What’s Blocking Your Sales? with Jeannie Spiro

What’s Blocking Your Sales? with Jeannie Spiro

What’s Blocking Your Sales? with Jeannie Spiro

This week you get a “two-fer”! Jeannie Spiro and I teamed up to bring you this dynamic conversation about selling.

I know the word “selling” can become triggering to entrepreneurs who have been struggling with this – which is why this conversation is so important that it needed two parts!

In Part 1, which you can find on Jeannie’s podcast here, we explored the energetics behind your offers and what can block them.

In this episode, we take the emotion out of your sales process and look at it more strategically so you can feel more confident in finding a way to sell that feels good for you. There’s no “one-size-fits-all” here!

This podcast is about being aligned in every aspect of your business, and I hope you listen to parts one and two so you can implement these tips right away.

Join me May 15-19 for my most popular event, Intuition Week!

Stop Second-Guessing Yourself and START Growing Your Business!

And until April 23rd, get Intuition Week for 50% off at just $5.55!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • Jeannie’s journey with NOT knowing what to do with her life and how she was able to build a fulfilling career anyway.
  • Selling isn’t one-size-fits-all!
  • How to shift when circumstances force change (think 2020!)
  • How to find what works for you, and why you should.
  • Creative ways to generate more leads for your business.
  • It can be more simple to sell your product or service

Emily: Hey friends. Welcome back to the Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast. I am joined by a very special guest, Jeannie Spiro. And if you don’t know, Jeannie and I are doing a two-part series.So, the first part about the energetics and your business was recorded on her podcast. And the second part, which is what you are here for right now, is here on mine. So, we’re going to be talking about sales, someone asking for the sale or not getting all the pieces, so we get those sales to come in.

And on her podcast, we got to talk about like energetically what’s going on, why are you blog, what’s going on with you? So, I definitely recommend you go check it out. We will have all the links right in the show notes for you and then, welcome Jeannie! Jeannie is a business coach. She is a speaker and she is my new friend, so please give her a warm welcome. And Jeannie, the name of your podcast as well, so they can come get it.

Jeannie: Absolutely. It’s a Midlife CEO Podcast, so thanks for having me.

Emily: You’re welcome. So, let’s start like, how did you become a business coach? And I know we got to chat a little before the recording of like the history in health insurance. Gosh, that was serious. Wow! You’ve gone in so many different directions, but I’m going to pass over the mic to you to give us your background.

Jeannie: Absolutely. Well, once again, thanks for having me here. And I’m so excited. And to talk about that energetics and business and sales and launching and then to go a little further here, it’s just so fun. We’re having some fun here.

But I want to say that really, I have to go back in time. I will go back, I had no idea what I want to do with my life, absolutely no idea whatsoever. And I ended up going to the University of San Francisco right after college. And when I got there, I thought, well, I still don’t know what I want to do, but here I am. And I remember for the first two years, I loved speech communication. I love studying people’s speech. I loved interpersonal skills, and I loved just kind of watching people’s energy in the sense of like when they get on stage and how they would perform. And also just like listening to communication and all of that. But I was extremely shy and I wasn’t really I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, and I didn’t know what skills I really had. But it was a really good observer of people.

And at some point during that process, I started to think, Well, I remember I had a speech impediment when I was young, and so maybe I should become a speech therapist. So I got it in my head, follow my intuition right back to study that over at the University of Rhode Island. And I got there and I realized I was not a good student in science. And I didn’t really like speech therapy. What I still loved was communication. I still loved like I loved trying to figure out like how to get better at it and all of that. So anyway, my first class in college was a business communications class. Like when I was really like, really starting to see that maybe I could do something with this. And I thought business, this would be really interesting, but I didn’t even know what I would do. And I didn’t get marketing. I hadn’t didn’t have anything other than speech communication.

So I took my first job, which was as a tour guide, and I got good at speaking. And then I took my actual first official job, which was working for a health insurance company. And I was like, I don’t like this, but I’m doing it because I have to make money. And the long and short of it was for a long time I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I just knew that I was pretty good at speaking and I was pretty good at reading people. And I didn’t mind getting on stage. I didn’t mind sharing a message. I didn’t mind being uncomfortable in front of other people and eventually learned how to sell. And I learned how to sell one on one and one-too-many and all of that. And so I started building on my business skills throughout my career, which I fell into. And I didn’t even really want to be in because, again, I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up and I just did it. And I ended up going to work for an entrepreneur who ran a small company. And it was my first taste of entrepreneurship, like really, truly like running a small business. And I thought, Huh, wonder if I could do this for myself. And so in about, so about 2010, I started my first business and it was coaching.

And I just really thought, you know what? What if I could take all these skills like the speaking, the sales skills, what I was learning with working with small businesses, and all the back-end stuff that I knew about some of the product development work that I was doing and some of the jobs and training and negotiating, I was like, I could teach other women what I know. So I naively started an online business in 2010 alongside the job. And it grew and grew and grew. And the thing that I figured was easiest for me was selling like I didn’t have any problem. Everybody kept complaining, like, I don’t know why I can’t get clients. And I’m like, I don’t know why I can, but I could. And so it blossomed and blossomed until finally in 2013, I was there’s a long story to it. But ultimately I ended up making the leap. And then the first year I was out on my own, I truly did not know how to run my business without having a job, so I had to figure out how to make the business succeed. And it took me about a year, year, a little over a year. And once I figured out what to do, I never looked back. So that’s a long story of it.

But I sort of like to think of myself as this example of a woman who was like, I figured it out at midlife. I didn’t know what I wanted to do most of my life, but I started following these things that I was good at and piecing it all together and said, How can I blend it together in a business doing something that I love and get to do it? What I think is this really rich chapter of my life. So that’s why I have the Midlife CEO.

Emily: I love that story. And you know, you also share with me that you had been doing speaking events as your sort of vehicle to sign other programs. And then when everything sort of shut down during the pandemic, you had to make a serious shift. So I think and I was saying on your podcast that, you know, a lot of people would take that and say, well, I guess I can’t do this business anymore. But you didn’t. You took that, you were inspired by that. I’m sure you had to do a lot of introspection and in our work to really innovate. What else can I do with this?

And I know from your story is that you realize that it can’t just be this one thing. It can’t just be this one funnel that brings people in this one way. We have to create other opportunities that maybe we can still have this thing, but there can be other things that are going on as well. So how did that decision come about for you when you had been speaking on stages and that was your jam for so long?

Jeannie: It was. And there were a few other things that I would also say I did sell in other ways. Obviously through sales conversations or discovery calls, I was not nearly as effective at selling by email. In fact, the mutual friend that we have, Sage Polaris. I had hired her and I said, can you please help me with enrolling more people from my mailing list to come to my live event? Because this is an area that I have not really done as well with.

But you have to kind of remember my experience was, I was always good at selling 1 to 1. I had to sell and have long-term relationships with people and eventually sell them. When I was working in health insurance. I could sell from the stage, I could do all of those things. But one area that I wasn’t really good at was selling by email or copy. And so I loved using speaking mean events as one strategy to fill my programs and it became my thing. It was good, it was easy. I loved doing it. I enjoyed it. It was an experience and it was like the one thing I relied on.

And so fortunately I had the experience before the pandemic of working with Sage, and she helped me find my voice and helped me figure out how to learn how to sell through email. And I was doing it like by event that year I sold spots into my program, which was like, oh my God, one of my program into my event. And I was like, this is working. Like, wow, I can do this too. And then we had the pandemic. I couldn’t have live events. I could still have conversations with people, and I still had a really healthy email list. And it was like, all right, what am I going to do now? And that’s where I leaned into that. I also leaned into some of the other strategies that I’d already been using, which were more simple sales strategies, like without even using sales pages. And I just thought, all right, I’m going to use all these different other methods to figure out a combination of sales approaches that I can use in my business without events. And that’s what 2020 taught me, that I didn’t have to have an event to be able to keep enrolling people into my coaching programs and masterminds.

Emily: Yeah, and I want to just encourage people to hear what you’re also saying, which is, hey, I wasn’t great at selling in this one way, so I hired somebody to help me to get better at the thing versus saying, Oh, well, I’m terrible at social media, I’m terrible at email marketing and then therefore I can’t use it, period, done.

You went and found a solution. And also you’re seeing that there is so many different ways that you can get. Innovative and creative and have a little more fun with it. It doesn’t have to just be this one way and you’re using these new skill sets to develop into other things. So, you know, I think that we have to use as an entrepreneur. We have to have that skill to be able to go, okay, well, I’m not good at this, but I can do that. How can I strengthen this or hire someone to help me with this? So to fill that little area for me, it’s really smart.

Jeannie: Thank you. And I really realized at that point for myself was I, I wanted to develop an area not only for… you know, for the success of myself. It was like, how can I learn something else in my business I don’t already know how to deal?

Maybe I could get good at writing copy. Maybe I could use this strategy to be able to enroll people into my coaching programs with one or two emails as opposed to a massive launch. And so became this whole idea of what’s possible as opposed to, Oh, I can’t do that, or I only did that. I think the thing that we can do as entrepreneurs and you said this too, is how can we go stretch a little bit beyond what where our comfort zone is and be innovative and do some things that might be a little bit out of our comfort zone so that we can achieve what we want. It’s not being afraid to try.

Emily: Yeah, I agree. So you are obviously a master at sales and you love sales and you know, whether it is one on one, whether it’s a connection call, whether it’s a live event, whether it’s an email, you got a pretty good handle for things. So people come to you, for help, for advice when things are not looking so great for them.

So I know, you know, my audience, they’re all, you know, coaches and healers and leaders and female entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs who might get stuck with sales. And, you know, there is definitely areas where we’ve had great podcast episodes on different techniques or talking about maybe the sale problem isn’t the sale problem, but it’s something else. So what do you see the most commonly coming up to you like with your client tell? What is the number one thing that people come to you for when they get stuck and they’re not making the sales that they desire?

Jeannie: Oh, okay. So a few things happen, so I’m going to talk about it from the person who’s got something that they’re selling already or has sold.

Usually what happens is they’ve sold it a couple of times. So let’s just take that example, someone who’s got something that they’ve created and they’re passionate about and they’re selling it. And maybe one or two sales have come in and they’re like, Great, I’ve validated this offer. And I’m like, Yes, you have. The problem oftentimes as they come to me and they’ll say, I don’t know how to bring more people into this. I don’t know what strategies to use to bring more people into this program. And I’m stuck. And what’s the best approach to take that’s going to work for me?

And there’s a variety of choices. And so what happens oftentimes is they’ll try like all these different things, and then they get frustrated because they’ll say, Oh, I didn’t get more or this didn’t work, or I still don’t feel like I like this approach. And so some people will also come to me and say, well, I’ve tried to sell by selling from the stage and I don’t want to have another event. So what’s an alternative to keep enrolling more people into a program that I have or a program that I have that I only have a few people in and I’d like to have more. What are my alternatives?

I don’t want to do this anymore or this didn’t feel like it worked. And I’m going to say I’m using the word feel. It didn’t necessarily feel good to me or I didn’t enjoy it. So I really like to work with my clients in that situation to find what works for them that they like. That’s going to be enjoyable for them to do. That’s not going to be a grind because truthfully, we can do things that like I can tell you right now, Emily, go out and have a live event and you’ll be like, there’s absolutely no way I ever want to do that. And I’ve said, that’s the only way of you doing it. And you’re like, I don’t want to do it. You’d say you do it, but regrettingly, right? But your heart’s not in it.

But if I said to you, go ahead and launch your certification program, get that out there and do it through a series of, you know, masterclasses or webinars or something like that I can do. And then I’m like, great. Like it’s just like energetically what can you connect with? So a lot of times it’s people will come to me, they’re like, I don’t know what the right strategy is. It’s going to work for me. Other people will come to me and they’ll say, I’ve tried everything and this is still not. Working and I don’t know what’s going on. And oftentimes I find is it’s just unpacking all the information because a lot of people who are online already, it’s not like we just roll out of bed today and we’re like, well, we’re going to have we’re going to launch this.

We’ve been learning for a little while and we’re overwhelmed with strategy. And so then what I’m doing is helping them create the right strategy that’s going to work for them and then a process to get to what’s going to help them live, launch it, and then selling it if they want to, on-demand or not on demand. But, you know, through more of an evergreen process. Yeah, but it’s it’s really finding what works for them is sort of the first part of all of this.

Emily: Yeah. And it really is individual because some people you know, are really great storytellers and email they love to write in their emails are well received versus some people maybe are prefer to be on the stage or prefer to have an event or maybe kind of a webinar or something else that you may have to go with, what their strengths are, what they’re more naturally inclined. What would you say to somebody who’s not had any experience with any of those things ever before in their whole life? And they’re like, What do I do? How do I tell my thing?

Jeannie: Yeah. So the first thing that I always want to think about is I like people to learn how to sell 1 to 1 first.

Emily: Yes, I will do that. I’m glad you say that, too.

Jeannie: Yes

Emily: Before you can open up to like a gazillion people, I feel…

Jeannie: Right! So if you can’t sell 1 to 1, you can’t sell one too many. And so oftentimes what happens is if someone is not selling anything at all, I will challenge them to talk to as many people as they possibly can and tell people it’s more like I have this offer. And who do you know who might need this. And be in conversation and practice conversation for about a week and they’ll resist it, but then they’ll come back to me like I’m just getting good at talking about it. I’m like, that’s exactly what I want you to do first because you probably don’t have the language around your offer, right?

And you’re not expressing the benefits, you’re not expressing the outcome, you’re not expressing what truly can happen, the transformation that can happen from this, the more you talk about it. The better you get at expressing it. And then you also want to do it on video. And that’s what I’ll tell people. Get on Zoom and watch people and you can see if people are connecting. Like if I said to you today, Emily,  I want you to buy a brand new moped and it is red and it is going to go fast. You’d be like what are you…What? Like what? Why do I need a moped? It’s like. But I feel like I’m using it as a kind of silly example.

But that’s sometimes what happens. It’s like how our brains absorb it, and we’re like, I don’t know what you’re saying. I don’t know what you’re. What is this that you’re offering? It sounds like it could be working. But what happens is oftentimes in sales, I see it like this is it’s almost like you’re speaking two different languages and the person can’t even understand what you’re saying. So when you’re having a hard time selling something at all, I always go back to that simple exercise is like, is this clear? Is what you’re offering makes sense to somebody else? And then the other simple thing is would you buy your own offer? Like if you looked at your copy and you looked what this is? And I’m like, truly, would you put money down on this and take yourself out of like that, wanting it to happen and say, does this convince you to buy that?

Emily: Yes.

Jeannie: So what I often will do is I end up kind of funny in the way I do this. But when people come to me and they say, I can’t sell this offer, I imagine that I’m a buyer immediately. I’m imagining that whatever it is they’re selling to me. And I look at it like, would I buy this? And I will tell them I will not buy this or I will buy this and here’s why, or here’s what you need to tell me in order for me to buy this.

So immediately, when I’m working with clients, will imagine that whatever they have to sell is something that I might want, but they can’t. They’re not convincing me that I need it and I need to work with them on convincing me or explaining to me why they should.

Emily: Yeah

Jeannie: It’s usually not the features, although there can be some massaging around it. So there’s a few things though.

Emily: Yeah. And it’s so funny. So would you buy is a great thing to ask and I think people do get caught up in you know their thing that they created they know the most about. But sometimes the simplest thing is like, well, is it like a live thing or is it like a recorded thing, is it a course, is it a book? Like we actually as a consumer have no idea what the heck you’re explaining and talking about. You and your own mind have this whole vision, but like you haven’t actually articulated what the thing is that you are selling.

Jeannie: Yes

Emily: And, you know, I think that can get really complicated because we do live in a time where a course could be a place that you go to a class in a classroom. It could also be an online course that is taught live, that you have to take quizzes. It could also be something that you just sign up for you can do at your own leisure. So like, which one is it? How, how do I digest that? And, sometimes I can’t articulate that clearly enough. And I think this goes back to like getting people to help you with the things that you’re not very good at.

I always like to create whatever the sales page or the offer is and flush it out with my team. And then after I flush it out my team, we’ve kind of got the wheels in motion. I’ll reach out to some of my friends and say, could you just take a look at this? And like, where do I have holes and gaps and questions? Do you have what comes up for you?

And even to go back to the conversation about number one, like just talk to people there, I think there’s this like, I don’t know where the rumor started, but like people who sell well, like people assume that they just like, open their mouth and then people just throw money at them. And I always go through a launch process, which is I’d teach people and to say, like, what conversations did you have? Who did you talk to? What was the result of that conversation? And I can’t tell you how many conversations I have whenever there is an enrollment are open period. Sometimes what people think a sales conversation is, is “Hey, Jeannie, I have a thing. Do you want to buy it? Okay, No, alright, bye.” And they didn’t want to buy it.

Jeannie: I know, I know.

Emily: It’s not a sales conversation the way that I would have.

Jeannie: Or they think it’s like a consultation conversation/coaching session or whatever it might be. And it’s like, no, no, no, no, wait a minute. You just that’s not the point of this thing. It’s not like strategy in here or coaching in here.

Emily: Right.

Jeannie: I do want to say something else that I do that I think is another practice that I love even before using a sales page. Because I also work the same way. Like once I get it out of my head and then I see it and I see the copy and it’s there, like I think we’re both seasoned enough that we can go and look at and be like, Oh, I see what’s missing, or we know who to ask to say what’s missing that I haven’t communicated.

But oftentimes what I’ll do is I have my clients put together a very small PowerPoint presentation and I’ll ask them if they’re asking like, Do we have the basic points in this very small PowerPoint presentation that you could pitch this offer to someone in a PowerPoint. And if I gave you six slides and you put your information on these six slides and you had to sell through this process, could you do it? And everyone’s like, Oh my gosh, no, I couldn’t possibly do that. I’m like, Yeah, you can. You basically need to have one slide that’s going to tell what this program is, who this is for, what this is about, right? And so I walk them through this really simple process. And I and what I end up doing is I review they pitch to me, you know, loom video, and then I review it and I say, this is what you’re missing. This is what you’re missing. This is how to refine it. And so I’ll just take whatever offer it is and I simplify it, and I just work them through this process to see how they can improve selling it to me and then going out to someone that they know and then selling it to them.

And usually we have people who are interested in what we’ve got to offer already and then presenting it to them without a big song and dance and all of that. But like, hey, I’ve created something, would you be willing to watch this? And it’s really, really effective. My clients who do this, who are struggling to get to struggling to sell or sell something, it’s a little bit different than someone who’s got like a sales strategy problem, right? It’s like, how do I get the thing selling? I kind of go back to basics with it.

Emily: Yeah. And you mentioned earlier that you sometimes have people who come to you and you say, is this a like a people problem like, you have more leads coming in or is this a strategy problem? And that’s a really interesting way to discern what is the problem here. So do you find that those are kind of like the two branches that you see the most?

Jeannie: Yeah, Oftentimes. Oftentimes. So I was speaking with a client today and she has this amazing program. And I know that it’s validated because she’s got a lot of people who bought it. And so I’ll ask the simple question like, have you had any sales conversations or discovery calls? She’s like, I’ve only had a few. I’m like, okay. And so have you added anybody to your mailing list lately, or have you been out speaking lately? Or have you connected with more people who know about your work?

No. And I’m like, okay, so the same people are seeing the same offer over and over and over again. You need… You don’t have enough leads, so it’s time to expand who knows about this offer? You’ve got to bring more people into it.

Now you can spend all the time you want in trying to convince the same people on your mailing list what you’re doing. But if you’re not bringing more people onto your list and I think this is just basic math, if you’re not doing it, you’re not you don’t have new people knowing about it. So I, I can tell oftentimes when there’s a problem with someone sort of, but this often happens when someone changes their program and switches the price or their features in it, they sometimes run into a sales program on something that they’ve or sales problem and something that had been selling before, because sometimes they get in their head or right, like they’re like, Oh no, I can’t sell this anymore. It’s now too expensive.

And I’m like, Yes, you can. Let’s get we got to work through it. It’s an amazing offer. You’ve changed it to optimize it. Now let’s move you back into conversation around it. You might not have as many yeses, but we change in some purpose. And so sometimes I have to go back to look at what’s shifted in your sales process or in the way you’re pitching or making your offer. I get really analytical about the whole thing.

Emily: I really like that.

Well, and this is something that comes up a lot in my IEA Certification, the Integrated Energy Alignment Certification, because, you know, we are bringing in people into the program who are either coaches or healers or they aspire to have a new career doing this work, and we’re training them from the energetics to the business side of it.

And part of the tagline is that we have a profit guarantee, and the reason why is because, we are encouraging them to start with free sessions and then we literally require them to begin charging money at a certain point in the program. And then a third time or a second time, I should say, then they have to increase their prices. And the reason we do that by design, because out there in the real world, in your business, you likely should be increasing your prices from time to time. And when you increase your prices, there’s a huge energetic opening that comes in as well.

And so for folks like me who do energy work, what you see happening is that you’re serving at a certain level and maybe, let’s say it’s energetic work that you’re doing because that’s what I do. And when you feel that nudge to increase your prices, let’s say you listen to it because you’re smart and you listen to that nudge and you increase your prices and then you go, Oh, I’m a little bit worried. I don’t know. But then you sell it. What instantly happens in that session is you’re like, Oh my gosh, how did I become so open? I’m picking up on ten times more energy. The energy is moving.

My clients are getting better results through the work that I’m giving them in a short amount of time. They’re coming back more. They’re sending more referrals like, Whoa, I should have probably increased my prices sooner.

Jeannie: That’s right.

Emily: That’s what happens at the end of it. But at the beginning of it, when you go from I’m doing a free thing to now I’m doing a paid thing, we always see resistance in our students and it’s just that you’re selling the same thing on this side and on this side, but on this side. Now all of a sudden, there’s an energetic exchange of money.

Jeannie: Exactly. Yeah.

