Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast September 20
Angels in Your Biz Weekly Forecast September 20

Episode 300
This week is SO special! We’re starting Intuition Week TODAY, and your angels have given us 4 cards this week to unlock in your highest alignment!
September 20 Energy Forecast:
24. Upleveling: Breathe deeply into your expansion
If you’ve been feeling a little under the weather please trust that it’s simply your body’s response to your massive energetic shifts.
Congratulations on dreaming big, now get quiet and listen to what your body is trying to tell you! If you’re not listening, it will speak louder in the form of a cold, a stomach bug, or worse!
Breathe deeply into your expansion and smile knowing that you’re absolutely on the verge of something BIG!
40. Inspiration: It’s your purpose to shine your light
You’re a lightworker! It’s your soul’s purpose to shine your light so that others can shine theirs too.
Please don’t dim your light because you’re afraid of what someone else will think or say. Those people aren’t your soulmate clients!
As a lightworker, you can be like a flashlight in a dusty corner; many people don’t want to see what’s there, so they’ll try to dim your light or put it out…they’re just not ready to see. Send them a loving blessing and move on. Your actions will inspire others!
1. Balance: Look at the blessings in your life
Take a moment to look around at all of the blessings in your life. Some days it may feel like “too much” to take but what if that were just a story you told yourself so you could take a break?
There are always sacrifices that must be made for the sake of success. Make space in your schedule for play, love, friendships, silence, and adventure. Work will always be there, but it’s time to fill your cup too.
BONUS CARD – 7. Healing: Schedule healing work!
This is a hard stop, drop, and get some healing work done. I don’t care if it’s a visit to the sauna, a spa day, or an hour-long massage, or an energy healing session.
Your system is overloaded and underloved. There’s something going on under the surface and your angels want you to be aware of it…and you can’t do that alone or by working harder. You must stop to listen to the call. If you continue to ignore it, the call will get louder, and you may not enjoy being laid up from work for a long stretch of time. Better take care of yourself now. Pay now or pay later!
A small investment of a day off will pay off in droves…just you wait and see! There’s someone in heaven watching over you and they can hear your silent prayers. Think of this card as a gift to have someone take care of you.
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