Using Human Design To Get Aligned In Your Biz with Adriana Keefe

Using Human Design To Get Aligned In Your Biz with Adriana Keefe

Using Human Design To Get Aligned In Your Biz

with Adriana Keefe

Can living in alignment with your Human Design catapult your business?

Thatโ€™s just what happened with Adriana Keefe when she found Human Design and started applying it to her business.

Not only did alignment bring more abundance, but she also found more happiness too!

Being aligned is that thing that makes you magnetic to your soul clients and this episode gets into how your intuition and your Human Design type can help you let go of the subconscious patterning that is blocking you.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • Why Adriana left a job where she was thriving but feeling burnt out.
  • How your true authentic self is the yummiest thing you can be.
  • Is holding on to subconscious patterning keeping you from your goals?
  • Your energy field has answers to what needs to be shifted and cleared.
  • The different kinds of energy healing available to you to help with your blocks.
  • Human Design as a tool to live in alignment with who you are.
  • What helps you thrive for each of the 5 Human Design types.

All right, warm welcome back to the podcast, friends! I am pleased to be joined by Adriana Keefe today. And we are going to dove into, you know, where you’re blocked in your Human Design and some strategies to help you overcome that.

I know, all of you, you’ve got about Human Design. I do, too. And I also kind of feel like it’s like a little bit of a foreign language to me that I haven’t quite picked up on yet. I know like how to count to ten, and that’s about it. And so if you are new to Human Design, I think this is a really fun place to start. I know my audience. We love to talk about money. And so Adriana and I were just saying before we started recording, we’d love to talk about money, too. So I’m sure that we’ll tie into this in a big way. But before we get into that, Adriana, I’d love to have my guests introduce themselves, let us know a little bit more about you and how you got to this place.

Of course. Well, thank you so much for having me. I was really excited about this recording because I love listening to your podcast and I love your energy. And we both say the F word a lot. And so I’m down with that. I’m Adriana. I’m from central Massachusetts. I am a mom of three, a wife, an animal lover. I love wine and swear words and new girl and Schitt’s Creek. And that’s probably all my favorite things right there. I love – I watch new girl like every week or so good…
alternate between the two of them it’s

so good

night music…

Well that and working moms. Have you seen working moms yet?

I’ve seen some of it. I haven’t watched it. Like it’s not the same degree. Like I’ve watched the show mostly.

Same but still good. So good.


So I’m a sucker for that type of show. I actually ended up marrying a man who very much looks like and acts like Schmidt. So love it!

Oh my gosh!

You know, that happened after the fact.


But yeah, I started in coaching actually through the network marketing model. And my coach at the time was like trying to point out to me that I really should branch out on my own because I’m a very good coach. That’s my favorite part of the team. And during that time I was actually in real estate. I was so burnt out, I was exhausted. I was pregnant with my second child. I’m a very high anxiety person. I was stressed out all the time. I wasn’t sleeping and the market was kind of like it is now. It was just like four years ago that I stopped. So it was crazy and I, I needed to figure my stuff out. So I work with multiple life coaches and then a business coach and then I just ended up jumping in and I was like, why the hell not? I mean, I was on maternity leave. Let’s have fun.
Right. Well, going from real estate into coaching, like I can see there are some definite correlations and having to have patience, you have to be really self-motivated and self-driven getting yourself out there.

And I mean also with real estate like I know people who, you know, they struggle selling low priced houses and people who just have like these gazillion dollar listings and they’re like killing it.
And so there’s such a wide spread that you have to choose from and like where you’re living. We’re both in Massachusetts. I think that’s like the coolest thing. So when you finally dove into coaching, how did you decide sort of where you wanted to be in coaching this so broad? And it’s a saturated market. I mean, there are so many coaches out there and there’s a very low barrier of entry. So how did you start to differentiate yourself in your coaching?

I mean, luckily that was very similar to real estate, too. I mean, they’re a dime a dozen. It’s you, do you stand out or you don’t? And with coaching, it was not as smooth sailing from the get go as real estate. Like with real estate, I won two awards my very first year and it just kept on going. And then with coaching, it really took some time to find my groove, really took time to understand how to stand out because with real estate, you know, people either have to buy this, you know, this house or they’re ready to make the investment. They’ve been saving up for it.
But with coaching, a lot of times people don’t understand they need it until they really need it. And then it’s like, Well, do I want to spend the money and going through all that?
So that was definitely challenging navigating, learning how to sell myself essentially, and, and have them understand why this is important. And especially me because I was working with a lot of moms and moms are notorious for not spending on themselves. So even that took me a while.

But at first, I worked a lot in like the finding your purpose because that’s what everyone kept coming to me for. Like, how did you figure this out? How did you get here? What books do you read, what podcast do you listen to? So I did that. It didn’t take write off though. I mean, I had clients, but it wasn’t like the success that I always envisioned for myself. So working with different coaches, I play around with different offers. I always think having a business coach is crucial, no matter who you are, we all need one. And then it kind of transformed over time. I started to also, throughout this time, understand my own sense of spirituality.

I did not have any sort of spirituality for a very long time. I grew up in a Christian Catholic household. I never resonated with it. I unfortunately struggled for a few years with sexual abuse as a child and very much like, why would this happen to me, you know? So I lost all sense of faith then. And it was just over the past few years taking up yoga during that what I call my quarterlife crisis with real estate. I wanted to find a hobby, an outlet, and yoga, that’s what started everything for me. And it led to meditations like scripting, manifestation, and it just kept going. Reiki became certified and Reiki and all these things. So it just kind of spiraled out of there.

And so now the more I was working with clients, the more I was like, Yeah, but it’s not just about your goals. Like, what are you feeding your body? Are you getting movement in your day? And we would meditate in the sessions, and I started to realize, okay, I’m kind of a holistic coach. And then it just everything else that I was interested in that I would bring into my sessions, like manifestation, like human design, they wanted more of. So I really started to niche down which everyone’s afraid to do, right? So the more I niche down though, the more success I found and the more happiness I found because I was finding I came out of the spiritual closet, you know?

Yeah, yeah. And I know that feeling, too. When I came out of my spiritual closet, everything exploded. You know, you have self-doubt and fear that people are going to think you’re this, like, total weirdo. And I always personally had fears of, like, they’re going to see that I’m this super intuitive person and not want to have anything to do with me. Like, I don’t know why I would think that, but that’s what always stopped me. And similar to you with coaching, it was a progression of once I started to like let it out a little bit, then I let it out a little bit more. And then I was finally giving myself that freedom to be fully embodying.

I hear your story kind of similar, even with yoga, kind of getting you back into your body, reclaiming your body, coming back to yourself, and then being able to express that in other facets of your life. And then immediately with your work as well. And when you can see that your sessions are more dynamic and more robust, that builds confidence. And it’s like, well, damn, I guess this is this is me. This is how I want to be in my work. And when we can put that true, authentic self out there that we’re all doing what you love, like that is the gem. That is what we’re all hoping to do. And when you come at the world with that kind of energy, it is so yummy and magnetic.

So it does it does say, oh, yeah, she knows what she’s doing. And so I teach this in my programs too around being a specialist versus a general practitioner and standing out in a saturated market can be really challenging. And I think that on one hand, you know, folks want to grow business and they want to make an impact. On the other hand, there are so many subconscious saboteurs that are not permitting them from getting out there. And so I know we want to kind of dove into that because as we get into human design, you and I were kind of chatting about there are some there’s like this some groundwork that has to be done before you can truly unlock your human design.

So what have you discovered with your clients when you started to kind of activate them with your work?

It’s so funny because the more that I have started to understand the stories in the subconscious, the more I’m easily picking up on it. Like how you were just saying you don’t know why you felt as though being intuitive was like a bad thing. But if you think about it, when we were kids, I don’t know about your parents, but my parents would not go see a psychic like that would be weird. I mean, it..

Wasn’t weird in my family. It wasn’t even. It just wasn’t talked about it.
Well, yeah. There you go.

That’s part of it is like. These things are. Not just subconscious that happened to us in this lifetime, but when we actually do the real work, we find out where it was rooted from, from other lifetimes and and through generations. And so there is well-documented evidence that shows that our lineage carries imprints of what’s happened to our ancestors. So you might not have had like for me, like I wasn’t in a Christian home, I was in a Jewish home, and they didn’t care. And then my dad saw a Reiki practitioner. So it was not like taboo, but like he was a physician. So like, I guess like in that realm it’s a little bit like off from center. But it was never a thing.

And so you think like, where did that come from? Well, it wasn’t from this lifetime. I know that we can unpack so much when we really get hyper-focus. Like that’s part of our evolution as business owners is really all that internal work. We are not separate from our business, so our business growth cannot happen and we’re just like – no, I’m just here. I’m still like it literally. It’s not you can’t it does not work that way.

But at the same time, you don’t want to attach your self-worth to your business. And it’s just like this constant personal development journey. And you’re like, why in the world would I come into this quiet time and do this crap?

Exactly. I know I can’t wait to dove into more about epigenetics that fascinates me so much, but, you know, that’s a whole other topic. Um, I, I started seeing when I would work with clients or I mean, even with my own work, you know, we, they’d be really fascinated by something, they’d be in it. And then by the next session they’d be like, oh, with this, this and this. And I’m like, okay, why are they not seeing that progression? Why are they not holding true to what they want to do? Why are these affirmations feel bad to them? If you’re doing affirmations, they feel bad. That’s why would you, you can’t do that.

So I started to dig real deep and shout out to the Expanded Podcast by To Be Magnetic. They do a lot of this deep subconscious work. And I started to understand that.
And of course I read The Body Keeps the Score and learned so much about myself as, you know, the PTSD and everything. And the more I thought about it, the more I was like, wait, if we’re holding on to all of these stories and all of this subconscious patterning, how are we ever going? This is why we can’t reach those goals. This is why, like someone tells us, oh, this will work if you do this.

And then we try and do it, and then we fail and we’re like, Oh, that, why am I so bad at this? So you’re and your body manifests in all sorts of different ways, the stories that you’re holding on to, the trauma that you’re holding on to. We know that it does that physically with illness and whatnot. But what’s not talked about enough is that if you subconsciously only think you can make $5,000 a month and you truly don’t believe that you can get past that, you’re not going to get past that. So we need to dig deeper and figure out where did this come from, where did this stem from?
And a lot of the time, if you’re like me and you had a traumatic past, your memory is shot, like you can’t remember a lot of childhood. So when someone would ask me, Oh, go back to a memory and let’s work on that memory, I’d be like, I don’t know. I literally don’t know. But that’s where the powerful work with the subconscious mind hypnosis is something I’m doing right now.

That’s amazing!

Is, is like life changing because it brings up these memories that you didn’t know were still stored in your body, that you have so much resentment and or hatred or.
My biggest, biggest pattern that we found out was that I felt like a disappointment. Everything I did, I felt like a disappointment. And so I really had to work through that in order to move on.
That was continuing to hold me back. No matter how hard I hustled and pushed and did all the client meetings, it didn’t matter because I was still going to hold myself back and I. It just had to be worked out.

Yeah, absolutely. And even hearing you say that, it makes me think even the story I just shared around, like, people would leave me abandonment. Like, that’s like that’s my core wound of abandonment. And I too, like you like there’s very I have a very limited memory as a child and adolescent. And even when you don’t have the memories, it doesn’t mean you can’t access those places.

And so part of the work that I do energetically is as I tap into those places and I don’t have to have a story to hold on to, your energy field shows me where we need to go and where we need to begin. And it can become like a conversation of, okay, this is where let’s say we’re in your throat chakra at or in the throat chakra. And I’m feeling this constriction and all of a sudden I’m seeing this sort of video in my mind of the situation as a child and your Catholic school and the nuns are saying something to you, and then all of a sudden you were hit and you were punished and you were put somewhere else.

And you realize at that point, my voice doesn’t matter. You know, it’s like it doesn’t even have to be an actual memory. It can be what’s playing out in your energy field that needs to be cleared.
And so that is what’s so significant when you can finally realize that you have to unearth a lot of stuff so that you can truly heal past those things. And, you know, you don’t have to have the memory. You can obviously do hypnosis. You can do all kinds of work.

And I’ve even had people in certain circumstances say, like, they don’t remember exactly. And that’s okay if you don’t remember exactly, because your intuition will take you to the place that you need to do the work on. And from there that it’s like the next piece, the next piece, the next like. And with your when you’re with somebody as a practitioner who is highly skilled, they can hold the container for you to go wherever you need to go and to lead you or to hold the space or to stop or to stay or to clear or whatever they need to do for you. So it’s tremendous work. And it sounds like you’ve been really blessed to work on yourself with some really skilled practitioners and with your own work.

And I also did an Akashic Records reading, and that was also mind-blowing because there was some abandonment and loneliness there that also carried through into this lifetime. So yeah, just like you were talking about all the past lives and genetics and it’s all there. And now as you’re talking about your energy work, I’m like, Oh God, what are you picking up about me right now?

Like, hey, so, so, so… Okay, so here’s the fun part. Okay, so it’s kind of like I thought I used to think the same. I used to think the same thing when I started doing energy work when I was 18 years olds. I’ve been doing this for 23 years. And when I started going to school, I literally thought the same thing. I’m like everyone, it’s like I thought I was like just standing naked in the room.

Naked? Yes. Looking out there, peering into my soul.

Oh, my bit. I’m like, Oh, you can see it all! Oh my God! ๐Ÿ˜€

But here’s the thing. And the fun, fun. Fact about people who are highly sensitive or psychic. We don’t want to know.
Most of the time, like we don’t want to know and therefore we don’t get information coming at us. Also for me, so I’ve been doing this for a really long time. I actually find it to be very unethical to access some of this energy field without their permission.

And so I have like this happened to me. I was at a retreat somewhere. I was in Arizona. And this woman came up who’s very like. Well, very esoteric. Like she came up to me and basically gave me, this feels like you’re the chosen one. I have to tell you, this thing, it’s like really important that I do this activation for you. And I was like. Well, what? And I was like, it just sat really weird. And I was like, I’m like, what is she talking about on the show once? And I said something to a friend of mine who was at the same event, and I was like. What is this thing? She’s like, did you give her permission to access your field? I’m like, I did not. She’s like, that. It’s total bullshit.

Yes, that is what it is. I’m like, Thank you. It’s like, I couldn’t I couldn’t, like, put my finger on, like, why it was so uncomfortable. Yeah. And I was like, it’s so off.

And so to backtrack one, I’m not tapping into your field. However, there was a podcast episode when I was like years ago when I was with somebody and I was talking to him and all of a sudden I was like, oh boy, I just started coming in. I was like, oh, podcasts exclusive.

I’m sorry, can you please put your clothes on?

Getting some information now relevant. And I did start channeling a little bit for him on the podcast. But typically that doesn’t happen and it’s really, you know, it’s like an on-and-off switch.
And so my like they know when I’m on it when I’m not on. And podcasting is not one of those times, typically speaking.

Good to know.

