Conquering Ascension Symptoms: Navigating Personal Growth and Self-Care

Conquering Ascension Symptoms: Navigating Personal Growth and Self-Care

Conquering Ascension Symptoms:

Navigating Personal Growth and Self-Care

Have you ever felt like you’re experiencing “growing pains” during a significant period of personal growth and expansion? I know I have! In this episode, I open up about my own journey with ascension symptoms and how they can manifest when we disrupt the status quo. Our ego might try to protect us by keeping things as they are, but this can lead to feelings of doubt and anxiety.

I share my personal experiences of going through various levels of growth and how my relationships have evolved along the way. I also explore the concept of “new level, new devil” – how as you ascend, new issues or obstacles may appear even when you thought you’d worked through them at lower levels.

But fear not, there are ways to manage these ascension symptoms and prioritize self-care! In the second part of the episode, I share essential tips on staying hydrated, spending time in nature, and listening to your body’s needs. I delve into the importance of eating nourishing foods, getting enough sleep, and setting aside intentional time for rest.

To wrap things up, I offer insight on being mindful of our thoughts and feelings and allowing ourselves the time to heal and rest during these intense growth periods. Tune in for an enlightening and empowering conversation on navigating the challenges of personal ascension while prioritizing self-care.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [0:00:07] Understanding Ascension Symptoms
  • [0:07:27] The Physical Effects of Spiritual Growth
  • [0:12:02] Managing Ascension Symptoms and Prioritizing Self-Care
  • [0:13:20] Avoiding Ascension Symptoms With Water
  • [0:19:55] Letting Go and Finding Freedom

Click here to read the full transcript ‣‣‣

Hey, podcast listeners, welcome back. This is a special episode because I know at some point or another, or especially now or after Intuition Week or after a big launch, you will have experienced ascension symptoms. And I want to talk about Ascension symptoms. I want to talk about what is, and what is not and give you some really easy ways to really handle this kind of feeling that might be going on with you.

So let’s start off at the beginning. What is an ascension symptom?

Basically, when you are going through an expansion or a growth period, you will also get sort of like the aftershock. So what I always teach my students is energy before form. So you might have this big idea for growth or what you want to manifest or make a bigger impact or make more money and the energy comes into your field. And then when you start to put the work together, then things start to shift. Maybe you start to see more new clients and you start to get some new connections. Maybe you have a new like offer on the table, maybe you buy a new home, maybe you have a new relationship, whatever. Things start to come into form.

And when that starts to happen, sometimes our energy is like, Oh, I mean, I wanted a good thing to happen, but like, I don’t know who’s going to be this good. I don’t know how I can handle this. And so sometimes what happens is our ego shows up because essentially we have disrupted the status quo. Our ego is just trying to keep us safe and to just hold that status quo so that nothing disturbs you.

So when you start to dream bigger and things start to shift and change, your ego is like, no, no, no, no, no, don’t do that. Remember that time that you tried to do the thing but you failed? Remember those people laughing at you when you were really trying to be visible and your ego starts to show you these images and starts to deliver this like actual visceral response into your body that floods you with fear and worry and anxiety and like, I don’t know, can I do it? Doubt.

And so what I love to start with is that that is the evidence of your growth. When you start to feel actually kind of shitty, when you feel a little shitty and a little bit worried and a little bit panicked and have a little bit of anxiety, just attach. It’s your system recognizing a shift happening, growth, change, disruption, because really, you know, the Emily that’s here to impact millions of people back when she started doing energy healing and massage if you said, all right, you’re going to have all these speaking opportunities and you’re going to impact the lives of thousands of people, and then it’s going to be millions of people that Emily, that version of me would have never been able to do it.

She wasn’t equipped both energetically, spiritually, financially. She didn’t know the strategy. She would have been like, Oh, no, you don’t. It’s because every day sort of little at a time, I began to like peel off and like, bless and release the old version of myself. Emily 2.0., Emily 3.0., Emily 150.0. And so as I progress and as I ascend, I’m literally becoming a different version of myself, which also can impact our relationships, our friendships. You know, the people who you grew up with. And you were super close with our family members who know you as this one type.

And now all of a sudden you’re like, I am actually super into spirituality and crystals and astrology and human design and breathwork and maybe plant medicine. And really I want to be responsible for my health and well-being. And just because you decide on those different things, it then disrupts your friendships as well. So ascension symptoms can happen on that energetic, emotional, and physical level. And they can also start to disrupt like the relationships that are also happening in your life.

And so I’m going to give you another example of this. So as we’re growing, as we’re studying, we’re breaking up with ourselves for open up to the next level. We’ve heard the quote, new level, new devil, and that is kind of like ascension symptoms. So, you know, as a practitioner, healer, you know, I see that. Okay, there’s an issue, let’s say inner child, okay, When I’m working on my own inner child or even when I’m working on somebody else’s, I know it’s not just a one-and-done like you don’t work on your inner child issues and then never again after that. Would you ever have to look back at your inner child stuff? That’s never going to happen.

