’re getting whatever you require at that time to move you forward faster in your business.

And so meditation with that mission, with that centeredness is so important.

And I want to say to is like this taps into that other tip number.

Tip number three was getting professional healing.

So if I am literally clearing your system, helping you relax through meditation and I’m professionally I’ve been doing this for 23 years and clearing your system, you’re getting all three of those best tips in one session.

And the coolest thing is I have meditations and energy healings that are going to hit on so many topics, from clearing abundance wounds to clearing from wanting to be a people pleaser, to raising your rates, to going into the Akashic Records to open up more wealth, attracting so many clients.

Like there’s endless numbers of meditations that are specifically designed for us as entrepreneurs.

And the thing is that you could truly spend thousands of dollars on professional healing.

I know even when I was the broke healer, I would charge $125 a session, which was very low at the time and even still.

But if you think about spending that kind of money every single month or even multiple times a month, you’re going to be spending tens of thousands of dollars.

So if you could be part of the Mastery & Ascension membership, you’re paying a very low monthly rate or yearly rate to have access to, like I said, hundreds of these over 200 guided channeled energy healings that clear your blocks and align you to your highest alignment.

So what about that?

And plus, there’s master classes and extra benefits with bonuses and other workshops.

There’s so much in there.

So you’re saving thousands of dollars, but you’re able to access so much.

The other point that I said I was studying spirituality again, Mastery & Ascension.

There are dozens of mini master classes.

We have other bonuses, including marketing classes and, you know, pitching yourself all kinds of really cool things that are really beneficial to entrepreneurs.

And so I want to just pause here for a moment and just I want you to tap into your higher self, that part of you that knows how important it is for you to feel your best to do your soul’s work in this lifetime.

And that higher self knows that you have to prioritize yourself.

Because if you don’t, not only you’re not going to attract your soulmate clients.

If you don’t prioritize your energy alignment, you’re going to continue doing the same things that keep you sick, stuck and broke.

And that’s how I was to for a very long time.

But you already know something has to change.

And that’s why you’re here.

That’s why you’re here right now.

While you’re finally listening to your intuition’s guidance, maybe you’ve been doing Intuition Month with me, or you just been around the block with me for a little while.

It’s like your prayers are being answered.

But sometimes we do need these reminders.

And it’s none of the things that I’ve shared with you.

are theory, you know, these five tips have to do with ancient wisdom.

And they have helped me to achieve quantum success, quantum growth, personally, professionally.

And they have helped me to assist the same things in hundreds of entrepreneurs and spiritually minded folks just like you.

I am absolutely not some guru, and I don’t have any access to secret resources.

I just have these techniques and I know that they work and I know that they will work for you.

And so you know that there’s that part you want to get your business to be in alignment with your soul, to get that alignment.

You will oftentimes have to sacrifice your time and your money.

And so that’s why Mastery & Ascension is so awesome, is that you don’t have to sacrifice those things.

Like I said, reboot is a meditation that’s going to clear your system within minutes, and you don’t have to stop what you’re doing.

And you have access at four very low rate every single year.

It’s a very low, very reasonable, very affordable rate.

And so you can think about it.

You have a couple of options, which is you can take these tips.

Notice how you feel when you try to do them and see how it goes.

But I really believe, you know, unfortunately, that without my healing tools, without my touch, without my energy healing, it’s going to take you a lot of time.

And I see a lot of people give up.

I’ve seen people join my membership and then go, you know what?

I’ll do it on my own.

And they come back and they go, You know what?

I really tried and I can’t.

And it’s not that I want people to be dependent on me, but what I do is I hold the space and you get the answers for you.

I’m here to hold this space.

And I don’t think that a lot of people are equipped.

Actually, I don’t think anybody is truly equipped the way I am to hold space for the spiritual and for the business growth the way that I do.

So you have the option of trying that on your own, but you could also have instant access to me.

My advanced knowledge, my years of experience deliver directly to you every single month with an amazing supportive community.

Like I mentioned, you know, being part of a community is a really, really big deal.

But again, most people aren’t really into entrepreneurship and spiritual communities, and sometimes they even shame you for talking that way.

And so I don’t want you to get into that same mess that I’ve gotten into, and that’s part of what M&A is all about.

Mastery & Ascension is, I believe, the most supportive community on the Internet.

You know, we have made so many improvements to the membership that are just to be of service to you.

And so one of the things we have created and added is a private podcast.

So every month I channel these energy healings to get you into your highest alignment and attract your soulmate clients.

And you don’t have to log into any portal or have Internet access.

You can literally have them on your favorite podcast app.

It’s right there on your phone and it’s free as a member.

I also shifted from doing my live energy healings through the Facebook group to doing them on Zoom so we could foster that community.

We could see each other face to face, and actually the energy is even more amplified on that platform.

And I also believe, you know, we’re looking at moving off of the Facebook platform entirely with this community.

So if that’s something that’s held you back, just know it’s in the works that we are looking to really raise the vibration and the consciousness of our community.

And we can see there is less of a resonance stain on that Facebook platform.

So we’re opening up to these dramatic shifts.

And I also one of the things I’ve started to create for my members are discounts for all of my events.

I don’t know if you listened to last podcast where I talked about, you know, I have a lot of really fun events coming up.

Some are in-person, some are virtual, some are online trainings.

And all of the Mastery & Ascension members get a significant discount coupon for all of those.

So if you’ve been.

In working with me, I would just say like, hey, you might as well become a member because you’ll save a ton of money from being a member.

You get all these discount code discount coupons.

The final benefit that we just added to Mastery & Ascension is that I’ve been creating the Integrated Energy Alignment Practitioner Certification Program, and so we have a number of practitioners who are literally training under me to be able to do what I do energetically.