So you’re safe, you’re safe, you’re wrapped up like a cozy little.

I didn’t even think about that when we first started until you said it. And I was. Like, Oh. ๐Ÿ˜€ Because were all been sick here we all have colds. And so I’m like, not in my best today. So it’s like, Oh, no!

It’s all downhill from here. Well, so also you know, it’s, it’s funny. So a lot of the things that we’ve already talked about are things that I do teach in my certification. And so I created the certification not only to teach the energetics and advanced energy healing, but also the business ethics and how to actually create a profitable healing business. So for coaches and healers. And so part of it is to be able to do all this work and to package it and to get it out there for people. So I do teach. If people are listening, they’re like, Oh yeah, how do you do those things? I will teach you, but not right now. But I digress. I, you know, I ask so many questions. I get so into conversation that I’m like, wait, we’re not even on topic anymore. So I’m going to rein it back in. And we’re going to talk about before you dove into human design types, I know it’s really important that you clear some of the energy before that begins. So you’ve kind of discovered that, I’m sure, with seeing your clients, right?

Well, the thing about human design is it’s all about conditioning of the world and how it’s imprinted on you and how you’re no longer who you were born as and who you’re designed to be.
You’re masking yourself and your insides are like screaming to get out, even if you don’t realize it. And so when we want to decondition or… I’m sorry, when we want to live more in alignment with who we are, we have to decondition ourselves from where we’re currently at. And I believe a lot of that work starts with the subconscious. Because you, you know, I have known about human design for a few years now.

And then I would, you know, dabble in it here and there, and I’d try the strategy and the authority and sometimes it worked well. Sometimes it was not. It was like resistance. And I didn’t fully understand why until I really started to do work and really wrap my brain around, you know, the books and the teachings of it. And it was all my subconscious blocking me from everything and all the old stories I was telling myself. So when I started actually implementing this into my business like that is my business strategy is just living in alignment with my human design. That’s my strategy. And when I started living by that, that’s when business exploded. And so I was like, Oh shit, something is here. And it’s more than just like reading my horoscope or something because it’s astrology based. So there’s a lot with astrology.

And then I started doing the work with my clients, and you would just see the deep stuff that came up and this relief, this feeling of relief from them, it’s not even like they were purposefully holding it back some of the time. It’s just like, Holy shit, I didn’t know that was there. But now that it’s out there, I’m like, Wow, I feel so much better. And it was almost like this permission to move forward.
Yeah. So what would you say? I mean, we were talking about the different human design types, sort of. What would you say? You know, you see what we’re saying. Like maybe it’s not a pattern, but some commonalities within each type.

And I will say this, the woman who does my podcast show notes, Nicole, who is definitely going to be listening to this, is been she’s been super into human design lately. Hey, sometimes she’ll ask me questions like she asked me a question of like, do you know if your solar plexus is open? Do you know if your route is open? Is it whatever? And I was like. Listen, I’m just going to give you all my birth chart and you can find that out for yourself. And then you tell me that. And she’s like, Oh yeah, it is. It’s fully developed. That’s why it’s easy for you to know that. I’m like.

Do you know what your type is? Do you remember?

My manifesting generator?

Okay, me too. So do you know what her type is?

I would be like, Yes, I do know exactly what that is.

Oh, no, I can’t remember everyone’s.

I don’t know.

It’s just me, right?

I mean, there’s all.

These numbers on here. This is the body language, right? It it’s so even with the work that I’ve been doing over the past couple of years, there’s still so much I don’t yet know and I’m constantly learning about it. It’s very in-depth.


So I try to teach it from a very underwhelming way. So that people don’t feel like you’re feeling like, what are all these numbers? What are these planets? It’s just it’s a lot. So baby steps, baby steps.

Let’s go, let’s go. Let’s hit each of the design types and sort of get a little information for folks who are new to it or maybe want to go a little bit deeper. Because really, I really feel like more and more and more people I know are using human design or gene keys and really accessing that next level in their business. So I think this is like the present and I think it’s also the future of business growth.

Mm. I agree. Yeah.

So okay, we’ll start with the five types. There’s the generator, the manifesting generator, the manifester, the reflector and the projector.
Reflectors are super uncommon, only about 1% of the population. So I’ve only ever actually met three people who were known reflectors and I was like, can I have your autograph?
But we’ll talk a little bit about like how they can be supported both when they’re in their business and by other people. So, you know, everything I’m about to say, you can tell your husband, your wife, your partner at work like this is who I am and this is what I need from you. And this will be very supportive for you.

So as a generator, they’re about like 35% of the population and they’re very much like the workforce energy. They have the energy that can like go, go, go when they’re feeling really lit up by what they do. They have that defined sacral center, which is what your podcast, was talking about. And what they really need, what really works for them is to tap into that sacral response. And what that is, is their gut response.

So generators tend to be very vocal, like if they’re having a piece of like delicious pizza, you might hear, oh, or someone’s like, Do you want to go out tonight? And they’re like, Oh, like that vocal response. That’s a very natural for them. And that’s literally their answer. If it’s their authority as well. So your strategy is the way that you interact with the world around you, and your authority is the way that you make decisions.

So for generators, they have that defined, sacral center. They want to tap into that gut reaction. But if their authority is different, like emotional solar plexus authority gets a little bit more in-depth, a little bit different, but we’ll leave that for you can find information on that on my website. So I’ll give you that at the end. So with generators, they can also sometimes seem slow with projects because they need to, like, get one thing finished before they can move on to the next. That’s very hard for them to jump around, which is what my husband and I found out. When I found out he’s a generator and I’m a manifesting generator, it was like, Oh, because he would get so frustrated if he had to stop what he was doing and maybe help me with the kids, or I was all of a sudden working on a different project, he’d get frustrated with me because why are you hopping around? I get frustrated with him because I’d be like, Why can’t you hop around? And then we understood, like, he just needs to finish something. So sometimes that generator type can seem slow, but what it is, is they just want to complete something before moving on.

So asking generator? Yes or no questions, waiting for that defined sacral response and then allowing them to finish the projects that they need to finish. And so think about that. Taking it into work, ask yourself, what was my initial reaction when this opportunity came up for me? And then how can I make sure that I complete one project before moving on to the next? Super important.


With a manifesting generator like myself. Another big part, big portion of the population number like 37%. Very much that workforce energy. We are similar to a generator where we have that defined sacral center and that gut response. But we tend to seem a lot more speedy because we can hop around, we can do a bunch of things at once, and that’s natural for us. This is the very first thing that caught my eye with human design.

My business coach at the time said, I think you really need to look into human design because I was going through this identity crisis, I was growing up and my I always had multiple jobs.
That’s me. I was always like, how can I make more money? How can I do all the things? And I jump from one thing to another. And I was always thinking I was being viewed as a quitter. I would get bored of something. I did the same thing with my boyfriends. I get bored and I’d move on. I hadn’t.. my aunt used to call them flavor of the week and it wasn’t really like they were like, don’t judge me, but that’s who I was.

And then so when I first saw that I was a manifestation generator, multi-hyphenate will be passionate person. Who moves quickly to do things and then just as quickly after those things is that was so validating. So, understanding as a manifestation generator that it’s good for you to have multiple things going on, both for hobbies and for work.
And define sacral center saying yes or no to things. And listening to that response and encouraging manifesting generators to find more hobbies or to follow that spark, that passion. Tell them it’s okay to have so many different interests.

But when you’re doing this in business, know that you know within reason because you don’t want shiny objects syndrome. But at the same time know that if you’re feeling like you’ve tapped out of where you’re at, you don’t have to stay there. That was very much me. With teaching the purpose work and working with moms and the decluttering space. I felt like I was tapping out, but there was that part of me that was like, Yeah, but I’m kind of already known for this and well, a lot. And you have to understand that you’re made to learn something, excel at something, teach it to others, move on.

I would agree with that as well. And as a manifesting generator, I know I can really only do things that I am super ecstatic and lit up about. And if I’m not there, it’s like you. You cannot make me.
I last, at the end of last year I was going into a launch for a program that was no longer lighting me up and I was like, No, we’re not doing it. I stopped and I was like, I. I mean, there was like 900 people signed up for this challenge that I was leaving them in to join in this proven model that. It had multiplied and tripled attendance. Each time I opened it and it was proven like. It was not if people join, it was like, how many will I allow it? The thing was cranking and I was like, This is about like, I don’t want this anymore.
Good for you, that’s so hard to walk away from. So it’s really good…

Yeah. For me, my team was like, well, why are we going under? So I was like, You’re all going to be fine. Just… Just trust me on this. Like my ship. If we all drown, we’re all going to die. Yeah, I’m going into an iceberg. It’s going to be great.

But truly. I think that. I mean, I would add on to that is saying like, you know, it’s good to I have multiple passions and I you can’t make me do things I’m not excited about, that’s for sure.
That’s what really leads to burnout as an either generator type is when you’re not feeling lit up by something and you’re forcing it. Well, that’s when you’re working 40 hours plus a week and you’re not making the money you want to make. You’re not lit up by what you’re doing.

And I will add, like my one of my programs is a membership that every single month I’m doing something different. And so it just feeds my soul like it’s like my gem master. I just get to geek out about it. And every single time what am I excited about? And I channel and I get to do whatever I want to do. And it’s nice to have that outlet that you don’t have to be like so formulaic with.
Yeah. It’s so funny because I have the same thing. I have another business that I recently started, and it’s a spiritual wellness collective. So every week we have different workshops with different healers, and that also feeds my like, ooh, new and interesting, you know.

Yeah, yeah, it should be scratch.

Yes, exactly. But then the same as like with the generator, like we also need to remember that we need to slow down sometimes and not allow ourselves to get into that overwhelm space. We have a ton of energy, but we also need to remember to rest and rejuvenate. Like everyone right now.

So with manifesters, they’re really, really good initiators. Like they have an idea and they’re a go-getter and they run with it. Don’t try and control them like they just need to be in their zone, doing their thing, having control, and asking them too many questions can be too can come across as controlling to them. So if you’re a manifester and you’re feeling like you’re struggling with that lately, you’re struggling with this sense of anger wherever it’s coming from, and you can’t pinpoint why you’re feeling frustrated. It’s likely that people see something someone’s doing somewhere. You’re feeling like you’re being controlled by somebody. And that’s really difficult for you.

Oh, autonomy is really, really important for a manifester. So knowing that it’s how can I build my business in a way where I have the control and I can be the go-getter delegating as necessary because you don’t have that generator energy. So yes, you can go balls to the wall and take on something, but it’s also important to delegate.

And I kind of giggle when you said that too because my husband’s a manifester and I could ask him like the simplest question. He’d be like, why do you need to know?

Like, Oh, I, I, I know…

you’re all over me woman!

All I know is, like, has nothing to do with work. It has to do with, like, hey, where are you? Like, on his phone. In the truck. Where are you? I’m driving. Mm.Yeah. Like you near that town. Just a touch. I’m on the highway. Oh, like in this state. This region. ๐Ÿ˜€

And that’s a manifesting generator trait is the informing. A part of our strategy is to inform others of not asking permission but to keep people in the loop when we’re making decisions. And then we also feel frustrated when people aren’t doing the same in return. So that’s a part of being a manifesting generator. I need to know what’s going on at all times. Because we’re speeding 19 place. Like, where is that place sitting exactly?


It’s hilarious.

Totally normal. Yeah, it makes so much sense.
I think in the future there might be a future for me with human design and relationships or sex because it really intrigues me and like the the couples. But anyway, so manifesters there’s also because they don’t have that generator energy it’s really important for them to settle down and kind of slow their mind and such, especially before bed, because that’s when like the racing thoughts can come through and having some sort of rest and rejuvenate before actually settling down for the day is really, really healthy for them.

And I literally just said this to my husband the other day. Yes, we’re watching how to get away with murder. And he couldn’t sleep after. I was like, you need to clear yourself.
And like, you’ve got to really, like, rest before going to bed. He’s like, I don’t know. I just can’t watch it. Like, that’s all we want to do, girl, because it doesn’t get him all amped up before bed. So it’s hilarious.

That’s part of his type.

Emily, I wonder what he’d say to all of this. You probably be open to it. He’s married to you. Within reason. Like little friends and so little friends. So, I mean, he doesn’t judge me anymore for all this good do. But he is. He’s like little sci-fi. Debatable.

Oh, good. So the next two types that we talk about, these are very much more of like, we need to rest. Like, take that kind of sort of like it’s a joke, but not really, but projectors. They’re very, very good at seeing what other people don’t see. They are very good guides and leaders and they give great feedback and advice.
ut that being said, part of their strategy well, their strategy is to wait for an invitation before giving that guidance or giving that feedback. If not, that’s when a lot of like bitterness feeling comes up. Like the other person’s like I didn’t ask them why are they trying to feel superior to me? And then the person who is the projector is feeling like, why is it feel like I’m talking to a wall? Why does this not feel right? And so waiting for that invitation. Waiting for the initiation of whatever it is that you’re trying to do is a huge, huge part of a projector. Now, it doesn’t mean So for projectors, I always suggest playing around with like, you know how Instagram on the stories has like the question stickers and everything. That’s literally an invitation for you right then and there. Like do a poll, do a question, and then for people who respond to it, then you start the conversation. So that’s one of those fun projects I like to give my projector clients when they’re feeling like they can’t move the needle on finding clients or growing their business. Well, are you asking are you opening up that door for them to ask you that?

Yes. Doing the biggest eye roll right now for people who can’t see me because I’m like it says I… In part of my coursework, I was putting together the framework for attracting so many clients. And there are like that’s. One of the main ones is like, well, are you just throwing things out there like anybody say that they worry about or Yeah, what I want to hear. Is this all for me? One of that.

Exactly. Yeah, exactly.

Not that


Call like, hey, would you like this 19 item checklist? Like, no, no, I don’t want it. Could you give me that one thing that’s at the top of it, though?

Yeah. Yeah, right then number one. Sure. That’s exactly it.

That’s who they are as projectors like they can. They’re they’re great coaches because they really see with, like, a whole new set of eyes. But but they really need to make sure that they’re being invited into that conversation.

Projectors. They’re very much known for only being able to work a few hours a day without needing rest. And what I mean by work is like to be in the work, like to be in your clients doing emails.
Now if part of your work is like educating yourself and maybe doing a training or something like that and that feels useful to you. That’s not so much what I’m talking about, but it’s really being in the work. After a couple of hours, you really tired, so it’s really important for projectors to put in their work day like maybe literally an hour or an hour hike or whatever feels like rest to them. Maybe you just turn off your brain by watching some trash TV like whatever it is, create space within your day to make sure you’re clearing that and you don’t get lost in all the doing. That’s when you’ll really hit a wall. Your energy isn’t right. Nothing will be right.

Yeah. This is like textbook. One of my team members is a projector, and this is like her to an intuitive and she knows her human design type and like she’s really, really great at giving herself budgeting hours to, like, only do it.