Similarly, on this ascension path, if you are literally trying to grow, make more money, make a bigger impact, it’s like a little staircase. And so if you have swept the staircase of, you know, money issues, good. Now we’re on the next step. Okay, Daddy issues. Okay, next step. Money issues. Again, I said I work that money issues two steps ago. No, this is the new level. This is a new level of your money issue. I know you worked on the money issue at the lower level, but now congratulations. You hit a new financial milestone.

Also, there’s a whole new level of money issue shit that you have to deal with up on this level. So it doesn’t just go away because you make more money. And I think that’s a huge misconception that people, you know, aspire to get to six figures, most likely because we’ve been programmed to think that six figures is like the be-all end-al, which is a totally different subject for another day.

However, a lot of people believe that if you hit six figures, then you have financial freedom. Then you can do what you want and you can hire team members and you can go on fancy vacations and you can put away money for a brand new house that you’re going to build in a Ferrari. But that’s not exactly how it works, for one thing. But also when we have this new level, we have a new level and there you are.

And Emily 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, but still the same Emily who went through the stuff that she went through. And I know everybody who is listening on this podcast right now you have been through some stuff. You wouldn’t be here today if you hadn’t been through all of that. And I just want to take a moment because the fact that you’re listening to this Ascension Symptoms episode, it’s also a reflection and an honoring and an acknowledgment of how far you’ve come. Because even if you hear me saying, Oh, I’m Emily 2.0, it’s you 2.0 or 3.0 or 100.0, whatever it is, you have gone through some stuff, you’ve gone through some traumatic stuff, you’ve gone through some real like break you down. This might be the end of you stuff and you made it through it.

So that says like you’ve got gumption, you have strength, you have power, you have conviction, you have this endurance now, and you have these lessons now that you can take forward to help other people. I know you’re all here to help other people, right? So most likely you’ve already experienced some of these things.

So I’m going to list off a bunch of things that most likely you’ve already experienced, but it’s worthwhile to just rattle them off and mention again. So easy top line like going down. So typically when we’re having massive growth in ascension, we will experience or even like open up spiritually, So I know a lot of folks who just did Intuition Week with me or your new and my membership and you’re listening to so many energy healings.

It’s kind of cracking you open a little bit. And that’s not a bad thing because you’re going to become more intuitive, you’re going to become more sensitive, you’re going to become more awake and aware and it’s just like you’re going to be flooded with so much insights and inspiration all the time. And also it’s new and it sort of hurts a little bit. So, you know, Intuition Week is a little bit like drinking out of the fire hose when you’re around me so much, you get a lot of energy and so afterwards can feel like a little bit of a hole. What just happened exactly Is everybody okay to have all my limbs?

So some of the things that you can feel, especially when you’re cracked open energetically, even you can get headaches, you can get body aches, you can get flu-like symptoms, like a detox. So you could even have like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, upset stomach. You can have sometimes I’ve seen people who’ve come here who share that they have rashes when there is ascending body pain. So if you have chronic neck issues or chronic back issues, guess what’s gonna flare up for you?

Yeah. When you are going through growth, you’re going to notice particular areas, sometimes zones, and sometimes a side of the body that begins to flare up for you. So I’ll give you a fine example.

So recently when I was opening up for more people coming into Intuition Week and coming into Mastery & Ascension and then Integrated Energy Alignment Practitioner Training, I’m opening up the energy with my team and we’re only holding the energy. That’s it. We’re just holding the energy, we’re setting intentions.

And then I did a retreat. I hosted a retreat in person. And as I was done with the retreat, I always schedule a week off for integration on my basically like my first day, I guess, of integration, I was reaching for something.

I sit on the couch with my kids and I was reaching for something and I lower back, went, hey, how are you doing? And I knew in that moment like this could go really bad, really fast. I’ve had chronic low back pain in the past. I’ve had back spasms. I’ve had to take muscle relaxers because I was like, like incapacitated. So I said to my husband, like, please get the ice pack immediately. My back may just have done something weird. I need to set it right now. And so I put ice on it right away. I put ice on a physical problem. But I knew it had nothing to do with me leaning and reaching over and pulling something on my back. That was a symptom of the ascension that was experienced. So I know it’s time to listen. Our body is always speaking to us. So it’s really important that we listen to it. When my back did the funny little thing, it did. I could have just been like, Oh, it’s okay. Just really hurts. I’ll just take some pain reliever and, you know, whatever. It’s fine and ignore it.

When you have a physical symptom like a headache or nausea or your back is out and spasming or something, I invite you to go into it, get curious. What is it that you would like to tell me that I haven’t been paying attention to yet?

