Business Growth Without Relying On Social Media

Business Growth Without Relying On Social Media

Business Growth Without Relying On Social Media

Prepare to overturn conventional business wisdom as Rebecca Tracey and I invite you to rethink your overreliance on social media for lead acquisition. You’re about to discover the importance of understanding your desired outcomes and taking charge of your success.

We will guide new entrepreneurs through the critical process of perfecting their messaging and share invaluable insights into building a thriving business.

We’re going to shift gears, diving into social media strategy and its connection with our energy – yes, energy! We’ll shed light on how to accelerate your income growth and pinpoint your niche. We’ll also explore how the energy we infuse into our messaging can be a game-changer for businesses, and share techniques to ensure our messages reach the right audience.

Strap in for a conversation on strategic collaborations. Learn how being a guest on someone else’s podcast can have a far-reaching impact than creating social media content.

Finally, brace yourself as Rebecca and I unravel the importance of market research and feedback. We’ll reveal strategies to make your ideas a reality, tweak your messaging, and leverage courses to gain an edge.

We’ll also explore how to bring in money quickly and build a successful business – even without social media’s assistance. So if you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business veteran, we guarantee you’ll find nuggets of wisdom to take your business to the next level. Ready to join us on this journey?

Finally, brace yourself as Rebecca and I unravel the importance of market research and feedback. We’ll reveal strategies to make your ideas a reality, tweak your messaging, and leverage courses to gain an edge.

We’ll also explore how to bring in money quickly and build a successful business – even without social media’s assistance. So if you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business veteran, we guarantee you’ll find nuggets of wisdom to take your business to the next level. Ready to join us on this journey?

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [0:00:03] Building a Strong Foundation
  • [0:13:11] Improving Social Media Strategy and Energy
  • [0:17:08] Social Media Marketing Strategies and Collaboration
  • [0:25:41] Market Research and Feedback Importance
  • [0:34:34] Feedback, Confidence, and Business Navigation
  • [0:41:45] Building a Successful Coaching Business

Click here to read the full transcript ‣‣‣

Emily: Everybody, welcome back to the Aligned and Unstoppable Podcast. I’m joined by a special guest, Rebecca Tracey. And the reason why I wanted to invite Rebecca to be on the podcast for all of you is because I found her using a unique approach which was saying, maybe you don’t need social media as much as you think you do, to acquire leads and to grow your business. And I love that messaging, first of all, because it’s a little bit like what? And I also saw it on social media, so I was like – Oh, this is interesting. So I was like, I got to talk to this girl.

But I think there’s so much that my audience is going to really enjoy hearing from you because I know you coach a very similar demographic of people who are newer in their business. And so I’d love to sort of open up that can of worms of like, how should we be using social media to bring in more people or should we not be like this, is there are there carrier pigeons? Like what is the alternative?

Rebecca: Yes, that’s the best way these days.

Emily: Yeah, it’s really… message in a bottle. Put it in the ocean. So I want to talk about that. But before we get into all of that, I would love for you to really introduce yourself. Sort of how did you get to this place and tell us a little bit more about you.

Rebecca: Yeah. Thank you. I’m Rebecca Tracey. Also go by Becca, kind of 50-50. My business is the UncagedLife, I started it in 2011, so it is an old, old business now. It’s going on for about 12 years, which is nuts. And I started it… I started I was doing kind of a mash-up of things. I had just graduated from a program in holistic nutrition. I’d done a life coach training. I was working on a side for an online wellness company, doing all of their social media and blogging.

And I was like most new businesses being like, how I wish all these things together. What am I even doing here? And I was kind of messing around with that. And what I found was that a lot of the people that I was in my circles were other health coaches and other life coaches. And the thing and I was practicing my coaching skills and so I was just taking on as many free clients as I could. And I think that they all needed help with, was really figuring out what they wanted to be doing kind of with their lives, but also with this new career that they were moving down in the coaching world. And so I ended up coaching them on figuring out what they really wanted to do.

And a lot of it I found, is, you know, giving people permission to not do the things they didn’t want to do, etc… And so that plus then I was learning all of these online business skills on the side and I was like, you know what? I was kind of teaching those to my clients as I was going.

So it worked its way into what I do now, which is really helping new business owners, especially people in kind of the coaching wellness fields, learn what it really takes to get clients and kind of cutting out all the BS of all the really overcomplicated marketing tactics and getting people really clear on their foundations. So like really niche and really strong messaging, really having an understanding of how to actually sell what they do. That’s my focus now.

Emily: Great. Well, I love that. And you’re speaking to the right crowd. All of my listeners are here with that same mission. They’re here to lead. They’re here to help people. They’re coaches, healers and leaders. And this is really important for them to know.

And it’s funny, I’ve been teaching, not a workshop, but a program, a three-month program that’s really building on those fundamentals, those the ground level. What are these fundamentals that if I do for a long time consistently, it’s actually going to work?

And what was really funny that came up with one of the calls yesterday was essentially somebody saying, well, I’m looking to have these results and I haven’t gotten them yet. And it’s like, okay, so let’s talk about that. And when we ask about what’s the result, first of all, what are we talking about results and what are you measuring? And what happened was that this customer was saying, I’m pointing at you, meaning me? You’re supposed to get me these results and it’s supposed to happen right away, which is not at all my promise. It’s not part of the sales page. Don’t have a magic wand, although I do have a unicorn headband.

But that’s part of, I think, that new mindset and mentality of, you know, I’m going to sign up for a coach or a program and they are going to fix the problem. They’re going to fix the leak in my boat. The water won’t have to come anymore and I won’t drown and die. But what really showed up really strongly was emphasizing this is your responsibility, your results are your responsibility.

And so part of what I really excited to get into with you is how can we bring somebody who is new to this, who doesn’t really have a foundation, who is like literally just doing busy work, thinking like, I’m building a business. See, I’m so busy all day, I’m building a business to actually get them to do the right things so they can niche down and get their messaging honed in. So let’s really open up to that. So where do you see people really struggling the most when they. When they’re finding you.

Rebecca: Yeah. I think what you just said about busywork is so true. Because I did this when I was in my nutritionist health coaching days where I was like, okay, I need a logo and I need a business card and I need brand colors. And I was like, working on the business. But for what? Like, did anyone ever hire me because I had those business cards that had a cute little logo that kind of look like a lettuce leaf, but also was a flower and that, like nobody cared. How long did I work? Trying to think of a tagline for my business cards? And I knew this is 2011. So like, you know, it’s a little bit more old school, but I still see people coming to me thinking they need a logo, thinking they need all of these things and they’re spending time on shit that does not matter. It still doesn’t even mean you’re successful. You don’t need a logo. You don’t actually need a tagline like it doesn’t, it doesn’t all that. But it’s what I found is that it feels good for people to work on those visual things because it’s like…

Emily: Right.

Rebecca: there is something to show for it. And when you’re sitting on your niche and you’re like, fine-tuning the language around how you’re going to articulate it, it’s like it’s messier work, It’s harder work because it forces you to make decisions about things versus just kind of stay in the like, let’s make it look pretty without actually really even knowing what you’re selling. It’s easier to do that busy work, but you have something to show for.

I think it also makes people feel like they have their shit together. It’s like, look, I have a logo. Look, I made this and it’s like, Oh, you have a real business, then you have something to show. But I would argue that is not a real business and that the better work you can be doing is actually the down and dirty work of really digging in to getting so clear about what you’re offering and niching work and the stuff that you know is harder for new business owners to wrap their head around.

Emily: Yeah. So let’s dive into that. So what are what would be some advice or some tips that you could share around niching down or understanding your customer a little bit better?

Rebecca: Yeah. The niching thing is such a big one. I think it’s super important to niche in when you’re starting just for the reason, not because it’s going to be the forever of your business and everything’s set in stone, but because it’s going to help you get clients faster. And the problem when you start is you’re doing so much work and you’re not getting paid and it feels, you know, overwhelming and it feels disheartening and you start to feel defeated eventually and then you quit before you actually get anywhere.

And so it’s really important to start making money fast so that you’re like, Oh, things are working and you have some motivation to go forward. Nobody wants to keep doing a bunch of work and not getting anything from it. So niching in isn’t bad. So I think the more specific you can get when you’re new, the easier it’s going to be to get clients.

And I always recommend thinking of it as like a niche for now, it’s not a niche for the rest of your business. But it’s like, what’s a niche for now? What’s one offer that I can create for a really specific group of people solving a really specific problem that I can just get five people in the door for so I can actually start working with people and building my skills and making some money.

And then you work with those five or ten people and then you can rethink it and go, okay, well that worked or this felt good about it and this didn’t feel good, so maybe I’m going to go in this direction and then you can kind of, you know, like your niche is sort of like a road that’s always, always you’re always going down and it’s always lining.

Emily: For sure

Rebecca: Yeah.

Emily: I love that. I want everyone. I want you to be haunted by Rebecca’s voice, so say niche for now. Niche for now.

Rebecca: let’s haunting 😀

Emily: Perfect, it’s so perfect. And I also feel everybody literally screaming at our podcast right now, though. I know, but I don’t know what I want to do. I want to help all of the people. I don’t want to exclude people because then I can help people. And if I’m on a mission to help people and I exclude them, then I’m not actually helping them.

Rebecca: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, because when you try to help all the people, you have to take the language that would be really specific.

So we were just working with a client who wants to,  she’s a kind of a coach, spiritual counselor and she wants to work with people around self-doubt and like this feeling of unworthiness and so she’s talking about it out here with this really broad language of, like self-doubt, not feeling good enough without context. And when we gave it context, we’re like, okay, who has this problem? And she’s like, well, one group I see is spiritual practitioners and Reiki healers who have experienced this longstanding self-doubt. And it’s really getting in the way of their work, it’s getting in the way of their business, it’s getting in the way of them, like being able to actually do the work they want to do with their clients. Then it has context.

And so when you look at like. How easy it is for your brain to wrap itself around. Like anybody with self-doubt versus spiritual practitioners and energy healers who are experiencing this self-doubt and it’s getting in the way of their business. It’s so much easier. I just know who to send her, you know who to send to in the second group. But the first group, I’m like, I don’t know. Everyone kind of has self-doubt, but it’s there’s not a compelling enough reason or clarity and context around it for it to make sense.

Emily: Yeah.

Rebecca: So when you say broad like that, you know, to your point, you’re saying like, I want to help everybody. You actually don’t get to help any because nobody hires you. And then when you niche in, your people are like, Oh, shit, I know five Reiki healers who are super struggling with this. Let me send them to you. And then all of a sudden you get to actually work with people. So it’s super counterintuitive, but you get to work with more people when you are specific because people will actually hire you.

Emily: Right, exactly. And I think we have to work on our beliefs when you’re figuring out what your niche is. And I love again, I’m going to go back to the niche for now.

Rebecca: Niche for now! 🙂

Emily: because it just gives you permission to just be in this lane. And oftentimes I see clients who don’t stay in the lane long enough to see it play out. They’re like, I don’t know. I put out one post and nobody ever said it didn’t work. And it’s and I it’s just not no one’s responded didn’t work.

And actually in my practitioner training program. So I train people how to do energy-based training. But part of my certification is the business, it is the marketing, is the messaging, all of it into one certification. So it’s the first and only energy-based training with a profit guarantee because you’re doing the work literally within the program.

So people are making money in the program, they’re finishing the program with making money and they have all of this figured out versus most training to like get a certification. You’re like, great, let’s get in the certifications and get myself out there. But people end up collecting certifications because they’re still not niching down, they’re not finding who they’re serving.

And literally the practice sessions at my course that my students are doing within the first ten sessions, they are seeing a trend. They’re seeing, oh, these first ten sessions which are free. I’m attracting this type of person with this type of problem and this is the result I’m giving them.

Rebecca: Yeah.

Emily: And so they’re seen in black and white. They’re getting testimonials, they’re building their confidence from day one. And that’s part of the problem. And I love that you said, you know, get that money in fast, because when you don’t get that money in fast…

Rebecca: You quit.

Emily: All of us, you quit. And then you start thinking actually, in that process, whether it’s a month or a year or whatever that window is for you, your window of tolerance to take in, no money in is going to then force you to start using that plan B, like, well, if this doesn’t work out, then and I’d love to have this conversation because when we’re not fully 100% focused on that thing, we’re not 50-50. We’re now like diluting our energy towards building our business to probably like 20 to 30%.

