Weekly Oracle Card Forecast Reading June 13-19

Weekly Oracle Card Forecast Reading June 13-19

Weekly Oracle Card Forecast Reading June 13-19

Episode 397

This is such a momentous week! To build on this energy share or brag in the comments under the video or on Instagram and tag me @emilyaarons!!!



? 17. Celebration: Share your SPARK!
? 25. Wealth: You’re surrounded by an abundance
? 5. Get outside: Take a breather



June 13 Energy Forecast:

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Weekly Oracle Card Forecast Reading May 9-15

Weekly Oracle Card Forecast Reading May 9-15

Weekly Oracle Card Forecast Reading May 9-15

Episode 390

Happy May 9!

If there were a song to go along with this week’s angel message it would be Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds” because every little thing is gonna be alright! ?

The way you get there is by clearing your energy, so make sure you book that healing session ASAP!

*Watch for my dog Wexford at the end of this week’s forecast!! ? ?


? 38. Clear your energy: Stop, drop and realign with your highest
? 8. Overthinking: Get out of your head and into your heart
? 17. Celebration: Share your SPARK!



May 9 Energy Forecast:

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More ways to stay connected…

? Book a call with me!


? For LIVE and on-demand energy healings that clear your blocks and align you to more abundance join the Mastery & Ascension waitlist today!

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Angels In Your Biz Weekly Forecast February 21

Angels In Your Biz Weekly Forecast February 21

Angels In Your Biz Weekly Forecast February 21

Episode 364


Happy February 21st!

This is the absolute PERFECT week to celebrate publicly and brag a little about yourself!

February 21 Energy Forecast:


17. Celebration: Share your SPARK!

Share your SPARK! Every single little micro-win must be celebrated because it breeds more of that good stuff! When you celebrate with deep gratitude in your heart, the universe gives you more to celebrate! You’re in the perfect spot to shout your wins from a rooftop! Your energy is so good right now! Use your wins to attract your soulmate clients like a moth to the flame! Treat yourself to something special today; act as if it’s your birthday!

16. Be The Magnet: Harness the power within you

It’s time to harness the power you have within. Focus your attention and thoughts on exactly what you want. Give yourself permission to want whatever you want, even if it’s excessive; you deserve it! Release any thoughts of lack, what if, or worry to your angels.

To truly become the magnet you must feel unconditional love in your heart and allow it to expand within and all around you. A magnet never questions if it will attract another magnet, it just is. Who are you not to attract everything you desire? Your feelings are the magnet, so whether you’re feeling good or feeling bad, the universe doesn’t care, it will always deliver that to you. Put on some dancing music or watch a funny cat video, get your VIBE high!

15. Aligned Action: Don’t delay, act

Has fear been tripping you up lately? Worried about your next steps? It’s time to get out of your head and into your heart. You, my dear, are energy and so is everything around you. If you choose to disconnect from that flow all around you and within you, you’re cutting yourself off from the flow. God/the Universe is sending you messages and signs every single day, and if you keep trying to make sense of them, you’re missing the whole point.

The messages are coming to YOU, not someone else, and if you continue to ignore them or overthink them to death, the universe will simply stop sending them. Get that intuitive hit or nudge and TAKE ACTION! Do something with it, for goodness sake!

Your angels are trying to be direct with you. You’re not a victim, you’re a powerhouse, so start taking action like one!

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Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast November 22

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast November 22

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast November 22

Episode 325

Happy November 22!

Your guides are really asking you to acknowledge how far you’ve come AND to take space to charge…plus at the end, I offer some really great tips to protect your energy this week and holiday season!

November 22 Energy Forecast:


17. Celebration: Share your SPARK!

Share your SPARK! Every single little micro-win must be celebrated because it breeds more of that good stuff! When you celebrate with deep gratitude in your heart, the universe gives you more to celebrate!

You’re in the perfect spot to shout your wins from a rooftop! Your energy is so good right now! Use your wins to attract your soulmate clients like a moth to the flame! Treat yourself to something special today; act as if it’s your birthday!

40. Inspiration: It’s your purpose to shine your light

You’re a lightworker! It’s your soul’s purpose to shine your light so that others can shine theirs too. Please don’t dim your light because you’re afraid of what someone else will think or say. Those people aren’t your soulmate clients!

As a lightworker, you can be like a flashlight in a dusty corner; many people don’t want to see what’s there, so they’ll try to dim your light or put it out…they’re just not ready to see. Send them a loving blessing and move on. Your actions will inspire others!

38. Clear Your Energy: Stop, drop and realign with your highest

Are you getting too caught up in your head? Maybe you’re not sure what your next steps are? Stop, drop and realign with your highest and best. Your guidance system is here; all you need to do is close your eyes, imagine you’re in a beautiful white sparkly bubble, and your angels will do the rest.

Breathe in deeply, let go of anything not serving you, and open up to higher levels of creativity, joy, connection, excitement, and abundance! The world needs you to be in alignment and serving at a high frequency!


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Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast November 16

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast November 16

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast November 16

This week’s forecast is one part hype-woman and two parts angelic support…so you KNOW it’s awesome!

November 16 Energy Forecast:

17. Celebration: Share your SPARK!

Share your SPARK! Every single little micro-win must be celebrated because it breeds more of that good stuff! When you celebrate with deep gratitude in your heart, the universe gives you more to celebrate! You’re in the perfect spot to shout your wins from a rooftop! Your energy is so good right now! Use your wins to attract your soulmate clients like a moth to the flame! Treat yourself to something special today; act as if it’s your birthday!

39. Guardian Angels: Infinite support is here

You’ve been working so hard! When you pull this card, 100 guardian angels appear around. Allow them to alleviate your anxiety, worry, doubt, and stress. Take a deep breath and know that you’re taken care of today and every day. Even though they’re invisible, your guardian angels are always here to surround you and infuse you with unconditional love.

15. Aligned Action: Don’t delay, act

Has fear been tripping you up lately? Worried about your next steps? It’s time to get out of your head and into your heart. You, my dear, are energy and so is everything around you. If you choose to disconnect from that flow all around you and within you, you’re cutting yourself off from the flow. God/the Universe is sending you messages and signs every single day, and if you keep trying to make sense of them, you’re missing the whole point. The messages are coming to YOU, not someone else, and if you continue to ignore them or overthink them to death, the universe will simply stop sending them. Get that intuitive hit or nudge and TAKE ACTION! Do something with it, for goodness sake! Your angels are trying to be direct with you. You’re not a victim, you’re a powerhouse, so start taking action like one!

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