Fortunately for me and with my back, I knew my back was flaring up almost at the moment. I was thinking that I was fine to kind of work a little bit that like that week my body was like, Oh, no, you don’t, bitch. No, thank you. You’re not working, you are resting, you are integrating. This is not the time to go play and have little fun, work, dates and all that. No, it’s not this week. And so I rested.

And what’s interesting is a couple of days later, I was actually feeling better. I went for a long walk and when I came home, I was stretching with my son. Guess what I thought again? Stupid me. Oh, I feel fine. I’ll go do something. Guess what? My back flared up again. So this is the like your body is giving you the flashing red lights. Pay attention. Slow down. Get with it or you pay the price.

So when I actually listened and I stopped making all these plans, even they were just in my head. My body fully recovered, and it happened really fast. I have friends like one of my close friends. She said that her back had flared up when she was doing something recently as well.
Seeing your physical body showing you where it hurts is also great information. Where your information is coming in is all it means something. So maybe it is your head, maybe it is your forehead, you know.

A lot of times when people are opening up with their intuition, you have all kinds of forehead and sometimes sinus pain because it’s like your third eye is like literally opening up energy, you know, energetically open, not literally open. Your face is still where it is, but you’re energetically really being open and stretched. That is what happens. It’s completely normal. And to know, oh, it’s not just had pain in my sinuses or like my neck, it’s actually my body’s trying to tell me something.

So the best thing that you can start to do for your ascension pain is number one, like you’ve heard me say, is to tune into it, listen to it, get curious, go into where is it located?

Because also in our we you know, we talk about energy centers and your energy centers start everywhere in your body source energy. But we have specific energy centers.

So let’s just talk about that for one quick second. Where it hits you in your body can also relay a lot of information. You can do a simple Google search, like what does it mean when I have this thing in my body energetically? So what? The easiest way to start to avoid ascension symptoms is to do things on a regular basis.

So one of the first things I do is I drink excessive amounts of water. So I always have like a giant mason jar of water on my desk at all times. If I normally drink like three of those a day, I might have four or five of them a day. I mean, I’m really increasing my water significantly because when you think of like an athlete who is really pushing themselves and you get your muscles get sore when you drink more water, it helps to flush out the lactic acid that makes your muscles sore. Okay.

So the same goes for when you’re energetically opening or you’re ascending, you’re making more impact, you’re making more money. When things are going right, you might have that ego that says, no, no, no, sabotage days your day, you don’t keep going. So when you drink more water and you can actually help your body flush through some of those things, the thoughts, the feelings.

Likewise, you want to get outside in nature. So getting outside of nature, putting your feet on the ground, if you can, being with a tree, a plant, a mineral, even by the ocean or the lake, like really make a space to get outside to really ground yourself, eating foods that feel nourishing to you. It doesn’t need like it doesn’t need to be the healthiest food of all time.

But I will say I have spoken to very few people in all my years, 23 plus years, that people actually crave something that was really toxic or unhealthy for them during the session. Typically, we’re looking for warming foods or nourishing foods. Sometimes it’s teas or soups or herbs, root vegetables, obviously super grounding. But don’t be afraid if your body is like craving chocolate cake, it might be your inner child. That’s healing. And she just needs a piece of chocolate cake. So just really honor your body wherever it is and whatever it needs.

Sleep. Sleep is one of the best things you can do for your ascension. It’s underrated because sometimes sleep can be fleeting, but really being able to prioritize getting enough sleep is going to help your whole body to rest, to heal, to go into that theta brainwave, to really go into like a deep, deep state of healing and as well as. Recovery, so you’ll bounce back faster.

And I also just mentioned it a minute ago, which is integration time. You know, we’re so busy going, going, going, going, going that we don’t actually make the space to intentionally rest when you just get when you get too sick because your ascension symptoms take you out with a stomach bug or a cold or flu or back pain or whatever, and you literally cannot work.

Then it’s time to obviously pump the brakes. That’s what happens when you don’t listen. So if you are smart, you get ahead of it and you go, right. I know this is a busy season. I’m going to plan for a quiet season or at least a break or a rest or a little mini-retreat or whatever you can do to actually make the space to intentionally shut down all the systems, reboot and come back online.

I promise you, what happens is you become that different next point-O person faster, and then you don’t have to get sick and feel like junk for a week and then have to rebuild and like cancel all the things. But also part of what we can do and process through ascension. Is the things that we’re not willing to look at when we’re just being busy.

