by emilyaarons | Jan 19, 2021 | Blog
Imagine yourself walking around wearing a white outfit. Every time you walk by someone or something you get a different color splattered on you.
Sometimes you don’t have to leave your house for it to happen. You may start looking at social media and all of a sudden your white clothes that were nice, bright and clean, they are triggered, angry, or stressed out (splattered in color).
You’ve gone from wearing a clean white outfit to being covered in mess.
This is what’s happening on a daily basis with our energy system.
All of the emotions that you feel like happy, sad, worried, anxious, and excited – they all affect your entire energy field both positively and negatively.
You’re experiencing all of these things internally in your body, in your cells, in your physiological body and your systems like your organs, your skin, your hair, your nails, muscles, bones, and joints. You’re feeling it everywhere.
A simple trigger, like something unpleasant on social media, can also impact your physical well-being.
You can get stored up emotions, like stress, that end up causing other symptoms. Symptoms like pain (and no one wants that!).
It can also bring on dis-ease. The root of illness is dis-ease (disease), these stored up emotions and stressors that you haven’t cleared out of the body… haven’t cleared out of your energy field.
Energy Hygiene 101
The reason why you would want to clear your energy field regularly, is exactly why you brush your teeth daily or bathe yourself. It’s just a regular cleansing and releasing of things that no longer serve you so that you can be at your optimal health level.

And again, if you’re walking around in this white outfit gathering all these energy splotches, by the time you get back home and you may be feeling upset about your day. Which then affects how you interact with yourself, your friends, and your family. See how it can snowball?
Over time, not taking good care of yourself energetically and having all this additional stress can impact the way you also show up in the world, in your workday, in your business, your friendships, and relationships.
It affects everything.
Clearing your energy helps!
In this post, we’re focusing specifically on Chakras.
You want to clear your Chakras to maintain well-being and to create more joy, more freedom, expansion, vitality, new inspiration, new ideas, new connections, and all of the “good stuff”.
You don’t have to know what Chakras are to feel the results of these free guided meditations to clear, repair, and align your seven major energy centers. Especially if you are sensitive to energy (and who isn’t???).
Whether or not you’ve spent time learning about Chakras, you can still experience the effects of when they are blocked or not aligned.
What the heck are chakras?
Chakras are energy centers in our body.
Each of our chakras corresponds with a different emotional state and type of expression and this free Chakra series is really helpful for that.
An energy blockage will show up differently for each Chakra.
For example, if your solar plexus Chakra is clogged or feeling heavy, it affects your ability to feel powerful.
Instead, you may find yourself feeling like a doormat, like people keep walking all over you.
It can go the other way too. When the solar plexus chakra isn’t aligned, you can be too much in your power and come across aggressive, or off-putting.
This is why it’s so important to clear, repair, and align your Chakras regularly. I recommend weekly if possible and even daily.
Before we get into the meditations, I’ll share a little about the name and meaning of chakras to get you started.
Chakras names.
The Seven Major Chakras are:
Root or Base Chakra (Sanskrit name Muladhara)
Sacral Chakra (Sanskrit name Svadhisthana)
Solar Plexus (Sanskrit name Manipura)
Heart Chakra (Sanskrit name Anahata)
Throat Chakra (Sanskrit name Vishuddha)
Third-Eye Chakra (Sanskrit name Ajna)
Crown Chakra (Sanskrit name Sahasrara)

Chakra meaning.
The Sanskrit word for each chakra also has a meaning:
- Muladhara (root) = I am
- Swadhisthana (sacral) = I feel
- Manipura (solar plexus) = I do
- Anahata (heart) = I love
- Vishuddha (throat) = I speak
- Ajna (third-eye) = I see
- Sahasrara (crown) = I understand
Why do you need to clear them?
Simply put, when our chakras are out of balance, our lives can be out of whack too.
For example, if you are launching a new product and your root chakra and solar plexus chakras are clogged, it can make it difficult to have a successful launch!
You may feel like you are insecure, you could be worrying about money and you may feel more defeated if sales don’t show up immediately when your solar plexus chakra and root chakras are clogged.
You want to feel empowered and comfortable with your financial investment when you are launching your new and exciting products, right?
All the chakras have a specific function and are equally important to living your aligned life, fully supported.
This is why I’m sharing these 7 free guided meditations to help you clear, repair, and align your chakras from the top down, from your crown to your root chakra.
Which of your chakras is out of whack?
Below you will find a little about each chakra so you know which meditation you should start with.
If you’re looking for a full-body meditation, I have one in my Mastery and Ascension Membership for Annual Members.
For now, you can get information about each Chakra and try the accompanying free guided meditation to clear it.
By the way, many meditations clear from the base chakra up, but I recommend clearing from the top (crown) down. Try it out and see how you like it.
Be sure to let me know how you feel after you clear, repair, and align your Chakras. You can tag me on Instagram @emilyaarons.
Guided meditations to clear your Chakras.
Your crown chakra is how you receive information from source. You can think of it like an antenna. It’s like plugging into all the wisdom of the universe.
Listen here to clear, repair, and align your Crown Chakra.

The Third-Eye Chakra is responsible for inner-knowing, your inspiration, and intuition. Your crown chakra brings it in and your third-eye is responsible for allowing you to trust that and expand your intuition.
It also helps silence your mind and your thoughts.
Listen here to clear, repair, and align your Third-Eye Chakra.

Your throat Chakra is speaking your truth. If you ever get a little raspy in your voice or lose your voice, it’s an instant clue that your throat chakra could use some support, or that you may be upgrading to a new level of speaking your truth.
Listen here to clear, repair, and align your Throat Chakra.

Your heart is where you give and receive unconditional love. It’s also about connection and healing and is a place where we as lightworkers tend to get a little tripped up.
Listen here to clear, repair, and align your Heart Chakra.

Your third chakra or solar plexus is where we trust. This is trusting ourselves and other people. It’s like trusting your gut.
It also is the Chakra that speaks to how we manifest. Our belly and heart are great chakras to tune into if you have a big decision to make.
Listen here to clear, repair, and align your Solar-Plexus Chakra.

Your second chakra is where your creativity lives. You can think of it where the womb is on a woman, where you would birth ideas into the world. This is also the energy center that has to do with nurturing.
Listen here to clear, repair, and align your Sacral Chakra.

The root or base chakra is said to be “the junk drawer” of the body. It has to do with family, money, safety, and security – things that can feel heavy at times.
But when this Chakra is aligned and balanced it can feel really strong, stable, and grounded.
When you want to manifest more money in your business, this is the Chakra to clear and align!
Listen here to clear, repair, and align your root chakra.

I hope you have a good understanding now of why getting stuck in any of these energetic places can affect your life. Clearing them out as soon as possible helps!
Want the full clearing at once? When you join Mastery & Ascension as an annual member you get the full-body clearing.
Find out more here:
Mastery & Ascension

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