The 3 biggest flaws with solely focusing on 1:1 client work are:
- You only have so many hours in the day to give, which means you have a MAX income you can make when you’re fully booked.
- You’re EXCLUDING the majority of your community who might not be ready, YET, to buy your 1:1 sessions.
- You QUICKLY run out of people to work on because you’re not marketing yourself consistently.
If your problem is “NOT ENOUGH” clients and/or money coming in, you’ll need to add NEW ways to monetize your transformational work so you can grow AND scale!!
“GROW” means you’re getting more clients to join your community and thereby, adding more people to your pool of potential buyers.
“SCALE” refers to adding more buyers with LESS time/energy output by you.
I’ve made a short list of ideas (obviously I have hundreds more where this came from!) to get you started so you can start making money WITHOUT trading your time!!
1) Small group sessions: If you’ve mastered the 1:1, you’re ready to begin offering your services to small groups between 3-5. Managing more energy in a group can be challenging so starting small is a good way to see if you enjoy it, and you can get them results!
**I teach my students in the Integrated Energy Alignment (IEA) training how to do this and they’re making money during the training! (Now enrolling for June!)

2) Workshops or trainings: Likely, you could put together a short training to help people with a specific problem. This be free or paid and you can always offer a way for them to take the next step to work with you in another paid program that would be like a part 2 or much deeper.
**My Attract More Clients & Abundance Workshop is exactly this! Sign up and see what you think!

3) Pre-recorded meditation/hypnosis/affirmations: Record this ONCE and sell it infinity times!! *This is one of my favorites because I can sell it at a low price and folks can buy it without worrying about the investment.
**My $1 Meditation Sale for example!

4) Paid Podcast: Do you have a LOT of value to share with your audience but you don’t want to make a course? This is a really cool option to share your wisdom for a low-price investment from your audience. It absolutely builds your credibility and of course you can use this platform to sell your higher paid offers.
**My Spiritual Business Sessions Podcast has been lighting my heart of fire! I absolutely LOVE recording each session and my listeners can’t get enough!

5) Affiliate marketing: Is there a software, product, or course you love and talk about all the time? Becoming a paid affiliate is a great way to earn some extra income. Connect with fellow course creators to see if they’d want you to promote their stuff.
**I’m an affiliate for all sorts of great stuff!

One caveat…
In order to run these incredible offers, WITHOUT me constantly selling, selling, selling…is that I’ve built evergreen funnels.
Specifically, I’ve taken the time to DEEPLY understand my soulmate clients through in-depth surveying, trial-and-error, and making offers that have worked (or flopped)…
I’ve put in the time to care about being OF SERVICE first and foremost.
The BEST NEWS, is that I’m hosting a LIVE 6-Week program to teach my exact proven process next week if you’re ready to take that next step in monetizing your incredible gifts!
Click the button to learn more, and SAVE OVER $1,000, for a limited time only!!
If this list was helpful, would you please let me know. Better yet, share it with a fellow spiritual entrepreneur who could use some fresh ideas!!
Happy money making!! ?
PS – If you’re still scratching your head a little, sign up for my FREE training, Attract More Clients & Abundance Workshop, you’ll learn far more than this diagram can share!
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