Like I said, I’ve been doing this for 23 years, I’ve been studying most of my life and now I’m actually teaching it.

And so these are people who I know, who I love and I trust them.

And I’m allowing members of M&A to receive practice sessions for free or at a very low discounted price with them.

And again, these are trusted people.

There’s not just like random people, but they’re literally learning how to do what I do.

And so that’s another benefit you can receive, like I mentioned, receive professional healing.

This is another way that I’m here to be of service so that you can stay in this alignment.

And so again, when you decrease your stress and you can shine at this bright level, you’re so my clients start to find you irresistible.

Not only that, but you’re able to speak your truth.

So let’s go through the chakras really quickly on how you can attract your so my clients. So crown chakra, you are plugged in to source, to God. You’re going to start getting hits, downloads of things that are new and innovated for you to take action on that you’ve never done before that are going to pull in those new clients where drop down into third eye intuition.

You’re going to start getting those ideas, inspiration.

Then next steps that you have to do those next strategies drop down into throat chakra.

This is about speaking your truth and being visible with your message down into heart chakra.

This is where you give and receive unconditional love with that heart chakra is open and ready to give and receive connection and love.

But it’s also about boundaries.

So you’re no longer going to be over giving in, overextending yourself and people pleasing you’re holding the space of integrity, and your work will amplify through this next alignment.

Then you drop down into your solar plexus.

This is where you trust your will, what you want to put into the world.

You’re going to be able to manifest your desires easier, faster, without effort from you dropping down into your sacral chakra.

This is a creative energy.

This is that womb space, that cauldron to cook up great ideas.

This is how you take that big idea that first came in to you from Crown.

And it’s now coming into the world to be birthed into a new idea, a new program, new service, new price.

And that is what attracts those next level clients, not the ones who are unwilling to pay you and think that you don’t deserve to charge.

But the ones who believe your value and believe your worth and are willing to put whatever it is on the line to work with you financially.

And then we drop down into base chakra about finances, safety, security.

And so you’re going to feel like you’re in full integrity, fully aligned to be of service to people.

And that will heal those wounds of abundance, of lack, of scarcity, of insecurity that get you from point A to point B with the least amount of effort from you that is truly your energetic system and how it works to pull in and attract soulmate clients.

So I could obviously clearly talk about this endlessly for days because this is my passion. I’m sure you can hear it. I’m sure you can feel it, but this is what I’m here to do. And if this feels good for you and this energy feels like, Oh yeah, that’s what I feel like I’ve been needing. But I didn’t even know that this kind of thing existed. Or maybe you heard about Mastery & Ascension, but you know it wasn’t the right time for you.

I will be opening the doors very soon, literally next week. So if you’re not already on the Mastery & Ascension waitlist, you can go over to my website. Now, put yourself on the waitlist. You’ll hear about doors opening first. They’re going to be opened on the 27th for people who are in the Intuition Month, Ascension, upgrade and to the waitlist. Then they will open the next day on September 28th to everybody else. So my doors to Mastery & Ascension will reopen, but only for a few days.

So typically I, I will leave them open for a week, but they’re actually going to close again on October 1st, which is perfect because on October 1st, that’s when I’m going to be doing my next live on Zoom Energy channeling to do that, healing with everybody who has just joined, including the current members and the new members. So when you get in to the doors by October 1st, you’ll be able to experience me live in that format. And so, you know, I want you just to remember, you know, you’re here for a reason.

And I suspect that if you were feeling your absolute best right now and your business was thriving and your clients coming in, that you wouldn’t have just spent this time listening to my podcast. But it’s up to you. So think about it. Are you going to keep treating these symptoms of stress on your own? Trying to look up videos and meditation apps and trying to find healers that are actually qualified in your area?

Or are you going to step into this new paradigm where you can trust that now is your time to make an impact and to serve at your highest alignment and to be at that high vibration so that you can start to attract the clients that you deserve.

And just think about right now, just how much have you already invested in your spiritual well-being? And think about what you’ve already invested in your business. Mastery & Ascension is the only membership in the entire world that helps you grow both spiritually and financially.

And so I want to thank you for being here, for being part of this community, for being part of my podcast community.

If you’re already in Mastery & Ascension, thank you. From the bottom my heart for always inspiring me to do better. To create new ways for us to connect online and connect in person. You know, I truly believe that the next four months, the rest of this year, is going to be dedicated to how we can go deeper with one another. And I believe that Mastery & Ascension is one of those first next steps. And that’s also part of my mission here, is building community.

So if Mastery & Ascension doesn’t feel like the right next step for you right now, that’s totally okay. There are other ways that you can work with me. I’m going to be doing a speaker series called Intuitive Leadership coming up. There’s both in-person and online sign ups for that, but you can also just stick here on the podcast and hang around. You know, you can listen to older episodes. We’ve got, you know, over 400 of them. Get to know me a little bit better. Get to see that I am a person of my word.

And there’s one thing I have to say. My close friend, she’s a business owner. And she said, you know, over all of the years that I have seen your work and followed you and listened to you, you are so consistent and there are so many people out there, especially people who claim to be like spiritual business coaches who are kind of flighty and going from one thing to the other. And you can’t quite keep track of what the hell they’re doing next. And she’s like, You’ve always been focused and so grounded in the same thing. And I love that. It’s like, you are so authentic, you are so deeply connected, and you are the real deal. And so I’m not here to prove that to you.

I know you can listen and connect with me and you’ll hear it and feel it for yourself. You cannot at all fake good energy. You just can’t. And so there is a part of me that you really resonate with. Then lean in. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I haven’t gone anywhere. I’ve been doing this work for a long time and this is my life’s passion. This is my life’s mission. This is just an opportunity for me to open the door so that you can receive the benefits of what it’s like to be in my space.