Emily: And I love it. I get so lit up about these conversations because when you’re doing transformational work, you’re doing something that can be esoteric and in tangible. And so from the very beginning, with their practice sessions and throughout, you’re really getting into the nitty-gritty of what was it like before and after your session? What would that transformation you have now, 30 people you’ve worked on? What are the common threads? Why are they all coming to you?

And then we’ve had students who said like, like she’s a forensic scientist, she’s not from the healing field at all. And she started to notice people who came to her were stuck in perfectionism and they were needing to come back into themselves and start to be kinder and gentler to themselves. And through her work, she was able to help them to address their perfectionism and to be more gentle and kind with themselves. And so it’s like, that’s the transformation. You need to know who it is and what the problem is and what’s in it for them. Just tell me that’s all they want to know at the end of the day. Like, what am I going to get out of it?

Jeannie: It is exactly what they want. And you know what I think what you’re saying is so true. And also what I noticed with a lot of people is that they get so nervous and so attached to this. What are people going to say? And they’re going to say no.

And what happens is, is when you don’t have a lot of leads coming in and you’re you’re at a stage in your business where you’re trying to grow, all your eggs are in these baskets and it becomes so like you’re just like managing these eggs, making sure that they don’t break right, because you’re like, Am I going to have more eggs? Is the chicken I’m going to lay more eggs.

And so, like what I always like to look at it like is like, yes, you need to be looking at this as a it’s a multiple pronged process. It’s like you’re creating something. It’s amazing, which is one of the things I help my clients refine or create. Right?

And then you’re going to need to sell it. So you’re going to pick your sales strategy and then you’re going to need to bring more and more people in. So it’s not that you’re going to have only a few eggs in your basket, and if they all crack or you eat all of your eggs, then you’re not going to have more. But that’s what I know happens a lot, is like you’re afraid you’re not going to have more opportunities to and you do. And when you know that what you offer is something that’s transformational, that makes a big difference, that really can support other people, it’s kind of like, well, let me move into this. How can I get more people to know about my work? How can I get more people to be invited to be in this?

And I actually look at it, as it’s an opportunity to work with each other, right? It’s an invitation. And I, I don’t sit here like, ever forcing anyone to ever work with me. I’m like, this is an opportunity for us both to work together and have an experience together. And the experience that many of my clients get is an empowered experience on the other side, empowered to learn how to attract clients or learn how to sell their programs, create something incredible and to make money.

And so I know that I’m in a space when I go into a conversation or when I sell from the stage or whatever it is. I know I go into this ownership space and this empowered space of I’ve really gotten good at masterful what I’m doing. And I feel really confident that what I have I can transfer to somebody else. And yes, money is going to transfer in the process, but I get to give that person that opportunity to be able to be, you know, to step into another skill level. So that’s how I look at it now.

In the beginning, I certainly didn’t, but that’s what I want my clients to look at is like, What is it that you’re doing that you can move into empowering somebody else in what you know or what you do or support them within that transformation? Instead of it being, well, I do this and they’re going to give me money. It’s like, well, energetically, what are you going to be doing here? You’re exchanging something here.

Emily: Go slowly. And I mean, like I said, like more, more energy does come through when you are raising your rates.

And the other thing that you mentioned is that people kind of look at, well, what if people don’t buy? What if people don’t buy? What if they can’t afford it? And I also like to look the other side of that coin. And I know for myself, I don’t know how you feel about this, but if there are certain things that I would like to have, let’s say it’s a business coach. Well, if you are $20 for two months of coaching support, I’m going to presume that you’re terrible if it’s $20 for two months of support. That’s a very low amount of money.

Jeannie: What does that saying?

Emily: It’s saying, you’re probably not going to be that good. And I look at it, too, like we have these chain massage places that you can have a subscription membership for like $39 a month. Well, I know what I’m getting. I’m getting a brand new student who’s out of, you know, just out of school who’s not really so good with what they’re doing. So they’re kind of getting the hang of it, but I am getting a backrub, so I’ve got that going for me.

However, at this point, I am only interested in working with people who are highly skilled, highly intuitive, can hold an energetic space, can help to transmute some of the energy and the stress. They might also be like experts in various modalities, and I am more than happy to pay a premium to receive the best session. And so what we’re discounting when we’re only looking at how many people can afford us is we’re discounting people who are saying, I want to pay a premium for a VIP experience. I’m wanting to pay a premium so that I can get my best results faster. I want to work with you one on one so that I can get the most and get off into that next transformation. I don’t want to be part of a group and pay less. I want number one the most. So I think we oftentimes don’t think of who is out there in that kind of regard as well.

Jeannie: We don’t. And another part of this I don’t want to forget is that we. Oh, now I am forgetting it.

But, what I really think is important is that sometimes what I notice for myself is when I am hiring someone, I am hiring an expert in something that they’re doing, and it’s because I can’t figure it out. So just like what you were saying and what I’ve come to realize is that I’m not a generalist in business coaching. I’m actually a specialist in what I’ve mastered and what I really know.

And so I’m really good at saying I am not your social media business coach, I am not your SEO business coach. I use relationship marketing and speaking strategies for lead generation. I’m like, If there’s anything that you want to do outside of that, I’m going to tell you, you know, go and do it. But when it comes to speaking, I know how to do it. When it comes to selling, I know what to do and how to do it.

I’m not a copywriter and I don’t write. So I’m really good at owning what I do. I’m really good at saying I’ve helped clients get to millions of dollars in their business, and I’ve helped clients make their first $10,000 per month and I’ve done everything in between and I can own that. And that is my truth. I can’t say I’ve taken anybody $2 billion and I would never would say that. And that’s not my zone of genius. Right?

And I think that that’s another thing is like own your genius on what you’re good at. And a lot of us can like say we’re really good at many different things, but when we narrow it down, it’s even better. It’s sweeter, because then, yes, we can say, I can claim that this is what I’m really great at. And that’s what I want people to really own it too, because then you get confidence in being able to sell what you’re doing and then you design programs that are like around your genius and you can be confident in that too.

Emily: Yeah, And I think, tracing back to the conversation you said about having lots of conversations with people. In those conversations that you have with people, they’re going to hear your message and your expertise and your genius in a certain way to them. It’s really nice to hear.

This is one of the first ways I learn how to remarket and rebrand myself from just doing hands-on therapy to opening up an online business and be able to do instead of 1 to 1 going to one for many and opening up that coaching opportunity is that I asked people, you know, if how they would describe my work to a friend and hearing other people describe your work sometimes is like they’re giving you the keywords like, Oh, I like that word. And when I first started, I was like, Oh, I’m giving people clarity. Oh, I’m a clarity coach? I think that’s something cool, right? Like and you’re just hearing the words coming back to you. Oh, you clear the blocks. Oh, you give me that next level. Okay?

Like you’re hearing the words coming back at you, which can also fuel how you speak of yourself. Because, you know, oftentimes, especially people who do esoteric things, Gary, I compare it to being like a mechanic and they’re like, I use tarot cards and I use Reiki and I used EFT and you’re like… They don’t speak that language, so stop talking about the tools you use, please, and think about it like a mechanic.

When we take our broken car into the service shop, you don’t go through the garage with them and go, why are you using that diagnostic tool? And what wrench, what size wrench do you think that’s the wrench that you should use? And then like, how long do you think it’s going to take? How many more miles can I like? No. You go sit in the waiting room with a good book and you just wait until it’s done and they go here your car is better now. And so that’s when you have to look at of like, are you trying to give them every single one of your stupid diagnostic tools that they don’t understand because they weren’t trained.

Jeannie: No

Emily: Or can you just say, like, here I can provide this resolve for you, Just take a step.

Jeannie: This actually brings up something kind of funny because for a long time, you know, I had a business. Obviously, you did, too. You were working in the offline world, right. And then bridging to the online world. And so people it’s kind of like, I don’t know, like in Harry Potter world, I think of like the muddled muggles. And so it’s like people didn’t understand when I moved in to have an online business like, what are you doing? And still to this day, people don’t get it.

And so I really narrowed it down after such a long time of like trying to hear my family members try to describe what I do. And I’m like, I help people make money, I help women make money, and they’re like, Wait, what? Online? Like, that’s all that’s what you do. And I’m like, Yes, that’s right. But that’s really ultimately, that’s what I’m doing. And for the longest time, I kept trying to say, Well, I teach this or I do this or I’m doing this. And they were like, I don’t get. Right. But we get so sucked into we have to have this beautiful copy, incredible language. And at the end of the day, I just narrowed it down like, I want to make sure that absolutely anybody understands the end of the day, really empowering women to make more money in their business.

And that’s so I can tell my husband, you can tell everybody. And it’s really kind of funny because now I actually my best friend said this to me recently. She’s like, my husband didn’t even know how to express what I was doing for the longest time. And I said, mine didn’t either. And now I just tell him, just tell everybody that I help people make money. And he’s like and I listened to him say it.

And, you know, that’s one of the things it’s like we overcomplicate. How we are explaining our offers. We overcomplicate saying who we are. We’re trying to be all fancy. And it’s like this copy language. Sometimes it’s almost like you can’t even hear it because. Or it sounds like everybody else.

Emily: Yeah.

Jeannie: And it really, at the end of the day, we want the results, we want the transformation, and we want an expert to help us through that.

Emily: So yeah. Exactly. So this is this has been a really fun conversation. Thank you for having it. I really love a good opportunity to talk about sales and I’m sure it would be super fun to have some case studies that we can like play with if people have a problem and go, okay, where are you blocked in your energy and what’s going on with you getting like we’re we can like tag team for fun one day. We could do like maybe like some sort of like a live together or something.

Jeannie: Yeah. An Instagram live sometime, they be awesome.

Emily: That’ll be really cool. Maybe we’ll do that when this episode comes out, right? So you can tell people how they can connect with you, work with you, and otherwise just love on you somewhere after this episode.

Jeannie: Thank you. Thank you. Well, a couple of ways.

So the first is that I invite everybody to go on over if they’re looking to generate more leads in their business. I love this one strategy, which is using speaking as a strategy online and offline to generate more leads in your business, because I think one too many marketing is great. So I have something called the ultimate Speaking Lead Generation Starter Guide and how you can start attracting leads in that way. It’s on my website, jeanniespiro.com/guide and you can learn more about what I do in my business at jeanniespiro.com/.

I work with people in a couple of different ways. I help them design signature talks that allow them to convert more clients into their programs and services. And I have a program called Revenue Makers Mastermind to help women ultimately make more money in their businesses. And then I also work with individual clients and what I call like a Sales Optimizer Program. And I look at how we can optimize or sell and attach a sales strategy to help them sell what it is that they’re working to sell in their business. And that’s all over at jeanniespiro.com/.

Emily: Great. Thank you so much.

Jeannie: Online, You might see me dabbling on Instagram.

Emily: All right. We’ve can connect with you there on your website site. Grab that guide and hey, reach out and say hello on Instagram. I always like to encourage my listeners, you guys know, take a screenshot, share your Instagram stories, tag me and your stories tag Jeannie. We’ll have all those links in the show notes.

Let us know what was the most like breakthrough AHA that you had from this episode? Did you learn something about what you need to start doing or maybe stop doing about your sales strategy? Do you realize this is a lead problem or is it like my offers kind of just not fleshed out enough kind of thing? I would love to hear from you always.

You know, it’s always interesting and inspiring when I see your DMS and your reviews on iTunes. Just knowing that we’ve made a positive impact in your life really makes the world of difference to me. I know me and Jeannie are avid podcast host. We love doing what we do, but you know, we do it for free. And the way that you can sort of give that reciprocity is those positive reviews. So make sure that you go over and listen to my episode on Jeannie’s podcast, say it again, Midlife?…

Jeannie: Midlife CEO Podcast.

Emily: Midlife CEO Podcast. Go download that episode, leave us a nice review over there and do the same over here on my podcast, Aligned & Unstoppable. Thank you so much for being here Jeannie, Thank you! Everyone who’s been listening have an awesome rest of your day and take good care.

Jeannie: Thank you.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Get Jeannie’s free “Ultimate Speaking Lead Generation” guide! Having leads for your business stops the same people from seeing the same offers over and over again. Getting your amazing products or services in front of more people will help your business grow! Try her process for lead generation and see what you think!


About Jeannie

Jeannie Spiro is a business coach, speaker and host of The Midlife CEO Podcast specializing in teaching women how to take the complication out of creating recurring revenue and breaking six and seven figures in their coaching business. Dedicated to aging positively, Jeannie and her family live on the Rhode Island coastline.

You can find her here…

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“Real Talk!” 4th Podcast Anniversary Special

with Amanda Pickering

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To celebrate, I brought my COO, Amanda Pickering, to share the spotlight with me and talk about the realness of running an intuition-led, spiritual business.

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I wanted to be real in this episode and share what it’s like to build a million-dollar brand and keep it going, even during a dark night of the soul.

Amanda and I talk all things inspired action, belief, and the secret saboteurs that can hide in your business.

I’d also like to say a special thank you to all my listeners, whether you’ve been with me for a while or are new to the Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast.

You are why I keep recording!

?WE’RE CELEBRATING! ?? As a special thank you to my listeners, everything in my online shop – including my journal and card deck – are 10% off for the month of April! Please use Promo Code “4YEARPODCAST” at checkout to save 10%!! (Offer expires 4/30/23) ?

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
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  • Inspired action and faith, how they work together to manifest your desires.
  • The secret saboteur of your business (it’s not what you think!)
  • Ways to shift things if they aren’t working out the way you want.
  • My dark night of the soul and what helped me through it.
  • The ingredients for success for healers, coaches, and leaders.
Click here to read the full transcript ‣‣‣

Emily: Listeners, warm welcome back to the podcast. I am so excited because you know what this is. It’s our anniversary. It’s my four years. How did I just do that? It’s like, you know, sometimes I have this, like out-of-body experiences where I just am such a dork, but that’s also who I am. So, thank you for accepting me.But it is our four-year anniversary of the Aligned and Unstoppable  Podcast. So let’s play confetti, noises, and loud sounds, and clapping sounds. And I wanted to do something special for our anniversary. And so I wanted to invite my dear friend and colleague Amanda Pickering, to be on the podcast with me today for a couple of reasons. One, I love and adore her and she’s magical in my business. She is a goddess, an angel. But also, I call you like a priestess, Priestess Queen, like all of the night, like all of the things she’s all of the things all wrapped into this beautiful package.

Well, since I’m talking to you, I’ll talk to you directly. Since I wanted to invite you to be on the podcast because I adore you and because your presence in my life and my business has made such a positive impact and you have truly seen me in like, the darkest times coming into the light. And I wanted to kind of share that with my listeners because I think we often see people, hey, somebody who has a podcast that has four years behind it and a business that’s $1,000,000 brand, and we make up these stories that our head that like she’s fine. I’m the only one who struggles with all of these things.

And so I really wanted to take this time on this episode to pull back the curtain and have a really honest heart-to-heart with the listeners.
And, for anybody who doesn’t know Amanda, now, you get to know her a little bit, a little bit more. So before we dive into that, I want to really go into what it is, like what are the elements, what are the ingredients that make a business successful?

And this is for you specifically, if you are a coach, a healer, or a leader and you have been struggling, maybe you’ve had a business for a while and just not as successful as you want, or you’re wanting to make a career change or you’re just like something is not clicking and you feel like you’re the problem. That might not necessarily be entirely true. So before we get into all of that, I want to first kind of spotlight you, Amanda, and let’s give the listeners a little bit of background besides you being like one of my favorite people of all time. Maybe there are some other things that they would really enjoy knowing about you too. So, kind of let’s paint the picture of, you know, your background and your experiences professionally and what got you here today and why.

Amanda: Yeah. Well, first of all, thank you so much for having me. This is very exciting and also one of my favorite people on the planet. So as you can probably hear from my accent, I’m from the U.K. And, well, I started my kind of career in charity management. I did that for about nine years, supporting homeless people into accommodation and then left behind a complete career move into life coaching and health coaching.

After having a huge transformation with my health from being sick and depressed and anxious and chronic fatigue and adrenal fatigue and thyroid problems and all this, and it went on and on and on before I was even 18, and I was able to heal myself of every single one of those things through a variety of things, but very much like supporting myself holistically. And so I really wanted to show that and other people. So I did that for a few years. And then Spirit asked me to give it all up. And it was really hard, really scary, and I had no idea what was next. But over a period of about five months, I completely surrendered and ended up in a world that I didn’t realize my whole life had been preparing me for and was part of my natural skill set, which is what I kind of cool intuitive operations, which is taking my feminine energy of light, listening to spirit and hearing and seeing things. And you very much help me like acknowledge that in myself and very much having that innate, I guess you could call it a masculine container of operations and structure and goals. And the two kinds of married beautifully and I was really blessed to work in some incredible businesses.

And then one day a friend of mine, a mutual friend of ours, suggested that you and I talk, and we did. And that turned into me helping you bring the IEA Certification, Integrated Energy Alignment Practitioner Training to life. And I never left. It was meant to be a few months. And then we had a beautiful conversation where you asked me to come on to COO, and I guess the rest is history.

Emily: So that was really it. And thank goodness that you went through all of that, because that has given you such a broad perspective. You know, it’s one thing to just be a CEO, own a business is another thing to have walk the walk as a practitioner, as a coach had to struggle through the ups and downs and not having booking clients and in selling programs or not selling programs, and then having the experiences with other companies to see what other people are doing. And I can also say with birthing last year, the Integrated Energy Alignment Practitioner Training, you know, personally because you saw me every day. But you know, for folks who didn’t see me every day, it was something that was so 100% clear to me. Like Spirit gave me a download like X, Y, and Z is going to happen, and here’s the way it’s going to happen. And I was like, well, that’s really great and smart. Also, how do I do this? And so that’s where Amanda stepped in. It was figuring out how to orchestrate it so that these concepts and our practices and our quizzes and our coursework and our calls, like everything just worked and I also felt like giving up. You know, there were modules where I was like, I can’t – I couldn’t possibly. And I had these really negative thoughts, like, how could I possibly do this? And then I’m like, well, people pay me, so you better figure it out. And then I would snap back into it and I would deliver this like, outstanding course. And I’m like, holy crap, how did I even doubt myself?

And then I’m seeing our students like me and Amanda are seeing students week to week going from I have no idea what I’m doing here. I’m not even sure I should be here. To building their confidence week after week. Seeing clients, getting results, getting paid, increasing their rates. Like we’re seeing all this happening in front of our eyes. And both of us are, like, virtually high-fiving each other, like, Oh, my gosh. And we’re crying. They’re crying like, all these amazing things are happening.

And I mean, I’ve said it to you privately. I’ve said it to somewhat publicly as well. But I’m going to say to you on the podcast is that the Practitioner Training, the IEA Practitioner Training would not have birthed if it weren’t for you. My energy alone would not have made it happen. It just wouldn’t have. And I know that we were put together at the right time in the right configuration. It was like all the stars aligned for both of us in the way that it came through. And I’m so grateful that it did. And I also had the foresight. Then I was like, listen, I really like you, and if this works out, I’m just going to give you the heads up. I probably wouldn’t want to marry you forever. So just so you know, which is basically what happened.

Amanda: Yeah

Emily: But it was really cool to be there on that journey. And like I said, even from the shadow into the light, like birthing this program, it took that like that depth.

Amanda: It did.

Emily: It really did. And if you weren’t there, I know it wouldn’t. It wouldn’t. Wouldn’t be where it is today. We wouldn’t have now students who are graduates who are now coach and who are becoming coaches like it is evolving faster than we could have ever imagined. And so I want to kind of talk to the folks who again, they’re at that place where their coaches, their healers, their leaders, things are maybe not working the way that they could be.

And a couple of weeks ago, we had a really fun Q&A Call. Just like a lot of Q&A we hosted. And anybody, if you ever see an email blast, this is I’m doing life coaching, just like jump on it immediately. It’s so one of the women who join, her name is Alexia. She’s been in my community for a while. She had a question about, you know, what her right next step is going to be and what to do about it.

And you shared some really profound insights as far as, you know, what advice to give her. So and it was funny because I was like, I feel like Amanda needs to say something like it was like the Emily coaching call that I was like, I think I’m in. And when I get the mic over to you, I remember you saying you’re like, I wasn’t really sure what I was going to say until it came out of my mouth. And then like, you just dropped bombs and we were all like, Oh yeah, people are taking notes and even a lot it was like crying. It was like an amazing experience because it hit like, hit that nerve. It was like right to her heart.

So I want to start kind of there. Let’s pick up where we kind of left off with that and bring people into the fold. So when we were talking about the ingredients, what you feel it takes to have success in this kind of business, what have you seen has been the bigger stuff that’s been making a difference?

Amanda: Yeah, I mean, I’ve had such a privilege of kind of being on the inside of your business for a while and being on a lot of the calls with you. So I’ve seen a lot of this stuff come up. And like you say, from my previous experience of running my own businesses, it’s like a beautiful marriage. So I mean, with Alexia it was I think the question was around, like, how do I know the difference between like taking the next step out of, like blind faith and like kind of playing it safe. It was something.

Emily: Yes. Right. Yes, that’s right. Yeah.

Amanda: And I mean, if you know anything about me, I didn’t really actually probably introduce myself. I live in the UK. I have a husband, I have two dogs that my in life I live in Devon, which is in the middle of nowhere, and it’s like more houses than horses and cows and sheep than people. So if you got to say all of that, but one thing about me is like I’m a very straight shooter and I, I’m very practical, but I also live a life of faith. And so I loved this question, even though I didn’t know you were going to want me to answer it.

With so much of my life has been faith in manifestation, you know, like the house we live in now is a complete manifestation. We manifested it in the middle of COVID with like, no, you weren’t allowed to move anywhere. And everyone was telling us to settle for whatever, you know, and we would like visualize exactly what we wanted. My husband is here because of that. My dog is alive because of that. So I know of faith, but I think that’s often where we start of like we just trust. We just have faith. And that is such an essential ingredient. It’s not to make light of it, but faith without action isn’t, does nothing there. Right?

