Money Block Clearing
Last night I led a Money Block clearing and it was by FAR my most popular video to date…and for good reason!
Here’s what people have been saying:
“When I tuned into your session tonight it completely unblocked what I was holding and I had a complete break through. Thank you thank you thank you!!”
“Emily, tonight was a profound experience for me because you’re incredibly tuned in. Thank you for reminding me to believe in miracles and bringing me back home. I absolutely adore you.”
“I felt called to message you, that energy clearing was POWERFUL! I was thinking “I’m not enough” just before you said it, and then when you said its affecting my third eye opening I knew you were talking to me because I have felt that recently. I have a natural gifts but they are halted due to a silly belief that I’m not worthy and I’m not enough. I am SO HAPPY I found you! So much gratitude coming your way! Thank you for doing what you do.”
There were over 80 LIVE viewers at one time, it has 54 shares, and 2.1K views…and it hasn’t even been 24-hours!
Simply COMMENT BELOW if you’d like to share your own experience with this clearing and how it made you feel. Please feel free to share with a friend who may need a little money block clearing too!
P.S. This week will be full of amazing content! I’ll going to run a FREE Workshop on Creating Soulfully Aligned Offers. You can sign up instantly when you CLICK HERE!
PLUS, you’ll get my audio meditation and PDF checklist!
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