So one of my team members, this happened to her when I was in my integration week. She was integrating at the same time. And so I remember she wanted to work all week and that was great. We had a lot of things going on. But then she started to feel a little crummy, and so she had to reschedule some of her meetings. And the next day came and she still felt crummy. And I remember talking to her and she’s like, I don’t know, I don’t want to have to cancel again. I already canceled before. And I’m like, you know, you’re allowed to cancel twice, right? And she’s like, What? And it was foreign to her. And I said, would you like some support or like coaching around this? I don’t have to, but if you want it, it’s here. And she said, Sure, yeah, I would love it.

I go, okay, well, let’s look at that. Like, what is the story that you are telling yourself that happens if you were to cancel again? And she said, Well, that I’m unprofessional and that it’s really flaky of me. And I said, okay, that’s great. This is just the information that your ego is feeding you to keep you exactly as status quo just where you are. Don’t grow, don’t move, don’t change. Right. And I said, well, what I would offer you is, number one, you are one of the most professional people I have ever met in my entire life. You are always on time. You’re very punctual. You hit get punctual, you hit deadlines, you get everybody to hit their deadlines. And in fact, that’s been your role doing various things in my business as well as other people. You know, you are exactly that professional person and you’re not flaky whatsoever. So, you know, is it true? Let’s ask you that. Are you flaky and unprofessional? And she said, No, I’m not.

I said, okay, so how do you show up when you believe that thought? This is the work by Byron Katie. This is not my genius. This is Byron Katie’s work. So if you’ve never heard of her, Loving What Is – is a great book to start with and to do these four questions.

So you ask, is it true? And she says, No, it’s okay. So you can absolutely be sure. And she said, No, it’s not true. So how do you show up when you believe that thought? She says, Well, I forced myself to do these meetings that I’m really not feeling up to. I said, Okay, well, think about that. Think about the person on the other side of that call that’s getting you at like kind of half-ass, like you’re doing that, you’re showing up, you’re doing the work, you’re on the meeting, but all the while you’re feeling like crap and your brain and your energy and everything in you is just not at 100%. How do you think they feel when that’s what they’re getting from you? They’re not getting the best version of you.

So that is another reason to understand why it’s actually important to cancel when you don’t feel also that you can be 100% present for all of your appointments and for your work that is actually more professional to cancel so that you can be 100% instead of being unprofessional and flaky and showing up like halfway laying down in your chair and like looking like total death.

So see how you can kind of reframe it. And then who would you be if you let go of that? If you let go of that thought, if you were free from that thought, how would you then show up? Oh, wow. If I was free for that thought, I would show up. I would cancel my appointments until I felt better. That would be fine. And I would feel more freedom. I would feel released. I feel relief.

So that’s what happened. So she was able to cancel appointments and she said, I felt you’re right. I felt instant relief as soon as I canceled and rescheduled. And actually the person who I changed the appointment with said, you have a right to be sick and you have every right to not feel good and to change your appointments. And even that was another lesson that she got, which was I can only be sick when it’s convenient.

And so I share this story with you because I think we all have these stories that we make up that keep us kind of small, kind of stagnant in our issues without actually giving ourselves the space to rest, to regenerate, and to then become ourselves, our true selves. And so again, if you are experiencing ascension symptoms, which, by the way, you should be if you’re here, if you’re an entrepreneur, if you’re a healer, if you’re a leader, if you are a coach and you are wanting to make an impact, you are going to experience this stuff probably more often than not. And so the other thing I would invite you to do, and this is my last tip, is get comfortable with it. This is your new normal again you feel like this. These things are happening. Your life is changing.

Family, friends, all your body, you’re getting these different symptoms. You and your body have to become your number one priority. If you can focus on your health and your healing, everything else starts to come back and come together for you. So make sure that you spend the time, even if it’s just a day. It doesn’t have to be a whole week off. But give yourself the space to have the space. Give yourself permission. Take the day, take the week without the guilt, without the worry, without wondering of like, who’s going to do this if I don’t do it, no one else can. No bullshit.

It’s going to get done. So trust is going to get done. And when you prioritize yourself, you prioritize your needs. You will grow faster. You will overcome those essential symptoms and you will be off to the next level. I’m not telling you it’s going to be a pain-free level, but I will guarantee it’s going to be a new level. So make this your new normal and take good care of yourself.

So if this episode was helpful for you, please share it far and wide. Tell a friend. Tell a fellow entrepreneur, a fellow coach, a fellow healer. Let them know that what they’re going through is actually really normal. And here’s somebody explaining a little bit more in detail.

As always, your feedback, your reviews, your comments, your questions, they mean the world to me. And I love seeing them over on my YouTube channel, on my podcast as a review and for sure on social media, on Instagram, on Facebook. So if you haven’t subscribed to the podcast, do it today. Follow me on your favorite listening platform.

And you can also get an audio and visual version of this podcast over at You can watch the whole thing shared over on YouTube and share it on your favorite platform.

Thanks so much for being here. Lots of love to you. We’ll see you on the next episode.