And the rest of that, all of that energy is going into a waste bucket. It’s completely wasted. It’s completely it’s just it’s diluting your messaging, it’s diluting your energy. It’s taking you away from your focus. And it’s also putting out the message to the universe. No, thank you. Please don’t. I don’t want any of this business – pass, please…

Rebecca: Yeah.

Emily: It’s just, it’s doing the opposite of what you want it to do.

Rebecca: Yeah, because the longer that it doesn’t work, the more your brain is like, see, nobody wants what I have to sell. And then you continue to run your business from a place of, well, nobody really wants this. So then, you’re putting out messaging and offers with sort of an underlayer of like, well, no one really wants it. So I guess so and so and that shows through and then no one wants it for sure. It’s got this weird energy to it. And so it, yeah, it just doesn’t work. So money in the door faster and a niche for now is the fastest way to do that.

Emily: I love that. And also, you know, when we have that energy of like it’s not really working in our brain, it’s like looping and going, see, there’s evidence, it’s not working. Our energy is, it’s like coated with this layer of eeeeh. So no matter what we’re putting out there, whether it’s a post or a reel or email or a blog, it has that energy all over it. And you think that, oh, people can’t pick up on it because I did my hair and my makeup, so I look so good for this reel or for this live or whatever. But it’s all over your energy field and people can pick up on energy within 3 seconds of interacting with you. And so if they’re picking up on something, even though you think you’re masking it, you’re not…

Rebecca: Yeah

Emily: People can pick up on it.

Rebecca: Yeah. And I feel like you’re also just not as likely to even put things out there as many times as you need to when you’re convinced it’s not going to work. So like, you’ll put it out once and be like won’t sort of work anyway. So I’m not going to do five more posts about it. But if you had an excited energy about it, it was working. You’d be like, I love blossoms everywhere. I love it. People are coming in, it’s feeling good. And so you just don’t do you know, you don’t do the work that you need to do because you need exposure.

And I think people really underestimate how many times you need to put something out there before one person will say, yes, it’s not a tit for tat, it’s not I put out one post and I get one client and they put out one more post and I get one client. It’s like I put out 30 things and I got one client. And so you’re not even doing what you need to do if you’re in the energy of like, well, it’s not working anyway, so what’s the point?

Emily: Absolutely. And even to come back to that customer who was like, you didn’t get me results. When my team member looked at her Instagram page she had in the last six weeks, five posts, five total posts, none of which were anything that I’ve taught.  No call to actions, no offers, no who I am, what I do, nothing at all.

And so it’s like, okay, so you’re not actually to your point, like you’re not actually putting your best foot forward. You’re not doing many or if not anything, to put yourself out there in a way that’s really helpful to you.

So what are some ways that people can then they got their niche for now, they’ve got some money coming in, hopefully. What are some ways that you see people misusing social media that you want to help, help them to correct?

And I mean, I know what you’re saying about, you know, you expect of one for one return every time I go live, I should get a new client. So I’d love to hear your take on all that.

Rebecca: Yeah. And I so just to preface this by saying I don’t think that social media is bad and I don’t think that social media doesn’t work. But two things. So, one, I see a lot of people who are new because they’re told you got to be in social media. So the first thing they do is they go in, they start making reels and making images and quotes and like hashtags. And so they’re doing all the things, but they actually don’t even have clear messaging and they don’t have a clear audience that they’re talking to. So their stuff is kind of watered down.

Like I see a lot of I work with a lot of life coaches, so I use that example, but I see a lot of like, you know, a nice quote that they made in Canva that somebody else said, and they’re putting it on Instagram and I’m like, no one fucking care. Look, no one’s going to hire you because you put that or like, you know, them trying to do the thing where they’re like, okay, I’m going to share. I’m going to share what my business is about.

But they’re sharing like, you know, I work with anyone who’s feeling a little bit low or anyone who has self-doubt or anyone who just wants to feel more alive. Like it’s this really general. Nobody really, I call it like, this is like meme-worthy. Like it’s like worthy. Somebody might see it and be like, Yeah, that was inspiring. I’m going to give that a hard on Instagram, but like, no one’s paying you $1,000 for it.

So they’re trying to do all the strategies they’re learning, but they just don’t have enough clarity and specificity. So it’s kind of just missing the mark and no one’s really doing anything with it or I see people who just don’t want to be on social media. That’s kind of me, like they don’t want to be here. People love being on video and doing like the creative process of it I think is exciting for some business owners, so they kind of get lost in it even though they don’t have the clarity. But then for the other people, they just don’t want to do it and they hate it.

So whatever camp you’re in, I think, number one, if you’re going to be doing any marketing, I always think this and you probably teach this also, it’s like there’s a stage before marketing. You don’t just decide to have a business and then market your business. You decide to have a business and then you get really effing specific about what the business is and who you’re trying to talk to. And you do your market research and you make sure that you’re actually speaking to them in a way that makes sense to them and that you’re actually like hitting on the pain points that are compelling enough that they actually want to buy something from you. So you do all that foundational work before you start marketing anything. So if you want to be on social media, make sure you do that work first, because that’s the only way that any of the strategies that you’re using are going to work.

But I think I mean, there’s so many ways to get in front of other audiences that are not social media. So I personally think social media is great for networking and, you know, meeting people, not even meeting your clients, meeting other people that you could collaborate with or referral partners or just other people in the industry, like you have direct access to people’s inboxes, which is, you know, would have been unheard of ten years ago. Like you can just go and send a message to somebody, how are you going to have their email address? Right? So it just gives you that kind of in-person connection and that’s what I mostly use it for.

We have a team now that does our social media and we can talk a little bit about how I use it. My business is much different, though, than a brand new business who’s looking to just get some one on one clients in the door and start making money.

Yeah, the networking on it is great, but in terms of like content, I just think you just don’t know what the algorithms are doing and you have to put out so much content and like one piece of content is gone in 24 hours. If it’s a story or who knows how reels are getting repurposed. But most of the time you put all this energy in and people see it and then forget about it and it’s never to be seen again.

So I really like the strategy of getting in front of like borrowing other people’s audience is basically like, look at what we’re doing now, right? I don’t know how big your audience is. You have a whole lot of people listening. You have your whole social media following wherever your followings are. You’re going to post this and all your people are going to know who I am. And I have a large following. I have a Facebook group of 15,000 people. We have a big email list and I’m going to go share this podcast episode with them. And then all of a sudden they’re going to know who you are.

And so look at the impact of that, where we both have the same audience or similar audience. We do different things, but with a similar audience. And how much more impact this one hour of us chatting is going to have than like 50 reels I could put in on Instagram and, you know, it’s going to the right audience like it’s anyone could be seeing them, right?

So I love the idea of being able to get into tap into audiences that already exist, that are in your niche, (that’s why you need a niche for now) that are in your niche so that you can just do less work and have it have more of an impact.

Emily: Yeah, and I totally agree with you.

I love strategic collaborations, you know, and we can see there is a commonality or a similar interest or how could this person benefit my audience, How could I benefit their audience? Is there an angle that I bring that nobody else has brought? And I love these kinds of collaborations for that exact reason. I see the guests on my podcast that have the biggest reach, that have the most downloads tend to be people who are in that similar demographic. And likewise, if I’m a guest on their podcast or in their community, it’s the same way.

And we’ve had a couple of guests on the podcast repeatedly, whereas and also I’ve been a guest on other people’s platforms repeatedly because the audience just goes wild and they’re like, more of that, please. It’s like, you’re right, I could not make a single reel with that deep of an impact person.

As a podcaster, we’re in people’s ears and, you know, maybe they’re on a walk or they’re on a drive, but we have a lot of their attention for a pretty I mean, half an hour, hour long amount of time. And it’s so deep versus going out wide and trying to hit every single network and be on every single platform.

Rebecca: Yeah.

Emily: I wrote down a note to come back to this about the foundational work.

Rebecca: Yeah.

Emily: So you said around building that foundational work, really understanding what you’re doing in what kind of area, what the competition is like, all of that stuff. And I was just kind of like silently laughing to myself, like, nobody does this anymore.

So I’ve been in business since, well, for 23 years and I’ve been an energy practitioner that long. I started my first business when I was 22. And at 22, you know, we did for promotional material. We went on to our word doc and we made a little weird, you know, a flier, and I would put four on a page and I would take it to Staples and I have a printed and cut. Sometimes I wouldn’t have a cut because it was too expensive and I couldn’t afford that. And I would hand cut hundreds of fliers and I would take these fliers and put them on windshields and I would put them in coffee shops. And that’s the real thing, that’s a hot zone.

Eventually I got funds enough where I printed shiny postcards over nice and glossy, but I was in person like guerilla marketing, getting myself out there and not getting paid to do any of that, not having any kind of reach. There was no social media. I didn’t have a website and I was just hustling. I was doing free events and I was networking like everything I could do to just be in front of people. And even still I was discounting myself.

So all that to say is at that point when I was 22, I was also a college student and I wrote a business plan for my actual business that I was for like currently running. And I won the competition. And the reason why I won the competition is because I had done a business plan for my business. All I was doing was submitting it to this contest to win some money for my brand. And the funny part, funny part was that the prize money, I had business partners at the time who were very, very slow to understand business strategy. I will just say that. And I was arguing that we need to have a CRM. I want to get a way for us to get people’s email addresses in and do mass emails to them in a way that we can start tracking data and understand who our customers are. They’re like, we have Gmail. There is no need for any of that. And so I basically was like, listen, if I win this competition, this money is going towards this and I won. And so I got my way and I say, this is all like a funny back story for me for you. Maybe the listeners never knew that story about me.

But I think the funny thing is, it’s like back 20 plus years ago, you wouldn’t dream of starting a business without writing a business plan and doing market research, just like bare minimum. Like, who is out there? What are they doing? What are the prices? How do I set myself apart?

Nowadays, the barrier of entry is so low, like anyone can create an Instagram account, anyone can create a website anyone can do anything. And so you really don’t see people who are doing the research. So I found that really fascinating that you mentioned them.

Rebecca: Yeah. And I think it’s also most of the people that we both work with, coaches, healers start businesses because they feel called to do something. They’ve been usually they’ve been through some experience and they want to help other people with the same thing.

And so I actually just wrote a blog post about this, like, remember it was published or not, but about doing, starting a business basically for reasons that are too selfish. And so like we start our business and we make it all about us and it’s like, well, what I want to do and who do I want to help and how do I want to say it? And what do I think is a good way?

But like, none of that actually matters because you’re in a business to help other people. And so your experience of something is not necessarily the same as, you know, a mass of other people’s experience. And so you have to go and figure out like, is my idea of marketable? Like I have this idea, I want to do this thing. Like, do other people want this idea? Do people want to pay me for this thing?

And it’s a scary question to ask because sometimes the answer is no, or sometimes the answer is, well, maybe, but not in the way that I’m selling it or not in the way that I’m marketing it and describing it. And nobody wants to do that, right, because we hold our ideas really precious. And it’s like, this is the thing. And I’ve had the idea and I’ve journaled about it and meditated on it, and now I’m finally ready. And it’s like we just like almost want to put on the blinders and be like, I don’t care what anybody else says, but you have to care. Because those people are paying you so important. And it’s the best thing you can do. And it’s definitely the scariest thing you can do when you’re starting.

It’s much scarier than making a business card or a logo or getting some brand colors or an Instagram setup. But it’s like going out and actually figuring out, here’s this idea I have, does anyone want to see me for this? And if they don’t,

Emily: Right.

Rebecca: What do I need to shift? Is it the audience? Is it the messaging? Is it the actual idea? How do I need to shift so that people will pay me for it?

Emily: Yeah. Then this is great. It’s also, it’s built into my certification, my Integrated Energy Alignment Certification Practioner.

Rebecca: I think it  should be in every business,

Emily: everything…

Rebecca: It’s like, it’s hashtag strategy and like, oh, yeah, it’s not.

Emily: Here’s some great stock photos.

Rebecca: Yeah. And I think like I always describe it as like what I teach and it sounds like what you teach is like step one and a lot of courses that there are great courses, but they’re teaching you like steps 5 to 10. And so if you haven’t done steps 1 to 5, then those courses aren’t going to work.

And so I don’t I wonder if this happens with you, but I get a lot of students who come to me who are like, I’ve taken every program though, and so it’s a big name program. You probably know who she is taking that one, take that one. And like I’ve gotten nowhere and they’re like, at the end of the rope, they’re like, I have no more money to spend. This is like the last straw.