And I think that’s the part that we often miss. And I have this vision for my life. I know that I meant to do this, but like, there’s no inspired action behind it. An inspired action to me is actually like putting your face into motion. It’s saying, Well, I actually believe the thing that I’m seeing, right? So like when we manifested this house, we really wanted to take my water and everyone was telling us, you shouldn’t even be live. You can’t just take whatever you can cause.

Emily: Yeah

Amanda: I forgot to say we were homeless for four months in the middle of all of this. And we had the audacity to say what we want.

Emily: Yeah

Amanda: Like, take what we’re given. Right? But what we did is we actually went online and looked at houses, right? We didn’t just sit there visualizing together and talking about, like, what we want to see. We then actually went online and looked at houses. I contacted every agent and within like 50 miles of us, and we did the things we put one foot in front of the other. And low and behold, this house shows up.

Emily: Mm-hmm.

Amanda: Then we find out 70 people had applied to come to see it.

Emily: Wow.

Amanda: We’re both self-employed, so we’re like, at the bottom of the list, right? In terms of what a landlord…

Emily: Ideal.

Amanda: Right.

Emily: Right.

Amanda: But then we just took the next step where we said, okay, well, let’s go and see it. And then we applied and then like, we just went through all the stages and the house was always meant to be ours, but we had to take those steps first.

Emily: yeah

Amanda: So very much what I see like in entrepreneurial land is that we, we don’t take action. And then we wonder why things haven’t worked out. So that’s been like a huge piece for me that I have seen. And it’s this thing that I know you and I have spoken about this many times, this kind of age-old thing of like, you know, someone’s drowning at sea and they ask God to save them. And then the lifeboat shows up and it’s like, no, no, thank you. I’m good. I ask God to save me. And it’s like, we don’t always take, like, the thing that’s right in front of us because we’re expecting it in a different form.

Emily: Yeah.

Amanda: And I guess the last thing I’ll say on that is like, action is like the energetics signal to the universe that, like, we’re ready for what we are believing for. And if you don’t take action, then you’re not. You’re just there’s nothing that happens.

Emily: And if you see like to your point around, you know, I’m waiting for God to send so to save me, like if we are actively open to receiving this big manifestation, whatever it is, we should also be actively seeing everything as conspiring for us to create that thing in our lives so we really could start to say yes to things when they show up to us. You know, and I mean, back to the like manifest in the house that you’re in.

I’ve been in a similar situation and manifesting housing. My first marriage was ending. We were supposed to buy a house and we put down $12,000. We lost everything. They wouldn’t give our deposit back. I had six days to find an apartment in a very congested city, close, and I needed it to be with parking, with laundry and pet friendly and also clean, by the way. And the same thing. My people were like, just just take whatever. If you can’t take the dog, I’m like, I want like, just not take my left arm short. I’m not kidding you. So I was like, I don’t need a thousand of them. I just need one. And I think that’s the thing, is that people can overlook how simple it is. Like it’s not a million of these. It’s just the one.

And when you and Gustav got clear about what you wanted, you visualize it. Then you start to take action. They start to take the pieces to move forward. Like, okay, so maybe the odds are stacked against you. So what? What if it’s the perfect thing? What if we just look at it like it’s not going, but people get into the loop of like all the negative stories. And so let’s look at how we treat our business this way when we have, you know, a vision of making an impact and helping people and allowing them to do whatever we do, just helping them along the way, and we’re not making the impact that we’re looking to do.

And then we start looking on social and we start comparing ourselves to everybody else who’s out there and obviously way more successful and way easier for them. It’s easier for them because and we make all these other excuses for all these other things, and then we start to go, well, it’s not that way for me. And we start to create a plan B, So the plan B, I, I know we’ve talked about this endlessly too. I feel like the Plan B is also that secret saboteur. It is taking your plan A of I want to have this beautiful place in this location with water and X, Y, and Z included. And instead of saying I’ll take that and that by itself, instead, it would take you everyone else’s advice to just take anything that comes along your way. And so if you’re doing that, whether it’s for your house or for your business, and you’re saying, here’s a plan B, what if I do that?

Then you can see, like when we talk about housing, let’s talk to Amanda’s story, because I think it’s worthwhile to look at this example to see how specific we can be and when we’re not, what happens. So if you just said, okay, well, I know I really want this beautiful Narnia style living situation, to use your words. I want this beautiful Narnia living situation. But if I don’t get it because la la la la la la la la la la la la. Excuse, excuse, excuse. And I could just have the plan B. So see what already happens to my energy. It already totally deflates. Instead of being 100% into Narnia and Narnia alone and taking action, now all of a sudden there’s this, like, mystery question, door number two, and the energy is already depleted. And then I’m mostly focused in fear because I wouldn’t have a plan B and this extra opportunity if I didn’t have all that fear controlling me and saying this is the only other direction. And so if you have no more Plan B, then all your energy can actually go to the thing that you actually want.

But that’s what most people are doing, so they’re stuck with, I really want Narnia, but I’ll settle for this because I don’t think I can actually get Narnia because I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough, I don’t have enough followers. I’m not whatever. And so we just settle at this lower vibration. And so then let’s say that you’re at this lower vibration and you’re trying to help people from this lower state.

Well, and they’ll keep it towards the housing, okay? I’m getting sidetracked because I’m making it about business, and I really want to keep it directed towards housing. So let’s say I really want to get a great house, except now I’m just not as energetically invested in it. So the energy that I’m putting out there into action. So all the things that Amanda’s now doing, she’s not just looking them up online. She’s going for visits, she’s applying, she’s going for a visit, and she’s going to the areas that she wants to live. If I’m not doing any of those things, my energy is not going to be anywhere near where hers is.

Let’s say we’re both looking for the same location. How about that? Me versus you. Let’s talk about taking action, aligned action. So we already know the ten things that Amanda has already done, if I’m thinking I want what Amanda wants, but I have a plan B, think about us, like on a race track. Amanda’s, like, so much further along already towards manifesting that because I still have this plan B kind of. Well, I don’t know. I’m going to self-sabotage the way I’m not going to apply for that thing because I probably won’t even get it anyway. So I’m not even going to put myself out there, let alone go take a look at the place. And so my chances of getting it are really slim to none.

So that’s like if we look at as far as like housing, how simplistic that is, not even business and the complexities of business. I love that you share the story because now we can kind of paint a picture. What happens when we have a plan B? So what are we going to say?

Amanda: There’s so much, there’s so much. Can we share on this show or no?

Emily: Well, yes, we do. Yeah. So I think that’s where it is. it encourages.

Amanda: Right. There’s so many things from what you said and I love this discussion so much for so many reasons. But I remember I used to be obsessed with Tony Robbins a long time ago, and I used to go I went to a lot of his conferences and stuff. One thing I remember him saying and that stuck with me is he said, If you want to take the island, burn the fucking boats and meaning, take away any chance of being able to go back because then you will take the island. Whatever is on the island, whatever is that is going to scare you, make you fearful. What are you going to do? You either have to take it and, you know, face it or you’re going to drown because you’re not in a boat anymore.

Emily: Yeah.

Amanda: And to me, I totally resonate with that because to me, a plan B is a complete energy leak. It is another signal that I say, I want this, but I kind of want that. Right. And I have always been a really big believer in like faith is about trusting in what you can’t see, obviously. But like like you just said, like coming back to housing. We were traumatized because I don’t know if I ever told you this, but before we got our dream house, we had another dream house and we were meant to move in, the day off day was like 8 p.m. and the landlord called us and we had nowhere else to go. It looked like a miracle. And he called us and said, sorry, I just in my gut, I didn’t feel this is right. And early the next morning we had nowhere to go. So we had this like massive disappointment and so everything. Visually and physically in evidence, wisely told us, is you just need to take whatever you’re given.

And we had and this is part of, I think, success as well as we had the guts and the grit to say hi and to your point of like there’s so much more like in business than there is in something as simple as housing. There is still this there’s we believed that we were worthy of that, right. We have that same belief of like, we don’t need one. This is one dream house, right? And we didn’t just come and see it. We came back two days later and we put our hands all over the gate and we just said we didn’t force it. We said, if this is for our highest good, let it work out. It is ours. And then we walked around and we got to know the area and we just like really fell into it and like claimed it as ours if it was for us. Right?

I truly believe rejection is protection. So I was like, well, the thing that didn’t work, I didn’t make it about me. There’s something wrong with me. Like I, I suck. Like I’m obviously rubbish at manifestation. That’s why this house didn’t work out. It was like, it’s protection. And you know what? The guy sold it six months later, so.

Emily: Wow

Amanda: He would have had to move out anyway.

Emily: Yes.

Amanda: And we got redirected to a place which we’d never even been to. And it turns out we’ve been here three years now and turns out it’s like heaven for us, right? So I bring all of that up because I truly believe, like you said, we had a plan B, none of that would have happened. And that is often what I see in online business owners is like, if things aren’t working out, there’s this. It’s very quick to just go to this other option. And like you said, you’re not splitting your energy 50-50. You know, you’re actually putting 80% of your energy to this. And then you don’t have the literally not just the physical energy, but the spiritual energy to put towards this thing. Right?

Emily: Right.

Amanda: So, yeah, that’s what I was saying.

Emily: I love that. And rejection is protection. Everybody write that down. Rejection is protection. And because sometimes take a hit and it’s just like we make it mean all these other things when it really doesn’t need to. The thing that has always helped me, especially with housing and every big decision I’ve ever made, is really this or something better. Like it’s either this or this is just opening that door to something even better that’s coming. So I’m open for this. But if it’s getting better and this O-M-G, yes, I’m so down, so then you can actually be like, happy. When the plan A that your focus 100% on doesn’t pan out because you know there’s part of us especially, you know, if you’re a homeowner and you’re buying a house like you know even if your offer is accepted on a house, it doesn’t mean it’s yours until the damn keys in your hand like that, so many things can happen.

And so, you know, for people who are homeowners, it’s not really that different than when you’re a renter. Like, it’s not necessarily yours until you know it’s absolutely yours. And so that’s where you have to really have that faith and, you know, use all these spiritual tools. I want to kind of switch gears into let’s talk about, you know, the Plan B and the lack thereof and what that can do for a business. Because, you know, like I said, and I wanted to pull the curtain back and I wanted to make this a little bit vulnerable about myself and about the business, because I feel like that’s also part why you guys are here and why you stick around because, you know, it’s no bullshit, it’s no fluff. And this is an honest place where you can check in with people who are going to tell you like it is. And it’s not just crystals and unicorns around here, although there are a lot of unicorns. And if you don’t like them, then you know where the door is. 🙂

Amanda: She really means that.

Emily: I do really mean that. I’m not even one of those like, sorry, not sorry. I’m not sorry. But truthfully, it’s like, you know, I got to a point where, you know, for the last year birthing the Integrated Energy Alignment Practitioner Training was a labor of love, and I literally had to shut down other I didn’t know why, I was shutting down my programs at the end of the previous year. I just knew I needed to.

And then I bought this program. So like I had that faith to know I’m always being guided. I had no idea. Not even like an ounce of like, I wonder about this certification idea. It was not on my radar, whatsoever. It wasn’t until I close my programs down at the end of November, early December, it wasn’t until the end of January where I downloaded the entirety of my program. And then we didn’t meet until the March, we didn’t meet until the March, and then I sold it in June and we started in July. So like basically the entirety of 2022, I shut down huge revenue streams.

Amanda: Yeah

Emily: To choose a brand new program that was not tested and proven.I was going through those motions right then and taking a huge risk. And by doing so, by the end of the year, I was at a place where I was in a contraction year and I’ve talked about this on previous podcast. It was a contraction year. Up until then, all of my years were like expand, expand 2x, 3x party time, get down.

And that was new for me to feel a contraction and to know I have a team of people who I pay them so that they can support their families. And I didn’t want to take anything away from my team. And that meant making sacrifices for myself and I sacrificed myself and other things so that I can make sure that everyone could keep all the lights on. And at this point, entering this year, we were at a crossroads where I said, all right, so I need help. Like we need to figure something out fast because we really like things need to change. And I have this incredible business. I have this incredible community. I am here for this one purpose, to spread this light and to do like activation to millions of people across the planet. And I don’t have a plan B, There is nothing else other than this for me. Like this is it. And we had this really kind of serious call. And I remember you saying, like, this is my only thing to I don’t have a plan B either. I’m here for it. I’m here for you. We’re going to do this.

And I remember it bringing me to tears because that was the first time that I really, truly felt like seen and held by anybody. And I felt it deeply like, even as I say now, like I’m tapping into like, the feelings that I felt and to feel like that I wasn’t alone and like, because I had felt like I’m the captain of the ship and we’re all doing the thing that Emily wants to do. But suddenly, like, I was the copilot and it wasn’t all on me anymore, and you basically gave me permission to take care of myself so that the business could run and I could take care of myself. Because I had been working so damn hard, I needed a break. And you saw that. I mean, we also had an awesome human design written by Aycee Brown, which also facilitated some of these choices. But through that, it was like you gave me permission to do the self-care that I really needed to do to take a break, to rest, to nurture myself and to get myself really back into a higher state. And I never felt afraid. I never felt worried. I was like, okay, Amanda’s got this. And we had this. I don’t know how was the time was like reality, but, like, it felt like the next day you woke up and you’re like, I had this amazing vision. Was it like, what was the actual timeline? I know…

Amanda: Those vision? I feel like I’ve had so many.

Emily: Like when you had the vision for and then like Gustav had the bread pudding thing that.

Amanda: oh, that was like sometime in Feb, like mid Feb.

Emily: Okay, So but like, from that conversation, maybe it was like a week maybe, or from when we were talking about like we got to turn things around.

Amanda: Yeah, it was like a few days.

Emily: It was a few days.

Amanda: Yeah.

Emily: Yeah. So I want to just kind of open up to the fact that, you know, this was like a dark night of the soul for me, like, for the business, for me. And I know that a lot of people have been feeling this climate of put your money where your mouth is. Walk your walk, sister. Like, get out there. You said you’re going to do this. Go do it. Let’s see. We’re going to stack all the cards up against you to see if you can still do it. And for me, I was like, Well, we better get out the bulldozer because I am only doing this. And also, but it also took you I couldn’t have just kept plowing away at it. I needed to actually step out so that I could recharge.

Amanda: Yeah.

Emily: And so, when Amanda said, you know, she uses her intuition for this feminine and masculine approach. What you did was you went into deep meditation and you started to channel and you channel some really powerful ideas. And essentially what birthed one of our most successful. For instance, I mean, in a recent, the recent past, one of the most successful workshops we’ve ever done. And when you’re like, here’s what’s going to be in like for a week, I was like, wait, what am I teaching again? And it evolved. And then all of a sudden I was like, here’s what I’m going to teach. Wait, the option is going to look like this. And here’s the thing is and we changed it, but it had this resurgence of energy. And now we’re at this place where we had some huge wins. And we’ve seen sort of like, the light has parted.

But I would love to kind of bring our listeners back into a little bit of like the spiritual practices that we also did to get to that place, because it wasn’t just Emily’s going to like leave the company and Amanda is going to run things like. Do you want to share a little bit of like the spiritual stuff that we did and what you did that really helped us to align for that level of success?

Amanda: Yeah. Yeah, I’d love to. And I think just before I go to that, I want to say that it – you explained it really well, but I think even then sometimes people get it couldn’t have been that bad. It was bad, people. It wasn’t. It was bad. It was really, a really challenging time. But the things that I saw you do that are part of what I believe successful people do is you always bettering yourself, you always back on yourself, and you’ve always said that. And I think a lot of people don’t. You have that belief, right, that like it’s going to work out. And I think that that’s both the belief in yourself and in spirit. And that’s why a lot of people need your work, is that they’ve got like a lot of subconscious programming and energetic ties and wounds that prevent them from having that belief. So that’s, that’s the first thing.

But then the second thing is even the days we were like, I literally can’t do this anymore. The next morning you’re like, messaging me. I’ve got an idea. She’s relaxed like you let yourself feel it. But you didn’t stay there, right? And I think it’s okay to feel we’re not telling people like you always have to be a high vibe. And it’s like it’s important to not spiritually bypass, but it’s also important to remember your mission. And you’ve always had a very clear reason for why you do what you do. And so I think that’s really important to say that.

But yeah, in terms of the spiritual tools, they all came out like we, you know, we both spent time in meditation separately and together. We both channeled together and just, you know, almost all our meetings. We have some form of whether it’s like just centering or whether it’s pulling cards. We pull cards a lot. You’ve got the pendulum out before. We’ve asked for guidance. We even brought my husband in once for that three-way session, which was awesome. And so we did so much like on the spiritual side. But also I would say, I mean, I see the physical as also spiritual, like you needed to the sounds crazy, but like you needed to go and play.

Emily: Yeah

Amanda: You needed to go and have fun. And I understand the feeling of like when everything in you is saying, I don’t have time for that. Like, you know, we got to make money, we got to do the thing. And it’s like, but you’re being called to do this because in the rest, is the growth, right? In the rest, is the healing. And that’s what you needed.
And so I know that some people might be listening to this thinking, Oh, it’s okay for you. You had someone to run your business. No, it wasn’t like, it was really hard for you to like, not because you didn’t trust me, but there’s so many things wrapped up in it, and it was hard to be like, I’m going to go and just like knith, will like, walk or go play with my dog or just be right.

Emily: Yeah. Yeah.

Amanda: And so that was a huge part of like you had to physically and energetically recharge. And in all of this, you were still running a business. So I think sometimes people think like when they’re in that place and they think that’s the difference between a hobby, kind of a, you know, coach or healer and like someone that sees it as the business is, you don’t just shut up, shut and be like, I need healing. I’m down. Like you having the healing on the side.

Emily: Right.

I know you’re working with practitioners as well because you were also showing up and doing the coaching calls and running the certification and showing up for your membership. It wasn’t like you were like, I’m out there.

Emily: Right.

Amanda: And so I think that all of those things are really important, right? It’s like having that vision and having that belief, having that grit and using your spiritual tools, using that. I always say, like, we teach what we most need. I’m sorry. Yeah. We teach what we most need to learn. Right? And like, it’s so I’ve worked with so many people who are not in alignment with their own message. And I can say, like I’ve said this to you privately many times, like that is not you. You are like 100% integrity in alignment to what you preach is how you live. And I truly don’t believe you would have come out of this, if you didn’t use the very tools that you teach.

Emily: Yeah, I agree. And I appreciate you saying that. And that is true. It wasn’t that I was like just signing out. I was allowing myself a new identity.

Amanda: Yeah.

Emily: My identity last year was really working hard to birth something and to deliver it and to nurture it and to feed it like, a like I was birthing a baby and it literally took us nine months of gestation to birth. It was crazy, right? We’ll look back, like oh my gosh. And then I was probably in like postpartum, you know, of like it’s out and now I need to do what am I doing? And so I but also I was seeking out ways to heal. And the things that I had been doing. And you mentioned practitioner. So, I still got regular energy work, massage therapy.

I started to see a hypnotherapist. That was something that was brand new to me. And I felt that the reason why I chose hypnosis was because I had inner child wounds that had been resurfacing throughout like the recent past. And so I, I just asked a friend for referral, got the referral, made the appointment, loved it, started seeing this person. So her name is Kristen Dwan and I’ll probably have her on the podcast at some point.

But what I got back last week was a progress report from just five weeks prior. I had shared before hypnosis that I was feeling heavy, I wasn’t feeling in the flow. I wasn’t feeling very inspired and excited. I wasn’t feeling light. I was feeling anxious and stressed out and worried financially. And so she had me grade myself on a scale from 1 to 10 of how I was feeling those things in like ten more, I mean, 20 more, I don’t even know. And five weeks later, now this is me. I’m integrating. I’m doing all of my meditations every day. I’m going outside of nature, I’m eating healthy foods. I’m taking supplements. I am drinking water.

I’m like, I’m doing cold plunging. I started to do cold plunging, and the cold immersion and the hypnosis, I think, have completely started to transform me, plus the time away to play. And what I was using the hypnosis like twice a day, if not more, to five weeks in the future.

When we went back and I just kind of feel want to look back at what those numbers were. How are you feeling with these, this and this? And I was on like, you know, how do you feel with anxiety? I was like an eight out of ten. Then she says, how do you feel now? And I said I’m like a two. She’s like, what? How about in the flow? And I said, Oh, I feel like I’m like, of nine. And she’s like, you were two. Okay? Like, these are not just like small incremental shifts. These are enormous leaps.

And so what I want to share back to our initial point and your point about and having faith and having guts and grit is like I was down, but I wasn’t out and I was going to work on myself and play and work through the rejection and work through all the things that I felt like were stacked up against me because my vision and my faith was stronger than anything.

Amanda: Yes.

Emily: And, you know, as much as I could make excuses about, like, well, it’s the environment and people and money and their session. And that’s not true, because there’s people out there who are absolutely crushing it. And so I’m not the type of person who makes excuses. Like I can say, well, this is the climate and this is what we have to be. Innovative and use our intuition. Our intuition helps us to navigate. And so when we use all these spiritual tools, we can collaborate intuitively and, you know, and the end. And I have this amazing synergy that when we sit together in meditation and we channel, it’s like, I’m getting something, she is getting something, and we kind of build this like thing that we don’t know that we’re building. And all of a sudden it’s like, look what we made.

And, so I want to just share that is like. This is the nice podcast episode that I want to share of, like it can be this darker place and you can come through it, when you have this vision and you have this grit and there is no more plan B and you take the help when it’s handed out to you. And this is also about betting on myself. I bet on myself. But I also felt like in those dark times I was bullied here to be of service to other people. And so I didn’t make it about me in my own personal struggles, but I had to work on my own stuff, too. But so this is I think it’s kind of a darker, I don’t know, heavier episode to see like this side of the business. But I also think it’s really important for you to know, it just, it just is. And so, you know, I remember when I was first getting started, I had a hard time. When you’re first getting started, when you’re trying to get those first ten customers, those first 50 customers, those first hundred followers, an email subscribers, like that’s the steep side of the learning curve.