Good for her…

And even if we’re, like, getting close because she only works for me 10 hours a week and she, she’ll let me know I’m already at nine and a half. I just wanna let you know that that task will probably need to wait until next week. I mean, very good boundaries and I love that about her and I respect that about her. So it’s like, okay, great, we’ll just budget that for next week. And yeah.
Because also, you know, the work won’t be done to the fullest extent of her energy if she’s at that point. So like why be the boss? That’s like, no, I really need this now. That’s not good for her or you.

Yeah. And in fact. Even after this recording, I invited her to be on a call. I was like, she might need to be here. Like, I know. I need to invite her. Yes. It’s always like you’re telling me the story of my life with these Devi types. I love it. I know I’ve done workshops for companies and it’s very it’s really fun seeing how they interact with each other and how they go, oh, about like, oh, that person works this way. Oh, that’s why. And it’s really eye-opening. It’s cool to watch.

So lastly, we have a reflector. Reflectors are considered lunar beings. So like the moon, lunar. And all of their centers are open, they have no definition. So this can lead to a lot of conditioning from the outside world if they’re not living in their authentic design. Now what, what this means for them in decision making and in doing anything big, whether it’s building a business, buying a house, getting whatever it is. They need to wait a full 28 days, a full lunar cycle in order to make a decision. So it’s like filtering all through all of their centers and then they make it. So it’s difficult in this in this society, you can’t, like, put a bid in on a house and then say.

Well, can you just give me, like, 28 days to make sure I really want it? It doesn’t really work that way. But for the decisions that you can make, make sure you’re not jumping into a new business investment without waiting that lunar cycle and reassessing and making sure you find your clarity. That is probably one of the biggest mistakes with someone who’s a reflector and doesn’t know it or doesn’t understand it is they jump into things and then they resent it. They regret it or they end up, you know, quote, failing. I don’t believe in failure, but it’s not right for them. Whatever it is, they lost a bunch of money. That is exactly why they’re not following that lunar cycle and waiting for that clarity.

So because they need that full cycle, I always think of like a woman in labor, because when I was giving birth to my kids, they would always remind my husband, you know, well, I gave birth at home. So it was very different than in the hospital. And so they’d remind the midwives, remind my husband of like suggest things to her because if you straight don’t ask her what she wants. She’s not going to know. She’s in so much discomfort, whatever.

And that’s how I feel about reflectors. You want to help them by suggesting, suggesting places or people or whatever the recommendation is and allow them to find the space that they need. Maybe if it’s a small decision, not really 28 days, but you can at least give them recommendations and suggestions and that helps them to make a decision on the spot for whatever it is they need.
And they really need to embrace fluidity because having their open centers means that every time they’re around someone else with any sort of defined center, they’re taking in that energy.
So if they’re not careful, it can really treat their bodies poorly, but it can really be like a cool chameleon type of, say, acid or tree, you know, like, yeah, they can embrace the fluidity and enjoy the ride of being a reflector.

It can be really cool. I actually kind of wish I was a reflector sometimes because it’s just really unique. It’s cool.

It is very unique. And I mean, you said like there’s like 30% of this and 30. Is there a percentage on reflectors?


Okay. I would imagine that.

One person.

Yeah. And I mean, even as you said, like they have to wait a whole lunar cycle. Like everything my body like tightens up as. I’m like making 19 decisions as you just said, that one word. It’s like, oh,

Yeah, yeah, exactly. I know it, right? It’s got to be hard, man.

Yeah, it’s got to be hard.

And I mean, if you think it’s kind of.

Pare back as a coach to know what your client’s design type is or to know what your team members team in design type is, it can help you better lead them and to understand what they’re working with. And if you know you have a client, you give them like, here’s an assignment that I need you to do this kind of research and get this kind of thing done. If they’re delaying, it might not be because they’re lazy or procrastinating, but they actually do need to take longer to absorb the assignment and make some decisions and to really embody it. And then maybe like an hour a day. 28 days later, they might have something more spectacular.

I think it’s also like glaringly obvious. It demonstrates why we can’t look at other people’s businesses or models and think that that is the thing that’s going to help us to fix everything. Because what works for one person I was when I used to sell my mastermind and you know, even past that, it’s like you need to create a one-size-fits-you business model.

Oh, yes.

Because one size like they’re making the thing from their life path, from their personality traits to human design, like like what happened to them in the course of their lifetimes.
Like, that’s their own distinct plan. And you can’t say that that is possibly going to ever work for you because you’re from a whole other place. And we, we think that, oh, well, I bought this person’s program and I want to follow their ten steps process. But for some reason not working for me. Obviously, I suck. I’m a failure.

Yes. That is literally why I started doing this branch of my business. Yeah, I was working with a coach. She was great. Didn’t doesn’t have a grasp on human design or anything like that. But, you know, she pushed this strategy and I was like, this is brutal, man. Like, I don’t want to do that. And a lot of the other people were saying the same thing. One person it worked well for and that just led us to feel like we aren’t cut out for this coaching life. Like, and that’s not how anyone should feel because it’s not, it’s not the same for everyone. It can’t be.

No. And that’s, I think, part of what’s coming up, you know, as the paradigm shift from online business and coaching, you know, I believe that the people who are leading and are not trying to be these false gods to people and they’re not trying to give them the way, but rather lead them back into themselves, are the ones who are going to thrive. And I feel that in my body, you know, I feel like, you know, as coaches, you’re doing people a disservice if you’re just giving them the one cookie-cutter way.

And like, you know, I actually I have a friend who is and somebody is like a really high ticket, you know, coaching program that you teach how to never even have to do sales calls and you close these like high ticket things, whatever. And even within that, they’re like changing frameworks. It’s like this is the problem is like it’s like things change. And if it’s so set in stone and it has to be that way for it to work, then maybe that’s a problem. And, you know, I think that that’s been my life historically, too, is I go against the grain and I do things maybe backwards or upside down, but it’s the way that works for me and that feels right in my body and it leads to success. And I feel like we all need to give ourself permission, whether it’s to listen to your human design or listen to your body to give yourself permission to do what feels right for you.

And so I think that’s really is an amazing door opening. I think this is an amazing invitation for people to get a taste of their human design here. What’s resonant for them? I would love to hear after you guys have listened to this episode, what really has resonated? What sticks out the most? Was it about you? Was it about a friend, a partner, or somebody in your business that really helped you to get clarity?

And if you’re wanting to know more about this kind of work and where Adrianna is kind of moving her business direction into, you’ve now created a program where you’re teaching people how to use human design in their business, which, again, I feel like it’s the present, but it’s also the future. So if you want to check out more of Adriana, like, where can I find you? What’s the best way for them to work with you or learn more about their own or just kind of dove deeper?

Yeah, my website is my full name, On there you can learn about coaching. I also do speaking. You can book a chart reading as well. But I also have the human design program that you were talking about for business owners who are really tired of the hustle and grind and are frustrated and can’t figure their way out. I’m in a program right now. I’m thinking it’s going to launch into a course, though, this probably January. So stay tuned for that.

I’m also on Instagram. That’s probably my most active platform and that’s adrikeefe. I have a podcast called Women Who Want More, not specifically human design tailored, but more inspiration, motivation kind of podcast.


Well, I know they’ll be finding all the things, of course, you know, if you guys are on a walk or driving, we will have all these links right in our show notes right there for you, conveniently waiting for when that time is right.

Of course, right now you can take a screenshot of this week’s episode and hop over onto Instagram and tag me and Adriana in your Instagram stories. Let us know you were listening and for sure DM us, let us know what some of the biggest takeaways were. If you love this episode, please share it with a friend and leave a review on your favorite listening platform.

Thank you so much for being here, Adriana. It was so fun to dove into all this work with you and and to have some good laughs and maybe have some little sidebar conversation in the middle of it. Those are my favorite kind of podcast that we can really just kind of let it breathe and just have a good day. Thank you so much. You’re so fun to talk to. I could do this all day. Right?
Let’s do that. And I know I’ll be on your podcast soon, so, stay tuned for that.


Thank you for that. All right. Listeners, thank you for being here, as always. Lots of love and have a wonderful, wonderful week ahead.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Try downloading your Human Design Chart at to start exploring ways you can align your biz. It can be complicated, so start small and play with it to see what you notice when you align with your design.


About Adriana

Adriana Keefe is an award-winning real estate dropout turned Human Design Coach and Speaker. She works with high-achieving women on how to create harmony in life without sacrificing their goals. Host of the podcast Women Who Want More, she strives to coach and teach through an entire mind, body, and soul experience.

You can find her here:

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3 Mistakes That Are Keeping You Broke As A Healer Or Coach

3 Mistakes That Are Keeping You Broke As A Healer Or Coach

3 Mistakes That Are Keeping You Broke

As A Healer Or Coach

Articulating what you do, the transformation, is what helps your dream clients invest in you.

But if youโ€™re holding these beliefs, these three that Iโ€™m sharing today, it can prevent you from creating a profitable business because it makes it almost impossible to charge your worth.

Now thereโ€™s nothing with giving away your services or offering complimentary options, it just depends on how you do it and if you are trying to offer healing in a professional capacity.

If youโ€™re wanting to experience financial prosperity through your healing business, and feel great about how youโ€™re doing it, this is the episode for you!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • Thereโ€™s nothing wrong with giving away healing, it matters how youโ€™re doing it and if youโ€™re trying to have a business.
  • You want to help people, can that be a limiting belief?
  • You need to keep the lights on, afford food and keep a roof over your head.
  • How witch wounds can impact your financial prosperity.
  • If youโ€™re undercharging and discounting yourself that transformation is getting diluted.
  • It matters where these thoughts and statements are coming from.
  • Articulating what you do, the transformation, is what helps your dream clients invest in you.

Well, hello there, listeners! Warm welcome back. This episode is for you if you are wanting to start a new career in the field of healing, or if you have an existing transformational coaching or healing practice and you’re really wanting to turn your passions into profit.

So these are three of the most common statements that I hear in my world. There are so many more, don’t get me wrong, there is so much basically toxic healer shaming that I hear as a healer who has a successful business. Now, I’m only going to share three of them. There are so many more, and I’m sure there are things that we’ve also heard internally. But here are the three most common ones when you go into what they are, I’m going to talk about a little bit where they came from, plus how we can work through them. All right.

So the first one is “I just want to learn the sacred art of healing. So, yeah, those people I’ve met you“. I know many of you.

And so if that’s truly like you, honest to God in your soul, have no inkling to ever use healing in a professional capacity. You can just turn this off right now, like save your time. This is not for you, okay? But I hear people see this and, you know, it’s total bullshit, you know that they’re saying it, but you’re like, but if someone paid you, like, 100 bucks a session more, I’m sure you wouldn’t be crying, right? And I think I’ve also worked with people.

I had this one business partner and she was a Reiki practitioner and she used to do these free Reiki clinics every single week and they were always really busy. But she could never book clients to pay her full price. And it was like, I don’t know why she puts so much more effort into giving her services away. And like, let me just say, there’s a caveat. There’s nothing wrong with giving your services away. There’s nothing wrong to offering free or complimentary or taste or whatever.

I mean, how you can see, I guess, thousands of hours of this podcast, thousands of hours on my YouTube channel. I mean, I’m giving away my stuff all the time. If you’ve ever done Intuition Week, it’s not to say that you should never give away things for free. That’s not what I’m saying here. I’m talking to the people who just say they’re only in it to learn the sacred healing art and they want nothing more. But, you know, it’s not true.

Statement number two
, “it doesn’t matter if I make money or not. I just want to help people“. This is on that same realm of like what?

So you’re telling me that if somebody were to pay you $200 a session, you would say, no, thank you. What’s most important to me is that you receive healing today, and I think that’s a total lie. And I just – it makes my skin kind of crawl because, what I’ve learned so deeply, and now it’s like part of me is that part of that big transformation that you’re actually wanting to help people with. It has to come through a energy exchange.

If you’re not charging anything, it needs to be a testimonial. If you’re not charging anything, it has to be something in return for that transformation to actually stick, okay? So if you’re undercharging, you’re discounting yourself, understand that transformation is becoming diluted and it’s not what you’re wanting to help people actually got.

Third statement
is “knowing I can help someone and heal them is all the payment I need”.
Again, NO. That’s not all the payment you need. You need to keep the lights on. You need to afford food. You need to have internet. You need to have a phone, right? That’s not the only payment you need. And if that were true, you would not be working a job.

If you were just independently wealthy, doing this work as your side hobby, you would probably be running a nonprofit. You’d probably be going to charities, but you’re not. Let’s just call it what it is. It’s a total B.S. You want to help heal people, but you also do require payment, okay? We live in a world that does require finances. Okay? Unless you live in the woods, I don’t even know how you’re getting this podcast right now. How are you doing this?

It matters. Money matters. The exchange matters.

So where it’s coming from? Not all of these things derive from this location, but lots of it does – which is witch wound.
What is a witch wound? Witch wounds could be cellular memories passed down. It could be a past life memory. It could also be generational curses or traumas.

And so there are a lot of us out there who maybe in one lifetime or maybe somebody in our lineage was a healer, a mystic, a witch, a medicine woman, whatever, a seer. But at some point, they were ostracized. They were maybe beaten, killed, burned like there is – we know the history. Right?

There are so many things that have happened to people like us, long, long time ago. And so those cellular memories and those past life traumas and the generational curses, they are kind of just baked right into us. And when you don’t address where these silly thoughts come from, you just think that they’re your thoughts.

So like I said, when you are undervaluing yourself and so what I used to do, when I undervalued myself was I would make an offer and I would say, would you like 30% off of that? But what I was actually saying with that message was, would you like 30% less healing today? And so we can laugh and be like, of course not. I want 100% healing. But what I was offering was basically saying, would you like less of me?

And so, you know, I want you to know that money does matter, but it also matters where these actual thoughts and these statements are coming from. And so when you’re really ready to step up your game and like I said, the beginning, like this podcast, is not for you if you’re not looking to make a profitable business, if you are, keep listening. You know, this podcast is just scratching the surface of the real work that’s required to actually get up and serve at your highest level, to charge your worth, to increase your rates, to attract people to your business.

And for deeper work on this, for a deeper experience, you really do need ongoing support to grow your coaching or healing business or to start a new one. And I’ve compiled my 23-plus years of advanced energy healing and 18-plus years business experience right into my Integrated Energy Alignment Training. And you’ve probably heard me talking about this recently, but the reason I created this program is because I personally struggled with making reliable income for well over a decade. And I’m also really tired of seeing thousands of brilliant practitioners struggling with the same thing.

And the fact is that most business courses that you know are advertised to us or taken away but aren’t actually that helpful in teaching people like us how to market transformational work. You know, it’s very esoteric, it’s very individual. And it really does take a healer with personal experience like me to help you articulate what you do, so that your dream clients can understand what you’re doing and how it can help them. They can build trust in your work and they can see the value in investing with you because truly your work is an investment, right? It should be, it shouldn’t be for free, right? Or for exchange over meatballs. All right. Like that wedding singer.

