Why Vision Boards for Goal Setting Isn’t Enough
You can make vision boards any time, but close to the New Year is when most people start to think about what they want to manifest in the coming year and they create their vision boards.
There are vision board parties where you can meet (in non-pandemic years) and cut out images with some friends to create your board.
There are even online apps for vision boards and blog posts about it galore.
But, do you find yourself wondering if vision boards even work or if they a bunch of crap?
If you watch a movie like The Secret (the 2006 version), it makes you think you can just cut out a bunch of pictures of fancy cars and houses, put it by your bed and your desk, and then just “envision” it until it comes to be.
Or you may have heard the now famous Jim Carrey story about how he wrote himself a check for 10 million dollars, dated it, and by the time the date arrived, he had made the money.
But for most of us, it doesn’t work that way.
Why vision boards can fail you.
Simply surrounding yourself with images usually isn’t enough.
There’s nothing wrong with it, I encourage you to do it if you want to, but without the “inner work” the visions can’t get through all the dense energy.
In other words, there are inner forces at work that can sabotage your beautiful vision board… and those things need to be dealt with to allow it through.
How to increase your ability to manifest instead.
I have a different way of looking at vision boards and New Year’s Resolutions that are long-lasting and it works. I’d like to share it with you.
To understand why I have this different approach, it’s important to look at the sabotaging factors that are coming between you and your envisioning!
Here are some obstacles that counteract your vision board manifestations and how to heal it:
1. Shadow Energy can block your manifestations.
Shadow energy is the yin and yang for light work. If there’s light there is dark, so shadow energy is the dark side of it.
This doesn’t mean it’s negative or bad, it just means it can block what you’re trying to create in your life if you don’t acknowledge it (see Episode 207 of the Aligned & Unstoppable Podcast : How Shadow Work Ignites Your Power Source for a more detailed discussion about it).
If you put that you are a famous author on your vision board, but you have deep-seated insecurities that you aren’t a good writer – it acts as an energy to counteract your goal.
Learning to look at your shadows and explore why you feel that way is important for the law of attraction and what you are trying to manifest.
In the case of Jim Carrey and his $10 million check, when he tells the story it seems like he fully believed he was worth receiving the $10 million for acting.
But if he had a conflicting shadow belief such as “true artists don’t accept money for their work”, he likely wouldn’t have been paid $10 million.
Do you see how this works?
I also want to remind you that we often aren’t aware of these beliefs until we dig deeper. It’s one of the reasons I created an entire digital library of meditations devoted to mindset and manifestation in the Mastery and Ascension Membership.
Usually, we discover we have a limiting belief when we hit a wall in achieving our goals.
It doesn’t mean the vision board idea is flawed, it just means that if you have a competing belief it can block the image from coming to fruition.
2. Karma can interfere (join my free Karma Cleanse!)
Karma is another energy that can interfere with your ability to manifest, vision board or no vision board.
If something is blocking your energy it’s going to show up when you are manifesting.
Hard truth moment: We manifest the good and the bad!
We really want to be able to set goals and achieve them rather than have old energies come up and block those goals.
Cleansing your karma is just as important as smudging your home, cleaning out clutter, or even cleaning old food out of the fridge.
You need to create a clean slate once and awhile and I highly recommend my free karma cleanse.
I do it every year and you can sign up to be notified when I go live for 2021 here:
Send me the info for the Karma Cleanse!
With this free Karma Cleanse, I explain how to journal and clear the energy that’s blocking you from manifesting what you’re wanting.
You can do the karma cleanse all year long. Anytime you feel you need it to help open you up to new opportunities and awareness.
3. Short-Lived Intentions (like New Year’s Eve Resolutions)
The last thing that gets in the way of using vision boards for goal setting is what I call the short-lived intentions.
These are the New Year’s Eve resolutions like “I’m going to go to the gym more” that are often forgotten by the time February rolls around.
The problem with these type of goals are that they are matter of fact and the law of attraction responds so much more easily to feelings.
If you do want to set resolutions and use a vision board, try putting images of how you want to feel.
Pictures of someone loving exercising, meditating, drinking green juice, or money falling from the sky.
Evoke the feeling that goes with the thing you want to manifest. Emotion and “the feels” are a big enhancer to the law of attraction.
The goal alone may come and go too quickly.
To sum up, here are some ways to make 2021 a little brighter:
- Explore Shadow work (see THIS podcast for more info).
- Join me for the FREE Karma Cleanse (you can sign up for a reminder and the fill-in workbook HERE).
- Sign up for Angels In Your Biz weekly oracle card forecast or find it on Instagram. The guidance will call you out if you’re not on track and always gives helpful information to help you stay motivated.
Happy 2021 everyone!
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