TBT How To Access Your Creative Self With Jodie King

TBT How To Access Your Creative Self With Jodie King

TBT How To Access Your Creative Self With Jodie King

In today’s Throwback Thursday episode, we’re bringing you back to episode 193. It’s an episode with Emily’s friend, Jodie King.

In this episode, Emily and Jodie talk about intuition, creativity, and how everyone can access it.

Art was an “accidental” career for Jodie, born from following her intuition and painting what she felt like painting. She literally got discovered in her own home by people seeing her art on the walls of her house (how does that even happen???).

At first, she felt like she didn’t belong in the art world though. Art galleries felt high-end, fancy, or off-limits.

Longing to be as free as possible – like “fling-paint-on-the-wall-kind-of-free” – Jodie found a passion for abstract art. What initially looked like a kindergartener’s attempt at painting, evolved to something much more. Through meditation, she was able to ground herself and offer a path for her creativity to come through in a way that you can feel. Whatever energy she has, becomes part of the art.


In today’s Throwback Thursday episode, we’re bringing you back to episode 193. It’s an episode with Emily’s friend, Jodie King.

In this episode, Emily and Jodie talk about intuition, creativity, and how everyone can access it.

Art was an “accidental” career for Jodie, born from following her intuition and painting what she felt like painting. She literally got discovered in her own home by people seeing her art on the walls of her house (how does that even happen???).

At first, she felt like she didn’t belong in the art world though. Art galleries felt high-end, fancy, or off-limits.

Longing to be as free as possible – like “fling-paint-on-the-wall-kind-of-free” – Jodie found a passion for abstract art. What initially looked like a kindergartener’s attempt at painting, evolved to something much more. Through meditation, she was able to ground herself and offer a path for her creativity to come through in a way that you can feel. Whatever energy she has, becomes part of the art.

And not just for Jodie. She wants others to know about this too. Following your intuition, throwing paint at the wall if you want, or any way you choose to express your creativity, it all carries a vibration.

Through her desire to learn more about art, she discovered we’re all creative, we’re all artists and now she teaches others to paint from the same place of honesty that she does.

She developed “Honest Art Workshops” and talks about some of the transformations happening with her students in this episode.

Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram if you are inspired to create something after listening – we’d love to see it!

Highlights you wouldn’t want to miss:

  • Intuition is not a roar, it’s a whisper. It’s a curiosity.
  • The benefit of going straight from meditation to the canvas.
  • Art has a vibration.
  • We can heal ourselves through art.
  • It’s a remembering of our magnificence.
  • What you put out comes back to you.
  • When we ask a question and just listen, we’re always going to be guided.
  • The six stages of the creative process.
  • How Jodie’s creative process applies to entrepreneurs.
  • With creations, you’re putting on the outside how you feel on the inside (good or bad!).
Resources To Take You Deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.


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Thanks for listening! You’re here to shine your light…and I’m here to make that possible! Connect with me on Instagram @emilyaarons and get the latest updates!​


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What Is The Meaning Of Intuition?

What Is The Meaning Of Intuition?

What Is The Meaning Of Intuition?

When you have the tools to access your intuition, it makes life easier. Not easy, but easier.

It helps you tune into your instincts, sense when there is danger, and access your higher guidance.

In today’s podcast episode we take a deep dive into understanding intuition and why it’s so important to be able to receive it.

And then you’re in for a treat! I share a meditation you can do to access your intuition and to TRUST it.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [2.19] A carefully chosen example to explain what I mean by intuition.
  • [5.40] Why it’s so important to hone in on your intuition.
  • [7.45] When you have the tools, you can navigate through life without all the stress.
  • [9.32] A guided meditation to help you access and trust your intuition.
Resources to take you deeper:

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


I invite you to listen to the guided meditation that starts at the 9-minute mark to increase your intuitive toolkit. Try listening every day for one week and see what magic occurs. Do you trust yourself more? Are you getting more guidance? Let me know!

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

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TBT Ask Em – Answering Your Burning Q’s

TBT Ask Em – Answering Your Burning Q’s

TBT Ask Em – Answering Your Burning Q’s

For this Throwback Thursday episode, we’re bringing you the fun from Episode #50!

Have you ever wanted to sit down and pick Emily’s brain? Today Emily is answering two great questions from her listeners about creating programs and staying in alignment with your purpose so you can fully show up and shine.

