by emilyaarons | Dec 10, 2020 | Blog, News and Events

Let me tell you the story behind this rose quartz.
Back when I owned my first wellness center, my client Joanne and I would talk before or after her treatments. I knew she was a psychic/medium and that she was very active in the community and at her Unitarian church. I also knew she was Jewish.
One day I told her I was too and eventually she gave me this crystal. A gorgeous rose quartz with the Star of David engraved in gold. For the life of me, I can’t remember why she gave it to me. But for the last 16 years, it’s been stored deep inside my jewelry box, hidden.
Hiding my Jewish heritage always came naturally for me. My closest friends never knew because I specifically didn’t tell them. Why? I never logically thought about it, but rather I hid being a Jew INSTINCTIVELY.
Recently, I’ve been more interested in learning about my lineage. Turns out there’s a lot to be very proud of, including the fact I’m 85% Jewish. Technically, that makes me a super Jew! Some brag-worthy history includes early settlers to Tucson, AZ arriving in covered wagon, my GREAT grandmother graduated University of AZ in 1901! ? They ran a men’s clothing store through the Great Depression and never lost it! My Jewish family is on both sides and is from Lithuania, Germany, Poland, and France. Of course; even revealing this truth I realize what a fucking privilege to be able to hide. Even if historically my family has been persecuted, how lucky am I to just not tell people if I choose.
Being targeted, hated, bullied, murdered, and abused because of the color of your skin is NOT something many people can hide.

I’ve come to a place in my life where the work I’m here to share with the world prohibits me from hiding. If you’ve been hiding your gifts and magic out of fear and please know you’ve found me… I am committed to keeping a SAFE space to share what might be considered “weird” or “different” and in my ever-growing community, we CELEBRATE those differences.
Black, white, brown, yellow, gay, straight, bi, trans, skinny, fat, tall, short…everyone BELONGS here. Just. As. You. Are. No more hiding, trying to fit in, or playing small.
Love is love is love. Let’s spread it together.

If you are looking for a like minded community to be a part of and be accepted please join my FREE Facebook Community Aligned & Unstoppable we would love to welcome you home.
by emilyaarons | Dec 9, 2020 | Blog, News and Events
I’m pissed about something today and you might be too! Let me explain…
Recently, I was thinking about business coaches and their online courses. What’s crazy is something like 94% of students don’t complete their online courses – I wondered WHY???
My guides showed me a clock with all of its parts and that’s when it hit me!
What MOST online business coaches and course creators are giving you is a box full of clock parts (all the parts of a successful business) and an instruction booklet (their course) and expecting that you’ll be able to assemble a clock (just like theirs), based on their simple instructions.
At some point, very early on, a part of your soul goes, WTF?
Maybe you internalize it thinking something is wrong with YOU instead of the course.
THE PROBLEM, and this really fires me up, is that maybe THEY built a clock and made 6-figures (or whatever they’re telling you), and now you’re supposed to build a clock (like theirs) super fast and make loads of money like them!
Have you ever stopped to consider that’s THEIR life path, but what if YOUR life path ISN’T building a clock at all?
What if you’re here, in this lifetime, to build a damn rocket ship, or a telescope, or a flying electric car…you get me?
Someone else’s parts and instructions fail you every time because that’s THEIR life path…and you, my friend, are not on the same path.
YOU are not broken, their plan just isn’t YOURS…
Likely, that’s also why you’re always feeling so freaking OVERWHELMED by it!
And overwhelm kills forward action EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

I honestly hope my point isn’t getting lost in metaphors so here it is more clearly:
You’ve been raised to follow instructions and raise your hand, seek help outside, and NOT to trust the wisdom from within…
But as a Business Coach for 4 years, I can tell you, to get transformative LASTING results – that model is going to fail you. Maybe not immediately, but when you are ready for that big leap in your business, it can’t come from WITHOUT.
You need to seek help from INSIDE!
It’s time to toss out those business models that promise you they have the answers FOR you, in favor of a ONE-SIZE-FITS-YOU program so that you can remember how to look inward for answers and guidance AND get real HUMAN support when you’re feeling a little lost on your path.
Sound good?
That’s exactly what I teach and preach because I, like you, followed someone else’s strategies and ideas until I couldn’t take the “failure” any longer…I threw out their model in favor of following MY inner guidance and so far so f’ing good!
I’ve learned a thing or two from both being a coach and a student and I want to give you some helpful hints to consider before you invest in that next program or coach.
Questions to Ask before you leap:
- Are they giving you their formula or are they teaching tools to connect to your own authentic formula?
- Is there a transformation involved in their program?
- If you know people who have taken it, ask how they were before they took it and what happened after? (Make sure you’re not solely paying for networking because that might not be what you’re after).
- Are there actionable steps that you can apply to your business NOW?
- Is it a balance of “inner work” and business principles? (You want both!)
- Does it fit your industry? Let’s face it. If you’re “woo” your “woo”. If you invest in a coach or program that doesn’t have inner growth included, your soul is going to feel it.
The key to investing in an effective Business Coach or eCourse is to make sure that you can apply it as you learn and build a strong foundation as you go – from the inside.
Most people don’t talk about this, but you need to build the foundation both inside with your beliefs about safety and success and THEN scale your business.

