Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast October 18

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast October 18

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast October 18

Episode 310

This week is asking you to get crystal clear on your goals because this is a stellar week to magnetize it to you!

October 18 Energy Forecast:


18. Gratitude: Give thanks for all you have

Give thanks to all that IS and all that is coming. If you’ve been complaining about lack, now is the time to shift that energy into gratitude. Did you know that gratitude and abundance are connected? One does not appear without the other.

Take a minute to write down 5 things you’re thankful for right now, 5 things you’re thankful for that are coming in the future and 5 things you’re grateful for from your past.

Practice connecting into your heart center at bedtime, and imagine you’re sending love and light out to all of those places. This practice is especially helpful during the launch period. For those who’ve already said YES to your offering and those who are about to.

6. The Golden Arrow: Focus on a specific target

Set your sights on a specific target. If you don’t have a goal in mind, create one now. You can’t get upset that you didn’t find success when you never had a clear goal, to begin with. Allow your goals to be touched by the healing light of source energy. Everything you wish to achieve is blessed. Quit playing small; whatever is in your sights can and will be yours!

16. Be the Magnet: Harness the power within you>

It’s time to harness the power you have within. Focus your attention and thoughts on exactly what you want. Give yourself permission to want whatever you want, even if it’s excessive; you deserve it! Release any thoughts of lack, what if, or worry to your angels.

To truly become the magnet you must feel unconditional love in your heart and allow it to expand within and all around you. A magnet never questions if it will attract another magnet, it just is. Who are you not to attract everything you desire?

Your feelings are the magnet, so whether you’re feeling good or feeling bad, the universe doesn’t care, it will always deliver that to you. Put on some dancing music or watch a funny cat video, get your VIBE high!

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Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast October 11

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast October 11

Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast October 11

Episode 307

Your guides are VERY clear about what they need you to do this week…get outside and share who you are!

October 11 Energy Forecast:


5. Get outside: Take a breather

Your angels are not mincing their words! Take a breather outside. Bundle up if you have to but you need fresh air. Sitting at a desk is amazing and I’m sure you’re killing it today, but even still, you need to move your body and enjoy the day.

Extra credit if you go for a walk by the ocean, in the woods, or just visit your favorite place. Once you get there your angels are going to dump inspiration into you, so get ready to receive!

44. Visibility: It’s safe to be me

You’ve done a remarkable job of tapping into your big vision. Now it’s time to allow the world to see you in all your glory. Your angels are here to help you release any limiting beliefs around being judged as a lightworker from all lifetimes.

It’s time to let go of the doubts or worries; there are too many people praying for you right now. Get over yourself and show up for the ones who are out there struggling without your guidance. Mantra: “It is safe to be unapologetically me. Nothing added to me would make me any greater, nothing taken away would make me any less. I am pure free forever.”

29. Grounding: Refresh and reset

One of my favorite things to do every day is to get outside and appreciate nature. Living in the northeast, the weather can be very up and down, but even if it’s chilly, I’ll take a break from work to walk around the block or even a lap around my backyard farm just to make sure I get to enjoy the day. Another benefit of going outside is to ground and refresh my energy. What do YOU do to break up your workday and reset

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