EP13: Tapping Into Your Big Vision with Melanie Moore

In our 13th episode of the Aligned & Unstoppable podcast, Emily is joined by her good friend Melanie Moore to discuss her journey and how she came to start Big Vision TV.  Melanie talks about her love for helping people see their “big vision” and moving past the fears and barriers to take action toward their vision. She shares about the amazing benefits of EFT and “tapping” into your greatest self.

Episode Highlights:

  • Melanie talks about her heart and “super power” being about helping people tap into their big vision.
  • She went to University to study journalism, and shares about her “big vision” of being a television presenter.  She spent some time working at the BBC and with some TV shows there and became impatient, burnt out, and then spent a number of years in a corporate career.  Ultimately she felt she had given up on that “big vision.”
  • She decided to stay home, raise kids, and then ended up starting her own business.
  • Melanie found interest in energy work, reiki healing, and reflexology.  Then moved into EFT and Tapping (which she still does), and then into coaching.
  • She realized after doing some Facebook live and Periscope interviews, that she wanted to start her own TV show, and that’s how Big Vision TV on YouTube was born.
  • Fears can really keep you from actually starting things.
  • The internet has opened up the world for connection and for starting a business.  Before the internet, even in recent years, most connection happened in “brick and mortar” locations, and now connections are happening through online platforms.
  • In 2015, Melanie wanted to take her local business global.  Because of new apps, like Periscope, she was able to take her sessions online and that was the beginning of the growth of her online platform.  
  • Melanie shares more about tapping into your big vision.  She had to learn to live her full life. She realized how the past has brought her to where the universe wants her and into her current platform of sharing with the world.
  • Emily and Melanie discuss EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) at length, and about how we store things in our bodies that “tapping” allows to be released.
  • Melanie shares about her first experience with Tapping and personal story about a trauma from when she was 3 years old.
  • You can utilize “Tapping” technique in a variety of areas, to release you to be who you are meant to be and thrive.

3 Key Points:

  1. Don’t let fear and your past negative experiences hold you back from your higher self.
  2. EFT is an incredible way for you to “tap” into your big vision and all the limiting beliefs that are keeping you from that vision.
  3. Address those fears, because we’re not here to play small, we are here to do big things!

Tweetable Quotes:

  • “That fear actually stop you from getting started from doing anything.” – Melanie Moore.
  • “When you tap into your highest self, what does that look like?” – Emily Aarons.
  • “If Acupuncture and Traditional Talk Therapy had a baby, it would be EFT” – Emily Aarons
  • “We are emotional beings and we’ve got these emotions for a reason.” – Melanie Moore.

Resources Mentioned:

Melanie Moore Website

Big Vision TV

Melaine Moore Social Media:

Big Vision Coach Facebook Page

Melanie Moore Twittter

Melanie Moore Instagram

Tapping into Your Big Vision course

What is EFT?


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