About Emily

Emily Aarons is a highly sought-after intuitive healer and business coach for coaches, healers, and leaders. She’s best known for clearing the energy to guide her clients out of survival mode and unlocking alignment, abundance, and exponential growth in their business. With over two decades of experience, Emily has honed her healing skills to create the first and only energy-based certification with a profit guarantee; the Integrated Energy Alignment training.

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Click here to read the full transcript ‣‣‣

Emily: Hey, podcast listeners, welcome back. I am joined today by a repeat guest and my dear friend Whitney McNeill. We love Whitney for her connection to Spirit Guides. So we had this awesome idea that we were going to have you guys, the audience, writing questions. Because when I was on Whitney’s podcast, when she was on mine, they were both blowing up. So we’re like, Well, let’s give the people what they want.

So, we’re doing a two-parter here. So the first part, you’re hearing it here today, which is the beginning of May. Tomorrow, I will be on Whitney and she will be asking me all about energy alignment. So today we’re going to be talking even more deeply about Spirit guides. We’re going to be answering all your questions. And as always, we want to just hear from you. If you’re loving this, we might even do it again. Don’t even tempt us.

So,  we’ll link the previous episode that Whitney was on, on my podcast as well as hers in the show notes, if you want to go back to listen to those, you definitely can and gain even more insight and all that energy.

So I’m not even going to have you introduce yourself because you already did that and people already love you. So let’s just dive right in. So first of all, hi. I’ll stop breathing. I’ll stop talking so you can say something warm welcome back to the podcast, Whitney!

Whitney: Emily, It’s good to be here. I love the energy of everybody, and it’s so great to see that Spirit Guides is such a hot topic. So, oh, my goodness so many questions about energy alignment and spirit guides. Can’t wait to dive in. So let’s get to it.

Emily: Let’s do it. I love this first question from Kristen. She asks about spirit guides in your dreams. So I know for me I sometimes have really super lucid dreams with repeated messages or like, really, I’ve had phone numbers and dreams of like some crazy cool stuff happens in dreams.

So she’s asking, “how can you retain the images and messages when you wake up”?

Whitney: Yeah, so this is a great question and I have so many different answers, so I’ll do my best to contain them all. But one of the best ways that your guides can give you the message when you feel like you haven’t developed your intuition or you feel like you’re just not getting the memo when you’re in your conscious, day-to-day activities are through dreams, which can also be astral travels.

And when we’re astral traveling, we usually don’t retain the message in our conscious mind for very long. It’s like I wake up, Oh my goodness, I knew I was someplace. I can just see it, I can hear it, I can feel it. But then it kind of wanes. So there’s a couple of things you can do.

One, talk to your spirit guides before you go to bed and say, I’d really love to go on an astral visit with you and receive your messages, but please help me retain and integrate it into my conscious awareness.

But also, I’d love to give Kristin permission not to remember because you’ll remember when you need to. It’s still in your energy. It’s just not been integrated into your brain in the forefront. But it’s like you have this card in your back pocket and all of a sudden you’re like, whoa, I know the answer (tsu-tsum!) You know, kind of like, here’s the card. Well, where did I know that? Like, where did that come from? You were on astral travel.

So that’s kind of a comforting wave where it’s like, wait a minute, I know I actually have it. I just don’t necessarily have to retain it. Rolling around with all the other stuff that we have in our day-to-day lives.

So I remember I went on an astral travel years ago and I came back and I thought I knew I went somewhere, but I don’t know what I really experienced. I just had an awareness that somebody was talking about celiac disease and I was like, okay, don’t remember anything about it. But then I started attracting clients that I’ll have celiac disease, and I was like, somewhere in my energy, I must know this because it wasn’t something I was dealing with on a conscious basis. And then as I started to see more and more clients come in, I ended up becoming gluten-free not from celiac disease, but from a different way. And so it was like I had all this knowledge and it came to me when I needed it. So I thought that was really cool.

Emily: I love that. You know what? That reminds me of a couple of things. Number one, how fast start you go gets the best of us because that thought of like, Well, what if I forget it? It was supposed to be important.

I’m not going, well, that’s just like your ego saying, no, you’re not good enough. Or it’s I actually love what you’re saying because when we are in the dream, say it is our subconscious. And so of course, we of course are going to have that card in in the back pocket somewhere because it is our subconscious, It’s not the conscious mind that’s running the show, but our subconscious mind is what manifests. And so I love that you said that.

And it also brought me back to an astral travel years ago where I was a shapeshifter and I was being chased. And then my thought was, we’ll just shapeshift past this board like it was like a rock wall. And I was being like, it was I was cornered. It was like I was dead was imminent. And I just heard, like, we’ll just shapeshift. And so I shapeshifted and I got away and I was like, huh?