And it’s so when I look at the courses they’ve taken and what they’ve done, and then I look at their website or whatever they’ve got, I’m like, It’s so easy to see that like you jumped into the marketing in the steps 5 to 10 without the clarity on what the F you’re actually selling.

So like, all we need to do is access for this and then you can go and use those courses again. And yeah, people do, right hey go and they’re like, Oh my gosh, I could actually now use these five other courses that I wasn’t ready for when I took them the first time.

Emily: Right. Because they just had no foundation. You’re just trying to put bricks up in the windows. It and there’s nothing to hold.

Rebecca: Yeah. Like you don’t even know what you’re you can’t even articulate what you’re selling. Like, how are you supposed to build a whole website and marketing strategy around something that’s kind of elusive?

Emily: Yeah, and this always comes up with my certification students because so we for the first month, they do ten practice sessions for free. And you better believe they fill up like this. And also part of my promise is I take all of their booking links and I share them within my community of hundreds of people who want what they have to give to them. So it’s like it is… It’s like, would you like to just scoop up the people, like they’re there for you?

Rebecca: Yeah.

Emily: And like, listen, like when I was starting out, no one was offering me handouts for clients. I was hustling. And so, you know, those first ten sessions come real easily, while by month three I require them to start charging. And so this is when the real work happens.

I say you can have a sliding scale, but it has to be sort of between these two numbers. And some people are practitioners are coaches who’ve been at it for a really long time. So like they’ve been charging a bit more and it’s kind of like a little humble pie for them to drop their rates to do these, set the sessions at a lower rate.

And then there’s the brand new folks who are like, I’ve never charged anything in the day of my life and like, I’m freaking out right now. And so we have both camps that are kind of experiencing the same time.

But this is where the work, the work comes in so that they can, you know, try to, you know, share their links in the way that they are innately doing it. And then also there’s the course that says, okay, so these things work, these things don’t tend to work.

And in the process of, you know, trying to get their selves out there and market themselves, they’re making mistakes and so they can come into the group and go, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I put out two posts, no one’s doing anything. And then we can look at and go, okay, well, first of all, you would have no contact information there.

Rebecca: Yeah

Emily: I don’t even know. First and foremost, I don’t even know what this thing is. No one’s going to know what an IEA session is, no one’s going to know what to expect. They don’t know who it’s for. They don’t know how long it is. They don’t even know like who you are.

And there are so many times that especially with coaches and healers, that their profile photos are like lotus flowers on top of it, you know, and it’s like, okay, hold on. You are a personal brand that you are hiding behind a lotus flower with a quote on it, like, how is somebody want to buy from you?

Rebecca: And I think what you’re speaking to is so important, I think, for people to realize, because imagine that we do the exact same thing in our program where we were like, go put the thing out and then let’s come back and see if it worked in the past, why it didn’t.

But imagine someone’s building their business like many people are without us, without that support. So then they’re putting stuff out there and it doesn’t work. And then immediately they’re like, I suck. Nobody wants it. I’m not good at this. I’m going to quit my business.

But how long are you going to last with putting stuff out that’s missing the basic information that if somebody else just looked at it, they’d be able to tell you like you’re going to 3 to 6 months is what I see before people are like, I gave up on my business. It didn’t it wasn’t really nobody wanted it. Right?

Emily: Right. Yeah.

Rebecca: Not that nobody wants it. So I think it’s important for people to realize that, number one, you have to be putting out way more than you realize, but you also need to have some feedback on it because you don’t know people, coaches, healers, you guys didn’t go into business like to become marketers.

Like it’s not your fault that you don’t know, but you just don’t know. And so you need eyeballs on it. You need eyeballs, that is huge when you’re new, it will save you from failing your business.

Emily: I agree. And yesterday one of the homework assignments was to partner up and do an audit of each other’s pages because there might be like if I was paired up with you and I was like, Listen, Rebecca, I have been posting so much. Nobody wants what I have. I’m about to quit. Everything is terrible. And like, obviously nobody wants what I have to sell. You come along and you’re like, all right, let me just take a little look, see, do so. And you go like.

Rebecca: All right, so you get it. Who is this for?

Emily: I’m confused about it. Who is it for? It’s very complicated. There’s too much text. There’s no pictures. I don’t know who you are. I have 100 more questions. And also you only post it twice. So maybe that’s part of it.

You know, like to be able to have somebody to support you when you feel like you’re doing everything wrong and then you internalize it. And also to have people to support you, to say, like as an outsider, because I’m not you, here’s what I have questions about. And if you can start to solve those questions, you would be surprised at how fast other things start to open up for you. And you know, no matter what I’m selling, there’s always going to be somebody who has some sort of objection or a question. And I’m like, Oh, thank you. Because I see, like, I’m too deep in it. And sometimes I miss those simple details like, well, what’s the call schedule? Or, you know, how many people are going to be in that program? It’s like, oh, right, right. Like, it’s just a detail that I didn’t list on my website. You know, these, these questions are such great opportunities.

Rebecca: Yeah. I think it takes when you’re new because we’ve been doing this for a long time, so we’re so used to hearing that and getting the feedback. But when you’re new, it’s like this idea that I talked about earlier of like we sometimes hold our ideas too preciously and it’s like, okay, I’m and I finally put up the thing and it’s like, we almost don’t want feedback on it because we don’t want to hear right. What’s wrong with it? We don’t want to hear what’s good. We’re going to get defensive about it. And so it takes a lot of vulnerability and it takes a lot of courage and it takes a lot of like desire to make your business work, to actually be able to do that and be like, okay.

And then to take the feedback. Because what I find and I did this when I was new and I see my students do it where people are like, I didn’t understand this and this was confusing. And then they like feel like, okay. And then they try to explain it to them. It’s like, you know, just maybe you just have that you have to change the way you’re talking about it over here. You have to justify why you wrote it that way. It doesn’t matter the way you wrote it doesn’t work. So like. draw up kind of the drama around, feeling defensive around the feedback we’re getting and be like, this is what the world is going to see. And these people, random people are telling me that it’s not clear. So like, doesn’t matter that I think it’s clear and I think it’s the best way to explain it. It’s not. So I need to change it.

Emily: Right

Rebecca: How to just get really, really good at being okay with that. It’s not no one saying your ideas shitty. They’re just saying that the way you’re articulating it in this way is not clear. And so we need to shift the way we do it. And when you can get really good at that and not take it personally and just go out, make the change, put it out again, get the feedback, make the change. When you can do that really, really fast, your business will grow so much faster.

Emily: Oh, for sure. Those are all,  and even, as you said, like those are all the star students who go, okay, got it. Thanks for the feedback. Let me work. And it might hurt a little bit. Like it’s not easy to take feedback sometimes, especially when you’re new. And then if you do take the feedback and you do something with it, you get those results.

And the other person that you’re describing who is getting defensive and explaining and pointing the fingers and blaming everybody else, those people are so you could feel the energy. It’s like their energy is closed off, it’s their way, it’s what they think it’s like.

Rebecca: They think, it’s my idea… Thinking about this idea for ten years.

Emily: Right? I feel like you are too, based on how you’re describing what you do with your students of like putting things in action really fast. Like we don’t spend a year thinking about it and like journaling on your knee and meditating on own and making to it

Make sure until it feels right that we’re going to put it out there. It’s like you get to like, this feels 50% good enough, and then you put it out the door and then you get the feedback and then you’re going to get to the final thing faster. And are like, okay, well, let me like really think about this for the next six months and journal on it.

Emily: Yeah,

Rebecca: Sure. It’s good before I put it out.

Emily: Yeah. Well,  so within my certification, there’s a certain number of required practice sessions and then there’s a certain number of required paid sessions. And then after another month or so, we require them to increase their prices. So they get to do all of this within the container, this like safe little haven. And we actually recently had a student who did eight of her, I want to say eight of her 50 practice sessions and expected to certify. And so it was one of those opportunities where…

Rebecca: Eight out of 5-0?

Emily: out of 5-0.

Rebecca: yeah 😀

Emily: And so it’s kind of like. So did you expect to not meet the requirements and still certify? I’m confused.

Rebecca: Yeah. Yeah. And you can’t. Yeah, you just can’t jump. You just can’t jump past the stepping stones, you know, it’s like…

Emily: Yeah.

Rebecca: And I think the other advice that I see given out there a lot, which is I think very harmful, is like this kind of fake til you make it and like you’re worth it. Charge premium rates. Like you got to just do it. And like I was writing, I think it was a blog post. I was doing some kind of content the other day where I was talking about this phenomenon where like coaches are new healers because we’re in this world, this kind of woo energy world where it’s all like, got to just go for it.

Like, you know, fake it till you make it and put yourself out there and just charge premium rates off of the but is such a mind fuck because your confidence isn’t there. And so and so like imagine saying that in the field of medicine and being like you know what you.

Know all the surgery hours, just like, get in there and own it. Like it’s not you can like you can’t fake your way to competence and you can make your way to confidence. And so you have to just put in the work to get really good at what you’re doing to build the confidence. And that’s how you’ll end up raising your rates and being able to really own it. But I just find that all that advice in this kind of spiritual world is so harmful.

Emily: Right, it is… I agree. And I think that’s partly why this is so integral into the program, is because you have to do the work to earn the thing. And that’s foundational for all businesses. There’s always going to be ups and downs. There’s always going to be challenges.

The ones who succeed, the ones who certify are saying, All right, that was super hard and I want to overcome this challenge, whether it’s pricing or changing my messaging or getting a survey back from my people are starting to really be visible and not worry about judgment so much. And, you know, the slight increase in price, like having to work through all of that stuff is the work. And for students who are ready to buckle up and show up and put in those hours, you’re going to get those results.

Rebecca: Yeah.

Emily: So that’s what’s really challenging. When you go, well, I’ll show up, half of I’ll show up 50% and expect 100%. I’ll just start my business. I just started my Facebook page and I’m going to charge a premium. I just am fresh out of the gates. Because like what, most likely no one’s going to buy it for me. We already know that, most likely no one’s going to buy it for me. What if one person does buy from you and now you have to deliver on this promise?

Rebecca: You’re going to be terrified.

Emily: Oh, what

Rebecca: Yeah.

Emily: The second is… like you’re going to self-sabotage or you’re going to try to overcompensate for your lack of experience of knowledge base. And I mean, the sad fact is that I’ve actually been in programs with like big-name people that overpromise and under-deliver as well, and they have that reputation. It’s like, how are they still in business? They keep promising, you moon, and they give you like two sorts of rarely okay things. It’s like, yeah, what? So this barrier of entry is so low.

And so I think what I’m also hearing you say around is that you teach about integrity and about really being committed to your craft and really being committed to the other people because it’s truly it is about being of service, helping other people. So you’ve got to get all the other stuff out of the way so you can really serve.

Rebecca: Yeah, yeah. I think it just happens to that way because so many people are coming into business because they’re fed up with their other job or they’re whatever, or they’re coming into programs like ours when they’ve tried everything else. So this is the last straw and they’re in like a desperation scarcity mode. And so they have like they don’t have any money left. They’ve put their job and it’s like, I need this to work now.

And so, the mindset coach that works on my program always says, like, your business is your baby and you need to feed your baby. Your baby can’t feed you. So like, don’t expect to make money from your business for the first six months to a year. Like you need to be putting in a lot of work to get the baby to grow, to be big enough that eventually, they’ll take care of you.

And so I always recommend having another job, another source of income, or a lot of savings if you’re going to be doing it, because you just can’t have that that pressure. A feeling of like this has to work right now because you just end up in places where you’re charging too much or you’re going in just with this energy of like feeling like you, you deserve that people should sign up with you and like, you don’t really deserve anything. You have to either work your way up to that. You have to earn it.

Emily: Yeah, yeah. And I love to pull back the curtain with my students, to see my business, to say like, you know, you know me as what you see of me online. And also here’s what it actually is really literally like right now. You know, even if I am bringing in a lot more money than what you’re at right now, I’m still facing challenges and obstacles and having to invest huge amounts of money, whether it be on team members or technology or, you know, if I’m pivoting our rent or are changing something, it’s like this is still happening.

It’s not just like, oh, goody. Like people have this image like, okay, six figures and then we’re free from any problems. And that’s never the case. Even at seven figures and beyond, it’s like you might think that it’s hard to hire your first assistant. Well, what about if you have a payroll of 50 people and it’s like $1,000,000 a month?

Rebecca: Yeah

Emily: Oh well, you think they have no problems.