And truly, like I said, Mastery & Ascension isn’t a community or meditation practice that I’m telling you what to do. I’m bringing you back into yourself. And so if you think of life like you’re in this fog and you’re not sure what the next step is, you’re not sure how to attract the clients, you’re not sure what to do next, and you’re kind of afraid to go the wrong direction.

What Mastery & Ascension does is it brings you back to yourself. It brings you back to your own instincts, because when you’re in a fog, you have to rely on your instincts. You can’t rush it. You can’t push it along faster than supposed to. You have to come back into you and not here for you to build this codependent relationship with me. I’m here to remind you of who you are and to create that soul level, intimacy and connection and the trust within yourself. That is what’s going to catapult you into that next quantum growth. That’s what it’s done for me. That’s what it’s done for my close clients that I’ve worked with, and I know it can be possible for you, too. So I’d love for you to join me in whatever feels good.

Whatever resonates again in the podcast, show notes will have links to Mastery & Ascension to go on the waitlist – emilyaaron.com/groups if the if you’re listening to it and this happens to be the last week of September.

Jump on in friend. The water is fine.

I would love to have you here. Thank you so much for listening and thank you for committing to being of service and raising your vibration. Just doing that alone is shifting energy in the whole planet. So thank you so much. Lots of love to you.

If this episode resonated with you, please share it with a friend. Tell somebody you love, especially those bears besties who we could use, all of the good juju that we could get. So share it with a friend. And of course you can always take a screenshot and tag me in your Instagram stories or reach out to me privately on and Instagram. I’d love to hear how you resonate with this episode. We’ll see you in the next one.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


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About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their businesses.

Get connected with Emily…

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? For LIVE and on-demand energy healings that clear your blocks and align you to more abundance join the Mastery & Ascension Waitlist today!

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Intuition Month Recipes by Danielle Walker

Intuition Month Recipes by Danielle Walker

Intuition Month Recipes by Danielle Walker

Since so many people participating in Intuition Month have been struggling with eating healthy whole food, I reached out to Danielle Walker since she just came out with a brand new cookbook called “Healthy In A Hurry”.

I knew her recipes would be delicious as well as FREE from gluten, dairy, and grains.

Danielle was generous enough to share her recipes with us so I selected two that I selfishly enjoy…

Salsa Chicken Tacos and Teriyaki Salmon.

My entire family loves when we do taco night because we love the flavors as well as the fun part of designing our own taco bowls or wraps. (I’m really into the Siete brand wraps).

Salmon packets are the PERFECT all-in-one meal for the family. My kids love fish and broccoli and that sauce is everything you want in a sweet teriyaki sauce, so this is a quick favorite.

PERMISSIONS & CREDIT INFO:Permission is for nonexclusive use of the requested content and is based on use of the following credit line:

Reprinted from DANIELLE WALKER’S HEALTHY IN A HURRY by Danielle Walker.

Copyright © 2022 by Simple Writing Holdings,LLC. Published by Ten Speed Press, an imprint of Random House, a division of Penguin Random House LLC.Photographs copyright © 2022 by Aubrie Pick.


salsa chicken tacos

Salsa Chicken Tacos

This crazyeasy chicken taco recipe has been one of my family’s weekly goto dinners for years and years. It’s a meal I know none of my kids will balk at, and it’s my default when I’ve forgotten to plan and have only frozen chicken ready to go. I can throw it into the electric pressure cooker and have it on the table twenty minutes later. This is also one of those meals that I always double prep. A single portion goes into the slow cooker or pressure cooker for dinner, and the second portion goes straight to the freezer so it’s ready for another meal.


Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 12 minutes

2 pounds fresh or frozen boneless, skinless chicken thighs, trimmed of fat

1 pound fresh or frozen boneless, skinless chicken breasts

2 cups mild roasted tomatillo salsa, plus more for serving

1⁄4 cup Taco Seasoning (page 35)

1 cup chicken Bone Broth (page 42)

Butter lettuce cups or grain-free tortillas, for serving

Avocado slices, diced tomatoes, diced red onion,

Dairy-Free Sour Cream (page 36), and/or cilantro leaves, for serving

Place the chicken thighs and breasts, salsa, and taco seasoning in a resealable bag or glass container. Seal tightly and refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 6 months.

To Use an Electric Pressure Cooker: To cook from frozen, partially defrost the container in a bowl of warm water for 10 minutes. Place the partially frozen ingredients in the pressure cooker with the broth, select the manual button and cook at high pressure for 20 minutes. To cook from thawed, omit the broth and cook for 12 minutes. Allowing the pressure to release naturally while you prepare the rest of dinner will work well here, but you can also release it manually immediately. Remove the chicken from the pot and use two forks to shred it. Return the shredded chicken to the pot and serve with the lettuce leaves, salsa, and toppings of your choice.

To Use a Slow Cooker: Defrost completely, then place the ingredients in the slow cooker. Omit the broth. Cover and cook on low for 6 hours or on high for 3 hours. Remove the chicken from the pot and use two forks to shred it. Return the shredded chicken to the pot and serve with the lettuce leaves, salsa, and toppings of your choice.

Tidbits: My all-time favorite trick for shredding chicken quickly is to use a handheld electric mixer on low speed. It shreds the chicken perfectly in no time at all! Just cover your hand and the mixer loosely with a towel to avoid splatters.

Taco Seasoning


1⁄2 cup plus 2 tablespoons chili powder

1⁄3 cup fine sea salt

1⁄3 cup ground cumin

1⁄4 cup dried oregano

21⁄2 tablespoons onion powder

21⁄2 tablespoons ground coriander

21⁄2 tablespoons sweet paprika

1 to 3 teaspoons cayenne pepper (see Note)

1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

In a bowl, stir together all of the ingredients, mixing well. Store in an airtight container in the pantry for up to 6 months.