And then I realized kind of what I teach to entrepreneurs is this shape-shifting of, you know, going from struggling as a healer practitioner, coach and shapeshifting into the highest self. The version of you that is on that path, that is trusting themselves, that is confident. And I was like, Oh, I think I can apply this sort of knowledge-based or from this dream into this life. And I mean, I did remember, but it’s like. It was a crazy experience.

Whitney: It does sound like a wild experience, but what a beautiful message. I love what you just said, and I think that’s going to resonate with so many people listening to of how they can shapeshift in their own lives and transform. It’s really beautiful, astral travel is amazing, but it does really kind of throw you through this loop where it’s like, what was that that I just saw sometimes? But it’s really good.

Emily: But also what you said of like just asking to remember too, is like, it’s like the simplest things in it. Even when we’re going to get into talking more about guides, it’s like, Well, what if there was a guide for that? You know, like there’s an app for that. Like there’s a guide for that. Why not just ask the guide for that? Oh, right. That too. I could do that.

Whitney: Absolutely. Yeah. And so talk to your teacher guide if you’re listening and they’ll be more about it what you said. Yes.

Emily: All right. So this is a fun one about Spirit Guides, whether it’s an animal ancestor or a collective. When they express their messages in the form of numbers, feathers, coins and other signs. Do each of them have, like, their own signature sign that they’re leaving, where the messages are coming from so that we can like, can we send gratitude like, Hey, is this the guy that comes with coins? Is this the one that comes with feathers? And if so, she’s also asking like a two-parter, like, can I send a thank you note?

Whitney: I love that. Yes. Start with the last one first, please say thank you to your spirit guides. That’s definitely one thing that I always talk about with talking to your guides. It’s like if you had an assistant or even your family or friends and you never express gratitude or say thank you to your people that are helping you, it just wouldn’t be a great rapport. So you also say thank you.

However, some spirit guides and loved ones definitely have like this calling card work. So they’ll say, hey, it’s, you know, this is what I like to send you. I like to send you feathers or I like to send you coins. What I’ve noticed is that normally I’ve seen spirits who more show up or identify as male figures will send coins. It’s not all that way, but it’s just I’ve noticed this in readings, and generally speaking, they’ll be more of like a grandfather kind of energy that comes through.

And I’ve also noticed joy guides will tend to send flowers and they really like that vibrancy. And then it’s very different. So what I would recommend that you do is talk to your spiritual team, your spirit guides, and say, you know, I really love these signs. This is amazing. I would love to have a little bit more information, a little bit more detail of which guide ascending this. And the beauty, though, too, is that regardless if you know which guide or which spirit is sitting in these messages, you’re still getting them, which is really beautiful. It’s just it’s just it’s like an amazing rapport. But you can always just further get the conversation.

Just like if I were talking to Emily and I wanted to know more about her life or, Hey, you’re sending me these messages. Is this you know, I know it’s her because it’s from her name, but you just want to really make sure, Hey, is this so-and-so? And you could say, I’d love to receive a validation. So hopefully that helps answer the question.

Emily: Yeah. And of course, I’m going back to a reel that I made about. But can you send a signer sign? You know, I just need a signer sign. And I think that’s also the loop that, like spiritual folks like us get into where, you know, we got the confirmation, we got the sign, we got the direction, we pulled the card, we tested our pendulum. We got like, I don’t know, all the different green lights that we could get. And then we were still like, but where? How do I know it came from this guide? It’s like, can you just take the great message with love and gratitude and just be like, hey, whoever sent this, you’re awesome. Thank you. More of this, please. Like, move on. I think we can stay in this place of indecision.

Whitney: Yes.

Emily: And hold ourselves in this pattern. And, you know, I’m offering this program right now, and I’ve been having all these conversations with folks, and somebody sent me a DM, and they’re like, I’m really interested. So I’m like, hey, did you have questions? Like, I’m happy to help. I have a, you know, some open calls, too, if you want. And she’s like, yeah, I’m just going to surrender that. Hopefully, something will happen. And I wrote back, I said, okay, that sounds good. You can also just say, No, that’s totally okay. I want you to be able to just say no too. And she came back at me like at me saying, you know, you’re assuming that I’m making excuses, you know? And I said, No, I’m not assuming anything. I’m just giving you permission because a lot of people have trouble just saying no. Whether they think that they’re hurting my feelings or that they themselves don’t know how to say no, you know, in their life, like, life just kind of happens.

I don’t know if you’re a new girl fan, but Winston doesn’t make decisions and they use them all the time about like, when was the last time you actually made a decision? It’s like, Oh, because I played basketball. No, you didn’t. You were an infant and they just gave you a basketball. You didn’t make a decision to play.