Rebecca: I actually think you get those types of problems. Like, I’m a big fan because a lot of people I work with our coaches and so they come in and they’re like, I want to create programs and digital courses. And I’m like, no, you do not, because you don’t even understand the business model that that becomes. To do that, to sustain that and the team you need and the technology need, and the audience you need the simplest business model. If you just want a coach, if you’re in this to coach and not become a full-time marketer to coach one on one clients. Keep it really simple.

Have a part-time VA to help with some of the stuff and just you can make six figures and multiple six figures doing that and keep it real easy. Like, yeah, you could simple, I’ll tell you that the more you scale, the way more headaches and complications you have, and then the less you’re actually doing the healing work or the coaching work that you actually set out to do. The more you’re literally becoming a full-time worker, that is your job.

Emily: Oh, for sure. For sure.

Rebecca: Nobody wants to do that unless you’re a marketer with free hours and we love it. But most people,are not what they’re here to do.

Emily: Right. But I think that’s great advice because also you think I need to have a membership in a course and a thing to be successful, whereas I know plenty of coaches who are making bank, they have little to no overhead because they are just staying in that sweet spot of one on ones. And the longer they stay with one on ones, their premium goes higher and higher and higher because they can deliver those results easier and faster.

Rebecca: They get better selling their niche then so they can sell the crap out of it because they’ve done it a hundred times. And it’s just so simple. Yeah, I envy, I think about going back to those days sometimes, and then I’m like, oh, that’s nuts. I don’t like the marketing piece, but I definitely have had thoughts of like, Wouldn’t it be so much easier if I fired my whole team and I just like, took 1 to 1 clients? I would take home the same amount of money, no doubt. It’s just a different way to spend your time.

But yeah, I think it’s definitely something, you know, and you don’t think about it when you’re first starting, but anyone who’s like, jumping to like, I want to create courses like you probably don’t. So get your one-on-one rolling and see how that feels and then multiply that by like meeting 100 people. Like, you probably don’t want to do that.

Emily: Yeah, more people, more problems, let me just tell you.

Rebecca: Yeah.

Emily: And  I really, I really love that you can model that too, of saying starting with this one-on-one and staying there and building off it. I love to encourage my clients to master their one on one before they even do a group program. I think it’s another mistake I think a lot of newer entrepreneurs are making is going, I’m going to do a group coaching program for six weeks with 30 people. You’re like…

Rebecca: Like okay, so you where are you going to get the people? You can’t get one client because they think, well, it’s going to be cheaper, so it’s going to be easier. And I’m like, it’s just as hard to sell a group program cheaper as it is to sell one on one. So if you can’t get one client, how are you going to get 30?

And then also, if you haven’t done your process, how are you going to do it with 30 people? Because the shit that’s going to come up, you are going to have to have a lot of skills to manage and hold space for and coach through. And you don’t have those skills yet and you’re going to be like a deer in headlights on those calls, I can promise you.

Emily: Oh yeah.

Rebecca: I have a whole program called Create Your First Group Program. It is all about like moving from that one on one to groups that I love, group programs. It’s what helped me really grow my business. But it’s got to be done in the right order. You can’t just jump to that. There’s so many reasons. It’s just not going to work.

Emily: Oh, yeah. When I first started coaching, I started my business when I was 22. Well, I should say I was 18 when I started my first, like starting doing healing work. But when I was 22, I started my first business and then I shifted into I think I’m going to start coaching people, about eight years ago I was like how do I not heal? And what is a coach do? Like I was so confused, so I was like, I’m just going to stick with the singles for a little bit and get my footing. And I worked with the clients who had already been coming in and I asked them like, Is there anything that you’d like to do with me that you haven’t seen? And they said, Well, you know what, before the session starts, we do that kind of back and forth, like I would love to do more of that like so coaching.

So that’s how it just sort of naturally, organically evolved with people who I’d already been working with for some time, some of them like five, ten years. And so when I started to really see people one on one, then I could go, okay, I can do a group program with maybe like four people. Yeah, you think you can master the one-on-one? And then when you bring four different people and their dynamics and their life and then how they interact with each other, and then that interaction with you, it’s like you are, you are holding a whole different space.

And I think that’s why I caution people when they’re first out there of like just like it’s good to be aspirational or to see somebody else is doing it and how that’s really cool. And wouldn’t it be cool if I had recurring revenue with a membership or whatever it is that you’re thinking. But I love what you’re saying of like, really just stay in your lane, master what you’re doing and build that confidence.

This has been a really fun conversation and we’ve kind of like bounced around, but I feel like. We’ve touched a lot of different topics around, you know, what it is to build a business and some common mistakes that people are making. And you know how they can utilize their platform is maybe a little bit more strategically. Or even just realizing that niche for now, like, okay, I can just take that one piece and run with it so I know people are going to be really excited to hear from you outside of this podcast and connect with you. So what’s the best way for people to reach out and connect with you?

Rebecca: Yeah. Our website is The UncagedLife. We have a Facebook group called Uncaged Lifers that you can join. We are on social media that’s over at the UncagedLife. Come say hi and all those places we love sending, I love sending voice messages on Instagram, that’s one thing I love Instagram for like send me a message to Instagram. We can just like voice each other because it’s so much texting in a day.

Emily: Yeah,

Rebecca: Yeah, Those are the best places. I’m kind of hanging out on all of those. We’ve got a live chat on the website, a bunch of free resources over there too, for people getting started who are in this phase of like, how do I niche,  how do you get the clients and all that?

Emily: Wonderful. Well, thank you for sharing that and just thank you for sharing such great energy today. It’s been awesome.

Rebecca: Yeah, super fun chatting!

Emily: Yeah, I love hearing from you. Yeah, I had a really good time, so, you know, we’ll be sharing it, of course, on all of our social platforms and we’ll be tagging you. So if you guys are listening now or watching on the YouTube Channel. So if you want to go over to, you can watch this entire episode and just get to know Rebecca a little bit better, get to see our dynamic a little bit better. You can always subscribe over on my YouTube channel or listen wherever your favorite platform is. I love hearing your feedback, I love hearing your AHA’s, your breakthrough.

So of course, you know, screenshot this episode, share it on your Instagram stories or share it on your wherever you are, share with a friend. Let them know, Let me know. Let Rebecca know. What was really inspiring for you from this episode. What is some sort of action item that you can take from listening to this? And was there anything that you felt like, oh yeah, she just called me out. Oh my God. Oh really?

Rebecca: Yeah. If that does happen, send me a message on Instagram because I love one thing I always offered to do is to look at other people’s Instagram or website, whatever you have up and just give you some quick feedback on like, are your foundations clear? So if you’re like, shit, I have that? Is it clear? Send it over and I’ll take a peek and I’ll let you know what I think.

Emily: Wow, that’s very generous of you. Thank you for that.

Rebecca: Yeah, I do it. I do it all the time and I’m, you know, it’s not going to be like a whole review of everything you’re doing, but it’s going to be a quick, like, yay or nay or yeah, you’re good to go. You can move on to the marketing piece or like we have some foundational work to do here.

Emily: Yeah, that’s awesome. That’s so generous. You guys take her up on that.

Rebecca: But, I mean. Send me the messages on Instagram. I’m ready.

Emily: Yeah. Awesome. So, anyway, thank you all for being here, for listening. Thank you so much Rebecca, It was great to chat with you and we’ll see you all on the next episode.

About Rebecca

Rebecca Tracey is the founder of The Uncaged Life where she works with coaches and online business owners to get clear on their brand message, create packages that sell, and help them get clients. Rebecca runs a highly engaged online Facebook group of over 15,000 entrepreneurs. She started her business while living in a Chevy ’81 campervan (and now owns a sweet upgraded van) and lives in her dream town of Squamish BC surrounded by mountains, where she is truly living her Uncaged life.

You can find her here:

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We’re Hiring An Assistant to The COO!

ASSISTANT TO THE COO POSITION OVERVIEW: The role of the Assistant to the Chief Operations Officer of Emily Aarons Holistic, LLC will be to support the COO in various tasks across multiple projects within the company. 

Emily Aarons, LLC provides healing and coaching services for coaches, healers, and leaders who are looking to use spirituality and strategy to grow or scale their business. We are looking for a kickass Assistant to support our COO and make her life easier!

This position starts as a part-time role requiring 10 hours per week with ability to grow and reports directly to our COO. This is a remote, work-from-home position with occasional travel. We hold live events and retreats throughout the year (at various locations) and you may be required to travel to the event. You may also be required to work an occasional evening or weekend. 

ABOUT US: We are a fast-paced startup company experiencing rapid growth. Our mission is to impact the lives of millions of outstanding practitioners globally to build successful and sustainable healing businesses. 

We hire great people from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes our team stronger. We aim to build a diverse community and we’re proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration regardless of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. If you share our values and our enthusiasm for small businesses, you will find a home here with us.


CELEBRATE: We are growing at an accelerated pace and we LOVE to celebrate each and every milestone. As a team we are working together to create miracles and part of what helps us continue this growth is to pause and do a happy dance regularly!

INNOVATE: When it comes to problem solving, this team is always looking for ways to create a better and more enriching experience for our customers and that means doing things differently. Success comes from letting go of what has worked in the past to make space for new opportunities to grow. This is an ongoing process for us.

INTEGRITY: Doing what you say you’re going to do and owning your mistakes is part of our magic. We’re not perfect and we all make mistakes, but it’s about finding the lessons and growing from them, versus being critical of ourselves. 

DEPENDABILITY: Simply put, we can depend on each other. Meeting deadlines, completing tasks, responsiveness, accuracy, asking for help when stuck, and troubleshooting together is a necessary part of our team. 

As leaders in the industry, we have a high attention to detail in everything we do. We strive to set the gold-standard, we produce only the highest quality content and experiences for our customers.

Your Personality Traits:

  • Detail oriented with great communication skills 
  • In integrity when they have a task, they get it done by their deadline 
  • Resourceful when faced with challenges 
  • Positive attitude and energy 
  • Believes in our team mission to impact the lives of millions 
  • Mature, stable and no drama – especially when things go wrong 
  • Ninja organized and great with checking off the boxes 
  • Ability to break down goals into individual milestones and hit them. 

Primary Role Responsibilities

  • Protector of the COOs time.
  • Manage Asana Team Project Boards: Assigned to team members, give deadlines, and follow up as needed
  • Creating FB groups for programs with invitations/admin permission
  • Debrief prep for customer journey – what did they buy first (how many purchases have they made, what did they buy)
  • Downloading/uploading Zoom call replays 
  • Launch support: checking opt-in funnel, email connections, pop-ups are tested and working, podcast opt-in testing
  • Processing video clips to schedule on social media 
  • Assist with project management
  • Ensure the team follows all Standard Operating Procedures 
  • Other items and tasks as needed
  • Familiar with project management software (bonus if you’ve used Asana or Monday)
  • Bonus if you’re local to Massachusetts

This position starts at a rate of $19 p/hr as a part-time role requiring 10 hours per week with the opportunity to grow to full-time.  This is a remote, work-from-home position with occasional travel. You may also be required to work an occasional evening or weekend, particularly during launch periods. 

This position reports to the COO of Emily Aarons Holistic, LLC.


  • You have a STRONG aptitude for structure, details, and will take full responsibility 
  • You’re in it for the long haul! Longevity in a position you love is what you’re craving.
  • You enjoy the challenge of creating and executing projects from start to finish and you work well independently.
  • You like being part of a team and are able to work well with others.
  • Can work under pressure with multiple projects going at the same time. 
  • Have exceptional communication skills. 
  • Can handle direct feedback. (We don’t pull punches – but we do it all with love).
  • You have the desire to GROW in this position…this is a dynamic company with lots of opportunities for growth.



  • You’re just looking to build your own business and this is a stepping stone.
  • You think crystals and energy healing is nonsense.
  • You’re not willing to be “all hands on deck” when a project needs to get out the door. Sometimes we have to work weekends or evenings to meet a due date and you need to be willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.
  • This is just another job to keep you busy.



  • Working remotely -You get to work from home and set your own hours. 
  • Experience in a fast-paced environment inside a major digital brand. This is an exciting place to work because there are always new projects and events to work on. You won’t be bored! 
  • Opportunities to grow personally and professionally – this environment is very unique.
  • Further education to grow your career – just speak up, we’re happy to bring you to a conference or sign you up for a course.
  • Your voice and presence matter. Each team member is valuable and this role is critical in offering your feedback (even if it’s not what the CEO thinks!)
  • Being part of something bigger than yourself that impacts thousands of lives each and every day. 
  • Access to the most cutting edge coaching, teaching, and community.


