Happy Monday!

Something I get asked all the time is in regards to feeling light-headed, dizzy, or just spacey either going into meditation, while meditating, or coming out.

I have a very simple answer for WHY this is happening and a SIMPLE SOLUTION to help you out of that wonky head space!

WHY THIS HAPPENS: Typically the main reason why you’re getting a bit light-headed is because you’re beginning to tap into a higher vibration of energy (go you!). The higher you go, the less you’re energetically in your body. Don’t get freaked out, it’s nothing to be scared of.

Accessing higher frequencies is something that many people never get to experience. It means you’ve relaxed enough and allowed your energy system to expand. THIS is also where we allow deep levels of healing into our mind, body, and spirit! (go you again!)

When you’re meditating using one of my guided meditations from Mastery & Ascension, you’ll be opening up to a high frequency because they’re all channeled directly from source in addition, I’m adding energy healing, something you’ll ONLY FIND working with me!

Don’t take my word for it, here’s what Mastery & Ascension members are saying…

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Simply put, come out of your meditation sloooowly and ground yourself. If you’re being guided, and it’s going to fast, just hit pause, and go at your own pace. Take some nice long breaths and come back into your physical body but engaging muscles. Once you’re fully back, eyes open, have some water and go outside. Walking barefoot can really help you ground.

If you’re ready to join our growing community inside MASTERY & ASCENSION, simply CLICK HERE! We have daily conversations about meditation AND how we can use it specifically as a tool to grow our business.

This is INTENTIONAL MEDITATION, not just deep breathing to achieve the elusive “blank screen”!

I hope these tips helped, if you have more questions about how to meditate or you’re feeling like you’re doing it wrong, COMMENT BELOW, and let me know how I can help!