Note: Use up to 3 teaspoons cayenne if you want this to be spicy.

Buy It: Daniellewalker.com/spices

Use It: Chicken Tortilla Soup (page 94), Salsa Chicken Tacos (page 98), and “Skillet” Queso Dip (page 226)

Bone Broth


Prep Time: 8 minutes

Cook Time: 80 minutes

4 pounds roasted or raw chicken, beef,or turkey bones, or a mixture (see Tidbits)

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, if roasting the bones

4 carrots, halved crosswise

2 celery stalks (with leaves), halved crosswise

1 large yellow onion, quartered

1 bunch flat-leaf parsley

4 cloves garlic, crushed

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

8 to 10 cups filtered water

If the bones are cooked, put them into an electric pressure cooker or a slow cooker. If the bones are raw, preheat the oven to 400°F. Spread the bones on a large sheet pan, drizzle with the oil, and roast for 20 minutes, until browned. Transfer the bones and any juices to the pressure cooker or slow cooker.

Add the carrots, celery, onion, parsley, garlic, and vinegar to the pot, then add just enough filtered water to barely cover the bones and vegetables. If using a pressure cooker, secure the lid, select the manual setting, and cook on high pressure for 80 minutes. Let the pressure release naturally, which will take about 1 hour. If using a slow cooker, cover and cook on low for 24 hours.

Uncover the pot and skim off the fat from the surface of the broth. Strain the broth through a fine-mesh sieve, discarding the bones and other solids, and let cool to room temperature. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week; or freeze in silicone muffin molds, then unmold and store in a resealable bag in the freezer for up to 6 months. To reheat from frozen, place in a saucepan over medium-low heat for about 15 minutes, until heated through.

Tidbits: There are so many good broth brands on the market that contain clean ingredients and have the desired gelatinous quality that comes from slow simmering, but making broth at home is less costly and you can tailor it to your dietary needs. The key to getting a good gel to your broth is to not fill the pot with too much water; add just enough to cover the bones. I use filtered water to avoid the chemicals and metals often present in tap water.

I prefer the flavor of the broth when it is made with roasted bones, but you can skip that step and use raw bones. For beef stock, use a mix of bones with a little meat on them, such as oxtail, short ribs, and/or knucklebones. For poultry, use a mix of backs, legs, and feet. Also see Pressure Cooker Chicken (page 41). If you’re sensitive to garlic and/or onion, leave them out. I make my broth unsalted and then salt to taste with each dish I use it in or add a pinch of salt when drinking it from a mug.

Buy It: Butcher’s by Roli Roti, Bonafide Provisions, and Bare Bones; or look for a low-or no-sodium broth

Use It: Soups, stews, sauces, and any recipe that calls

for chicken broth or chicken stock!

salsa chicken tacos

Teriyaki Salmon Packets


Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 18 minutes

Poaching salmon in parchment paper packets is a wonderful way to cook the fish and vegetables at the same time without drying out or overcooking either one. Other firm fish, such as ahi (yellowfin tuna), would work here, too. These teriyaki-flavored fish packets are stuffed full of vegetables that soak up the sweet and salty sesame sauce. My kids love to fill their own packets with their favorite vegetables.

3 medium carrots, peeled and thinly sliced

2 cups broccoli florets

1 cup snow peas, trimmed

1 red bell pepper, seeded and thinly sliced

8 shiitake mushrooms, sliced and stems trimmed

3 tablespoons avocado oil

3 tablespoons toasted sesame oil

¾ teaspoon fine sea salt

¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

½ cup Stir-Fry Sauce (see below)

2 tablespoons honey

¾ teaspoon ground ginger

¾ teaspoon garlic powder

6 (6-ounce) pieces skinless salmon fillet

Sliced green onions, white and tender green parts, and black sesame seeds, for garnish

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Cut six large pieces parchment paper (each about 18 by 13 inches).

In a bowl, toss together the carrots, broccoli, snow peas, bell pepper, mushrooms, avocado oil, sesame oil, salt, and pepper.

In a small bowl, whisk together the stir-fry sauce, honey, ginger, and garlic powder to make a teriyaki sauce.

Fold each piece of parchment paper in half crosswise to create a crease, then unfold to lie flat. Divide the vegetables evenly among the parchment pieces, piling them high on one half of each piece, positioning them just beyond the crease line and leaving a 2-inch border around the edges. Lay a piece of salmon on top of each vegetable portion and then drizzle the teriyaki sauce on the salmon, dividing it evenly among the packets.

Fold the uncovered half of each parchment packet over the salmon, then, beginning at one end of the open edges, fold over the edges, making small, tight pleats as you go. Continue to fold and pleat until you reach the opposite open end and the packet is a half-moon shape. Check your folds to make sure the packet is well sealed so no steam will escape. Place the sealed packets in a single layer on a large sheet pan. If necessary, divide the packets between two pans.

Bake for 18 to 20 minutes, until the fish feels semifirm to the touch through the paper and the paper is browned.

Open the packets, sprinkle the salmon with the green onions and sesame seeds, and serve immediately.

Tidbits: While there’s a handful of great recipes in this book that use up the Stir-Fry Sauce, it’s also become my favorite condiment for an easy lunch of a leftover protein with cauliflower rice! Salmon and roast chicken are my favorite.

Make It Ahead: Fill and seal the packets and place them on a sheet pan in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Remove the pan from the fridge and let the packets sit at room temperature for 30 minutes before baking.