How To Apply (Instructions): 

To be considered, email [email protected] with the following by August 15, 2023:

  1. Please email us back with your resume and a short paragraph on why you feel you are a good fit for this position. 
  2. Use the subject line: “⭐️ – I’m applying for the job”. If you don’t use that exact subject line your email will not be opened.
  3. Take the Myers-Briggs personality type test at this link. Screenshot your results and include it with your resume. 
  4. Take the DISC test at this link and screenshot your results. Include the screenshot with your resume. 

We will review all applicants and reach out immediately if seem like a good fit for the next step in the process. Expected start date September 1, 2023.

Thank you!

From Trauma to Triumph: Discovering the Healing Power of Hypnotherapy

From Trauma to Triumph: Discovering the Healing Power of Hypnotherapy

From Trauma to Triumph:

Discovering the Healing Power of Hypnotherapy

Venturing into the shadowed corners of our minds can be a daunting task – but it’s a journey I’ve embarked on, with profound transformations to show for it.

Through my own journey of healing and self-discovery, I’ve learned the incredible power of hypnotherapy, and I’m sitting down with one of the key players in my healing process, Kristin Dwan, to share our stories.

Kristin, a renowned hypnotherapist, and I share our experiences on how we found healing in the face of life-altering experiences. We explore the evidence-based practices and the science that underpins hypnotherapy, inspiring you to embrace a journey toward healing.

We uncover our transformative stories, mine from a traumatic experience to discovering the spiritual healing of Reiki, and Kristin’s journey of becoming a healer after her own life-changing journey. She also shares her transition from corporate life to a career in healing, emphasizing the vital clues that dreams and synchronicities provide on this path.

Lastly, we delve deeper into the intricate power of the mind, discussing the impact of hypnotherapy in creating dramatic transformations. She opens up about overcoming a cancer diagnosis and shedding 160 pounds, highlighting the importance of examining habits, emotions, and inner beliefs to gain control of life.

We also navigate the importance of reframing challenges as evidence of growth and harnessing the power of the subconscious to overcome obstacles. This illuminating conversation promises to inspire you and open up possibilities for transformation and healing in your life. It’s time to unlock the power within you and start your journey to healing.

Lastly, we delve deeper into the intricate power of the mind, discussing the impact of hypnotherapy in creating dramatic transformations. She opens up about overcoming a cancer diagnosis and shedding 160 pounds, highlighting the importance of examining habits, emotions, and inner beliefs to gain control of life.

We also navigate the importance of reframing challenges as evidence of growth and harnessing the power of the subconscious to overcome obstacles. This illuminating conversation promises to inspire you and open up possibilities for transformation and healing in your life. It’s time to unlock the power within you and start your journey to healing.

Highlights you won’t want to miss:
  • [0:00:03] Overcoming Darkness Through Hypnotherapy
  • [0:11:36] Transformation Through Fire and Reiki
  • [0:23:45] Transitioning to Healing Business From Corporate
  • [0:28:49] Transition From Corporate to Healing Modalities
  • [0:39:38] Healing and Transformation With Hypnotherapy
  • [0:53:39] Navigating Challenges and Growth
  • [0:57:08] Embracing Darkness for Growth and Transformation

Click here to read the full transcript ‣‣‣

Emily: Hey, listeners, welcome back to the Alignment Unstoppable Podcast. I am joined by a very special guest, Kristin Dwan and I invited Kristin to be a guest on the podcast for a multitude of reasons, but primarily because I have shared on some previous episodes, actually one that had just come out in the beginning of April around doing shadow work and kind of like the behind the scenes conversation or what I’ve been going through with my business and sharing how I’ve really overcome some dark, deep, heavy feelings and the things that I have been doing to get me out of that funk.So one of the things that I’ve been practicing and experiencing is hypnotherapy. And so Kristin is my hypnotherapist. Is that the proper term for you?

Kristin: It is.

Emily: So I wanted to brag a little bit because I feel… I’ve been doing a lot of different things to benefit my health, my well-being, my mental status and, you know, supplements. I’ve been doing cold immersion and I’ve been doing hypnosis. And the hypnosis, I feel, has been helping me so much so that in one of our last sessions together, you brought out a piece of paper that a few months prior or like five weeks, I think it was five weeks prior, we were measuring, you were measuring things like how heavy do I feel, how much in the flow do I feel?

How financially solvent do I feel? How is fall do I feel? Like all these different things that word that I had said, but that you kind of gave back to me to say, let’s give a measure from a scale of 1 to 10, ten being amazing, awesome, one being not great at all.

And in five weeks, I mean, I had to do the math and I’m not much of a math gal, but the percentage increase was significant from like on most of them. I was like a 2 to an 8, 3 to a 9, like these crazy swings in the positive direction. And I was like, Kristin, please, can you send me this image? Because like, I need to show Amanda and show her like, this is such good work that we’ve been doing together. And here is the data. And I love as much as I’m a woo-woo and like, so spiritual, esoteric, I’m all about the energy. I also totally geek out about evidence-based practices and the science behind it. So that’s also another reason, not just because of my own personal positive experience with your work, but also because hypnosis has a lot of data and science backing up why it’s so effective.

So we’re definitely going to get into all that in this episode, but before we do, warm welcome, Kristin. I would love for you to just do an introduction of yourself and sort of what brought you to become a hypnotherapist and like, let’s share your background story.

Kristin: Wow! Oh, well, thank you so much for having me here. And you are amazing. Working with you is so beautiful because I’m not, you know, when we go into the realm of being a healer, it’s like, I’m not healing you, right? I don’t heal any of my thousands of clients. You guys are healing yourself. And what you do is you are open, you are doing the homework, you are really being receptive to it and your mind, your body, your spirit heals itself. So kudos to you, my friend.

Emily: High five! ?

Kristin: So yes, I am Kristin Dwan. I am a certified hypnotherapist. I’m a Reiki master teacher and I’m also a coach. And I started I mean, I can say I started in childhood because I have always been connected to the earth. And I played with fairies and I loved crystals and I started reading tarot at age 12. I’ve always been called to this work, but it was at 23 when I died and came back to life, was when my soul really signed the contract of this is what we’re doing.

Emily: Share a little bit about that, that experience?

Kristin: So as I said, I’ve always been very spiritual reading, tarot, doing, even doing energy work, you know, helping people. And as a child, I wanted to heal the world, like, that was my goal in life. And at 23, I was very angry. You know, I wanted to help people, but I really hated myself. I hated the world. I hated pretty much existing. And trigger warning, there were times in my teens where I wanted to kill myself. Right? A lot of deep dark depression there.

And at 23, I was kind of on a ledge. And what happened was I lit what’s called a road-opening candle. Some people know that is. And for those who don’t, it’s a candle that you burn when you want to get everything out of your way, that standing in the way of what you want in life. And so lit that road, opened our candle, and went to sleep. The next thing I know, my whole house is in flames. So obviously how I was living and how I was being in that house was getting in the way of where I am today, right?

Emily: Huh! wow, man. Oh. That just seemed like a shiver down my whole body. It’s like. Yeah, Wow.

Kristin: You got to be careful. What you ask for. For sure, you got to be careful what you ask for, right?

Emily: Yes. Yes.

Kristin: So I woke up. My house was, like, completely in flames. I had to literally run through a wall of flames to get out of my house alive. Through doing that, I got third-degree burns over 30% of my body, and I ended up in a burn ward. And it was there that I went through multiple skin grafting surgeries, and the first time they put me under my body reacted to whatever they used, and I literally died. That’s where I actually was clinically dead for a few seconds or minutes or whatever it was. And they resuscitated me. And I remember people always ask, Did you see the tunnel? Did you see the light? It wasn’t so much about what I was seeing. It was more about feeling that there was a decision made, like my soul was like, not done. Now I had to go back there again.

I remember hearing like them talking about me and blood pressure and this, that and the other. And then I felt myself hit my body. And that was when they woke me up. That was when they resuscitated me. And I can say that I know what death warmed over feels like because that was exactly what I was at that moment in time. And it took me days to really come back to feel, you know, as normal as you can feel with third-degree burns and a burn ward right?

Emily: Yeah. Yeah. Wow.

Kristin: Yeah. And so when that happened, it switched from like, oh my God, my house is gone and I’m in a burn ward, and what the hell did I do with my life, too? All right, I got some work to do. I’m here for a reason. And let’s get this let’s get this show on the road. I wanted to write a book. I wanted to start a band. I wanted to do, like, all these amazing things. And so I was telling my doctor that and he’s like, I’m really glad you’re happy to be alive, but you need to grow some skin before we can let you go.

Emily: So you can’t go out there?

Kristin: Yeah, I look like Freddy Krueger. Like literally, like all my arms, my hands, my feet and through my legs, you know, cause I was sleeping, I had no shoes on. It was summer when it happened. It was in August. So I was sleeping in, like, shorts and a T-shirt. Everything that wasn’t covered basically had some burns on them. So at that point was when I kind of hit the dark night of the soul. I was like, All right I chose to be okay, running through a wall of flames. I mean, alive, at least but not really okay.

I chose to come back after actually dying. And why did I choose this? Why did I choose to come back when all I’m going to do is be here in this hospital in huge amounts of pain, like third-degree burns are no joke. Even though I had liquid morphine going through my veins, it felt like there were hot irons everywhere there were burns.

Emily: Yeah.

Kristin: There’s the added pain. The first time they did the surgery on me, they did what’s called an autograph. And that’s where they took my good skin off, to put on my burns. So that I could be had in pain of being skinned alive like little.

Emily: Oh, God.

Kristin: So there were some,  there were some like, why did I come back for this?

Emily: Yeah, I would be questioning my decision at that point as well.

Kristin: Really higher self, like really? And so it was at that point that I just asked for help. I was like, I know I’m strong. I know that you gave this to me for a reason, but can you help a bitch out?

Emily: Yes, thank you, thank you.

Kristin: And at that point, I felt this suctioning happening on this in the middle of the night in the burn ward. I felt the suctioning happening on all my wounds, and I felt myself leaving my body. And for a moment, I was scared. I was like, well, I don’t mean like dying, like, it felt like I was literally, like being lifted out. And then I just, like, decided who to trust. And so my body went up to the ceiling, and I felt like I was in this warm embrace of the universe. It was the best feeling of ever felt. Plus, I was outside of that body, so I was not feeling that pain for the first long weeks.

Emily: Oh, sweet relief. Finally.

Kristin: And then there was the point where I started coming down and I was like, oh no! 😀 But what happened was I felt myself hit my body again. And there was like 90% of the pain was gone.

Emily: Wow.

Kristin: I’m still there right? I still looked like Freddy Krueger, but the pain was 90% gone. There was just like a little bit of that fire left that hit, you know, and I decided to, like, test out my body. I was like, let me walk to the bathroom and see what happens. And before it would take me like 10 minutes to go like three feet because it was just so painful. And I got up, I walked on those burnt feet and I looked in the mirror of the burn ward bathroom, little tiny. And by the way, you can’t shower when you’ve got burns like that. It takes about, you know, I don’t know, once a week where you can, like, wash your hair. I looked like crap, right? And it was the first time I looked into a mirror and saw beauty. And saw that fire in my eyes and really felt like a love for myself.

So whatever this energy was that took me and healed me, you know, it it not only healed my burns, my wounds, right, but it also healed my spirit, my emotions, like all of that stuff was like finally starting to love myself and look at myself in a way that you would if you actually, you know, liked who you were, you know? So with all that happening, I was like, what was that? Because this was before I knew what Reiki was. This was before I even, like could call, you know, people and like, send me some energy. It felt like this was sending this energy to me was literally something from, from spirit.

Emily: Yeah.

Kristin: So the doctor comes in a couple of days later, you know, and he’s like, wow, you’ve really turned a corner, you know, like your wounds are healing, your skin is starting to take these grafts and you know, you’re going to be out of here this week, whereas before it was like until your you start growing some skin, you might be here for a month. We don’t know. We just have to see how.

Emily: Wow.

Kristin: So when I got home, there was, you know, definitely I needed to do some physical therapy and like heal, but I was out. And so I started doing some research. And once I got a job and had some money again, you know, I went to all of the witchy stores around me. And this is before Google, right? This is before you say, like, energy work, find me one, right? You had to go out there and find it, right?