And for those folks who are at that place and you feel like giving up, I want you to hear my story because it doesn’t just get better. Once you’ve made a million dollars in your business and everything is just so much easier once you have 9,000 and 15 thousand followers and how many? I don’t know, 600,000 downloads. Like, it doesn’t get easier. The place where you’re at now, getting those first ten, those first 100. It’s the same grit and determination from that exact ladder point to the next huge ladder point, the bigger rungs. It’s that same you’re building that foundation when you can start to have blind faith and say, like what you said, like, burn the boats. You’re able to focus your energy on just one thing.

And so, you know, I think that’s what helped me attract you into my business, you know, that I was like, I know I’m here to serve this high level and that’s that. So the universe is like, here’s this amazing human that is going to help with all that. And I mean, I remember at some point, I remember what I was listening to or looking back, but I was like, oh my gosh, I’ve been praying for you since whatever time it was. I’m like, oh my gosh, you are the person I was praying for all that time. And it’s like we we’re so focused on like the future of what’s going forward in front of us that we don’t often take time to look back at, to see truly like the magic that we have manifested in like the Americans that are already in front of us. And that, you know, we know that line of like the things that you have today is what you prayed for, you know, years ago.

And is there something that you feel like you can say that about right now of like the practitioner you, the coach you, the person who is just like figuring it out, the person who lost their housing. Like what you have today. Is there something that you can say besides the house as well of course. But that’s something that you have today that you can say that you know for sure. You have prayed for years ago and you are like living your wildest dreams right now.

Amanda: Oh, so many things. I mean, you know this, but like the day that you messaged me and said, we need to take this to the next level. That morning I declared out loud for the first time, like, I want to work with more people like Emily. I literally said those words, I want more clients like Emily. And then that day you were like, hey, we need to talk. Like it was like, what? And I know that it was my willingness and audacity to say what I wanted of that through. I often feel like Spirit is literally like I have all these things for you. You just need to give me the signal that you were ready, right?

Emily: Yeah. Yeah.

Amanda: It’s like it’s, it’s there. Like when you have that belief system and I’ve had to work a lot on that. I am safe, I am protected. I’m everything is for me in this world. Like you attract those things to you, right? But like, you have to have that belief. So I really see like, experiences that like, I want to give it to you. I want you to just stay safe because that is absolutely. My husband, he’s my best friend. We’ve been married 13 years. I met him when I was 16. We didn’t get together for seven years and I always said, I will never marry that guy. But I was literally praying for my future partner and I didn’t know it was him.

But again, I think what’s so important I’ve learned I used to be so specific and now I’m glad to be specific and open like you. Like that’s my version of this or something better, right? Like, yeah, I’m like, there is so much out there for me and I can only see what I know. Like, there’s only like, I can only ask for what I can imagine, but what if there’s more, right? So I asked for what I could imagine in a in a husband. And then he walks through the door seven years later and it’s like, oh, yeah, it’s him.

Emily: Yeah

Amanda: Always been him. I just couldn’t see it before. So yeah, I mean, I could get and on but those are two right?

Emily: That’s how I felt about my husband actually I joke about that because I had a previous boyfriend before him that was like very aloof and kind of here or there. And I would make a list between boyfriends of like the attributes that I really found, like, what are really like my core values, what I’m really looking for here. And I always joke that Andrew, my husband, hit all of them except for being like over six feet tall like that. He just didn’t meet my requirements.

Amanda: Oh, I got that!

Emily: Yeah, you got that. Know exactly clear to me the height requirement. But are we really going to be…

Amanda: right, exactly.

Emily: But I’m only five foot two anyways, so it’s fine. But I think it’s really important that we are able to acknowledge where we’re at, you know, and like you mentioned, like not to be spiritually bypassing the hard and the difficult and the depth of where we need to go. I think from that place we’re planting the new seeds. We’re in that depth, we’re in that darkness, we’re in that hibernation period. But it’s only a period. And I think that’s one thing that, you know, nature has always repeatedly taught me is this is a cycle and this is not a permanent thing. And if we can ride out the season, there’s going to be another season after this and it’s going to get better. It’s going to get brighter. And so for anybody listening to this and you’re in one of those darker nights of the soul in one of those heavier seasons, I want this very vulnerable share. Hopefully, I don’t regret this. I haven’t regretted really having any of these podcast episodes.

But I mean, this is really sharing like my own struggles. And I and I hope that you can hear where I’m at. And, you know, Amanda and I have partnered up in this way to say like this faith is the driver, this vision is the driver, but it can’t be that alone. And so even on your darkest days, it’s important to focus on that faith and do the deeper work so you can keep delivering that message that only you can do. And it is not doing the world any service. When you create a Plan B and you oscillate between this or that, it’s like just be with you are joy, with your passion, with your purpose, with that vision. And keep praying to create whatever that is for you. And it doesn’t matter if you’re on your own or you have a team of people. Because if you have a team of people, I would almost say it’s a little bit harder because they have to be on board with your vision. And that’s the other thing I want – I mean, my other team members, Rio and Shaunah, aren’t here on the call right now, but. They are 100% in alignment with our vision.

Amanda: Yes.

Emily: And every single Monday, I set an intention and I sent an audio note to everybody to set an intention for us as a team collectively and individuals that we can serve on our highest level to raise the level of consciousness and bring harm to none. And they believe in the vision. They see the vision, they are cheering on the vision. And so, you know, I couldn’t do my work by myself. It would not happen. I wouldn’t make nearly half the impact that I’m making today, even a fraction. So it is the collective energy of my team.

But if you are a solo entrepreneur, trust yourself, trust yourself in the process. Would there be any closing words that you would have for folks that they’re on their own? Or if they are on the team to help them to stay in their vision, even if they’re having that sort of darker time.

Amanda: Yeah. I mean, I think what I would say is it’s kind of coming back to your dark night of the soul. And we’ve all had them right where one of the things that you did was you always took responsibility and you always said it wasn’t like a blame thing, but you would say. What am I doing or not doing? That’s not attracting the right people or not getting the results that we want, right? But yes, acknowledge what’s going on, but you always bring it back to yourself. And so I would say that as hard as it is, like, look inside, think if you’ve done all the things and this is actually come back to my coaching business, there were times where it was hugely successful. But a lot of the times it was not. And it was because I was doing all the external stuff. And it’s important. Like, I know how to basically do everything in an online business. However, I never looked at myself. I never dealt with my blogs. I never dealt with my core wounds, past life, and ancestral stuff, like I didn’t know how to.

And that’s why I love the work you do, because you have this beautiful marriage of both, right? Like the program we just released, The Accelerated Path is soul and strategy. And I think that’s so important. And so what I would say is like, don’t just focus on the strategy. Make sure you’re going in and you’re asking for guidance like also guidance. Ask what is it that I need and then take action.

Emily: Yeah

Amanda: Because I believe success is inevitable for everyone. And so if you’ve been given a calling and you feel like I’m meant to be doing this work in the world, then do this work in world. But sometimes you have to actually, like, deal with what’s going on to be able to If it’s fear of being seen, if it’s whatever it is, like deal with that so that you can serve the people you’re here to serve.

Emily: So smart. I love that it’s all about action. I mean, even when I think about like taking less of a front seat in the business, I’m taking action every day, doing the damn thing to make the changes and taking responsibility. That’s so smart. I think we could definitely keep sharing more. And I would love you know, I know we will be doing more live calls, more Q&A is more coaching calls. So if you guys, you know, resonate with this episode and you want to connect with me and Amanda outside of this episode, you can definitely find us on Instagram.

Obviously, on my website I will be doing some specials on my shop page because it is our four-year anniversary, so we’ll have that all listed on the podcast episode itself, so that you can get all kinds of meditations and classes and workshops so that you can take this work a little bit deeper.

And of course, the next thing we have coming up, really we’re going to be planning. So like you’re going to hear this first, we are going to be rolling out Intuition week again. We have not done Intuition Week for so long. We are so, so excited to bring Intuition Week back. It’s going to be back and better than ever, maybe with some really great new fresh stuff. So if you’ve done it before, this is a whole new time to do it again.

Plus, this season it’s a great time to just really open up your intuition, especially for your business again, coaches, healers and leaders. And then in June, we’ll be reopening the doors to the Integrated Energy Alignment Practitioner Training again. So if that is something that you’re excited about, it is the first and only energy-based training with a profit guarantee, friends.

So this episode is kind of like scratching the surface of how deep that work goes. You’re going to learn the energy work like I do, and then you’re going to learn the business work like I do and how to really marry the two of them. So both of those things are coming up. We’ll have everything on the show notes as well as on the podcast website.

Thank you, Amanda, for being my special guest today. This was such a big conversation. So thank you for your wisdom and your insights. You dropped some bombs on here. So thank you for joining me.

Amanda: Oh, you’re welcome. Thank you so much for having me.

Emily: All right, listeners, make sure you take a screenshot, tag me in your Instagram stories. Let me know what’s your biggest AHA was. Did this episode give you peace of mind knowing you’re not the only one struggling and that you know you can have faith and move on to the next place and just take some wind action? Let me know what came up for you. And as always, your reviews mean so much to me, so always leave a nice review over on your favorite listening platform after you’ve listened to this episode. And we’ll see you in the next episode. Thanks again. Lots of love to all.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Take inspired action! After listening to Amanda’s stories about belief, trust, and taking action, I would love for you to listen to your own guidance and find those steps that take you toward your dreams too.


About Amanda

Amanda is COO of Emily Aarons LLC, and also provides operations consultancy to heart-centered, intuitive entrepreneurs.

She helps entrepreneurs bring their visions to life by supporting them to build strong and robust operations and systems within their businesses that create a container for increased impact and income.

You can find her here:

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Much Needed Shadow Work for Coaches and Healers

Much Needed Shadow Work for Coaches and Healers

Much Needed Shadow Work for Coaches and Healers

Are you a coach or healer who is having trouble getting fully booked with your programs or services? If so, this it’s the perfect time to do some shadow work!

If you’re struggling with any of these:

  • Attracting enough of the right clients and charging your worth
  • Getting yourself fully booked
  • Worrying that you should have a plan B
  • Sacrificing your time comparing yourself to others
  • Or all of the above!

I’m here to help you!

When we aren’t getting the expected results in our business, we usually get as far as terror, panic, and fear when we consider what happens if this doesn’t work out.

This is why you need shadow work. It’s a way to work through the emotions stopping you from getting your much-needed programs and services out into the world. You may have to “do it scared” but that’s why I’m here to help by doing this together.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • “What if it doesn’t work?!”
  • Why you can’t stop at the fear, terror, or anxious feelings if you want to get to the next level.
  • How to work through these feelings and insecurities (have a pen and paper handy!).
  • You are the only one who knows if THIS is your time.
  • My story of trying the strategies of broke healers and expecting a different result.
  • Don’t let anything stop you from doing the work you’re here to do!

Hey, everybody. It’s Emily, And I wanted to share something about shadow work, which is probably not the most popular topic ever, But I feel like as I’m opening up the Accelerated Path Program, it is ripe with opportunity for you, for me, for us. And if you are a coach or a healer who has been struggling to make it, struggling to get enough clients, not booking your calendar fully and there is just like an effort made to try to sell your things, but like no one or not, enough people are buying it. This is a session for you.Hi. Hi, Ariel. It’s great to see my company start working. I was really not sure because I haven’t been leaving my phone for a while, so that’s good news.

So if you are a coach or a healer, whether you’re live on the replay, put a 1 in. If you are someone who has struggled to attract enough of the right clients or get yourself fully booked, put a 2 in, I would love to see who that resonates with. So I want to talk about some shadow work.

Hi, Tonika! Good to see you here. Of course, you’re here.

So let’s do some shadow work, shall we? So, yeah, we’re going to do some shadow work. Is everybody resonated with this message? You’re a coach, you’re a healer? I can’t see the comments coming in at the moment, but I presume that’s… Yes, coach, healers. Problems getting fully booked. I was just going to pull up something. I did this Money Block Clearing the other day which was really powerful. And I know that a lot of folks, here’s how they identified.
 – Number 1, you’re struggling to get clients in charging your worth.
 – Drop a 2, if you’re worried, if you should create a plan B.
 – Number 3, you’re sacrificing your time comparing yourself to others.
 – Or 4, all of the above.

Okay? So I know I kind of want to go as fast, but just put the one that feels like it resonated with you. So let’s talk about it. What I wanted to share today is about shadow work. So, for those of you who are kind of have the desire to help more people, but there’s always kind of the background or maybe foreground this desire to have a plan B, like if this doesn’t work, WHF am I going to do with my life?

So, let’s go there. This is what we usually avoid. We usually get as far as terror, panic, anxiety, and fear when we consider if our programs, if our work, if our coaching and healing stuff doesn’t work out, and we kind of stop with our toes on the line of – is it going to work? What if it doesn’t? And then we go into this panic mode. I know this feeling very well because as you may or may not know, I’ve been doing energy healing for 23 years, 15 – the majority of 15 of those 20 years I was broke. I was living just barely making it.

And then I had my kid and my husband was primarily the one who was supporting our household. I really wasn’t. I was making about $1,000 a month and not much more. And I knew I had a dream. And I mean, I knew I wanted to help more people, but I was terrified to know what to do. I didn’t know how to actually do it. And so what I’m here to teach you how to do is the framework for taking your coaching and healing business out there into the world and positioning yourself. So you are a unicorn. You are one amazing person in a very saturated market. It’s going to help you to stand out. It’s going to help you sell your offers. It’s going to help you to take yourself seriously.

So I only want to talk to people who are here and take themselves seriously. As I see it, 16 people who are on live. If all of you are here to take yourself seriously, just stay on, okay? If you’re kind of like I like to do healing and coaching, but like as a hobby side hustle, like I’m not actually wanting to help people. I would like to, but like, not as, like my main thing, like, I’m not talking to you.
I’m talking to the folks who want to take themselves seriously, who want their family and friends to take them seriously.

And when you introduce yourself, whether at a business networking thing or just like a friend’s party, when you introduce yourself and you go, “hi, my name is Emily and I’m an energy healer and I also coach business coaches. I’m also a coach to coaches and healers online.” And they go, oh, wow! So, you do like… so, tell me more about that. You do energy work for entrepreneurs and say, Yeah, I help coaches and healers to build profitable businesses. And they go, oh, wow, that’s really cool!

So I want to help you to be able to feel really good and really serious and really confident about what you do in the world, but sometimes you don’t really even know what that is yet. So let’s do some shadow work, shall we?

Got 18 people. Hey, if you guys would just say hi, let me know that you are here with me and you are present. I know sometimes we open up apps when we’re doing other things, but like, if you’re here, let’s just go down this road, okay?

When you think of if my coaching in the healing business doesn’t work, what is your first thought? This is going to really help our visualization.

So put it in the chat.

What is your first thought when you worry? You’re most definitely here. Great. If this doesn’t work out, then what?

For me, I’m going to go to fix my hair because it’s like it’s just doing its own thing today. I’m going to do it tomorrow. Tomorrow I’m going to do some live coaching here on Facebook. You’ll get an invitation to join me on Zoom, and that’s where I’ll do some live coaching.
Go back to corporate. Oh, with the teary eyes.Yeah. And I can feel that resistance in you too, Tonika too. Who else?

Be brave. What is it that you fear when you go? If this doesn’t work out, then what’s going to happen? For me, I always, for some reason, imagine being a barista at Starbucks. Like, if I’m not fulfilling my true heart’s desires, I may as well do like something I would hate. Like, that – it was so black and white for me of like you either do what you love or you are miserable and being miserable or working at Starbucks. Then I started to think about, well, then I would lose my apartment, I would lose my house, and maybe I would lose my car if it doesn’t work out. What if I feel I don’t know what will happen? Melissa, let’s talk about what will happen. Going back is to serving that I did for 20 years, like waitressing, working a miserable 9 to 5 just to make some sort of living. Exactly, Ariel. Being the worst of me again. Yep, exactly.

So you can feel that in your body.

“I gave up a government job with a pension”. A ha ha ha ha ha. That see, they they do. They dangle it. They dangle that pension in front of you and you go, oh that’s nice. Oh, that’s nice. And it is nice. And it doesn’t mean you can’t still do your government job and have a thriving coaching or healing business. That doesn’t mean it. But what it will mean that if you can’t dedicate energy to your practice.

My family will think I’m nuts. Yeah. Anybody else family thinks that they’re nuts? Either for quitting their job or for being a coach or a healer, or just they don’t get you at all. So, this is why I want us to go here. I don’t want us to avoid the scary thing. I want us to do the shadow work that brings up the feelings. And I want to see what happens next. I want you to see what happens next. So I want you to just in your mind’s eye. If you visualize this thing, is not going to work out. And here’s all the worst things that happen.
 – My family thinks I’m crazy.
 – I can’t make it work as a coach or a healer.
 – I have to go back to a corporate job.
 – I have to go back to waitressing.

And that’s just to keep the food coming in, lights on Internet phone like the bare necessities. But what if it got worse than that? And, like, you really couldn’t even make that work. And you are getting, you know, less and less money coming in. Then it’s almost like your backs up against the wall and maybe you become homeless. Maybe you aren’t even eating because you don’t have enough money to feed yourself. Then what? When your backup is against the wall. You got nothing left to lose. Other than maybe the clothes and shoes that you’re wearing. You got no one. You got nothing. Then what? Then what do you do?

And we have to go down this path. To see how bad it could possibly get. And even it doesn’t have to get to that point. Even if your worst path is going back to corporate, Tonika, even if your worst path, Melissa, is staying at that government job and just not doing what your heart is calling you to do. Why do I have this notification popping up?

What if you quit your healing and coaching business and you become a waitress again? How does that feel? What are you going to do about it? When you’re back up, back against the wall and you’re just doing what you have to do. How does that feel in your body? How does that feel in your soul? And put it in the comments. I’m going to share my story, too, because it’s been I’ve been there.

I’ve been doing healing for 23 years, but I didn’t always have my full-time practice. I went in and out of receptionist jobs and while I was a receptionist, I was doing healing work or teaching yoga. I went to a corporate job where I was working as an executive assistant, also known as a glorified babysitter. To very rich, very, very, very rich people, mostly men. And I felt like my soul was decaying inside of me. That feeling of like, uh.

However, I had a steady paycheck. I was getting raises and bonuses. People at my job like me, they actually encouraged me to get my series seven so that I could also become a salesperson and make good gobs of money just like them. And I was like, thanks, but no. Like, this is bad enough. This is just a temporary thing until I decide I’m going to go all in on my healing work.
And part of why I didn’t go in all in on my healing work is because I didn’t have anybody to show me how to do it. Nobody before me had a successful healing career that at least I knew of. There was no mentor out there. There was nobody who I saw who was a healer, an energy worker, a tarot card reader, whatever, who was teaching the ins and outs in the framework of a business like how to run a business. If you do this, I can get you there. No one did that, so I literally didn’t know how to do it.

It had to get so bad for me that I quit my job. I was like, screw all this. I’m back into full-time healing work and I want to make it work. And I was praying for miracles and years and years and years of struggle. Finally surmounted when I was just like my back was against the wall. I thought I couldn’t sink any lower. And I was like, I have to change something. And I became desperate to change something.

But here’s what I think what was actually happening. I don’t think I was actually desperate. I think I became relentless. Because when my back was against the wall, I didn’t just sit there and lay down and die. I didn’t just take my full-time job and take the bonuses and take the raises and take the extra steps and go down that path, because inside of me there was that rotten decay. It was like, Don’t do it. And I know I needed it temporarily, just till I get my head above the water and, like, catch my breath. But I was still doing the healing on the side. And then when I fully committed, I became relentless. I realized I was fucking scrappy.

I’m a latchkey kid. I don’t know if anybody else on here was a latchkey kid. But part of being a latchkey kid is like, you forget your key sometimes and you literally have to check every door and every window and break into the house sometimes.

But I live in New England and I wasn’t going to get let out and left out in the cold. So, I had to get in. I had to get in. And I take that same commitment with my business. I have to help people. I get out of bed every day and I’m like, I want to. I have to, there is this need and this desire to just, like, figure it out. To apply all of my wisdom and all of my intelligence. And then I allow my intuition to lead me to that next big breakthrough in my business. But I have enough experience that I know what can work and what doesn’t work. And that is what I want to help teach you. The Accelerated Path is that it’s teaching you how to be fully committed. No Plan B, no wasting your energy on what if and in this place of worry and fear.

And I saw you guys say, like, you know, Tonika, I saw you say, like it feels suffocating and you felt like the back of your throat feels like there’s a knot in there. Denise, you said that it’s like deflating. And Melissa, you’re tired of surviving. It feels awful to have to go back on that and Ems, you’re like on the verge of that.

So I ended an eight-year relationship for similar when it comes to believing myself, yes, we have to believe in ourselves enough to get scrappy, enough to be relentless.
And the problem that where you’re at right now, which is exactly where I had been, was like, I don’t know how like, I know I want to help people. I know I want to be a coach. I know I want to be a healer, but I actually don’t know what works and what doesn’t. And so I’m trying, but I was trying and probably you’re trying at like the bare minimum level because in the back of your head you’re like, what if it doesn’t work?

So if I put in like half of the effort, I won’t be so disappointed if I don’t get positive results because I wasn’t even really trying anyway. It’s kind of like what spirit is showing me, is like when you are meeting a new group of people and you kind of put on this like fake persona. Maybe when you’re like a teenager and you’re like, whatever. If they don’t like me, it’s not even the real me anyway. And so we put up these masks, we put up these guards, and you’re doing the same thing in your business.

Where I was at, I was trying my best, but like, I didn’t have the knowledge of, like, actual strategies that worked. So what I was trying to do was what all the broke healers before me taught me, which was discounting myself, taking everybody, not narrowing down my niche, helping everybody, discounting myself constantly and not playing full out.
Yes, I’m definitely not playing full-out. Yeah, that hit me. You’re trying the bare minimum. That’s what happens, Andrea.