Stir-Fry Sauce


Prep Time: 5 minutes

2 cups coconut aminos

2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons fish sauce

2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil

1 tablespoon unseasoned rice vinegar, or 1½ teaspoons apple cider vinegar

1½ teaspoons fine sea salt

1 teaspoon white pepper

In a large jar, combine the coconut aminos, fish sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Cap tightly and shake vigorously to mix well. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

Buy It: Big Tree Farms Teriyaki or Primal Kitchen No Soy Teriyaki; both brands are sweeter and have more of a teriyaki sauce flavor than a stir-fry sauce flavor, but they will work with all of the recipes.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their businesses.

Get connected with Emily…

Book a call with Emily!

? For LIVE and on-demand energy healings that clear your blocks and align you to more abundance join the Mastery & Ascension Waitlist today!

Intuition Month – Ego Versus Intuition

Intuition Month – Ego Versus Intuition

Intuition Month – Ego Versus Intuition

People frequently ask me questions about being able to tell the difference between their ego and their intuition.

Not only that, but they want to know how to stop second-guessing their intuition and how to tell if they’re on the wrong path.

I’m so excited to talk about it in this episode of the Aligned and Unstoppable podcast.

Because when you learn to build your “trust muscle,” doors open up to you as you receive that deep level of clarity.

Making decisions gets easier and it gives you more confidence!

If you haven’t signed up for Intuition Month yet, there is still time to get in on this exciting way to grow your intuition muscle in a community of light-minded individuals.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.52] Why I love these challenges and why community events are important for the collective consciousness.
  • [3.05] What you need to know about ego (it isn’t bad!)
  • [5.04] When your ego is freaking out it’s evidence of your growth.
  • [5.37] The three ways that ego shows up.
  • [7.40] When we do things that are new it’s stretching us, it’s creating a new us.
  • [9.13] Intuition, how you can decipher it from your ego.
  • [12.40] The bedrock foundation for increasing your trust in your intuition.
  • [13.13] Your new normal if you want to be more intuitive. You have to be crystal clear!
  • [14.13] Learn what causes the difficulty with trusting your intuition.
  • [16.50] When you trust your intuition, you will always be led to the right next step.

Welcome back to the Aligned and Unstoppable Podcast Episode Number 408.

I’m really psyched about this episode because I know a lot of people ask me, how can I tell the difference between my ego versus my intuition? How do I develop this knowing this trust? Because I always second-guess myself. I’m always doubting myself or, you know, I’ll get a great hit and then, you know, later I’ll see like, Oh, I should have done it that way. I knew it and I made the wrong choice or I feel like I’m on the wrong path.

So I’m going to answer all of these questions as well as telling you how you can actually develop trust and build this intuitive muscle. Because ultimately, as entrepreneurs, when you can build this level of deep trust, it’s going to carry over into every area of your life, including your business.

So it makes it so much easier to be able to use your intuition to make faster decisions. Use your intuition to create pricing. Use your intuition to attract soulmate clients and so many more things.

So we’re going to talk about all that in this week’s episode. Plus, at the very end of it, I’m going to share some ways that we can hang out together. It’s invitation for how we can get to know each other, build community, and actually literally get to hug each other in person. I’m excited about it. I hope you are too.

So let’s dove into it. And also welcome, I know there’s a lot of new listeners around here who have joined the Intuition Month Challenge and therefore have started listening to the podcast or started following me on social media. So warm welcome to anybody who is new here. It’s so great to get to spread my message and to make such a positive impact on the world.

So, you know, part of what Intuition Month is about is creating community and not just any community, creating community with the intention of raising the level of consciousness, not only raising the level of consciousness within yourself, but on the planet.

And so as we’re doing this together, as we’re collecting our energies and focusing on listening to our intuition together, it raises this energy and this collective consciousness is something that’s palpable and expands and it trickles out not just from ourselves, but into our families, into our communities, into our online spaces, and to our, you know, actual in-person room. So, you know, you’re helping yourself, but you’re also spreading that love. So thank you so much.

For those of you who have signed up, if you have yet to sign up, you can always do that. It’s completely free at emilyaarons.com/intuitionmonth – all one word. If you go to my website it will pop up. We will also have it linked to the show notes below.

So we’re going to talk about ego. What is ego?

So ego gets a bad rap because it’s like, Oh, that’s all ego. You don’t want to listen to your ego. And ego is bad. It’s not true. Ego isn’t bad. And I want to basically stand up for ego here. My arm around ego be like, hey, you’re not a bad person.

So think about it this way, and my guides showed me this beautiful image to help me understand it. My guides speak to me in metaphors a lot of times.

So if you imagine you’re inside an apartment on a 50 floor, 50th floor building. Right? You’re on the 50th floor of a building there we go. And you have a beautiful open glass slider door and it’s open and there’s a baby crawling towards it, and could potentially crawl over that lip onto the balcony and harm itself fatally.

So your ego is that desperate mother on the inside of the house, or parent who is saying, no, no, no, don’t go to the edge. Don’t go to the edge. Impending doom like this is not okay. And so what your ego is going to do is going to throw anything it can to stop that innocent baby from its possible death, because that’s what it feels like to the ego. Everything is changing. It’s not safe. Things are being mixed up. And I want to throw everything I can.

The good news is that your ego knows everything about you. Just like a mother would know it’s baby. And so, you know, Mom, I clap, clap their hands or throw a vase or just scream and or something to get the baby’s attention to make it stop. So just think of your own ego as that same lovingly. Like it has love in its intent. But when things change from the status quo, your ego is going to have a fit.

And so one of the things that I love to give people as just like to be a little more kind to yourself, is when your ego is screaming at you and flaring and making a mess and just throwing like all the worst stuff at you. It’s evidence of your growth. It’s evidence of your ascension.

If things were just status quo when you were not growing, you’re not doing your spiritual work, everything was the same. Your ego wouldn’t say boo. Okay?