So I went to all the, you know, New Age stores and looked on their walls where people would like to post fliers and their cards and stuff like that. And I went to all the energy work. I went to crystal healers, angel healers, you know, shamans, you name it, I went to it. And that’s where I first read the word Reiki on the wall. And I was like, well since it’s energy at work, let me try it. And of all the different energy practitioners I went to, that was the closest to that, that spirit, you know, that experience I had in the burn ward. And so at that point, I knew it’s like my folks signed the contract, like I’m going to be I’m going to learn this, I’m going to become a Reiki master, I’m going to teach it. I’m going to write a book about it. I’m going to talk about it to anybody who will listen. And I continue to do that 25 years later.

Emily: Well, I mean, I think this also goes to show how you asked for help. I mean, you were at that breaking point yourself. You were in you in the hospital, you died, you came back with all the pain and you finally asked for help, you know. You went through so much already. And even, you know, even as you said, like, you know, you lit this candle to clear away the things that didn’t support you. It’s like your intention was exactly what you did get.

But I love how when you asked for help, it was shown it was given. And, you know, not only did your body start going into healing, but as you said, we looked into the mirror, you actually could see yourself for the first time and truly love yours. I mean that I feel like, beyond the physical like yay for skin growing, of course. But like, that is such a deep, deep change that, I mean, can take people lifetimes or sometimes you will never get to that place where they look in the mirror and love that image, looking back at them so profound. And so I know you wrote a book and you do share Reiki. And so talk about your book a little bit.

Kristin: So it’s called Baptism by Flame, because I truly believe that my life started after the fire, like before the fire, it was anger, rage, depression, self-hatred, like all the things, right?  And then the fire came in, burnt that all away. And I call it I was burnt alive, you know. I was literally burnt. Take taken through that. And then like the Phoenix-like actually got to where I was supposed to be this lifetime, right? And so when I first was writing the book and anybody who’s an author knows this, when you have the idea, I’m going to write a book and this is what it’s going to be about.

And then the book takes on a life of its own. So it was supposed to be just about the fire experience. And then it became, well, I’m bigger than that because I’m about your spiritual journey afterwards, meeting a living saint, starting a band, starting your business. Like starting a business is the hero’s journey. I mean, is it really is

So then the book became about, you know, the fire and then that spiritual journey afterwards. And the spiritual journey is not like a year, right? So my book spans about 10 to 15 years that I took to write this book. And then it’s told me, all right, I thought I was done. I was like, this book is finally done. Then it told me, well, I’m not just a memoir. I’m actually a tool for the reader to use to go on their own journey. You know, with fire without burning their house down like I did. So then it became at the end of each chapter there, there are guided meditations. There are things for you to do, there are exercises. There’s like an online kind of workbook, right? So finally, when it was released, it became this beautiful tool for the reader to have their own baptism by flame.

Emily: I love it. Well, I think too, what shows up because you are so lighthearted and obviously you’re laughing at this thing and how you look like death warmed over. It’s like it’s so easy for us to laugh at it when we have so much space, between when the thing happened and where we are today. And you can see that you were such a different person then than you are today at the time. Did you find your humor in those moments? Did you feel like it was laughable? This is so funny. I set my intention for burning and I literally burnt my house down, like was it? I mean, you have such a great, like outlook on it now, but in that timeframe, did that, is that how it felt for you or did you know? Yeah.

Kristin: So, I did have a good attitude though. You know, what’s funny is I got my first job in advertising because of this fire. Know before I was like a retail manager, you know, in a very different, like, career. And then, you know, the fire happened, and then it was like, you can’t stand on your feet for that long. You can’t go back to work. Right? So, I knew that I couldn’t go back to being a retail manager. And what was interesting was one of my best friends came to visit me and he brought his friend who worked in advertising. And so, yeah, I’m laying there with like, you know, looking like Freddy Krueger, and I’m just smiling. I’m not laughing at it, but I’m just like, I’m so excited to get out. I’m going to start my… I’m telling them all my ideas. And so this woman was like, have you ever worked in advertising? Do you need a job when you get out of here? Because she’s like, you’re just so positive and like, you just felt my spirit. And she’s like, I’m going to get you a job when you’re out. And that’s what started me on going from like an assistant to, you know, being a regional sales manager.

Emily: Wow!

Kristin: And it was a beautiful like I do feel that that part that was there to kind of like teach me put me into a boot camp of how to build my business, right? That I had to learn how to market. I had to learn how to, you know, have clients be happy and express myself. Right? So, there was I wish it didn’t take 15 years for me to you know, transfer from regional sales manager to owner of a business. But, you know, we’re always right on time. That’s what I did.

Emily: Yeah, I agree. And I think it’s funny because when people transition out of their corporate job into their own business, sometimes we look back and say things like, well, I regret it take so long, or I can’t believe I had to do that job. I see it the way you do is like it took the time it needed to take. You had to get that experience. You had to take that position so that you could learn these different things, so that you could apply it. And, you know, I feel like it’s taken me time to understand what makes me magical and what makes me a unicorn in a saturated market of coaches and healers and really own my gifts. And part of that is my experience through corporate and transitioning into following my passions. And just like you, we would have been like the best friends as 12-year-olds.

Oh my God, if we just live closer to each other because I was into the spiritual stuff and, you know, I was like, Oh, well, what’s the name of the boy you’ve got a crush on? Let’s go look up what his astrology is like, what’s – why?

And I think that when you have that natural inkling as a young kid, when it’s not really nurtured and appreciated and, you know, people are like, excited for you, it does kind of get muted out. But like, it’s so nice that you found your way back. You know, it’s like and I have young kids now and I’m like, watching what they’re interested in, watching what they’re excited about. And my oldest son actually talks about death quite a lot. And you know what happens when you die? And we had somebody close to us, a neighbor who he was particularly close with, who passed away about a year ago.

So we had a lot of different like rituals and ceremonies around, you know, death and dying. And these conversations he’s having dreams about. His like, Mom that’s so cool. He’s reconnecting with you, with your dreams, talk about it, you know. And like, we have this very open dialog, which makes my husband very uncomfortable because of his upbringing. And I’m like, this isn’t like a scary negative conversation. This is he has a connection. Let’s foster this connection and not like muted.

Oh, so I feel like people like you and me like we found that part of ourselves as a young kid, young teen. And then we took it like a different route but came back to that place. And I love that you have always had this desire to help heal the world. I think that’s a really beautiful, beautiful dream and goal and a place to aspire to be like.

I feel like a lot of my audience is in the same exact position. Like, you know, they know that they’re here to help a lot of people. And the problem is that but how do I do that? And so, you know, for me, it took me hitting rock bottom before I started to actually use my intuition and follow that and apply it to my business. I had never done that before I hit rock bottom. And I say this in my workshops, like, by the way, you don’t have to hit total rock bottom to start doing this. You can do it, now!

But I’m curious for you, what was the transition for you when you decided, I’m done with the corporate, I’m going into more of my own business, my own healing work. Was it like a gradual, did you do like weekends? Did you was – how is that transition for you?

Kristin: Wow. So this is why I call it the hero’s journey, because I was making lots of money as a regional sales manager, and I was doing something that I had zero like sole love for what, I was buying and selling commercial airtime for TV. I don’t even, like own a TV, right?

Emily: But you know how to sell the shit out of it, don’t you?

Kristin: No, and I always did it on the side, right? So I didn’t, like, quit one and then start the other. I never you know, I have a business coach for healers, too, so I never tell them like, oh, just quit your job. It’ll be fine. You know from 9 to 5 ish it’s, you know, I worked my desk at in advertising, and then evenings and weekends, the healing woods started to grow. And then I was also in a band. So then from, like, you know, 9 until 2 in the morning, sometimes I’m out there with the band. So I had a huge schedule, right?

Emily: So like, hold on, what did you do in the band? Are you a singer? Are you a musician? What do you, sing?

Kristin: yeah, I’m a singer.

Emily: Of course you are.

Kristin: And I love that I use my voice in many different ways, right? The book is using my voice. The hypnotherapy is using my voice. The singing is using my voice, like my voice has always been. I’ve been in choirs since I was in second grade.

Emily: Yeah. And you do have a great voice. And by the way, I will mention it later, but there is going to be a special gift download for podcast listeners that you’ll be able to experience Kristin’s hypnosis. Anyway, let’s go back to the story. Sorry to interrupt.

Kristin: No worries. So yeah, it was a big full schedule and there was a point where I was like, all right, I’m starting to get more confidence with the Healing Woods because people are saying that they’re feeling amazing that I’m not just working on friends. I opened myself up to, you know, people who I didn’t know. So then it became, well, I have to start closing my door to take healing with clients, right? Like just to like book and all that kind of stuff. I closed my office door at work, but then it became it started to do this and I was like, oh, okay universe, I see you and I’m open to this. Let’s make this happen. My monkey mind, though, was like, I’m going to save money. I’m going to keep this corporate job for as long as I can until I decide that I’m going to transition over. And the universe is like, no bitch.

Emily: Like, I know where this is going.  You’re just like, oh, that’s a cue. You are going to control everything.

Kristin: Right? But I… and I had that confidence, so it was just more like I wanted to save money before doing it right. And then it was interesting like I had I had a lot of debt from the fire, obviously. Right. I had to, like, totally rebuy a whole house and all those clothes and, you know, medical bills. And so I finally, like paid my last portion of that debt. And then I was like, all right, I’m going to give myself like 3 to 6 months to, like, save before I say peace, you know, then the universe is like, you’re ready. And I remember I had this dream. And it was like my guides telling me, you know, you sitting at that desk is doing nothing for the world. Literally, anybody can sit at that desk and do what you do. Not everybody can do what you’re doing in this room, right?

Emily: Yeah.

Kristin: I was like, all right, I get it. I’ll do it sooner. That morning, that morning I walk into work and they call me and they’re like, we’re so sorry. You know, I worked at an advertising agency at that point, and they’re like, we’re so sorry. You know, we lost a big client and, you know, it’s not your work or blah blah blah. And I’m just smiling and…

Emily: Like, here it comes! 😀

Kristin: And I didn’t know what came over me, but I was just like, right on, like, I knew. And they’re like, okay, here’s your severance. They gave me an awesome severance and I got unemployment and I took all their money to build the business, right? And that was 11 years ago now. And 11 years ago the Healing Woods was going strong.

Emily: Wow. Wow. That is so, you know, like, I think that’s the funny part when you are so connected and so instinct, you know, people can see, like when you’re out of alignment, you see those things happen and you’re like, oh my God. But when you’re aligned and you have had these conversations as your higher self with your spirit team and you’re like, listen, here’s my intention. And then you have that kind of prophetic dream. It’s kind of obvious at this point, you know, where you’re like, here I go. It’s like 10 minutes till the day like, you know, it’s going to come. It’s inevitable.

And so when we see synchronicities, it’s not like, Oh my God, that’s so weird. It’s just what is, and you can see it as such a gift. And I think what’s funny is when people have told me that they’ve gotten laid off like that, so good. Congratulations. And they’re like, you’re supposed to be like morning or like, sad for me or some shit. I am always so excited. I’m like, well, you obviously co-created this, this is exciting. What are you going to do, you know?

And I and I love that you had already preemptively like you knew that it was coming. It was just a matter of when. And I love that it was able to really get you in that catalyst to go all in. I mean, that’s beautiful. My catalyst for leaving corporate for good was, I was working as an executive assistant in corporate at a bank, and I was just basically a glorified babysitter to very rich people, rich guys specifically. And it was fine. But again, just like you soul-sucking, and I was like, why am I even here? I was still doing massage and teaching yoga on the side, and I was just kind of actually I wasn’t teaching yoga at that time. I was still doing massage and energy healing at the time on the side. And my unit, you know, that I was we were building within this big bank. It got shut down. Everybody got laid off, which I also was very excited to be laid off and get a severance.

And the institution that I was working for that laid me off also hired me in a different unit. So I got my severance. I got paid out my second vacation time, and I also had a job lined up in like two weeks. It was the strangest, like occurrence of timing. And as that was happening, I took this job and the people sucks. Like the people who I used to work for. I could actually like they were fine. These other people, it was like such a hard know that I didn’t want to work for them anymore. And it was a beautiful kind of leaving of the company into I was like, I don’t even care that I’m taking a pay cut. I’m going to go to work. I actually worked in retail women’s apparel which was like sporty and woo-woo, but it got me back into networking with people who are more spiritual. And because of that, it opened me up to then getting the yoga certification and then just being like, wait a minute, I’m so low right now that I could literally see like six clients a week and make the same amount of money that I work in my 45 hour week job. Like, this is so stupid. And it was another easy choice. So it was a slow, easy, gradual progression.