When I actually coach people and I listen when they say I tried to sell this thing, but it didn’t work. Again, I’m gonna do live coaching tomorrow if you guys want to join me. And so maybe you did try that. And maybe that’s true. But let’s say, how did you try? Well, I posted once. Okay. And then what? Well, nobody responded, so I didn’t post again because obviously, people didn’t want it. And to me, I’m like, what do you guys even realize how many dozens of emails I send out on a monthly basis? Because from your perspective, you probably look at me and go, oh, she’s got to figure it out. Everything works for her. She puts not out and it sells. That’s not true.

“Definitely not putting in the full effort because it discount myself due to insecurities.”Exactly.

So, imagine if you are fully confident in your gifts and your abilities, you are fully confident in the transformations that you can provide. How would you then put yourself out there?
More importantly, we have to shift the perspective from looking at ourselves. I’m worried that I’m not worthy. My insecurities, my fears. What about them? What about the people that you want to help? How do you think they’re feeling right now? You’re so consumed with yourself and your worries and your doubts. That you don’t actually get it out there to help them. That’s the truth. The truth is that this minimal effort is being put out versus the maximum effort. And half of the reason why you don’t put the maximum effort is like what I was doing, which is what I didn’t know what the maximum effort would look like. I didn’t know what that looked like until I actually did it. Until I knew what that felt like if I was to go all in like guns blazing.

And here’s what I always teach my clients is that after a launch, the way I want to feel. Is that I did everything I possibly could have to clarify my message to help people feel safe, to feel seen, so that they know what it’s like to work with me. I want to feel confident that there is not a single thing I could have done more of to get my message heard by the people who needed to hear it. Because the truth is this.

I know that whether you’re on live with me, the 15, 16, 17 people who been on live with me, or the people who are the hundreds of people who will be on the replay of this. I know that there’s somebody who’s out there and they’re suffering, and that’s what drives me to get my voice heard. It’s for you all. It’s that you all know that I’m a safe place, that you know, that I have the frameworks that work, so that you know, if you’re ready to be all in and relentless about helping people. I have loads of strategies that have worked for me, for countless clients, and they will absolutely work for you.

The best part is through The Accelerated Path. I have a full 100% money-back guarantee. If you join me, if you do the calls, if you do the homework and you put yourself out there for three months and nothing changes, I will fully refund you. So when you look at that kind of a refund policy and you go, damn, she’s really confident. She’s really confident.

So then what’s the problem? The problem is, do you believe in yourself to invest in your business? I just had a call with somebody who was saying, listen, I invest in healing work. She just came back from the chiropractor. And the truth is, is that The Accelerated Path is the program I want to do. But I’ve never invested in my business before. And I said, okay, that’s fair, and that makes sense.

So think of it this way when you go to the chiropractor. And you go to the massage therapist when you go to your natural path. You walk in the door with aches and pains and problems, and you walk out the door feeling more energetic, more aligned, maybe with less pain, less worry, less whatever. So, you know, when you walk in, you come in this way and you walk out and you get this result. But you’re not sure because you’ve never had that experience with your business before.

So it’s only natural to feel hesitation, to go, I don’t know. Am I going to get a result? I’m saying, yes, I believe you’re going to get a result. I’m promising you a result. I’m promising you with results, and I’m willing to pay you back if I don’t help you to find a way to get to that result. So the real risk is nothing. You invest the money for today that’s going to pay you back tenfold over time. You’re going to have a network of people who actually see you, who believe in you, and who aren’t going to let you fail. They’re not going to let you fall. You’re going to be able to workshop with all of us. Mastermind, get your ideas out.

We’ll tell you. Oh, that’s a really good one. Maybe tweak that so that you can put an offer out there that is not the messaging as dialed in. The offer is dialed and the price is dialed in so that you don’t have to ever feel that fear of what if it doesn’t work out? Should I create a plan B? And I’m not going to say all your fears go away because that’s not something I can promise you. Entrepreneurship is about trying and trying and trying and trying and being relentless until you get the magic formula for you.

“I’ve been missing your lives for a bit now. I’m glad my phone decided to jump on.” Me to. I can see that from your point of view. Well, yeah.

And so as a coach and as somebody who is relentless in my pursuit to help other people, I’m doing these lives, I’m sharing with you about, you know, my gift in the world is because I went through that shitty period for so long. I’m here standing, building $1,000,000 business and growing sharing with you that if I can do it, so can you. And I was broke for a real long time. So if I can get scrappy and figure it out myself and then mastermind with friends and then like get that feedback and grow and keep trying, I know that those things that I have done and the things that my clients have done can help you too.

And right now we’re in a very sensitive climate. My feeling is this, you need somebody like me who is a healer, who is a coach, who has been there and there is nobody out there like me.
There’s nobody out there. There are definitely marketers. There’s definitely, you know, get your messaging dialed in here, get your products and services over here, get your website over there. But I can tell you you can crash it without having fancy sales pages, without having, like all the different systems and bells and whistles.

But you cannot get there if you’re not willing to bet on yourself. You cannot get there if you’re not willing to invest in yourself. Because whether it’s The Accelerated Path or it’s Facebook Ads or it’s a team member or it’s new software to make your life easier or make your customers happier, you’re always going to be investing. So think about how much you’re hemming and hawing about just the simplest decision, how much time you’re wasting hemming and hawing about decisions. Either do it or don’t do it.

And here’s the other thing. I’m just going to play it like let it play out there. If this isn’t your time to be an entrepreneur and to be a coach and to be a healer, then put it aside and just stop. You are the only one who knows when it’s your time. So maybe this is the time.

Like when I said I worked for a full-time job as an executive assistant. During that time, I was only doing some clients on the side. My primary focus was my corporate job. So if that’s the season you’re in, then go for it. I’m not saying don’t get a second job or Plan B or whatever, but don’t have both. Pick one lane. Make that be your first decision. I’m either going to go all in on my healing and coaching business and go for big air and see what happens. Or I’m going to say, not right now. I’m going to just go back to corporate or waitressing or whatever it is that you do. But the middle place is what’s killing you. You’re being in indecision and it’s literally zapping your energy. It is zapping your money and it’s taking your focus away from actually doing the thing and becoming inventive. Like when we did that visualization when our back was against the wall, what are you going to do? Do something. Go all in. The steps that we’re taking are like me at best. So look back at what you want to do and see if you need help.

“I need to take this job. The message was meant for a reason right now.” So Ems, we do have payment plans and we also have scholarships. We have payment plans, we have a 4-pay and we have a scholarship. We have a scholarship for folks who are black, indigenous women of color. We also have a scholarship for folks who are experienced hardship.
If you’re in an as sub-in a sucky place socioeconomically and you’re like, I want to go all in, I want to believe myself. I take myself seriously. But it’s just, just that money thing. We have the payments and we have the scholarships. We have a guarantee. So it’s up to you.

And I will tell you that every time I’ve made an investment in myself, whether it be in any of the things I just mentioned, whether it’s a program, a course, team member, an ad, whatever it is, I always ask that when I make the investment, it come back to me. This investment come back to me tenfold. And you can do the same thing.

I’m facing eviction, but I’m willing to put everything in, so, your backs up against the wall. This is the thing. We have to take responsibility no matter where you’re at. We have like we got ourselves there and we can get ourselves out. We can when we take responsibility and we go. I’m not going to let it get this bad again. I’m not going to let it get this bad again. This is not an option for me anymore. And when we can get all of our focus in one direction, we can become creative and inventive and be like, well, what if I try this? What if I try?

Well, where do you want to spend your energy? Do you want to spend your energy on letting it just keep draining the life out of you? Or do you want to spend that energy on new ideas creatively?
Tonika and Ems, like if we were in a mastermind group, if we were on a coaching call and you said, I don’t know, I tried this thing, it didn’t work. You and everyone on the coaching call is going to do. They’re going to offer you 15 new ways that you can overcome that obstacle. Every single one of the people who’s on the call is going to offer you an idea. Offer you feedback. Offer you their time to spend like morning ideas back and forth together. They’re going to be there to support you and help you ensure your success. That’s what a mastermind group does.If you’ve never been in part of one, if you’ve never been in a group program, if you’ve never been on my program specifically, that’s what we do.

And so that’s what I want you to see tomorrow when I do life coaching is that you’re going to be in a Zoom room with complete strangers who are all cheering you on, encouraging you and believe in you and helping you to believe in yourself. And one thing I like promising you, I’m a coach, but I’m a healer first. So I’ve been doing energy healing for 23 years. So the spaces that I create, whether it is in my group calls, whether it is in my group programs, on my online community, this is a safe and sacred space. I do not take your participation lightly. I do not take your join just say oh, you’re just another number. I believe in every single person. I believe you’re here for a reason. And I’m going to hold the safe container for you to go get what you need from me. And that’s another level of responsibility.

“I haven’t chimed in on your videos for a long time and can’t believe today is the time because I decided to watch everything happens for reason. I needed to hear this.” Jacqueline That’s perfect.

Again, there is no risk. It’s a believed risk. It’s a thought, but it’s not an actual truth. And one of the things so I felt like recently my back was against the wall and it caused me to do these things again, to again revisit. Revisit my beliefs, revisit my thoughts, revisit my worries and my fears. Because if push comes to shove, will I ever stop? The answer is no.

“Thank you for. Let me join this morning’s video. Help me through all.” I’m glad, Stephanie.

The answer for me is no, it’s not just a no. It’s a resounding hell no. Nothing will stop me from doing the work I’m here to do. And that’s part of what we have to understand, is that the universe is always willing to give us what we desire. And there’s going to be tests and hurdles to say, yes, so prove it. And so maybe this is an opportunity for you to yeah, prove it. Prove that you want to help people. Don’t just say you think people are going to fall out of the sky because you said you wanted to help them. Or are you going to go let people know that you can help them? Are you going to make it abundantly clear that you can help them? And how can you help them? We have to make that hard decision. What are we going to invest our time and energy on? Worried about failure are focusing on innovation, focusing on service.

“I did a follow-up with a client we were discussing.” Okay.

So, what questions do you guys have about The Accelerated Path? This is a three-month container with me. We start in a few weeks. Like I said, there’s a payment option and there are scholarships and excuse me. Guys, a lot of energy is moving today. This is good. There are scholarships and there are payment plans. And I encourage you to take advantage of that. I fully encourage you to take advantage of that. It’s a three-month container.

We start in April, On the 5th of April, folks who join in the pan of fall, they get a bonus extra call with me before we kick off the program to really set a clear intention for what we’re here to do and to really connect and network with each other. And then there’s going to be two live calls per month with me, live, me this, but with a specific agenda.

“I have no questions. I just need the link.” Oh, sorry. emilyaarons.com//thepathpodcast. Let me hop on Facebook. I’ll see if I can drop it in here. I wasn’t really prepared, I guess. Let me pop in right now.

And then there’s a list of all the calls. So it’s not just energetic. It is like a high-level mentorship mastermind had a baby with us with a seriously high-level healing program. It’s both. You’re going to get the healing. You’re going to get the coaching and direction. You’re going to get that next level of up-leveling.

I mean, sorry, I’m going to focus. Here you go. There it is oh, there’s 47 comments. I missed some comments. I’ll come back to the comments later. If you want to put a rainbow in. I will reach out to you privately as well. Just put a rainbow emoji and I’ll be happy to read you. Also, the energy has been causing a ton of freezing during this live. I’m not surprised.

So you’ll get a three-month container to live coaching, healing and coaching, teaching healing calls a month. So, we talk about the program, we give you the deliverables and then you go, but what about this? And I have a problem with that, and I’m afraid of this and I’m worried about that. That’s where the coaching comes in.

Okay, so I’ll DM you later, Ems and Jacqueline when I’m done with this, okay?

You can also reach out to me on Instagram. That’s a really easy way to get in touch with me today. So on those calls, there’s a there’s a proven framework and I’m going through a very specific set of items on each of those calls directly to move everybody forward at the same pace. So it doesn’t matter if you’re brand new or you’ve been at it for a while. It just hasn’t been working for you. Everybody starts at the same place. And again, it is a guarantee that this will work for you when you show up and do the work, it doesn’t matter. Are you going to be serious enough to do the work?

You’re very welcome.

And then on the other thing you get is a Kajabi Community Group. So you can workshop, mastermind, throw ideas out there, post your homework, get feedback on something, ask questions to me and my team and the group, because it’s not just the family show. There’s a group of people who have experience and knowledge and different things, so I don’t pretend to have all the answers for you. The group is also half of what the amazingness is. And when you join these programs, the other thing you’re going to realize is that you make connections and bonds that are like soul sisters. Soul bonds that even after my program is over, you all are going to have a relationship for years to come.

I’ve saw people on Instagram the other day who are in a group coaching program of mine two years ago, and they’re still just as close, supporting each other, excited about each other’s work. And I haven’t been in the picture for years, so it’s not even about me. It’s about who you are attracting in that container.

And if you never if you’ve never had that kind of love and support and friendships and just people who are loving you, loving on you for what you do, I can’t explain what that feels like. It’s like somebody saying, well, you don’t know the love of when you have a baby and you have never felt love like that. You’re like, sure, but then that happens and you’re like, oh my God, never loved anything before this moment. That’s the thing is like, I can’t explain what that feels like for you. You have to experience it yourself.

So I’d love to work with you. If you have questions, let me know. It is for you IF you are a coach, if you are a healer, you have been living in survival mode and you are just not seeing the results that you wish for. And you have been hemming and hawing about a Plan B for too long and you are just tired. And maybe this is your back against the wall. Maybe this is your last-ditch effort to say, I don’t know, maybe I’m just going to go all in on this healing and coaching thing and I’ll see what happens. But people do find me when they’re at that crossroads. People find me when they’re ready for a solution that works.

So again, drop a rainbow emoji if you’re wanting some more information. I did put the link in, it’s emilyaarons.com/thepathpodcast. I will be back tomorrow. We’re going to send an email to folks who’ve been interested in the path through a very small, a small list that we’re going to invite you to be on the Zoom call tomorrow. If you’d like to get that private invite to be coached on Zoom, you just let me know.

Anyway, I hope you have a great, I hope this is helpful for you. If it was helpful in any way, would you please give some hearts, give some thumbs up, share it with a friend who may be in a similar situation as you. The more that we can spread this message and maybe for your friends or the people who you share on your Facebook page aren’t in the same position as you, but maybe somebody is. And they’ve been trying to find somebody like me, but they didn’t until you just shared my video with them. So you can share privately. There’s a little button on the bottom that says share or you can share publicly on your page. And I really, really appreciate that.

Thank you so much for being here. And we’ll talk to you soon. I hope to see you in the program. All right, you guys have a great day.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Grab a pen and paper for this episode. There are several PIVOTAL questions throughout this episode to help you get in alignment and decide if this is YOUR time and explore whether or not you still need your backup plan.


About Emily

Emily Aarons is a highly sought-after intuitive healer and business coach for coaches, healers, and leaders. She’s best known for clearing the energy to guide her clients out of survival mode and unlocking alignment, abundance, and exponential growth in their business. With over two decades of experience, Emily has honed her healing skills to create the first and only energy-based certification with a profit guarantee; the Integrated Energy Alignment training.

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Exploring Breathwork and Cold Exposure with Kristin Weitzel

Exploring Breathwork and Cold Exposure with Kristin Weitzel

Exploring Breathwork and Cold Exposure

with Kristin Weitzel

If you didn’t expect breathwork and cold exposure (think ice baths!) to be about female empowerment – then you haven’t met Kristin.

Kristin Weitzel is on a mission to help women optimize their health so they can go out into the world and “win their dreams”.

I heard her on a podcast and just knew I had to have her as a guest on this show because she is as inspiring as an entrepreneur as she is so knowledgeable about supporting our bodies in a way that can allow you to shift your mind.

And… she gives you a way to begin in as little as 15 seconds a day. In 15 seconds, you can start to alter your emotional state and support your nervous system!

This episode is a “must listen” because, as many of you already know, our nervous system is the basis of everything.

Stay tuned until the end where we discuss how these ways of supporting your physical body tie to your intuitive abilities and more!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • The importance of breath and how it can help you feel better, think more clearly, create more confidence, and have a greater capacity for life.
  • My story of the “Ice, Ice, Ladies” polar plunge (stepping outside my comfort zone!)
  • Kristin shares how she got into breathwork and how learning to breathe differently really changed the trajectory of her life, in addition to the health benefits she discovered.
  • Kristin’s pivotal experience with Kapser in a breathwork class that allowed her to grow.
  • How breathwork works with cold exposure.
  • How to start bringing awareness to your breath in as little as 15 seconds a day.
  • I share my experience with cold baths and the “ice, ice, ladies” polar plunge group and why now.
  • What to do if you want to increase your cold exposure but are struggling with it.

Emily: Warm welcome back to the Aligned and Unstoppable Podcast. I’m joined today by a special guest. I have Kristin Weitzel here today.

And I first found out about you, Kristin, I guess, a couple of years ago, and I remember reaching out like you’re on, we should talk. And then it was like almost a whole year later, I’m like, wait a minute, you’re awesome we should talk still. And I think that’s just how I work sometimes, you know, I can be so excited, like, yeah, this is a great connection. And I, I heard you on some else’s podcast, and I had this full body response of like, yes, yes, yes, this total resonance. And I absolutely love the work that you’re doing in the world and it has already touched me anyway, will get into that. But I would love to first have you introduce yourself to my audience and share a little bit about your origin story, how you became who you are today.

Kristin: Yeah, for sure. Thanks so much for having me, Emily. I’ve been working during that year, I was working on becoming more aligned and unstoppable, so perfect that we had some time. So I’m Kristin Weitzel. My new website is launching tomorrow. So by the time this airs, it will be up. It’s very exciting. I ran a company called wellpower.life is my new web page and I’m super stoked to share that.

I have a high focus around women’s health optimization and working with females. I also work with men and women in the breath and cold exposure space. So part of my peak expression as a coach, as a leader in this and this world and this life is really getting people to understand how the nervous system correlates to everything and really how we understand using breath and using health optimization tools to shift our stay with as baseline is using breath to be able to change our mind, change our attitude, change how we feel. And that really applies to females in so many situations, right? It’s always of course I work with many types of people, but with female specifically.

I’ve been on a soapbox a lot lately about how we look in the mirror, how we talk to ourselves, how we feel day to day, and how we can bolster all of the energetics and the way we speak to ourselves is that we can go out in the world and do amazing things. And that is all about we, none of us still, so many of us just we have this huge capacity and we don’t understand the capacity that we have to make change to do things to, you know, win our dreams. And that’s my work in the world. And that really, you know, origin story is like long and I’ve talked about it a lot on other podcasts. I don’t have as much of a you know, thankfully I’m so grateful I don’t have this was almost killed in a car accident or trauma like not available to me. Like I don’t have that per say in a physical sense.

I definitely had a lot growing up, a dancer had a lot of challenges with like food and my physique and how I could make those things work together. Definitely a lot of self-talk, negative self-talk and self-worth issues, things that came up in that way and just really discovering how I can be standing in my own best self over the years of my earlier life led me to coaching other women, and that’s really where a lot of my passion point is because we, our health is really the thing that is a baseline driver. You can ask anyone who’s not getting sleep or who has some moment in time perhaps where they can’t get themselves up and out and moving in the way that they would like. And it’s like, oh, if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. And so that that’s the bang, that’s the drum that I bang in the world.

And also, you know, how do we look at ourselves? How do we say in this moment, in this body and this skin, in this life, I am exactly perfectly where I need to be and I’m the fucking fantastic right, right here, right now. And that’s everything.

Emily: Yeah. We are taught so much to look outside of ourselves for validation and work hard and you’re never enough. And you achieve, achieve, achieve and it’s such a toxic masculine model. And you know, we’ve seen this wounded masculine show up so much and we’re seeing this change of the tides that this divine feminine is arisen. And there’s these amazing female leaders who are showing up to support the health and well-being of women everywhere. And I know you’re so strong in this biohacking feel that is really male-dominant. And it’s really beautiful to see somebody talking to women specifically and integrating cycles and really loving on our bodies. And I love that you mentioned like the words that we speak as well. That’s so important.

A lot of the work that I’ve been doing in the last year has been to educate people on just to understand how intertwined our energy field is to our physiology with just this really simplistic chart of here’s our main seven chakras look with our little rainbow chart friend that we all know and love. It’s not this little org floating outside of us, but it’s actually exactly, precisely where endocrine glands are. And it has to do with our physiology and it has to do with our immunity. And like, if we’re sick, how are we going to show up in the world and serve people?

And so part of that education, some people are just like mind blown. What do you mean? It’s exactly where it is in our physiology. So this thing that’s floating above our shoulders is also kind of in charge of everything else? Interesting. So, I really geek out about energy and you really geek out about cold and red light therapy. So I want to introduce some of these conversations to my audience I have been dabbling with cold therapies and I’ve had a lot of fun recently.

I live in New England. I live in like north of Boston, near the Maine New Hampshire border. So, it’s winter here for sure. And we have snow and ice. And I have been determined this year to get a life and go push myself and do fun things beyond what I’ve been doing and get out of the house, make some new friends. And of course, one of the people who came into my orbit was actually a friend for my son’s karate dojo, and she just happened to mention she’s going to do this polar plunge thing. And I’m like, Oh yeah, I’ve been interested in that. I read them up like a few years ago and I just basically stick my arms in the shower in the cold, and that’s kind of like my limit.

And I went into the cold bathtub at once and I was like, yeah, next time, next time I’ll get better at this. But she invited me to be in this little pod called Ice Ice Ladies. And the emoji for the group was the cold thing, but it’s now a hatchet because we use a hatchet to get through the ice that we can do a polar plunge. And so I’m 40 and I’m the youngest, actually, to know my friend is 38, so she’s the youngest, but it’s mostly like middle-aged women who are just like stripping down and getting into the water and just being like badasses. And so I want to talk about this because there’s pictures I’ve shared a couple here and there online people. There’s like two camps of like, Wow, that’s awesome. I want to be in your friendship circle. Teach me how to do that, which I know, not that I’m such a rookie. And then the other camp that’s like, Oh, hell no, I will not do that. I can’t even.