So the fact that your ego is going crazy isn’t a bad thing. It’s actually evidence of your growth and ascension. So like high five yourself, whew, you did it!

Ego is showing up because you’re growing. So let’s talk about it because just because, you know, that doesn’t make it easier to deal with. So I’m going to give you three examples of how ego shows up.
– Ego is loud, like I just mentioned.
– It is a critical meanie, right? It’s like the inner mean girl in your head says the worst stuff, right?

Back to that baby crawl into the ledge? Because that ego is going to say all of the worst stuff to get your attention, to make you stop.

And good news. The ego’s inside of you, so your ego knows you better than anybody else. So your ego is going to flash images of doomsday. Your ego is going to flash image images of remember that last time you tried to do that big thing and you fell and you had a belly flop? Oh, that was embarrassing, wasn’t it? You’re the worst. You’re on the wrong path. And look, all the bad things that happened to you.

It’s going to show you images and thoughts and make you flood your body with emotions and sensations as if you’re in a bad negative situation. Like your body is going to go through these possibly stress hormones that are flooded in your system. So it’s loud, it’s critical and it’s negative. So negative meaning like it’s it’s like that’s not going to be good. You’re going to suck at that. Who’s going to listen to you anyway?

And I’m just going to personally raise my hand here and be like, hey, I also deal with this now, like literally the time of this recording, which is the end of August.

I was starting to sit down to record some of my certification course, the Integrated Energy Alignment Certification, and every time I sat down to open up a new module, ego was like, who do you think you are? You don’t have anything to say. You don’t know what you’re doing, you know, you can’t even talk about that.

And then I would sit down and I would just like take some deep breath and I would just start, you know, writing and putting my notes together.

And next thing I know, I’m presenting this incredible module for multiple modules for, you know, a long period of time with a lot of information.

And so then I got in the flow and I was like, Oh yeah, I actually do kind of know what I’m doing. I’ve been doing this for 23 years. It’s just new to me.

And so when we’re doing things that are new to us, it stretches us energetically and energy moves before form so energetically we’re being like like stretched into a new version of ourselves.

And oftentimes that’s not somebody we’ve never met before. They’re unrecognizable. We can’t recognize them, we don’t know them. And so it can be very scary that we’re stepping into that. And so all those little neurons in our brain are like unsafe danger or can’t do this, don’t do it. We are literally becoming a new person.

And so when we’re creating these new neural, these new little, like, I’m totally drawing a blank on these new neural synapses in our brain. We’re creating these new grooves in our brain that they’ve never been there before. And so, of course, it’s hard. It’s difficult. It’s just like bushwhacking, right?

Like the beautiful paths that we walk on in the woods that are, like, completely smooth. And lots of people been like, that’s nice and all. But we’re actually going the way that there’s like there’s overgrown brush, right? Or bushwhack and, and we’re trying to like figure it out.

And so for those of us who are brave enough. To step up and to aspire to more, to want to lead, to want to help others, to want to do good in the world we’re bushwhacking, man. For some reason, we signed up for this. Right?

And there’s a calling inside of us that says, you got to do this. Even though it’s hard, even though it’s painful, even though it’s scary, we have to do it like it’s our soul’s mission. And so, again, ego is loud, critical and negative.

And on the converse side. Intuition is soft. Intuition speaks in whispers, which is why we have to get quiet so that we can listen. Right. We have to stop.

Our ego will keep us in perpetual motion. Our left brain will be like doo doo doo. We had to do to do it, to be worthy, we have to go if to produce we to go very masculine.

Intuition can be soft and subtle and we have to really be quiet to be able to listen.

The intuition is also very supportive. And so whenever you get that intuitive hit, you’re not having like the ego is like, like the worst stuff ever, like coming at you. It’s like, imagine you want a stage in front of thousands of people. All of them lit up, tears streaming down their face. Their life has changed. And that impact that you created in their life has shifted something so monumental in them that they then can live their best life. Feel that in your body.

Like if you’re listening to us right now, you have felt that, you have seen that you’ve experienced some level of that, and that’s inside of you. It’s embedded, it’s an imprint.

And so when we have those loving, supportive, soft images, it’s so positive. So that’s the third thing. Intuition is it’s positive, it’s not negative.

And so when you can feel sense and know from a deeper level the impact you’re here to make, the work you’re here to do, it is expansive.

So think of ego as more constructive. It’s trying to hold you at status quo, where things are and it’s manageable, intuition is expansive.

And that’s where it can get scary. You can be so expansive, you’re like, I don’t know who that person is in the future. That seems scary. Unlimited abundance. What? Who’s that? Not me. You know, things are be – are easy. What? My life has always been in chaos. And I’ve been living in this trauma loop for the rest, for my whole life. So it’s like we see we have this like this dissonance. It’s not a resonance. It’s this dissonance of like, I don’t want to do that.

And so when we’re in that stage, we’re out of alignment. So to get into alignment and develop this trust, cause that’s why we want to do it, right?

Like, that’s nice to have that vision, but like, how do I actually develop this trust in that vision to actually put it into play?

And so, again, this is why we’re doing Intuition Month. It’s to create this soul-level intimacy.

So instead of just like giving you like a pill, like, here, take this red pill, you’ll open up your intuition and you’ll totally be fine.
That would be like taking a drink out of a water hose and, like, that’s not going to help anybody. So the thing about intuition, it’s like you have to develop that trust over time.

It is not an instant fix.

As much as I could throw some really super sexy marketing and I have because I believe in this, you can trust your intuition in 30 days or less. That is a fact.

Because if you are doing this work and these five simple habits every single day consistently you will develop and strengthen this soul-level intimacy with your higher self. It is a fact. It has been also scientifically proven.

So the things that I’m talking about through intuition. But these simple habits are the bedrock to your success.