It explains why 70% of lottery winners go bankrupt! They didn’t learn how to earn the money and manage it as they grew so when things start to go wrong they can’t figure out how to fix it. They don’t have that skill set to fall back on.
If you don’t know how to go within and follow your inner guidance –well, there’s no shortage of examples of people hitting it big and then losing everything.
If you don’t have a solid foundation, it will crumble when your post goes viral or you finally have email subscribers signing up at 50 per day but no one buys anything or signs up for your services.
You never want to feel disillusioned by your hard work. Like you bought into a system that wasn’t designed for you and forgot to BE true to yourself.
“You can fail at something you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance doing what you love.” Jim Carrey
If you are looking for true transformation, a way to build a solid foundation and scale your business – all from learning to do it YOUR way so that you’ve grown into it and can duplicate your success as needed – I offer a Mastermind group that is like no other.
I remembered all the courses and coaches that had good intentions but sold me THEIR success formula and I’ve created something MORE.
It is called the Align and Activate Mastermind.
It only happens twice a year.
I take a small number of entrepreneurs on a 6-month journey with me to do this work on a very deep and very intimate level inside of the Align and Activate Mastermind.
It’s application only. It’s NOT a discount or free program. It IS life-changing.
I’m ONLY interested in women who are ready to commit to having a BREAKTHROUGH year because with commitment and my support – anything is possible!
So, if you’re ready to unlock your intuitive abilities and grow your business while marching to the beat of your OWN damn drum, you can apply to have a conversation with me to see if this Mastermind is right for you.
Want in? Apply to have a conversation about the Align and Activate Mastermind kicking off January 4th, 2021.
It’s time for a one-size-fits-YOU approach that leads to the breakthrough you’ve been praying for.
APPLY TODAY – Align & Activate Mastermind.
If you are on the fence I have something for you too…LISTEN TODAY and enjoy my Opening to Unlimited Abundance Meditation so you can start attracting the abundance you desire with ease.
by emilyaarons | Nov 27, 2020 | Blog, News and Events

Spoiler Alert!
The purpose of this blog is to simply point out how when you’re in ALIGNMENT with your life’s purpose and passions, the judgment of others doesn’t even matter.
It’s MY purpose is to shine my light so that others can shine theirs too. Simply put: I help you so you can help others!
In order to help others, I have to be massively VISIBLE.
Being massively visible means I attract some occasional unwanted attention!
TRIGGER WARNING: I invite YOU to consider your own fears of visibility, being judged for who you are, fears of being an imposter, or being the “weirdo” in the room…
A PERSONAL TRUE STORY: Just last week, a troll on the internet went out of their way to rip me a new one. Here’s what happened and how I handled it…and how YOU can face your fears of judgment too!
Here’s some of what they said:
“You’re not psychic”
“You’re full of shit”
“You give horrible advice”
“What you is unethical”
“All you care about are followers”
“You should quit your job to be at home with your children”
“Your work is bullshit”
“You only care about putting yourself first”
So, maybe you’re wondering why on earth would someone say such things?…
Keep reading…
Truth be told…If this conversation happened when I was newly visible online and still a bit insecure in my work, these would have BROKEN ME into a puddle, I would have strongly considered quitting, I would have definitely lost sleep over it…
HOWEVER, when I heard those words last week I felt…N O T H I N G.
In the conversation, I didn’t get defensive.
I didn’t react.
I didn’t get angry.
I didn’t throw insults back…
I listened and occasionally said “that’s really interesting feedback, tell me more about that” or “well this certainly says a lot about you”…
(Feel free to borrow those if you need to!)
But here’s WHY I felt nothing…
It’s because NONE of those words are true AND I’ve healed those old wounds of needing to be liked by everyone!
The TRUTH is that the work I do is helping thousands of people and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t see that karma return in POSITIVE ways.
It’s kind of like someone making fun of me for being too tall…I’m 5’2″ so that’s just silly nonsense…same reaction with this.
So here’s the part I didn’t tell you…
That “troll on the internet” who said all of those things was actually a close family member. We were simply chatting about plans for Thanksgiving when he unloaded…
What I said to him was that while I appreciate his honest feedback that he clearly had been holding back for years.
I’m in a place in my life where I have zero tolerance for people in my life who don’t love, honor and appreciate me for ME.
I realize to some people reading this you may have a judgment about me or him, but consider this…
The reason why HE said all of those things means nothing about me and EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM.
Did he say it to hurt me? No.
But as we know, hurt people hurt people…he’s clearly hurting in some way, and that’s HIS work to do.
I forgive him and release him from my life right now. Maybe one day that will change but for now, I’m not available.
And for all you scrollers…the moral of my story is…
When you align yourself to your true calling and life purpose, and stay TRUE to your divine alignment, IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS!!
And always remember what Michelle Obama said: “When they go low, we go high.”
If you’re getting the side-eye from any friends, family, or co-workers please trust, they are NOT your people.
“True belonging doesn’t require that we change who we are, it requires that we BE who we are.” ~Brene Brown
If you’re CRAVING a like-minded community that’s into spiritual stuff, shows up vulnerably, and wants to celebrate each other growing their business, check out the Align & Activate Mastermind.
by emilyaarons | Oct 23, 2020 | Blog, News and Events