So, you know, I think part of this is like, we can there’s a time to surrender to guidance. There’s a time to open up to direction. And you also need to take action. And so, you know, if you are getting signs like does it really matter who the guide is? Like, you got the sign, you got the confirmation, you can feel it, you can know and then move on. I guess I’m just kind of. I don’t know what the word is. I don’t want to say impatient, but I’m just like a go, go, go, go, go! Like a little energizer bunny sometimes. So, like… 🙂 I think that we can…

Whitney: Agree we stay too much sometimes in wanting to know the details. And then I think it kind of produces this response in us where it’s like, there’s always more for me to work on and I have to get it perfect. Whereas sure, we all have stuff to work on, but we don’t have to get it perfect.

And knowing that there they, there I think is really the most important step and just dividing the conversation to if it happens, it happens and you can talk to your guys every day and it’s been four confirmations, but I wouldn’t stay on that too much.

I was just having a conversation with a student, it’s on my membership. And she was really going down that rabbit hole of signs, signs, sig,n some things and she’s like, what is it all mean? Like, it doesn’t have to mean all the things. It really doesn’t. It’s nice when you get a confirmation, but sometimes, you know, a bottle of water is just a bottle of water. And sometimes we don’t need to know the meaning of the universe, you know, within that sign that we got. So I know you were like.

Emily: I am dying because, like, you probably get it too, people are like, Oh my gosh, the currency exchange has changed. Is that a sign that I shouldn’t be in your program? You’re like, gosh! I love it. It’s not everything is a sign. Sometimes it’s just a water bottle. Put that in a quote card. So. This is why I also love you, Whitney, because you’re so grounded. And, you know, you can laugh at these things, too, and help people so much, connecting with their guides. And let’s be practical.

I love this next question from Janelle. She says, “Do spirit guides who work with me specifically communicate with the guides of my kids and spouse.” And part two is, “the spirit guides communicate with other spirit guides”?

Whitney: Oh, that’s such a great question. I would try to contain the answer and through a certain amount of minutes.

Emily: Do you have 90?

Whitney: I know, right? So I just want to start with the concept of do you actually have your spirit guides and then your children, your spouse, other people, the family, they have their spirit guides as well. And what’s really great is that you can ask your spirit guides to communicate with their spirit guides, and then that helps the family, that helps to get on the same page.

So this is especially helpful when you’re having to have a tough conversation with somebody or you’re not on the same page like you’re just in an argument or you’re trying to convey to your child something and they’re not listening. So you can talk to your spirit guides and say, you know, I really would like to help them understand, you know, X, Y, Z of what I’m saying. And then you can say, you know, what would be the best right next step for me in this conversation or to have the highest and the best outcome.

And the great news is that your spirit guides are ethical, so they’re not going to like you can’t know all the details of your, let’s say, daughter’s life, especially if she’s an adult. But as a child, it’s a little different where you get to know a little bit more and you can start to work with that team, which is really great. So your spirit guides normally will just talk to the spirit guides of whoever that is, because your spirit guides are assigned specifically to you, which is really great. When I realized that, I felt so much comfort and knowing, Oh, I’ve got a team, wait a minute, they specialize in Whitney, with her life, and with her business. And hey, they’re dedicated just to me, which I think is really, really great. So that’s my answer. I think I contained it down.

Emily: I think so. You did great. And the second part is “Do they communicate with other guides”? And I would say yes, because whenever I’m working with clients one on one, I always feel the connection of my guides talking to their guides and then like amongst themselves, then relaying the info to me to relay to my clients. Does that kind of how you feel?

Whitney: Oh, 100%. That’s mediumship. So whenever I teach mediumship, it’s my guides talking to the guides of the client. They, they kind of negotiate. You know what I can know? They come back, they give it to me and it comes out of my mouth and then that’s mediumship. So absolutely, they talk to other guides because sometimes people have this assumption that mediums, intuitive, or a psychic or whatever, we’ll just kind of tune into your energy. Like they’re just going to look at you and know all your life. And while some people might do that and please don’t, they’re listening. Just because you have that ability, ability, please don’t just go around, try to tune into everybody. That’s again, like the ethical.

Emily: I know, like all the flashing….

Whitney: Well, yeah. Like, don’t do that. And some by the way, you know, I live in Sedona. I’ve actually had some people come up off the street and just give me a reading without my permission. And I was like, no.

Emily: Can I pause you there to talk about that?, for a second because that’s happened to me as well. So I want to talk about that. So first of all, like me and Whitney are kind of emoting is like it’s completely unethical to do that. I always thought people could like, see through me, like I was transparent. It’s not ethical. So if you are somebody who has that ability or your training to do that, you need to ask the permission of the other person. Similarly, like if you’re going into Akashic Records and you’re like, let me go digging around my kids stuff and my boyfriend’s things like, no, it’s you’re going to get blocked. Most likely you’re not going to see anything, but it’s completely unethical and there is karma. So there’s that. But if people do come up to you without your permission to give you a message, you have the right to say, No, thank you.