We’re talking about, you know, the people who are super successful. They’re already into like biohacking, right? They’re doing red light therapy. They’re doing I.V. infusions, they’re doing cold, you know, immersions. They’re doing all kinds of crazy, like supplementation, all sorts of, like, incredible. Like, we’re not there yet, but we can be right now.

It started like level one. Level one is meditate, drink, water, move your body, go outside and eat foods that are as close to nature as possible, whole foods. And this is not a diet. This is a lifestyle to build your intuition. This is your new normal.

If you want to be intuitive and you truly are here to make an impact, it’s time to prioritize yourself, your needs. And in order to get intuitive regularly, you have to be clear. And these five simple habits are going to get you super duper crystal clear.

So, part of creating this soul-level intimacy is to create honest communication. You need to develop honest communication, and this deep connection, all of these habits will do that.

So if you’re searching for that soul-level intimacy, wanting to be able to trust your intuition and no longer doubt yourself, you want to trust those instincts, feel guided on your path. Signs when it’s time to shift or pivot, you’ll know exactly what’s coming your way and you’re going to awaken your soul’s calling. That is what Intuition Month is all about. So again, you can sign up if you haven’t signed up, emilyaarons.com/intuitionmonth.

But this takes time. There’s not a quick fix, instant anything when it comes to developing your intuitive abilities and your deep connections with your higher self. You have to create that relationship in that language.

So also let’s look at the trust factor. The trust factor is showing up for you because if you have difficulty trusting your intuition, most likely you’re also having difficulty trusting other people. Trust in other people starts first with trusting yourself. So if you’re doubting yourself constantly and you’re down to other people, how are you supposed to grow a business?

How are you supposed to make an impact? Like if you’re just like always looking over your shoulder, you’re never this, you’re never that, you’re second-guessing yourself. It’s like, stop. You can, you really can, second guess yourself I believe, too, is also a habit. Not trusting in yourself and not trusting other people is a habit.

And so if you want to shift that habit and really focus on how you can be of service, trusting yourself is paramount.

So when we can do these five simple habits every day and really take care of ourselves, put ourselves first, you develop that trust.

And then little by little, your those little whispers of your intuition, that soft-spoken voice, it starts to become more consistent instead of just like once in a while you get this, like, big head.

It’s like a daily trickle. It’s like a slow drip, that’s I just heard. My guidance say it’s like a slow drip instead of your coffee being like instant, like you just mix the coffee and there you go.

Like also we know most instant coffee kind of sucks, but a slow drip is like not it’s so good. So think of this like a slow drip. So every single day you’ve got this slow drip going on.

And so it doesn’t it’s not like an on-off switch where you’re suddenly intuitive and you’re suddenly not into it. It’s always – it’s a constant.

And so I’ll use myself as an example. We like intuition speaks to me, not just about my business, not just about myself, not just about these like big things, but about like the dumbest, most seemingly insignificant things.

So sometimes it’s like with my kids, like, make sure to bring this thing or make sure to do this thing. And it’s like seemingly silly, but for some reason, it needs to happen that way. And then you start to listen all the time. You get these nudges all the time, and so it’s like you’re just picking up on stuff.

And I’m not saying picking up on stuff like you can read people’s energy and know people’s story. Like, I’m not about that. I don’t want to know that. And frankly, it’s none of my business, so I’m not open and available for that, so I don’t pick up on it.

But things that have to do with me and my family, it always shows up.

And so, you know, if you’re an entrepreneur, you’re like, you know, I’m struggling with social media. I’m struggling with booking clients. I don’t have a reserve of people who are waiting to book sessions with me.

I don’t have, you know, consistent people buying my stuff. That’s the evidence that you are out of alignment and not trusting yourself. Because when your trust in yourself, your inner knowing, your higher self, will guide you to the right next moves – always.

And especially as we head into this end of the year and there’s all this talk about recession and all this nonsense. It’s like these embedded thoughts, these thoughts of fear are getting embedded in people. It’s like an implant.

And so we can choose to see that and adopt that story for ourselves and go into full of fear and panic, just like when COVID happened, you know?

And that can be your story, that can be your narrative, and that can be where your energy takes you. You can also realize that intuitively you’ll be guided just like your GPS is going to reroute you. Your intuition will reroute you to your highest and best timeline; always, always.

But only if you’re trusting in it, only if you’re plugged in. And so we have to always make that choice each and every day.

And that’s why these five habits are critical, because even if I’m in like my own past trauma loops, even if I have listened to some, you know, news that somebody shared with me, even if I’ve got into fear, motor scarcity and my energy is all wackadoo.

So I go outside, I take my walk, I eat good foods, I hydrate. And all of those things I meditate and all those things that I do for myself. It’s like, snap. It gets me right back to my higher self, back into my truth.

And for the next four months, I know it’s going to be imperative that we are leading and living from our healed version of our higher self, not from our wounded healers. Okay?

So, let’s take a deep breath there. Understand how important it is to do this work. If you haven’t already signed up for Intuition Month, please do it. Join me. It’s never too late. I mean, literally, it’s never too late. You can start it next month for all I care.

But just make that commitment for this new normal to show up for you. You know that there’s a part of you that’s like calling to serve at a higher level. Now you have to just put your feet on the pavement and do the damn thing.

So I know I told you at the beginning of the podcast that there is going to be ways that we can actually be in person with each other coming up very soon.

So there’s a few things I’m going to mention right now. I’ll have it linked in the show notes, some of the things I have a waitlist for, and some of the things we are taking spaces now. So again, look at the show notes to get the links and to sign up.

So we already talked about Intuition Month. I also have an In-person/Online Intuitive Leadership Series coming. So if you live in Massachusetts or in the New England area and you want to come hang out with me on Saturdays throughout the end of October and early November, that leadership series is going to be on sale now, so you can reserve your tickets there. Very low price.

