Codependent To Confident Coach

Codependent To Confident Coach

Codependent To Confident Coach

In today’s episode, I am talking about how to become a better coach and lead your clients with more confidence.

I am really excited to be talking about how to shift from being a codependent coach to a more confident coach and how to really hold space for your clients so they can have life-changing breakthroughs

In this episode, I will share 7 key shifts that you need to follow if you want to learn how to become a better coach and lead your clients with more confidence.

My goal is to share with you some of the common mistakes that you might be making with your clients and coaching groups so that you can lead with more confidence.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • How to shift from being a codependent coach to a more confident coach.
  • Why it’s important to set boundaries when coaching your clients.
  • Understanding the importance of screening your clients.
  • Why it’s important to detach from your client’s success.
  • Why as a coach, you need to understand that breakdowns precede breakthroughs.
  • How to hold space for your clients so that they can process and get to the other side.
  • Why it’s important to show your clients how to track their progress.

Shareable Quotes:

  • “People are not hiring you so that you can be their friend.” – Emily Aarons
  • “I am only available for people who are 100 percent committed to their own growth and taking responsibility for their transformation.” – Emily Aarons
  • “A massive breakdown means a breakthrough because you’re breaking down the constructs of who you are so that you can become that next better version of yourself.” – Emily Aarons

Resources to take you deeper:

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

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Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast September 14

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast September 14

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast September 14

As often as I pull cards, THIS week gave me a big surprise! It’s basically a miracle sandwich…

September 14 Energy Forecast

21. Manifestation: You are a manifesting machine

You’re literally a manifesting machine. Your thoughts are electric, and your body is magnetic. When your thoughts and feelings align, you can manifest instantly. Forget “realistic” or “timing”; you’re the one with the power. Today is the day to proclaim what you desire and by when. Release any stories around your wants and repeat this mantra: “The more I say yes to my desires, the more the Universe says yes to me.” Start small with a quarter, then a parking spot, then go wild; you deserve it!

43. Soulmate Client: Your dream clients are in your heart

Heed the call, my love. Your soulmate client is here and is desperate to connect with you. Close your eyes and feel gratitude in your heart. Allow that energy to expand and connect to your one soulmate client; the one who loves working with you and paying for your services, and you love them too. This is the perfect time to listen to the whispers and the little hints that you sense. If you’re having writer’s block, you’re not connecting. Imagine there’s someone out there praying just for you and your services/offers…they’re actually desperate to find you, their life depends on getting your help. Not the help from someone “like you” but actually you; please stop denying them of your gifts. Ask any of these questions right now: “What would you like to hear from me? How can I best serve you right now? Why do you need me and this offer today? What do I need to do so you can find me?” Now TRUST in the messages and take action!

XX Mystery card!!

39. Guardian Angels: Infinite support is here

You’ve been working so hard! When you pull this card, 100 guardian angels appear around. Allow them to alleviate your anxiety, worry, doubt, and stress. Take a deep breath and know that you’re taken care of today and every day. Even though they’re invisible, your guardian angels are always here to surround you and infuse you with unconditional love.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

How to Access Your Creative Self with Jodie King

How to Access Your Creative Self with Jodie King

How to Access Your Creative Self with Jodie King

Art was an “accidental” career for Jodie, born from following her intuition and painting what she felt like painting. She literally got discovered in her own home by people seeing her art on the walls of her house (how does that even happen???).

At first, she felt like she didn’t belong in the art world though. Art galleries felt high end, fancy, or off-limits.

Longing to be as free as possible – like “fling-paint-on-the-wall-kind-of-free” – Jodie found a passion for abstract art. What initially looked like a kindergartener’s attempt at painting, evolved to something much more. Through meditation, she was able to ground herself and offer a path for her creativity to come through in a way that you can feel. Whatever energy she has, becomes part of the art.

And not just for Jodie. She wants others to know about this too. Following your intuition, throwing paint at the wall if you want, or any way you choose to express your creativity, it all carries a vibration.

Through her desire to learn more about art, she discovered we’re all creative, we’re all artists and now she teaches others to paint from the same place of honesty that she does.

She developed “Honest Art Workshops” and talks about some of the transformations happening with her students in this episode.

This conversation combines intuition, creativity, and how everyone can access it.

Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram if you are inspired to create something after listening – I’d love to see it!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Intuition is not a roar, it’s a whisper. It’s a curiosity.
  • The benefit of going straight from meditation to the canvas.
  • Art has a vibration.
  • We can heal ourselves through art.
  • The 70-year-old student that felt so free she went off and got her first tattoo.
  • It’s a remembering of our magnificence.
  • What you put out comes back to you.
  • When we ask a question and just listen, we’re always going to be guided.
  • The six stages of the creative process.
  • How Jodie’s creative process applies to entrepreneurs.
  • With creations, you’re putting on the outside how you feel on the inside (good or bad!).

Resources to take you deeper:

About Jodie

Jodie King is an artist, an instructor, a speaker, a kitchen dancer… She feels her mission is to bring beauty to the world through her art and she helps others excavate their authentic power and joy through the use of art and creativity.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast September 7

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast September 7

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast September 7

WOWZA – just like that we’re in September! The energy this week is asking you to get present with all the good that’s happening even in the midst of heavy stuff. Listen to what’s wanting to be expressed and let it out!

September 7 Energy Forecast

1. Balance: Look at the blessings in your life

Take a moment to look around at all of the blessings in your life. Some days it may feel like “too much” to take but what if that were just a story you told yourself so you could take a break? There are always sacrifices that must be made for the sake of success. Make space in your schedule for play, love, friendships, silence, and adventure. Work will always be there, but it’s time to fill your cup too.

15. Aligned Action: Don’t delay, act

Has fear been tripping you up lately? Worried about your next steps? It’s time to get out of your head and into your heart. You, my dear, are energy and so is everything around you. If you choose to disconnect from that flow all around you and within you, you’re cutting yourself off from the flow. God/the Universe is sending you messages and signs every single day, and if you keep trying to make sense of them, you’re missing the whole point. The messages are coming to YOU, not someone else, and if you continue to ignore them or overthink them to death, the universe will simply stop sending them. Get that intuitive hit or nudge and TAKE ACTION! Do something with it, for goodness sake! Your angels are trying to be direct with you. You’re not a victim, you’re a powerhouse, so start taking action like one!

30. Leap of Faith: Feed your fear or your faith

Do you feel like you don’t have the confidence for something right now? Guess what? That’s not a good enough excuse to stop. There are people who need you and maybe you don’t have the “perfect plan” but even if you did, something would shift and change. You’re adaptable and smart. You CAN do this! You’ve figured out harder things and you’re ready for a big shift. Are you gonna just stand there with your toes on the edge too worried to move, or are you going to take a running leap trusting that you’ll soar with your angels all around you? The choice is yours. Feed your fear or feed your faith. It’s up to you!

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

How To Use The Akashic Records In Your Business (crazy stories that nobody talks about)

How To Use The Akashic Records In Your Business (crazy stories that nobody talks about)

How To Use The Akashic Records In Your Business (crazy stories that nobody talks about)

In this episode, I dive deep into how to use the Akashic Records in your business, how it can help you to open up to new possibilities and I also share the crazy success and healing stories that nobody talks about.

I started to use the Akashic Records every day because I started to notice how it allowed me to access and tap into higher levels of intuition and I noticed that the more I used my intuition the better results that I would get for myself and my clients.

I am excited to go deeper into this topic because learning how to read the Akashic Records can help you get information and insights that you wouldn’t normally have access to and completely shift your business.

If you’ve had those negative voices in your head, I want you to know that you are not alone.

My goal today is for you to learn how to use the Akashic Records in your business so that you can finally take your business to the next level.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • What are the Akashic Records and how to use them in your business and life.
  • The benefits of accessing your soul book to learn about yourself at a deeper level.
  • How the Akashic Records can help you think differently about your relationships.
  • How going into the Akashic Records every day can help you tap into higher levels of intuition.
  • Understanding that we all have different experiences when reading the Akashic Records.
  • How to receive information from the Akashic Records.
  • Why every time you read your Akashic records you are going to have a different experience.
  • How the Akashic Records can help you get information and insights that you wouldn’t normally have access to.
  • Examples of questions that you can ask to learn How to use the Akashic records to shift your business.

Resources to take you deeper:

Shareable Quotes

  • “Accessing your soul book information allows you to learn about yourself and experience deeper levels of healing.” – Emily Aarons
  • “Divine timing allows you to get the information you need at the time you really need it.” – Emily Aarons
  • “The reason why I was so motivated to go into my Akashic Records every day was because every time I went in, I felt that I was able to access and tap higher levels of intuition.” – Emily Aarons

About Jodie

Jodie King is an artist, an instructor, a speaker, a kitchen dancer… She feels her mission is to bring beauty to the world through her art and she helps others excavate their authentic power and joy through the use of art and creativity.

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