So this is your life. You live in this world every day, all the time. And I would love for you to sort of share like, how did you get into Breathwork and Cold and like, all of that world?

Kristin: Yeah, for sure. I first of all, it’s so bad as I love it. It’s like women out at the hatchet, on the ice, on the ice planes.

Emily: It’s so fun.

Kristin: Yeah, so great. And it’s, it’s like no other experience when you can do it in nature. Not everybody has access to that. You can start with cold with like a cold shower, like you mentioned. And that’s totally acceptable. I can talk about sort of why there is better benefits to like getting outside and then getting a nature and then getting in frozen water and then all the things.
Yeah, but how I started was, so I was teaching yoga. I’m a certified yoga teacher for about eight years and around the East Coast, New York City, I learned a lot about breath. I learned a decent amount about meditation or maybe what I thought meditation was from various different teachers. A lot of that breathwork in the yoga community is. You know, knees are breathing, usually locking bodies like this.

There’s a lot of different interesting styles of breathwork, all of which are amazing. A lot of them derived from, you know, cultural institutions that existed for thousands of years in other countries. And I loved all that. And I was like, fascinated by sort of how I could maybe move in space using my breath. I certainly wasn’t doing all of if I look back now is looking there in breathwork there isn’t a lot of right and wrong. There are ways you can elicit a certain state, but there is a biomechanical better way to breathe for ourselves. And because I grew up as a dancer, as I mentioned, and societally we see this with women, you know, this is like sucking in your belly. And like for me as a dancer, it’s like holding your belly in and standing up tall the entire time you’re doing moves.
Those things happen and it’s not really the best way to support your spine, the best way to support your experience of dancing, you know, and also your nervous system and space for recovery. So I had to sort of learn that over time. But I had a good baseline breath in my late teens, early twenties.

I started like taking yoga in college and then learning through that. And then I really sort of the doors blew off as I rocked up into a an XPT training class. That’s Laird Hamilton and Gabby Reece run a certification for coaches. That’s super cool. That’s around breath and cold and heat and beautiful experience and opprtunity for me to go to one of those experiences. And I also got certified like right the weekend after because I was I knew immediately I was like, Oh, what’s the story with the next certification? I’m doing one this year. It’s next weekend. There’s 18 hours of homework. And I was like, I’m in. I don’t care what I’m in. And like, it’s full. And I literally Buggs like Laird and the two other like assistant leaders at this weekend to be like, I’m not going to stop bugging you and you put me in. And finally they were like, Fine, we’ll make space for it in like, fine. But I got a chance. I had a pivotal moment to do some of those things, which was really breathing and getting in pool with weights at that point, which was like giving me an understanding of breath, like, we can’t breathe underwater.

Emily: Right?

Kristin: And how do I hold my breath with weight, with stress, stress management, that there was a correlation? And then and then I met that weekend. Patrick McEwan was out guesting that weekend. And so it was like a really the poor man’s he’s amazing. He slightly introverted and he just wanted to like, sit and eat lunch. And even after he had lectured and spoke and of course I like sat next to him at lunch was like, I have 14 questions about women breathing. And, you know, I was like that girl. And, you know, love it or hate it, intense. I was curious and I learned a lot from him.

And then ever since then, I’ve been like, writing with him, talking with him, you know, having on my podcast, reading all his books and literature, just crossing over to try to stay connected to his work, which is so beautiful in the breath space. So Patrick informed a lot of that. I’ve been blessed to study with other people like Bryan Mackenzie, bit more in like the sports arena, the gear systems for performance breathing. Expertise, he has a bit of that as well.

And then working with Casper van der Meulen, who is in the Netherlands. Like a brother to me, five or six years, we have a heavy level of interaction and mentorship together and he’s just really given me a lot of guidance. He was Wim Hoff’s right-hand man for like six years and wrote a lot of the education materials, but has certainly has his own breathwork style and arena drive and all that. And he’s these are fantastic people who just came before me, who taught me their ways in many ways. And I continue to nerd out about breath in that space. I had a pretty pivotal experience with Casper, the first course that I took, sort of sight unseen. I saw him at a biohacking conference in Finland and then was like, I don’t know, he was playing hand open and breathing like 250 people in a room sitting in these like corporate chairs. And I watched the whole thing and I was taking pictures and I just knew like, this is the guy I need to study with. So that, that’s really changed my life, that the pivotal experience was really about me recognizing through breath while people were watching me breathe that I actually had some paradoxical, incorrect breathing patterns that I like have shame come up that I had feeling like everyone who’s watching me was judging me. And there was like nothing but this group of people that was fascinated to learn by watching my body and super like lovely. And it’s just a really big understanding that I’m like showing up strong with a lot of barriers and actually not delving more deeply into my own self to understand how breath can actually shift the way I feel about myself, right?

Emily: That’s incredible…

Kristin: holding nervous system energy. So it’s super incredible. Of course, the ice, the ice is a different story than breath. The ice I was doing, I don’t know, maybe you’ve been to Korean spas or Hammam or like a Turkish bathhouse or Russian or I’ve been overseas like, and my mom would always talk about. She grew up in Germany for a few years. Like I remember being the naked spa. And so I’ve always dabbled in the cold, but like since like 18 years old in college. But going to these places and being like, oh, 30 seconds. That’s the badass or That was fun. I don’t, I didn’t understand any correlation to health until about six or seven years ago when I started doing it more actively. And yeah, but people thought I was crazy or not. I knew that there was something there.

Yeah, well, I want, I want to go into ice, but I want to come back to your story, which was kind of a piece of vulnerability of following your breath and being in a room of people who were not judging you, but rather holding space for you and you processing being in your body with your breath and feeling all these things shifting and moving. You know, I think that’s something that a lot of folks don’t understand that comes with a breathwork training or an experience that you’re with people that you’re going to see sides of yourself that maybe you don’t even realize you’ve been holding back, holding off, cutting off, separate from just dismissing. And so the breath brought you back into your body to see some parts of yourself. It’s on a leg.

Yeah. This is also an example. Like, I’m a coach and I’m quite a good coach. And I’ve grown my practice in a way that I feel like I’m I’m I’ve stepped into being a phenomenal coach because of parts of me that I have, you know, this is like the fail faster thing you learn by doing and then you learn by seeing where you might have been more fragile and that you can, you know, course correct some of those things as needed.

And then you get to share with others sort of that journey in hopes that they do it. They get from A to B in a shorter amount of time. And the breath is an unbelievable piece. I mean, just to elaborate briefly on the story, it was the point of that is to say, like sometimes you need someone outside of you. This is why we hire coaches. Good coaches have coaches, good coaches have mentors. I have five mentors I work with all the time across nutrition and sports performance and breathing and ice and all that because I want to get better, right?

And ice is not the thing to have mentorship in some way because I continue to grow and evolve and evolve and it’s like, you know, traipsing through to get more knowledge and information and, you know, in an area that has a lot of research but a lot of widespread research, sure, it’s going back to the breath. It was like I was laying on the floor as an all instructors at a training. I run very serious. It’s five full days, 8 to 10 hours a day together.

Emily: Wow.

Kristin: It’s like day three. I’m one of the only Americans there. I think there’s one other American from San Diego and people from all over the world, and we’re learning from each other. And I should feel at that point, should feel wildly comfortable with those people. I was showing up an hour early before class. I was training at the gym that it was being held out and I was like, you know, all the things and Casper would say now or said to me at some point, you know, when I saw you walk in on day one, I knew at some point I would lay you down and breathe you on the floor because my I did have some paradoxical breathing and then performative breathing, meaning someone’s asking you to breathe and you want to get it right for them.

Emily: Yeah. What’s paradoxical breathing?

Kristin: Great question. I throw it, I throw around the word like it’s like everyone knows what it means. So it’s just reverse breathing pattern. And for anyone who’s listening to this right now, if you just think about like if you’re sitting in your car or you’re sitting on a couch or wherever you are in the office and you just take a moment and you like close your eyes and you inhale, let’s just use our noses. You’re in now through your nose and you breathe in. Your belly should expand. It should be like making potbellies cool again.

It should be that your belly, your lateral ribs, the back of your body is expanding like a barrel when you inhale. And then when you exhale, you’ll feel your belly fall back in towards the body. And so paradoxical breathing is when you inhale and your belly comes in and your shoulders rise. Right? And you’re really not giving yourself this opportunity to take a full breath to create diaphragmatic. Just a diaphragmatic, I must would say, like a lock, a diaphragmatic space in the breath where you are expanding and you can whole like, let’s say I’m lifting a barbell or some weights or something. You want to have intra-abdominal pressure.

And so if you’re spending your whole life up or breathing in your chest are really not ever taking a full, deep breath, which is giving the most opportunity for gas exchange rate, carbon dioxide and oxygen, oxygen getting into the body. And so just understanding that we and lots of women have this lots of yoga teachers, I see this is no slight on yoga teachers. It’s just we are also learn to hold Warrior three in. This is just like in ballet. I have this. So how do we breathe? There are noses, our mouths or whatever we’re using.

But actually, I understand that we can, like, circumferential expand the body on the inhale and then exhale, and that that aligns with the way that our muscle, the diaphragm, helps us breathe, right? We want to be like incongruence with that, not against that. And that’s why there is some biomechanical. There are a few biomechanical things that are important. So I had that right, a bit of that.

And a good breathwork teacher is going to see that walking in and I’m coaching all these other sports and I’m doing all these other things and I’m doing a bit of breath work, but nothing really heavy at that point. And I’m showing up strong every day. And Kasper sort of made me lie on the floor and put a kettlebell on my belly and like to try to breathe. And as I inhale to see if I could lift the kind of like tactile, heavy feedback that made me expand the belly. And it was actually a little hard for me, as you would imagine, with a leg.

Emily: Because we’re not using that.

Kristin: Yeah Since five years old, I was like in a ballet class where my ballet teacher would be like, okay, inhale and up, right? And everything was in and tall and all of that. And so he had the kettlebell was rising and falling, and he had me breathing there, doing different things, the kettlebell in different expansive areas and breathing into different parts of my body and, you know, with consent, like putting his hands on me and all of that happening for like 30 minutes. And I was doing the breathing.

He was asking just like listening and then doing while I was at one part of me, almost unbeknownst to me, it was just mostly worried about the fact that there’s 17 other instructors in a circle around me watching me breathe. When I was getting more and more and more and more embarrassed or shameful or like, I was like in my head, I think I was like, why does he keep having me do these things? And I must be doing it wrong this whole time, which in some ways I was right that we got to have a growth mindset.

Emily: Yeah.

Kristin: And at the end of the exercise I sat up and he was like, Hey, did you understand Abby, and see that I was just teaching directly and all the things and all I could feel was my face was red and I was about to cry and I had all these emotions and. You know, he saw that he’s like a nervous system reader. He’s like, you want to say. And he’s like. And I was like, I don’t know. I feel shame. I feel sad. And he’s like, well, can you tell me a little bit more about that? And I was like, I just feel watched and judged. And, you know, I got a little teary-eyed and was like leaking a little.
And then he smartly said, I just would love for everybody to go around really quickly and just say, like what you just saw with Kristin over the last half an hour. Like, like what? What the impact was.

And of course, every one of these people who I’ve gotten to know and you’re like really blowing doors off guys are all doing breathwork for three days together before that. Yeah, everyone in the circle is like, Oh my God, I saw your belly. It’d be stuck for so long. And then 15 minutes in it moved and then it was I learned and I. I love you and I like it can be so fluid or whatever. Like, it wasn’t meant to be a compliment session, but it was like I, my understanding was like, these people hate me or whatever. It’s my own baggage. My own…

Emily: Yeah.

Kristin: And, and as everyone went around the circle, it was like, Oh, that’s not at all what’s real. And Kas was like, Let’s just go sit for 10 minutes. 5 minutes. Like he gave everyone else partner exercises for like seven and a half minutes. He’s like, Let’s just sit next to each other over here if you want to talk about what just happened. Because I was emotional.

Emily: Integrate.

Kristin: Yeah, like integrate. How important is that thing? We always forget to integrate in the work and we sat next to each other and I watched the clock. While the partners are working at the CrossFit gym, I watched the clock count down from like 7 minutes or 10 minutes or whatever it was, and he sat next to me. He’s like, I’m here if you need to say anything, I just want to support you. I’m going to sit right next to you. Like I’m happy to have conversation. Like if you feel like you need a hug, like it’s, you know, and I sat there for six and a half minutes or so, like 30 seconds before the clock went off and was like, I’m not going to get a hug. Well, who would even ask that? I’m this I don’t need I’m fine. I’m strong. I’m like, I just kept like spinning and circling and limbic looping around this stuff as I was like sort of at the same time realizing how much pain was there and how much weird shit was coming up.

And like 30 seconds before the clock ended, I turned to him all like shy. I was like, I can use like a little hug and make things for that. And later on we laughed about it. Later on he said, I knew you walked in the door like, there’s Kristin. She shows up strong and she wants to make sure everybody knows. he says, I’m strong, right? There’s a big armor and construct that I had layered on my life that was making me a wild success in corporate America and teaching and leading. And also I wasn’t being able to be vulnerable with the world on myself or get to know myself.

Emily: Yeah

Kristin: like that isn’t… I know that’s a long story, but if that isn’t a message for people to understand that you can breathe yourself into better into feeling better, into thinking more clearly, into more confidence, into more capacity. Because my nervous system was held in such a state from all the things I was doing, that my breathing was a response to that for years and years. And as I learned to open that up and by the way, you don’t have to go through some cathartic experience. You can just be breathing and going, Wow, I’m going to bring my awareness to this. Let me be curious. Let me explore. And it will change you. It will change you so fast.

Emily: Absolutely.. I love that story. And I’m sure as a coach now, you can spot people a mile away when they walk through the door like, Oh, this is going to be very fun. We’re going to work on some stuff together. You can see when they walk in the door, is it okay? I see what I’m up I’m going to be doing today. And that’s the funny thing, is that when you’re in that state, in that constriction and this facade and who I am being in this space. You’re not even able to understand who you are. But when people are so in tune with themselves and they do this for a living, they’re used to identifying and seeing people beyond the stiff facade. They can see what’s going to happen. It’s like, okay.

Kristin: It’s like the best. One of the best lessons I’ve had in my life and it made me be a much stronger coach. It’s all a spectrum. I nobody shows up. Very few people show up completely shut off.

Emily: Right.

Kristin: It’s like a free space. So certainly I was like kind and lovely and had, like, anger and joy, just like everyone else. But this was also my protection zone. And in order to be a really good coach, I needed to have it done to me. And now I like I want to say I pride myself carefully. I ask always for permission. I say, I’m going to speak freely, may I? I want to invite you to something that I see, can I share it? But I want people to acknowledge and consent that they’re about to listen to something that they may or may not like. It could be a compliment. It could be a challenge to what they’re doing. But coming out of the cold, even coming out of breath when I run this Sherpa breath and cold instructor training. So the biggest thing I’m teaching people is I can call. I’m not going to call you out. I’m going to call it in what I see.

And we’re going to have these conversations around how your breath is driving your nervous system, driving your attitude, driving the way you are performing in this training, so that we can look at ourselves first before we go look at other people and say, here’s what I’m seeing in you. And something that comes across as ballsy, to be honest, because now that I’ve seen thousands and thousands of bodies breathe or get in cold, which is just like what someone does in stress is how they will perform and stress. You can start to say, okay, I see the different personality types, I see the different constructs, I see the different nervous system tones, which is really the physiological scientific piece of it.

And I can surmise a lot of things from people’s behaviors. And that’s like a beautiful opportunity to open the doors to people that are going, okay, this isn’t just breathwork, this is trauma release, this is change, this is mindset. This is so much of what we can do to help people in the world. It’s really not even me healing anyone, right? This is the thing I say.
I’m giving you a breathwork protocol so you can rediscover the badass amazing person you’ve always been. And then they can heal themselves. And that’s absolutely, absolutely.

Emily: And I want to kind of come back to this paradox. How do you say, paradoxical breathing?

Kristin: Yeah.

Emily: Okay. ,So if we’re stuck up here in our upper belly or not even our belly, really, Our chest, our shoulders.

Kristin: Upper lungs. Yeah.

Emily: In that area, I would, I would guess that it’s probably also leading to poor digestion. And then when we think of our energy body, our solar plexus is about where we trust ourselves, our trust, our gut instincts and what we want to will into the world.

We drop down into our sacral chakra of our creativity and our womb and our cauldron of what we want to like birth into the world.
So, if we’re cutting off the flow from those places in our root chakra, our safety and our security, I mean, family like rootedness, like if we’re cutting off the breath from those places energetically too, I think of it as like a garden hose, like there’s a kink in the garden hose and sure, there’s some little drip drippings that can get through those places, but we’re not going to have this vibrancy the way that we would if the breath is moving into those places. Is that something that you?…

Kristin: Yeah. It’s beautiful. What you just said and quite accurate. You know, when we’re breathing fully into our body, we are also moving the body in space. If you look at, like some people will post on Instagram or YouTube, you can easily go see what is happening with the organs when we’re breathing and the structure of the body. And so there’s like this massage that’s kind of happening, right? There’s a shift of the way that our biomechanical form and our ribcage is moving. There’s like a massaging of the organs. It’s the body knowing that it has that pulsation in full effect that can help you with digestion, peristalsis, all those things.

And also we’re getting a different type of, let’s just say a different level or we’re less efficient if we’re upper chest breathing quite often unless, there’s this big thing in the world right now about like nasal breathing only, you know, taking forever. And like, you kind of people are absolutists going absolutist on it. The reality is that there are contextual situations where you do want to use your mouth and upper chest breath, there are.

And putting that aside, if we are breathing down into our bellies, which most of us are not doing enough, we’re actually oxygenating the system better. You know, and then we can go into neuroscience about why I do that quite often. you can’t quite…

Emily: Yeah, nerd out. Let’s go out.

Kristin: Nerdy long poster like I love it. I’m all like, Hey, here’s my lungs. But here’s the thing we’re all taught, right? Most of us know this, or we don’t know that we know, but we know it when I say it, which is when we inhale, we inhale oxygen. And when we exhale, we exhale carbon dioxide. And like the carbon dioxide I exhale, the plants can use for energy, for creating more oxygen that I need to breathe in. So cool. Mother Nature. I think that’s like maybe that’s like sixth grade, right? You learned kind of a thing. And that’s about beautiful cycle.

Photosynthesis is the chapter and just this is what’s interesting, too, is like photosynthesis is a chapter. And then maybe we throw in a little bit about how the human and Mother Nature experience intertwine, which, by the way, is everything. So we learn that and that’s cool.

And the reality is like we’re actually breathing in around 21% oxygen and then a bunch of other gases mostly inert for us. And then we’re exhaling a similar amount of carbon dioxide and other gases again. And that’s cool, but we don’t learn is that in order to get oxygen from the red blood cells so we breathe in oxygen and other gases, the oxygen goes through our lungs and then gets attached to the red blood cells, the hemoglobin in our body. And then the hemoglobin is is traipsing around the body in our bloodstream, and it needs to get in our tissues.

We need to get it in the muscles when we’re moving or working out. We need to get in our brain or thinking and focusing. We need to get it into any kind of tissues. Right? And so in order to do that, we have to have certain levels of carbon dioxide. Now, that doesn’t mean if I have low levels that I’m not going to get oxygen in my system, it just means I’m going to get less than optimal. So we have this gas exchange and the vehicle with which oxygen gets into our tissues, our muscles are bringing our body is carbon dioxide.

So this is why people will be talking about if we exhale too much out of the mouth too often, if we’re in hyper stress mode, if we’re like walking through the world like, oh my God, on my own, then that becomes and what has become for a lot of people and over breathing issue. Too much breathing, too much mouth breathing. So cool. There are people in the world that don’t do that, and that’s great.

But many of us are living in stress, especially off of all the years we just came off of. Many of us are not understanding that breathing easily can support the health of the organism and also can slow the rate with which we exhale carbon dioxide. So that, the body’s levels are in an optimal, balanced enough place to give us as much oxygen as we need and our tissues.

Oxygen equals energy. Oxygen making ATP, oxygen equals feeling good, oxygen equals better sleep, weight loss, all these things because the downstream effects of being more oxygenated is that your cells function better. So it’s not woo at all.

Emily: Yeah, right.

Hey, no one ever said to me in order to get oxygen into the tissues, you need carbon dioxide. So you could hold your breath a little to do that. You can breathe nasally to be able to take, you know, exhale less air out. And so you can have levels of carbon dioxide in your body that feel. Optimal. I feel like you’re getting more oxygen in your system. And that’s what we want, right? We want we go to oxygen bars and put that thing in our nose and like, this is good. Let’s just find ways to do that naturally, you know?

Emily: Right. Actually, well, you would say that. And I like I instantly went back. I went to a hyperbaric chamber with my husband a couple of years ago and needed oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber. It was an old, old one that was like windowless. We were basically in a submarine and it was like, okay, like everything was so strange about that experience, but that was the last time I had oxygen. I just remember, like, how good that felt in my body.

Kristin: Yeah, and H Pride is great, right? If you have access to it, it’s cool to go do some stuff in hyperbaric chamber. Just like good for the body, go to get an IV and then, like, push that into your cells faster, better. But, and, also we can’t all get to those types of places, right?

Emily: yeah, it cost a lot too to go to there, I remember that was out of pocket.

Kristin: Yeah, totally. And so it’s like, what can we do that’s free every day? That would make well, we can easily breathe a little more. We could practice breathing lighter. And by later, I don’t mean holding your breath, but breathing like less breaths per minute. So I have quite often clients working on their breath every day where they can breathe less, breathe less, and a five-minute period of time, even if they’re like, you know, we have an air hunger response. So when the carbon dioxide levels rise in the body, the body is also has a safety mechanism, right? Emily, It’s like if I’m like, hold your breath for 20 minutes, you’d probably first you’d pass out.

