In this episode Jill and Emily jam on what it’s like to have ease and alignment after feelings of breakdown. Jill gives the listeners her process to ask themselves “what do I REALLY want” and how can I allow that in? We find it’s in the white space where all the answers reveal themselves.

Jill Stanton is the co-founder of Screw The Nine To Five—her and her husband, Josh’s slice of the internet where they help transform unsatisfied employees into dangerously-successful entrepreneurs so they can work whenever they want from wherever they want!

She’s a new mom, has an inappropriate love for trashy tv and isn’t afraid of a tall glass of gin.


Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Staying on mission and maintaining your personal alignment
  • Processing changes in your life and bringing them into your life
  • Getting rid of your “maybes” and deciding for yourself to give in to your intuition
  • Understanding that you must be open and surrendering to your inner knowing
  • Creating something new that you can put your heart and soul into
  • Example of a conference where you allow time to clear your mind
  • Listening to audiobooks and considering how to understand what you listen to
  • How to be gentle on yourself and your spouse when it comes to emotional turmoil
  • Having different routines to make you feel better about yourself and your life


3 Key Points:

  • Make sure to constantly check and decide on a mission that you believe in.
  • You must always be open and decide to clear your mind in order to have a better life.
  • You must be gentle with yourself and understand that you are only human; you can only do so much.


Tweetable Quotes:

  • “When you are in that alignment, you can do all you want.” – Jill Stanton
  • “Allowing your dreams to grow with no fear is essential.” – Emily Aarons


Resources Mentioned:




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