These “AskEm” episodes are a great way for you to get your questions answered!

If you have a question you would like to ask, please DM Emily on Instagram @emilyaarons.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Question 1 – What helped you decide to create your program? Any tipping points?
  • Question 2 – What game-changing thing apart from meditation do you do daily that drives you to continue to align to your purpose and serve your soulmate clients?
  • Listen to your calling
  • Release the fear of judgment and stay humble and in gratitude always.
  • Selling a product before you create it is an easy way to give yourself the motivation to create a program
  • Continuously tap into your higher energy to raise your vibration, and allow the ripple effect of sharing your gifts to occur.
Shareable Quotes:
  • “Just because I can take it on doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy.” – Emily Aarons
  • “Remember, there is someone out there praying for the gifts only you can share!” – Emily Aarons
  • “We can get lost in the to-do’s and the nitty-gritty…” – Emily Aarons
  • “We are going to be judged until the day we die.” – Emily Aarons

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

We appreciate you!


Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension Membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join the waitlist now!

Thanks for listening! You’re here to shine your light…and I’m here to make that possible! Connect with me on Instagram @emilyaarons and get the latest updates!

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

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How To Know If Your Energy Is In Alignment As Spiritual Entrepreneurs

How To Know If Your Energy Is In Alignment As Spiritual Entrepreneurs

How To Know If Your Energy Is In Alignment

As Spiritual Entrepreneurs

How do you know if your energy is in alignment or out of alignment? This is a question I’m frequently asked.

It’s not obvious because everyday challenges, and ascension symptoms, can interfere with your ability to decipher alignment.

In this podcast episode, I’ll walk you through what alignment looks like, even as you’re upleveling and experiencing change.

After listening, I’d love to hear from you. How do you find alignment again when you feel “off”?

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.52] The intersection between business and impact.
  • [3.53] How to know when you’re in alignment and when you’re out.
  • [5.27] Deeper work, why it matters for alignment (especially for Highly Sensitive People?‍♀️).
  • [7.41] Magnetic energy happens when you’re in alignment.
  • [9.28] Here are some things you can do to get you back in alignment.

Resources to take you deeper:

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Join the Business and Soul Alignment Experience! I’m going to take this much further as to WHY it’s so important to have your energy aligned in your biz, and how to get back to alignment whenever you aren’t.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

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Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

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TBT How to Say No to Hustle and Yes to Alignment

TBT How to Say No to Hustle and Yes to Alignment

TBT How to Say No to Hustle and Yes to Alignment

In today’s Throwback Thursday episode, we’re happy to bring you back to Episode 157 where Emily had an amazing conversation with Mindi Huebner about how to say no to hustle and yes to alignment.

Mindi Huebner is a certified Health Coach, Life Coach, and Belief Clearing Practitioner.

She has been an entrepreneur for over 23 years. Mindi equips women to show up for themselves so that they can create energy that sets their hearts on fire. She is an author, speaker, coach, mentor, and difference-maker. When she’s not listening to a podcast or out for a walk, you’ll find her practicing gratitude and planning her next trip to Southern California and the beach!

In this episode, Emily and Mindy dive deep into a simple recipe for success so you can learn how to say no to hustle and yes to alignment.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Why do you need to say no to hustle to allow flow and alignment in your life.
  • Why as entrepreneurs, energy is our currency.
  • How stress depletes your body and why you need to prioritize your body, mind, and soul.
  • When you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.
  • A simple recipe for a day of success
  • Understand the importance of always starting your day with gratitude.
  • Why your brain needs you to drink water.
  • How exercise is a gift to your body.
  • Why every day you should get outside and connect with nature.
  • How you can create energy by eating nutritious foods.
  • Why every day, you should make space for meditation.

Resources To Take You Deeper:

Shareable Quotes:
  • “Hydrated women make more money.” – Mindi Huebner
  • “Our energy is our currency.” – Mindi Huebner
  • “We’re in the habit of hustling and working hard because we don’t know any other way.” – Emily Aarons
  • “One of the tricks that I can share with you guys is that I say I love myself too much to not exercise, to not get outside.” – Emily Aarons

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

We appreciate you!


Thanks for listening!
You’re here to shine your light…and I’m here to make that possible! Connect with me on Instagram @emilyaarons and get the latest updates!

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.

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