Emily: Right.

Kristin: Beautiful mechanism that the human body is like, well, maybe if I fall over and pass her out, she’ll open her mouth or we die. And so there’s a point of diminishing returns, however, and you’ll be super oxygenated. You won’t. you’ll be dead.

But hold your breath to a certain point, right. So that your receptors and if you practice holding your breath, sub maximally. Ah, like if you’re not holding your breath, you’re just breathing less breaths per minute. And like the carbon dioxide is going to slowly rise in the system. Right? And if it’s slowly rising, it’s probably going to hit a receptor that’s like, hey, breathe. It tells your brain, breathe, breathe, breathe.

And then you’re like, okay, I know that I have to breathe, but if I’m just like, breathing slower, the air still coming in and I’m not having too much of a panic signal, But like, we’re titrating that down so we’re more comfortable. We’re building something that the Breathwork Worlds calls carbon dioxide tolerance. So we’re getting better at having higher levels in our system so that we can breathe more efficiently. And that’s lying on the floor for 5 minutes, 3 to 5 minutes a day. You can do that.

And it’s going to make you like a more cardiovascular effect. It’s going to make you utilize oxygen better. So we’re shooting. It is not exactly the same as like running 25 miles roughly and practicing in your entire body, that kind of a thing. But really beautiful opportunity to get healthier and to understand your breath.

You know, there’s like tools, like I’m sitting here like this, I have a breath tool that’s like 35 bucks. That’s called the Breather fit. Now, those fancier versions, Eero, fits like 200 $300 device on your phone. It’s all great. It’s like, let’s be reasonable. We all only have some amount of budget to spend. And everyone, when I post this on social, people are like, are you smoking a pipe? Like THC man?

But it’s just this is like this. Obviously, this is not nasal breathing if I’m using my mouth, but it’s a muscle trainer. So second thing I can do is I can expand and get my respiratory muscles stronger like any other muscle in the body and actually have more capacity to breathe better. So like, super nerdy, right? And also and people don’t have to even go out and buy any tools. You can just practice on your own.

You know, this is quite often what I’m doing with putting breath work in the world or doing audio recordings for my clients is just saying, Hey, this is how we can do this easily and effectively, you know, and just, you know, someone who’s like, Where the hell do I start? You said all the science, Kristin.  Like you can just set, I say to two weeks time, just pick a song you love, not alarm. That’s annoying. Micro stressor, Pick a little song you love. It’s in your phone and be like, I’m going to set an alarm once a day, same time every day. And that song is going to come on like whatever it is, it’s like trance music from Germany. I don’t know.

Emily: Sure.

Kristin: Broadway show, tune, whatever you want. And when that goes off, that’s your little signal to do like 15 seconds of awareness breathwork just saying to yourself, Oh, that just went off.
How am I breathing in my nose or my mouth? That’s like a three-second thought checking in with that, and then also asking yourself the back of question is like, what’s going on right now in my life and my body? Meaning am I yelling?, am I arguin?, am I calm?, am I resting?, am I having sex?, whatever, and then saying, is this correlated what I’m breathing out of how am I breathing feels in my body to what I’m doing or how I’m feeling.

And like if you do that for two weeks, you just naturally start to gain some awareness not only about yourself. Honestly, if the alarm goes off in a room, you’re like, You know, you’re a creeping people. How’s Johnny breathing over there at his desk? I sit in his desk while holding his breath bright red.

You know, And so however it is, it’s. It’s still continuing to bring awareness, right? Bring awareness. Yeah. When you look around at your kids, you’re like, Oh, look at this. Quite often if you look at a little baby, there’s like big fat tummy sticking out there, breathing all barrel belly style, and they’re just fine. They’re like, Oh, we have great biomechanical.

Emily: Totally if we just go back to that place. In every place in our life and our well-being, we would just be fine. Well, this is actually a funny segway about the song.
Last week I was kind of, you know, rolling over in the middle of the night. And I heard sometimes, like, my spirit team gives me little phrases or songs. In this case, it was the song Bulletproof by Le Roux, which is like a blast from the past. And I’m like, falling back asleep. And I like to do some deeper breathing to get myself into a nice getting back-to-sleep energy. I woke up and I couldn’t think of the song the next day.

The same thing in the middle of the night it came to me again and I was like, I’m just going to Google what was that bulletproof thing?
And it came right up, and I ended up doing a cold shower. And I mean, it’s very, very cold here. We had a cold streak. It was 15 degrees below zero over the weekend. So our cold water was very cold.

Kristin: All the way up from you to Toronto is a huge cold snap.

Emily: Yeah, and it was great. So I got that shower water real cold, and I had it playing that song, playing on my bluetooth speaker.
And I was just like, in all of my, like, naked Glory, they need to this song like pelted with cold water and just like, yeah. But that was like it was helping like pumping prime my system to just totally love that cold to.

But the first time I went in with those ice ice ladies, I got out and I started to do some, like deep breathing. And I was doing this like, I was just like, instinctually. And I got my breath moving so fiercely. When I got in the water, I did not feel the water. My fingers were actually, like, tingling with energy. Like my whole body was, like, surging.
Like, they’re like, let’s run out. And I was like, my back was them. I was like, is everybody getting now? No, no. Okay, we’re all getting out now. I was on like another, another level.
And even back in my car, I was like, my hands are like, what is going on? So I would imagine I probably took a little bit too much oxygen in at that point. But can you explain sort of what the hell just happened when I did that?

Kristin: I mean, so there are beautiful things that go on in that in the plunge world and the shower piece is great.
I also will say to people, if you want, you can start anywhere you want as long as it’s, it needs to be said, I’m not a medical doctor and you need to make sure if you have some health contraindications, like a heart condition or super high blood pressure, any kind of if you’re on any kind of medication, it’s just good to check with your doctor to say, hey, what’s extreme temperature are going to do to me?

Although I have also seen people who are like taking their own, you know, autonomous choice to get in the cold anyway, but and have wonderful things happen. But make sure you know what you’re doing. You’re being reasonable and you know where your heat source is if you’re in nature. So you’re not like, I walked a mile to this cold lake and I dug a hole and then I had no warm clothes and I had no shoes. So walk back, you know, like, let’s be smart people.
But also what you’re talking about is like, there’s really beautiful physiological things that are happening in the body. And the first thing is when you’re getting in the cold weather, it’s like a lake or a plunge or whatever it is and even in the shower, your body will do some shunting of the blood, meaning it recognizes probably less in the shower, more in cold water immersion, your body will shunt blood to the core.

And that is a protective mechanism and that’s to keep your organs warm. That’s to say, hey, all of our important major organs are in the trunk of the body and our brain. And so we’re going to shunt all the blood there. And we don’t really need the arms and legs as much, right? There’s no organs in there. It’s the body doesn’t want them. It’s just trying to save your life as the heart pumping and keeping from getting hypothermia.

And the other thing is, if you get in up to your neck and this is like an important point, if people are wanting to start with an ice plunge, which if you are generally healthy, you can start with cold water immersion or an ice plunge or lake plunge or frozen water plunge, whatever, just fine. But it actually will help you to get up to your neck. And that’s just a nice we have this built in thing from being mammals mammalian dive reflex that is up to your neck or cheeks of your face even getting into the water. Well, we’ll actually have this contra indicated this like contraindication to what’s happening. So you’re having a sympathetic nervous system response. Your body is going to vaso constrict because of the cold and then you’re getting your neck in or even getting your cheeks in can come. It will slow the heart rate again, a protective mechanism.

Your body thinks you’re a mammal, you’re breathing, you’re now in cold water. I need to protect you so you don’t even beyond, you know, autonomously without my control, my heart rate is going to slow. I’m going to calm. Sometimes we get a little loopy in the mind, and that’s to be able to quell any panic.
If you were, like in a dire situation. Right. It wants to give you the tools, whether you like it or not, to survive, survive longer. So because of that, if you get your neck into the water, it actually makes it easier.

You know, I’m like my entire feed feels like I’m the last person on the planet to go in an ice plunge because the algorithm of like Instagram is just serving me cold and breath all day long. That’s my world. I know that that’s not the truth for everyone else. But quite often I see people that are like having a really challenging time in cold, which is can be for everybody.

But like they’re only up to their sports bras, they’re only up to their waist or they’re like halfway in, or they’re just not all the way in. And I encourage people and they never want to listen, but I encourage them. And when they do go up to their neck, you see this thing, you see what I call the turnover happen.

And my friend Lisa, who runs Unbounded, which is outdoor plunging and primal therapies in Canada, calls it the bliss point. That’s the point where what you’re talking about that your fingers are tingling. That’s a lot because your blood is shunting to the core of your body and you will get some tingling in your fingers and there’s less blood oxygenation that you’re used to there. You are slowing your heart rate, right, by getting up to your neck and your body is starting to settle in because it’s like, well, it doesn’t seem like we’re getting out here. Any time I do a big thing with my clients and my coaching classes and my workshops where I have people down, regulate their breath and do calmer breathing styles in the beginning of their ice punch career, anyway.

Emily: yeah

Kristin: ..and that is because we are getting in the ice bath to learn how to manage stress. So if we breathe because our breath is the remote controls of the nervous system. So if we breathe in a way that’s actually like we’re calm. Your nervous system is like, Hmm, I like feeling more freaking out. This is cold. Like, our breath isn’t freaking out. It’s like I don’t have to be freaked out. Like, maybe we’re okay.

You have this beautiful cascade happening, so you have, like, adrenaline coming in the body. You have just like, your heart rate slowing. All of these things are happening to help keep you alive. And there’s a mental capacity. This is the energetic piece to it where you are realizing, I put myself in this ice tub. I’m in it for a minute. I didn’t think I could do it. I was just freaked out. I’m now calm. I’m now able to kind of surrender.

And your understanding of your capacity just in that microcosm of, let’s say, 3 minutes all in like, damn, okay, I’m doing this hard thing and it’s in me and I’m in it at the same time your body is having a positive response to show you out and says, let’s do things together. I like that is life-changing.

That is a microcosm of I get I say, I got to do this work around cold where I see people like everything they ever were in their lives and ever will be in like 3 minutes. Because you can’t be anywhere else but in the now, when you’re in the cold and how you manage stress on the ice is how you manage stress in life. And you see there are 11-year-old selves and their discovery is and you see and it’s all that may sound woo and I actually don’t even care anymore because it’s like it’s not. You just get to see people at their truest place and it doesn’t mean people that freak out is always going to freak out, or people that are easy are going to be easy. If you watch really closely, you can see how people navigate stress and that’s everything.

Emily: Yeah

Kristin: So it’s so beautiful. And then also what you experience when you get in your car and you sing in your dance or I’ve got like Hollywood executive producers of the biggest films in ice tubs, and they’re like, come out and they’re like singing Broadway. They’re stoic before they go in there, froze in the ice, no problem, because they know how to handle stress, right?

Emily: Sure.

Kristin: So get out and they have a parasympathetic rebound. So you have this other cascade of chemicals and oxytocin. If you were with other people and they’re like singing The Lion King on my rooftop in L.A. or something, it’s like what’s happening? And it’s beautiful because we get to see people’s essence, right? Essence without obstructs. And that is so cool.
And when you’re alone in your car afterwards, you’re feeling high levels of elation because of both the brain chemistry, of the neurochemical response of it. But also you’re like, I did the damn thing and you’re celebrating. And this is why I tell people all the time there’s a lot of scientific benefits. But the biggest one is like, it’s going to boost your mood and your capacity like you’ve never seen before.

Emily: Yeah, that by itself. Just that everything you just said and I think that’s why it can feel like it calls you back again, not in a medically addictive way, but just it just calls you back for that boost of energy the way that, you know, you go, I think I want a cup of coffee. It’s going to make me feel a certain way. You want a cold experience because seeing your body, feeling your body the way it feels going into it.

And, you know, we’re talking about we’re debating, is it is it harder to do a cold plunge at home in a tub or out in nature? And my friend was like, I could never do it in a tub. If I had it, I wouldn’t even use it because it’s too hard. If it’s outside, I’m just like outside and I can’t get out of that.

So but if it was, I just like wouldn’t choose to go into it. And I said, I totally see that because when I open the shower too, I can feel the cold air coming at me. And when I did it at home, my husband’s like, let’s take the freezer and take the ice tray and just dump all of the ice into the tub. And you’re like literally seen ice going into a cold tub. You can tell it’s going to be really freaking cold.

So like, you have to get over that mental herd of like everything in you is like, No, I’m not going to do it. But so what you’re saying about calming your breath before I feel like that, that’s it. Just having a slow, calm breath. It’s like you get in and you physically feel the cold, but your breath is so much more important than how cold, how the cold feels.

Kristin: I don’t know if there’s this, if this is real, this one thing is a real quote, but I will just say it because I think it’s beautiful that someone attributed or told me a story about Wim. Of course, I studied with Casper a lot and I’ve seen and done and read a lot of women’s work and online, but I’ve never physically studied with him in person. And in the midst of that, like the conversation he was having with someone, I was told that he was, you know, someone’s asking him the question like, this is incredible.

You’re like climbing mountains and flip flops and, you know, it’s cold and sitting in cold water and diving under ice holes from holds a hole, which is even like crazy because your brain goes ice cream headache and loopy really quickly.

So, you know, you have to do all this again, like don’t try this at home if you don’t know what you’re doing. And so I’m saying, how do you you know, how do you manage it? How do you do all this stuff? How are you Have you gotten so good at this? And he said, I just let it be cold. You know, and it’s just like there’s a life lesson in that. It’s not just about cold water. It’s like if the hand that we’re dealt in the moment is not necessarily the one we’re choosing, like hopefully it is, but if it’s not, we’re going to put ourselves in the cold and we know that it’s deliberate or intentional cold exposure. We know what we’re getting into. How do we just let it be what it is, experience it for what it is?

You know, I want to say to anyone listening, if they’re trying and I stop at home or lake plunge with friends or anything, you know, cold water experience really, really like connect community if you can, because that makes it more fun even if you’re all like, but 90 seconds, like you kind of need that first 90 seconds for your body to have that turnover, that bliss point so that you can feel the physical surrender happen where you’re actually like, Oh, I’m okay, I could do.

Many people will go from like 30 seconds, Oh my God, get me the F, out of here to like by the 92nd point, sometimes as soon as like 45 to 60 seconds, they’re like, Oh, I feel like I could do this for like 5 minutes. Let’s go longer. Like, it’s a prodigal shift.

Emily: Okay. Can I talk about that there? Because in my brain, I’m like, I could do this for a longer, but, like, should I be doing this for longer than 2 to 3 minutes? Like, what is the stopping point? Where is there dangerous for me or not? Been getting those benefits any further?

Kristin: Yeah. Killer question. I think the best answer, like any good answer, is it depends. Minimum effective dose for me is going to be different for you depending on where you live on the planet, depending on how much you cold plunge, you’re going to titrate and learn how to manage more of that cold exposure or less.

For women especially and for everyone, you know, the static load, the stress bucket we carry around every day is different. And so I’ve been in colds. I mean, countless, countless, thousands of times. If not, I mean, hundreds of thousands, thousands of thousands of times. I’ve been in cold and watch so many people go through cold. And even the other day it was my partner’s birthday.
It’s been two nights in a row, 4 hours sleep, mostly because I was traveling on flights, landing, had a really weird try to have this like brunch in a new place in the morning. Not good food. Didn’t feel well. It’s his birthday. He wanted to train at the gym. I’m like, let’s go to the gym. I don’t think I can push weight. I have a bellyache, but there’s a sauna there. There’s an outdoor pool. I’m in Austin. We just came off a little bit of a cold snap. The pool is probably 50. Now in my mind, I’m like, Yo, I coach this, you know? Here we go, right? This is ego. Yeah, like this. I’m fine after a pool no problem. I’m the sauna 190. I’m going to sit in there with a bunch of sweaty dudes for a while. It’s all fine. I know what’s best for my body. That I won’t go directly from sauna to cold. It’s too fast, too Furious. You want your body to do the work so your cellular health boost.

So I’m like, you need a cool-down period. After the sauna I took, I watched it six and a half or so minutes before I got into the pool, and then I was o’clock outside by the pool and I’m like, I’m going to do about the same amount of time as my break in a cold water. And today, because it’s 51 and not sub 40, which is where I normally plunge, I’m going to do breaststroke and nasal breathing only. So I’m training some cardio capacity. I’m feeling what that feels like in my body. I now remember, I’m on minimal sleep. I don’t feel great and I feel like a bit sick to my stomach. And so I go and I do this whole thing and I’m like in a new gym. And inside the gender happens to be a lot of like chlorine and stuff. When I, when I get out of the pool, I feel actually like my belly’s cleared out. I feel great for about a minute. And then after a minute I, like, realize, oh, I’m starting to see like a little stars. Like I’m starting to have probably the quick shift from vasoconstriction to vasodilation has happened and my body’s just not feeling great and my stress load was already high.

And for whatever reason, right, I decided I’m not going to go to the gym, but I’m into this cardio-shifting thing. And so I sat down in a chair and like after another 2 minutes, I just finally was like, I need to pull the record. I took two towels. I had to go upstairs. I found my partner. I just said, Babe, something’s wrong. I don’t know what it is like. And the moment of me speaking those words aloud to him saying, Hey, something’s wrong. I’m seeing stars. I feel like I’m going to pass out. It’s from the cold and the heat. There’s like, I have a moment where I recognize in myself like, Oh, I’m having shame that I have to say this because this is what I’m coaching.

But the reality is my body, any given day and women’s bodies, any given day during the time of the month, because we have different propensity for stress and anxiety and managing those things, like when we’re ovulating, we’re like, I can do anything. So typically women could go a little longer during that ovulating period because they’re like more stress resilient and a lot of things are positive with our hormonal cycle in our reproductive years to help that.

But that’s the point of me telling the story is to say to you, like even to me, I like will take it to heart. I’ve sat in 32-degree water for like almost 12 minutes and felt fine, like cold when I get out. And that’s normal. But been like, Yeah badass. No problem. I’m Instagramming it, no problem. And then also and then I’m like 51-degree water. But like, why did I layer in nasal breathing, feeling sick, poor sleep to have an anesthetic load, you know.

Emily: Yes.

Kristin: And normally we were sitting or standing in the water and swimming too heavily. And of course, shit goes sideways, right. And the reason that happened to me is because it’s a universal lesson that I get to share both right now and with people I’m coaching.

So the answer to your question is, is why it’s important. Is there plenty of times you can be totally fine. I would say start with 2 minutes, try to be under 40 degrees. If you can’t do that, get close and don’t sit on the Joe Rogan experiment – love him. Maybe you saw a few years back, he did one minute in a cold bath and then got out. And then you know what happened? All his dude friends, all of the Jocko Willings and probably, you know, Goggins called him and said, Buddy, you’re big, tough UFC, you’re my guy, you know, And you guys got the cold the minute you saw you’re not good, do it more. And then like he skips a day and a date later he goes on Instagram live and he does a cold plunge for almost it’s like 21 minutes.

Emily: Oh, Jesus.

Kristin: Now there’s a point where I feel like he has some responsibility to not scare people away and all the things, but we want to titrate minimum effective dose. What’s the smallest amount of cold that you can get a shiver for a little bit after you get out? And then feel okay, great. If it was easy, great. Then you can take the time up or the temperature down. But when you go from that short to that long, it’s point of diminishing returns.

And I always say I like I love Joe. If he called me tomorrow and said, let’s have a contest, who can stay in longer? Like I’d be all for it. Not the best thing, but I’d be like, you know, it would be fun.
But the reality is like, we don’t have to, like, go hard. And this is a big lesson for the females that are following and listening to you and your audience. So many women in it, is that we are equally as sensitive as we are powerful.

And if we’re just trying to do this like go hard male energy male clock thing, and this is not men against women. This is just as the dawn of time we’ve been organized a bit more in the business world on the hormonal call. So but if we’re trying to do the go-hard thing to keep up with the Joneses, of all the men that came before us, all the time, then we are ignoring this beautiful superpower.

We have intuition and sensitivity because soft is not weak, right? But being sensitive and being in our softer side, our divine feminine, our goddess energy, whatever you want to call it, it is powerful, probably some would argue more powerful than being in like go hard mode, right? Which is to burn out.

Emily: Absolutely.

Kristin: You don’t have to go hard in the ice. We can go for 2 minutes. We can play in that temperature. We can see how it feels.
I just say give try to give yourself 90 seconds because there is a moment of physiological shift that if you get out after 30 seconds, you may not get and you want to have that shift. So you can go, Oh, I can see, here’s where I can surrender, here’s where I can let go, here’s where I can be in stress and be comfortable in the uncomfortable. And that’s like that’s the queen of goals, you know, It’s a really feel.

Emily: I absolutely love that. Thank you for sharing the story and for sharing your personal story and experience, too. I know, you know, as leaders, we sometimes can get into our own egos of being like we all have to be flawless, perfect knowing, all knowing beings. But then we get to look glass. That’s when we get the spirit dope slap. We’re like, Oh, really? That’s cute. That’s really cute of you. And then we have to take those of our own medicine. And so thank you for sharing that story.

And you know, I would love to share some links with my listeners in the podcast show notes on how they can get involved with your work. Learn more about you, of course, follow you on Instagram, your group program, and perhaps your Breath and Cold Instructor Training. I’m so interested. I’m so fascinated and I’m like, Ooh, that sounds yummy. Breathwork.

Kristin: Get your ice ice ladies together and let’s find a place, you know. All I have to do is find a host location that sort of either just has an open most people like to do on the weekend, but it’s like we put, we put in.