But it’s like we really do need to be clear with our intentions, with what we’re asking for. So especially for folks who are still in a corporate job figuring it out, you need to decide what you want. And I loved Danielle Laporte’s Book around The Desire Map of like, what is it that you want? How do you want to feel? And those kinds of questions started to help me to determine like, what is it that I truly want on a deeper level? So I think what’s interesting is how like, how then what brought you into doing hypnosis?

Kristin: Yeah. So, within the Healing Woods. I only offer modalities that have really saved my life. So Reiki, you know, we heard that story then, you know, around. And I had always like, dabbled in hypnosis, like receiving hypnosis here and there. And I really started to, like, just know that that was the next step for the Healing Woods, because I wanted to help clients in a subconscious way, not just energetic, not just, you know, feeling good and happy. It’s like, I know that there is a lot of deep shadow work that you can do within the subconscious mind because it’s 88% of our brainpower. And so I was tired of just dealing with the 12%. I’m always like, go deeper, go home like that. That’s the way I’ve always been. So I’m like, okay, let’s go deeper.

And so I decided to, you know, go to Hypnotherapy College. I did a full like two-year course and I did all of it. I did an LP, I did imagery, and I just did it all at once. And the school was like, you know, people usually don’t do this much. I’m like, go deeper, go home. That’s who I am. Like, I had, I think, 2500 hours of training.

Emily: Oh, well.

Kristin: Normally you just need to have like a thousand to like…

Emily: Oh, my God.

Kristin: You know?

Emily: Well, what’s interesting that you say that I’m curious what your opinion is on this, because I because I talk to coaches and healers and other kinds of practitioners pretty much exclusively. I get served ads for a lot of the things that I talk about. So I’ve recently been scoffing in really my eyes at the different ads that are like, speed up your hypnosis training, getting trained in like 13 minutes or whatever they’re selling. You know, it’s like, I mean, I know how I feel about some of these trainings, but I’m curious, like as somebody who’s gotten over 2000 hours of training, what do you feel like that does to the industry? And, you know.

Kristin: It’s great for that person to make money is all it is. It’s not going to give the person getting that 13 minutes of even a weekend. You know, I’ve seen like hypnosis training in a week. And like, the mind is so complex and this is such an important thing that clients are allowing you access to, that you want to make sure that person who’s calling themselves a certified hypnotherapist knows exactly what they’re doing and how to help you and not like lead you to either you know, there’s not much that people can do to hurt you necessarily, but if they’re charging a big amount of money and they’re just kind of like, you know, talking bullshit to you while you’re laying there, you’re wasting money on that. Like, that’s not actually creating transformation and change that hypnotherapy is scientifically proven to do when it’s done, right?

Emily: Yeah, Yeah. So, I mean, I feel like it’s one of those things it’s out of integrity to the actual healing art and to the, the data that has been proven scientifically for a really long time. And I think that goes for all modalities. You know, I have a modality that I teach and I certify people through. It’s a six-month training. And my training, the Integrated Energy Alignment Practitioner Training does have a guarantee to help you become profitable. And I build that in because there’s all a lot of like what to your point of like weekend trainings that you don’t get everything you need in order to have a successful business.

You may be able to check the box that you completed the training, but like what did you get and how can you apply that to real people in the real world? And, you know, I think with online courses it’s like there’s a lot of good that can come with like speeding up your education and being able to access a lot of people’s wisdom in a short window of time. We’ve seen the statistics that most people actually don’t complete their online courses, but that’s also how what I do is change in the industry, and it’s interesting to see our completion rates. But people show up and they’re like, okay, I’m ready to do the work, but really they’re not ready to do the work. And that doesn’t mean they’re bad people. It just means the level of integrity and how serious you take yourself in your career as you have done.

So clearly, Kristin is like you want to dedicate everything to it. You want to go deep. You want to immerse yourself in becoming the best practitioner. And that’s also what I’m here to create, which I find people are not used to that. They’re kind of used to like, you know, sign up for the thing, show up when you can. That’s okay if you don’t do it, that doesn’t fly with what I teach and it’s a good thing. And I really am proud of like myself and my team that we’ve set the bar so high for practitioners. And it also does shake things up a little bit. It’s hard to be a disruptor of an industry of people who are like, we could kind of like check the boxes. It doesn’t really matter if you do it or not. Who cares?

But what I really love about what you’re saying is you take yourself and your practice very seriously and you’ve made it dedication that it is part of who you are as a person. It is a life. It’s like you are. You are making it into something so robust. And I really, I feel that with our sessions, you know, I think that’s one of the first thing I said to them. Like, I really appreciate the space that you hold for me. And I think as other practitioners who are listening to this, I think that’s what’s spectacular about working with somebody like Kristin who can hold the space. They are so present, they can hold the space on such a deep, energetic level that you can have incredible transformations.

If people like I mean, maybe this is like a good time to like check like the practitioners you are looking at investing in and like, do they have what? Like are we comparing apples to apples. I know people do that to me all the time. Like I’m thinking about your program and I’m also thinking about this piece of shit one. I’m like, Oh, okay, you know, was I was like, let’s just compare apples to apples. Because I think it’s really easy, especially in this online age, where, like I used to be the person on the corkboard with my fliers and like, that was the way I would get. Just like you found all these different practitioners. Now, our corkboard is social media and you know, whatever you decide to put on your website that you call the truth. So I think it really is great to see somebody like you who is so committed to your craft and who is so able to convey that effectively and hold this space in such a significant way. So I think I attribute that to your life experience, but also the training and how deep you went with it too.

Kristin: Yeah, well, it was interesting because, you know, again, the universe steps in and so literally the week that I started my hypnosis training, I also got a cancer diagnosis.

Emily: Oh, Jesus.

Kristin: And so the school was like, all right, well, you need to do what you need to do. I’m like, what do you mean? I’m just letting you know I might not be able to make a class or two, but I’m continuing my training because I knew that I was supposed to use the tools that I learned within hypnotherapy to get me through the cancer journey. And I’m 100% fine. I’m cancer free. I’m good.

Emily: Right.

Kristin: It was very, very scary, right? But I learned these beautiful ways in which you can tell the body exactly what you want it to do. The brain, the subconscious controls what’s happening within the body right? And so when you have 100% control over your own brain, whatever the doctors are telling you, it’s like, that’s cool. That’s a good story. But I know what’s happening with my body. I did the same thing within the fire too, but just through Reiki and through my own visioning, you know, they were telling me I may not be able to walk again, this, that, and the other.

There’s been so many different, as a healer, I have gone through so many different just… We’ll call them lessons in life where, you know I’ve had six surgeries like crazy has happened to me, accidents, you know, all this stuff. And I always focus on what I want and my body reacts. And even though the doctor will tell me it’s an 80% chance that this is going to happen, I’m like, I’m going to be at the 20%. Just watch me.

Emily: Yes.

Kristin: So with hypnotherapy, what I was able to do is turn things around on such of amazing physical level, right? The Reiki like, helped me emotionally and energetically. And then the hypnotherapy, once I got my mind 100% on what I wanted, I lost 160 pounds after my journey. And I had uterine cancer, so they had to completely take everything out. And then they told me, well, you know, while we’re in there, we might as well give you a lap band because, you know, you need to lose weight and there’s no way that you’re going to be able to lose weight because you don’t have a uterus now, right? And I was like. You just watch me.

Emily: Wow, wow…

Kristin: I’ll be like, I really just went deep. And it’s not just about food and exercise, you know, especially with me. What happened with me was it was emotional eating. And I learned that when I was eight years old, when my subconscious was being formed and I learned at eight years old, I don’t have any control over anything going on in my life. My dad’s an alcoholic. He’s leaving. My mom’s pissed off. She’s taking it out on me. The only thing I had control over was I’m going to make myself feel better with cake, right? Or whatever. A cookie. And so that brought me to being severely overweight. Right. And then I finally decided, I’m going to use this 2500 hours of, you know, training that I have to not only help others but, like, it’s time for me to help me. Right. And here does that like it comes into your life and it’s like, that’s cute that you want to heal the world, but why don’t you try healing yourself?

Emily: Yeah. Yeah. So I want to come back to what you said, because and it’s is not to pooh-pooh the medical industry. There’s definitely a place for Western medicine, especially when you need to grow skin and etc. But when you say because I want to come back so people can really hear it again around how you got that 100% of your mind in control. So a lot of people are in my, you know, community are like, listen, I’m not making the money. I want to join your program, but I don’t have the money. And they aspire to help more people. They aspire to make more money. But here and now, I’m not making any money and there’s nothing I can really do about it. Nothing can actually help me.

So what your diagnosis said is like, here, the odds are stacked against you. It’s not looking very good. You saying, actually, this is what’s going to go down, watch me and it fully happens. How do you do this? Like, this is the magic pill that everybody is looking for, right? Like, how do you get your brain to cooperate? Because in any cancer diagnosis, there’s fear, there’s worry, anxiety. You start to future cast, like, oh my God, all the things and the people, all,   you’re a student. Like, there are so many things like swirling and spiraling around you. A cancer diagnosis can be one of those things that can break people down and go, okay, I’m going to be that statistic, so why not you? How did you get to this place?

Kristin: So, you know for the people who are saying, you know, I’m broke, I don’t have money. Your mind is listening to you and it’s going to react. And your body, you know, if you say like, oh, I’m always tired, I’m always sick, you know, your experience in life, you know, you know, men are bad. And it’s like your subconscious mind is the record player that is constantly feeding back to you what you’re thinking. And so consciously right, our conscious mind is 12% of our brain power. So that 88% is constantly playing the shit back to you where, you know, I want to work on myself, I want to build a good business, I want to lose weight, right? Like all that 12% is there. And, you know, the conscious mind is where you make your decisions, where you analyze your willpower, right. Like the things that you’re consciously doing in life. Your habits, your emotions. You know, your inner beliefs are in that 88%.

So let’s say like with my weight loss, right? So 12% of my mind was like, God dammit, I’m going to lose some weight. I’m going to like, eat the things I’m supposed to eat, I’m going to exercise, I’m going to do all the things that 88% of my mind was like, yeah, but I mean, what do you do? And because you know that it makes you feel good and life is hard enough, why don’t you just eat, you know? Because that’s what you know. You know. And willpower is I’m going to do these things. I’m not going to eat that. And then something emotional happens, a loss, you know, something disrupts, you know, life, which has happened a lot in the last few years, right. That’s when that subconscious comes in to save the day, because your subconscious I don’t want to paint a picture of it being like against you necessarily. It’s just there to keep you alive.

Emily: Yeah.

Kristin: The subconscious mind is helping your eyes blink, helping you take that next breath, helping your blood flow. It’s doing all these things that we don’t even think about. So when it starts to hear the destructive chatter from your conscious mind, like, we’re going to change it and it’s going to be great. It’s like, No, let me keep you alive. Let’s, let’s, let’s just nix that right now. So what I had to do, I didn’t start with diet and exercise because, you know, at the weight, I was like 400 pounds. I couldn’t do any of that. Like I was in complete and utter pain. So what I started with was healing the inner child, going deep into the shadow work like the emotional healing and then changing the food. I couldn’t even, like, do exercises at that point.

So what I did was I changed my food intake and worked, you know, subconsciously on that to let my body know you don’t need to be hungry. You don’t need to, you know, go for the cake or the wine. When something emotional happens, you drink water, you know, whatever, like I switched, you know, the script inside the subconscious. Then the weight started to come off. And then, you know, after 50 pounds of weight loss without one bit of exercise, then I went into the pool and now I’m able to hike up a mountain and back with, you know, ten miles.

Emily: Oh, my God.

Kristin: It’s a slow right like weight loss. I am a poster child of hypnosis working for weight loss. And I’m the first one to say it’s not like a one-shot deal. You know, like, we’re going to be working together quite a bit within weight loss, especially emotional eating, because we can’t just like, you know, doing some hypnosis around eating and exercise is like when you’re weeding a garden instead of pulling it out by the roots, you’re just cutting it back, right?

Emily: Yes, they do. Well, it’s interesting you said because a couple of years ago I was doing this like Whole 30 challenge and my dog passed away right in the middle of my challenge and talk about like emotional triggers, everything. It was like there was a billboard just like pulling in my face like, you should also eat more cake. You love cake. And it was so glaringly obvious.

