by emilyaarons | Apr 26, 2019 | Podcast

On this episode of the Aligned & Unstoppable podcast, Emily talks to her friend Jen Casey. Jen is a business strategist and Neuro-Linguistic Programming coach. She joins the podcast to talk about business through the lens of NLP and Psychology.
Episode Highlights:
- Jen shares about her work and her focus
- She shares about her journey, childhood, and going into Psychology.
- In the midst of business coaching, she began to be frustrated and realized there was something missing.
- Jen shares about how she was successful but needed to step back and look into a new layer.
- Jen talks about the field of NLP and the varying pieces to the field.
- She shares about where she is and what she is stepping into, and how she sees herself in this field.
- What’s involved in getting certified in NLP?
- Once going through training, she talks about integrating into her current business model.
- She shares a few experiences from that integration and a brief overview of NLP
- Jen shares about “internal representations” and how they play into experiences.
- Jen dives into the importance of state management.
- Emily and Jen discuss the nuances of entrepreneurship, state management, beliefs, and behaviour.
- Jen shares about how to start changing your beliefs and how they impact your thinking.
3 Key Points:
- Entrepreneurship is not about the best strategy, it’s all about state management.
- We have to be aware of the unconscious, subconscious programming that needs to be updated.
- Dismantling our beliefs and the stories they create will help us move into expressing our best life.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “I’m so obsessed with mastery, and refining my skill set where it is the best in the world, it is at the highest possible level.” – Jen Casey
- “We’re looking to better our spirit and our soul, and tap into our inner knowing and be able to express that in a bigger way.” – Emily Aarons
- “The field of NLP is always growing because new discoveries are always being made.” – Jen Casey
- “Entrepreneurship is not about who’s got the greatest strategy, the game of entrepreneurship is about state management.” – Jen Casey
- “Our state impacts our behaviour.” – Jen Casey
- “The quality of our life is determined by the quality of questions we ask.” – Jen Casey
- “It’s not just the beliefs, it’s the story that you’re building from the beliefs.” – Jen Casey
- “We make it so hard to feel good, and so easy to feel like crap.” – Jen Casey
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Apr 25, 2019 | Podcast

Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Apr 23, 2019 | Podcast

In our 17th episode of the Aligned & Unstoppable podcast, Emily talks with Liz Lee. Liz is a web designer focused on helping Healers, Intuitives, Coaches, and Consultants navigate coming online, having a web presence, and bringing them “online” to their true selves. She shares primarily about her experience on a retreat in Costa Rica and what that meant for her healing work and moving forward.
Episode Highlights:
- Liz talks about her journey and shares her recent experiences that have been life-long dreams.
- She talks about what she had to do to prepare for the journey she was about to take.
- Liz discusses her Quantum Re-write meditation.
- Emily and Liz dive into what it means to “look back” and time-shifting.
- Liz talks about another tool she used, the “Hawaiian Forgiveness Prayer”
- She shares about her retreat experience at Rama Organica.
- Liz talks about how important it is to be aligned with people around and her clients.
- Liz shares more about her experience in the Ayahuasca ceremony.
- Discussion about how to work with our Ego and putting it in perspective
- Liz talks about resistance and what to do with it.
- She shares about one of the top 5 best experiences of her life, Nauyaca Falls.
- Liz shares 3 words that spoke to her.
3 Key Points:
- It’s important to be aligned with the people around you and your clients.
- We have to re-learn who we are and connect with a greater intelligence.
- Get out of your routine, get out of your element and experience something different.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “They say that you can’t change the past, but I believe, in a way, energetically you can.” – Liz Lee
- “When you release lower frequencies from your life in your memories, you can invite in higher frequencies.” – Liz Lee
- “Anytime I’ve ever made a big decision in my life, everything will come up to the surface to be addressed and released.” – Liz Lee
- “It’s humbling to know, when you show up as 100% of yourself, how you affect other people and give them permission to show up as well.” – Liz Lee
- “One of my lessons now is to learn the importance of surrendering, consciously surrendering to my experience to life.” – Liz Lee.
- “We have to work with our Ego, to put our Ego in it’s proper place” – Liz Lee
- “We don’t have to depend on some type of external thing to have this transcendent experience, we can call it in.” – Liz Lee
- “Don’t be afraid to speak what you want into the universe.” – Liz Lee
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Apr 18, 2019 | Podcast

Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Apr 15, 2019 | Podcast

During this episode, Emily shares about what expansion is and how to recognize the impacts of an energy expansion within ourselves. She shares some insights into recognizing what is occurring in your body, and how to manage those expansions when they occur.
Episode Highlights:
- What do we mean by Expansion?
- Our Physical bodies are slow to catch up to changes after an energy expansion.
- Even though we have done the healing in a certain area, we are always expanding to a new level.
- The physical body actually resists the expansion.
- Managing the shift and change is key.
- Our energetic up-leveling shows up in various ways.
- Take some moments to examine what is occurring at the moment, to allow you to see the resistance to expansion.
- People around you are feeding off of your energy.
- Look for all of the levels of resistance, and what you can you do about them.
- If you are holding yourself back, you and everyone and everything around you is affected.
- You must take some rest, shut things down, and listen.
- I share some questions to ask yourself about how to listen to your body.
- Join our member group and Thank you!
3 Key Points:
- There’s always an “expanding” to a new level that is occurring.
- It’s all about how we can care for ourselves on a whole new level.
- Feel into your expansion, and ask what it is that your body requires right now to fully express yourself.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “We actually have to let go of who we have been up to this point, each and every single day so that we can expand into who we want to become.” – Emily Aarons.
- “Where we are going, where we are expanding to, the old me doesn’t have a place there.” – Emily Aarons
- “The Universe delivers what it delivers, in the way that it delivers it.” – Emily Aarons
- “This stuff that’s coming out of me right now, and at every single moment, has been building for a long time.” – Emily Aarons
- “See where life is speaking to you, the Universe is giving you messages and signs. It’s all about whether you are able to see, and hear, and witness them.” – Emily Aarons
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
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