But the Integrated Energy Alignment Training does all of this. Plus, we’re there every single step of the way to support you, to bring your dreams into reality. You’re never alone. This is not a course that you sign up for. And then you are forgotten about never to be completed. Right.

This is a program that is the first and only energy-based training with a profit guarantee. So the number one question I get is, well, how does the Integrated Energy Alignment Training guarantee a profit? No one can guarantee profit. Well, I can, because…

  • Number one, we promote you every single month to ideal clients within my Mastery and Ascension Membership. That’s hundreds of clients who’ve already experienced energy work through me. They’ve already learned the lingo. They already want it. And so you’re just saying, hey, go try this person.

  • Number two, you get business marketing, messaging, sales, training, and so much more so that you can overcome objections and help people.
  • Number three, you are literally required to earn money while you’re earning this certification. Because as you practice, you have practice sessions that are for free and then little by little, they’re incrementally going up in price.

    The reason why is because when you’re out there in the real world, not in the little nest of the certification training, you’re going to have to do this on your own. And so what I’ve built in is assistance to help you overcome these obstacles so that you can get out there in the world with confidence, knowing how to increase your price, knowing that there’s going to be these obstacles and knowing how to face them effectively.

So if you’re someone who wants to start a new career and healing, or finally create the profit in your existing transformational practice, please come and visit to apply today. There is space that’s very limited. I’m only taking a select number of people into this next round, so please check us out at, it will also be down in the show notes.

But again, if this work resonates with you, if this podcast episode resonates with you, there is work here for us to do together. And there are three different levels that you can join us. So make sure you join at the level that feels the most resonant for you. We can start as low as just the first four modules, start with Initiation and just get your feet well. Learn how to create sacred space is learn deeper intuition. Learn about other spiritual healing tools. If that is not enough for you and you know you’re ready to go all in to grow your business, to get support, to get the coaching, to get the practice sessions, apply for the full program. Again that’s

Thank you so much for listening. Please share this episode with a friend if it was helpful for you.

As always, lots of love to you and cheers to you on your journey. I’m so glad that you’re out there doing this work. The world needs you. There’s never been a time that is more ripe with opportunity for people who are doing transformational work. There is just so much need for it. I wish you all the best in your journey ahead.

Lots of love. Thanks for listening. I’ll see you in the next episode.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Take a pause. Try these simple shifts to free yourself of the heavy energy of fear and scarcity currently in the collective.


About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their businesses.

Get connected with Emilyโ€ฆ

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? For LIVE and on-demand energy healings that clear your blocks and align you to more abundance join theย Mastery & Ascension Waitlist today!

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Thatโ€™s Costing You Time and Energy

If you havenโ€™t been attracting the right people, or you are feeling energetically depleted in your work, this episode is for you!

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I believe itโ€™s due to this #1 mistake that I see coaches and healers make thatโ€™s costing you time and energy.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • The #1 mistake coaches and healers are making!
  • Are you paying attention to the things that happen before your coaching or healing session?
  • How this mistake affects your clients.
  • When you change this it allows greater healing for your clients. It leads to better results and better energy for you.
  • Itโ€™s not about lighting sage and hoping for the best.
  • People need you now!

Welcome back to the Aligned and Unstoppable Podcast. I am ecstatic to dive into this week’s podcast, really addressing the number one mistake that coaches and healers make.

And, I know that there’s probably a hundred more mistakes that I could list here, but I wanted to focus on the first one. And it might be something that has slipped under the radar for you that you haven’t been taught about, that you haven’t focused on, or even if you have a little bit of awareness about this, that you’re still not able to correctly take care of this problem.

So, I’m going to first, before I reveal what the problem is, I’m going to first tell you what the attributes of it are. So you could be undervaluing yourself and underpricing yourself. You could be attracting the wrong clients or not enough clients.

You could potentially be leaving your work day or after client interactions feeling exhausted, depleted like your soul is sucked out of you and like you need to take a nap. Or you could have basically not enough energy or feel almost resentful when people are booking your calendar on your time because there’s just so little energy that you have to give. There’s a lot more issues that come up, but these are kind of the top ones.

So what is the number one mistake? The number one mistake is that you are not effectively clearing your space, clearing yourself before, during or after your sessions.

And I’m not talking about lighting up some white sage or spraying your air with some room spray. What I’m talking about is actually creating a safe container for yourself as well as for your clients.

So this is something that I go into very in-depth and very specifically through my Integrated Energy Alignment Practitioner Training, which depending on when you’re listening to it, we are taking applications right now up until November 11th.

So if you’re wanting to know more specifically how to do this deeper cleansing, that would be part of my program. You can learn it right in the Initiation, the first four modules, or you can proceed in the form, the full certification, where I teach you also business skills and how to do exactly what I do as far as energy clearing on individuals or groups and teaching you so much more business skills than you’ve ever knew was available for you.

So let’s talk about how you create a safe container. So first and foremost, when you go to your office, whether it be your home office or you go to a place for business, you’re walking into all sorts of stuff.

And if you imagine you are wearing a white gorgeous pantsuit, okay? And so when you walk into this space to work, you’re coming to the table and you’re walking through like maybe cobwebs and little color explosions and stuff that’s kind of just in the environment. So by the time you actually sit down at your desk, you’ve already got some schmutz on you, as maybe my grandmother would say, okay, you got schmutz on you. And so you sit down for your call and your session begins. Well, you’ve got whatever happened to you before the day began.

So let’s say you interact with people driving on the road, family members, past clients, emails, whatever social media you’ve absorbed. You have all of that. You’ve already got that on your pants suit now as well. So now your pants suit, instead of being gleaming white, you’ve got all this junk on you. And then you’ve walked through the space and now there’s more junk on you. And then when you open the first call and you’re not clean, your space is not clean. That person on the other side is going to feel bad.

Now, I know not everybody’s extra sensitive the way that I am, or maybe that you are. And so they might just not have a word for it, but it’s just a feeling like when you walk into a room and you’re like somebody just talking about me in here, or somebody’s just fighting here like you can’t put your finger on it, but there’s just kind of an energy in the air.

And it has been scientifically proven that people can pick up on energy within about 3 seconds of walking into a space. So the same goes for your virtual meetings or in-person meetings. And so when you’re not clean and clear in your space and in your person, your clients will pick up on that.

And so what happens when they pick up on that? They’re going to maybe withhold some information, not fully open up, because they might not feel completely safe and secure in the space. Like, I don’t know, somebody else is here, especially if you’re saying back-to-back-to-back clients.

So let’s say you have three in a row. Well, by that third person, guess what’s all over you and all over the space and all over your zoom meeting and all over your treatment space, everyone else’s stuff. Because at some point through those sessions with you, people’s stuff is coming up to the surface to be worked on, to be healed, to be cleared, to be coached on.

And then what happens with it? What happens when somebody reveals why they have been stuck in a position in a bad relationship, stuck not making money, stuck or having gone through pain or trauma or heartbreak or whatever it is. They’re bringing all that stuff into the air.

So guess what’s now all over you too? If you are not aware of how to clear it, it’s now all over you.

So I can hopefully I’m painting a good picture for you and your imagination to understand that it becomes like layer on layer on layer of stuff that’s now in your field and on you.

So it’s no wonder why the end of that call. You’re like, Holy moly, I like what? Just hit me. And you have like, no more energy. Like, I need to go get some more coffee, right? Or I can’t wait to have a drink later and get this over me.

These are some things that are very normal reactions because you have this weight, it’s not yours. It’s not yours to take, nor is it yours to have to deal with. Okay.

So that’s also part of codependent coaching where you might be taking on other people’s stuff like, here, let me take that pain for you. I’ll just put it on myself for a little bit so that you feel a little better. We’ll go on about our day. Look what a good coach and what look what a good healer I am. Now, you feel better, don’t you? And you’re just over here sinking into the chair going, Oh, I feel terrible. Okay, so it’s actually not doing anybody any favors.

So if by the end of the day you’re feeling depleted and maybe resentful, like, oh my gosh, all these calls, they’re picking up on this.

So what can result is they do not want to come back to sessions with you. Maybe you had a package or maybe you just had one. That one I like I don’t really want anymore from what that person gave me. Thank you.

And it might not be you. You might be internalizing and thinking, Oh, I’m not a good coach, I’m not a good healer, or having heaven help them. But really, it has nothing to do with your skill set, has to do with your space.

And so if your container isn’t safe, people are not opening up, they’re not being able to get the deepest transformation work through you. And likely they’re not going to want more of that. Because when they keep feeling this feeling, it’s like it doesn’t feel better. It doesn’t feel like their stuff went anywhere and was transmuted and like they’re off to the next thing. They’re like, it’s still here, it’s still on me.

And actually now I feel like I’m almost picking up on other people’s stuff and it could even be your stuff.

So, I’m just going to point the finger just a minute, because, I know for myself I’ve gotten to like back in the day when I had a brick and mortar, I went to sessions and sometimes I had, you know, personal stuff going on. You know, like I was worried about money and I kind of brought that into my session or I had a neck pain or back pain and it brought that into my session and I didn’t clear myself. And the next thing I know, my client is saying like, Oh, I feel better. But I also I had this like neck pain and I’m like, Oh, oh, my God, oh, my God. Like, I, I know energetically that’s mine. And I know I didn’t do a good enough job of coming to the table clean and clear.

Okay, so this is what we do unconsciously.

Like, we don’t want to do this, but like we’re kind of doing it if you’re not clearing yourself, okay? So you’re not in a nice safe boundary. So conversely, let’s just like clear the energy out of all of that, right? So, you know, if you’re not clearing your energy, what could be happening to you and to your clients?

Conversely, when you do clean your space, you do clean yourself not just before the beginning of the day, but I’m talking about before the session. During the session, which for those of you who know how to deeply clean yourself and you’re not doing it, this should be a point of awareness to go, Oh, my gosh, I realized what I should be doing now.

During the session, you’re not only cleaning them, you’re cleaning yourself, you’re cleaning your space. It’s like multiple things that are happening simultaneously so that the space remains a sacred healing space. I go over all of this in my first four modules of the IEA Certification.

And so when that space is nice and clean and clear, people come to your calls. They come to your meetings, they come to your coaching sessions. And it’s like the second they begin talking, it’s like waterworks come their deepest stuff is coming right up to the surface for you to move. And it’s almost as though they know that this work is going to be so significant. So they’re bringing it all up for you to do something with it.

And so when you can transmute it, then they’re able to actually have better progress and a deeper transformation that’s longer lasting, that gets better results, which leads them to go, Oh my gosh, this person is the best! I want more of that person, and I’m willing to invest in that transformation again and again and again.

So it brings you repeat, awesome soulmate clients. You see how that works? They feel safe, they feel taken care of, and they know that you’re going to hold that space for them to have this incredible experience.

And guess what else happens? By the end of the session, instead of feeling tired and depleted and feeling like you could use a little pick me up, you’re going to be out in the backyard doing cartwheels because you feel so energized because instead of giving your own energy from your own reserves, you know the correct way to channel the energy to come through you.

So you get like a little drink off the fire hose, but you’re not getting blasted with it, nor are you giving away as though it’s like a that’s like a cup that you’ve just poured all of the contents of the cup out because that’s what you’re doing if you’re not clearing yourself. You’re saying, okay, you have 100% energy tokens to start my session. I’m going to just pour out now. Or, you know, you could also be doing you could be rationing. And that just really, I just really that’s another thing. You could be rationing your energy.

Oh, my gosh. I remember back in the day when I used to see clients for massage. I had a max of five people and if I knew I had somebody on my schedule and multiple people who needed deep tissue work, I would be rationing my energy throughout the day so that I could make it to the final person with a little bit left in the tank.

O. M.G., I haven’t thought of that in so long. Thank you for reminding me of that.

So you could be withholding some of yourself in those sessions. Okay? So see, there’s like a multitude of problems that might be adding up. And if you have any of these coming up throughout your work, throughout your day, in your energy field, in your clients, this is a realization. This is a huge, huge mistake.

And the good news is you can easily correct it when you know how to clear yourself and you know how to clear space effectively. And I’m saying, again, it’s not just about lighting some sage around and like hoping for the best. You have to know exactly what you’re doing in order for this to be effective, long-lasting and know how to feel these like, subtle shifts.

So when you go, Oh, the air is feeling a little funky again, let me clear it again without any of your customers having a clue that you’re doing this work because it’s that routine, you know, you feel it, you sense it, you clear, and they can keep going on without skipping a beat. That is how effective clearing your space can be.

So I hope that this has helped you to bring to your conscious awareness where you’ve been maybe leaving money on the table or not attracting enough of the right people. You know, if you’re feeling so depleted day in and day out, it’s going to be this sort of subconscious reason not to want more clients. And not to raise your rates because your body’s like, Oh, hell no. So your system is like, No, no, no, I don’t. I’m more of that. The universe is like, Got it. We’ll give you no more of that.

And that’s the vibe you’re putting out constantly. No more, no more, no more. I can’t handle it. It’s too much. I’m tired and depleted. I don’t like this. Bad, bad, bad. And so that is what we’re putting out there. So that is what you’re getting back in return.

Either little or no clients or the wrong ones, or you might feel really heavy afterwards or even during the session. Like you’re in a session like, Oh my God, is this still happening? And we’re still in session. How many more minutes on me?

So I hope this was helpful for you and you can shift out of making this mistake into learning how to clear your space, clear yourself to create a sacred container.

Because here’s the deal. There has never been a time in history, as far as I know, that is more ripe for transformational work. The fact that it’s not a taboo, weird woo woo thing to get healing sessions. The fact that we know globally we’ve all experienced this trauma and we’ve all been trying to sort our lives out from the aftermath and find what our new normal is.

And a lot of people, through the great resignation, are trying to find a new them. And so how perfect as a coach or as a healer, could you show up for them?

You could show up perfectly to support them in ways that they truly need. To help address anxiety, fears, depression, feeling of scarcity, feeling of confusion, to give them more clarity, to give them more peace, to give them more calm, to give them more confidence through your work. But you really can’t get to that final transformation if you’re not holding a clear space for them or for yourself.

So, if you would like to get more information about the IEA certification, I would love for you to come visit me over at You can learn exactly how to hold clear sacred spaces, learn how to tap into your intuition and so much more in the Initiation modules 1-4. You can sign up for that right away.

If you are ready to go all out to learn my proven methodologies for energy healing and have a built in profit guarantee. That is right, through my certification, it’s the first and only profit guarantee with an energy-based healing. So what that means is you’re going to learn all of the energetic skill set of advanced energy healing.

In addition, you’re going to have business skills, marketing skills, and so much more weekly support from myself and my team to help you complete the whole courses.

So this is the biggest difference, is that a lot of certifications, they don’t teach you how to make money. They teach you the transformational work, but they don’t actually teach you how to make money and how to overcome obstacles or how to overcome objections of people. Like I don’t know if I want to pay that.