And so I had somebody come to me at a conference, last conference I went to, somebody was like, I’ve been having this this thing. And she’s like, I just realized you’re the thing I have to share this message with. And she shared this message and I was like. Why? Like, it was just a little a little weird. And I talked to a friend who was also there, and she goes, did you give her your permission to give you that message and to tap into your energy? I said, no. She goes, Yeah, do you do that to people? I said, Oh God, no. She goes, Yeah. So consider the message invalid and void. Like that’s basically. And I was like, Oh, that is such a good point. And, and so I want to give you all permission to say No, thank you.

If somebody is like, I have a message because it’s really sexy, it’s really appealing, you’re like, Oh, someone’s going to tell me something I don’t know. And it’s really appealing, but it’s also completely unethical. So how is that for you to receive that?

Whitney: How awful. No, anytime I teach mediumship, I say you ask for permission every time. So this person in Sedona that came up to me, my husband was with me, I’m going to tell you. So he’s four years older than I am, but I’ve always looked older when I was younger, and he’s always looked like he’s ten years younger than his age. So the person that came out started giving a message and then said, Your son.

Emily: Oh Jesus.

Whitey: And I was like. Okay, obviously you’re not tuned in here, but I’ll go, no, no, thank you Yeah, right.

Emily: Oh, oh my gosh.

Whitney: So much so that when he turned 40 years ago, I put on his t-shirt. I said, My wife is four years younger than me. And if you say that I look younger than her, she will hurt you.

Emily: It’s a very specific T-shirt.

Whitney: Right? Very specific T-shirt.

Emily: No, I didn’t mean to interrupt you. Were you going to share something about communicate with other spirit guides that?

Whitney: Oh, well, yes. The answer is yes. So you talk to your spirit guides and they can talk to the spirit guides of whomever. And this is really helpful, especially when you are needing to kind of work through something together, but it’s not something that you would just do. Like Emily was saying, I want to know about so-and-so, what’s going over, what’s going on over there? Your spirit guides, first off, won’t get the information unless the Spirit guides of the other person give it to them. So that’s one thing. And you don’t want to just go digging around in people’s lives.

Emily: Yeah. Yeah. There was a final question that I wanted to ask, but now I’m missing it. It was around connecting with guides and your energy. I don’t know where did I just go?

Whitney: I might be moving the document.

Emily: How dare you? Here it is. I got it. “How can a spirit Guide help you remove an energy block?”

Whitney: Hmm. So good. So you can ask your spirit healer. So you’ve got different guides for so many different things in your lives. You’ve got guides for your business. You’ve got guides that help you with your personal life. You have a teacher guide that is so helpful for astral travel. So talk to your teacher guide. If you’re wanting to do more of that, have a protector guide and then you also have guides and specialists in healing. So one of the things that I would suggest just from my perspective is I would call on your spirit guide your spirit healer to help you release and remove an energy block. And whenever I’ve done that, I have felt this place of tingles, different sensations. I’ll feel some kind of energy shift like they’re working on me. And it’s always great to do this when you can relax. This can be specifically good right before bed, but also your guides can give you messages about what action steps you might need to take to remove the energy block as well.

So from my perspective, those are some things that you can do. But I do want to turn around the question around Emily, and she specializes in energy alignment. And so you got to listen to the podcast episode on my podcast to get the rest of the answer.

Emily: Oh, yeah, I have a juicy one and I want to share it on your podcast because I channeled a meditation that was an energy healing through your guides, and all these guides came in to work on us. And so I want to share a little bit more about that on your podcast.

So you guys head on over to Whitney’s podcast, which we don’t know what it’s going to be right now, but a message from the Spiritual Ambitious Podcast. There we go. Goodness, gracious. We’ll get it out there.

You know, it’s sometimes it’s hard to go from energy to like the 3D, so come on over to Spiritual Ambitious we will have it linked in the show notes. Or you can just search on your favorite listening platform to listen to my answer to that question and many more about energy alignment. Thank you, Whitney. And I can’t wait to talk to you in 5 seconds.

Whitney: I’ll see you soon.

Action Steps To Align Your Biz:


In this episode, Whitney shares how you can call on your Spirit Guides before bed to help heal and remove blocks. Try it! Ask your healer guides to release and remove blocks to help you heal and notice any messages or improvements in your life.



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About Whitney


Whitney is a Certified Medium, Mentor, and host of the Spiritual and Ambitious podcast. She is the creator of the Messenger of Spirit Oracle Deck and her widely popular program, 4 Intuitive Languages® where she helps spiritual and ambitious souls learn how to understand their intuitive messages and communicate with their Spirit Guides. She’s helped over 10,000 people connect to Spirit.

You can find her here:

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