Angels In Your Biz Weekly Forecast February 14
Angels In Your Biz Weekly Forecast February 14

Happy February 14th!
Brace yourself friends, spirit is bringing the HEAT (and a spirit dope slap)!!!
February 14 Energy Forecast:
11. Responsibility: “I am NOT a victim”
The universe isn’t testing you, it’s reflecting you. It’s time to take full responsibility for everything happening within you and all around you. If you aren’t happy with the way things look, change them. Remember, whenever you point your finger, there are three pointing back at you.
Time to look at your own stuff a little deeper and notice the stories you’ve been telling yourself about this situation. Start by saying: “I choose this, I am NOT a victim.” The more we assume responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, energy, and circumstances, the more those things begin to improve.
23. Outsource: Stop trying to do everything alone
If you’re trying to do everything alone, you’re actually not serving at your highest level. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Your guides have been trying to connect you with all the right people whom you can trust to help with your day-to-day operations. They want your success as much as you do, and you’ve finally reached the point where you MUST hire help if you ever want to see your dreams come true. You’re wasting precious resources like time and energy by doing too much, it’s safe to ask for help and receive it.
44. Visibility: It’s safe to be me.
You’ve done a remarkable job of tapping into your big vision. Now it’s time to allow the world to see you in all your glory.
Your angels are here to help you release any limiting beliefs around being judged as a lightworker from all lifetimes. It’s time to let go of the doubts or worries; there are too many people praying for you right now.
Get over yourself and show up for the ones who are out there struggling without your guidance. Mantra: “It is safe to be unapologetically me. Nothing added to me would make me any greater, nothing taken away would make me any less. I am pure free forever.”
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