They don’t teach you how to create a custom offering that makes you a market of one. They teach you to be just blend in with the crowd, all of the coaches, the C of coaches, the C of healers and not knowing how to stand out, to serve people, to to make outstanding offers to raise rates. They have no idea to teach you how to do that. That’s what this certification is promising you.

And the coolest part, the profit guarantee, is referring to the fact that during this certification you will be required to make money because at a certain point of your practice sessions, you will start to charge little by little and increase your rates and have the support by me as well as my team and your peers.

There’s no other program out there like that. I know when I was receiving multiple certifications, I didn’t get any kind of business training. I had to figure it out the hard way. And so that is what the certification is all about. So you don’t have to figure it out on your own or have to go through all the years of hardship that I went through.

And trust me, friend, I was a very much broke healer 15 years out of the 23 years I’ve been in practice. So I would be like so ecstatic, so ecstatic to help support you so that you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did.

So again, it’s, again That link is right in the show notes as well. Head over there if you’re part of the full program. I would love to help support you on this. Put your application in right away. We do have a deadline of November 11th, so make sure those applications are in right away.

And later in this month, I’m going to have another episode. It’s all about the energetics of the broke healer. So if this episode resonated with you or you feel like I could be having like a little bit of a money block issue, stay tuned and make sure you follow the podcast. Subscribe on your favorite listening platform.

Next week we’re going to be talking all about the energetics of the broke healer and how to overcome that.

Thank you so much for being here. Lots love to you. If this episode hit home, if is said, oh yeah, that’s me. Make sure you take a screenshot. Tag me in your Instagram stories or just send me a dm or email. Let me know it really meant something to you and you had a big breakthrough. Lots of love to you and I’ll see you on the next episode.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Clear your energy, your space, and yourself every day, every session before during, and after. If you aren’t sure how, be sure check out the Integrated Energy Alignment Certification Program.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their businesses.

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7 Reasons Youโ€™re Not Fully Booked + Self-Sabotaging Solutions

7 Reasons Youโ€™re Not Fully Booked + Self-Sabotaging Solutions

This episode is jam-packed with actionable ways to go from unbooked to fully booked! Plus, reducing self-sabotage along the way.

Some things can happen under the radar, in our unconscious, that keep you from being fully booked, that are actually self-sabotage.

I want you to take action! Figuring out where you are having some trouble and knowing how to get yourself out of that block will help you make an impact and an income.

I highly suggest you listen to this episode and apply these easy ways to grow your business โ€“ right now! You can simply pause and do it along with me.

I also share 9 POTENT questions you can ask yourself to help limit self-sabotage going forward.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [1.35] You can work through your blocks to make the impact and income you are here to make.
  • [3.35] Visibility and charging your worth, energies to work through.
  • [4.28] The number one reason youโ€™re not booked that has to do with being too available.
  • [7.44] How to know if youโ€™re hitting your targets.
  • [10.18] Trackingโ€ฆ look at your numbers.
  • [17.65] Ways to add to your existing income that you may be missing out on.
  • [20.07] The deeper work will set you free.
  • [22.23] Collaborations, networking, your own PR โ€“ are you doing this???
  • [30.00] The ways you sabotage yourself. 9 POTENT questions to ask yourself.

Welcome back to the Aligned and Unstoppable Podcast. I am your host, Emilyย Aarons.

Warm welcome! Thank you for being here and thank you for all of you who’ve been dedicated listeners for years and welcome to the new folks who are here.

So I’ve decided to record this week’s episode as a Facebook Live because there are sometimes I just feel called to share these insights and get it out there, to the masses. As fast as humanly possible. I don’t know. I guess it’s in my nature to do this sometimes.

So if you are a podcast listener and not yet on my email list, make sure you get on the email list so that when I do send out notifications, you will get notified right away.

When I do this as a lot of times its very last minute. So if you just happen to be on email or happened to be on social media, you might catch me. And I usually do these live streams on Facebook or on Instagram, so I’m going to dove right into it.

The topic of this week’s episode is the seven reasons why you’re not fully booked and how you might be sabotaging yourself. So I’m going to be going through a list of seven reasons and the things that I’m seen very frequently with clients. I’ve also had these things happen with myself, so this is not just what happens to other people elsewhere. I’ve also experienced this myself.

In addition, I’m going to close this week’s episode, just really talking about some ways that we can self-sabotage. And these are things that are like, you know, under the radar, they’re sometimes unconscious. And so we might be knocking ourselves out of the running for getting more customers just because we might secretly having these thoughts.

So you’re going to want to stay till the end and you’re going to want to take notes. Right now, I’m not sure if we’re going to have an attachment to this week’s episode with a PDF. Usually with checklists like this, I like to have that, so I’m just going to be fully transparent. I don’t know yet.

So grab a pen and paper.I want you to write these things down, because this is not only about some great tips that I’m giving you and some things that I see regularly, but I want you to not just take note, but I want you to take action. Okay?

So it’s one thing to know where you might be having trouble and we could call it a money block. We can say, Oh, well, I just have this issue, right? But it’s beyond the money block. And so you listen to this podcast or you follow me on social for a reason, okay?

You are here to make an impact and you also are here to make income, my friend. So you might be a service provider, you might have products.

For those of you who are live, let me know. Do you sell products? Do you sell services? Do you sell both?

And I want to also let you know that this I don’t know podcast, this live presentation that I’m doing right now is basically just a little piece of what you’re going to get inside of the Intuitive Leadership series that is coming up October 26th, November 2nd, and the 9th.

So it is a series and it is for people who are coaches, healers, practitioners, or who want to start a new career in one of those realms. And you want to be able to stand out from a crowded market. You want to be able to help people, but you also have to overcome things like, you know, visibility and charging your worth. And so we’re going to be doing a lot of workshopping in that series. It’s a really low affordable price.

For those of you in M&A, you get half off. So use that coupon code that’s in the group. And if you participate in the Intuition Month, you have a special coupon code as well. So let’s dove right into it. If you want to join the workshop, it’s Even if you join after we start the workshop, that’s okay. You’ll get all access to the full recording.

So let’s dove right in.

So the very first place, the reason why you’re not booked is, number one, you are not establishing how many sessions you have. So I know this sounds so elementary and it is okay, but I see this all the time. So you’re not establishing how many sessions you have. So to get fully booked, you need to know what that even looks like.

So do you have a booking link that tells you there are a specific number of appointments this week? Yes or no. So what’s your exact availability?

So I’m just going to say, for example, and I’m going to talk kind of fast through this, you might want to write it down. Let’s say you have availability Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m., but you only do 90-minute sessions or 90-minute appointments.

What does that mean, Emily?

That means between 9:00 and 2:00 o’clock, you should not have free reign to book whenever you want to book in that timeframe. And yes, that sounds really type-A and like controlling. And there’s a reason for that.

Because I know for me, in my experience, when I’ve had availability like that and I didn’t have specific appointment slots, people would be like, you say, when do you want to come in?

And you know, yourself feel like I have the whole day available on Wednesday. It really doesn’t matter to me. I’ll just take them whenever they can come. That is a broke ass decision. That is a broke mindset.

So when you make an appointment, let’s just say for the dentist. When you make that appointment, do they tell you they have the whole day available or do they give you specific time slots and you make yourself available? The latter. So you need to look at yourself in the same exact way.

So you have a specific appointment. If you’re 9 to 2 and you have 90 minutes sessions, you have a 9 am to 10:30, you have a 10:45 to 12:15 and you have a 12:30 to 2. So, that means you don’t have a lunch break and that could work for you or not work for you. For me, I don’t usually eat until like 2 or 3:00. I have a big breakfast in the morning then I just like go hard all day. Not hard. I work from 10 to 3. So it’s not like all day.

But my point is, is like, if I’m taking appointments, I only have certain time slots available every single week.

Why do we only have those three? The 9, the 10:45 and 12:30. Those who are live with me. Why do we only have three?

That is because now I know I have nine appointments per week. If I’m available Monday, Wednesday, Friday and each of those days there’s three appointments that equals nine appointments per week.

Does this make sense so far? Am I talking too fast? I want to go through this quickly because I have a lot to share with you. There are seven ways that you could be not booking yourself and I want to get through all of them as quickly as possible. So if you know you have nine bookings a week available. Now you can understand how to make a goal.

Number two is that you’re not setting goals.

See how they kind of like one washes into the next. So you’re not setting goals. So you might have a goal. Yes and no. Tell me more, Laura. Beth, tell me more. I’m going to keep going, but I’ll come back to you if you can explain.

So if you’re not setting goals, how do you know you’re going to hit your target?

So why you don’t set a goal is usually because if you don’t hit it, you’re going to make it mean something terrible about yourself. I know that because I used to do that crap and it doesn’t actually mean anything terrible about yourself.

On the other side of goal setting, when you make a goal, let’s say your goal isn’t nine people a week, it is four people a week. That’s how I start. I start off five people a week. I said, I’m going to have five customers every single week.

When I start setting goals for myself and I really start to amplify my message in my, my reach set five every single week. So there were weeks when I had zero. There are weeks when I had one. But you know what? Pretty quickly, I was hitting that five every single week and I’m banging my hand right now. Okay.

So I hit that five every single week because I knew what I had to do, who I had to become. What type of gal gets five consistent clients every single week? And then we’ll talk about the self-sabotage in a minute. But this is it.

Yes. It makes sense that I’m not talking too fast. Thank you. Great. Sometimes I get really excited and I just go, like, boom.

So let me know. And this is where you can put the pen to paper. What do you currently sell? How many of those do you need to sell to hit that goal? And we can just call it like that one session. So even if, you know, you have these five appointments, what is that appointment?

And in the workshop at the Intuitive Leadership Series, we’re going to talk about how to create this one stand alone offer that is like your signature offer because a bigger we’ll talk about this in a second, but one of the bigger problems that gets diluted is that you have like too many offers on enough offers.

So not setting goals. So if you have a goal, let’s say it’s fine, let’s say it’s ten, whatever it is for you. How much are you making in those sessions? Okay, so look at that.

Number three is you’re not tracking your sessions or your income. See how they one stacks into the next into the next. This problem, I got this problem and it leads to this problem.

So tracking. Look at your numbers. Why don’t we look at our numbers?

Because they look like shit, and we don’t want to look at the shitty numbers. It’s as simple as that. It’s the same reason why we don’t often look into our bank account, right?

If I open it, I’m going to get that lurch in my stomach. And I’m gonna throw up, or my heart’s going to start pounding and feel like crap because I’m not good enough. I’m not making enough, and I just don’t like any of that. So I’m going to just put my head in the sand. I’m not going to look, you can’t make me, huh?

Do you see how childish that is? It’s not mature, it’s not responsible. It’s not a baller, you know, badass business woman, person, whatever.

So I want you to have your numbers. I want you to look.

Thank you. It’s so juicy. You’re welcome, Traci. And it does help you set boundaries. Yes, Laura, it does.

So, okay, let’s talk about numbers.

What was your income? You don’t have to post this when you thought you are on live. Okay.

What was your income? Write in your journal about yourself. Just keep it to yourself. What was your income for the last 30 days? Write it down if you want to make a guesstimate. Make a guesstimate. But then literally look at how much income you made in the last 30 days. Do not skip the step.

This is not all. I’ll do it later because you won’t be honest with yourself. I know you won’t because I never used to do that later. I used to keep a record on like a notebook clipboard thing and it was in pencil and I would then put it in an Excel spreadsheet. And that was like my bookkeeping. It was total garbage. And also I wasn’t making any money because I was like, I really didn’t have much to look at, so I just kind of kept it kind of crappy. And then when it was time to pay the taxes and I’d be like, well, it was like kind of maybe probably this all.

And I also did that chair massage gig. Oh, that other person hired me for a private party. Oh, and I also did that other thing. Oh, wait, I should. What was my mileage? We will get into that later. I’m not going to talk about that right now, but you need to understand what your income was. Okay.

So do you have a ballpark number for that? I would hope so. What would it look like? And more importantly, what would it feel like if you doubled that number? Think about that.

This is the stuff that makes your business explode. When I start to get really serious about my business and start to do these different things now, everything started to change. So take that number in double. And what does that feel like for you?

So in my in my business, when I started to look at my numbers, I looked at hitting a big, unrealistic, crazy, bonkers goal, which was essentially to hit $100,000 in my business when for years I had been consistently making like about 12 to $13000 a year. Okay. So in effect, I was having to multiply not just double, not triple, but ten x.

And so thank you for participating, Laura. It would feel amazing. All the other live viewers on here are just keeping quiet to themselves. I don’t know. How would it feel? Can you imagine? Or are you just not even going there because it would feel too damn good? So think about that.

What happens is it causes you to become a different person. Oh, my gosh, I would feel like this. Well, when you’ve made double, like, how do you show up differently? Do you show up more confidently, more charismatically? Do you feel healthier, more full of vitality and energy? Do you have more to give? Do you feel more worthy of raising your rates and charging your value? Like, think about that.

Everything kind of it’s like the big domino, like boom, boom, boom. All of it starts to shift when we start to look at things like this. Okay. Now you had to look at what it would take to create that. Okay.

Let’s go to number four. Not creating upsells and downsells.

So think about the offer that you have. I’m going to take a sip of water, give you a chance to breathe. We’ll all take a moment.

Okay. Let’s think about what you are selling. Is there something else that you could sell that would be complimentary? Or could you do something maybe to get to that big goal a little bit faster with less effort by you?

So if I see a lot of you guys are both service providers and you have products, so you are winning so hard you don’t even know it. So physical products or digital products are an amazing complement to the work or services that you are providing.

So yes, it would definitely feel better about raising my rates. Exactly. Heck, yep. I double where I’m at.It actually hit my monthly goal for this year.

Then what is stopping you, Jackie? Like the only thing is stopping you. Is guess you. So I want you to take this moment.

Think about the thing that you do. Is there something else that could compliment it? It could be a lower price point. Or it could be a higher price point.It could also be something that takes little or no effort by you.

So I’m going to give you a few examples as we move on in just a moment. I think I wrote it in this one. Maybe I just have it my later notes. Oh, I think I might have it in my later notes. Let’s see.

I might just give you some options. Yeah. I don’t think I have it in this section I have in my other notes because this is part of a huge workshop, the Intuitive Leadership Series. We’re gonna do so much good stuff. You are going to love it.

And this is why I’m saying double your income in the next 30 days, because you’re literally if you do these things, you will increase your revenue. I don’t know how else to put it. And this is not an overpromise. This is a truth. Like it will work for you if you do these things. Okay.

So some things are upsells are down sales. So I’ll give you some examples right now. I think I need a little bit of anything.

Hi, Chris. Good to see you.

So an upsell or a down sell and feel free to put your own put your own in if you have ideas.

So you all know I do energy healing, but I also have a whole membership that is full of recorded energy healings and meditation. So an opportunity for me to do a down-sell would be to give or to sell, I should say a meditation, whether it’s a single meditation or a bundle of meditations.

