by emilyaarons | Jan 6, 2020 | Podcast
Let’s kick off the new year with a killer forecast…
41. Marketing: Get More Visible!
Energy is amazing to attract your soulmate clients but there’s something to be said for proper marketing. You must put yourself out there in a way people can clearly understand how you can help them AND ask for a sale! The money you make is a direct reflection of how many people you’re helping. If you struggle with figuring out the right words, get help! There are too many people who need you. Put yourself out there and make an offer today.
38. Clear Your Energy: Stop, drop and realign with your highest
Are getting too caught up in your head? Maybe you’re not sure what your next steps are? Stop, drop and realign with your highest and best. Your guidance system is here; all you need to do is close your eyes, imagine you’re in a beautiful white sparkly bubble, and your angels will do the rest. Breathe in deeply, let go of anything not serving you, and open up to higher levels of creativity, joy, connection, excitement, and abundance! The world needs you to be in alignment and serving at a high frequency!
2. Breakthrough: Keep on going!
You’re right there! Keep on going! You’re on the verge of a huge breakthrough! Embody the best you possible…aka your highest self. What does a successful person act like? Now, close your eyes and embody their behavior, attitude, and demeanor. Then shift your actions to DO the things your highest self would do. Play the part today, not someday. Who are you not to? What you want also wants you. Ask yourself: “How much money/success/love can I tolerate?
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Oct 28, 2019 | Podcast
This week is about getting visible and trusting, surrendering!
44. Visibility: It’s safe to be me.
You’ve done a remarkable job of tapping into your big vision. Now it’s time to allow the world to see you in all your glory. Your angels are here to help you release any limiting beliefs around being judged as a lightworker from all lifetimes. It’s time to let go of the doubts or worries; there are too many people praying for you right now. Get over yourself and show up for the ones who are out there struggling without your guidance. Mantra: “It is safe to be unapologetically me. Nothing added to me would make me any greater, nothing taken away would make me any less. I am pure free forever.”
41. Marketing: Get More Visible!
Energy is amazing to attract your soulmate clients but there’s something to be said for proper marketing. You must put yourself out there in a way people can clearly understand how you can help them AND ask for a sale! The money you make is a direct reflection of how many people you’re helping. If you struggle with figuring out the right words, get help! There are too many people who need you. Put yourself out there and make an offer today.
4. Flow: Let go of control.
The angels are asking you to let go of control. Surrender to divine outcome and divine timing. You’re working too hard right now and no matter how much you hustle and push, you’re out of alignment with what you truly desire. Take a deep breath in, and on your exhale release your worries to the angels. Use the affirmation: “I fully and completely trust that everything will work out even better than I imagined. I surrender my will to God and the angels to create miracles inside of me and all around me.”
Bonus! 42. Social Media: Your guides will create the strategy.
You can’t avoid the topic of social media and your guides are here to help you create the perfect social media marketing strategy ever. You don’t have to be on all of the platforms but please pick at least one that you will be 100% committed to. If you find consistency difficult, schedule one day per week to create captions. Start a folder of other accounts you love and borrow their themes. DROP the story that you just don’t get it, you’re not techy, or you’ve never been good at it. Embrace the fact that your angels and guides are here to lovingly assist you in this process.
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
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