EP07: Show Me How I’m Hiding with Kim Woods

In our 7th episode of the Aligned & Unstoppable podcast, I talk with Kim Woods, a highly successful consultant, entrepreneur, healer and Master Level Astrologer. Kim’s goal is to make the world a better place by changing your life. She reveals you to yourself by creating magical ways for you to live authentically and unapologetically. Kim shares insight into how simply knowing your astrological archetype can create enormous clarity in your life and business. We swap stories about coming out of the spiritual closet and sharing our gifts with the world to see.

Episode Highlights:

  • Emily & Kim did the Astrological Forecast of the Year & 2019 Karma Cleanse together
  • Kim was highly successful in business at Oracle when her son got sick and she had the inclination to quit and pursue Alternative, Western and eventually Eastern medicine
  • Through her pursuit of different healing methods her son found healing
  • Her mother practiced Astrology while she was growing up and she always dabbled but was never very serious about it until she experienced some deeper revelations
  • Kim constantly asks herself, “Show me how I’m hiding” to keep going deeper in her practices
  • Kim does 4 Facebook Live sessions every month; they are scheduled around cosmic activity
  • Kim visualizes our life’s work as a tapestry, and in the process of weaving and refining our tapestry, it gets more colors, depth, and texture. The threads of our individual tapestries are all tightly woven together.
  • For healers and astrologers, it is important to practice strong boundaries when channeling in order not to leave your client feeling exposed
  • There are 7 billion people on the planet, healers shouldn’t feel like they are competing with one another
  • In a dream, Kim was asked by Saturn to define who she was in on one word, and she said “Astrologer”. The cosmos have become the base which she found everything else on.
  • She makes all of her first-time clients do a natal chart to open up all of their cosmic energies
  • When you’re in transition it’s important to figure out what your “new lane” is
  • The average person doesn’t know who they are on a spiritual level and this can lead to being lost and confused
  • It’s a great gift to give yourself an astrological reading to see who you really are – it is your soul speaking to you
  • When Emily chose to fully embrace her role as a healer and label herself as that then her channel opened up even deeper

3 Key Points:

  1.   Every single one of us has a thin line of what we’re supposed to do; everyone has a different mission and archetype
  2. Each new level of business growth gives you an opportunity to let light in and let yourself show up
  3. Throughout life, you will be constantly clarifying and simplifying your calling

Tweetable Quotes:

  • “If it doesn’t scare the Bejesus out of you then you’re not on the right path” – Kim Woods
  • “Where am I hiding?” – Kim Woods
  • “There’s a YES every day. You have to say YES every day.” – Kim Woods
  • “What do I need to reveal today? – Kim Woods
  • “There’s no competition…none…ever!” – Kim Woods
  • “Heaven is here on earth & we are it!” – Kim Woods
  • “There is someone out there who can (and wants to) pay for your services” – Emily Aarons
  • “As you face new levels it’s just like peeling layers of an onion, there’s always something new to face” – Kim Woods
  • The real work is you knowing you and you know your value” – Kim Woods
  • “You can teach anything, but you shouldn’t teach everything” – Kim Woods
  • “The amount of energy that can come into you directly respond to what you are charging for it” – Emily Aarons

Resources Mentioned:


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