Let’s say somebody come in and working on money blocks, okay? I happen to have a whole bunch of abundance meditations for you. In fact, I have free ones right on my website. If you go to my website right now, you can get two of them for free.

But I do have multiple that I sell at a low price, so that could be an opportunity. An upsell could maybe be. instead of doing one session, you do an ongoing package of sessions. And the problem with that, so I’m not going to let go like crazy on this one right now.

But the problem with a lot of folks who are making packages, you’re only thinking about yourself in your bottom line like, Oh, I could sell one session for 100, but I could sell five of them for 500, you know, like or 150. I could sell five for 500. Right?

You’re going to save them some money. But like who said they wanted that? That’s the biggest problem with that crap. It’s like I used to do that too. I’d be like, Here’s a package. And I never was like, so. And next. It’s like they didn’t want it. So you’re not doing any kind of research to know that that is even what somebody wants. So like, what the hell is the point of having these packages.

Of, Oh, you can have 12 readings. You’re like, Well, who said they wanted 12 readings? Like one person. Okay, we’ll make the packages for that one person. You can offer it somewhere else, but like, is it really something that you want to do on going? What if 100 people bought it, like you’re giving yourself? So what I’m talking about is an upsell that is higher value, maybe more in-depth in a higher price.

So if somebody wanted to work with me, let’s say, in a group coaching program versus 1 to 1 coaching. So they’re getting a whole lot more of me. And the price point is like five times that. You see the see the difference? Or the the down sells could be a complementary if you do tapping, if you do hypnosis, if you do NLP, if you do a recipes, if you do organizing, if you sell a product that they could go with it always, always, always offer that down.

So the more successful I get, the more like me I feel I am. So with you on that, Laura. I am so with you. I love making money and money loves me. And I truly feel like that.

Like, you know, when you’re in a relationship and like things are going so well and you’re in that like, o-oh phase, like, that’s how I feel about money. And I never used to be like that.

This is part of what we’re doing in the Intuitive Leadership series is we’re going to go into the wounds of the money blocks and into that ancestry. And like, we’re going to be digging up some stuff, but it’s going to help you to identify from the unconscious place to the conscious place of what the hell has been going on, why have I been self-sabotaging? Why even stop it myself? And now that I know about it, I’m going to stop it right now. Okay?

So you can really grow so much when you do deeper work and you can heal relationships with money. And there really is a relationship. So it’s like, are you in a functional relationship or dysfunctional relationship with money?

It’s a whole another podcast for a whole another day, but I’m going to kee going my goals. All right.

So number four, five, I haven’t lettered that was silly of me because their letter and I have to figure out what is, right? It’s four. It’s five. My bad. It’s five. It’s embarrassing. Okay.

So five is you’re not creating packages that people want. I literally just said that. I’m like, I’m preaching. You’re not creating packages that people want, mainly because you are not taking the time to do your research.

Again, in this workshop series, we’re going to be doing research. It’s three different classes over a period of three weeks. So you’re going to come to class prepared and you’re going to have some really good data to share with us.

And I will be calling on you. So if you guys are registered, I’m looking at you registered. Be prepared. I’m going to send you some information week after week to say, here’s your homework. I want you to move the needle and do these things. I’m going to ask you for this data that when we come to class.

So, you know, are you creating packages that people want or are you just making bundles of random things? Right.

So the next one is number six.

You’re not doing any kind of outreach, you’re not emailing, you don’t even have an email list, most of you, some of you. Or if you do have an email list, you don’t even email people on it. You’re like, I don’t want to bother them. You know, they sign up for my email list and they wanted a year for me, but I just don’t want to be in their inbox.

Networking? You’re not doing any networking, whether it be virtual or in-person, to get customers to know about you, people to know about you.

And that networking also includes like joining, you know, memberships, joining courses or something with a community or masterminds. You’re not doing the networking thing, you’re not collaborating. So that mic, that could be podcasts, classes or special things that you do with another person.

So, you know, let’s say your your body has a Facebook group or they have a course in a program or they have a podcast, and you’re not pitching yourself to be on it.

Like, Hey, why not? Tell me putting number one in with the live comments, if that’s you, if you’re not pitching yourself to do collaborations, you’re not networking, you’re not doing the outrage that emailing, you’re not DMing people. That’s a big one. You’re not making any connections for how you can serve now or in the future. So, you know, I get people who reach out to me all the time.

Why is this hidden and I’m going to unhide that, that’s silly.

I get people who reach out to me all the time who literally just say like, I love what you do. I cannot afford you. I want to work with you so bad. I just don’t have the money. But I’m obsessed. I’m on your email list. I got your free thing. I don’t want you to think I’m a freeloader, but I just don’t have this. And it’s my life circumstance like that person is telling me. In under a very clear words. I will not work with you today. However, I do love you.

So this kind of thing happens all the time and I’m positive it’s happening to you too.

Thank you for all the honesty with all the ones in there, everybody. Angie, Jackie, Chris, Lawrence, Cindy, thank you.

So this is the thing, right? It’s not only about right now. This is going to be one of my other tips, but people are saying, I’d like to work with you. It’s just not right now.

And so some of you take that at value and go like, I’m worthless. I’ve obviously don’t have anything good. I should create lower-priced things so that person can afford me. Please, God, don’t do that. Oh, okay.

We’re going to talk a lot about that and creating offers that are really in alignment with you and your value and to help you understand that you are the value.

And so I’m totally good if you have a meditation that’s pre-recorded, if you’ve made a cool workshop, I’m going to talk about myself. I’m in a workshop on crystals about five years ago. I have sold that thing easily thousands of times over. I did it for free. One time I opened up a Facebook group and I was like, Hey, I’ll teach this class if you bring your friends into the class.

And at the time, my goal was to bring more people into my Facebook group, because at the time Facebook group works, Facebook groups worked more than they do now. They didn’t have the algorithms. Like they do now. So there were different.

So my goal was, I’m going to teach this class and I’m going to save it and I will sell it at a later time.

Now I do that. It’s a great opportunity for me to do something one time and repurpose it multiple times, because if I sell, even at this podcast right here, it’s recorded on video, I could totally download this video and sell this as a free workshop or as a paid. I mean, I could easily charge $15, $20 for this information.

Are you who are on. There’s 20 people are on right now. Do you find this valuable? And just like humor me, if it was for sale right now, what would you pay for this information? If it’s helpful? Is it getting you to think? Is it getting you to realize what you’re doing wrong and how to do something differently? What value is a bringing to you? And it won’t hurt my feelings if you’re like, I wouldn’t pay for this man, this is sucky. Or if you’re like, No, it’s so valuable. Like It’s. Fine. You can just say whatever here. I just I’m just asking because you’re on live with me.

But my point in it is saying you might have things that are so valuable that you just have stuck and held hostage inside of your brain. And if you were to share it, you can repurpose it and sell it multiple times over. Doesn’t take any effort from you. Okay?

So, what I mean by that is like we’re talking about outreach and classes and podcasts, right? So those things will live on, on and on and on. And that’s, that’s a way that you can serve people in the future. And you don’t have to discount yourself. You can just give them something else.

Like, there are plenty of folks. If I said, like right now. Guys. Who wants to work with me one on one for the next six months, who wants that? Tell me. You want to work with me for six months? Just you and me privately. You can have me in your pocket. I’ll be on Voxer, I’ll be on email. I’ll have your eyes on stuff. I can pull random cards for you. I can channel for up ad nauseum, and we’ll have healing sessions every single month.

And I’ll teach you how to open up your intuition more and how to utilize that to rally maximize your growth in your business. I can do that for you because I’ve been doing this for years and I can promise you results because I know that that’s what I do.

But how many of you are willing to invest in tens of thousands of dollars for that? See, that’s the thing is I am the value, but I can break off little pieces and I can scatter them all over the Internet. Right. I have a little piece here and a little piece there. And that’s what I do is I can give value. It doesn’t have to be all of me and my time and my energy, but it can be something that’s like a wonderful nugget.

Everyone’s saying, yes, heck yes. I love to. Write. Heck, yes. Thank you very much. But also, why? Why would you say heck yes with enthusiasm? Why would you say Heck yes, with enthusiasm?

Because most likely, you’ve been around for long enough to know. I’ve proven myself. I have a track record and I am confident that I’m going to get you results. Okay.

This is why we have to play the long game with our customers. That the person who is ready today is ready today. Sure.

But then there’s people who are like, I’m going to be on your list and hang out with you for the next, like few months or a few years. And then, like, at that time later. Then maybe I’ll buy something. Maybe.

I love that. Give a nugget. That’s all we’re doing, Tracy.

And that’s like, that’s what my podcast is. That’s what social media is all about. That’s what my emails are meant to do. That’s what my mini master classes do.

That’s what my workshop that I’m doing, the intuitive leadership search. That’s an I mean, as much as I can say, I could give you more, which like I told the kids, a three-part series, the Intuitive Leadership series. So it’s three different sessions over the course of three weeks. And I’m going to give you as much value as I can in that short amount of time, and it’s still just this tiny little crumb.

I have so much more to give and share, but what I want to do is make me more accessible. So I give it at a lower price and I can have more people involved. So I’m hoping to just cap it at about 100 people or less.

I don’t want to have this like a gargantuan list of people in this Intuitive Leader leadership series. I want to be able to be up close and personal with you. I mean, hell, like 50 people is amazing. It’s amazing.

So, like, I’m not going for big numbers here. I’m going for people who are ready to do the work. So I’m going to put my link in here to us. I haven’t done that yet. and that’s how you get a ticket into this series.

All right, you guys ready to wrap it up with the last thing that you’re doing that’s making it so that you’re not fully booked and then we’re going to get into the ways that you sabotage yourself. Who’s ready?

If you’ve been enjoying this, please hit those like thumbs up and hearts and those sorts of things. I would love, love, love.

Trying to get out of the whole transformation mindset. What does that mean,Tracy? Okay.

And nobody answer me. What would you pay for this workshop.If this was a workshop? Think about yourself as a business-minded person. Like if somebody was done so far about 30 minutes.

So let’s just say a 40-minute workshop that’s going to tell you about where you are blocking yourself, why you’re not fully booked, and the different self-sabotaging tendencies that you might be having. Think about it. Would you pay for this? What would you pay? Be honest. Like, think about that. Think about it right now. I’m just curious what you would do.

The final one. Number seven, you’re not seeing the long game of nurturing. I kind of just tapped on that. Right. You’re only focused on the people who are booking today. And it can take people months or even years to trust you.

Excuse me. That was a good release from you guys. I can feel the energy shift. It’s like, oh, my gosh. Oh, yeah.

And think about your own buying patterns. Think about people who you’ve trusted or bought things from. Like, did you just see them once and you’re like, I’m buying from them the end. Right? Or do you wait to see like, are they proven?

And I’m going to tell you something. Having an online business, everyone is skeptical of you, right? They see you or if you run ads, God forbid, they’re like, are you even legitimate? You’re probably not. It’s phony, right? Everyone is such like they’re so suspecting to like whatever you’re doing. So you really have to show people.

The good news is, if you know what you’re doing and you are the real deal, it will show very, very quickly. Same as if you’re not.

Although I’ve seen people who are like kind of full of it and they still have like mega fans and followers who are kind of hypnotized. And there are also people who use hypnotic language to literally hypnotize their audience into buying, which is another topic for another day. I’m not going to talk about that today.

But I will say this is your visibility and dropping those little crumbs, those little nuggets, the collaborations, the podcast, the videos, the classes, the meditations, whatever tapping scripts, whatever you’re doing are these little trail, this little nugget, bringing Hansel and Gretel right to the cottage, the cabin, whatever that was.

Tracy, you said stress over charging their whole life over 1% needle move.

Yeah, it’s it’s the transformation. But you know what? When you start to understand what you do and how you do it and different from everybody else, it’s going to make that a whole lot easier to communicate.

And that is actually something that we’re going to be talking about in the leadership series is being able to clearly articulate what you do, who you do this for, and why it matters right now. These are the most important reasons that people will or won’t buy from you.

I had this really funny. I was on Instagram and I saw this really funny audio clip and I was like, But it’s like, I don’t know. And it’s like a mumbling and like, this is how most transformational healers describe their work. It’s like gargling gook.

And oftentimes you’re adding in your toolbox. And I use Oracle cards and ice crystals, and then I use somatic body release and pressure point and trigger a da da da. And like, you’ve already lost people.

You don’t go to the mechanic and you’re like, Tell me which wrench are you using? What diagnostic tools do you use? How long is this going to take, for one thing, to the next thing? To the next thing, right?

But we don’t look at ourselves as healers and coaches in the same way. We’re like we need to justify our prices. So we tell them the 900 certifications I’ve just earned, which is why I’m charging 30%.

Undervalue what I should be charging.

I won’t keep going on that one.

Okay, so let’s get into some of the self-sabotage.

So number one and I want you just to drop the number if it resonates. So number one, if you were successful, then who would you be? It’s like you’re a stranger to yourself. Like for me, I was this broke healer or a very long time. Embarrassingly long. Not embarrassing. I’m not embarrassed by I had to go through that so I could do what I’m. Doing today to say to you like, Hey, if I can do this, then so can you.

I mean, I’ve been doing this for 23 years and 15 of those years I was struggling, I was broke, I was barely making it. And so if I can turn everything around. And now help tens of thousands of people all over the world. I think you can too, like it’s possible. Okay.

And I think that’s part of it is an identity shift is like, oh, my God, I’ve always been broke. So then like, who would I be? Well, like some like, wealthy lady? Okay, now, what do you believe about wealthy people? Ooh.

And there’s, like, so much digging and so much that can come up to the surface when you start looking at these issues. This is not just mindset work. This is the energy work. This is also bringing the unconscious or subconscious up to the conscious reality.

Number two, drop a tune if this is you. How would your friends, peers or family members look at you differently if you were successful? Put it to an if you think about like, wow, that hits home.

Like with my friends, you want to be friends. I mean, like we’re always talking about how poor we are. We’re always talking about this. We would have so much, so little in common if I was suddenly, like, super wealthy and successful. Hmm.

Number three, what would be expected of me? If suddenly I had tons of money? What if I had so much money and free time? What in the actual world would happen? You know what would actually happen? That’s number three. What would be expected of me?

Number four, drop four if this is you. Can you even maintain success long term? So that’s another one, like. All right, so maybe I can have, like, one thing sell. But, like. Every month, every year, like, consistently, like, that’s a whole nother bag of worms. That means I’m going to be. Tracking my bookkeeping. That means I’m going to be tracking numbers. But if I’m going to have a team. What the hell? I have to make them enough money to have a team. That paid more taxes.

Okay. And number five, drop a five then. What if you become so successful that when you make a mistake, everyone can see you?

You’ve built this social platform. You know, first of all, everyone’s complained. You don’t have enough followers. My reach isn’t getting good. No one’s viewing me. Yeah, well, what if you suddenly did? What if you had a million followers and a million people on your email list? And then you’ve messed up. And then it was everyone seen you doing a face palm? Right.

