by emilyaarons | Jul 9, 2019 | Podcast

In our 39th episode of the Aligned & Unstoppable podcast, Emily talks with her friend Kari Samuels. Kari is a YouTuber, psychic, and energy healer. She comes to the show to teach us how to feel comfortable in your own skin.
Episode Highlights:
- Kari shares her past and how she became an energy healer and psychic.
- Talking about the difficulty of coming out as an energy healer and how it was received.
- They both consider the idea of intuition and what it eludes to.
- Kari and Emily consider how different messages can mean a myriad of different things.
- Kari talks about how she ended up becoming a healer and the events leading up to her readings.
- They speak on the reality of the world versus what they see in themselves and others.
- How to learn from your spouse whether or not they share the same interests as you.
- Knowing how moving away from home affects you and your spiritual journey.
3 Key Points:
- When you feel something or see anything that connects with you, search out and find why it affected you.
- When you decide to be yourself, you will find that you are more confident and successful.
- Your life is a constant journey; when all is said and done, you will never be where you began.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “One of the reasons I’ve been teaching this is because it feels so natural.” – Kari Samuels
- “The fear is that everyone is so cognizant, the fear is known and scary” – Kari Samuels
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Apr 23, 2019 | Podcast

In our 17th episode of the Aligned & Unstoppable podcast, Emily talks with Liz Lee. Liz is a web designer focused on helping Healers, Intuitives, Coaches, and Consultants navigate coming online, having a web presence, and bringing them “online” to their true selves. She shares primarily about her experience on a retreat in Costa Rica and what that meant for her healing work and moving forward.
Episode Highlights:
- Liz talks about her journey and shares her recent experiences that have been life-long dreams.
- She talks about what she had to do to prepare for the journey she was about to take.
- Liz discusses her Quantum Re-write meditation.
- Emily and Liz dive into what it means to “look back” and time-shifting.
- Liz talks about another tool she used, the “Hawaiian Forgiveness Prayer”
- She shares about her retreat experience at Rama Organica.
- Liz talks about how important it is to be aligned with people around and her clients.
- Liz shares more about her experience in the Ayahuasca ceremony.
- Discussion about how to work with our Ego and putting it in perspective
- Liz talks about resistance and what to do with it.
- She shares about one of the top 5 best experiences of her life, Nauyaca Falls.
- Liz shares 3 words that spoke to her.
3 Key Points:
- It’s important to be aligned with the people around you and your clients.
- We have to re-learn who we are and connect with a greater intelligence.
- Get out of your routine, get out of your element and experience something different.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “They say that you can’t change the past, but I believe, in a way, energetically you can.” – Liz Lee
- “When you release lower frequencies from your life in your memories, you can invite in higher frequencies.” – Liz Lee
- “Anytime I’ve ever made a big decision in my life, everything will come up to the surface to be addressed and released.” – Liz Lee
- “It’s humbling to know, when you show up as 100% of yourself, how you affect other people and give them permission to show up as well.” – Liz Lee
- “One of my lessons now is to learn the importance of surrendering, consciously surrendering to my experience to life.” – Liz Lee.
- “We have to work with our Ego, to put our Ego in it’s proper place” – Liz Lee
- “We don’t have to depend on some type of external thing to have this transcendent experience, we can call it in.” – Liz Lee
- “Don’t be afraid to speak what you want into the universe.” – Liz Lee
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
by emilyaarons | Mar 29, 2019 | Podcast

In our 12th episode of the Aligned & Unstoppable podcast, Emily talks with her good friend Sara Drury about her journey away from the beauty industry into her alignment. Helping women with their inner beauty and finding their passion on a very deep level. Podcast host of the Inner Beauty School. which led her to tapping into her intuition in a whole new way. Learn how to quiet those inner limiting thoughts and give yourself permission to become ultra powerful.
<Episode Highlights:
- Emily & Sara met at Business By Design with James Wedmore. They were some of his first clients in this program.
- Sara was initially a makeup artist and then expanded her services to teaching women about makeup and inner beauty via online video.
- She faced feelings of self-doubt and fear during the season of stepping into her new business/calling.
- The journey from fear to self-confidence is a continual process that never truly ends. It starts with giving yourself permission and not caring what others will say or what the outcome will be.
- Her makeup business was successful but she didn’t feel fulfilled anymore. She was doing the right things but her inner wisdom told her she wasn’t in the right spot.
- Your ego will fight against what you know you need to do.
- In order to go to your next level, you have to become a different person; which means that there’s a part of you that must die. When you first start this journey it may be painful.
- You may face resistance or resentment from family and friends as you actively try not to be the same person you were when y’all first met.
- Your journey to freedom will cause others to look inward and examine their own life.”
3 Key Points:
- Meditating doesn’t always have to be guided, it can be freestyle (ex. walking the dog)
- We don’t always have to DO in order to GET; rather we need to be OPEN to RECEIVING
- Let your heart guide you and not your mind; if you’re thinking, that’s when you get stuck, anxious and worried
Tweetable Quotes:
- “Give yourself permission to step into the bigger version of yourself!” – Sara Drury
- “It’s scary to step into that place where you know you’re meant to be.” – Sara Drury
- “Resistance from your ego is proof that you’re getting into alignment.” – Emily Aarons
- “When you’re getting into alignment your life may blow up in a way you weren’t expecting before it settles back down.” – Sara Drury
- “If you’re truly committed to the dream that you’re building, then you have to be willing to let go of the things that are not able to come on the rest of the journey with you.” – Sara Drury
- “Give yourself permission to have a transition!” – Emily Aarons
Resources Mentioned:
Ready to dive deeper? Join the Mastery & Ascension membership to learn the spiritual tools to break through your blocks, align with your highest self, and gain clarity to become FULLY Aligned & Unstoppable! Simply CLICK HERE to join!
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