I surveyed my audience. People said what they wanted. They said how much they want to pay for it. They said when they’re available.

So that’s literally, I’m literally creating it based on what your needs were. And they’re very reasonable. The series of the classes is, I think there I have to double check on the prices, but they’re very reasonable, I just say that.

The next event I have is my in-person Plum Island, Massachusetts retreat at the end of October, October 23rd through 25th. Again, this is in-person. It’s limited to ten people. So it’s very, very small.

Oh, and for that in-person Leadership Series, I’m limiting it to 25 people in person, but online is unlimited.

So back to the retreat. So the retreat is all about healing. It’s about raising your level of confidence. And you’re going to be with like-minded entrepreneurs who are here on their spiritual journey, too.

And you’ll be able to spend that time with me, get some amazing chef-prepared meals and some really cool experiences.

Plus will be near my hometown, so most likely you’ll be able to see like my farm and stuff.

And then the final thing I have coming up is called the INITIATION, that is my Integrative Energy Alignment Certification Program.

It’s the first module. And so I broke it out as the first module solely because I know there’s lots of coaches, healers and aspiring coaches and healers who are out there who are wanting to use their intuition, protect your energy for clients, as well as create long-lasting results for your clients. And that first module is like everything.

It’s also going to be the pre-requisite to pass that so that you can be part of the certification program that I’ll be running in January online and in April as an in-person five day immersive experience. So again, in-person stuff, I’m really feeling called to it, as you can tell.

And what I’m realizing, well, what I realized really quickly within that first module is that the difference between this program and this certification versus an online course that you can study you modality or take a business course or whatever online is.

Most people are used to online programs that you like, you buy it, and no one ever looks back and like checks in on you. This is the absolute opposite.

My certification in this first module, the initiation, we are holding your hand. We are getting you to the finish line.

So you have modules that have to be completed, quizzes that have to be completed, practice sessions that have to be completed. And I’m literally teaching you from day one how to have a successful business.

Half of the Integrated Energy Alignment Certification Program is all spiritual based, energy based healing, and the second half is all business skills.

How to have an actual business, and how to monetize the business. Because truly, I was that broke healer. And if it weren’t for my own ability to shift out of that mode and that paradigm, I wouldn’t be here today as a very successful healer and helping to lead others in growing their businesses as well.

And so that’s a really big difference, is that I’m shifting a paradigm out of that broke model of spiritual leader, spiritual teachers.

If you do tarot card readers or you use your intuition or your creative or artistic type or your coach, and you’re just trying to figure out how to do the thing.

This is truly focused on business building.

So, you know, I realize, too, it’s not for everybody.

You know, if you are thinking you want to sign up for a course, but like you might not get to it ever. And somebody says, oh, you have lifetime access. And of course you’re like, sure, I’ll just do it whenever, 97% of people don’t. That’s the stat – it truly is sad. And I think that’s also sucky as a course creator because you put so much of your love into creating these beautiful courses and nobody actually does.

So, my – I call it the IEA Integrated Energy Alignment Certification like this is absolutely not that this is a new paradigm for people who are very serious and who are very dedicated and very committed, not only to being of service in their craft, but to having that exchange in the world and making a living. This is a whole new avenue. This is not like a side gig. This is you’ll have a lucrative business.

And literally, I am handing you people to work on his practice sessions and who will pay you for sessions throughout it so you make your money back really fast.

I’m really proud of it, in case you can’t tell. I’m sure I’ll be doing some more podcasts on this topic of shifting the paradigm out of broke healer into a wealthy coach, a wealthy healer. So that’s everything in a nutshell.

I wanted to share that with you again. I would love for you to join me in Intuition Month or any of these things that I’ve mentioned will have it all linked up in the show notes.

Thank you so much for being here.

As my dedicated listeners or as my new listeners, every minute that we get to spend together means the world to me.

And even though sometimes folks know me so well through my podcast, but I don’t get to know you so much. So one of the best ways for me to get to know you, my listeners, is when you take a screenshot, if you tagging me in your Instagram stories or even just send me a DM, if you’re not much of like a posting kind of person, even if you just send me a DM on Instagram and just say, hey, Emily, I was listening to this episode and really meant a lot to me.

I really love your podcast.

I just think you’re like a nice person.

For me, it’s everything and that is that energetic exchange of me delivering this amazing free content week after week for you to say like, hey, it meant something to me that is like an energetic thumbs up for me. And it’s like, oh, makes my whole day.

So reach out, and make sure that we build that connection.

And I hope that you can sign up for some of these in-person or virtual events with me and help build this community. I’m really excited about it.

And at the end of Intuition Month, I will be inviting people into my community, Mastering & Ascension. So if you’ve been wanting to join Mastery & Ascension for a while, but the doors have been closed at the end of Intuition Month, we’ll be opening the doors again, but just for a few days. So if you do want to join, this would be a great time.

It’s the last time I’m going to be opening the doors this year and I’d help you to take the next step and join us.

It is an amazing community and I have to brag for a second, is in looking at optimizing my community and making it even better. We’ve shifted some things around to make it even more interactive, make it more intentional. Instead of doing Facebook Live, I’m doing Zoom calls.

We have a private podcast, which is incredible, so I don’t have to download anything. It’s just on your phone automatically on your devices, and we are just making it even better.
Plus, M&A people will be getting discounts for all those events that I just mentioned as well. So another benefit of being in M&A.

All right. You guys have a great rest of your day. Lots of love. I hope to see you in Intuition Month and beyond.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


It’s not too late to join Intuition Month! Let me share with you the practices and tools that will help you connect to your intuition. You’ll be part of a large community which makes it so much more powerful.


About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their businesses.

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