We’ve all seen this happen to celebrities. They make a mistake and then everybody just tears them apart. And it’s now easier than ever because if you’re on social platforms, it gives people like these cool little digital soap boxes to stand on and point their finger at you and judge you. So you just can’t make a mistake. My gosh, what would happen?

Number six, what if your success makes your partner feel inadequate and they leave you? Oh. This one used to come up a lot with my clients. A lot. A lot, a lot.

Because there are plenty of relationships that may be slightly dysfunctional and codependent, and your partner makes more money than you. And that’s part of why you are together, because you kinda sorta need them to survive.

So what happens if you change all that and now you don’t need them? And then what happens how they feel about you? Because it makes them feel really insecure because suddenly your boss bitch. It’s a real thing, people.

I have had so many clients who literally that was at the root of why they would not play full out. That’s why they would not post consistently. That’s why when they had a good month, the next month, they would be flat.

It was literally because of that relationship thing that their partner made more money and they needed to rely on them. And if they made more money, it would change their entire relationship dynamics.

And they were not willing to do that because they were more and more invested in staying small and medium dependent on their partner in the relationship than they were committed to actually growing themselves personally, professionally, spiritually and financially, that they were more dedicated to their partner’s well-being and how they thought of them.

That is seriously messed up, but it is what happens and I was partially in that position too. I’m not going to lie like. When I started to really amplify myself online in my business. It brought up a lot of problems with me and my husband.

And you know, what would also happened, was it created a shift in our roles. And now I’m the breadwinner. My husband is basically retired. He’s living his best life as a farmer. And he kind of does like side work here and there when he feels like it. But like. I’m the breadwinner of the family now. But I used to not be. And it was significant of a shift, this big swing. So imagine what that did to our relationship. Fortunately, we’ve come through in a really positive position.

Now number seven, we have two more. What if your success puts you in a different financial situation and people begin asking you for money? Whoo hoo hoo! That is number seven.

What if you start being such a baller that people just are like, Oh, hey, Tracy and Edna and Cindy and Brandi, you have loads of money, so why can’t you give more to the PTA?

You should be able to give more to this charity. Or I need a handout because, you know I need a new car. You have money for a new car? Why don’t you? You being stingy. You have the money. You can afford it. I need a new house. I think of, like, the rock. And he’s like a gazillionaire. And he’s like. It seems like when I follow him, like, it seems like he’s always. Been another family member, another, like, mansion. It’s like, well, I mean, that’s his money. It’s your business.

But I think he also has the mindset like he wants to give back, but I’m sure is how they’re cousins and aunties coming out of the woodwork who are like, hey, you know, remember me. From when that time. Right?

Number eight. What if your taxes and health insurance go up? That is a sticker for me, too.

I know when I started making more money, I was in a low tax bracket and so I paid less for health insurance. And then suddenly things started to change and I was going gulp. And not only taxes and health insurance, but your bookkeeping costs go up, you know, like you’re going to have more transactions every month. This happened to me.

My bookkeeper reached out to me like a year or so ago, and she’s like, There is good news. Your business is growing. I’m so happy you’re having this exponential growth and like you’re doing the damn thing. You doing what you said you were going to do years ago when we first started working together. It’s so cool to watch you. Also now you’re in the highest bracket because you have so many transactions happening that we need to do more reconciliation. It’s going to take more time. So we have to up your charge.

It’s like, Oh. Okay, so it’s four times the price it was four years ago, which is a good thing. But I kind of wish that I wasn’t paying all that money right now. It is what it is, he said.

I’m kind of scared because if I’ll accumulate more debt. But you know what, Edna? You don’t have to be afraid of debt because here’s the thing about debt. You will always be able to make more money. You will always be able to make more money. And if you’re starting to really pay attention to the things I’m teaching you, you’ll have the strategies, you’ll have the intuition, you’ll have the connection to be able to make these sales no problem. So you can go, well, you know what? Maybe, maybe I had a slower month, but I have these different ways that I know I can generate money so I don’t have to panic and worry.

And I and I know that to be true because it’s happened for myself is like, you can come back to yourself to go, all right, so what are some ways that I can hit this unreasonable crazy-ass goal that I set up for myself? How can I innovate? How can I use my intuition? How can I lean into my soul, my client? How can I lean in and do some more research to see what people truly want for me? And I can take that hundred-dollar sale and suddenly turn it into a $300 sale. Whoa.

What would that do for me and my business?

And so, you know, debt is part of running a business, too. You know, when I started my business, I had debt, and today I have debt. So when I run Facebook ads. It’s a negative, right? Until the launch is over. And then all of a sudden, the money comes flowing back and I pay myself back. But, you know, it’s going to be that cycle and, you know, it will be okay. I hold retreats and every time I hold a retreat, I pay for the retreat house.

So that is a debt. But as soon as somebody joins that paid for the whole house, then I can invest in a chef and that is a debt. But as soon as another person joins, it pays for the chef. And I’m going to get gift bags. And I would have to invest in maybe hundreds or thousands of dollars in gift bags or other services or other extras or other activities. That’s a debt. And guess what? When people join, it pays for itself. And then I walk away as on top in the green, right. Or. The black, I should say. Right.

So I’m making money. But the first initial investment was a red, it was a debt, it was a minus, it was a, you know, deduction. So we have to understand that we can always make more money. We don’t have more time. So it’s important to use your time again. I’m going to say it again. You are the value. So if you are the most valuable asset in your company, you cannot afford to discount yourself. Okay. I hope that’s clear.

Anybody have any questions about the Intuitive Leadership series or about anything I just went over that was unclear for those of you who are on live.

My goal was that this was helpful, that you can now take action on it. You can start moving the needle forward in the areas that you know and you can start making some changes.

You’re interested in my retreats? Thank you very much. Cindy, thank you for proving my point yet again. So Cindy says, I’m interested in the thing that you don’t offer right now.

Basically, to me, I want that. Okay.

So this is how you start to do research.

There’s going to be Cindy’s in your life, too. Who go, Oh, I want that thing that you do that time. You know, somebody reached out to me. Oh, I thought, Are you going to be doing a live in person event? I would love to come to that. Okay. Right.

So if there’s enough of those people who want that thing, it makes it a no brainer to offer it. What do you want? You want to retreat? When do you want it? How? What do you want?

Included. Okay, great. Now, I just made a product here. Now you can buy it. Okay, great. I just bought it. That’s how easy it literally can be if you want it to be. And these are some of the ways that I had and do still grow my business. It’s a smart way to do it.

So I appreciate you all for hanging out with me for the last 46 minutes. Oh, my gosh. I was trying to be as fast as possible. But, you know, I can be a little long-winded when I get excited about something. And these are things that really light me up I’m very passionate about.

I’m truly here to help more transformational healers, coaches or other kinds of healers in different modalities, whether you’re a life coach, business coach, fitness coach, hair stylist. You said you’re an osteopath-like chiropractor. If you are doing services and you are a service-based business. I would love to still help support you in creating a profitable business. This is part of what I’m teaching in the Intuitive Leadership series.

And then for those of you who are like really action takers and wanting to dedicate yourself more in depth, my certification, the Integrated Energy Alignment Certification, is coming up right around the corner at the end of this month, the 26th, it’s going to reopen. That is the first and only energy-based healing modality with a profit guarantee.

And the reason why I guarantee the profit is because throughout the training, within the confines of the certification, you can make up to $1,000, if not more for some people. And that’s just within the certification. And then after the certification, you have the skill set in order to raise your rates and you’ll have the confidence to back up while you be increasing your prices.

So if you want to get on the waitlist, We are adding to the waitlist pretty rapidly. I’m taking a small group of people in the journey of that certification. You’ll get to start the certification when you join at the end of October, October 26.

You’re interested in the certification. All right. So,, all these links are available at my website. If you just want to poke around, you’re welcome to do that. These are the direct links as well.

But the certification, it reopens on October 26, which is the same day of the Intuitive Leadership Series. We can talk more about that in the series and then it closes on November 11th.

Folks who apply early will be given all of the goodies. So from October 26th to November 2nd, that’s one week period. You’re going to get $500 off if you submit your application right away. So you might not be 100% sure you’re going to go through with it.

But if you’re feeling the call and there’s a resonance now, I would say get on the waitlist immediately. And then when you decide when the doors open, I would say get your application in as soon as possible. We’re only taking a limited number.

And again, that $500 discount goes a long way. For those of you who are in Mastery & Ascension, you will have an additional $250 off. So you can have if you’re an M&A member, you can have up to $750 off just for getting your application in early for the certification. So it is worthwhile to get on the waitlist.

And, you know, this is part of the certification as well. I’m teaching you how to create a profitable business because that’s truly what matters. I know you’re here to make an impact, but you also deserve to have income as well. So thank you all for hanging out with me so, so much.

Again, Intuitive Leadership series isย and if you like to get on the waitlist or join the integrated energy alignment practitioner certification that is and you can do that. Doors open October 26th for applications and they close October sorry November 11th 11-11.

So you guys, thank you so much for hanging out with me. It really means the world.

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Share it with a friend or otherwise. Just share on your social media and tell people you got to tune into this episode. You got to check out Emily or follow her, get on the email list, whatever. The more that you love it and enjoy these things, the more the love spreads. So pay it forward, hit the like button, hit the heart button or hit the share button and send it to somebody you care about.

Lots of love to you. Thank you for being here. Have a good one. I’ll see you on the next episode

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About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their businesses.

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Business Growth Without Relying On Social Media Prepare to overturn conventional business wisdom as Rebecca Tracey and I invite you to rethink your overreliance on social media for lead acquisition. You're about to discover the importance of understanding your desired...

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From Corporate To Creating Your Own Brand with Suzy Haber Wakefield

From Corporate To Creating Your Own Brand with Suzy Haber Wakefield

From Corporate To Creating Your Own Brand

with Suzy Haber Wakefield

My guest today is an expert in brand development, as well as a great example of an entrepreneur who left the corporate world to create a life that felt more fulfilling.

Suzy Haber Wakefield knew at an early age she wanted to work in design in New York and she landed an amazing job in lingerie and apparel design with Victoriaโ€™s Secret.

Her 16-year career allowed her to travel the world and gain such valuable knowledge of brand development.

As her job evolved, she felt too far away from the creation process and the impact she knew she could make if she opened her own business.

She left her Corporate job to follow a path to a more fulfilling work life.

If youโ€™ve ever left, or are thinking of leaving, the career you once loved but now you know itโ€™s time for something different โ€“ this is the episode for you!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [1.52] Suzyโ€™s background in the apparel industry.
  • [4.59] How moving up can actually lead away from your passion.
  • [8.08] What it felt like to discover something was missing and finding out her current position didnโ€™t feel fulfilling.
  • [16.14] Working seasons ahead, for any entrepreneur.
  • [18.18] Innovation comes in all shapes and sizes, even if you donโ€™t think youโ€™re a designer.
  • [20.20] People are incredibly clever about what they feel is needed in the world.
  • [23.04] Get out and meet more people!
  • [24.12] Suzyโ€™s vision for her brand going forward.

Hey listeners, welcome back to the podcast.

Today is a special episode. I’m joined by a guest. Suzy Haber Wakefield is here with me today and we were lucky enough to meet on an entrepreneurial female entrepreneur networking group, which is really exciting. And I mean, I joined so that I could meet more folks like you, Suzy. And so it checks my box to have you here today.

But also, it’s a true honor to have you here because I know your story is really one that the listeners can relate to from being in a corporate career to shifting into more of an entrepreneurial career and all the things that kind of came to making that decision. So for anybody who here is listening, who is still in a corporate career or transitioning to work for themselves, I think this episode is going to be one you’re going to want to listen to again and again.

So let’s dove right in. Suzy, please let the listeners know who you are and what you do in the world.

Hi, I’m Suzy Wakefield, and my design studio creates lingerie, swim and apparel to support brands that want to get their vision out into the world. So a lot of what we do is work with emerging brands or brands who are looking to extend category in the fashion space to be able to create an end-to-end concept, from concept and garment design to fitting it through, getting it produced. We love what we do.

That is so cool. I have one friend who has created an apparel line and it took her, I mean, from the time I met her, she’d already started the concept to when it was first actually produced about two years. Is that pretty average?

It is, especially for products that I specialize in, which are bras, underwear. The closer something is to the body, the more typically complex it is. And it’s hard for people because it’s like speaking a new language. Yeah, there’s it’s very decision-heavy. So if people need some guidance and need some help to really understand what are big decisions and what are small decisions and what is something that you can just launch the learn with?

Yes, I really love that. So and I also want to just quickly see this, that we’re going to include a link to the ultimate sort of brand development workbook. So for anybody who has a collection in mind, something that’s been on your heart and you’re wanting to bring it to life, this workbook is literally 20 pages. It is so detailed.

Even if you’re not thinking about creating a collection, I think you should download it because it’s going to help you to refine who it is that you’re talking to. And it has so many great details to see, like, you know, their mood and they’re like, there’s just so it’s so beautiful. So I definitely want to make sure that I mention that you guys can check out the link in our show notes. It’s completely free for all of our podcast listeners.

So because you’ve had this incredible background that you’ve learned the language, you’ve been, you’ve been in design for a very long time and sort of translating this new language to people who’ve never been exposed to it is like you have a full degree in it, so now you can share some of that knowledge and experience with people. So you’ve gone to art college and you kind of took that path into more of a corporate career, is that correct?

It is. It is. I actually grew up in Alabama and I, from the time I was little, knew I wanted to be a designer in New York City. And I came up to art school. I went to Rhode Island school design, which I picked because it was more of a fine art school that had a fashion degree. So then I moved to New York and eventually I started working for Victoria’s Secret. And I was very lucky that I originally got hired into what was at the time a think tank technician. So anything that I ever designed was for Victoria’s Secret.

But there were people who designed accessories for other brands within the corporation that were graphic designers. So it just it opened up my eyes to, first of all, that the many, many aspects of creating that people could create perfume bottles and people could create scents for those bottles and lotions. And it was a great experience because we were elbow to elbow with various creatives and it really planted the seed for years later being an entrepreneur on my own, because I what I discovered was I really loved working on various projects and through my career. They’re about 16 years. I was very lucky to learn as I travel the world, to be able to go see factories and see what innovations they were working on and these amazing people who were artisans in their own right, and then be able to take that knowledge to eventually go out on my own and help founders.

So what really gave you that itch to go out on your own? I mean, I know some people work for a corporate company and they just can’t stand their boss and they’re like, I can do better on my own. And then there are people who just have that hunger. Like you said, growing up in Alabama, you always knew you want to be a designer. As a kindergartner, I remember I knew I wanted to help people, but I thought maybe I would go in to be like a doctor. Because when you’re six years old, you don’t really know much about healing modality.

And so you always had that hunger. I always had that hunger. And I know many of our my listeners have that desire that that seed’s already been planted. And so even from a young age, you knew what you wanted to do, that maybe was it the corporate career wasn’t quite getting there for you and you wanted something more?

