by emilyaarons | Nov 18, 2021 | Podcast
TBT Finding The Right Next Steps
We’re so excited to throw it back to our 24th episode of the Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast, where Emily shares a highly requested topic from her community.
When to know you’re ready for the “next step” and how to find the “next step” when you’re up-leveling.
We’re sharing the 3 Key Points of this episode:
- You get to the place of trust by doing the work.
- Put yourself in a place where you can allow yourself to hear what the universe is saying.
- Think of your body as a channel for receiving information.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- Emily shares the reality that the “next step” is really not all that far away.
- How we tend to look at outside sources for answers, and maybe that’s not the right place.x
- Emily shares about the type of person that can trust their inner knowing.
- What it takes to get to the “place of trust.”
- Let it “simmer.” Emily dives into the idea of “simmering.”
- How “allowing” brings about alignment.
- She walks us through her thoughts and processes about taking the next steps.
- Being open and willing to take the next step.
- “If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” – Emily Aarons
- “The energy of pushing shuts out all the joy.” – Emily Aarons
- “You don’t need to know what the entire road looks like, you just need to see what’s right in front of you.” – Emily Aarons
About Emily
Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.
Love this episode? Tune into the next one!
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by emilyaarons | Nov 24, 2020 | Podcast
UNguarding Your Heart – Inside an Energy Healing Session With Emily Aarons
This is a personal energy healing session with me that wasn’t recorded with the intention of sharing it. After it was recorded, it felt so significant that I got special permission to share it.
I think it will benefit many of you. Not just by listening, but also by experiencing the heart chakra clearing right alongside my client (we’ve kept her name confidential).
This energy healing session is RELATABLE because so many of my one-on-one clients think they don’t have clarity for their business. Spoiler alert – it often turns out to be something else.
You can be stuck, but not for the reasons you think. That’s where having a session with an energy healer can be invaluable.
I know this client is NOT the only one feeling she is pushing a boulder up a hill and having the feeling like it never gets to the other side.
This podcast episode is for all of you who:
- Feel like you have disconnected from your path.
- Feel like you have reached a plateau and are stuck.
- Are trying to juggle family life and your needs often fall to the back burner.
And so much more!
While I don’t want to advertise single sessions with me, I do want to encourage you to join the Mastermind Program because that’s the only way other than individual coaching that I offer.
Take a listen to this powerful episode, unlike anything I’ve ever shared. It feels needed and I hope you enjoy it.
You can let me know how you relate to this energy healing in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- “Who am I after becoming a mom?” The mom guilt and how to look at that differently.
- Fear of not being good enough and fear of failure. The questions to ask to help you feel safe.
- Asking “Is this what I truly want?” and being honest about it.
- How to get over the hump (It’s possible!).
- Why you need to reprogram your mind when it’s manifesting things you don’t want.
- Truth: You have infinite possibilities.
- The need to reset the mindset around manifestation and money.
- “I’m not taking advice from someone who doesn’t do what I do”. Emily Aarons.
- “If you’re having trouble making deep, honest connections, it’s because it’s guarded”. Emily Aarons.
- “You are that person you’ve been waiting for”. Emily Aarons.
- “Let go of the baggage. Let it go”. Emily Aarons.
Resources to take you deeper:
About Emily
Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.
Love this episode? Tune into the next one!
by emilyaarons | Nov 19, 2019 | Podcast

Today, you will discover the process that I follow to make hard decisions easy.
In this episode, I go deep into the importance of making decisions from a flow state.
Decisions feel hard when you are out of alignment because your ego is the one that is in charge.
On the other hand, when you are in alignment and you are in a flow state, it’s easy; you just have this knowing and it feels like it’s done.
Making decisions should be a simple yes or a simple no.
Highlights you won’t want to miss:
- Why it’s important to remove the drama from your decision-making process.
- Why decisions can be light and easy or hard and stressful.
- How to avoid complaining energy and what it really is.
- How to sit with your decisions so you can really see what’s causing you stress.
- What do you gain by agonizing over this decision?
- What is decision fatigue and how to avoid it?
- How the stress of not making a decision affects your body.
- Why smart entrepreneurs understand the importance of investing in their mindset so they can become more successful.
Shareable Quotes
- “You have all the knowing inside of you. It’s a matter of giving yourself permission to look at it.” – Emily Aarons
- “You are the most valuable asset in your business. Your business can’t run without you. So you need to take care of yourself and pause long enough to find where your ease is.” – Emily Aarons
- “If you are brought into the stress, it means you are not in the flow. So what is it telling you? Part of what it is telling you is that you’re not aligned with that thing.” – Emily Aarons
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Nov 18, 2019 | Podcast

This week is all about getting clear and allowing your expansion!
8. Overthinking: Get out of your head and into your heart
Uh-oh! Right now you’re out of alignment and you may be trying to control too much. It’s time to get out of your head and into your heart. Stop right now and place both hands over your heart and say: “I release all of my limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and worry over to my angels.” It’s time to STOP, DROP, AND ALIGN to your highest self, connect with your soulmate client and listen to what they are praying for from you.
3. Crystal Clear: You can BE it
If you can see it, you can BE it. There is nothing you can not have. Release control of how things should be and allow the universe to orchestrate the most incredible life full of miracles. Make sure you give thanks and celebrate all the tiny micro-wins, as the universe is showing you that it’s all happening with little energetic breadcrumbs. Don’t take them for granted – it’s all happening! Take a look around and find evidence of it working!
24. Upleveling: Breathe deeply into your expansion
If you’ve been feeling a little under the weather please trust that it’s simply your body’s response to your massive energetic shifts. Congratulations on dreaming big, now get quiet and listen to what your body is trying to tell you! If you’re not listening, it will speak louder in the form of a cold, a stomach bug, or worse! Breathe deeply into your expansion and smile knowing that you’re absolutely on the verge of something BIG!
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
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