I know how important MONEY is in people’s life.
I’d love to help you unlock your intuition and use it as a tool to EXPLODE your business and magnetize your ideal soulmate clients, but let’s take this one step at a time…
Q: How does using intuition grow my business?
A: Just for a moment consider the fact that some of the world’s most successful business owners (Oprah, Elon Musk, Arianna Huffington, and Ray Dalio to name a few) all attribute their success to using meditation and trusting their INTUITION!
ASK YOURSELF: What would be possible if I could 100% trust my inner compass?
Here’s their secret…
Even as little as ONE MINUTE of deep breathing can take a bad day and make it good…Why?
Because it moves your ATTENTION. And we all know we ARE where our attention IS.
Meaning, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your day, your business (or lack thereof) and you keep spiraling, your day and your energy spirals too.
AND…The more frequently you connect, the easier it becomes to receive messages, PLUS your energy vibration becomes YUMMY!! #yourvibeattractsyourtribe
Q: “My problem is I don’t have enough TIME to meditate”
My best advice that I share with students from Mastery & Ascension is start with ONE MINUTE a day and keep track.
In fact, inside Mastery & Ascension, every member gets a tracker to make tracking easy but if you aren’t a member yet, you can use a notebook or a calendar. They even have some apps to help you track habits as well.
Commit to creating the space to complete a one-minute meditation daily and in time increase your time, keep track of not only your meditations but your successes AND CELEBRATE!
by emilyaarons | Sep 21, 2020 | Blog, News and Events

Are you attracting your soul mate clients?
By now, I hope you’re starting to see that not only was I unsure of my own abilities, I was darn right AFRAID to share them publicly because I thought my clients would leave me, friends would judge me, and the “haters” would virtually stone me!
Luckily for me, NONE of that happened.
But, it was so deeply ingrained that I became paralyzed in my work until I had my “spiritual coming out” as an intuitive…
And after I came OUT, that’s actually when my business took off because I knew how to attract my soulmate clients! The reality is people will judge regardless, why not be doing something you LOVE!
If you’re just coming out of your “woo closet” take a good look around you…are you surrounded by women who SEE you and love that woo side of you?
Take it from me, it can be really challenging to spiritually “out” yourself in your life and business, but once you do, you begin to attract more people who GET YOU.
The good news, is you’re already way further ahead than I was by being part of my community!
Imagine what life would be like continuing to HIDE your true self…month after month. Having to hide around people who are supposed to be your friends, but really they know nothing about you. They could be holding you back from truly expressing your authentic self and helping others…
In fewer words, they don’t get you because you’re afraid to show them because of how they’ll judge you.
Just thinking about it makes my heart so sad.
Imagine how that fear impacts your business.
If you’re still hiding your true authentic self, how could you possibly grow your business?
My membership Mastery & Ascension is not only the fastest way to get into your highest alignment and grow your business, but it’s the BEST online COMMUNITY to support you in sharing your gifts!
M&A is my powerful On-Demand-style membership filled with energy-infused meditations. masterclasses, mantras, powerful community, monthly sessions and so much more! We LOVE our community and we’d like to warmly welcome YOU… Join Mastery & Ascension!
Listen to Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast Episode 121: Attracting Soulmate Client with Ease Meditation
I hope we get to see you inside the M&A community!
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