​Call me a sap, but it makes me well up a bit when I think of how grateful I am to get to do what I love.

Just this morning, my husband was upset that he has a job that’s not his passion…

He’s not alone!

So many people feel unhappy and unfulfilled with their J.O.B. (just over broke).

Just last week Dawn asked “How did you know you were on the right path? Where does that information come from? Why do some people get clarification and those that really want it never seem to get it?”

If you don’t mind, I’d love to answer ALL of Dawn’s Q’s but let me explain ONE thing…


Allow me to further explain…

Q1: How did you know you were on the right path?

A: I didn’t (insert gasp gif). No, seriously. I had no clue. I’d been doing energy work and massage for 15 years saying to myself “I just KNOW I’m meant to do more, to make more money, and to help more people.” The only problem, was I never realized it meant I needed to BE more than who I was at the time. I needed to serve at my highest level and open up to receive the Universal “bread crumbs”. I was spread so thin teaching yoga, doing massage treatments, and worrying about money!

The #1 thing that shifted in me to allow me to start making more of an impact was when I started playing with ways to GIVE more than I got. I used Facebook LIVE to GIVE readings, to channel, to just share wisdom, and to offer meditations and clearings. GIVE to your community, even if its just your immediate friends and family! (Simple math: Give + give + give + give + give = Get $!)

Once I began to GIVE so much, people started asking me if they could work with me deeper. It turned out, MOST of these people were female entrepreneurs…alas I found my niche and how I all I wanted to do was serve them at my highest level.

Q2: Where does that information come from?

A: Imagine I told you to drive cross-country right NOW. All you’d really need to know how to do is punch in the address into your GPS! You wouldn’t say to be “but HOWWWW?” You’d start up the ignition with a smile on your face and hit the road! You don’t need to know exactly what roads you’re going to drive, until you’re there! If the sun goes down, you’ll use your headlights! You don’t need to see the entire road, just what’s in front of you.

Is this making sense? Do you get my analogy?

Let me spell it out for ya, simply waking up alive and connecting with the Universe/God/Your guides (aka your GPS) and TRUSTING that you’re on the right path, and if there’s a detour you’ll be re-routed! You’re never “off” your path.

You’re the co-creator of your life.

My tip? Each and every day, ask your guides and the Universe: HOW CAN I SERVE AT MY HIGHEST LEVEL TODAY?

Q3: Why do some people get clarification and those that really want it never seem to get it?

A: You ever go car shopping, then after you leave the dealership all you see on the road is THAT car? If your mindset is “I never know if I’m on my path” you’ll be right. If your mindset is “I trust that each and every day I’m serving my highest purpose on my path” you’ll be right again! So which one do you want?

(Side note/joke from my guides…last week I had to get up in the middle of the night to take care of my son, and while I was trying to fall back to sleep my guides gave me this gem….”Whether you think you will, or you think you won’t, you’ll be right. Unless it’s a fart, then you always will.”)  LOL

If you’re a lightworker and you’re interested in learning how to fully step into your alignment and serve, ON YOUR PATH, grab my #1 meditation ATTRACTING SOULMATE CLIENTS WITH EASE! 

This meditation connects you on an energetic level to your ideal clients and also allows you to feel gratitude for this bond…”it’s pure magic!”

Hope you enjoyed this Q&A Blog! Please let me know what you think in the comments below! Would you like to see me answering MORE questions like this in the future?

All my love,



P.S. Applications are open to The Phoenix Mentorship but only for a short time! SPACE IS LIMITED! I only accept 10 new members and there are just 7 spots left. If you’d like more info or to apply please CLICK HERE!