Sometimes I bring a Rubbermaid tub or a trough. Sometimes they have something on site one. Once in a wonderful time, we get to do outdoor and nature plunging and then we we spend a weekend together and it’s like it is definitely some hours. But I guarantee and promise you, I give you everything that I’ve spent years and years gathering for data and benefits and insights. I give you a tons of resource and then everyone who walks in the door can become or already, you know, level up the way that they teach a safe, fun and effective breath work and cold exposure class or workshop or any of it. It would be so fun. I have not done anything in New England yet. I used to live in Bedford, New Hampshire, so there’s people there. Yeah, it’d be so fun to do in that area if we just got a little host facility together, whether it be a gym. A yoga studio or space we can work in. So fun.

Emily: I have yoga studios and I have my backyard. I have a small hobby farm in my backyard with chickens, ducks and goats. And so the goats would get a kick out of us doing it next to me.

Kristin: Like what’s happening? There’s goat yoga. We can have goat breathwork.

Emily: Sure

Kristin: So, I’m always, always into that. And I have a website called Sherpa Breath and Cold, and wellpower.life. The good news is you can get to it and click out to it too. But Sherpa Breath and Cold is an instructor training in a workshop series. I work with performance athletes and I work with anyone, everyone, householders and I do this instructor training that kicked off just over a year ago. I have 62 instructors worldwide right now, which is really exciting and continuing to grow that program. And it is an intensive weekend that people can like lean in or many people will call me and say, Hey, can I host something? And then we get a group together, about ten people and me, we just have at it.

And then for the women, I will say, follow me @warriorwomanmode. It’s super fun. It’s just like fun, you know, social media can be fun too, I swear. I try to give as much free education as possible there. And I know that we get lost in social.

So I have a podcast as well that’s called Willpower, just like willpower.life. And it is, you know, I have wild, exciting guests in the health space and experts who have far greater knowledge than I do sharing. Not just tips and tricks, but like tactical, practical applications of ways to become healthier for all of us who are living like a day-to-day real life, you know, budget and wanting to grow our awareness around these modalities and cut through some of the bullshit, quite frankly. I mean, you get out in the world as well as a coach, which is marketing, as marketing, and there’s real life.

Emily: Yeah, Yeah. We like the real ones. We like the real ones around here. Well, Kristin, it’s been such a joy. I’m so grateful for your time and your energy and all this wisdom that you’ve shared with the listeners. I hope to connect with you again in the future.

And everybody listening, please, You know, follow Kristin, get in touch with her, join her programs, do all the things that you feel called to do. She is a wonderful person and I hope you enjoyed this podcast. As always, you can leave us a review, share all the love that you can, tag me and Kristin on Instagram. You know, we’re real people and we love when real people like you listen and have enjoyed something from something that we’ve shared. So please take a screenshot, tag us on Instagram, let us know what really was in our heart for you. So anyway, we’ll see you guys next time.

Thank you so much. Kristin, it’s been a pleasure.

Kristin: Can’t wait to plunge with you, sister. Amazing. Have a beautiful day.

Emily: You too.

Kristin: Bye.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Explore alternative biohacking methods to support your body and your ability to win your dreams. If breathwork and cold exposure do not appeal to you, what does? Is it a solo dance party? Yoga? I highly encourage you to start using your physical body and breath awareness to support your dreams.


About Kristin

Kristin Weitzel, Founder of WELLPOWER and SHERPA Breath & Cold, is a health and high-performance maven, nutrition specialist, certified fitness trainer, breathwork, and exposure therapy coach focusing on guiding people into optimal health. Kristin hosts the WELLPOWER Podcast, which blends biohacking and wellness subject matter expertise, inspiring guests, and Kristin’s trademark wit and wisdom to lead clients and listeners alike.

You can find her here:

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Pet Communication – How to Connect With Your Fur Babies in Spirit

Pet Communication – How to Connect With Your Fur Babies in Spirit

Pet Communication – How to Connect

With Your Fur Babies in Spirit

If you’re an animal lover, this episode can help open that next level of intuition and meaningful connection to your pets, both in the present or if they are in spirit.

This episode is a little different than I normally do, but it’s something I feel is important. Losing our pets is a topic that I think is under-shared and under-discussed and I would like to change that.

While I’m not an expert on pet communication, I want to talk about what happens when our pets pass on and how we can stay connected to them and continue receiving their messages. They are sharing their love with you and there are ways you can receive it more.

With this episode, I’d love to see your pets! You can tag me @emilyaarons with pictures of your fur babies.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • Pet grief is an “under-shared” and “under-talked” about experience.
  • My personal story about my dog Scooby’s passing and how it was different than my husband’s experience with his dogs.
  • You don’t know what you don’t know!
  • How to receive messages from your pets in spirit.
  • How to connect more to your pets in the present and receive their messages now too.
  • It can be the most out-of-the-blue way that your pets send you their love from the other side.

Welcome back to the Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast. I’m Emily Aarons and this is episode number 422. So, this episode is going to be broadcast in February, which we know is the month of Love and Valentine’s Day, obviously, obviously Black History Month as well. But on the topic of love, I know sometimes for folks, we kind of also get the shallow side that comes in, which can sometimes be heartache or grief.

And just this morning I was interviewed for the Better Self and Net Worth podcast. And while we started talking about intuition, we quickly kind of segued into talking about dreams, which then opened up the conversation about talking about animals and spirits.

So, I thought because I am definitely a pet-loving gal, I have a dog, I have goats, chickens, and ducks. I love the conversation about animal communication. And while I’m not the expert on animal communication, this is a podcast episode where I want to talk about, you know, sort of what happens when our pets die and is there a way that we can tap into their connection both for our self as well as perhaps for our business? Doesn’t that sound like a weird topic? I think so too, but I also think it’s kind of interesting.

So if you are a pet person, please take a screenshot of this and tag me in your Instagram stories. And would you include a picture of your four-legged pet friends?
Our fur babies are so special and precious to us. And I know inside of the Mastery & Ascension membership, we are often times sharing pet memes or just like flooding our group with pictures of our fur babies. And I am not mad about it. I love talking about pets and even my team like we share pictures of our dogs.

So anyway, let’s talk about when our pets cross over what happens and is there a way that we can connect with them and communicate with them? I’ve been lucky enough to have several animals. My beloved pet, Scooby, was with me in my twenties and went through a lot of changes and transitions and just life things happening. Then I got married, had a couple of kids and we also had some dog siblings. He was always an only child until I got together with my husband Andrew, 10 years ago and suddenly he had a brother and a sister, which did not work out very well.
Initially, we had to hire behavioral experts so that they could get along and coexist and they end up loving each other. And my husband’s dogs, Kizer and Jada, crossed over before my dog Scooby did. He was the last of the trio. And when you know, when we lose a pet for folks who are not pet people, this is really not the episode for you.

But when we lose our pets, our dogs or cats, whatever other animals, we are having, it’s a lot. And pet loss and grief I feel like an shared about talked about the experience and it’s traumatic. And that pain trauma that we’re experiencing internally can absolutely have an impact on our businesses. You know, if your energy is low or you’re going through all the different stages of grief, it’s really hard to put yourself out there, especially when you feel like a part of you, a family member, your best friend who was always there by your side and cheering you on and supporting you and excitedly celebrating your victories with you suddenly not there. And it’s hard.

So I want to share a personal story of when my dog Scooby crossed over and really the progression of sense that happened. What is my relationship with him now? And the very bizarre way is that he has shown up to support me and my business. It was August of 2021 when he told me he was ready to go. And I found a pet. Oh, now I can’t think of the word all of a sudden. So, many hospices there it is, a pet hospice locally that could come to my house and cross him over with me. And that whole process was really beautiful. So I highly recommend you if you need to put down your beloved animals. I highly recommend doing it at home for the reason that it’s a very sacred and special ritual and process.

Unlike our other dogs, my husband’s dogs, we went to the veterinary clinic and it was, you know, walking in there knowing what’s going to happen is like basically one of the worst feelings in the world. And then walking out without your baby is awful. Like having to walk through a waiting room is agony.

And and so somehow it came to my awareness that there was this thing with pet hospice and I reached out. They were wonderful on the phone. They were wonderful at setting it up. They were wonderful when they showed up and the vet was just so loving. And so when it was that day, I had scheduled it and it was just a lot of anxiety and that feeling like I couldn’t work that day at all, knowing what was going to happen to, you know, my dog. And so I asked. Scooby said, where do you want to go? And he showed me in my mind’s eye. And I think that’s that one of the first ways that our animals talked to us you know, like, I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly narrating my pet. So like, if I’m about to go in the kitchen, they look at me like, Oh, you’re going to feed me. I will literally say out loud the thoughts that they are what I am assuming that they are having. But I also feel like we have that mental telepathy. We have these connections where we know when our cat or our dog looks at us a certain way or is doing something.

And you know, in like I said in my membership Mastery & Ascension, I have members who post pictures of them with their cats and they’ve got puffy eyes and said, “my cat was here for me when I had this huge most emotional release through one of Emily’s recent meditations. I just had this enormous shift and my cat was with me the whole time.” And it’s like that, you know, we have that. We know that they’re there for us. They know that they’re taking care of us. We know that they’re giving us that extra love and support in a physical. So, you know, logically, like, why wouldn’t that happen if they’re not physically here?

I mean, so, you know, my dog showed me a picture in my mind in the backyard where he wanted to go under the trees. It was a summer day and he wanted to be near the goats. And so when that came, I told her where he where we want to be set up. And she set up a beautiful picnic blanket. And we just took our time. And, you know, the process was really beautiful and memorable and sacred. And, you know, part of the process for me was being able to, you know, allow him to go and go in peace in the way that he wanted to go.

And another part of the ritual was very cleansing and nurturing and healing for my husband, because, like I said, we had these clinical procedures for his two dogs. So it was giving him an opportunity to, you know, rightfully grieve the loss of his two in our home, you know, in our yard with our other dog who was crossing over and just to re-process those feelings. And, you know, he had some feelings of guilt that came up that like, well, why didn’t I do it this way then? And he said, well, we didn’t know. I mean, we did the best we could. And so this is an opportunity not to feel guilty about it, but just to connect with the dogs again in spirit.

And so that night. When I lay down in bed, it you know, it was a heavy day, of course. But when I lay down in bed for the first time after my dog had passed. In my mind’s eye, I’m closing my eyes. For those who are listening to the podcast, I also have this on my YouTube channel. So if you want to watch this podcast, you can.

When I laid in bed and I closed my eyes immediately as I lay down my dog, Scooby came up on my bed, put his head in my lap, and my hand found that beautiful groove between his eyebrows in his forehead where I always would pad and caress and just constantly. And it was as though my hand was on his head. It was only energetic. So it was this connection that he came up. He said, I’m here. I’m here for you. And I’m okay.

And I know that for a pet, I feel like the air just left the room, you know, Just like I can feel all of you listening and maybe even re-experiencing your own stories. And I would love to hear them, like, really, truly knowing that they’re safe, knowing that they’ve crossed over and that they are with you in spirit.

And that was the first time. And you know, about a week that happened every single night, that he was just right there, right there on my side, on my bed, head in my lap, hand on his head. And, you know, I would just it was just like a constant bawling, just heavy, hard tears that came out. And so, you know, because I am who I am and I’ve studied what I’ve studied. I got that instant knowing that he crossed over, that he was safe. And so, you know, I would begin to check in with him, you know, if he could come by my side and just support me for a call or something that I was feeling nervous about. Could he help make that transition easier?

And so these are things that you can do to, which is call them in just like you call in your spirit guides. It’s like you call in your angels. It’s just like you call in your higher self, calling in your beloved pets from Spirit.

The moments that you think of them right now. They are there. They flood you with their image, their smell, their feel, a memory, and playful things that make you just smile and laugh.
Like when I think of my dog Scooby. And you know, this is one of the things that he started to do for me throughout that grieving process. But then he also showed up for me on the day of my birthday. And not only to me, he actually showed up for my son, Tristan, and on my birthday separately. I saw my dog. He came and visited me and my son later that day and said, Oh, mom, by the way, I thought of Scooby. He came and visit me. I think he was coming to say Happy birthday to you. And I said, Yeah, he did. And I’m so glad he came to you, too. And yeah, he said, Happy birthday to me, too. And so you might see and feel and sense your animal’s presence on, you know, holidays, special occasions, you know, big events, things like that.

And so, you know, just like I share with talking with your spirit guides, it’s the moment you call them in, they are there. And, you know, one of the things that Scooby used to do, which is what he’s reminded me of right now as I’m talking about him, is he used to go through hikes in the woods and he would pick up like tree branches or like logs, like, not a stick, like a normal dog. He would get these enormous branches and run through the woods. And if we were on a path like even a wide path, people would literally have to step aside so that they wouldn’t get their knees knocked out because he was carrying this enormous tree branch and just thinking about now like it makes me laugh at how ridiculous it was, but it was something he always did. And I have lots and lots of photos of him with these ridiculous tree branches on his back. So it’s like he gives you these memories.

So I want you to start, you know, so it was an invitation. I would invite you to start looking at these thoughts and these memories and these images, and these sounds as the dog, the cat, the animal in spirit connecting with you and saying, I’m here and I love you. And they’re also here just like your guides. And maybe they are a guide now. Maybe they are becoming a spirit guide for you. So you can ask them, are you a spirit guide for me? Are you here? And you’ll be able to have a conversation.

And just like I said before, I would narrate my dog’s every move and I still do with My current dog, Wexford. I narrate his every move when he has playdates, I narrate the playdate.
You know, they communicate with us easily. So let that kind of easy communication like light communication come through when you’re reaching out to your animal friend.

And so, the way we can apply this in our business is the same, you know, if you’re going into a launch period or you’re second guessing yourself asking for that love pet, loved pet in spirit to come through and to bring some ease, to show you a sign, to give you that next response that you need to know so that you can know you’re making the right decision.

About a week ago, we had a student clinic for the Integrated Energy Alignment practitioners who are in training right now. And during the clinic, well, just before the clinic, actually, I had lost my voice. And so my team member, Amanda, I asked her if she could lead it for us and just hold the space for a little visualization process for a few minutes where we can just visualize our best business, our highest self, and see how our practice evolves and just to hold that space.

And as she opened up the meditation and held that space, I had my eyes closed fully present and I started to taste metal. And whenever I taste metal in sessions or not in sessions, I start to kind of ask questions like, Who’s coming in? Is somebody here?

Because when I taste metal, it’s my body’s way of saying there is a loved one in spirit here. And I thought at that moment, Oh, I’m probably channeling or somebody from the call, like a loved one is coming in for them to share a message or something like that. And when I ask the question, is there somebody coming in? Is there something that needs to be shared right now?
It was my dog, Scooby. And at that moment I saw his big face and he was almost £100 dog. He was a mixed breed, kind of looks like a lab, Rhodesian shepherd kind of mix. He was a big dog and he smiled at me and then immediately starts licking, licking, licking, licking, licking, licking under my chin to the point as he used to, is all I actually I have a picture of him licking under my chin. So my favorite pictures because when I took the selfie I captured his actual tongue out and glistening licking my chin and I’m smiling and it’s like that feeling I got was undeniable.

And even though I wasn’t expecting him to be there when I was visualizing and holding space for my dream business, why did he come in right then? What was he telling me? So when you hear the story, you can obviously hear love and support and groundedness. And adoration and hope. That’s what I felt.

And so as much as we can think, well, that’s not really a business message I completely saw because the container and the intention were around business and he showed up for me.
So whether it’s a spirit guide, an angel, your higher self, an animal or a pet, loved one in spirit. Notice the energy that comes in with this simplistic thing that shows up for you. So like I said, it was just him smiling and licking me. But then how did it make me feel? What feeling did I get in my body, in my energy field, in my space?

And when we opened our eyes after the meditation, Amanda said, all of you had these big smiles on your faces. And after we went into breakout rooms, I said to her, my dog came in and I thought it was for somebody else, like spirit coming in for somebody else, but it was my dog, Scooby. And both her and I like to remember Katrina, were like, just, Oh, I’m so happy and so great. But it stuck with me for the whole day.

And so this is just an invitation to say, you know, when we had these connections, they’re undeniable. And so after our animals transitioned out of the physical into the energetic realm, their energy was not destroyed. And energy cannot be created or destroyed. It only changes form. So I would invite you to connect with that spirit of your animal and just call them in.

You know, it doesn’t have to be with them, you know, give me my next business plan. Like nothing that serious and dramatic, but just the added love and support. Because I know what that little image of my dog, lucky I did for me, for that moment and for the rest of that day, and even sharing the story here on the podcast, reliving that memory, it’s like it just continues to cascade and ripple through me and you and hopefully brings up other thoughts of your animals and your loved ones.

The other way animals can come to us are in dreams. And, you know, for folks who get a lot of messages and downloads in your dreams, you have prophetic dreams. You have really active dreams, or you’re doing astral travel or just lucid dreaming. You know, our animals can show up and dream because really our conscious mind is the only thing that’s really blocking us from connecting and seeing and feeling those animals around us now because logical, left brain conscious mind is going to hear, I don’t see it’s not here.

So when we go to sleep, it’s all our subconscious. So it’s all been there all along and we are more open and more receptive, which is why we get these amazing downloads in dreams. We get these beautiful stories and pictures and intuitive hits and dreams because we’re finally open to it.

Our brain isn’t going wah, wah wah, wah, wah, wah wah all day. It’s finally stopped so that the messages can kind of open up and actually come through. It’s the only time we’re actually receptive to it. It’s all happening all the time. But, you know, maybe at 3 a.m. in the middle of the night is when we’re the most receptive when we’re in that deep sleep. Also, they can come in the shower, or especially when you’re on walks or in familiar places where you used to take them or do take them.

One of my really dear friends lost her dog and we end up going to Sedona on a retreat. And she had told me about her pet loss and you know, how significant it felt for her. And we were driving from Phoenix to Sedona, which is about a two-hour drive. The first stop that we made in Sedona, we pulled up to this little restaurant, which was like a vegan place, and she’s vegan and gluten-free and has all these food allergies. So she got there and was like, get out of town. I can eat everything in this place. Oh, my God, she was in heaven. And then as soon as we had that moment of like, you can literally everything in here, this is amazing. We look over and I see this Pomeranian, and I knew her dog was a Pomeranian. And I said, look over there. There’s a Pomeranian. Do you see it?

And she goes, Oh, my God. And she completely burst into tears. And she said to me, Oh my gosh. She starts shaking, she’s crying and she’s shaking. And she said, I literally haven’t seen a Pomeranian since my dog passed away. Literally have not seen one. This is the first one I’ve seen. And I was like, well, don’t we go talk to her and see if we can see the dog? And she was like, Aha! So we said, hello. And my friend said, you know, would you mind if I pet your dog? I lost my Pomeranian. And this dog, this Pomeranian was probably like £20, hers was like five.
So this dog was enormous, not didn’t look like hers, but it did, right? And she upholding it and they were talking. And, you know, dog people when we connect with each other, she shared her story and just really connected with the dog. And we said goodbye. We ordered our food. We sat down on our table and we just were both bawling like, can you even believe the second we get here in Sedona, the magic is already happening.

This dog is here. And the message that it’s sharing for you is your dog and spirit made sure to get you here to help you with your healing journey. And this is that confirmation that you’re in the right place, that you’re getting the healing that you need, and that he is the one who has orchestrated every little bit of it for you because he loves you so dearly.

And, you know, thinking back to that story again, I’m like, oh, my God, like it. It touches me. And it’s like, you can’t make this stuff up. And we were both just like like jaws dropped almost speechless at how beautiful that moment was. And so this is the other way that you know, we can get signs from our loved ones, whether it be just like a name, a word, a color.
And even like she shared with me a picture, you know, she actually brought his little lamb squeaky toy with her. And I was like, I have that. I know I have that.

And so sometimes around the house, like the dog will leave it in random places and I’ll take a photo and I’ll send it are like, he’s with us. Because sometimes it’s the most out of the blue, least expected ways that our pets are here communicating with us and sharing that love.

So, I hope this episode doesn’t make you sad, but really makes you understand the ways in which we can connect with Spirit, whether it be our loved ones, our family members, our friends that have passed away, or connecting with and especially with our loved ones that are animals in spirit and how we can connect with their energy to bring us support, bring us love, bring us those flashes of joy and be able to help support us in our alignment, to be able to impact others from a positive place.

Again, if you enjoyed this episode, I know it’s a little bit different than I normally do, but I think it’s worth talking about when we have an opening for love.
I don’t know any other opening for a love greater than the love of animals, I guess my children. I suppose my children crack the open too, but I think my first real experience, an encounter beyond like human connection was my first dog. And then now my current dog and now my goats and chickens and ducks. I don’t love my chickens and ducks as much, I fully admit that. But like I love animals.

And if you’re an animal lover too, I think this episode should help open up that next level of intuition and scare communication. So anyway, please, flood my Instagram, tag me, show me your fur babies and let me know if this episode resonate with you.

We have a lot of great stuff going on in the business right now. I’ve been doing the Business & Soul Alignment Experience that’s been going spectacularly well. If you haven’t participated, when it’s a free workshop, you’re going to learn about your energy field and how it impacts your business alignment and how you can get your business in alignment with your energy field so you can serve on your highest level bull like feel, fulfill your highest potential in alignment, feeling your best.

I’ve also been teaching my brand new Chakra Intensive Workshop, which I totally geek out about. I absolutely love that. Grab your ticket to that, will have all the information in the show notes.

And if you would like to work with me privately, I do have a couple of openings for an either one-on-one sessions. I have VIP Days available, which are much more in-depth in a single session.
And then I also have the Sunday Healing Circle, which you can be within a small group of ten people once every month or every other month depending, but you can check the schedule for those healing circles. It’s a really great way to get close attention. Deep healing with me at a fraction of the cost of what it’s like to work with me one-on-one. So I’ll leave all those links in the show notes below.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing your beautiful fur babies. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week, a wonderful month ahead, and thanks for listening to the Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast. Always love to hear your reviews. Leave a five-star review over on iTunes or your favorite listening platform and share this one with a friend.

Thanks for being here. Lots of love to you.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Apply your intuition to your pets and also your business! You can sign up for the Business & Soul Alignment Experience to create a deeper experience in your business with your intuition.


About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their businesses.

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