Well, exactly, Emily. So what I realized was I was lucky enough to move up the chain, and I got more and more people to manage, and I got further from the product. Yeah. What I really missed was being hands-on and, being in the weeds of the creativity versus managing a lot of people and the corporate ins and outs of volume building, which we were, which was fantastic. But it’s also groups that you’re looking at more of the corporate aspects than you are touching fabrics and working on products. And I felt like my gift was the impact that I can make on product. And creating versus what might have been a gift to be able to lead people but it wasn’t I wasn’t filling my well.

Yeah, I understand that. And for some people getting further away from touching fabrics and that textile connection might be ideal. Like, okay, I’ve put in my time and I, and I don’t want to have to work so hard anymore, but for you is like, no, that’s actually what brings you joy is being in that close-up belly to belly, as they say sometimes, like really being in that close-up position.

So what was that conversation like in your head when you really knew that you wanted to make that transition away from the corporate and to get closer to the actual product design and all of that? What was that conversation like?

It was tough because I mean, in a way, it was a decision that needed to be made because I was living in New York City with my husband and two young kids, and I was traveling six weeks, two months, a year. So there were also some calls of family realizing that I wasn’t really being filled in what I was doing day to day and I wasn’t being fulfilled and seeing my family as much as I wanted to. And it just seemed like something should be able to open up about this and the fact that I had always been. Told and felt lucky because I knew what I wanted to do. The older I got, the more I realized there’s a lot of people who go to college and have no idea what they want to do. And from such a young age, I did. But it didn’t. It was starting not to feel like. That was that I was really doing what I love to do, so I needed to recalibrate and I really needed to rethink what were the aspects.

\And so I actually left Victoria’s Secret to go back to a company I had worked for before, I guess because I got the opportunity to work with licenses to design for Kate Spade, Ralph Lauren again with tons of people.

But I really thought, well, maybe I just need a change of something that I keep learning. I mean, certainly there were so many smart people that I worked for and with over the years, but I felt like I’ve been there so long, at BS that I was learning from my own mistakes. So I wanted to give myself a chance to say new environment and learning something totally different, and that really working with the licenses just cemented for me that I loved having that pseudo kind of client relationship. Like I loved collaborating with people in their vision and magnifying it and designing it and really showing them like what the seed of an idea could turn into. And for me, I mean, I’m so geeky that still to this day I get a garment in and I see it on a fit model and I get excited. It’s just one of those things that. I would recommend to all of your listeners really keep asking yourself: what is making you happy about what you’re doing? And what’s maybe not quite. And do that, you know, as tragic as it is, that simple list of: what do I like to do? What am I good at? How can I possibly combine these?

Yes. I love that. And even just hearing you talk about, you know, it’s a simple question of what am I good at? What do I like doing? But I think sometimes when we’re in a career, we don’t stop. It’s like you’re on a machine, like the motor is running and you’re moving forward. And like, you know, I have one of my best friends was on track. She was in a career in finance and on track to be a partner. And, you know, it’s like, what makes you go, hold on. That’s not really for me. I need to make an abrupt change. And those are the questions that we should be asking ourselves, even as entrepreneurs, because I think the same thing can happen.

I know for myself, I noticed at the end of last year I was feeling really heavy with some of my programs, my coaching programs, and I realized I needed to take a break. And when I stopped, it was only in stopping when I realized, wow, I had been putting so much time and energy and love into this program. I hadn’t even thought of it because I was just going on, going on, going with the motions. And it was like a six-month group and another six-month group with another six-month group. And I’m holding all this space for people not realizing how much space I’m actually holding and my energy is being expanded and going out to so many people. And when I stopped, it was like, oh, my gosh, like there’s here I am again, and we have to be able to call ourselves out on those things. And for me it was very lucrative, but I also knew it wasn’t quite aligned to me anymore.

So I think you can take this question whether you’re in corporate working for somebody else or you are an entrepreneur and apply it. So. Okay, personal question. Do you watch design shows on TV and how do you feel about them?
You don’t. I don’t watch them at all. I have a lot of good friends who do now. I watch home makeover shows. Okay. I like some of those. I don’t watch anything fashion related, but I’m a complete addict to runway shows. Okay. So I follow all the seasons of runway, but I don’t watch the people, but I’m not really a reality like right-hander in my in my home life. I’m a real a severe law and order person. You know, I love, like, something totally different than what I do.

Totally. I totally get that. And I ask that because as you talk about the fit, I’m like, I’m thinking of Project Runway and I’m like, okay, so I watch it and I’m not an artist. I’m not a does. I mean, I guess I’m artistic in my own right, but I’m not a designer. And, and I look at it from that vantage point as like a regular person, but not from a designer standpoint. And so I always wonder, like, is it difficult to watch those things? Like, I know comedians who don’t watch comedy or listen to comedy because it’s like they can’t even enjoy it sometimes. And or some comedians say, I don’t want to listen because it’s like, I don’t want my stuff to be influenced somehow by what I saw somewhere.

I think that’s just an interesting question. So let’s bring it into today where you have your business, where you’re helping people to create and build their own designs, their own collections. Do most of your clients come with sort of a concept in mind and you help to kind of fan the flames or help to develop it? Or do they sort of have this fully developed thing and you help to put it on into the market?

It really depends. It’s kind of all of the above. Some people come to me when they’re a season or two and it’s kind of like, come on, take me away. Like people can muscle through one season. And then when seasons start building because in a fashion and apparel development, you’re not finished with one before you have to start the other. It’s a long process. So with that decision-making and build-on gets too heavy. That’s when people will sometimes come to me or when they are starting to get feedback from consumers like, Oh, I might have a little bit of a problem.

And also sometimes people will come who just have the seed of an idea and they have either a life experience or a desire for something. I think other people will too. And that’s my favorite kind of founder, because when I get something across my desk for real that is new and different and that I’ve never heard of or thought about the need for. I get so excited. And that’s another reason why I love what I do, because I learned from my clients all the time about different aspects that often they come from a financial world. Like most people who come to me. Are coming from that need. But there they were not trained creatively and come from a different industry, so they think really differently and I often learn from them in other aspects. And for me that’s another reason why I started my business, because I just want to keep learning. I mean, even, you know, Emily, being a business owner is a work in progress. Learning all the time.

Oh yeah. And I think even what you talk about the seasons with fashion, I mean, I think of my own seasons like we’re talking about I have a certification course that’s going on right now and we’re already talking about like we’re not complete with this season and we’re already talking about what’s the next launch going to be, what is it going to look like? And painting that picture so we can prepare.

And I kind of giggle to myself just today because I look at my calendar, I’m like, what is time really? Because like it’s like we’re looking at these days of the week and the month. So I’m like, okay, this launch is happening here.

We have to plan for that season and we’re talking about April and it’s today is August 18th, you know, so it’s like we’re looking out in the future and really having to position and project ourselves in that way in our business, just like a fashion designer would have to.

And you mentioned creating unique designs, and it made me think of my friend Yara dela Torre and she’s a hairstylist and she’s in a wheelchair. And she’s actually a guest. She was a guest on the podcast. Beautiful. Oh, my gosh. She’s an amazing coach. And this incredible story that she was paralyzed from the waist down from a freak accident that happened. And she has since just exploded her business, not just behind the chair, but also in a coaching capacity and as a speaker. And isn’t. She is.

And so when we are on the podcast, we were talking she was talking about how she had to design her like belt, basically, that she could have access to all of her tools because now she instead of standing and she could just reach for them. She was seated and then she had to design a different style chair for herself to be able to work around. And so, you know, that shift in her led to innovation and she found a designer on Etsy who made like tool belts. And so she had to work with this Etsy designer to basically custom design a belt that she could wear, like almost like a sling across her chest.

And it has like all these different pockets and things for every single thing that she’s got. And then she has like an apron that covers her lap so she doesn’t get color on herself. Like it’s she’s just taken that next level of innovation.

And she is somebody that during the pandemic, I mean, talk about innovation like she had to shut down her brick and mortar business and she’s in Key West, Florida, should have shut the doors because everybody in, you know, shut your doors in the pandemic. And she got calls to all of her clients and asked if they would like to have like little sample hair, you know, products delivered. And during the pandemic, she started to make these little gift bundles and package them and sell them and hand-deliver them to all of her customers during the pandemic so that they could get their products or touch up color or things like that.

And she sounds incredible.

She is incredible! But like, that’s the thing is, like, you might she might not have thought of herself as a designer or even to even consider making her own collection for people who have disabilities, who are either in the hairstyling industry or elsewhere. But for herself, she innovated and she’s continuously innovating to make things work.

You know, she’s one of those people who doesn’t make excuses for why she can’t do something. She’s like, I’ll figure out a way. I’ll do it, I’ll get it done. And I’m sure in fashion there’s some of that too. Like people creative is like having a problem with certain, maybe fit or fabric or things like that that they say this doesn’t work anymore and I’m going to innovate to something else.

Absolutely. People are incredibly clever about what they feel the need for, and that’s the best kind of product because we just don’t need more T-shirts in the world. We need things that feel different and specific. And that’s what’s really going to create true followers. So I forget who the person said that, you know, you just need, what, 100 or 1000 followers? Yeah. Yeah. And it really is the case because. There just doesn’t need more. That’s the same. We need more. That’s different.

Yeah, I agree. And it’s interesting. I see, you know, especially with lingerie and swimwear of how shapewear is starting to kind of show up in them. Like I saw, you know, bathing suits that have shapewear built into them that people are like, oh, look, it does this and it does that and it has.

And, you know, like I worked for Athleta years ago as a manager and even they would come in and talk about like the performance of all the fabrics. And we need to understand it wasn’t just like a pair of shorts or a t shirt, like they had all of the stuff created really intentionally with the stitching, with the fabrics, with the colors, like so many things are so intentional, and from the design point you’re like, Oh, that’s great and functionality. But then when we’re customer facing, we have to be able to share that information to make it worth like, okay, why am I starting $80 on this versus I can get it here for 15.

Right? Well, that’s the great thing about the opportunity for direct-to-consumer is that, people can now put so much of that on their side and they can really point out to consumers, here’s what the fabric does. Look at the scene, look at how it’s melted, look at how it fits around your bottom. And to your point, so much of that is innovation that’s been done in fabrications and fibers and fabrics that just help us as designers to make even better product.

And so how long have you been sort of in the Wild West, in your own working for yourself now?

About five years.

Okay, great.

Yeah, it’s just evolved. It started with word of mouth that people in my circles saw my career. And then that’s another thing that I really love about it. And I would encourage all your listeners, I’m sure you know, Emily and what we were just talking about, the Entreprenista League, just get out and meet more people because networking doesn’t have to feel like it’s this arduous spring. It’s kind of like Brian Grazer, I read years ago, talked about how his whole career he’s done these curiosity conversations. And of course, he’s a director. He he doesn’t just keep them within the film world or the art world. He met with Elon Musk before, you know, back in the day he meets with scientists. It’s like you never know what interesting packed life will bring. So it’s kind of like just building out circles.

Yeah, I agree. So where do you envision your company growing to? And like, what’s I know for me, I’m always sort of reaching for that next thing. And I see in my mind, I have this vision for myself and my brand. Where do you what’s your vision for yourself and your brand?

I would love to keep growing and expanding and what we are doing now. I also can envision for people who maybe couldn’t take on me as a director or my team as directly designing for them, being able to create a mastermind where I could still help founders in a way that’s more approachable for them.

The other aspect that I’m really interested in is that I see from my clients, a lot of them get investment either because they are so driven and people who are investing see that they will definitely get over the yard line or they have such an interesting marketing spin on their idea.

What I don’t perceive from where I sit is that investment is always actually the credibility of the product. So I’d love to work with the investment community to help be an advisor in that way of kind of a green, yellow, red light. Yeah. To do it for them. But just to take my experience and give some guidance to, oh, you might need them to invest in a little bit more of a team here. Or perhaps the idea needs to be a little more unique. Like I, I feel like there’s a lot of ways that my experience could help. To fortify investments?

Yeah, very much. That’s so unique, too. I mean, like things that I’ve never thought of that I’ve never considered that. And it’s really interesting because, I mean, I’m sure people are looking at if you are looking at creating a collection, you would need a substantial amount of money from investment. And if you are on a board that you could give them that feedback that would be so beneficial to both parties.

I think so. So let’s see where it goes. I’m putting it out of the universe.

Yeah, you heard it here first. You guys heard it here first.

So again, I want to mention again the download that you can get with this episode, The Ultimate Start-Up Brand Development Workbook. You guys can come over to the website or whatever listening platform you’re on. It’ll be right there in the show notes. We’ll have links to that.

I’m also going to give a link to the episode with Yara because I honestly, off the top of my head, I don’t know what episode that is, but it’s a great one. As well as the Entrepreneur Easter League. I know I have inquired about affiliate links because I know plenty of friends who would be interested in joining that networking group and so far so good. I’ve had a blast that I’ve only been in for a short period of time and met some really lovely people.

And like you mentioned, that episode, this episode is, you know, it’s really about creating those relationships and being in new circles. And sometimes our passion can get a little small, so it’s good to get out a little bit. And, you know, I think this is evidence of it. Like this is a beautiful collaboration with somebody who I would have never probably normally cross paths before. So this is perfect.

So let’s let everybody know how they can find you and learn more about you, your website and Instagram handle so that they can also tag you as they’re listening.

Fantastic. On Instagram, Suzy Wakefield Designs all one word. My website is and you can also find me on LinkedIn Suzy Wakefield.

Great. Perfect and we’ll have that was linked as well.

Thank you so much for being our guest today, Suzy. It was really a joy and really nice to have somebody on the podcast that does something a little bit unique but also has a message that people can hear themselves in your story of being inspired and being led internally to do that next great thing that feels amazing for them. So thank you for sharing with us today.

Thank you, Emily. It has been such a pleasure and I look forward to listening to a lot of great episodes you have.

Amen on that. All right. Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


Get out and meet more people! Start networking and growing your business with help and support instead of trying to do everything on your own. You donโ€™t have to go it alone.


About Suzy

After a 20+ year career in corporate fashion design, holding C-suite positions for world-class brands, Suzy began Suzy Wakefield Designs, with a mission to create and produce outstanding lingerie, swim, and apparel designs that bring a fashion founders’ vision to life.

You can find her here:

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Business Growth Without Relying On Social Media Prepare to overturn conventional business wisdom as Rebecca Tracey and I invite you to rethink your overreliance on social media for lead acquisition. You're about to discover the importance of understanding your desired...

From Trauma to Triumph: Discovering the Healing Power of Hypnotherapy

From Trauma to Triumph: Discovering the Healing Power of Hypnotherapy

From Trauma to Triumph: Discovering the Healing Power of HypnotherapyVenturing into the shadowed corners of our minds can be a daunting task - but it's a journey I've embarked on, with profound transformations to show for it. Through my own journey of healing and...