How To Improve Your Life And Business Using Human Design



Episode 174

Did you know that your Human Design type affects your business, your relationships, and your success?

Today, I am speaking to Aycee Brown all about Human Design and how to make your Human Design work for you.  Aycee is a Human Design expert, a psychic channel, spiritual guide, and founder of Good Night Darling Co. Her goal is to shift your mindset to figure out where and why you belong using the information from your own Human Design.

In this episode, we dive deep into the 4 types of Human Design and how to make your Human Design work for you in your life and business.

Want to learn more about each Human Design type? Grab this easy to read PDF with an easy to understand breakdown of each Human Design type. Grab your PDF copy here.



Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • How Aycee started in this field and opened up her psychic abilities and her journey to Human Design.
  • The 4-5 Human Design Types – Manifestors, Generators (including Manifesting Generators), Projectors, and Reflectors.
  • Human Design is unique in that every chart is different because the Universe is generous enough to ensure there are no duplicates. No two people have the same Human Design chart.
  • How Aycee’s grandmother impacted her life and journey.
  • How Human Design can help you with your corporate career, team building, and sales.
  • Knowing how to use your Human Design to your benefit when dealing with your boss.
  • Knowing your children’s Human Design and how it can help you better parent them.
  • Do not try to guess what your Human Design is; many times it isn’t what we may think it is. You can use a free resource to find your unique Human Design using your birth date and time.
  • How your Human Design can help you set boundaries, communicate better, and set expectations because you will know how you make decisions.


Shareable Quotes:

  • “If you’re going to work in a corporation and climb the ranks, you want to be happy doing it. You want to feel good doing it. So Human Design can help with that for sure.” – Aycee Brown
  • “Invitations, word of mouth, recognition are super important. They are all very, very important for the projector journey.” – Aycee Brown
  • “Everyone has gifts and I always tell people you don’t have to hang up a sign that says I’m a psychic. You can use them in different ways; that’s what I show people how to do.” – Aycee Brown
  • “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you need too” – Emily Aarons



Resources to Take You Deeper:


You can also search for “Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast” on iTunesSpotifyStitcher, and Google Music.



Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome In Your Business



Episode 170

In this episode, I dive deep into how to overcome imposter syndrome in your business and I share the five questions I ask myself every time, I experience imposter syndrome in my business.

I am excited to have this conversation with you today because we are going to talk about 2 important topics that I love to talk about: abundance and imposter syndrome.

I want you to know that you’re not the only person in the world who feels like an imposter sometimes or that you worry when someone’s already doing the thing that you want to do.

If you’ve had those negative voices in your head, I want you to know that you are not alone.

But here is what’s important, If you really want to take your business to the next level, you have to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome in your business. It’s the only thing that will set you free.



Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • How to overcome your own imposter syndrome if that’s something you struggle with.
  • How the imposter syndrome started to show up in my business and in my life.
  • Why every time I thought about putting myself out there, my ego would show up to stop me.
  • The reason your ego shows you all your fears.
  • Why you need to understand that your ego is just trying to keep you safe and it’s not there to stop you.
  • How your ego is showing you the path.
  • The importance of understanding that people who are successful are not fearless, they just choose to move forward in spite of their fears.
  • How trust is all you need in order to take action.
  • Why everything shifts when you start to trust that you are meant to act on your ideas.
  • The five steps that you can follow to start shifting your imposter syndrome.
  • What do you struggle the most with?
  • Where in your body do you feel the resistance?
  • How breathing can help you feel the expansion and allow you to step into that place.
  • The reason why this idea came to you is exactly why you need to do it.
  • Commit to doing it even if you feel fear.
  • Why it’s important to allow yourself to feel the fear and do it anyway.


Shareable Quotes:

  • “When I started to say, I’m going to put myself out there. That’s when all the creepy crawlies started to show up.” – Emily Aarons
  • “Our ego is basically showing us all of our fears, all the terrible things that will happen when we start to crawl towards the edge because when we crawl towards the edge, it’s when we are on the verge of a breakthrough.” – Emily Aarons
  • “People who are really successful are not fearless. They have fear, but they move forward in spite of their fears.” – Emily Aarons



Resources to Take You Deeper:

  • BMS Mastermind opens July 1st. We only have a few spaces left, apply now before it’s too late!
  • Meditation – to give you more energy and to help you feel more connected with your body and energy field.
  • Useful resources for COVID 19: Watch the replay of my Facebook Live about Coronavirus and the astrology now with Kim Woods, Spiritual Resources for COVID-19



Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

How Fear Of Judgement Is Blocking Abundance In Your Business



Episode 168

In this episode, I dive deep into how to clear money blocks that are hurting your business, stopping you from growing, and receiving abundance.

So today’s episode is all about abundance. Like I said, but one of the things that you might not realize is one of the biggest blocks for abundance is actually the fear of judgment.

I am really excited to share this because if you are like many of the people that I talk to, you may not know that one of the biggest abundance blocks is fear of judgment.

Every human being that has a pulse has experienced a fear of being judged.

Fear of judgment never really goes away, even if you think you already worked through it and learning how to clear this block has the power to unlock abundance in your business and life.

Today’s episode is one you will not want to miss if you if want to learn how to clear money blocks that are hurting your business.



Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • Why we all at some point in our lives have felt fear of being judged by other people.
  • The importance of understanding that the fear of being judged never really goes away.
  • How the fear of judgment can stop you from growing if you don’t know how to overcome it.
  • Why I honestly felt so afraid to come out of my spiritual closet.
  • How the stories we tell ourselves when we were kids get programmed in our brain and still trigger us as adults.
  • Why it’s so important to understand that the story you are telling yourself does not serve you anymore.
  • Why I still continued to hide for over a decade and not being open with people in my life.
  • The danger of giving all your power to the fear of judgment.
  • When you are not helping others because you are afraid of judgment, you are doing the world a disservice.
  • How I knew it was time to share with the world that I was a psychic.
  • Why there is not the right way to come out of your spiritual closet.
  • Why sharing who you truly are, helps you attract the right people to your life.
  • Why letting go of judgment unlocks has the power to unlock abundance in business and life.
  • What would you do or say if you were not worried about being judged by other people


Shareable Quotes:

  • “For most of my life, I have felt misunderstood, like I had to hide who I was to be myself. ” – Emily Aarons
  • “Each and every day, I’m not going to look outward for what people give me permission to say and do, instead I am going to turn inward and listen to what my inner compass is telling me. ” – Emily Aarons
  • “If you were not worried about being judged by other people, what would you do? What would you say? That’s a place where you can start to do the work.” – Emily Aarons



Resources to Take You Deeper:



Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

How To Protect Your Energy At Work And Avoid Feeling Depleted



Episode 164

In this episode, I dive deep into how to protect your energy at work and avoid feeling depleted and exhausted at the end of the day.

I am really excited to share this because I know many of you need this right now, not only in your personal life but more importantly in your workplace because you are starting to go back to work.

So this episode is for you if you frequently feel like you’re taking on too much.

Usually, a good sign of this is that you feel like you have given your energy away and as a result, you end up feeling fatigued, drained and exhausted.

Learning how to protect your energy at work can be one of the most important skills you can develop.

I want to help you see that there are ways to manage your energy, so you don’t feel like you are giving it away.



Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • How to hold your container strong to really protect your energy and unknowingly giving it away.
  • Why you need it’s important to set the intention of being able to clear yourself between clients.
  • How having daily self-care practices can help you prevent feeling fatigued, drained, exhausted, depleted at the end of the day.
  • The mistake you might be making when it feels like you’re taking on too much.
  • Why nobody can take your energy unless you give them permission.
  • Why, when you are in work mode, you really want to be able to pull universal energy through your crown chakra, instead of pulling it all out through your own energy system.
  • What’s channeling and why it’s so important to protect your energy.
  • Why the first step you need to take is to set the intention and how by doing it you are creating a container for the day.
  • Why setting an intention helps you create a container for the day.
  • How to call energy to clear the space when you end client sessions so that you can clear the space between clients.
  • How to create a daily end of the day self-care routine so that at the end of each day, you are clearing your energy and your space.
  • How taking a shower, changing your clothes, and getting out in nature can help you clear your energy at the end of the day.


Shareable Quotes:

  • “Nobody can take your energy unless you give them permission.” – Emily Aarons
  • “When you are setting your intention, I want you to think, if you had the best day ever, how would it go?” – Emily Aarons
  • “When you’re opening up your crown chakra and you have a safe space, you are bringing energy through you, you are channeling.” – Emily Aarons



Resources to Take You Deeper:



Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!

Intuition Week Launch (Part 3 of 3): Executing A Launch Using Your Intuition (Real Results and Stats)



Episode 162

Today’s episode is part 3 of a series of episodes that I am recording to document my launch experience. In this episode, I will share what I have learned about executing a launch using your intuition.

If you haven’t listened to Part 1 and Part 2, I highly suggest listening to those before you listen to this so that what I’m about to say makes sense.

It’s really important to give you context so you understand what it took to get here because taking your business to the next level requires time, patience, and taking action consistently.

If you have ever felt like you are not getting results fast enough or you find yourself comparing your results to the results of others, I recorded these series of episodes just for you, so that you can experience how executing a launch using your intuition feels like.

BMS Mastermind will kick off on July 1st, 2020. We only have limited spots available. Make sure to grab your spot HERE!



Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • How to understand the numbers and stats of a launch.
  • Why it’s so important to avoid comparing your results to the results of others.
  • Understanding that only action can lead to breakthroughs.
  • Why it’s so important when you are selling something to address objections and bust myths.
  • Why it’s so important to offer people an experience of your work instead of just telling them that you are different.
  • When you offer people an experience and you blow their mind, they notice that you are different.
  • Why every business is different and at some point you need to start using your intuition and come up with your own strategies.
  • Getting clear on the importance of detaching from your results and understanding that they don’t define you.
  • Why it’s critical that you take the time to understand what works and what does not work in your offers, especially when you are launching.
  • How having an amazing team can allow you to show up and support your audience in a big way.
  • Why it’s so important to remember that taking your business to the next level requires patience and taking consistent action.


Shareable Quotes:

  • “If you want to sell something, you need to make sure that people understand the value of what you have, but also to address all their objections.” – Emily Aarons
  • “During intuition week, I’m literally showing people and I’m giving them an experience with my work. So instead of saying: my meditation is different, just trust me. I’m actually fully blown people’s minds by literally clearing their energy system.” – Emily Aarons
  • “What I know as a human is so minuscule. It’s not even a drop in the ocean of infinity of wisdom that the universe has. So why would I think that my way is the way that I should focus my energy? So I don’t.” – Emily Aarons



Resources to Take You Deeper:



Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!