When my emotions are in this state, what foods do I typically go to comfort myself with? And I mean, we’re always self-regulating, doesn’t matter what. But I think that part of that, that trigger of when my dog had passed, it was like, wow, okay, so I see this and it gave me an opportunity to sit with that. And, you know, because I was choosing to stick with this diet plan that was choosing to stick with this until the 30 days. If not, actually, I did a bit longer, but I wanted to just sit with that emotion and to sort of see what it was trying to tell me. And I felt like the gift was I was doing this type of diet that I wasn’t allowed. I was restricting that food. I was just fully saying, okay, well, let me instead of eating this, I’m going to just see what this emotion is.

And I find that sometimes even just bringing awareness to those choices, when you can start to kind of look at it from that perspective, like what hypnosis has done to you, just to, especially around food, it sounds like is it’s like let’s bring you back to where this has started, to that inner child that needed nurturing and needed to feel loved and needed to feel connected and that sweetness.

And, you know, it’s also not as I remember when I was in yoga teacher training, we were talking about emotional eating and talking about how when we celebrate something good happening to us, what do we do? We drink and we eat cake. And then we eat all the fatty foods, right? And then when we’re sad, what do we do? We drink it, we eat all the things. So it’s like we’re trying to find that state that we found when we were in a positive mood, in a good place and, you know, recreate it. So, of course, it seems so obvious how we developed these patterns. But I was listening to a podcast yesterday with Dave Asprey talking about why biohacking is great for lazy people and actually why we’re all like innately lazy. Like biohacking isn’t doing more things, it’s actually doing less things, but doing the right things in the right order, at the right times. And what you’re kind of speaking to is also the fact that you know, you can regulate in different ways using different tools. And not everybody is just as one size.

And, you know, I think for you to also advocate to your doctor that, no, I’m not going to have a loud band while you’re just in there tidying up, like because that’s what the medical industry really does. I mean, I had a friend who just told me yesterday her husband had a gallbladder attack and like, we should take it out. He’s like, don’t take out my gallbladder, you know. Just sign this paper just real quick. And he’s like, what does this do? Like just to take out your gallbladder. He’s like, NO, you can’t take my gallbladder. So that being said, it’s like you’ve made conscious choices that might not have been the easiest choices, and part of the easier choice would have been like, Yeah, do the lap band while you’re in there tidying up, you made a harder choice.

And I also think that that goes to like speak for the person that you are making the harder choice, you know, your resilience. Most people don’t take harder choices. We tend to move toward pleasure versus pain. That must have been a hard choice to make. Did it feel like a hard choice?

Kristin: I mean, yeah, there was part of me that was like, Oh my God, is this the sign? Am I supposed to do it? And then there was, you know, I did some meditation around it, did some Reiki on myself, and I just you know, because here’s the thing about the Lap-Band or any other type of sleeve or the surgery that you can eat yourself out of those so easily.

It’s like weirdness in your body and you’re not sure what’s going to happen when you’re 80 or whatever, you know. So I was like the kind of person I am. I take what the doctors say as almost like a challenge. And I’m like, all right, I’m going to give myself a year and I’m going to, you know, figure this out. Like and if I can’t lose the weight because, yeah, I didn’t want to be 400 pounds forever either, right? Like, I was in pain. I couldn’t really do anything physically, you know, emotionally, you know, all of that. So I gave myself a year and one thing about me is with using hypnosis, 100% of my mind was focused on that.

Emily: Yeah.

Kristin: And when I make a decision to do something, God damn it, I do it. And so a year later, and I had lost, like 100 pounds or whatever it was, I was like, all right, there is no doctor who is going to ever tell me that I need to have this, this, this done, you know? And I’m still on the weight loss journey. I still have probably about 50 pounds I want to lose to be at my goal weight. And really, it’s not even about a number for me. I’ve given up on, you know, the thing like this is where I know that I am successful, like a nine-and-a-half mile hike up and down a mountain. I’m successful.

Emily: Yeah, I’d say so. So, I mean, are you still using hypnosis for yourself? What ways do you use it? Yeah.

Kristin: I will never stop using just like Reiki. I will Reiki myself to my dying breath.

Emily: Yeah.

Kristin: I will. Because it’s just so easy. You just connect yourself to the universe. And I’ve actually been a death doula and people pass within Reiki and it’s such a beautiful experience that that’s what I’m going to do for myself when I die. And also, yeah, hypnotherapy, like things are always going to come up, right? Like, yes, I’m well in, my weight loss journey. I don’t need to really focus on that too much anymore. But it always comes up like, you know, they always say another level another devil, right? So it’s like you get to a point where it’s like, I’m going to be seen by 2000 people and doing what I call a bullshit bonfire, right?

Emily: oh yeah.

Kristin: Let’s work on some of that like being able to express myself and feel that confidence and not care about 2000 people watching me, right? So there’s always like as you uplevel in life, there’s always going to be things to, to focus on. So yeah, I’m constantly working on myself and I love it.

Emily: Yeah, I do too. And I think this is also the evidence. That’s how I like to reframe it. Maybe that’s just me being like me, But you know, I like to reframe our challenges as the evidence of your growth, the evidence that you’re doing the work when you know, you just start hypnotherapy school and you get a cancer diagnosis like that to me is like, that’s the evidence that you’re doing the work. It’s like things are being disruptive, things are changing so that you can go on this ascension path and not everybody sees things that way.

You know, I actually did have a student through my practitioner training.  She ended up being hospitalized with this like virus thing that happened is like one month into the training. And I was like, I’m sorry, but she’s coming back in July to actually do the full training. But it’s like I tell them in their Welcome Call, like, it’s not going to be a surprise to me when shit hits the fan, whether it’s your physical health, your family, relationships, work, whatever it is, it’s going to come up. It’s going to come up by design because you are up-leveling in different ways. And I also see that for myself.

It’s like, you know, when I had my recent, you know, Dark Night of the Soul, when I was kind of in this deep funk, you know, every single day when I was working, like I might have been down on some days, but I was never out. There was always this part of me that just said, Yeah, that sucks, but like, there’s not an alternative. So like, you’re going to make a difference in the world one way or another. Like, maybe today sucks though. And I think that where a lot of my community gets is like, we get to this. Like, do I have a plan B? Do I do this, do I do that, do I do this?

And I feel like that’s like literally the worst thing that you can do and it’s because you’re spending so much this energy in between. And I would love to hear your take as a like somebody who works on brain base. Like when you’re having like do I do my soul’s purpose, like follow my passion or do I become a barista like what… I always like the way my mind sees it or like I’m very clairvoyant. It’s like where I see it is like instead of having like 100 units of energy to put towards like one direction, it’s like you have 80 units of energy that you’re just throwing into the wind and like nothing gets anything out. Like your plan A or B don’t get anything for energy.  So I’m curious what your take is on that.

Kristin: So yeah, I always like a garden hose, right? And we’ve got this garden that we want to, like, plant these beautiful things into. And your energy, your focus, your time, it to water, right? And it’s like shooting water at your garden, but there’s holes. And so the water’s kind of going all over the place except for where you want it to be.

And I wanted to talk a little bit about the darkness, right? Like the dark places, because I am not… I work in the dark. I mean, I’m a shadow work, and that’s what I call it. Your power resides in those dark places. So when something shitty happens to me as a lot of things have, I, I immediately like, you know, feel the pain, feel the grief or whatever I need to feel around what happened. And then I’m like, all right, and what is this opening up for me, right? And so that’s where the strength, the power, the transformation, like, you know, things that are planted in the dark, in the soil, it needs the dark in order to start to erupt and grow and root and blossom. And so all those beautiful flowers that we’re seeing now in spring. It started in the pure darkness of the soil.

Emily: Yes.

Kristin: I just see myself as being planted. And I, you know, put that energy towards that beautiful bloom that I want to say in the old days, weeks, whatever, you know.

Emily: I love that. I love that. And, you know, I think that to that point, too, I don’t shy away from it either, because I’ve also been through enough of them to go like, it’s not going to be this bad forever. Like back when I was like maybe 20, I was like, it’s never going to end. I’m going to be in this place forever, an eternity. But I’ve come out so many times. And at this point, because I’m in my zone as a teacher and as a leader, I can see how my journey has then benefited to teach other people on a similar path, to say, well, this is how I did it, and it’d be very beneficial. And so while I’m very consciously aware of like one day you’ll laugh about this and you’ll teach about this. It’s still like, well. But I’m just also here to.

Anyway, I could probably continue talking to you indefinitely, and I’m sure the listeners are enjoying this conversation. Of course, sharing your story was so, so beautiful and very vulnerable to share. I’m sure people could hear themselves in some of your story as well, but also to just, you know, be able to be somebody who has lived through all of this and is shining your light so beautifully and helping so many people.

And, you know, I was gifted when I asked again, I asked for help from one of my friends from my psychic friends network, I like to say, which is basically all my friends at this point. I asked my friend, hey, you know, do you know anybody? I’m looking for a practitioner, a therapist, coach, whatever, what do you talk to, what do you do? And she recommended you. And so I feel like this is me paying it forward to my listeners can say, well, if you’re having a darkened soul and you’re in that dark place in your soil journey, in your seedling journey, reach out to Kristin. You know, I personally have worked with her. I adore her. I’ve done multiple sessions. I continue to I will I was like, you can’t get rid of me. I just want to work with you forever.

But I want to just say, you know, I personally, really do endorse Kristin. And if you’re looking for somebody for yourself or for somebody else, reach out to her. We’ll have all of her links in the show notes below. Plus, we talked about you’re going to get a free hypnotic journey to connect you more with peace. So I would definitely, definitely recommend you start there because at the very least, like now, you’ve talked to her, you’re on the podcast. We’re all friends now.

For those of you who have watched us, you can go to to watch our podcast on the video so you can really connect with her more deeply through the video. But definitely check her out, work with her. You know, I’ve already had a friend reach out. She’s like, Oh my gosh, thank you for Kristin. She already thanked me like the day they had a session. So I know you’ll love her too.

So, Kristin, please share with all of our guests how they can find you, work with you, read about you, etc.

Kristin: Yeah. So my website is the and there’s a page for my book on there. The book again is Baptism by Flame Ten Steps to Ignite Your Light Within. So I love what you just said about, you know, igniting light because that’s literally, my whole purpose in life. And of course, I’m on Facebook. I’d love for you to find me there. It’s Kristin Dwan CHt who is a certified hypnotherapist.

And yeah, I just want to talk a little bit about the hypnotic downloads. You can also see those on my front page, my landing page. So it’s not just my voice, it’s also I went into a studio and had binaural music created. So it’s music, my voice and between the two and whenever you’re, you know that I have music in the back of my hypnosis, both of those together, like it’s the music is bringing your, your mind into a state of receptiveness. And then the hypnosis is able to come in even more deeply. So this is going to be a recording for you to use literally every day if you need to because I know that sometimes the world feels a little intense. This is going to bring you back into that beautiful ground and state.

Emily: I love that. And I so Just a selfish question about the background music. Is it the binaural music that I had a feeling of that I did. I listened to it in my earbuds and I’m like, I think this is like my natural beats. And because I listen to vinyl music or like some sort of positive, like certain vibration music when I’m working and it does something to me and I can feel it like I think like the hypnosis is great, but I think there’s also probably something never asked you. So this is my answer. Great. Cool. It’s super special. So you get all that beautiful energy baked right in from binaural beats as well.

That’s so cool, you guys, thank you for listening, as always if you enjoyed this episode, please take a screenshot shared on Instagram. Share with a friend. Recommend it to somebody who you care about and you can always find more about Kristin on her website. And also everything will be linked in the show notes. So don’t worry if you’re out for a walk, you’re on a ten-mile hike by any chance. I think the coolest thing ever. If you are hiking, please take a picture and tag us in your Instagram stories. That would be the coolest thing. But always your kind reviews on iTunes or any of your favorite listening platforms are always appreciated. You guys have an awesome rest of your week. We’ll see you on next week’s episode. Lots of love.

About Kristin

Kristin Dwan is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Author, and Public Speaker who specializes in soul-deep healing on the subconscious and ancestral level to release you from the blockages you have that keep you from the life, love, and joy you yearn to experience. She guides you to awaken within you the healing and wisdom that is yours to use to better your life and the lives around you.

You can find her here:

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