The Invisible Limits That Block Your Abundance And How To Heal Them

The Invisible Limits That Block Your Abundance And How To Heal Them

The Invisible Limits That Block Your Abundance And How To Heal Them

Episode 287

“Why haven’t I made a six-figures in my business?”

“Why haven’t I made a million dollars”.

I hear these questions a lot in my biz from clients and I’ve even asked them myself.

But these are unproductive questions. They are loaded with negative questions that can keep you stuck because they don’t open up the energy to allow for new possibilities and new ways of thinking.

Today I’m discussing the invisible limits, the “upper limits” that can block your abundance, and how you can start asking new questions to move past them.

Unconscious self-sabotage can be healed and I take you through a process to help you do just that!

Highlights you won’t want to miss:

  • [1.06] The question to ask to open up new ways of thinking.
  • [1.33] What does it mean to upper limit?
  • [4.15] Worthiness… the one that gets us all! Where does it come from?
  • [6.25] My own personal example of hitting an upper limit (I’m not immune!)
  • [9.11] Questions to ask yourself to work through blocks… stop this podcast to journal them if you can!
  • [12.33] Seeing upper limits as evidence of your growth.
  • [13.52] How to say “yes!” and allow it.
  • [14.04] How to “plug in”.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:

Every morning, before you get out of bed ask yourself “If I were serving at my highest level, as a million-dollar business, how do I want to feel? How do I want my day to look? How do I want to be? How does it get easier than this?” You don’t have to wait for an answer, they don’t always come right away… but ask and listen. You can also replace “million-dollar business” with whatever you are wanting to manifest.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a business alignment coach who helps entrepreneurs use their intuition to grow their business.

Love this episode? Tune into the next one!

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast August 3


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Episode 182


I love the forecast this week because it’s reminding us all to get our energy in alignment so that we can amplify and get more of what we desire!




38. Clear Your Energy: Stop, drop and realign with your highest

Are getting too caught up in your head? Maybe you’re not sure what your next steps are? Stop, drop and realign with your highest and best. Your guidance system is here; all you need to do is close your eyes, imagine you’re in a beautiful white sparkly bubble, and your angels will do the rest. Breathe in deeply, let go of anything not serving you, and open up to higher levels of creativity, joy, connection, excitement, and abundance! The world needs you to be in alignment and serving at a high frequency!



17. Celebration: Share your SPARK!

Share your SPARK! Every single little micro-win must be celebrated because it breeds more of that good stuff! When you celebrate with deep gratitude in your heart, the universe gives you more to celebrate! You’re in the perfect spot to shout your wins from a rooftop! Your energy is so good right now! Use your wins to attract your soulmate clients like a moth to the flame! Treat yourself to something special today; act as if it’s your birthday!



3. Crystal Clear: You can BE it

If you can see it, you can BE it. There is nothing you can not have. Release control of how things should be and allow the universe to orchestrate the most incredible life full of miracles. Make sure you give thanks and celebrate all the tiny micro-wins, as the universe is showing you that it’s all happening with little energetic breadcrumbs. Don’t take them for granted – it’s all happening! Take a look around and find evidence of it working!




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